Im honestly in shock. This is not a box that they should want open.
But here we are, in 2016, and its politically correct for black people to openly proclaim their supremacy.
Im honestly in shock. This is not a box that they should want open.
But here we are, in 2016, and its politically correct for black people to openly proclaim their supremacy.
Other urls found in this thread:
But blacks are genetically stronger.
Exactly. Push that they give up intelligence for strength
shut up
If it's en vogue to make claims about racial superiority on biological bases, then the bell curve ceases to be politically incorrect.
Sorry I didn't mean to write are, I actually wanted to write aren't.
Don t see many niggers partaking in strongman competitions.
Nigger have got the genes to be fast athletes and have a low bf. They reach puperty sooner and because of the smaller brains they don t need to spend as much energy on keep it going.
Hey, read this
I actually wanted to write aren't, I didn't mean to bait.
The strength traded for intelligence is bullshit too. Whites are ordained to have both.
Read this
I made a mistake.
They never traded anything, they never had intelligence nor strength.
This will haunt you for a long time user. But in time you'll heal.
All powerlifters and most serious musclesports are completely European, only in America do you have niggers running bread and games.
Also the whole thing with Europeans having neanderthal blood probably results in us being far stronger than emaciated endurance-runners.
Once again I made a mistake
That's why strongman is dominated by whites, particularly Icelanders, who are some of the whitest people on earth. Niggers do typically have good genetics for hypertrophy and they are probably better at sprinting short distances, but that's about it. Also, don't think that basketball Americans are representative of all blacks. They are the end result of a white ran eugenics program to produce the best farm equipment, hypertrophy would have obviously been a favored trait.
all of the examples they post is equally true of the common chimpanzee, I laughed especially at the "black babies develop faster". That is common in less complex lifeforms
Would you read the fucking thread ? I literally spend half of it explaining I made a mistake writing.
Why do you hate white people user?
Maybe we should start hammering that home when they try to pull this shit.
Niggers are inferior in every way.
Even their physical prowess are overinflated by Jews hiring private trainers for all black "athletes" for propaganda purposes.
I don't I just made a mistake, I wanted to write aren't.
Read the thread nigger, I already explained I made a mistake writing my post.
All blacks refers to the team colour.
It was fun while it lasted but I don't want the thread to derail, everyone understands that you made a typo, it's just bantz now.
Kek. Thought you were some cucked faggot. Triggered me hard, m8
I know but I'm fucking annoyed, shit day m80.
newfag pls
You know what? I can cherry pick an image of white NFL athletes together too.
I agree
The obsession with nigger speed has really destroyed the game of football in terms of skill and artistry. You watch any old footage of football befrore it was full of niggers and the depth in design of plays ran is amazing.
Majority of niggers are to stupid to run anything beyond college level playbooks and colleges have dumbed their playbooks down immensely in recent years because speed is the only thing niggers can offer them reliably. Thats why every god damn team runs the option with a nigger qb and yet we see none of that in the NFL for more than 2 games straight.
But blacks are stronger. They must as well post that whites are smarter for example.
Here's a hilarious post from their website:
5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa
What an annoying, cucked apologetic faggot.
I think if we tried hard enough we could make some onion we wuz kaingz website and market it to niggers as the "truth".
Post some white superiority videos, then when they're taken down make some infographics showing how goybook hypocritically censors white supremacy videos but doesn't censor black supremacy(lel) videos. Turn it into a scandal.
You can make the fire rise, friend.
We wuz Hercules n sheeeit
Go home, Bernie. You're drunk.
Makes sense.
They aren't talking about physical strength. They mean overall. Like less mutations and diseases.
They fucked up though. There study basically says all people came from Africa (true) but all other races are just made out of a small percentage of people who left Africa. Now you take into account how humans have evolved quickly and the greatest civilizations in all human history and you'd find that that group that left Africa were superior to the group that stayed.
It also can be both good and bad. Europeans with our smaller gene pool have some advantages over Africans. We are more immune to some diseases like diabetes and cancer.
We are more prone to having children with hereditary birth defects however.
They may have more genetic strength as far as a dispersed gene pool. All it really says is they didn't or couldn't adapt to various environments like all our ancestors.
Ultimately this article was published to piss off white people, or make them worship blacks.
The title ends with white people, but according to the study east Asians are the least diverse genetically.
Hello CTR, glad to see you working on a sunday. Do you get a bonus?
