The College Experience

Somebody, please kill me. I'm only going here for the computer science degree, business minor and cost of attendance but fuck me its going to be a long 4 years.
And they're planning to shove this down our throats for the first fucking week.

The Schools Stony Brook if you were wondering

Other urls found in this thread: is corrupt


no one cares about you

I'm doing a STEM degree in fucking Sweden and I've never had any of this bullshit forced on me. The most non-related thing I've done is a course on microeconomics.

Is this just a meme or something?

Listen, faggot.

There are three courses open to you:

1) You cave and become a normie
2) You never leave your room and become a neckbeard
3) You hit the gym and make your race proud

Choose wisely, faggot.

cool blog post. yes we already know what goes on in the brainwash factories. fucking frosh stfu and stick a pickle in your asshole.



Stay there with your cancerous blogposts. Kill yourself.


l'm attending a community college in commiefornia and l've never had to take any of this horse shit.

Also sage

So apparently (((Robbins))) was the director of (((social work))) before he became dean

(((Germana))) has been a (((gender studies))) foot soldier before becoming asst dean

These two people are running a university based on their professional backgrounds of LITERALLY seeking gibs

This so much.

Please realize college is usually a big place depending on your school. If you act like a normie you'll find most people don't put up with SJW nonsense, they just avoid it like the plague. If you go to school for anything hard science they'll usually hate on the humanities for being a cesspool of feelings>science.

You fucked up m8

So many people go to colleges that that in 10 years, degrees will be worth jack shit. Too much supply when everyone has a gedner studies degree

They already are.

Not even sure why there are gender studies degrees.
I mean what problems do they solve?
Engineers build stuff, MDs cure stuff, mathematicians calculate stuff so I can see the usefulness of a degree there but gender studies?

Not really, degrees still are worth…for now.
Theres a HUGE trade skill shortage in the us. Weeks of training. See how much a plumber makes fixing your pipes.

College nowadays is just taking out a loan for $60,000 to learn how to take out a future loan to pay for a sex change operation

Mostly gender social constructs

No. Not CS degrees, that's for sure.


You can wageslave 100k a year with a cs degree. The work environment is pure shit however.

And you can also do that without a CS degree.

You're retarded OP.

Just do what I did. Turn all this shit back on them. If they ask you do talk about racism, talk about how they are being racist against whites. When they talk about micro aggressions tell them that talking about micro aggressions is a micro aggression and they should stop.

Finland here. Never heard about this kind of stuff being mandatory outside of the US. Don't know if it's an anglo thing or just 'murica.

kek that picture is what being a humanities major is like 100%
college is a jewish trick, just learn c++ and fucking bail.

Also this.

OP if you wanna code monkey learn it on your on and start putting projects out onto the Internet and help out on open source projects. It gets your name out and you build a portfolio of which will get you a job. Degrees are a meme.


Programming is a saturated field, your work hours is close to slave level. Don't do it.

I'm in the country like any real red-piller but if I was in college I would be raping, groping, and molesting every whore in sight.

What, you don't collect memes? I'm gonna have two memes when I'm done here.

Now son you KNOW that to get a job and be formally recognized as a smart person and be successful YA GOTTA GO TO COLLEGE :^))) -your dad

1. you don't have to go to that 'mandatory attendance' shit, dude
2. you should have gone to a community college for 2 years followed by a transfer to a state engineering school for the next 2

Step 1: Suck it up. You chose to wade into the poz-pit.
Step 2: Line out why the fuck you're here. Keep reminding yourself of it.
Step 3: Git gud, do well, don't slack off like every other normie.
Step 4: Find any uncucked professor you can (in your department, primarily), and network with them. You know what you're looking to do, now tell them. Ask them if they know anyone in those fields, be it friends or alumni.
Step 4.5: Do so with the cucked professors who you're at least on good terms with.
Step 5: Before you even fucking graduate, make sure that companies know you exist. Sign up for an internship, if you can find one.

There you go. You've survived college, and hopefully now can pay off your shitty loans.

Other tip:
You're gonna have to take a humanities course. Unless you like learning about the enemy and can hide your power level, avoid Sociology and Anthropology. Take a Philosophy course, it's better for you.

I mostly went there for the brand name.

