Infiltrating and Subverting HRC's campaign

Input your zip code, find campaign events near you.

Our goal is to infiltrate, subvert, demoralize, divide, and dismantle the campaign from within. Within one day, imagine the damage a subtle user could do to a group of voters with a phone line, imagine how productive we could be going door to door with her campaign.

We can find important players in grassroot areas, dox them, and demoralize them. Infiltrating call centers gives us access to information on potential voters, interns, and limited insider information.

If we actively work to subvert and demoralize the campaign, we can directly change her ability to organize and campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:

We have threads on if adult breastfeeding is degenerate, and countless threads where CTR is shilling.

We can strike back at them where it hurts.

You are months late, user,
We have had agents on the inside since the very start, why do you think her campaign is such an endless string of fuckups, ads that make Trump look better and dumping millions of their funds in shills that do nothing?

This is highly illegal and dangerous OP.

You are too late too faggot


How embarrassing is it to be you?

Hello fellow trump supporter 1488 and all that.

Why exactly do we hate Hillary again?

It was the jews right?
Heil Hitler.

We hate Hillary because the Clinton Foundation stole $2 billion from earthquake relief funds for Haïtan niggers. If Haïti didn't suck so bad they'd all stop coming here, so Hillary is the direct cause of yet another wave of third world half-ape barbarians desperately trying to immigrate to our white utopia.

Why is it illegal? Do tell. eats popcorn

This dumbass actually thinks racism is illegal. What a retard.

I'm almost disappointed with how fast that shill folded. CTR isn't sending its best, folks! Sad!

i did it for bernie but your scared to do it for hillary?

Umm. OP was not suggesting racism. OP was suggesting to infiltrate Hillary's campaign to subvert it from inside. I can't see how this could be illegal - the most It could be, is a breach of contract - a civil matter. Do enlighten me, if this is not the case.

She's doing no campaign events near me at all.
I love this little tagline at the bottom of her site, very Huffington Post-ish
"Paid for by Hillary for America, a grassroots campaign of over 2 million donors committed to
electing Hillary Clinton (and keeping Donald Trump out of the White House). "

Insincerely joining a political campaign is not illegal you fucking retard.

I imagine plenty of her real followers are insincere anyway

you're the retard. lrn3rd

Haha she has a bunch of phonebanker's home addresses, right there, available for mapping. Why you could send anything to those residences. Pizzas, Mormons, or just knock on the door and ask if they have a moment to talk about our Lord and Savior, Kek.

Why not get /baph/ to fuck with her website?

Go back to shill school. If people want to put their neck out with a breach of contract, that is their prerogative. Do you really think Hillary is going to start suing her campaign staff for being insufficiently loyal? Give me a fucking break.

Actually that seems like exactly what she'll start doing as she dips in the polls and gets crazier and crazier punching herself out at shadows. Or she'll employ Señor Barbell to do the talking

remember what happened last time they fucked with a federal judge?

Hi, I am calling you from Hillarys campaign, mau I ask you how you will be voting? You do know thr she has health issues and has commited Treason? And takes bribed though the Clinton foundation ?

Or you cn arm the phone lines and shill for Trump.

Or go door to door and act like a total degenerate, be fucking rude in her name.

Oh god, this IS damaging

I think this should be sticky'd.

They want to fuck with us, this is a spiked dildo retaliation. The amount of data one of us can get is going to be hueg and more insightful than /gg/'s digging.

Even rumors of this happening in the shillary campaign will create massive clusterfucks on their staff and volunteers.

What's your problem, nigger. Learn to fucking read, you double-retard. user said that joining Hillary's campaign with false pretenses is criminal, all I did, was that I said it's breach of contract AT MOST. How the hell am I shill for pointing this out, you faggot?

Yeah, so is Hillary fuckwad. Do you think Speical Access Program is on your home servers is like having Angry Birds and Plants and Zombies?

Or rigging the democrat party?

I'm wracking my brains to see how we could fuck up Hillary's campaign worse than it already is. She basically has no campaign other than the entire MSM.

Harassing phonebankers in person? Priceless



LIKE [email protected]/* */

This alone on their mailing lists will increase the panic. its like auto D&C!!

If they do phonebanking, join it, but ignore the script. Say stuff like - Hillary needs to get to the White House or she can't make the crimes to go away and she'll end up in prison. It's the CURRENT YEAR and womyn shouldn't go to prison for anything…

No need to be so carelessly bold. Not being able to tell your enemy apart from your ally is the biggest mindfuck of them all.

Make the email seem as legit as possible.





If they check their server logs, they will see a ton of HTTP referrals for the very thread which linked to them, and then they'll know exactly what's going on.


This ensures that the information will remain available if the original goes offline.


So, for example:


http:// google .com

Those spaces require the user to copy/paste the link and remove the spaces, thus preventing users from clicking the link, which prevents the enemy site from getting HTTP referrals for the thread linking them.

Yeah, a retard got shot because he was retarded and had shit opsec


Retarded shill, we need to go direct to the Hillary site to use its API and get street addresses for phonebankers and other campaign staff. I'd say good try, but this wasn't even a good try.



oh, I see what you mean. Type in the URL in your browser bar manually people.

I just had a thought…. Rember wikileaks picture?
Could it be that Hillary has been using U.S. military for contract killings with drones? Is this what the new upcoming leak could be about?

Is it possible to correlate anyone important who has died in a US. drone strike and correlate them with Clinton Foundation donors? Even if it's not true, allegations that Hillary took money from foreign businessmen and then had Obummer drone their business rivals, would be pretty lulzworthy.

This post alone confirms that you are both not from here and are falsely pushing a narrative.
That other user was 100% correct about http referrals.

bump because srsly


Good luck finding out who they are, lul!

Good. This will cause a massive cluster fuck for their campaign. Now they have no idea who is who, and it's going to force them to buckle down.

While they may have suspected this for sometime, they'd never have thought that it would be a ploy by larger groups of user.

Trolling only works so much, if we're going to bring down our opposition, we must bring the fight to them. In public we can be ostracized and black balled for being Trump voters, within the Clinton campaign we can take our memes and trolling to another level.

We can use her own campaign as a platform to begin dropping redpills and memes. They won't be able to stop us. If we get even 100 anons to take part, we will have significant subversion power at the grassroots level.

Idiot, the point is that this is something all anons can do right now, real quick, and with zero risk.

We WANT to shake them up. No matter what they will never be able to tell whos rly a Trump shill in person.


Like I said, its literally a light automatic Divide and Conquer tactic. They will doubt real supporters and infight

I don't even know anymore

It's just as well that we're all Philip K Dick levels of paranoid about shilling. Keeps us sharp. I did misunderstand him though, I thought he was suggesting we just take a screenshot of Hillary's site and archive it.


