do it yer git. don't just sit around thinking you can get things done not by doing it. boom go. fuck show off if ya a draw fag.
don't fucking care just go. scribble a few lines over another.
do it yer git. don't just sit around thinking you can get things done not by doing it. boom go. fuck show off if ya a draw fag.
don't fucking care just go. scribble a few lines over another.
Other urls found in this thread:
Does tweening count?
Here ya go, took about 30 mins in photoshop. Thanks for the prompt.
oh well.
that poor fox :(
you may want to read up some stuff on design, though design for flash puppets is extra hard. You have to use pleasing shapes, informal subdivision. and make something interesting to the eyes that stays that way considering that the character will be constantly consistent.
any recs?
give me a sec, there was a really great thread on the topic from old /ic/, but I'm having trouble tracking it down in the archives.
well this is all I can find of the original thread now. Here's a pic of most of the thread with some examples, tips, and book recommendations, but there was quite a bit more to the thread that I suppose is lost now.
Let me see if this pic posts real quick and I'll probably find you some more stuff on the subject.
Thx user, stuck in a rut for the longest time, I could use a little insight
Anything on Genndy Tartakovsky? Been hooked on his shows as of late.
kill me.
No problem
I want to say his style is lightly touched upon in "Force: Dynamic Life Drawing for Animators", but that's about the only thing I can think of.
Revive this
Why did it even die? Nobody cares about animation?
We don't need to splinter an already small board.
pretty much this, not to mention animation is a pretty obscure hobby, especially if you want to do it right.
I don't know, either. Maybe someone will get something out of it.
There's usually more tutorial and book links at /art/.
I like it.
This board could do with an animation thread. We already have an art thread and a writing thread.
You're not splintering a small board (that happens to have nothing to do with art/drawfaggotry), you're reviving a dead board that has everything to do with the thread topic.
Reviving /ani/ would inspire more people to go back to it
Good job, lad.
No bully.
Hey, I just want a name! How's this stuff supposed to sell, if I don't got a name?
And this thread just turned to shit, congratulations.
This is a bully free zone.
Quit feeding him
Well I'm glad you like it.
It's not called anything as it's just something I doodle for this thread, but if I were to make something out if it, something about depressing animal characters I guess, something worth naming atleast, I think naming it Life in Hell would be a bit too in your face, I prefer more abstract or even misleading titles, in that sense I don't think Happy Tree Friends would be that bad of a name, but that particular title is already the name of another existing cartoon franchise.
You probably didn't know but Happy Tree Friends is this cartoon, I'm sure you can find it on youtube, where these happy animal characters find themselves in horrifically violent, disastrous situations for the comedic enjoyment of the audience. It's alright, I remember liking this one episode where a moose character has a tree fall on his leg, I'd recommend that one.
Anyway that aside, you might want to be careful about posting with caps lock on in the future, I might have to make fun of you for it next time you silly billy.
I don't have many friends so I'm glad we got to talk. Seeing someone having such a passionate response to my work fills me with encouragement to make more.
More like nobody knows it exists.
Fucking saved.
My sides.
CAN IT, WILL YA? Sheesh! Getting all uppity because I speak on a higher level than you can ever dream of. What a bunch'o'lillies!
You don't know about Life In Hell?
I figured it was something, I just didn't care to look it up. Glancing at some of the comics I'd say it doesn't look like something I'd be all that interested in.
That's cute.
That's a good gondola. It's just missing melancholic music and an interesting scenery.
How can something drawn so crudely look so smooth
You actually did it, you absolute madman.
You suck at drawing, and your animation is pretty crude and stiff but god dammit you actually did something. Cheers to you!
Might I add though that the choreography had its moments, when the guy starts swinging the knife around and narrowly missing the other guy it's pretty good sh*t my nigga. I didn't mean to discourage you-I forgot to mention the good after I laid into you for the things that need work.
No worries. I'm fully aware of how crude it is. The plan was to do something simple that I could get finished quickly.
I started animating it over a year ago, and it doesn't look like I'll ever get around to finishing. Ah well.
Here are some still frames that I find amusing.
Something in the water maybe
I'm so glad you did the burp, the last one left me wanting.
That was the intended effect, but then I thought fuck it.
It wasn't always just a burp either.
What's this?
Seconded, you've got some animation basics down but if you focused a bit more on drawing it would improve it like crazy. Richard Williams himself emphacizes the importance of learning how to draw (from life, mind); least your animation might be shackled by your inability to draw (simple example: can't draw a proper head turn without having some notions of perspective). Iirc he stopped animating for some time to focus solely on drawing; but I much prefer learning how to draw and still do a little animating on the side. Also, when you have the basics down, it's fairly easy to simplify afterwards.
