Kikebart is at it again
If anyone is still doubting if kikebart is controlled opposition,here you have it.
Stop following this "altshit "faggorty
Kikebart is at it again
If anyone is still doubting if kikebart is controlled opposition,here you have it.
Stop following this "altshit "faggorty
Other urls found in this thread:
Holla Forums loves israel
you forgot to sage retard, read the manual
Wtf I hate Trump now. Who else is #mentallyhill?
It's kikebart, you can't trust them for shit.
Gas yourself.
it's wheels in motion you fucking rube
no shit, sherlock. breitbart's main use to us is its comment sections as meme dissimination.
There is no alt right, Sinead.
But no, I'm too dumb to understand cause and effect relationships. guess I'm a #hillmissle now
Guess I'll vote for Hillary then fam
Wait, are you saying that Israel supporting niggerloving kike faggots are not right wing?
You tellingme hillary was lying?
That article is not wrong though
well, convincing the non-elite Jews to vote Trump feel like payback for all the time (((they))) convinced people to vote democrats…
also read the image
Shit pants Shillary wants Brietbart shut down, so….
Hating on Breitbart on Holla Forums isn't exactly new; their jewish heritage was already pretty clear, and there are tons of fags who would rather lose them and all their readers than accept that someone like Milo could possibly share some of their beliefs. I don't doubt there will be more threads like this because of CTR, but they will be taking advantage of the D&C these anons are already spreading.
The reason the term "alt-right" doesn't work to describe Trump's base is because there are too many different groups for them to ever be clumped together. Attacking Kikebart and Milo weakens Trump's voice, and lends credence to the media narrative of whatever the fuck an alternate right is.
Alt right is/was a good term to describe the non-cucked right wing.
The (((media))) is trying to create THE alt-right and there are enough e-celebs who want to take up the mantle.
I cant help but believe it was originally "JEWS SUCK"
all other audio cuts out when you hear "ROCK"
The original was 'Jews Rule'
It was originally supposed to be "JEWS RULE" but Sam had to change it.
there is nothing wrong with that article
not all of Holla Forums, I have detected much antisemitism and racism here.
Kikes are kikes, but some aren't too eager about having a catastrophic apocalypse effecting their bottom line.
it's a fucking jewish news publication with its own jerusalem branch, what the fuck did you expect dude?
i mean, i appreciate that breitbart reports on news stories that MSM outlets don't (like rapefugee stories for instance)
but yeah, expect it to be littered with "OY VEEEEYY ISRAEL DAH PROMISED LAND"
sigh, fuck my absentmindedness
It's true that's why we kept Mark of Holla Forums around.
To give them credibility with the right.
Because Breitbart is using said credibility to attack Trump.
This, Israel inspired The Wall.
It wouldn't even be on the discussion table if they didn't do it first.
We could learn a lot by emulating Israel, for instance have you seen that they banned marriage to non-jews?
Did you know they poisoned african migrants with contraceptives without their knowledge?
Can't wait to fix Christianity and restore whiteness thanks to our one true ally setting global precedents.
I thought Pink Floyd did.
We have always been against kikebart, retard.
Whats the big deal, there are jews that like Trump and jews that hate Trump.
Breitbart just happens to like Trump.
The Breitbart article is hyperbolic, but its fundamental message is essentially correct. Trump is overtly more pro-Israel than Hillary. That maybe wasn't true in the early days of his campaign, but it is completely true now.
never forget that hitler was a proud zionist
What can we say? We're always right.
enforced immigration to israel makes a
when will the goyim wake up
The Havaara Agreement was a minor blip on the radar that was quickly abandoned in favor of settling them elsewhere.
“Our view on the Jewish question is as follows: the position taken by America and England regarding the Jews does not interest us in any way. What is clear is that we do not want to have them in Germany and in the German living space, given the decades of experience since the [First] World War, and we shall not join in any discussion on the matter. If America wants to take them, we are glad of it. But it must be ruled out, and here a guarantee will have to be given to us, that the Jews whom we allow to leave [continental Europe] via Switzerland can ever be sent back to Palestine. We know that the Arabs, just as much as we Germans, reject the Jews and we do not want to partake in such an indecency as the sending of more Jews to that poor nation tormented by the Jews.”
– Heinrich Himmler, Chief of German Police and Minister of the Interior (note written in 1945)
The Nazis weren't Zionists, accept it.
Sounds about right, what's your problem with that statement?
We don't have Kikebart or their retarded Evangelical readers to lose.
I know we have a flood of bluepilled newfags for the election year, but what you retards need to learn is that isn't about left and right, and never has been. At its core, this is a war between jews and gentiles. Guess which side Kikebart's one?
So who should we vote for?