I wonder if we could write a script to get all the phonebanker addresses into a single doc?



Beat them at their own game, user.

Use the COINTELPRO tactics that they've used on us against them.

Heir ist freunde



Could it be that there is something in Hillary taking money for drone strikes - using US. military for assassinations for cash?


Anons, you glorious bastards. Remember, Donald Trump's campaign requires all of their volunteers to provide personal information, and they pick and choose whom they want.

They subverted out board. They shilled our Holla Forums. Dish some payback.

No amount of rationalization makes what you said any less retarded. This is not a simple "troll and leave XD" operation, this is a long game.
Fuck you, shill.


Really all we have to do is find concrete proof that the clintons ar not paying their dues to the IRS. They can bust anyone.

Imagine one of these phonebankers looking outside their living room window and seeing… a handful of protestors. With Trump hats. Yelling about Pepe.

There is nothing we can do on the Internet that would be terrify the HRC camp like that, IMO.

Imagine receiving a phone call from the Hilary Clinton Campagin asking you if your interested in recieving a rare Pepe with your donation.

What is this, supposed to get us away from this thread by using porn?

Or we could even volunteer to BE those phonebankers! We could then have access to all of it!

Access to what? Donor information, I suppose? Put it on Pastebin? Not trying to cut you down, trying to understand the pros and cons here.

YES goy masturbate and release your masculine energies!

Can we enroll bots in their phonebank that claim to have called numbers they never called?

It's not just donor information.

I've worked phones in campaigns before. With some digging, you'll have access to all registered democrat voters in the area, volunteers, local campaign coordination, staff member contact and personal information, not to mention you'll have a direct line into the campaign.

You know of all the events happening locally. This information is invaluable.

Remember, we're trying to demoralize the opposition, if we can even do this 10 or 20 times in different campaign centers, it's going to cause massive problems from within.

Imagine the actual HRC campaign getting shilled from within. The levels of paranoia will cause them to make mistakes, and give us an opportunity to do our part.

It is completely legal, as well.

That's the thing.

Once your inside, you can just take the phone numbers and pastebin them.

Imagine the news headlines if a local HRC call center 'accidentally leaked' all the registered democrat voters information. The thing is that all of this is public information, except we can't get access to it without paying a hefty fee.

Releasing this information, and using it to sell rare Pepe's brings the meme magic to life.

Imagine the look on the faces of the upper echelon of her campaign staff when they realize they can't mount a grassroots campaign.

It breaks them down further, allowing our subversion tactics to continue demoralizing them.


Up you go




Mods are being faggots today, sadly.



keep up the good work team gamerfood

There was that one user that claimed to be working for the campaign and sabotaging her because she is a yuge bitch and mistreats everyone. I don't think we have actual Holla Forumsacks on the inside, just a lot of people fed up with her bullshit and crashing the campaign with no survivors for the lulz.

Nigger, the IRS is not reliable for that kind of thing anymore, especially after the Lois Lerner scandal, the IRS is good at shaking down goyim for shekels, as far as enforcing tax laws against elites is concerned they are totally useless and compromised.

Absolutely right!
We have to hang ALL the niggers, everywhere! Women, children, babies, just kill them all!

90 percent of drone strikes kill civilians along with the intended targets, and no one gives a fuck, drone contract killings would be a very easy racket to run tbh.

This should be a general tactics thread, specific details about who is being infiltrated when, where, etc. cannot be posted because CTR lurks.

This is a great idea, and it doesnt even really matter if they know about it. What ar they gonna do, pull the internet search history of every volunteer?

Hell, just letting them think they are being infiltrated would be hilarious andeffective. Not that we shouldnt actually do it though. We can pass as one of them in person, they cant even play one of us convincingly on the internet. We should use that against them.

The years of trolling have prepared us for this

They will be so paranoid about who's on the level and whoI isnt.
I'll make some phone calls for Shillary

This is the way to go Holla Forums

This. what a bummer. Make a the OP look like bait.

Live in Tualatin, going to this event if there are any other anons near the Portland, OR area that want to join in. Also, some bitch is hosting it in her home… so doxx.

Sun, Sep 18, 2016, 2:00pm – 5:00pm PDT
Phone Bank in Tualatin!

Home of Sharon Korter
4405 SW Halcyon Rd Tualatin, Oregon 97062

Mods could fix this by having a wordfilter for any URL, forcing anons to either break the link or archive.

What people used to do in the raid days was redirect links through another site, so the request logs on the enemy site won't show the true referral. It does leave an identifiable pattern though, so breaking links would be more effective.

There are numerous browser plugins that will forge request headers, I suggest you find a good one. uMatrix will do this as well as other mitigations.

are you saying that without anons her campaign wouldn't have had a bunch of fuckups and wasted shitloads of money?

but i see your point.

southern russian chainsaw sculpting network is best maim


This is about stepping it the fuck up, user

Is anyone wearing any Bernie merch to Shillary rallies? I've been shilling for the emperor as a Bern Victim here in commiefornia. No one suspects a thing.

Any anons out there that want to an hero and take some scum with them?

Tue, Aug 30, 2016, 7:30pm – 10:00pm MST
Tucson Primary Night Watch Party
Brother John's Beer, Bourbon & BBQ
1801 N. Stone. Ave Tucson, Arizona 85705
Join Congressman Grijalva, Congressional District 2 Candidates Victoria Steele and Matt Heinz, and many other Democratic Legislative and Local Candidates for Pima County Democratic Party's Primary Night Celebration! We are stronger together!

Or we could just put on the Red Hats and stir some shit. whatever

Anyone in the Sioux Falls area interested in going tomorrow night? I could use some blackup.

Why was my post asking if anyone else wanted to go to a particular rally deleted? is it about opsec or something?

get on her fundraising list, then mail back the prepaid envelope empty.

I know a guy who puts random trash in prepaid return envelopes.

Now listen you glorious faggots.

This is how we're going to do it.

Having experience in the past with political campaigning, our first and foremost goal is to stop Hilary from establishing a grassroots campaign. Grassroots means on the very most basic of levels IE Local.

Hilary will win this election if she's can get hordes of unregistered voters, registered, and have them vote multiple times. Our operational goal is to dismantle, demoralize, and disrupt everything we can.

The likelihood of Hilary's campaign centers having active and centralized security outside of a mall cop or two is unlikely. Our goal is to infiltrate as many of these campaign centers, learn the information of all the staff working there. Anything else is secondary.

First and last names, what city they are from. Each of you here is beyond capable of manipulating some normies into small talk. You will note down all of that information. Pastebin it, and post it here. We will use that information to dox all of her volunteer staff.