A puking snake?
lots of frames
Circuit, please cease the Dobsonism.
But user
Dobson doesn't draw snakes
Dobson is a snake.
Is there a gif where his eyebrows hover above his head, like the eyebrows in dobson's cartoons?
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
idk try /an/ desu
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
IGN: Dogelous
Deposited: Lv. 19 German Male Salandit named Molunk.
Message: I want to fill my Pokedex with other languages.
I like anime
If she was, she'd understand
Dumb weeaboo
I'm struggling to figure out who is more regarded out of you two.
This is real ordinary posting, real fucking ordinary
The Passionate Friends by H.G. Wells.
It's in Spanish, but this is what I found:
In Soviet Russia, man bother fly.
One last bump before thread is kill.
Are there any good blogs or YouTube channels that share tips on animating? Not so much on how to animate, but rather on how to save time animating with shortening the workflow, or tricks with animation softwares.
After doing the rough animation and figuring out spacing and timing, cleaning it up a bit, inking the frames, then coloring them I feel completely burnt out, and usually I lose my will to keep going after half the frames of a scene. I need to figure out a way to animate more conservatively.
This guy is pretty good
yeah, he doesn't seem to bad and doesn't have an ungodly amount of videos. Guess I'll spend the rest of the day binge watching these. I appreciate it.
that mask trick is nice.
Nicely made
thanks, it only took a couple of minutes as well. Looks like that guy was what I was looking for. His art and style are pretty rough, but he has some great tips as far as animation goes.
i wanted it to be a pelvic thrust but it's kinda just moving side to side
Is it supposed to just stop?
no it's not. weird. try downloading it
fuck it let me try again
There we go. It's working now. Good job.
I can almost hear the paper crumpling. very nice.
It's dirty af, I know.
you did a good job on getting the timing and spacing just right
Sorry about the quality, I've never animated before and I drew this with a mouse.
bouncing balllss
Here's a gondola I made a while back.
Or maybe not, doesn't seem to post.
remove some frames after the ball makes contact. It falls okay then looks to levitate towards the camera.
how do I maintain consistent volume?
Add smears
Keep up the work.
they're both bad, but I want to keep it a habit
Keep up the practive
did this long ago in this board
I did a webm too but it turned out horrible
The gif could use some fixing when it loops
Not bad
Awesome. Needs some tunes though.
Its pretty eh.
I'll try and fix it, I already have a tune
it's my first
another daiily weak one
Took awhile to load (Had to tab it) but its good, just compress it some more.
Holy shit, nice
Keep practicing
I gave it like five minutes and nothing happened.
Put it into a new tab
Thanks! I'll try to do these daily. I screwed up with the jumping for the first one, how would I transition a run cycle to a jump?
I guess I could keep experimenting.
Well, how would you in real life?
Nice, keep up the work
Doesn't work.
Thanks! I got a lot of insight from performing the stunt, so I tweaked the third gif a bit.
I messed up the first gif since I was trying to toy with the guide from fourth pic related. Those angles are tough, but it wouldn't hurt for me to practice more though.
The second gif was a thing that I tried to ref to see what the timing is like. I was really surprised to see that the entire kick was 11 frames total with some smears (i did mine in 8 though). I reffed it from this vid:
Just keep up the work
Not bad
Keep practicing
I like these running guys
They are pretty good.
Thanks! i'll try testing them out more
Do you have any complete works you've done? I'd like to see one of those if you got them.
Keep it going
You might be interested in >>>/an/
Did you mean >>>/ani/ ?
I've been on-and-off with it. I really need to make a short but I don't know where to start.
Whats your interests?
Action oriented material like fight and chase scenes.
Then do some boxing moves
Or maybe try to replicate something from a kung fu movie.
What book are you using?
bump for relevance
Any updates?
Oops, fucked up a frame there
That's certainly a new take on lizard tits
Nicely animated, too.
all the frames are fucked up.
Huh, its good?
I'm disturbed and slightly aroused by that gif
It is something
Pretty well animated if you ask me.
Aw shit, I fucked it up again.
add "anondraws" to skype and we'll add you to our art improvement group there. You will get the benefit of always constructive (non abusive) critiques and a knowledge base of users who are on the same path to greatness. it's a shared account so you'll be added eventually. Git in and git gud!
Here's the Gentoomen's Library's section on animation. It should help some.
yes… Yes… YES!