That's funny because blacks account for almost all of the cases of sickle cell anemia you come across.
I think he meant that blacks never had strength or intelligence.
Shit nigga melanin be magical and sheeit!
Yes. There is a reason for that though. Malaria. Malaria attacks the blood cells, people with sickle cell have sickle shaped blood cells. The Malaria can't attack their cells.
So what that means that Malaria was killing people faster that sickle cell could which usually leads to fatally at around 14 yrs if untreated.
honestly i think black supremacy getting shilled hard is a good thing
hear me out
the quickest way people become redpilled about blacks is by dealing with them
its why people who dont think niggers are = to animals are people with $$$, because they don't have to interact with them
pushing black supremacy is twofold:
some normies will push back against what they see as blatant hypocrisy
the others will have to deal with an emboldened balck population doing what they do best, murder, theft, rape, riot
end result white population uniformly reject the idea, civil uprising, race war, blacks blown the fuck out
We wuz kangz n sheeit nigga I swear to God!
This. If they accept and push the latter, than when we bring up genetic differences between x party and y party, they will be hypocritical to not accept or at least entertain the idea. It's cognitive dissonance at it's finest, you cannot hold the belief that blacks are genetically stronger and not be able to entertain the idea of whites being genetically smarter, furthermore, even more contradictory would be to think that everybody is still equal (or at least, in that libshit aspect) yet blacks are just genetically stronger, and denote any other note made about anything that might not be beneficial to you.
This can be a really good way to redpill, or at least call out liberals on race realism and make them look stupid.
Got banned for a month for saying "Jews are not Europeans"
Apes are "genetically stronger"…
It says they have less harmful mutations. Well, maybe that's true, but I don't know which populations they examined.
That's because they interbred with literal monkeys. See: erectuswalksamongst.us
They speak about an unusual Y chromosome. Considering the previous point, it most likely means that a literal ape raped a primitive human, and Africa is such an easy-mode continent that the offspring was still capable enough to survive and breed.
See: erectuswalksamongst.us
Yeah, they have shit coloured skin. Bravo.
They can sprint and run. And who gives a fuck?
Rape apes are rape apes.
It's too late user, the RWDS are already on route. They operate under radio silence so they cannot be recalled.
We wuz kangz n queens and Gods n sheeit!
Haaahaha, no, nigger genes are shit tier, fucking idiots have taken over.
Wittness him.
nigga why the fuck is a white boy running the Atlanta BLM chapter?
Nah, that is just propaganda from the cult of equality. I strongly recommend this book: erectuswalksamongst.us
I've never met a "white supremacist" who thought they were superior because their skin was white. It's the things that come with the skin. Meanwhile niggers literally think melanin gives them superpowers.
I believe it's safe to say that this is more in regards to the US rather than Africa. That said, I'm surprised no one has brought up selective breeding yet.
Differences between the muscles and the articular surfaces of blacks and whites are even bigger than in men and women. Niggers are stronger.
But this is not very important. The fact that the individual variability of the brain repeatedly overrides national. Every race and nation is full of talents. The talents and geniuses do not have the race and the nation in general.
I must say to that fourth pic, that's a pretty extraordinary thing. I can't even understand what is going on there. Must concede to extraordinary nature of melanin overdose.
If I think the US has the best-trained pilots and planes, that doesn't make me an "air supremacist" unless I want them to dominate the airspace of peaceful countries. Supremacy by definition requires ruling over.
Rats and cockroaches also mature faster than white people.
and this
+ black twitter
I am 100% sure those first stuff is not made by niggers. They don't write like that, they are fucking retarded. Even if you read comments of actual niggers they sound like "ye nigga we wuz kangz n shit don ur whitey ass nigga gay wher da whitey bitches at". I'm 100% sure this is done by a handful of intelligent niggers and kikes.
Don't deny that they are some intelligent nignogs, you know there is a handful of them, probably some white genes manage to emerge from evolutionary garbage that a nigger is.
IIRC Asian babies develop slightly slower than white babies, which correlates along with IQ differences.
Yeah, I saw your post later.
So they agree not all races are equal?
So it wouldn't be controversial to say whites are smarter and more attractive?
wow there is something unnerving about seeing those skin tones mixed with those facial features
almost highlights the animal features when you remove the other variable
This was when people became people. A longer childhood is necessary for intelligence tbh
They left out criminal deviancy, psychopathy, high time preference, low impulse control and hypersensitivity to ridicule.