After we've sold enough limited edition Pepe's to her volunteers, HRC's campaign will be forced to address from within, which will lead to leaks to the media. The media will get information that alt-right trolls and hackers on steroids have infiltrated Hilary's campaign.

Hilary will be forced to respond, with another "Alt-right" speech. If we play this correctly, we can force her campaign to wage a war on two fronts.

Donald Trump and our subversion.

Our ultimate goal is to dismantle any form of a grassroots campaign, which is where all of the drive to get voters registered, normie donations, and dismantle her from within.

Secondary goals include. Names of paid campaign workers, aside from volunteers, the people who are managing the campaign centers are our secondary target.

If we target campaign staff first, they can be replaced, the media can down play it. If we target volunteers it changes the narrative, this campaign is built off of volunteers, without them they have nothing. Paid staff can be replaced, volunteers are much more difficult to find.

Working from within the campaign, we can use her campaign centers as platforms of subversion. Using call centers, we can subtlety control and know who is called, and what is said to them.

Imagine if for one hour you are on her phone lines, using her phones to sell potential voters Pepes, Mudkips, or dancing hitlers?

If you are daring, all the important information is centralized in one office. Getting access to that office is dangerous, but can give us everything we need. If you could plant a subtle recording device, or drop a thumb drive and upload a program into the system, you can access all of the insider information possible.

Releasing that information here dismantles everything they've worked on.

Remember you glorious faggots, CTR came here and fucked up our board, our site, and harassed countless innocent anons. We can get our payback.

Dress to impress.
Act like a normie.
Get the names of as many volunteers as possible.
Demoralize voters with the phone lines.
Get all information you can.
Pastebin it here.
We will work with /I/ and /baph/ to dox them.
We will sell and send them so many Pepes that they won't know what to do.
Within a matter of weeks, it will be leaked.
The media will focus on this as a major issue, forcing Hilary to address it instead of issues.

Good job, user. You've costed HRC time, money, resources, and did your part.

fuck off CTR

she won't get grass roots besides the trump fear mongering. She doesn't need grassroots because the vote is rigged.
Best thing you can do is make sure local gov and congress stay red enough to protect gun rights.
Once Clinton is on the Golden Throne mankind will be able to navigate the warp. She has already begun the process to life support.

She needs a stool to get into an SUV, holy crap its time to put grandma in an old folks home.


One of us is showing up to this meeting, it's a public establishment.

Grijalva needs his record corrected in real life, faggot.

What we don't want is another Chanology.

What's important to know is that we aren't breaking the laws either. Your simple goal is to go out, meet volunteers, get their full name, what city the live in, if possible a picture.

We will dox them.

It will get around, and the plug will be pulled on any form of grass root bullshit. Remember, the media will be informed of this, and it will force Hilary to address us instead of actual issues. If she looks like a tin foil, it plays into our favor.

None of you are to meet up or coordinate in person. All you need to know is that you won't be giving your last name out, and you'll be making up a city that you reside in.

No volunteers. No campaign. Remember, these people, they have been subverted, they are against you. No matter how beautiful she is, no matter how kind they are to you, they are working towards the downfall of West Civilization.


That was all a ruse cruise to shake off the heat, just like when Benji said he left for China.

Holy shit you are so obviously new and/or underage I can smell it through my screen. Lurk moar or gb2reddit.


She's establishing grassroots voter registration and donation pooling. If we actively work within her campaign against her own workers from the shadows, she can't do any of this.

A big part of winning an election is having a strong volunteer base. Smash that and we will win.


We aren't broadcasting we're fucking Trump supporters. We're infiltrating HRC campaign. Violence only works against us, you cuckholding kike.

We're making America Great Again by dismantling, disrupting, and demoralizing our enemies campaign. God damn dude, get away from the keyboard, and learn to lurk.

So did a bunch of redditfaggots from the_donald, who also screamed CTR for weeks at anybody who questioned Trump threads that consisted of nothing more than shitty reddit memes. Holla Forums will always have shills. Every single faggot who posted on a shill thread without sageing is just as guilty. Fuck even if you did sage you are still part of the problem. Report them and say nothing.

The mods are compromised.

That thread was tinfoil-tier. None of those examples look like CTR.

It was literally the same day as pic 3 released.

And this is only a few days after MSNBC has been shilling us on the News for 3 days, and the HRC speech.

They are trying to set us up and use us. What do you think all these MSM reports and high level trolling are all about. They will push internet censorship.

I don't doubt CTR is here, i'm just saying the examples in that 2nd pic don't really look like CTR imo.

And? That it? Tell me something I don't know, as far as I'm concerned it's yet another attempt I mean really the TPP will do that just as well if not better then this. And CTR is basically pissing in a river of piss, the only novel thing about that pic is that they'll simply have their own dudes carry out the conversations themselves and simply give the pics to the media to post.

Wooptie doo, is already well known thanks to Holla Forums anyways so they really fucked up if they think it's gonna do anything.


Hilary's speech was incredibly low energy. It appeared tinfoil and lowered her polling ratings. We want her to make us a target, it weakens her position.

I'm not going to argue you with you about the intentions of the media or if the board has been compromised. I'm going to argue with you that this election is ours to seize, so keep the discussion on how this topic applies to a HRC loss.

I'm a registered republican, not likely to get far unless I pretend to be #nevertrump

Its not. Its a new set of shills that just showed up yesterday, but I exposed their stupid threads, because they are nothing like normal Holla Forums gore threads.

More like,

Have you not watched MSNBC in the last 3 days???

Like half the coverage is on le ebil internt nazi frogs.


The TPP doesn't mean shit if HRC loses. Stop fighting amongst yourselves and start fighting the real enemy.

Yes, and? They've been doing this shit since shortly after the first exodus. We're pretty much pedophiles and Hotwheels is pure evil who somehow managed to be a wife beater with a woman who could out walk him and eat him whole if she wanted to.

Seconding this. You've nothing of value to contribute until you've lurked at least 2 years, newfag.

Point is we are winning just buy drawing them out, they think they will use us.

We need to pull a samurai and use their attack against them.

Stop all and any violence threads or GTKRWN and just push the idea of White Genocide 100%.

We need focus not bullshit shitposting now.

Trump is throwing the election
Black Sox 2

Diebold will count the votes for Hillary.
but even if they didn't you cannot infiltrate the grass roots effectively unless you coopt each registration cell. You can't do that. Most cells have already been operating for weeks.
and I'm telling you that is just a cover to make the rig look better.

You can call me defeatist but lets revisit this topic in November. codephrase is "Pence is an idiot."

