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This guy is in dire need to be de-spooked
He is so close from the truth , yet so far
Someone needs to sit him down and explain marxism tbh.
This guy does not want Europeans to become a minority in European.
He will always be a nationalist.
The issue is not his nationalism. That is actually just fine.
It's the shit-tier primitivism.
Honestly, I find it strange that most people prefer to pretend that labor can never be freed from its masters and thus the solution must be the eliminate labor all together.
"Nation X becoming a minority in it's own nation" is a major spook.
Once people are assimilated they become the same as nation.
If Sweden has 1 child per family, immigrants will end up having 1 child per family.
Also, eventually the gene pool doesn't matter, as, yes, less sun means less melanin, means sand niggers become white.
Varg "Edgy neonazi church burner" vikerness posting these videos make we way happier than they should.
Thats not how this works.
There is nothing counter-revolutionairy with his nationalist view, since it can be channeled into communism. His primitivism on the other hand is pretty retarded.
Also, I don't see how becoming a stranger in your own nation is a good thing. There is no inherent value in either having or not having populaton mixing (It will happen anyway over time) but what we have now is not population mixing, its displacement of large groups of people in a one way fashion. Africans and Arabs go to europe, but europeans don't go to africa or the middle east. The numbers in which this happens is detrimental to everyone and not the solution. The solution is to destroy capitalism and build up those impoverished nations so that mass migration between them stops, and natural unification on a global level can begin.
Ignore flag, forgot to take it off after shitpost
He's retarded. It's not slavery that's necessary for civilization, but idleness.
Varg isn't a nationalist.
They aren't assimilating. Oh did you mean the natives will assimilate to the invader minority, yes I can see that happening.
Meanwhile the Somali immigrant children are having an autism epidemic. And this is the bad kind of autism that is accompanied by severe mental retardation.
It has been estimated that up to a billion people will be heading to Europe in the next decade. Overpopulation in Africa is the main cause of this. This overpopulation is caused by food aid that was implemented because of famine, and the famine was caused by overpopulation because of food aid…
And what's bad about it? The only bad thing is if they come too fast and can't assimilate to the more civil way of life of the european, that would be a waste.
Whats bad is that they have low traits. Low average IQ and don´t like to work hard.
I think this is the main issue. Its the difference between "those fucking scum" and intergrated, civilized people of arab of african descent. And we have a lot of scum.
Varg really sucks at video editing
nice spooks
morality =! ethics
How does one build up those impoverished nations without Capitalism?
A nation is a group of people with common characteristics who wish to live together.
A country is a geographic area of land.
A state is a ruling, governing apparatus that claims authority over a country.
Most states are founded based on the idea of national self-government. But it is perfectly possible for a nation that once controlled an entire country to become a minority in that country, even though the state remains intact.
Well, obviously, reactionaries get shot regardless.
But there's no point in vilifying foreign reactionaries over native reactionaries. If anything, it's the native reactionaries that are more dangerous.
With socialism, obviously. Lurk more.
Very few actually do, most have and always had significant minorities.
That's wrong. Historically, the only multinational states have generally been empires. Having a "significant minority" does not change the fact that most states are formed by nations in the pursuit of self-government. Minorities just get shafted along the way.
Nobody's going to assimilate. Swedish Liberals and Leftists are too weak and submissive to impose their cultural values onto immigrant populations. Sweden is going to become Muslim.
How would Socialism solve the problem of undeveloped nations when those nations have no existing industry or wealth for which to redistribute?
There is no nation in the present day that has "no existing industry."
Confirmed for being a newfag. Lurk more. Socialism is about equal access to, and control of, the means of production. Not "redistributing wealth." Capitalism makes a few at the top extremely wealthy, and the rest poor. Abolishing it helps everyone, and it would especially help third-world nations for whom capitalism often means starvation.
I'd really like to see someone posting a constructive response to this; but we all know it's going to be met with "you're a nadzi".
What's to say? He's not wrong. Colossal immigration in a short timespan is never a good thing.
Australia proves my point (Abos got fucked) and Vietnam is homogeneous. What the fuck are you on about?
There is no imposing cultural values, those are genetic. The reason Swedens HDI is tanking and that it´s becoming more violent is that the people immigrating are vastly different from the swedes. They have lower intelligence, work less, have lower out-group trust.
This is true.
I´m serious. Sweden was a great socialist country because of the swedes. They are intelligent, hardworking, honest and trusting.
Also Australia wasn't immigration or was there an Abbo nation state in place their during that time that willingly accepted immigration? No they were simply displaced by settlers that didn't even officially recognize them as people. The Abbo's were classified as fauna until the 70's.
It all makes sense now
Yes. If a group of people within a country don't want to live with each other, then they aren't a nation.