All I see is a pack of negresses with a bunch of shit on their heads. Even bush niggers have to dress gaudily.
and youre what happens when you only use words in the way big brother tells you you can.
you realize you can say something is supreme with regards to nature rather than the mans hierarchy right? or is it too much mental energy for you to use words on the fly like this.
i bet you also think blacks cant be "Racist", since "racist means power + prejudice"
Actually they're gentically weaker. That's why their bones snap in half when they kick a white guy in MMA (happens more than you think) and we dominate weight lifting competitions. They are genetically better at leaping and running
quality post
So are nogs genetically set-up to be stronger with more testosterone or something along those lines (this is possible; there are extinct humanoid species that were buff as fuck but impractical and died off,) or do they just have the shorter childhoods?
apes for fuck sakes
They do have more testosterone, because that makes them more aggressive and sexually active, so they can breed faster. Africans are r-selected, so quantity comes before quality. They also have shorter childhoods because they can start breeding earlier that way. See:
Also, whites are actually stronger due to Neanderthal admixture, as shows us.
My language lacks distinct words for those two type of animals in causal speech, so I also tend to mix them up in English. Excuse me for this mistake. Here's an automatic mortar to make you happy.
Whites stand and fight, niggers run away. Apt.
Truly, melanin is the secret ingredient to BLACK genius.
Holy fuck. We need to spread this.
Have another, by the by.
Sort of odd communist double think where race doesn't exist. But blacks better traits can be exemplified where we can't talk about there worst traits
It's disturbing that they went from not talking about obvious genetic differences because it might open the door to research that could come to a "racist" conclusion to this, which will only come to a racist conclusion.
You're forgetting a key point; In the liberal mind, racism against whites and racism committed by blacks is the only acceptable form of racism.
By the way, have another racial redpill to spread around.
The problem with that usage is it legitimises the smear term "white supremacist", which is a misnomer and requires white wanting to politically rule over blacks. Superior or better than don't have the semantic baggage and associations that supremacist (which clearly requires wanting to rule over other) does.
Merriam Webster
supremacy: the quality or state of having more power, authority, or status than anyone else : the state of being supreme
Compared to who, east indians? Look up the worst demographic in any US disease stat. Obesity, STIs, Heart disease, etc. It's like being gay, your life expectancy drops instantly.
I'm not even sure where to begin with how retarded this is. Niggers do not have "more testosterone". They actually have (much) higher estrogen levels. This isn't surprising because African societies are typically soft "matriarchies" (or more accurately they lack true patriarchy).
Yeah, Afro-Americans have European admixture up to 20%, and I'm sure that most of those hwites aren't that pure either. They should compare Sub-Saharan Africans to Europeans.
Only after hundreds of years of Eugenics aka, slavery. The weak did not survive, so they have larger number of strong males, and fat female. Those are the ones that survived the boat ride.
So what you're saying is, we created a superior black race.
look everyone, slavs!
More superior than they were yes. Its proof eugenics works.
They killed the smart ones, breed the strong ones.
They actually have higher IQ than Africans. Africans have 67, niggers have 85, or around those numbers. That is because some 20% of their genes are from whites.
But kikes aren't white.
Nice try Clinton no one wants a war with Russia
But that's not true you fucking retard.
Stop trying to shill.
Whites are DOMINATING all sports that require physical strength.
Gorillas are genetically stronger
Elephants are genetically stronger
That doesn't mean they are the dominant species. It means they are suited for hard manual labors, which explains why they were used as slaves by whites, jews and mudslimes.
Half-normies(latent nationalists) will awaken and our ranks will grow while the radical left becomes even more radical and no longer acceptable to the general public. The batshit crazy left is a tiny minority. Most people are just cowards. They just have to be directly threatened with violence or similar to want to make an effort to speak out. Thanks to the increase in chimp-insanity, this will accellerate.
The time is approaching, rejoice!
This is literal double think and it's what all people who have the mental disability of leftism actually believe.
mcfucking kys my fam
hi ctr
No one posted this gem yet?
talking to yourself there, you fucking shill?
Competition powerlifter reporting in
Often times you will see a negro who has the genetics to more easily grow muscle mass, yet they are rarely as strong. I am assuming that many of them have deficiencies in their body preventing maximal nerve firing to tell muscles to contract.