Besides, isn't this whole thread just for screen shots so she can prove the "alt-right wing vast conspiracy Benghazi" are out to get her?

MUH MSNBC AND LIBERAL MEDIA. They need an oppressor, for this week or month, we're that oppressor, next month it'll be someone else.



Just look at this shit in the Weev thread. They are trying to build a narrative.

All I am saying is if you want to fuck with them



The plan is to basically post threads, then have their own guys start talking to eachother, then basically making 8/pol/ look like nuKKK by screencapping their own posts, ?????, profit. Sounds like a shit plan, Holla Forums is already considered to be a Nazi haven.


CTR has been shilling this board. We have the emails and background to prove it you POZZED kike. We're returning the favor.

I have been disavowing violence since I started this thread.

The mind of the normie is easily manipulated. But none of that matters so as long as we win this election.


no shit, but they will plan shit here, then have operatives carry out actual violence IRL and then blame it on us.

You didn't read the entire post, they are planning arrests.


nice shill.

Just go read how they setup white nationalist movements in the 60's and 70's

They are not fucking around because we are winning now.

They will carry out OKC's and blame the evil haxor known as Holla Forums.

The last Clinton presidency THEY DID EXACTLY THAT. YOU FUCKING KIDS.


Where exactly do you actually say that in your previous post? It's just mass wide concern Trolling psyop. For arrests well you've always been at risk of being arrested from browsing this site.

Read this shit.


I don't give a fuck. Period. Seriously. GTFO. No one here does.





Get caught up on the Clintons standard operating procedure. They do not fuck around and the recent DNC deaths should let you know that. They will use us and then carry out false flags, I'm not kidding. Clinton's speech was not just some lulz. This is the big time now. You fags don't remember the 90's.

I ain't reading all that shit when you didn't even put it in your first post, fuck off and kill yourself.

You're trying to distract everyone from the main goal. How the fuck is anyone but you a shill?

ok, see you in November. What will you say in November when Clinton "wins"?

You really think the entire MSM would back Clinton and then they would let the voters decide?

It was Soapy Smith counting votes in Salt Lake City that broke Mormon control.

You really think the establishment will let trump take power? Really?

Start working on your ego protection for November.

find something on the vote rigging and they you'll have something, maybe. dig at diebold and maybe you'll find a bone.

Read the fucking post. This thread subject is straight out of the leaked conversation.

This is actually not a bad idea.

Just call random people and say shit like 'Well, I know there's been a lot of controversy regarding HC's involvement in the Benghazi scandal/DNC scandal/Whitewater scandal/Waco massacre.

Actually, hold on while I grab my copypasta.

All you need to do is go and get real photos of the tiny crowds

Who do they think we are??

Anons are a digital version of a nearly perfect army.
There is no chain of command or leadership to eliminate.
Because there is no leadership they are completely unpredictable. You cannot plan against them.
If their gathering place is destroyed they can easily move to any other.
They are composed of all races, income brackets, nationalities, and backgrounds. You cannot tell them apart from your closest friends.
Truly, the only weakness of user is to direct the energies of the sum group in one direction.
The best way to do that is challenge them to their favorite game.
Only this time we move into the physical realm.

When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.

Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.
Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovered of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.

Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign. Many younger voters will have no knowledge of “Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson – and the White House Travel Office refused to comply. She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House. Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.

Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were: · She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones. · She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr’s investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. · Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for lying under oath to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives. · Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath. · After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.

Now we are exposed to: the destruction of incriminating emails(That she didn't get indicted for) while Hillary was Secretary of State, the blatant rigging of the 2016 Democratic caucus and equally blatant mistreatment of Bernie voters, and the “pay to play” schemes of the Clinton Foundation – we have no idea what shoe will fall next.

Use this as a resource while you fake Hillary phone bank. Call a random number(USE OPSEC YOU AUTISTIC FUCK) and say shit like 'Well, I know HRC has faced a lot of criticism for -insert scandal here-, but don't you want America's first woman president?' Just sound as whiny and annoying as possible, while at the same time mentioning her numerous scandals offhand. Good luck

And you're are falling into the trap of losing your shit over it. You are just as a much a part of the problem because worrying about it is part of how those psyops works otherwise it just flounders because nobody cares and does their own thing then go on some goose chase or do what some guys tell you to while you're in a panic.


More resources to use. Any other anons have suggestions on how best to apply these stories?

1. - - Trump flies sick child to hospital.

2. - Trump flies 200 stranded Marines home.

3. - Remember that Marine that Mexico held captive? Trump helped him too.

4. - Trump intervenes in a mugging.

5. - - Bus driver prevents suicide, Trump rewards him for it.

6. - Trump saves elderly woman's farm from (((bankers))).

7. - - Trump fights for black rights in Florida.

8. - Trump shelters Jennifer Hudson, provides security detail after the murder of her family.

9. - Couple helps Trump after his limo breaks down, he pays their mortgage off in return.

10. - Trump saves Ed McMahon's house, lets him keep living in it.

11. - - Trump takes over failing city project, finishes it ahead of schedule and under budget.

12. - - Trump helps terminally ill woman

13. - Trump forces city to allow him to fly huge American flag, cuts deal that helps veterans in the process

14. - Trump conducts a job interview in the middle of a press conference

15. - Trump helps girl with bone disease(Webm needed)

16. - 93 page list of Trump's donations over 5 years

17. - Trump interviewed at Ground Zero of 9/11, brings 200+ of his own workers to aid in search and rescue efforts(Webm needed)

18. - Trump gives Miss USA, Tara Conner, a second chance after she fails a drug test

19. - Trump helps Jim Herman(Pro golfer) reach the Masters

20. - - Trump helps Newtown business, has them make all his campaign material

Your psyops won't work on me. Your an idiot to just say "do nothing faggot" "just wait for hitler"

We know their psyops, its easy to counter them. All these threads the past 3 days are out of character for Holla Forums and anyone can see it.

Bullshit violence threads distract from the fact, we are wining the info war we need to just push forward.


We're going to win this fucking election. "But muh November."


"Muh MSM"


Get your shit out of your head, and start working to MAGA!


Welp, best we can do is hope the site is as well monitored as her email server.

I'm going to get flak for this one I'm sure, but I don't care that much. Any vote we steal from Hillary is another small victory. Be it a black vote, a gay vote, or any other vote.

If you are Gay, why are you voting for Hillary when she wants to bring in millions of refugees that believe gays should be executed?

If you are Black, why are you voting for Hillary when she defends Planned Parenthood and admires Margaret Sanger, who wanted to abort as many black babies as possible and exterminate the black race because they are like "weeds." Most of those clinics are in Black neighborhoods.

