Being from Texas I am very aware of Quannel X, and when he gets on live TV and says:

My jaw hit the floor. This should go viral. I'm spreading it as much as I can


Other urls found in this thread: x&src=tyah


Holy shit, the madman might actually get the black vote.

Blacks are highly conformist. If their leaders say to vote for Trump, they'll vote for Trump.

Bio on Quannel X to help Anons understand just how deadly this is to the Democrats:


Yeah, he'll get the black vote of the 6 black people who actually give a shit what Quannel X has to say.

Checked user.

Let s see how many follow the nogs example.


Could be, blacks are starting to realize that the liberal policies of the left were designed to destroy them.

nogs wont follow the example if they dont know about this. will help spread this. well done op

Yea chimps don't care about this. However white people do, so this is really going to help the Trumps not racist card (for normies).

I didn't mean to sage.

It's more than negroes following suit. Other community leaders will follow suit, mostly because they would have a hard time telling blacks not to listen to the guy who was once part of Nation of Islam but is now a black panther. When some community leaders start following suit (or start extorting the shit out of Hillary to say anything good for her), they'll tell blacks to vote Trump. They also realize the power is shifting towards hispanics who hate them and know they will lose out to hispanic versions of them if Hillary wins.

hispanic versions of themselves*

Was trying to get a webm but it is too big. Comes out to 17mb

I think so. You can say a lot about Quannel X but you cant call him an Uncle Tom.

There's a huge following for the dude in the south and he is very high up in NBP.

It is starting to spread on Twitter, just a bunch of Trump supporters so far though. x&src=tyah

More evidence that we're winning, good find OP

wtf I'm a knee-groid now.


The best part is it's actually true. The democrats do jack shit for niggers, unless you count letting their criminals run wild and holding them to no standards educational or otherwise.

If they figure out just how badly they've been fucked over by the people actually fucking them over, it's gonna be a sight to see.

How much influence does this guy have over the average black? Elijah Mohammad publically agreed with George Lincoln Rockwell and the niggers didn't listen to him at all.

He's fairly influential in the south.

I have a soft-spot for niggers who aren't pro-white but are nevertheless anti-degeneracy.

It keeps happening!

wtf I love niggers now

Quite a bit in Texas outside I dunno, he's always on the news down here.

I think he got national attention when he got in the middle of the Sandra Bland suicide.

Considering these are the types of fractures that will either get them to stay home, or however unlikely get off the "plantation" and vote their "conscience"- this is REALLY FUCKING BAD NEWS FOR THE CUNT

Jews are the golem.

No. Niggers only care about one thing. Gibs. Trying to win the black vote is retarded.


I've been hearing this talk my entire life and it never really amounts to anything. The "smart" nigs know this, but what percentage are they? The rest just want free shit. Stuff like this mostly gets posted by Whites trying to deflect criticism that they're "racist". Does anyone ever see blacks sharing Pastor Manning videos? Nope.

I agree user, but what makes this jaw dropping, Quannel X is a flat out poverty pimp; really no different than Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton (but without the National Spotlight).

Unfortunately their votes count like everybody elses. Why they vote for Trump is irrelevant, if they think Trump making them get jobs is "gibs", then so be it.


Dem democrackas b sayin we got shit to lose n shiet, nigga I ain't got nuffin but dat child support and credit cahd billz, fuckin honkey thinkin we b fine n shi, fuck dat bitch, I'm finna vote for my nigga Trump, he gon' take care of us!

Honestly niggers need to realize that nobody will treat them better than whites.

Nobody but whites even pretends to give a fuck about them.

The top 10% of niggers are biologically capable of being as smart as the average white man. However only a fraction of that 10% reach their potential. I'd estimate about 10% of that 10%, or 1% overall.

I find it difficult to hate black nationalists because they just want to fuck off and have their own ethno-states.

They're basically us but Niggers.

Blacks are one of the most savage animals on the planet, they constantly bite the hand of who feeds them.

Man, after I posted that I realized that maybe LBJ WAS RIGHT and it WILL take 200 years for them to get it though their thick skulls.
Present trends can't continue that long. On the bright side, the unpozzing has begun, but it will take a while to fully manifest.