Tell them they can't swim.
smh fam tbh
no u
It's Kangz
come on now
Guess who else is genetically stronger?
Are we supposed to accept them as equals now? Give them welfare and shitz?
1st pic, why the fuck do they go to the pool at all?
I wonder how much doping that's involved in those black-burger-sports you're judging this belief about.
It's however is the end of the human race and EVERYBODY deep down inside fucking knows this.
The only reason whites aren't openly saying this is because we are too fucking nice. But the blacks are a burden on the human race. Just like spics, kikes and gypsys.
The differences are superficial and stronger seems to be thinner, lighter and more athletic. I'm no bodybuilder but I'm sure they can attest to there being a difference between weightlifting and other forms of strength.
Closer to hypocrisy than nice. I think most people are appalled at the history of white people and don't realize every race/ethnicity has terrible actions like torture, war and oppression in their history. It's just they never developed the written language or it was lost. As summed up by the term 'white guilt'. Yes they did do some terrible things but there's a lot to be proud of in what our forerunners achieved.
Nah, you're just an asshole.
Their eyes are all fucked up and bongoed.
Check out the comments section.
The website that that FB page represents is full of this shit.
Have you ever heard of the youtube channel "atheism is unstoppable "?
Hes exactly what you're talking about. He literally only makes videos shitting on blacks abd their violence problem, but for some reason he is a hillary supporter. His entire community are soooo fucking ripe to come to the right. Theyre all already redpilled on the hard to swallow stuff.
you mean the holocaust being a lie, or just niggers being literal animals? because I think the holohoax redpill is much harder to accept than fucking niggers m8.
Send em back.
Lol, yes that is a harder swallow. But that redpill is what turns the libertarian into the natsoc.
Race realism is more of what turns the liberal into the conservative.
But This dude has almost 100,000 people, openly questioning if the multiculty can ever work. But for some reason, still believe that liberal democracy is the way to go.
I wish i could fucking talk to this dude (devon Tracy ) and truly ask him how he fuses these Two beliefs. He makes such great videos. Its a shame he isnt really on our side.
someone post this on the vid
Whats with niggers being incapable of naming their children normally.
blah blah bread like horses blah blah
Niggers are better at running because of the way their legs lock into their hips. They are not strong though. Whites do best in weights.
lifeguard probably made them get out and went on break, picture is funny though
I'm hard to piss off nowadays, but I'll admit that seeing this like this makes my blood boil with rage.
reported for hate speech :^)
I have a hypothesis on this 'blacks iz stronger n sheeit' propaganda they're trying to push. The human brain limits our muscle strength unless in a life-or-death situation because it'd tear apart our muscles. Well, blacks have smaller brains than whites, so therefore their brains might not be able to limit their muscles as much; it'd also explain why they also seem to get muscle damage easier.
I have any idea too. a chimp is much stronger than a nigger, thus chimp supremacy. An elephant stronger that a chimp. Elephant supremacy. We elephant now
That why some of these cornfed whiteboys destroy these cuban(blacks)???
Blow your fucking brains out.
there is literally nothing wrong with racism.
'hurr hurr i refuse to use the tools provided to me because I'm a retard who can't into propaganda'
There is when it's directed towards whites:^)
Tell me I'm wrong, nigger.
Redditcuck confirmed. It's time to go back to /r/thedonald and lick up that "based minority" cum
you too
Why are you trying to salvage your reputation on an anonymous image board?
Sorry, did I hurt your feefees?
top kek. Like clockwork.
You mean the one where you advocated spreading niggers to represent "our" views, thus associating us with shitskin-loving "inclusive" civcuck "nationalists"? No thanks. I'd rather not be consumed with gamergoy "muh pr"-type shenanigans.
Filtered. Thank you for playing, Chaim.
The "niggers taught whites how to bathe" meme is retarded and needs to die.
If this shit doesn't get you to want genocide then I don't know what will
>that's right, goys. Spread le based minorities telling other blacks to pull their shit together. It's only black culture that makes them bad. Once they all start acting like >muh based minority, they can integrate just fine :-DDD
Our goal is to ultimately remove all non-whites from our nation. Promoting niggers and other non-whites own legitimizes them.
wow. Really makes u think
Even if you accepted their version of the truth, that they were the "original people"… doesn't that mean we're evolved from them and therefor superior? I've always wondered why that doesn't come up when discussing the "From Africa" theory.