If you are a Woman, how can you vote for Hillary when she has buried all of Bill's rape victims under the rug. As an attorney, Hillary also defended the rapist of a 12-year old girl and laughed about it later. She plays the woman-card and acts entitled; implying that she deserves your vote merely because of her sex. How is that gender neutral?

If you have are a Miner, Steelworker or have a Factory job, why are you voting for Hillary when she supported NAFTA and TPP, and workers are being laid off because jobs are going overseas? She also welcomes open borders and illegals to get benefits with your tax money and compete for our jobs. Hillary boasts that under her administration miners and steelworkers will lose their jobs.

If you are a Law abiding citizen, how can you vote for Hillary when she is clearly above the law? Hillary deleted thousands of secret e-mails *after* they had been subpoenaed by the courts (illegal). Hillary kept thousands of classified and top secret e-mails on her private server; servers that had less security that g-mail and Hotmail. You can be sure Russia, Iran, and China have those now. The DNC clearly broke the rules by heavy-handedly favoring Hillary over Sanders while they were still competing for the nomination.

If you are a Veteran, in the military, or closely related to a military member, why are you voting for Hillary when she left those men to die in Benghazi and had the nerve to lie about it over and over again? They called for help, but the help was told to stand down. Furthermore, Hillary wants to eliminate the NRA, take away your guns, and abolish the second amendment.


I didn't say "do nothing" I'm saying "stop losing your shit over it", your giving them more agency then they really have by obsessing over it. You keep that up then one day you'll be caught by gaslighting.



You don't necessarily have to get involved with her campaign to do phone bank "for" her. Get a phone book in a swing state and call up some urban neighborhoods.

lol no



Or…we could convince the truckers of America to strike for two weeks. And then take advantage of the chaos.


Some more items of interest. - Ignore the faggoty article, pay attention to Signal. How do we infiltrate/crack this app? - More Hillary scandals. - Something else we can mention in phonebanking. - MLK's niece endorses Trump.

You shill thread is stupid. No one on this board will leave their mothers basement.

No one is going to a HRC office to do anything and if you were a regular visitor here, you would know that.




Mods, please delete shill and derailment posts.

be advised

if you happen to volunteer for the God emperor either by helping him campaign, be a voting station volunteer under the republican ticket, or volunteer for ethical voting observation, you're on paper and bet your ass (((they))) have a copy.

sounds like tommy chong, i cant stop laughing

Oh boy look what we got here, the classic "perma-virgin loser" name calling tactic. You're too easy to spot Mr.Noseberg, I'll give you 75 out of 100 for trying though, maybe next time.

And if you've supplied any information to Trump's website, his team has already disseminated it for (((them))). Thanks Trump!

It's called a joke you fucking retard.

Haven't they been doing exactly this for a few days already?

Hey. Hillary mentioned us in her fucking speech. Do you think they don't know about 8ch?

Contact info for the Hillary campaign in Dane County Wisconsin.


And now they haven't newfriend. Besides it would fuck over mega, desu and other links, faggot

I want that in 1920x1080 please fam

search "jap nip trump commercial" on jewtube and you can screencap it at any size

I signed up and will be working a call center for a 3 hour shift. I will most likely play it straight, do a few legit calls, read the script for the first 30 mins or so, just in case supervisors are listening in. After that, what should I say to the people I call? Should I start listing statistics? Read a pro-Trump script? Can some user come up with a script?


Don't be too obvious about it. Just say shit like 'I know you've probably heard a lot about the x scandal, but'

If they want to know more about x scandal, just pretend you're nervous and don't want to answer. It'll make them curious.

if youre not a shill, calmly go back to reddit

if shill, you know how it works moshe. into the showers you go.

Forgot to add, it also gives you plausible deniability. If your boss is listening in and hears you giving a blatantly pro Trump pitch, you're fired. If he hears you just not being very good at shilling for Hillary, maybe he'll give you a few pointers, and you'll know for sure he's listening.

what are you, fucking retarded?
just because it looks like x to you doesnt make it so

you reddit fags need to go back

Retard, newfag or shill, please listen.


If anything, I'd say the real tactic going on is the same one they used to kill GG. ei shill for >muh pr and centrism until the board collapses.

They're going to push internet censorship no matter what we do, retard.

Dubs confirm.

PDX user here. I will be there.
Subversion at a location sounds fun!

Subversion is illegal when our enemies do it!!

shill detected

Dats right goyim, no one will know your a plant if you just post it on the interwebz on a board compromised by MSNBC and CTR.

You can just walk right in to a private residence and carryout out your plan. Real easy like. No way its a trap or anything.

aren't you forgetting CNN, FBI and CIA?

This is why we don't get shit done other rhan on the web. we don't want to organize because of ((("plants")))

that last McDonald call is lol

well you don't plan it on a public board being actively monitored by MSNBC and the HRC campaign.

You are full of shit

I went into the black lives matter march filled with want to be Bolsheviki. I recorded the activity to show people what they do.

Only a pussy bitch would fear Hillary campaign.

maybe i don't like making a new Throw-away email every time i have to mess with the Clinton camp.
[email protected]/* */

the only people who need to fear her are politicians that are going to testify against her.
A good lot of them mysteriously end up falling headfirst into a bullet.

Fucking nigs.

no one know what looks like you discouraging faggot.

I was not attacked. Hillary's people are just as incompetent and arrogant as the communist sympathizers. They would miss an entire elephant under their nose.

Only problem is once you show face and act, you cannot intervene in ways that show face again as they will recognize you.

You do not play their game, you make your own game where they don't know the rules. like internet influence. They cannot win against mechanisms they did not build or control from beginning.

You seek out info and bring info to public. You have to selectively seek info that public will react to.

Volunteer infiltrators are very damaging to political parties all over the world as they have access. Hillary is not invincible or smart.

I wouldn't underestimate HRC if I were you. Remember, she has gotten to the top of the Democrat political scene, somehow. I'm not saying she's a genius, far from it, but she's not an idiot - At least, not when she's functioning. She's at least competent enough to get where she is today, even factoring in feminism and the other assorted bullshit we're up against. She's definitely not invincible, though, I can agree with you there.

All according to my plan. Holla Forums will now become an automated Nazi shitposting collective.

Ubermensch can take the day off and go fishing, get some fresh air, and sire Aryan offspring. CTR untermensch will pick up your slack and keep the h8train going. Hell, they will get even more extreme than we are once freed from the limiting factors of our sanity and good sense.

Welcome, CTR, you are only speeding up the inevitable. Niggers, amirite?

HRC is a kike puppet and we all know it. Soros has his hand up her ass.