Don't forget that the more intelligent niggers still have the other undesirable traits like low impulse control, lack of agency, predisposition towards crime and shit like that. Civilized niggers don't exist, they are like ticking time bombs. It's only a matter of time before they go off.

The foremost experts at pretending to care about niggers are the jews. Just look at the NAACP.

Of course the jews don't actually care about them, but they're good at putting on a show of it. Jews pretend to like niggers so that they can use them as a weapon against white people. White people are the only people who actually care about niggers, due to our natural altruism.

The Chinese are going to grind up niggers to turn them into asphalt. If they thought European colonialism in Africa was bad, they're in for one hell of a surprise when China kicks it into high gear. I hope I'm alive to see it. I think Heart of Darkness needs a sequel.

Absolutely. The most intelligent niggers do not belong in white society, but instead belong as the ruling class of nigger societies. That is their natural roll in their natural habitat.

I think everyone on Holla Forums has a bit of a soft spot for them. If I was dictator of the USA I would give them a ethno-state in Africa. Then slowly send all the blacks their.



Don't hood niggers respect masculinity and strength?

Could they vote for Trump because of that?

id concur with this
im somewhere in the top 5-15% of general population and ive never met a black who was smarter than me
i worked with one guy who might have been on par with me, but he had some french mixed in, didnt embrace nigger culture and generally disliked blacks. fun guy to joke around with
out of the hundreds of blacks ive worked with (mostly niggers) this matches up with the less than 1% for actual intelligence

Its called Liberia. It didnt work out so well.

No race or person should have to babysit niggers. People or no, they still are grown fucking adults and should take care or their god damn selves. I hate welfare queens of all races and it just so happens that the majority are…. well you know.

They have those, its called Africa, but you won't see any nogs moving there because they don't want to leave the security of majority white nations. To me it's just empty posturing. They will never want to actually be autonomous.

Oh fuck, just look at any example of what Chinks do to their own, then realize they hate everyone else 10X as much. I think Ebola-Chan will meet her match with Flame-Thrower-Chan

They also respect having lots of money and having "mad game with bitches". There are nigs who are voting Trump for these reasons and yours, yes.

Plus they hate Spics

Hood nigger do, but their extremely lazy. They don't care about anything as long as they have gibs.

Niggers are slaves on the Democrat plantation. Democrats keep them there using welfare and poverty. The Democrats will claim they're "helping" niggers because they're altruistic, but the reality is they're helping themselves to the nigger vote because they're Democrat niggers.

Black people support Trump, niggers vote Hillary.

Sure, but I wouldn't count on those hood niggers actually voting. It's the church niggers that vote.

How do you make such high quality webms m8

For real, 3 minutes long and that high res and quality? How did you do that.

This nigger dropped some Code shit.

bump & checked


Wasn't that just a half ass attempt, doesn't Liberia have zero natural resources?
They probably just sent random niggers. I don't see why it wouldn't work, if we only sent just the top 10% of niggers somewhere. We could always send the other 90% of blacks somewhere else.

All he needs to do is call out Democrat king Obama for being a disgusting halfbreed who will never be black or not a true black because his daddy was straight out of Africa and not one of the OG niggas and his parents on BOTH sides own slaves. Someone e-mail this shit to him would be hilarious.


Malcolm X said it himself.

If you vote Democrat, you're a chump

Oh and just to add this

Black Men for Bernie Founder to End Democrat ‘Political Slavery’ of Minority Voters by helping Trump

Black Men for Bernie founder Bruce Carter’s mission to restore black communities didn’t end when Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary. He opposed Hillary Clinton and the Democratic establishment then because he knew that they didn’t represent the minority communities he engaged in politics to fight for.

After the leak of internal DNC emails, Carter is convinced that the Democratic Party “rigged” the primary against his candidate and that Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party has no intention of changing the policies that led to the destruction of the communities he’s working to improve.

Bruce Carter still believes that Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the kind of cronyism, corruption, and evil that the Bernie revolution was built to overthrow. He doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton when she labels Donald Trump and his supporters as racists because he knows she falsely labeled her opponents in the primary as sexist “Bernie Bros.” Carter’s preparing to take the experience, knowledge, and contacts his group built during the primary to campaign against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump and other Republicans in battleground states across the country.

more here:

It got them out of USA though

I don't think that will work as well as you think it might. Even though most american niggers are descended from slaves, and even though they bellyache about it all the time, they have no true sense of their heritage.