It kills me to see the amount of people who like those kinds of comments as well. There was one I saw with a woman saying she wished she had had black babies instead of Mexican ones, and although it was obviously a bait post, it had hundreds and hundreds of likes. How many white women see this shit and get influenced by it? How many fucking niggers genuinely believe that they are superior after reading this? I hope not many. But it makes me fucking angry.
kenyans are legitimately better at long distance running because they hunted food by chasing it until it exhausted
niggers are only good at running and this makes sense given african environment
yes but thats because niggers cant handle a european diet
You're a legend in the eyes of those who live on the danged ole battlefield, Snek
With light colored eyes like that they all look like Gollum.
Mhmm this is funny because last time I checked with the sjw community there is no genetic basis for race
Oh shit these guys are retarded at one point they say Europeans can be traced back to a human named Adam so many years ago. While blacks can be traced back way further (200.000 years cuz bigger number more good). Proving blacks are more of a proto human while Europeans are newer thus debunking the one human race theory. Morons. Also black babies develop faster is a lie. They take forever to recognize themselves in the mirror.
My job is analyzing data about post-secondary education. Recently I was looking at results of a test designed to measure new college students' confidence in their academic abilities, self-assessed. When I broke it down by race, I found out blacks are overall significantly more confident about the talents in all 10 categories measured, both men and women.
Even my colleagues suggested that because they go to worse schools, where any little effort receives high praise, they don't understand what college is actually like.
Fucking blacks man.
Is this what leftists believe though and have allways believed?
Leave Tryone alone, it makes him feel good to imagine, we Chinese nao… and Greek and Mexican and Indian. Serious mental illness with these fucks which explains the violence that is only going to get worse when they don't get back their Chinese and Mexican pyramids. Oh and gold crowns.
WTF do these idiots do all day? What are they capable of? If whitey wasn't holding them down and their pigmentation was unleashed… hahah
Because when the EBT cards get turned off and these fucking animals get hungry…
What they mean by developing faster is basic development. But again it's not a good thing; as you see it just means their brains stop growing with less time for learning and plasticity
It's astounding all the shit they cover.
Of course the nigger bullshit is written by some Jew connecting dots and adding "nigger" to each questionable antic.
forgot the biggest
also keep in mind that blacks have the highest rates of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes of any race in America (with mexicans in a close second) heavily contributing to America's percieved image of unhealthiness (since America is the only place niggers don't starve thanks to gibs)
whites, in contrast, are healthier, smarter, and less likely to get HIV/AIDS even if they're faggots.
Niggers aren't "superior" to us in any way
why do you get diabetes and sickle cell and white people don't?
about gibs
a nigger mommy and two kidz (even an adult no job qualifies as a kid) can get 600 dollars from the government for FOOD. FOOD. EVERY MONTH.
It's not even orchestrated by blacks. It's thought up by jews and disseminated through White cucks, only then do niggers start getting ideas.
especially since Africans do not bathe regularly, like once per month. Even USA niggers don't wash their hair
time to yank out the carpet from their sjw feet and talk about white athletic superiority then? also intellectual etc?
Can't access sauce, temporarily down?
I'm British + The British have a monarchy = I am a monarch? The stupidity of these people is beyond belief.
Stop doing that. You're not a 13 year old girl.
If they want to open up this can of worms it's fine by me.
Yeah, so are chimpanzees and gorillas.
As soon as the left entertain the possibility of racial differences being more than skin deep we can point them to the bell curve.
So do hispanics have any good genes other than landscapeing?
They're barely above animals.
What a fucking joke.
Then we can go for the easy one, that they are dumb as fuck and salvageable. And then you can point out that every olympic lifting and powerlifting and strongmen competition is dominated by caucasians and that their "stronger" niggers are very specific tribes, namely short distance running in Jamaica and long distance in Ethiopia.
This is the clear path to victory.
Imagine a normies face when it finally clicks that the reason stupid policies like satellite schools or their favorite charity that feeds African children hasn't been working because blacks are genetically not as smart as whites or even asians.
Fuck it, I would rather people believe that blacks are stronger and are better at tribal dancing then what they believe now… that we are all equal.
Because we are not genetically equal. And I'm sure Mr. John Normie would rather have less basketball and rap music in exchange for his tax money going to his kids going to safer schools instead of poor Jamalia the welfare queen.