But as for assembly, I'm gonna go to one of her rallies and when the time is right subvert from within as well as shout "pepe" whenever she brings up the Alt-right.

Good idea guys

What if we did this but for trump

Then blame the Clinton campaign

That would work right

That's so potato it just might nigger.

Well, unlike the others, I went through the trouble of reading that wall of text.
Even if the manufactured "alt-right" burns, it'll only set the fuse for the left's destruction. Just look at /k/, if they caught wind of something like that happening to them personally on a mass scale, all hell would break loose.
Officers won't want to arrest individuals where the risk of loss of life is so high that there is a good chance they will certainly not see their families again, and then the use of force would be so egregious that it would be incredibly challenging to hide as simple police action.
When you force a wild animal into a corner, it'll only fight that much more savagely, and the political left is soft as fresh churned butter when it comes to acting in an asymmetrical field, they can only succeed when using overwhelming force. That acts directly against them in the long run.
"1" is so close to actually coming to this conclusion, but completely oversteps it because he's obsessed with this idea of "social capital," which is meaningless when the fight becomes flesh-and-blood physical.
Besides, the "Alt-right" is without definition, Holla Forums isn't necessarily alt-right, and even derides the Spencer/NPI group as being degenerate and ineffective, and rightly so.
"1" is a fool that knows big words.


She seems smarter than she is because she gets her marching orders from a think tank. She's always been dogging behind one kike or another, whether it was Alinsky, Soros, or the CFR. They process the data, tell her what to do, and she does exactly that. The server issue only happened because of how fucking dumb she actually is. The moment (((they))) let her act on her own accord, she doesn't just drop the ball, she cuts it in half and shoves both halves down a prosecutor's gullet.

Also, that being said, I still agree with your point, but would amend it in saying that we shouldn't underestimate HRC's connections, instead of HRC herself. They've put an enormous amount of money behind her patented insanity, and some of those organizations have the balls to back that money up. Just look at the trail of bodies that's left wherever she goes in politics, it's insane. What we have to understand, is that there's incredibly weak links in the Clinton chain, and they'll be pretty easy to exploit if pressure is applied in the right direction, and given that any Holla Forumsacks who decide to take part in that pressure practice good opsec and don't out themselves like retards.

Good luck with that.
In the current state Holla Forums consists of 60% redditors and 40% Holla Forumsacks waiting for them to go back after this election.
I, for one, can't wait to see all your butthurt, when Trump sells you out.

You have 3 choices:

Choose wisely.


I think we know what needs to be done.

Do what bernfags did to big T

[email protected]/* */

is user for

pick one

Either link like OP or use archive, you retard. Otherwise, people click your link and CTR knows people come from here. Then, they get your header data and should they be desperate enough, they can use your exploit anchors like java, silverlight or some other shit you have on your browser. In the very least they send their shills here once they see referer stating massive influx of people from Holla Forums. You dumb nigger.


We have multiple email addresses for top DNC people. Why don't get get on guerrillamail or something like that and email them lots of ASCII Pepes and stuff like that so they keep talking about us and sound paranoid.

I go to the site to check it out and this is the first thing i see, now i'm no burger and correct me if i'm wrong here. after you guys vote does the government keep a record of who you vote for? cos im thinking this is some kind of test (see pic related) like if hilldog won and you agreed to the test but still voted trump its the fema camp for you run by sjws, even if you hit x you're still fucked.

please don't let that evil cunt win

I just remembered I have the archives of the old 'Correcting Correct The Record' threads saved.

Let me find them, there's some good shit in there.

Common Core has gone too far


Thread #1:
Thread #2:
Thread #3:
Thread #4:
Thread #5: - Some of the records/dox

Have fun digging.

sauce on the chat log? Seems like bullshit to me. Holla Forums has always been edgy and racist. I've been here since pre-Gamergate kiddo, and the reason Gamergate fell apart was because of newfags overly concerned about PR. You lose your spine, you have no more potency.

Stop aligning yourself with the alt-right anyways. CommonFilth predicted all of this.

I haven't watched MSNBC and neither has anyone else, judging by their ratings.

Why should I be (((concerned))), Mr. Shill?

I phone banked for bernie. The lulz were epic. The shillary campaign has been harder to infiltrate, but last week was a win. I managed to make sure at least 63 people are not voting for her.

Setec Astronomy


They are attempting to derail this thread with "MUH PSYOP" or "MUH SHILL" or "MUH COMPROMISED BOARD."


Look at the shill. Look at the shill and laugh.

Now this is the kind of post that makes OP look suspicious. And funnily enough nobody is actually going out of their way to do something that would be useful for you.

It is way too late for that, user. I worked on dozens of campaigns, including 2 presidential campaigns and newcomers are always given a chaperone and are not allowed anywhere near sensitive and important stuff. It takes weeks to move up the ranks, even if you have special talents, the only way you have a chance to infiltrate anything at this point is with stellar credentials from another democratic campaign or something like that. Campaigns, especially presidental campaigns are organized like the Mafia. You have to kill people to get ahead.

Holy shit user. If you had access to the right mobile phone data, you could coordinate your strike on a "known enemy" with proximity to an "innocent bystander" non-military target, getting the $ from the government contract for the military target and getting a black market hit fee for the non-military target.>>7288347

How is this not illegal?
The way I see it they might do it and get away with it but you guys shouldn't expect the same privilege. This should not be stickied, that's the same as the board owner condoning crime. Either way this is a public forum, and you're all fucking retards.

That's why it's stickied. Sleepers have been activated, with the goal of providing evidence of criminality on 8ch. This will be used to get 8ch and sites like it shut down on the grounds of being hubs of terrorism. It will also be used to discredit Trump.

I thought that might be it, thanks for clarifying.

Delete your account.

Sure, I am the shill, I am the troll. The intentions of whoever stickied a thread promoting criminal activities in the name of Trump, has the best interests of the board, the Trump campaign and the White race at heart.

It's (((pure coincidence))) that such a thread is prominently placed at the top of the catalogue, at a time when the board has just received mass advertising in the normalfag media and will be under heavy scrutiny by journalists, government agencies and law enforcement.

No sleeper agent could possibly have infiltrated moderation.



Have the top left as a single image? That's good bait

The thread isn't about "shitposting."

These are real life activities, not "shitposting". There are laws to punish that sort of felonious interference in the electoral process.

We're NEET shut ins. It's not our fault if we sperg about how we love hot Hillary x Huma lesbian sex fan fiction to potential voters.

Check your normalfag privilege.

Which paragraph? I am pretty sure that unless they resort to intimidation and don't lie that they are working for Hillary (They technically are, if they infiltrate) and are just doing a really shitty/counterproductive job, it's not illegal.