Shit, most of them don't even know their own fathers, let alone their family history. They live in the moment.

a script i developed half a year on /a/ to prove some other autist wrong
here's the command if anyone is interested

ffmpeg -y -v panic -ss 0 -t 182.981 -i "#FOXFaceoff - @realDonaldTrump's appeal to African American voters-5Rh6inAwU5M.webm" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vf scale=-1:480,fps=fps=24 -sws_flags lanczos -pix_fmt +yuv420p -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 302753 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 2 -threads 4 -speed 4 -an -f webm -passlogfile 1472412931 -pass 1 NUL
ffmpeg -y -v panic -progress - -ss 0 -t 182.981 -i "#FOXFaceoff - @realDonaldTrump's appeal to African American voters-5Rh6inAwU5M.webm" -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -vf scale=-1:480,fps=fps=24 -sws_flags lanczos -pix_fmt +yuv420p -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 302753 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 2 -threads 4 -speed 1 -c:a libopus -b:a 64000 -ac 2 -metadata title="#FOXFaceoff - @realDonaldTrump's appeal to African American voters-5Rh6inAwU5M.webm" -f webm -passlogfile 1472412931 -pass 2 1472412931.webm

I think he is just trying to negotiate for more of them programs. He isn't trying to leave the plantation, but rather he wants to improve the benefits of his enslavement.

Whoa, intense. Thanks fam, I've just been using

ffmpeg -i "$1" -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v $2 -an ~/Desktop/"$1".webm

what the fuck, I couldnt post the webm. are we experiencing heavy dos attack ?
2nd test

err, -codec:a libvorbis rather

Nigga's In The Spirit

Why are we whites so disgustingly nice anyways?

Nice find!

It's probably a biological consequence of living in a harsh environment surrounded only by other white people.

Europe was cold and harsh. Very seasonal, a tough place to live. It formed us into people who are willing to help out our neighbors. It worked great when all our neighbors were also white.


It's interesting how the harshness of our homelands made us so intelligent and capable but also created our greatest weakness.

Probably not, niggers don't care about politics at all. All they care about is free shit. If you promise them free shit, that's what they'll go for. Giving them anymore than that, in the way of abstract ideas or long term betterment, will be ignored because they are genetic duds.

Our kindness really isn't our greatest weakness, It's not being able to pick them out of a crowd.


kek, fukkin saved

but free shit is about to no longer be a thing and I guarantee there is some animal instinct in them that is beginning to sense it like animals fleeing before a tsunami. the failure of Obama is another factor that broke their draems of free shit forever

Moreso than that, they are seeing that their gibs are going to the wetbacks and now the "refugees".
I think the niggers are seeing that since they aren't reproducing enough to create new little voters (thanks abortion) they are getting replaced and others are "cutting" in line for the handouts.

in 20 years the Democrats won't even need Niggers since Spics breed like rabbits anyway

That's a good point. When Obama was freshly elected, niggers across the country thought for sure they would get showered in free gibs. They thought they'd all get section 8 mcmansions, free iphones, and reparations.

Obama gave them jack shit. If Obama failed to deliver the prophesied gibs, why should they believe old white Hillary will?

They don't know that the well will dry up though. Niggers have no clue where their welfare money even comes from. They know without the white man that they're screwed, but they don't have the brainpower to actually understand what's going on.

Only a fool fights in a burning house
Good quote

How the fuck do we get spics to have abortions anyway? Are spics actually serious about the catholic thing? Is that the reason they don't all abort?

They are pretty serious about it yes. Plus they have a better sense of community and family then niggers and often unwanted babies are cared for by grandparents or other family members.

Spics are very difficult to stamp out and harder to get to chimp out.

It's only due to their white mixture

Pretty much. Spics were cutting each others hearts out and engaging in rampant genocide before the Spanish fucked up by mixing with them.

Its just the reality we live in today.


That's why muh white people coming and killing everything argument always hurts my brain.

Now they just have fun with chainsaws.

How do I implement this script?

Apparent autist here… How do I even attempt to do this?? I've tried and nothing happens.

If you've got ffmpeg and a terminal from which to run it, then you just fill in the blanks with the file you're working on.