Networking is hard for us autists. I bet most of us here are,engineers, programmer, and basement NEETS

Very rarely i see that wonderful opinion. At least some people have brains on this. In general colleges and institutes not about to educate yourself in specialty you are learning, they won't fucking educate you, you will still have to learn everything yourself, but they exist to brainwash youth accordingly to the government modern plan of sheep making.

And they will also make sure to suck from you as much money as possible.

Do you have any leads regarding this? I know freshman level Java, is there any babby-tiered bullshit projects that I could possibly hope to get involved with?

Option 4: you ask questions and disagree, and let other students who are unsure know that they can disagree.

Look, just tell the faggot instructor what faggots want to hear, forget all the bullshit they feed you right after you pass the tests, and laugh at their mental instability after you leave the class far behind.
Get that STEM degree and spend your off hours in the gym…NEVER date any of the so-called "women" that take the class seriously, and plan for your future.

I know it's a sad state of affairs, but ride the tiger, bro.


That's the thing that's most obviously wrong in that picture, but for some reason I instead got fixated on how impossible it is for a day of the month to not be Friday in a span of 666 years.

calendar resets/loops every 400 years

Hoowee OP, this is blatant Marxism.

East Euro here.
When they get in power, they'll start exterminating the class that they oppose. This reeducation is just them being desperate/cocky.

You take the course for the credentials to become a professor of gender studies at another institution, dummy. Don't you see the value in that?

If your still babby level I doubt there are very many projects you could get involved in extensively. I'd just recommend starting your own projects to continue your learning until you get to a point where you know enough that you can be a big contributor to a larger project.

Bug testing is a good way to learn to.

This is pure quackery, taught by a quack professor:

The average white reading that desciption will interpret 'PhD' and 'Rutgers University' as conferring instant authority and credibility.

So that is what we need to undermine and destroy.

Everyone knows what a quack doctor is and how harmful they are.

So can start by calling them 'quacks' or 'quack professors'.

pic unrelated.

Kek, even your mascot is a fag.

60k? Fucking pleb.
Try 60k a YEAR for a decent school.

Honestly if you guys want to do anything than be my guest.

Nobody even mentioned the 666 years…


user should consider himself lucky to have your input. I never had a single school counselor speak to me during my entire K-12 education. No internet in those days either.

America here, EE degree and never had anything like this at all. You are forced to take x-number of "humanities" and "general education" courses, but they are all courses that YOU select. If you're taking gender studies or women's studies or some shit it's because you picked that for your throwaway humanities requirement instead of literally anything else.

Infact our entire engineering campus is located 2 miles away from the rest of the university where all the liberal arts fags are.

my school doesn't require any SUPER cucked courses, the worst one i had to take was a some humanities class about "le monsters" in popular culture, which was taught by a 300lb otherkin self-professed witch and head of the gender studies department

but the campus culture is pretty much steeped. for example, first week my freshman year i walked past a table full of dildos in the student union building. they were doing a dildo raffle

Luckily because I'm a poor fag I already got most of that shit out of the way during a five week retreat. Though I had to sit through 2-3 hours classes and a black history class as a mandatory requirement. Luckily it was for 5 weeks and not the full semester. And I'm honestly split between business or programming as a major but I'm leaning towards business in fiance or accounting.

Honestly if you guys want to shit then be my guest, it'll make things far more interesting.

Nothing could shit up this thread more than the subject.

Drop out of college, go to the gym, and learn linux.

Maybe get an entry level job, or some certs and make bank, because most IT places WILL higher a guy who is self taught over some poo-in-the-loo with the exception of most liberal cities.

College is a fucking scam.


for some reason my school feels the need to spam Title IX on every single class rubric, emails to remind us about Title IX, and holds multiple Title IX seminars throughout the semester

Fuck off Randy.

If she was a witch, couldn't she have simply cast a spell & get rid of her blubber?



The blubber is were she stores her mana!

Should have known Stony Brook is a party school tbh.

Title IX has us all by the balls, dude.
Feds can pull our funding if we misgender a tranny.

Yea, you don't need no colleging…

Hell if I know, they're technically a no smoking school but no one follows it.

I'm in NC. The absolute buttblast over HB9 was tremendous. People traveled halfway across the state (five hour drive) to picket at the capitol building… during Finals week!!!

Mark my words, you will live to see the day where there will be SERIOUS political debate in the US concerning the "rights" for anyone in the world to vote in your elections. This "Undocumented Immigrant" stuff is the biggest load of horseshit.