This, I don't know why these abject retards feel the need to make a thread every five seconds saying "SEE!!!?! SEE!!??!! I TOLD U THEY DIDNT WANT 2 GASS THE KIKES! I TOLD U THEY WERE KOSHER! MY DETECTIVE SKILLS HAVE UNCOVERED THE TRUTH!!!"
seriously, we fucking get it, Breitbart is to the right of Fox, but they aren't on our level, and nobody on Holla Forums is arguing anything different.
that was after
if you're saying all jews must be gassed i agree
if you're saying trump should say all jews should be gassed i agree
if you're saying trump must say
i don't agree
fuck the 'altright' with all their faggots and moderates
Wait, was Jesus a dwarf?
hey guys…i'm new here…how do you get karma? i dont see a like or dislike icon anywhere. thanks in advance.
Fuck off back to plebbit with your disinfo, trumpcuck.
ok faggot
At least someone gets it
So yeah, its official we are being raided
How is Breitbart attacking Trump? even in some sort of back handed way?
Why would Hillary ever need to be explicitly pro-Jew? Jews own her and they prefer to work from the shadows.
Thanks OP we never knew Breitbart loved jew, I am officially #mentallyHill
Exactly, everybody with common sense knows Trump is a close friend of the chosen people.
Israel is our greatest ally and i am glad that he's planning to keep it that way.
I don't understand who are all these non-Jewish people that "love Israel". What kind of person loves another nation that is not their own? Why? Why do these goys love Israel, what the fuck has Israel ever done for them. I don't fucking understand. Israel is a rogue nuclear state for fucks sake
The tribe can open a lot of doors for you and bring many business opportunities.
I can perfectly understand why Trump has so close connection with Zion.
I have no problem with this. Also, pasta because I'm sure CTR will be drawn to this thread like flies on a nigger.
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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!
Not a burger but as far as I understand it, your Evangelicals have a massive hard-on for Israel.
It's basically brainwashing, an phenomenon unique to USA Christians as far as the scale goes.
Vid related:
That is exactly its purpose today. He really was one of the greatest minds in history. Like a sage.
Seriously though, I have mixed feelings when it comes to Israel.
Internationalist/Communist jews hated Zionism and any concept of jewish nationalism. That included, also the idea of having a designated place of deporting jews out of Europe seems more viable with the existance of Israel.
Am I missing something? Can someone give me the manual?
Zionism is internationalism, not nationalism.
Pic related is from David Ben-Gurion, the first prime minister of Israel.
Then what is with the tales of Anti-Zionist, Anti-(religious)Judaism in the Soviet Union?
Shills on suicide watch. Updating their resumes now.
Some of it was artificial, and some of it came from the fact that Stalin was a golem who eventually turned on his masters.
And the Soviet Union was hardly the base of the internationalists, it seems like you drank some of the John Birch Society kool-aid.
Can we stop using the term alt right, it's just jewish trickery.
So, where was the base of the internationalists, and why are you against JBS? Haven't they called out the communists more than anyone else, for longer than anyone, in America?
AFAIK, anti-semitism was a crime in the soviet union.
Oy Vey!!
shit meant to sage
slide thread
At the top it would probably be the city of London (where the Rothschilds operate out of), but even the US and Israel were more important to them than the USSR.
They're controlled opposition. Always have been.
Many people have exposed them, including Revilo P. Oliver, one of the founders.
OP are you crazy? Whats wrong with Israel? I mean it's the last bastion for sanity in the middle east.
I only dislike breitbart for it's crazy radicalism at times. Sounds like a bunch of crazy alt right talk to me user.
Oh user it's pure coincidence.
Plebbit learn to lurk, or BTFO.
Thank you for correcting the record!
wew. Light on actual evidence, though. Said the jews had the bank accounts, and Welch reported to jewish supervisors, and writers had jewish editors, but doesn't name one of them.
IIRC, Milo recently claimed to not actually be alt-right, describing himself as more of a "Chronicler".
They still purged Shillpiro, ofc, and some other Jews, but the MQ still remains.
A large section of us in the alt right are either pro or agnostic to Israel
Honestly it's spergs like you that are stopping us becoming the defacto position of most rightwing parties
We've always been at war with Eurabia
How is this even a post, its just clear as day now unless you're pretending to be retarded how bad its going to get here after the Hilary speech and all the newfags coming here
Jump in the oven kike
Hopefully Mr.Trump will put an end to thiscasual and undeserved antisemitism after his election.
That's contradicted in the case of Ilya Ehrenburg.
"Until his death in 1967, "his support for the Soviet state, and for Stalin, never wavered," the Canadian Jewish News notes. His loyalty and service were acknowledged in 1952 when he received the Stalin Prize. In keeping with official Soviet policy, he publicly criticized Israel and Zionism."