2016 has more than made up for the shit that was 2014 and 2015. If 2017 is better than this, I'll probably spend the entire year in orgasm-induced seizures.


Quannel X endorses Trump.

The Emperor continues to warp time/space.

In my case it looks a bit like [first pic]. right now I'm on a mac, using iterm. On linux you'll have lots of terminal emulators available to you (I was always partial to urxvt, but they all work).

Typically you'd just type all that out each time, but you can also stick it in a bash script to save yourself some time. I have a bash script [second pic] in ~/bin/ called "fwebm", which I can just give a filename and optionally a bitrate to, such that I invoke it as fwebm input.wav 1000K or similar.

But my script still uses my inferior ffmpeg invocation so I'll need to update it.

on windows I'm not sure what you do.

Neither space or time are things.

Youre a baller. Awesome!

In all honesty I'm really liking the whole give black neighborhoods back to the blacks narrative. Whether it'll have the intended effect is another matter, but its the thought that counts.

Overwhelming success leads to complacency and eventually to a sense of guilt. It's human nature.

So basically "survivors guilt", but on a racial level? Sounds plausible.

Look at Sweden and there's your answer.

Jews MADE the golem you uncultured swine.
have you even seen the movie?


What's the difference between Sweden, and the significantly less pozzed Norway?

Never saw the movie, but the whole golem story is a jewish trope about a rabbi who makes a magical automaton (out of enchanted clay or something) to carry out their typically murderous will, but then the automaton turns against the jew.

There was an X-Files episode about it. Lots of different media that are influenced by that story.

200 years of peace

the norwegans burned their churches

The "black vote" is vastly over estimated. So many blacks of voting age are in prison or felons that their voting effect is muted.

about that episode

Norway is building a wall.

But if say 5% or 10% or possibly 15% or 20% stays at home that should be enough to throw the vote in several major cities- dilute the urban vote enough and voila; election is won.

you have the gist of it. except the golem was made to generate shekels for the rabbi by entertaining the king.
it turned on the rabbi because astrology shit

regardless, i don't see how the jews could possibly be the golem in this situation. the golem is quite obviously nigger culture.
save as (or
need (get the static one)
and put them in a folder in your path
then run with "a file to convert"

like i said, autistic

Playing on repeat, I haven't been this hard all month.

I know what you mean user, I've told a bunch of my friends around the State and you can hear the pants ripping erections over the phone quickly followed by "did you actually say Quannel X"

Wew lads reality gets stranger and stranger each day.

It feels good to know that we memed responsibly.

Except for Virginia, and other Democrat controlled states will follow.

So this is today's Magic Negro?

Got it. Thanks.

What's the matter, fellow POLer? Do you not like BASED BLACK MEN?

is there a reddit merchant? Or do I have to make it?

Not really true. Blacks are really concentrated into certain areas so their voting bloc actually makes a pretty huge dent.

This may be good for our cause, but this nigger needs to hang with the rest of them.


hi FBI


He hangs last, though.



Go back to Reddit, you fucking nigger-lover. niggers and whites never have been and never will be allied or united, thus "d&c" doesn't apply. Go suck off your "based minorities xdXD" on /r/thedonald and don't come back.

Nah. We don't discriminate in our discrimination on Holla Forums :^)

Take your happy-pills, FBI/Renegay.

Here you go

Go back to bed, Milo.

Just for you Moshe the only people this stupid are paid to be this stupid

Actually I'd put Quannel X pretty close to the front of the line.

Someone Pepe that up a little.




Don't you have Milo's cock to suck, you autistic nigger-lover?

What a time to be alive. When Redditcucks are calling me a Jew for wanting to rid ourselves of niggers. Spouting memes to try and fit in doesn't make you look any less like the altistic-right cuckold you are

Oh look, another shitskin-loving redditcuck. Making 2extreme4u comments always brings you cuckolds out of the woodworks.





Yeah you would say the black panthers would be controlled opposition. Fucking 6th dimensional brain wrestling.


Liberia was actually one of the most developed nations in Africa while the African American minority was in charge of the native African majority. But then the US government backed a coup where the natives overthrew the African Americans and it turned into the shittiest failed state in the world.



Why do blacks preach like this?


wow, what an insane bitch.

