Anti-Trump Republicans to launch swing-state ad buy
Is this why you poll faggots keep flooding the catalog with thread after thread of 'muh crooked polls' and 'polls are rigged'?
Nobody thinks polls are legit and if you do you should leave.
Just about every syndicated talk radio host is also shilling that it's impossible for Trump to win. It's annoying, and I can only hope that this behavior convinces conservatives to stop trusting cuck media.
Fucking cuckservatives. Why can't they be happy that their party is being revitalized?
Join the democrats, thats where you belong
Trump does seem like he's going to lose though.
He has bad numbers!
Fuck off shill. EVERYONE HERE has already seen through the lies of the pollers. We know where you sleep bitch, and we will eat you.
Neocons are Jews or they cuck for Jews. Why expect anything else out of them?
It's better to lose forever and go extinct than to win and be called mean names by people who want to kill you.
I know I shouldn't be surprised.
It's infuriating to see them outright reject salvation when it falls into their lap out of nowhere.
You anons that live there really need to do something about this traitor pieces of shit.
By what mental gymnastics are these cucks Republican when they advocate for a Democrat president and toss away any hope for a future for their ideals? You don't have to answer, we already know why.
-man of the year, 2015
I really cannot understand this shit. I'm trying to imagine wanting to do something like this to El Rato Cruz if he won the nomination. But I wouldn't want to do it.
bigot detected
They can't stop trump if they are doing it from the outside.
Seriously, fuck these guys.
Is it possible for Trump's campaign to ban them from having anything to do with it?
Traitors hang first.
never go full cuck
Must have something to do with Mormons in Utah too. Both Gary Johnson and Evan McMullan are centered in Utah.
Seriously? God I hate my cucked state. Mormons are the poster child for Masonic Jew worshipping Cuckservatives.
because their beliefs aren't Trump's beliefs