I need to add something here; minority votes are important.

You're all going to call me a faggot and attack me for daring to care about those filthy shitskin votes, I'm sure, but the fact is, the black vote is some %80 of Hillary's vote last I checked. If we take even ten percent of that from her, we've struck a major blow.

Maybe she's just gotten a lot dumber since the brain injury in 2012.


Even if you're full of shit, your implication must make some CTR managers butts pucker…


You disgusting fifth columnist
I love it

How deep does the secret user cabal go?

Project Mayhem must continue.

We pretended like we spent the sleepers when Sliverstring launched their operation called gamergate.

Long story short is that they won and got paid for creating gamergate from the beginning,

Their primary objective in the sale of 4chan was reached but we shit on their launch of basedgamer and ended up with a man on the inside, hence the recent Crash Override leaks that everyone's attributing to Zoe.

And then these CTR fucks think they even stand a chance, topkek

I have no fucking clue what's going on but it's nice to know that we have secret conspiratorial cabals as well.

Oh, and just so everyone's on the same page, Silverstring has been assigned as our handler and is probably responsible for the creation of the alt-right, which would also make Milo a plant and gamergate the stepping stone needed for "us to gain his trust" like /new/ would trust some faggot reporter.

Either way these impotent sluts and betas are playing the same games most of us were playing at in 2006.

Even regular anons not involved at all know that Milo is not to be trusted I mean he's a gay Jew who takes niggerdick up the ass and sells BBC shirts to white girls.

Are they retarded trying to shill a guy like that to White Nationalists?

I doubt he's even gay. I'm not so interested in the nature of Milo so much as him being a fake fuck and having ties to Trump's campaign through breitbart.

The real question can only be described through relations held between all these people
Here's where things get juicy
>Goonsquad -> Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration who handled the overthrow of Ghaddafi because he was getting ready to crash the petrodollar with no survivors


Obama 2017, this isn't up for discussion.

That's quite a few logical leaps you've got going on there friendo.

if this really worked, we wouldn't even have internet in the first place. you fags are absolutely retarded

What could possible be the reason to sell 4chan to Hiroshima?

$$$$ and data from 4chin plebs.

So Moot was willing to sell us out to someone who would data mine us but wasn't willing to datamine himself?

I'm confused.

Now that's just fucking reaching m8.

At the top of the pyramid everyone is connecting in some way but that doesn't mean that they're on the same side.

I mean Eve online money laundering is the connecting factor to connect Trump and Hillary? Really?

True heroes of our time


One technique is also to push Jill Stein. Go to places where there are Hillary supporters, and list all the great benefits of voting for Jill Stein (just see their fucking shitty webpage for a list of bullshit you can mention).
You can tell them they're anti-semitic for not voting for her.

This. I've been working hard to convince people to vote Stein. I've gotten at least a few dozen liberals to turn Green.

D&C, fam. D&C.

Hello potential voter I'm here to sell you on Hillary because she hates niggers fuck those niggers.


lulz very nice. I'm going to buy a sticker for my car and donate to her campaign too lulz

Kill yourself namefag

Hey I know where in CT those frogs are.

Like this?


I'll mobilize my local Holla Forumsocks and we'll get to work.

Sauce is in image.

You don't have to lose you spine to not fall for obvious bait threads.

is an obvious shill thread.

user, thank you for waking me up.

Holla Forums is a fucking honeypot. If we know whats best, we should fucking bail. This is my worst nightmare come true… and it really is. The feds and their trolls are setting us up.


If you faggots keep playing with Hillary's Weener, me luv u long time.

Can't even answer a basic question. How come the people that post for free do a better job?

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.

Great read user.

It probably will go down something like that. British military intelligence has been running both right and left fringe in the UK for the last 60 years.

Might be an idea for more choleric anons to have something written down on how 8ch is just text adventures with a political flavour. Also, to gift your arms to someone else if you've written something that the SS could act on.

Funny how we fucking meme'd Trump into the nomination in spite of all conservicuck protests isn't it?

Your demoralization attempts are too little too late, we know who you are and we know what you're trying to do.

You don't understand shill, even if Trump loses we still win.

So these are dems? Those phone number will get us dems on the phone?

What do?

Is it as illegal and dangerous as having a private email server in your basement transmitting government secrets over unsecured channels of communication? Secrets that when discovered have gotten people killed?

Is it that kind of illegal user? That kind of dangerous?

How much are they paying you? It can't possibly be enough.

Checkout Rhoda Kerwin, E-mail."[email protected]/* */"

Do you really think we expected to win without having to get our hands dirty?

I don't think any of us expect Trump to actually win, we all know the fix is in.

What's important is that enough people are pissed off by what is clearly a rigged election when the results are in.

We already know they rigged the Democratic primaries.

user, if you were seriously expecting to remove these traitors without meeting their servants in the field first, I've got some bad news for you…

Trump was our olive branch to them, whether they realized it or not. Our last attempt to effect change peaceably, if they throw that olive branch in the dirt you should know what comes next.

Stock up on ammunition and supplies, the next couple of years are going to be very interesting.

Barbra 'the hooknosed jew' (((Streisand))) Says She Will Move to Australia If Trump Becomes President


Do I even have to say it?

Am I the only one who sees this?
Or have I bitten me some bait.

Donald Trump Holds Rally in Manchester, NH 8/25/16

Yes, these are all democrats who signed up on Hillary's website. I phone banked with them.

now we need a kike to write an article.

cross reference those emails to saved database dumps and you'll probably be able to log into half of those.

then just like, post rare pepes and Trumps on their kikebook pages.

Just thought I would stop by
good luck guys

By the way this is oc from 4chan Holla Forums

stay on your containment board

Thanks for correcting the record.

Bernout detected



Try putting a bit of effort into it next time fam.

If you get into their office and they use desktop computers (or a laptop on a dock where it will blend in) install a keystroke logger on the head of the offices computer. Pic related. They are small and record every keystroke a person makes. Within one day you will have virtually all of their passwords. The higher up office you can get to the better. Iv'e used these to spy on and get fired co-workers who were plotting to get rid of me, they work amazingly well.

Where can you get one of these?

just do a google search for usb keystroke logger, there are tons of vendors who sell them online. They're even on amazon but the prices are a bit higher there. The random "spy" stores will have them for less.

It is not honeypot, because you dumb autistic are not paid by Trump to infiltrate HRC campaign. You are an independent, and decided by yourself.
Stop complaining and do something for real.

Your argument hinges on Hillary winning.

She's not going to win, she's too sick to fucking stand, let alone win the presidency.

Nice attempt at FUD, faggot.