Bump for sticky. I hate this dude but if he can get kangz to listen I'm all for spreading this

low attention spans.

>people are sucking off nigger cock because ">muh based minority XDXD" like a bunch of Redditors

ctr pls

eat shit, stormcuck

Bumpity bump bump bump. Fucking suck it you CTR shill fagots.This should be stickied and spread everywhere.

Typical. You altistic-right cuckolds from /r/thedonald really need to get the fuck out

Splatter your brains on the fucking wall, Redditor. All non-whites need to be purged.

You're trying waaaay too hard to fit in right now. I feel bad for you man.

I'm not trying to do anything, you faggot. I'm pointing out a simple fact that Redditors are infesting this site and non-whites need to be purged from our societies if our race is to survive. If this language is too "extreme" for you, then maybe Reddit would suit you better.

All Trump has to do is to either get them to not show up or get like 20% of the nog vote and Hilldog's chances to win plummets.

Like when they understand that immigration hurts the blacks the most.

what the fuck?

Except blacks don't care about losing low wage jobs because they can just get gibs.

Don't engage it friend, it is simply best to ignore it. After some of its comments I'm not thinking CTR, not "smooth enough", we really do have a JIDF or Holla Forums in our midst.

Nobody is fucking blacks over by giving them free shit. That is the stupidest talking point that republicans pull out. They aren't going to improve if you pull out the government dime, they will just be less numerous. They are currently reaching their potential and will never move past what you see today.

All wage earners are hurt by immigration, blacks the most, and it's not all low paying jobs they lose, it's also money for them programs.

So when is Hillary going to have this nigger whacked?

If all the muds were thrown out, it would help the blacks.

Blacks are muds. Blacks benefit greatly from more mud people to add into their anti-white mud coalition.

That's the point. Blacks aren't wage earners. They just get jobs temporarily to re-up gibs.

And what money? The government will just go into more debt to pay for the programs.

Beaners and sandniggers are muds, blacks are niggers, if you want to be impolite.

New here?

Flat earthers everyone.

Calling me new doesn't detract from my point.

Blacks don't win if whites are removed, as they are next to go, when the muds are a majority of their own.


>Trump tells them "The secret to gibs is to work"

Can someone explain what the fuck I am listening to?

i love this

you're not fooling anyone

No, they really don't. Blacks tend to loathe other minorities as said minorities compete for their gibs, their criminal enterprises and their attention from bleeding-heart liberals - and the feeling is quite mutual. There was a story just recently about a mexican drug lord in California literally ordering a local ethnic cleansing of blacks, kicking them out of certain neighborhoods.



we don't want to hang anyone. We are a board of peace, doncha know?


sure thing, matey


Trump (the racist) is win the black voter's hearts. So, how can the (((media))) keep calling him a racist?

Maybe with a megaphone.

Trump isn't racist, but I wish he was

Also the anchor called out his network. Say what you want, but that was based.



What a weird looking nigger.

The problem is when they try to create black ethno-states in American territory.

Even people like Ben Carson or Thomas Sowell?

Not that i with to imply that they should be allowed to stay in a white ethno-state,i just don't think that they are violent persons…

He probably has some white ancestor, like most intelligent blacks.

I've been very interested in this guys influence since I first saw this.

He sounds like a real bastard. I don't care much anymore. Hopefully he just keeps blacks from voting at all. The ones who listen to him, they hate Trump to much. I'd wager they are racism reactionists.



W-Whoa. It would be fun.

Every time lol

Actually I think this will get him white votes. So many cucks are still spewing that "Trump is racist" line. It's the only reason they have to not vote for him.

If a bunch of these niggers come out endorsing Trump the cognitive dissonance will be too much. They'll be forced to consider his policies, or at least stay home and not vote for Hillary.

this guys theology is way off the handle but this vid is good

Surprising that the host calls out his own network for being anti-Trump half the time.

No, they benefit in the short term. If you think that spics like niggers you've not been around either very much. They might cooperate against whites but they'd turn on each other quickly in our absence.

theres almost no movement (camera and background stay still, just the guys moving a little) so each frame can be very small

Most of them are baptists. Preachers in my area sound much the same way despite everyone being white.

Holy shit why does anyone put up with this bitch?

It's funny because the prostitution metaphor actually works (even if retarded).
Dems are using them as pawns.