European kings have mostly been weak throughout history, the big exception being France. Feudal lords were dominant in politics, and only religion and (at least the veneer of) impartiality in dispute resolution allowed post-Roman kingship to continue.
Immigration, colonization, settlement. They're all on a spectrum, there's no clear dividing line. There didn't have to be an Abo nation state in place first in order for immigration to happen to them.
Do you think he wants to invite the third world to his country?
This guy is a primitive nationalist and racist if anything.
Prim. communism wasn't exactly without prejudice and basic tribalist mindsets.
It's called TRIBALISM you stupid fucks.
There are no nations then, wew
You're retarded. I'm not talking about some hippie thing where nobody every has conflict. I'm talking about large groups in aggregate. German unification was a nation overcoming their divisive history to live together in a nation-state. There are countless other examples.
You don't want the local scumbags bringing their chums in, do you?
Tbh low iq and such could be fixed within a generation or two with embryo screening and genetic engineering. We are going to have good embryo screening tech in about 5 years, which will increase IQ by 8 - 10 points and can also be used to select for height and BMI. Genetic engineering is a bit further away.
I really don't understand this recent obsession Holla Forums has with Varg. Just post on /grim/ tbh
Al banning consanguineus marriages would lead to an increase in IQ and height.
Holla Forums pls
Actually it´s not eugenics. Eugenics is promoting reproduciton among the people with good traits and reducing it among the ones with bad traits.
If embryo screening and genetic engineering tech would be available for all it would be possible, with time, to create a population of high trait individuals that are very intelligent, healthy and who have high out-group trust and that would all work for the greater good.
I'm very skeptical towards all of that including transhumanism. The only thing I can imagine happening is the further abuse of technology to literally only benefit the rich and make them truly superior.
Thank you Mr. genetics
Varg is Pol Pot
Embryo screening is actually pretty cheap in countries where it´s legal, like Singaport. Most couples will be able to afford it. China wants improve genetics of it´s population and wants every child to get an upgrade.
The real danger is making this tech illegal, which would mean that only the rich would be able to use it.
Transhumanism is fucking dangerous on it's own, it makes the risk of being a slave to a corporation for many many lifetimes.
not to mention something goes wrong your neural circuitry get out of balance paralyzed,insane…etc
Not to mention that whomever owns your parts can control you,your mind can be hacked, your thoughts may not be your own, they can stop your body from functioning.
it's high tech NWO bondage.why would you or anyone want this shit?
it does after long enough
The sad part is that you actually think all of this. Please, for your own sake as well as for anyone you interact with, drop the quantified psuedo-scientific reductionism and understand how intelligence actually functions.
iq tests is not a measure of intelligence, if you believe they are, you are the most unintelligent fucktard on Holla Forums.
only a Holla Forumsack would think something so stupid.
WTF are those scribbles on the first pages?
One of my sources for my claims:
He talks about the future of embryo screening and other topics.
References this article:
About Stephen Hsu(To show he´s not some dumb nazi). Copied and pasted from his G+ profile:
Michigan State University
VP for Research and Professor of Theoretical Physics, nuvarande
My office oversees ~ $600 million per annum in research expenditures. It has responsibility for technology transfer, intellectual property, startup accelerator, core genomics facility, and research centers and institutes ranging from DOE nuclear accelerator lab (FRIB) to bio-energy and high-performance computing. MSU combined NSF + DOE funding ranks top 10 among US universities.
Professor of Theoretical Physics and Director, Institute for Theoretical Science
University of Oregon
SafeWeb Inc. (CEO and founder)
Yale University (Professor)
Harvard University (Junior Fellow)
He has a PhD in Theoretical Physics from Berkeley.
His blog:
Listening to
A good paper by him, on intelligence and other things:
This is painful to listen to.
He is literally advocating white nationalism on that video.
Also that video shows how spooked beyond repair he is.
Hes saying that the reason somebody that can´t do math is because they just are´nt interested. He saying that because Einsten worked on his theory of relativity for 8 years means that Einstein has a low IQ because he only solved 1 problem in 8 years.
Why does Gould bring up measuring heads? It´s not how intelligence is measured.
He brings up poverty to explain low iq scores. There are tests that do not even require being literate to complete.
I´m only writing about increasing IQ, not any kind of bodymods, Which I know very little about.
well you guys are more intelligent than Holla Forums, that's for sure.
Fuck. Horseshoe theory was right all along.
I've been saying this for a long time.
He's only a few steps away from realizing that capitalism is a death cult and that communism is the true way. He's almost there.
Really, fucking blogs as sources? Also IQ is going up because of nutrition and better early child care, not culture.
I was going to make a comment about JPG artifacts-ridden infographics and meme collages but I don't think it is even necessary.
This is what Holla Forumsyps believe, folks.
A very based socialist country rated near the top on property rights protection by the heritage foundation.