Addendum: Your whole argument reeks of Holla Forums.

You should mcfucking kill yourself.

Hillary's hackers must be dealt with, or else they will hack the vote for Hillary, and she will unfortunately win the election.


Nice Trojans there, shillfag

starting up vbox now for parsing

you first

Besides you can upload PDFs as long it's 8 MB in size, using fed infested Mediafire is a huge red flag in itself.

No screenshots or any proof show how full of shit this is.

some of the post in this thread seem very inquisitive to me. I'm suspecting at this point there are forensic researchers looking for leads on something that happened, or just data-mining in general.

If 'researchers' think lurking imageboards for leads is useful they're overpaid.

I don't understand there are thousands of legitimate ways to get involved and campaign for your preferred candidate. Why would OP encourage a group into doing something that is potentially illegal, dangerous and ineffective.

Oh right, OP is a fag.

Seems more effective to register poor whites in battle ground states. But this could def. be useful for people in non-battle ground states to do.

Step 1. Post this to all like-minded friends.

Step 2. Honestly I don't expect any of you keyboard warriors will ever get out and do shit. Luckily Hillary hired people JUST like you to demoralize Bernie supporters. Oddly at the same time Rohas, who lost the Philippine election was doing the same shit.

We can use those tactics on her. Demoralize Hillfags, encourage Trump friends. Upboat from youtube to Kikebook. Downboat Shillary like a bad Ghostbusters trailer. Fire up your alternate accounts and dogpile people.

Human instinct is to hide unpopular opinions. If you got a fake woman or black account use that as well. It quells 50% of all arguments.

Quit fighting shills here. Fight shills THERE! Show Solidarity with supporters. Thank old people with MAGA hats. Create anti-shillary art like Unsavory Agents.

When they are shamed they are less likely to vote AT ALL!

Holla Forums

Making the left controlled opposition and a stepping stone for white supremacists one shitpost at a time!

I smell something but my nose isn't large enough, can you?

Eh… ehehe….

Thanks Don.

Do you remember Zoe Quinn and WizardChan?

That was just a test run to see if that shit would work if you controlled the media narrative. Well it worked, and Hillary currently controls the media narrative.

forreals user, catch up!

What do you think happened with those "Bernie bros" yo?
Did you forget the screencaps from those threads on the berner meltdowns from March onwards?

hell we went a step further, my group's all posed as leninists irl so it looks more authentic when we spam lefty anti-shill sites and propaganda. (added bonus most authentic ones hate SJ crap anyway, so easier to gangbang other berners into hating BLM or such)
(added double-bonus, can parade around in military uniforms without freaking the normies)
Yea that's right, actual bernie bros, some of your campaign contributions went to flying us around to salt the earth ahead for the berner!

Don't have to imagine squat, they've less energy than the stoner berners.
Hell, no wonder the democrats get away with dead people voting, you can't tell the difference!
oh yeah and there's this (also explains why pilling womyn is working more and more):
>“Women under 35 probably have had women professors and bosses," he adds. "They haven’t had the experiences that their mothers and grandmothers did. That’s why feminist messages just don’t resonate with younger voters.”
as if we didn't have enough hotties before. Where do you think they'd go after the DNC? #JillKillHill

…..pssssh like she stops at just lawsuits

horse mints for everyone!

[email protected]/* */

Possibly. Ms Caceres hinted at such before she got whacked.
Chubby environmentalist lady costing local corporations in a military junta hundreds of thousands of dollars over four years of activism through peace marches and hippie-style body-chains.
It's only when she specifically names Hillary does she finally go down. (((pure coincidence))), Catracho.

hey, if it works for niGGers…

This is practically what 'bern victims' are all about, authentic or otherwise.
Hell, you can use her own newsrags against her, check this shit out from jew york times 2000. Look (((what familiar name))) endorsed her senate run. Now you know why The Don left his buttblasted booty crying like a toddler. "Is Donald Trump really more dangerous than four eight more years of this?"

like I mentioned to OP, you guys are 'faaaaaar behind.
What kind of "Socialist" would support that old hag?
Hint: One who is a nationalist posing as a socialist. Some of these 'grassroots' responding are all us, especially in "middle america."
also, not one cabal, multiple. decentralisation do you even? (plus we're all from competing boards anyway and would probably punch each other over bantz too sick IRL)
hue hue hue
for any shillary hatin' cuckservatives who also refuse to vote Trump. (don't forget to let'em know what a lame quacker Goofy Gary is!)

jewt was a cuck anyway, they sold it to the wrong person though, shoulda put more controls on him. Autist nipbong is simply mercenary, he's got no ideological skin in the game. Hiroshima is just greedy not NWO. He'd never enact something that'd chase people off if discovered. Sooner or later he'll burn out the last of jewt's influence with actual-mod-anons and we'll have it back to 2007 levels
…wow shit has it really been that long since the original /n/? Hot damn.

If moot's not a cuck explain and (((Horowitz))). Q'd.

He's too inept. They probably tried this during the (((Horowitz))) investment rounds but he kept crashing the site instead. There was also the time he froze /f/ after an update and we got like a 10k comment thread going on Chocolate Rain. Funtimes.

Hi Dryboneschan. Stop cucking up our mojo. Don't make us have to build that wall!

Cruz is ahead of us, he fucked up with his base so he's going to abduct CTR afterwards. Expect the few surviving CTR to move into his camp after Nov.

re: - Trump saves elderly woman's farm from (((bankers))).
Interesting random trivia: wanna know why Yeb was first? It wasn't because he was a threat, he was a lame duck anointment from the start. Look into the other guy with him.
anyway have a whole mess o' MAGA

oh yeah, that reminds me we've got a great one there. Like I said, when your opposition is corporate, it pays to know a few of the less insane marxists.
https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */ees-to-send-message-to-warlords-ba5a11b8f937
Anytime you see CTR whine about the wall in a place normies can see, drop this sucker. Mjones on initial arrival
note that the UN reports in that medium have been (((mysteriously removed))) so if anyone does manage to locate those…

more like (((they))) really. Once the republican base started to realise shit like PIPA/ACTA/SOPA was badong, notice how the people that wanted to censor the web the most were suddenly the democraps? Lamar Smith is no longer their go-to guy.

Sounds? pffft. Bring some trojans too. A, a friend advised me to do so as well…yeah. especially if you're a degenerate coal burner, one of the legit commies with us landed four in a night. Most of shillary's remaining black base are angry black women who haven't had dick in a decade or more…and their daughters

doubledubs (ch)kek'd. Next big rally results in South Park Waterpark tier shit deluge.
time to give an old classic to our beaner buddies.

Any Chicagoland anons ITT?