The fuck is this?

who is this?

Full recording + the remix:

this her?

10,000 YEARS, B.C.

Yup. She's Shiksa Goddess/Goyim Goddess on JewTube

She makes good content though (see embed), she just has a shitty attitude.

lost it at 10,000

"… iron ore, gold, diamonds, bauxite, natural rubber, vast forest for logging and timber harvesting, and agricultural land…"

No man, that's Iceland you're thinking of.

Absolutely Genius.

At least Iceland managed to actually do shit

Checked and thank you for the webm user.

Wow, he sounds like a leftist hero.

So Thomas Sowell got it right?

This election gets weirder every day

The KKK probably did it because they know that their endorsement fucks people's reputations. Either that or the FBI is fucking retarded.

Quannel X came around after they made him take a police shooter class and he killed every person he saw instantly. He was like damn how u gon react so fast sheeiitt.

Blacks and whites actually function together in Houston, too bad its humid as fuck.

t. Austin

you should be preparing for war.

checked, kek wills it

Liberals need to be purged

Yeah, he redacted it:

Honestly, I'm hoping black preacher join the trump train. Hillary supports degeneracy at its fullest, and it would only take the black preacher to make their stand. THAT will be huge.

Typical. They just can't get off that Democrat plantation.


He'd be dead today if he hadn't retracted.

lost it
my sides

its this a ylyl thread?

sowell its based

So more libs staying home or voting third party on election day? Works for me.

The FBI wants to arrest her but can't, that's why they had the KKK endorse her.

Hey, Bill! Why don't you get your robe out and endorse Hilldawg! We'll get Parker to get the Panthers to endorse Trump so not only will the blacks not riot as hard, but we'll finally get to LOCK HER UP!

The FBI hates it when they run up against someone immune…

liebruls are teh real reacists

america is pure cancer


We should jump on this opportunity to make as much propaganda, to portray Shillary as the racist candidate, as we can. Obviously, we don't give a shit, but normalfags and cucks do; and often use "Trump is racist" as their go to programmed response as to why they won't vote for him. Let's outkike the kikes, using their own bullshit wrongthink narrative. Praise Kek erry day.

90 degree angles

are we seriously going to have another thread getting derailed because of retards insisting we call ourselves "alt-right"? when you will faggots learn to recognize a coopt attempt when you fucking see one?

Plot twist

Hillary is actually the Holla Forums tier candidate trying to get elected using the decades old left normie indoctrination in her favor, and accelerate the race war so whites can finally live in a proper ethno state.
Funds muslim terrorist groups in the middle east to weed out mossad plant groups, destabilize the region to prevent muzzies from growing too much and to eventually destroy Israel. And is amassing billions in funds with the Clinton foundation to support the inevitable destabilization in western economies once jews are taken out of the system.

Wake me up when he's wearing a Swastika armband. This isn't bravery, and it's not a sign of independent thought. He's only suggesting they find a more viable source of gibs.

Speak for yourself, you nigger loving beta bitch. Niggers are not even human to me, and I will happily put a bullet in every single nigger I see come DOTR. I do not have a single iota of compassion or care for that trash. The only altruism I have is for my own in group, white people, and within that group, only whites who are not race traitors or apologist cucks like you.

or she's a full-on fuckin' race traitor sending yt into a meatgrinder

Very fuckable in her early years.
Shame that she reduced herself into a sadistic bed shitting crypto kike psychopath.

this need a pepe edit

also pepe is pronounced like pedro without the dro and x2

Haha this dude is fucking stupid but you gotta love his spirit

Pretty sure that bitch was already half way there.

more like this , we need more like this to redpill ze black peoples. They're the most brainwashed by jews of anyone. It's hard for them because they don't differentiate jews from whites in many cases

This shit would work great

Where can I find more music like this?


we wuz wake and shit

not an argument




I like how is he saying "Brothers and sisters" and referencing the black race.

I wonder what would happen if someone white would reference his white "Brothers and sisters" this way. I wonder what the leftists would think of that.


Fuck off FBI/NSA. 8ch isn't your honeypot. We will make your slaves into shock troopers. I hope you're fucking scared, faggot.


I didn't know Sam Hyde was a stand from JoJo's Bizarre adventure.
