Offical Homo Thread
Post gay shit
Offical Homo Thread
I don't think Dysnomia is part of the gay community
oh okay. Pls post different stuff btw, this is just shitty filler stuff
I'm Bisexual but I've come to the conclusion that Penis>Vagina 100%.
Hiya Daddy
You came to the right conclusion user. 2D boys > 3D boys > 2D grils > 3DPD grils imo.
Why even
It's literally a stinky egg hole with dead flesh in the form of flaps on the side, with both the peehole directly above it and the poophole directly below it. It's just gross and dirty and generally buttholes are way easier to clean making butts vastly superior to 3DPD vagoo flesh.
your cock doesn't think that way when it wants to have sex with a vagina or the fact that you get arOUsed by it. i'm bisexual but i'm not a brainwashed person who just parrots word for word the "vaginas are gross" meme
There, I posted the gayest thing I could think of.
feels bad man
why does that girl have a penis?
some girls have them.
based pence
based 8D trump
I need some advice homos, the cuteboy at my work just broke up with his boyfriend, I want to make a move but no one knows I'm gay, and I'm worried he's a slut, he looks kind of like this pic.
Omg you should just talk to him. He's probably lonely and you should tell him that you'd be glad to be there for him, and he'd appreciate the honesty.
Just make sure he's not a slut first lol.
thats my problem, he was on grindr looking for a boyfriend the day after so i don't know, and I'd need to get closer to him and become more than coworkers without anyone thinking I'm gay
I… user, ask him how often he uses grindr or watch him to see for yourself. Grindr is such a degenerate website full of all the grossest gays. Be extra cautious pls
kill yourselves
That's not a very nice thing to say on Holla Forums Holla Forums >:^(
Should AJ be the official mascot of the gay community?
Even straight men think vaginas are disgusting. Who do you think came up with the "pulling a grilled cheese sandwich apart" joke? A straight man. Gay men talk about dick like it's the most delicious thing they've ever had. Lesbians salivate over the thought of a nice, tight, moist cunt. Straight men just fuck it and pretend it's not there afterwards.
will do, he is a real qt and so caring and nice, I just wish he was a virgin. He is great at his job but people don't appreciate him, I'm going to tell him how great he is.
closet homo
he is