As I said in a thread yesterday, if these illegals were all ethnic Swedes or Germans or similar, Trump would be applauded by way more people, and the border would be way more respected and enforced.

I pity you collegefags.

kek whats your trade, wet nursing?


Pretty much this. Junior year of college, just keeping my head down, doing my time, and getting the fuck out. Already got another internship lined up and everything.


What should we call them then? Criminals?

Brazil here. It's not just an Anglo meme.

Probably not underwater welding.

Oh god

Become top shitlord, but here's the catch. You've got to put on a ruse and say, "I have a friend who I argue with who would say - (drop redpill) - how can I argue against him? **oh and did I mention he's a fucking WHITE MALE?* then repeat and repeat until you make the instructor look like a fucking idiot, redpilling the class in the process.

No, I don't but I do need a phone without shitty auto-correct.

Nah dude, the friend should be a Chinese supremacist .

You don't have a username, user. No need to lie about fucking up. Half of the people on the internet seem to be too stupid to use women/woman properly as it is.

I'm literally on a phone right now though (or rather, tablet)

One of the joys of having automation you wrote do your job for you.

I'm going to college in California and I don't even have this bullshit.

Are you implying he's fucking wrong?

Fuck off Eurocuck.

I took a year of college (just guess what major I tried- here's a hint, it's popular but I didn't actually want it) and I flunked 90% of my classes all year. I realized I didn't have any motivation to learn anything and I fucked off from college. It's been a little over a year since I left, but I've been curious about looking for some sort of medical profession.


Calm down nigger, I'm an American who's not that far removed from the image posted.

I'm in Canada and studied law of all things and never had to deal with this bullshit.

College is thoroughly useless. I'm going back to school in a year, but for a trade or a technical degree. Maybe something to do with the merchant navy.

Have pity for some of us. I wanted to go be a welder but my retarded mom forces me to go to college and she won't pay for anything that isn't an English major.

I'm making video games for portfolio shit and I might try to get a STEM job when I graduate even though I hate the field. God help me.

College is 110% worthless anyway.

You get a gender studies degree so you can take on more debt at grad school, then work in academia teaching new students about gender studies.
It's weird because it's pretty obviously a Ponzi scheme but no one wants to hear about that because of muh oppression muh sexism.
In the rare case you make it out to the real world you shape up and realize you got a worthless degree, or you get a job in HR and ruin a company from the inside.

That will straighten you ass out quickly if you're serious and willing to endure physical hardship. Not a bad choice.

"You're a smart guy, and you're good with computers!"

Is your mother paying for your school with your dad's money?

The police are up, they joked not many people follow them on Twitter.


Hopefully that will come to mean punching a blue-haired lesbian in the face when she mouths off in the presence of her betters.

In Finland you don't have to take a single course outside your main degree and side degree, and there is not a single mandatory "gender" bullshit like this.

B-but they're promoting rape culture and victim shaming…

Now's your chance to get that rainbow pussy OP. Tell them to stop oppressing wymyn.

My dad doesn't make shit, and he'll be dead any day now. Mostly my mother's money. We're barely getting by but we can afford community college. She dementedly refuses to let me go to trade school. If I try to go myself with my own money I'll get kicked out. My health is too shit o make it on my own as of this moment, and the way I have shit set up I have 2 long ass school days and get to be a NEET 5 days a week so I have a while to figure out how to get out of this shitty situation.
I have an interest in Literature but hearing liberal fuckwad's overanalysis of writing when the author obviously meant the CURTAINS WERE FUCKING BLUE makes me want to fucking implode. They analyzed excellent 60s scifi and distort the meaning to be the exact OPPOSITE of the author's intentions (Diversity will cause a dystopian future is translated to the need of diversity somehow.)

OH AND BY THE WAY we learned the lottery is about the Holocaust the other day even though it was written BEFORE the Holohoax was even "known about" because the author married a Jewish guy.

Looks like a female version of that gamestop commercial creature

Yellow Diamond?

Like many aspects of our increasingly hollow civilization, it's riding the coattails of an older and worthier thing.

The liberal arts were traditionally the gentleman's education; material that isn't immediately useful, but is good for our rulers to know. It all adds perspective and protects an educated man from passing intellectual fads.

