The_Donald pepe shitposting weekend

So I called them out on it.

I said they were ruining their own board by posting shitty pepe memes. I said the_Donald should be a place of disseminating important and current political information, not posting stupid memes…and got banned.

Their board has obviously gone to shit. I post this in an attempt to open people's eyes. The_Donald mods could very well have hidden agendas, now that their board has 200,000+ subscribers, it's important that someone maintains control.

Who needs shills when your own mods are contributing to the stupidity?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off.



Trump literally only won and got the nod because of their frog posting memes and shit.

Trying to be intellectual does fucking nothing as we've seen over the years, it's whoever is the meme master.

Fuck off shlomo. Don't try to sabotage Trump's campaign.

How is that sabotaging is campaign?



srsly why

the_donald is, like any other popular sub on reddit, thoroughly subverted. don't expect too much from it. (i don't have the exact details but if you see that one of the mods is an admin, you instantly know what's up – no admins on reddit can be trusted.)
my personal opinion is "fuck reddit, never touch it" but if you do at least just post useful shit. you're not going to get anywhere playing forum cop.

r/the_donald/ is better than 8ch Holla Forums tbh, they stop the ctr shills and stop all the antisemitism and racism of this 8ch.

there is nothing wrong with reddit CTR SHILL.

Because the ancient Frog God is trying to peacefully rebuild and save America through the sweet and blood of Aryan men by getting Trump elected. Instead of killing all the Jews through a race war. That's only option number 2.

If you don't instinctively know that, you were never part of the movement to begin with.

saging your comment

How was your Bar Mitzvah?

Praise Kek, may the christcucks drown in their own blood

So, r/the_donald is better than Holla Forums because they're moral cowards when it comes to free speech?

What a strange thing to say…

I said that homosexuals should fix their lifestyle, and turn straight, and also that transgenderism isn't real. I got banned. I asked why, and they said it was for dissenting against Donald Trump's policies, cause he's "pro-LGBT".

I challenged that, by saying that Trump never said he's "pro-LGBT" (whatever that means), and that he only said he didn't want Muslims killing them, and that I also didn't call for their death. I got unbanned by TehDonald.

If dubs Hillary will show shit on stage.

Oh, and actually, to add on to that, I was saying that they shouldn't call Trump "daddy", cause it's something a homosexual would do, and it's perverted. That was also maybe part of why I was banned.



insane christkike detected

I hope you die of AIDS.

in serious terms, because memes are the way to win. there's simply too much wool pulled over the eyes of the average voter for us to simply say the truth as it is and expect them to absorb it properly. it's pretty much the same problem as trying to walk up to a random stranger on the sidewalk and convince them the holocaust never happened.

we have to use memes for smaller pieces of information to get absorbed more easily, bits at a time

They are hopeless. Not worth saving tbqh.

Even before this "pepe weekend" shit, 90% of that subreddit was nothing but "chicken tendie" posting and Hillary/Byrd memes.

You should cover up that schnoz next time Chaim


Because memetics is a valuable tool for spreading subtle redpills. Memes can potentially act as "bunker busters" for thoughts that normally never would see the light of day.

Trump has always said he was pro-LGBTQ+ and that is one of the core reasons why I support him.

how dare you say such antisemetism goyshit.

Good goy! Now go back to the shithole you came from.


Don't come back, cuck.

thats the price of being right

Nice bait chaim

the_donald is pure cancer.

Here are two threads showing their user base fawning over black Trump supporters:

Parroting the cringe worthy "daddy" meme, created by the faggot kike Milo:

Mocking the America First Committee:

Being butthurt about the term Alt-Right:

And completely misunderstanding what "Alt-Right" means:

They're beyond saving. They may use our memes but they're nothing like us.

Why are redditcucks stealing Pepe from us? Fucking faggots!

In other news water is wet. The_Donald is a bunch of censoring faggots as the rest of reddit is OP. Not sure why you're surprised by this.

That's nothing new, redditcucks were always stealing memes from us.



As other anons have said you can't go against the hive mind of reddit or they'll ban you (as you now know). As far as we're concerned The_Donald is a gathering place for useful idiots, nothing more.