My spelling and grammar is a mess. Apologies.
This is how we push racialism
It's a slow redpill but a major one. The key is to initially agree and then say "but here are some more facts about other races" If they already believe you are on their side then they will take whatever you have to say seriously.
We want to get people thinking about genetical differences as a concept. This can only be good for us.
No. And any "good hispanics" have high white admixture. Notice how all landscapers look like George Lopez but Marco Rubio thinks he is presidential material.
Joseph Renzulli's (1978) "three ring" definition of giftedness is one frequently mentioned conceptualization of giftedness. Renzulli's definition, which defines gifted behaviors rather than gifted individuals, is composed of three components as follows: Gifted behavior consists of behaviors that reflect an interaction among three basic clusters of human traits—above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity.[10] Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. Persons who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.
While White students represent the majority of students enrolled in gifted programs, Black and Hispanic students constitute a percentage less than their enrollment in school.[30] For example, statistics from 1993 indicate that in the U.S., Black students represented 16.2% of public school students, but only constituted 8.4% of students enrolled in gifted education programs. Similarly, while Hispanic students represented 9% of public school students, these students only represented 4.7% of those identified as gifted.[31] However, Asian students make up only 3.6% of the student body, yet constitute 14% in the gifted programs.
In a plenary address at the annual Congress of the American National Association for Gifted Children in November 1985, Sternberg reported that the number of students of Asian background in American programmes for gifted children exceeded the normative expectations from population figures by a factor of five. Entrance to programmes for gifted children in the U.S. is usually set at a level to accommodate moderately gifted children rather than the highly or exceptionally gifted; thus an interesting pattern seems to be developing an over-representation of Asian children by a factor of five in the population of moderately gifted students and by a considerably greater factor-15 or over among the exceptionally gifted. A student has to be extremely gifted mathematically to score more than 700 on the SAT-M by the age of 13; only 4 per cent of college-bound 17 and 18 year olds in the U.S. attain such a score!
To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!
We can use that to do reverse psychology.
Tell them all these things about blacks in a certain way, that will make the viewer think
"Are you sure that doesn't apply to whites?"
One of the most important things to understand is that blacks mature faster. If you measure it by sexual maturity in girls, about a year faster than whites according to one study.
This is one of the reasons why blacks do so well in school athletics, and why many white kids grew up thinking blacks were tougher. An average 10 year old will be considerably tougher and more athletic than an average 9 year old, so they will have an advantage in school sports, which gives them an open door to pursue athletics past high school into college. Combine that with blacks have fewer life options to make really good money, and there is a rush of blacks into athletic pursuits.
Meanwhile, as white kids growing up, it was never explained to us why, in general, blacks seemed to excel at different school sports. Well, yeah, it's like the kid who gets held back a grade and can beat everyone else in his class kickball/soccer/whatever.
By late teens/early 20s, whites have caught up, but by that point we're not fighting in school yards, and most white kids have left behind any dream of being a professional athlete.
Take the ==redpill==
explaining something to a normalfag is the same as to a woman, they will just bitch harder
This is exacly what i'm talking about
I keked
All the more reason to make them slaves again
I suspect that he is a crypto right winger.
I can talk shit about crackas all I want nigger. Fuck everybody.
>why only white people can only make one color of kids and black people can all kinds of shades skin, eyes and hair colors
Who is he trying to fool, himself?
Is it ok to post THIS on facebook?
Is it ok to post this AT ALL?
Is this crossing the line, or is this SILLY satire?
Blacks are more likely to be genetically diverse, which would imply genetic strength. The thing is, genetically diversity serves as a two way street: there maybe some favorable traits in there, but there is also a Pandora's Box of potentially new ailments, diseases, etc.
Is this somebody's fetish?
Correct. Accept their premise and then use it against them. Blacks are indeed genetically different.
To be honest the only thing they're really better at is sprinting and basketball.. Any other strength sport is dominated by everyone except them.
Someone post those big pictures of hot chicks, with really really small nazi text in the corners.
don't they pretty much have to be cuz they're often dumb as shit?
Why do NEETs always take the bait?
Let them have this because its the only thing they have and it feeds into our narrative that race is real.
How does that change what he said?
I've noticed this too, this trend. Black guys seem to have their shins snap like that oddly often. Maybe it's just because they're in more sports, but I've never seen that happen to a white.
It's said that their bones are denser, maybe they are more brittle, too.