However the actual liberal arts education has all but vanished, replaced with this witches brew of mangled marxism.

But when you attack "Gender Studies" from the angle of "utility", you arouse protective instinct stemming from the purer tradition of liberal arts.

Copy that, muh nigga.

Sounds like the best thing you can do is find a place to live away from both your mom and college until you actually develop a sense of self and figure out what you want to do.

And this just turned into a goddamn game show.

Go to as small and/or cheap a school as possible, only go where you can live off campus, take only what you need (no "exploring") and get out as quick as you can. If that does not describe your situation then transfer, it will be better in the end. The ground rules I have learned from spending way too long in this system is that the less control you give them the better, also the less time you spend on campus itself the better. Shit is just toxic.

T. Law student at religiously-founded university, still getting lectures from time to time on this shit. My immigration law class will be a nightmare, but at least If Trump wins my prof might commit suicide or take up drinking.

Yuropoor here. I'm going into college too please tell me how hard did I fuck up for falling for this meme. I'm going into economics though, planning to bust my ass through mathematics and econometry to go into business administration/ fiscal economics

my course is also literally littered with Jews. The first time i came into contact with a prof all my coincidence detectors went off because her surname was Rosenstein

Sometimes just getting the fuck away from a cancerous family is key. Difficult to do when they control the finances but you gotta cut the apron strings at some point.

As I said, that is not an option. My health is too poor. She's a nice lady and as long as I'm going to school she has no influence on me. I'll get this shit done somehow.


Pic related was in my required Drugs, Alcohol and Sexual violence "totally not propaganda"

your class looks like some north african market


That's where you fucked up.
If you want to an hero, leave several Qurans in your room, yell aloha snackbar and shoot everyone you can. You'll do our cause a favour.
Or you can GTFO and go to based Serbia.

I see:

a nigger
a poo-in-loo
a female zipper head
a stacey

Can you get a refund?

Not my class, the whole freshman student body. Could be worse, I could've gone to Binghamton or a Manhattan.

She doesn't like a very nice lady but do what you gotta do. You can always get by with a minor and sneak as many good prerequisites as possible into your undergrad, then try for masters in something technical. Still tough though, she basically wants you to pissed away 4 years.

Kudos on the whole day a week schedule, it's what I do, but go to hell for the NEEGENERACY. try and see what the cheapest car you can get that qualifies you for uberx and go straight to financial independence. It's easy to do, pays well in most cities, and then you can qualify for poor independent student bux after you have secured a living situation.

It's a shame the correct answer isn't one of the options.

We have a really good marine institute in my country. It's a bit far away (about 2-3 hours by car) but it's located in the country and the apartments nearby are super cheap. Plus they send you out to sea for a semester every year, even the first.

I was thinking either navigation or marine mechanics. I'm mostly interested in the former because I'm not the most naturally handy man in the world, but if I put in effort, I'm sure I could learn how to do mechanics as well.

I don't mind cramped quarters or being away for long periods of time, I want to see the world and I want a job where I feel I'm important. I don't get seasick either so it seems this would be a decent fit for me.

Lol that slide. It's like they're making one last effort to socialise these invasive species before turning them loose

Nah, it's real, alright. You're forced to take these shitty classes for the credits but it should be illegal.

Oh sweet heavenly fuck. Literally Space Moose tier.

Answer is a resounding yes, followed by: "you smell like the toe cheese of a nigger"

Couple of thoughts:

1. You should drop out. Find a construction or metal shop job and go through a community college welding course.

2. College has lots of potential that young people are too inexperienced to see. Learn about your professors and seek out the ones that can help you. Interview people (for example in the video game field) and write essays or papers - can you find a prof to support this? Shoehorn it into an existing assignment?

Saying "I'm a student writing a paper about X" is a good door opener.

Learn about your school's alumni and leverage them. Everyone likes to give advice, and everyone likes to talk about himself.

Don't just hang with your peer group.

Get ready to have to pay off your debt for the rest of your life.

Like me.

Can somebody shoot me too?

currently taking philo 101, can confirm its bretty gud

also DSST
CLEP and DSST your way out of as many bullshit classes as you can. They're 80-dollar tests worth 3-6 credits, and most colleges will accept them in lieu of taking the actual classes they're based on. Yes, there are tests for the humanities, sociology, and treefucking. You'll save time, money, and your sanity.