"The recent disclosure that Ehrenburg arranged to transfer his private archives to Jerusalem's Yad Vashem library and archive, while still alive, comes as a stunning revelation. The reason this information has come to light only now is that Ehrenburg agreed to transfer his archive on condition that the transfer, and his will, remain secret for 20 years after his death."
"This new revelation about one of the most influential figures of the Stalinist regime shows that, whatever he may have said for public consumption, Ehrenburg never privately disavowed Zionism or forgot his ancestry."
But Stalin probably also played his part to pressure the Jew plebs to push them towards zionist causes. (Along the lines of what Herzl said, that "anti-semites shall be our best friends", cause that's pushes them towards uniting.)
In the authorized biography "The Warburgs" it is mentioned that in 1928 Felix Warburg traveled in the Soviet Union visiting Jewish agricultural settlements. (On one occasion in a private railroad car, as a member of a banking dynasty from New York in the communist Soviet Union.)
Those were probably zionist training camps preparing Jews for settlement in Palestine. (The elite Jews also planned the have the poor Eastern Jews as the working class in Israel they were creating.)
"During British rule the lack of available immigration permits to Palestine led the youth movements to operate training programs in Europe, which prepared Jews for migration to Palestine. As a Socialist-Zionist immigrants arrived already speaking Hebrew, trained in agriculture and prepared for life in Palestine."
"Between 1922 and 1928, the Soviets embarked on a plan of moving Ukrainian Jews to agricultural communes, mainly in the Crimea, the plan was encouraged by donations from US Jewish charities trying to protect and help Jews and the a number of Zionist agricultural collectives were established in Crimea in preparation for Kibbutz life."
Zionist training camps even operated in Nazi Germany:
Felix Warburg was quoted in the NYT in 1919 using the 6 million figure. (His brother Paul Warburg was instrumental in creating the Fed and was also vice chairman at the Fed (preceded by Frederic A. Delano, uncle of WW2 president FDR) and husband of Jacob Schiff's daughter. Jacob Schiff was born in Frankfurt, the Schiffs shared ownership of a two-family house with the Rothschilds in Frankfurt. His father was broker for Rothschild, but Schiffs go back long time, one Schiff was chief rabbi of Britain in the late 1700s. Jacob Schiff is often pointed at funding the bolsheviks, along with Max Warburg in Germany. The Rothschilds and the Warburgs were of course at the forefront in establishing Israel.)
There was an article titled "Zionism versus Bolshevism" ("A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People") written by Churchill in 1920 basically arguing (catering for his masters) that the bolsheviks are so bad that the West should support zionism. (Of course without the former there can't be an argument like that for the latter.)
you better hope so kike. because if hes not elected, its option 2.
and if he becomes a neo-cohen its option 2
youre fucked moishe.
Nice 1984 reference, goy. I almost missed it.
So Trump's just pretending to be pro-Israel?
What are you saying? Breitbart are no longer pro-Israel?
Holla Forums isn't an "alt-right" board.
Yeah and the entirety of Holla Forums doesn't give a fuck about you branded faggots.
What are your views then?
We're not? I thought the term was literally coined to describe us?
Stop inserting yourself into the equation, newfag.
Yeah? By whom, newfag?
What are you talking about?
You aren't "us". If somebody coined a nickname for you – say, faggot – would you just go with it? Yeah, you probably would.
Go back to reddit.
top kek
One of those four sentences made sense…
It looks like pandering to get votes for trump. Next article will be about how fags should vote for trump or why dindus should not vote for hillary but for trump.
What did you expect? reddit is shit.
good goy, very kosher. now go back to reddit.
I guess if "everybody" says Holla Forums is about cuckolding Holla Forums must be about cuckolding :^).
You still haven't mention from who you're getting the idea that this board is alt-right. And you saying this board is alt-right makes it pretty obvious you're not from here.
They're on our side aside from the JQ. Very efficacious for the time being due to the sway they have with normies. Useful half measure.
I urge my fellow Trump supporters to ask Mr.Trump to reposition his stance on Israel.
The U.S needs to stop funding a regressive nation that
has a vibrant sex slave trade (huffingtonpost .com/rabbi-daniel-brenner/teaching-young-men-end-sex-trafficking_b_1242842.html)
and refuses to take in refugees for "racial purity"
and Still doesn't allow gay marriage (or marriage between jews and non-jews)
No, merely bringing up that his rhetoric in the early part of the campaign was not as servile to Israel as it is now, nor was it as bad as most other Republican candidates.
It was never great, either.
but it is true
thanks for correcting the record
when will this meme end
you can't be 'on our side' and not acknowledge the JQ
anyone pretending that is just controlled op