Alright, there's the correct one. Sorry for all the doubleposting.
I only used the andrew loomis book,but it doesn't teach animation.
I just played with perspective by moving the horizon down and vanishing points to the left.
It's been taking me a long time to learn. I did some rough versions that were really weak
There is just one thing I see wrong with this.
Reptiles do not sweat, you imbecile.
Here's a few that I tried to do though.
An extremely good point. However, it is not, in fact, sweat, but some other substance exuded by her specialized exocrine poison glands that have been over-excited during exertion. But if you want fluids that make a bit more sense, I can provide some alternatives, no sweat.
I find it soothing to get lost in animation every now and then
you keep on posting and I'll keep on saving
any chance I can put in a request for something vanilla related with this lizard?
I'd give ya props but since that's really gay I can't say what I like about any of them.
Oh hey, I recognize that lizard. That's a pretty good lizard.
you are a best user.
a best
Yeah, that's really good. Really gay but really good. The bodies have a nice weight to them.
It's well animated but I can't fap to gay shit.
Just do something with Fifi La Fume and you'll win over the board. Every straight person on a cartoon image board likes her.
Huh, so weaver did go full furry after all.
I think you got the wrong post, if you are referring to the alligator chick, that's actually a relatively old character of his. She's also pretty obscure.
digicel flipbook is alright for drawing, but sucks in any other aspect
what better animating+drawing software is there?
Krita is free, but can't export animated gifs.
the main feature i'm looking for is that+having transparent versions of the last image on the screen. technically photoshop can do that, but i have to manually set the opacity on every layer
Yes, Krita has a very adjustable onionskinning, timeline and framerate. Check Setting ->Dockers for Timeline and animation Toolbars to show them up
Flash has onion skins, shitty drawing tools though.
TVPaint is a good raster/bitmap program, made specifically for traditional style animation, but its layout and UI is a bit shit.
Toon Boom is supposed to be good but I haven't used it.
All are free, with some effort.
The latest version (3.something) can if you have ffmpeg. It's still buggy but I've encountered an almost 100% success rate so far. You can also export the frames separately and convert them to gif using imagemagick (that's what I did for the one that failed).
There's also Pencil2D, which is pretty handy for simple animations; it's a bit like MSpaint with onion skin and a timeline. I had an old version that could only export individual frames, maybe the new one has more advanced features.
Thanks, this suit me better. Krita is sometimes a bit laggy with my tablet.
alright, krita is definitely an improvement
i can't into legs though
A gnu?
it's supposed to be moloch
no idea how to draw him though
Keep practicing
I knew it was Moloch.
He looks so pathetic, though. Makes me feel bad for him.
Really? I'd have thought that anyone who knows about Weaver also knows about most of his OCs.
Aome people stick around for certain phases, like mlp, fnaf, zootopia.
Eh, I can see it. I have my mind set on libre things these days.
This doesn't really qualify too much as an animation or Holla Forums, but here's a thing
I like how painterly it is.
That's a pretty good reference.
Whoa, you lurk here Seth Iova?
occasionally, recently I've just been browsing looking for something to draw
Sound source?
im trying stuff with tvpaint, I really need to figure out how to time my strikes, im going to clean up the second one
I don't really get what's happening in the second one. A sneeze?
The fuck?
I think I recognize that music, isn't it from fallout 1 ?
fuck you faggot, i know the guy who did this and you aint no ciicuit
oh shit, my bad, you probably are ciircuit, what happened to your site, dya have a new one?
Inhaling, but I messed up the timing. I'm gonna go get refs and do it again.
I'd suggest to try doing the motion with a simpler form at first if you want to focus on timing, maybe with one of them sacks of flour. I mean that's what I'd do, I always try to reduce the workload of animation by simplifying the designs, but maybe I'm just being lazy.
Fuck, you're right, it sounds like Desert Wind.
It's alright; I can't blame you for that reaction, because I do talk like an obnoxious faggot.
The site is fine, it's back up with all the previous stuff archived. Sorry for the inconvenience.
PISS OFF WEAVER! Stop getting fucking money for shit I was able to draw in MS Paint age 6.
I can't help but notice only the latest fandoms are represented in this comic, and not the most prominent ones either.
Maybe it's just been too long since he's drawn any MLP fanart.
I'm not actively checking what he currently draws, just hating on him.
I'm sure he draws whatever the current unoriginal bandwagon is.
Why not give me the fucking money for commissions, ANYONE can draw like him. It's like 5 minutes of "work".
Charisma tends to be a factor in these things.