IS this written by 12 year old girls?

It's written by the all-female HR department.

Essentially, yes.

Basically what said.

Whether you're male or female, regardless of black, brown or white, if you're working in HR, you're dense and are unlikely to lean right.

It's a real eye opener to move very large objects in the physical world and not for the faint hearted.

Working your ass off sucks in any industry but being a seaman can open doors for you in many trades should you move on to something else. Electrician, welder, diesel mechanic, stevedore/crane operator and so forth.

It also will provide a solid foundation should you choose to pursue an engineering degree.

But don't neglect the liberal arts either. You have to be able to appreciate the money you will be making in a trade.

not shilling for merchant marines, do as you wish

Is this legit? I've been taking cc classes between semesters to knock out courses. I need to ask my counselor if they'll take these, tests are fucking easy to cram for.

Leave aside the content of the joke. These 3 ways of reacting to a joke you don't like are all bad.

Let's say it's a joke about "stupid Trump supporters".

Right answer: tactfully change the subject. Make a similar joke (no, not to "offend" your friend) that moves the conversation along.

Nobody likes a killjoy.


was considering them for my PhD, thanks for showing this. Though the first warning sign was professors of feminism in their marine science department.

What do we have to care about the gender identity rights of fucking sea cucumbers or some shit now? Jesus H.

Like I said I only went to them for the brand, price and because I'm a poor fag. When I told people I was going to Stony Brook, they congratulated me and were honestly interested.

It's funny how all three choices sound straight out of a 9th grade classroom:




I got ganged up when I mentioned I supported Trump. I managed to fight them off and force them to apologize, with a nigger of all people that defend me

It's written by women which are more emotional children so….

meant for>>7288342

And if you see , you'll see that I agree.


Glad you corrected that before I had an aneurysm.

Im so demoralized for college. I feel like shit just thinking about it. I cant do well when Im so focused on feeling shit, and if I do poorly for grades it feeds the cycle.

Sucks trying to squeeze in time to study between working and other life shit.

It hurts because I feel like I could be enjoying myself.

No problem fam :^)

Get people excited to answer their questions "right" for approval and points!

Good luck competing with the guys who have been programming since elementary school.

what you do is during the summer work 60-90 hours a week and save it all, then when school comes around you have enough savings to just treat school as a 8-5 job, and work once a week if you want play money.

There's two ways to get a job.

You have to have a great resume, and internship experience.

Method #2, your dad works there.

Americans pay themselves tens of thousands of dollary doos in debt just to go to indoctrination camp. You should have been like Da Vinci. He learned by himself with no formal education as many others have.

I already work in a warehouse 9-5, and its a 30+ minute drive away, so I really dont know how I can fit something like that in.

I mean I dont even have a gf yet.

Im thinking about starting an operation on the side trying to pick shit up at yard sales and re-selling it on ebay or something, see what I can get out of that.

>I mean I dont even have a gf yet.

When you are independent and raking in dollars the pussy will appear like magic.





Well, to be honest me and my friends always resort to option 3, but there is many keks in between the jokes.

Colombian spic enrolled in STEM here:
No, it isn't just a meme. The gender equality bullshit agenda is pushed hard here.
It's fucking funny though, because at first we were 50/50 men and women. Now I am at my last semester and we are around 90/10 men and women, and the ones who stayed are insufferable whiny cunts who can't even program a simple code.

Walk out of the lecture lad. They need to know.

Yes the USA are the biggest cucks when it comes to this stuff, and they export it too

Social studies are the new sophism..

Mfw Holla Forums is a bunch of college hipsters

Anything they teach you will be worthless and outdated before they even teach it to you.

The only class I was grateful for taking was my data structures class and only then because the instructor didn't live in fear of his performance evaulations—he actually taught us useful (read: hard) concepts.

You're better off treating college like the joke it is and just ditch-class your way towards the piece of paper you signed up for.

In the meantime, you should be spending your time learning shit on your own.

Start here:

ignore the shit they say about classes: classes are a complete waste of time in the modern era.

just focus on school and do not waste time partying

Have fun working at starbucks with 50k debt.
What gets you jobs these days are CONNECTIONs. Good luck getting those when everyone wants to be a buddy to the professor.

Why do you think I dropped out of my mechanical engineering?
Because I'm an idiot loser who can't handle people having much more mental capabilities than I. Because I'm weak, losing my grip and developing depression in the second semester.
Now I'm going for welding. At least I'll be able to make myself useful.

Plz action t4 yourself asap you autist

University is your biggest single connection while you're a student. I got a full time job lined up for graduation after going to a university sponsored career fair, handing out my resume, and not acting like a sperg.

Yet you drop out of a class due to depression and hating people better then you. Get tested and gas yourself.

Shit nigger wrong guy. What degree?

I'm not sure you know what post ID's are.

Electrical Engineering.

See above

Check the IDs, you fucking hothead.
I said nothing about hating, nor did I mention envy. I was struggling like Hell, getting nowhere even though I did my best, while everyone else just seemed to breeze through. I felt ashamed and guilty, and these feelings consumed me.
It seems you're projecting.

Fuck off, Randy

Gas yourself

You're a big guy.


fuck off autist

The lottery is about getting drafted into the army.
Do colleges just make shit up at this point.

it's the marxist subversion of the United states at work.



Autists life is good, leeching off ssi and i live alone. Keep being a wageslave and payyour taxes.

If it's not mathematics, and by proxy STEM, then yes. They pretty much just make shit up. Half the time you even get the misfortune of taking a class with the guy who WROTE the "textbook" and get forced to buy it because he needs his sheckles.


Every time you pay your taxes i can buy moar guns. Sucks they have to have a 10 round assault mag limit but its good enough.
Autist life with cheap rent is great.

Interesting, take more photos


I'm stopping college to do this. Best plan IMO.

3 years wasted, money wasted, time wasted. College is terrible unless you're getting into a VERY niche high paying field. STEM degrees are going to be useless very soon.

you are talking out of your ass.
15-20 years ago, yes, maybe.

Tell me user, who OWNS the SATs, CLEPS, DSSTs and DANTES now?

If you don't know, then learn, it's not good. is corrupt

The USA are the biggest cucks on earth.
The only thing they do right is projecting on others and blaming the jews for everyone of their misdeeds.

Take two years in a community college. You'll probably still have to do the bullshit but at least you won't pay out the ass for it.

Commute and don't live in the degenerate dorms.

best advice here.

Depending on your area of study, you can even get a full BS or BA online these days from an accredited institution without ever having to step into a classroom.

I was able to do a 4-year degree in 30 months, and now I'm working as a Software Engineer.

What do I do if I want to go to med school?

its called coolface you newfag


Go to plumbing school and study for your MCAT.

Trade skills are overrated nigger, government job all the way. NO ONE can fire you after one year. Thanks unions! Plus you have fed connections.

Pretty sure I know someone starting grad school there, OP.

Having just gotten a B.A. in history and philosophy (inb4 mockery) in May let me assure you that it's not hard to muddle through the bullshit and pretend to take it seriously. Your professors, more often than not, will actually value dissenting opinions, and the ones who won't will not hide it at all–for example, I had an Afro-American professor teach a class on the history of revolutions, and when I offered slightly more nuanced opinions about things like fascism than my classmates had, he acknowledged my contributions to a class that consisted 90% of leftist white girls. The guy even openly admitted that Jews were integral to the deeply flawed Weimar system. If you take the right class with the right professor, you can find something better than the redpill (i.e., critical thinking as a general activity): you can find the principles & facts that allow you to turn critical thought into effective, purposeful action.

At the same time, you'll probably encounter literal lesbian Marxist anarcho-queer feminist professors at some point, and those you'll just have to deal with.

Remember, the purpose of academic discourse is self-deconstruction, not the application of truth to action. Don't take it too seriously and remember that the university is very much an integral part of The System, even as it rebels against The System. You'll be fine, OP, I promise.

This is the moment where even Jamal and Pajeet are sick of this shit and ready to drop out

fuck off newfag

I kinda already figured that out, met some really good teachers during a 5 week retreat, especially in math. I do on planning to commute next year, I still live pretty far from this place, 50 minute drive.

The motherfucker to the right is a massive autist. and Dominican

You fuck off

This really wouldn't be hard to edit into a DOOM cover, we have the bottom left looking back and everything

OP, here's some quick advice: learn how to change white balance settings right so your pictures aren't fucking purple.

The white race isn't going to be proud of you for (((virtue signaling))) about the amount of time you spend sweating with other men in a gym.