Your drawings are superior (though you don't seem to put out much waifu shit which is another huge factor), but you're also a gigantic cunt and I honestly would rather give weaver money for his bad drawings and superior waifushit and likeable personality than get some okay drawings from you and have to deal with your unimaginative OC and generally cuntish personality.
Good thing I don't give money to furfags at all.
I miss icepick.
I would but I'm lazy. If I want to make something thats waifu shit, I invest hours into it, not 5 friggin minutes. I rather don't do it than half-ass it.
And yes, I'm an asshole, but I was shaped into one by this fandom. Bad experiences for 10 years.
furries, waifuists, egotists, and ego-strokers can all get right the fuck out
That sounds like the perfect excuse to not do anything. I'm not really talking about you, as you've still made these comics in the end, but it's a hurdle drawfags in general need to get over.
Just gotta start doing something
A board for artists without ego-strokers would be empty.
True. All artists are attention whores to some extent.
t. artist
all lumberjacks are attention whores to some extent.
They probably do crave the dryads' attentions and favors.
No those are Canadians
You should get a job user like pizza delivery man, it a meaningless jobs that requires no skills with no future but you get payed too.
I am not sure a lot of the sound from Fallout 1 on 2 are similar.
But it's definitely one of them
Fallout ost m8
Don't feed him
Yeah, being a pizza deliverer would probably give him access to free pizzas.
Been there done that.
And a car
What the fuck is this shit?
The fuck?
TL note: mémoire de forme means plan
Not bad
Got anymore?
I'm fed. So when does he fuck Night in the Woods up? Because I don't care about that game at ALL but maybe people will jump on that bandwagon and leave Undertale and Zootopia alone.
When the next big fandom breaks.
I didn't have time to make a new one, but I here's a colored version.
Nice…..I guess.
Not bad
Keep going
Weaver still making crap?
Looks like a KKK bot
Cute robot
Not bad
Nice. I feel like it cuts a bit short in the action, I don't know if that was intentional.
I limit myself to 60 frames as to not spend too much time on these 100x100 emotive gifs
I-is it okay?
is ded
What? Is it about the low number of frames, or the moe blob?
You're being detained.
All is well that ends well
Soooo…. you can fuck it, right?
Nice, seems like part of the opening to a post apocalyptic cartoon
between the slime girl and the lizard tits i don't think my dick can take this thread
Cripes, you're right. I had changed the hue to something closer to bubblegum pink, but on second thought the opacity is probably more important.
I just wanted the skeleton to show.
Nice. Nice. Very nice, mister circuit. Now you just need to soften the lines, make them less rough, like a teddy bear.
A teddy bear slime monster made of gum.
But that would require redrawing every frame. Or just using a filter :^)
Not bad
you just like giving people weird boners don't ya?
Hmm. Not sure what I was thinking here. I guess this is what happens when I just try to animate something without planning at all.
Thanks for the push, OP.
Pretty darn good user, may want to cut out a few frames in his running or blur his legs
It was, but I'm lazy.
Hi, I'm . I never forgot your request. I never knew that choreography can be fun. I was kind of scared of screwing up badly. I did make mistakes, but I'll do better next time.
Not bad
Maybe. But not just to people :^).
do a cute slime giving a kiss… or holding hands. Something vanilla that targets the heart.
That's a very nice image, user. Do you like girls?
No. Gum. Slime is overrated.
…is there a difference?
Transparent, non-transparent.
Better than a shit golem, at least.
ah, well I guess it's true I'd rather fuck something a tad more solid.
Better than fisting an android chick
How dare you insult the glory of slime!
I'm uploading some animation books on our Volafile room.
First animation I did with these guys.
A bit rusty but it works
Neat, thanks.
user are you trying to piss of the anti-jojo fags?
That's really impressive.
Good, now do it with the bouncing motion of that dance featured in The 3d fighting games, and you will have truly mastered it.
I don't give fuck what Anti-jojo fags think.
That's pretty cool and a good idea. Maybe you could stay longer on the different faces though, as they can be too fast to see.
He needs more ease. Think of the ball bouncing and apply it to this animation. Ease into the middle position on 2's, keep the middle drawing on 1's, then ease out again on 2's. You could probably do it in 5-7 drawings, thought the middle should have the least amount of drawings with most of them favoring the beginning and end of your action.
>holding hands
Damn, user. Are you trying to make me renounce my last remnants of innocence?
nice work m8
What a charming and adorable character! I want to fuck it.
it's adorable, i love it
Where are the animations, eggman
What program did you do this in?