Actually the camera on my phone is broken, HTC one m7 has this red tinting problem in many models

You know that Sam is a big advocate of working out for therapy/self confidence boosting, right?

Maybe you aren't secure in your sexuality, but real men don't give a fuck about that.

polite sage


Burger here, are unis in the UK cucked? I'm about to study over there.

>(we don't, but vidya seems to be the only thing he can conect people with, and I'm aparently the only one in the family that knows anything about video games)

On one hand I wouldnt wish crushing debt and all these things on my worst enemy's children.

On the other hand, the kid in question is rather the numale himself and wants to go to cuckcanada instead lel

I wonder what's gonna happen.
However I'm trying quite hard not to get involved.

Kek. Sure you would.

he could always be an IT-guy user.

University is a meme.

Have you heard of Jack Buckby, Emmerson Collier or Alex Davies?

This is your problem, the internet is the only resource you need for STEM subjects.

would DeVry be a good college to go to?

Fuck no

A little more in-depth?

and yes, I mean the one in jew jersey.

Everything on the other side of the pond is cucked harder than in Europe.
amerimutts are just full of shit.

This is some next level subliminal suggestion. I don't see how those exact colors and in those exact positions could be an accident.

do you like being in debt while getting no skills? then go to devry

It is the responsibility of every man to be fit. Fat fucks and skinny fags are worthless. Weakness of body (besides disease and shit) reveals weakness of mind.

I wouldn't recommend college for anything other than STEM or business. It's not a meme if you aren't a C student. Go to a decent state school instead. Less debt and more job opportunities. To pick out your college, look at job fairs at the college you're thinking of attending and see if any company you'd like to attend recruit there. If they don't then don't go there.

Dont worry first year its not bad, watch some Equality videos, take some quizzes. Laugh it off. Might need a "general" course or two on We waz kings and Evil White People, but that should be all. Also at least for me the field is a joke, other than the Math. They will take 3 years to teach all the basics that should take only a month. Last year is just a pinch harder.

This. There are far too many people here and in Europe that are just letting this garbage go on unopposed.

They become gender studies professors.

It's not always that easy. Depending on the school you go to, there can be punishment if you dissent too much. People don't like to spend tens of thousands of dollars only to have it be a waste because they got kicked out for saying the wrong thing.

In these circumstances, I think the best way to show opposition is to word a question in such a way that their own biases are redirected against them.

For example:
"What protections are there in place to ensure that minority students are fairly treated during the course of harassment proceedings? For example, can students accused of a crime reasonably expect privacy or anonymity so that professors and fellow students cannot abuse them?"

By explicitly injecting "underprivileged" students into the equation, you force them to either acknowledge how the disciplinary system is biased against those accused of committing a crime, or that their policy is "guilty until proven innocent." This should be enough to wake up anyone in the room with an IQ over 100 that something shady is going on. Either that, or it forces them to say aloud that you have certain rights during an investigation, which you can use as a shield later should you find yourself unfairly accused of a crime.

"Does the university consider deliberate false reporting of sexual harassment a form of sexual harassment? For example, if someone falsely accuses a transgender student of unwanted physical contact, would the university punish the person who accused xir?"
Again, by injecting one of their precious protected classes into the discussion, you get them to explicitly describe the actual mechanism by which they dole out punishments. Even if you can't get them to admit their underlying motive, you can at least disarm them of their more popular tactics.

"Under Title IX, if a biological male dresses and behaves as a woman in an attempt to engage in sexual activity with a biological female who identifies as lesbian, would that be considered sexual harassment if she only consents to sexual activity with women?"

"If a student explicitly refuses to date men outside of her race, is that violation of Title IX?"

I could do this all day.

I am a sophomore at a small, private university where I am majoring in a STEM degree.

I was redpilled a few years before entering college, so I knew a little about what to expect. However, I was not expecting to be blackpilled as much as I have been. I am required to take six poz classes that will never help me in life. The student body is about 60% White. 90% of the decent looking White females are whores (There is one Swedish female I know at my school who is dating a Moroccan). The White males tend to be degenerate or stupid, or a combination of both. I simply tolerate the people I hang out with.

Literally irrelevant. Taking one test on poz is vastly preferable to taking an entire course in poz.


But seriously. Life sucks. :(

what the hell are you on about?

because they stink like fish and look like whales?