It's time to remind our new friends why we have the jews and the damage they cause to our society.
all images can be downloaded from here:
I would suggest to download it and use it to redpill normies.
Videos are not included in the link.
It's time to remind our new friends why we have the jews and the damage they cause to our society.
all images can be downloaded from here:
I would suggest to download it and use it to redpill normies.
Videos are not included in the link.
Other urls found in this thread:
As much as the idea is great, the reporters are just here to fabricate some story and write a virtue signaling article to get some sheckels
They're not gonna read anything
great dump OP, I hope the mods don't bumplock this thread.
White Genocide
that 1st photo is fake m80.
Political Correctness
Jewish Control
antisemetic lies, reported.
Jewish persecution
Jews vs Christianity
Black vs White
this whole thread reeks of anti-trump, anti-semetic racist filth.
National Socialism
King Kike : Hitler did nothing wrong
Click Expand Images at top.
CTRL+S to save page.
Download webm and mp4 manually.
Have a nice day.
Top kek.
Sort your fucking shit out mods for fuck sake
also thanks for also banning the art thread you fucking mnalets.
The mods are shills working for intl. The only way to save the board is to doxx them.
Quel excellent thread, je détestes les WASP mais pour une fois vous vous etes forcer….muah!
4th quote is wrongly attributed.
That was basically one big push to make antisemitism illegal, or at least make it seem like it already is. The reporter says "arrested for a string of anti-semitic messages" and doesn't clarify until the end that he was charged with "harassment as a hate crime", and after once again deliberately misrepresenting antisemitism as a crime, and they show swastikas taped off with yellow crime scene tape. Top it off with a little old lady pretending to be scared, 'you never think it can be you', and says you have to look behind you, jewish guy says 'jew, muslim, doesn't matter, we have to get these people off the streets', never mind it being a false flag.
Media is a cesspool of lies.
Welcome to Holla Forums brother.
Thanks OP, glad to see some have the time to do KEK's work and post all those reminders. For once the Mods did their job by making a sticky out of it too.
Have a bump OP.
Big dumps are a time commitment and a mind fuck when they die off.
Really sucks that, over the years, the historical mentality of an imageboard has eroded away as huge image dumps are largely ignored or berated by shit-tier moderation.
And that image is STILL false, as “dibre david” doesn’t even exist.
very nice, but does every picture showing evidence have their sources?
My personal favorite eye witness account.
How did they expect people to believe this?
Not as part of the Talmud, but it is a real rabbinical text.
Wew that's some strong autism
none of this will ever reach the eyes of the general public.
All this posting will = sore fingers.
Nothing can be done unless you poison the packets.
This is to educate people who actually come here and what you suggest is fucking retarded.
Newfags need to lurkmoar.
How distinctions between rifles are made when they are so similar and picture is not clear enough? Also sourced link is dead.
The cant of the stock on the top of the Yugo rifle is distinct
As is the peep sight on the front of the Yugo rifle.
you need flash to download this?
You can clearly tell, look at the front sight and the cleaning rod sticking out.
Glad I didn't download flash for this…..
tf am I looking at
The zip is fucking corrupted. I don’t know about individual folders, but the zip of the whole thing is just broken.
Then why have I never been able to find it anywhere, much less a COMPLETE English talmud?
MEGA does not work when you download a 1GB+ file, you have to download the files as "standard download" individually then you will have the files imported to your desktop directory but first you have to install the MEGA firefox addon.
I installed the firefox addon and then simply downloaded the whole archive in a zip, total was 4.7GB, will scan it later to double check everything. Thanks OP for the organized files and images.
I am downloading it to my server, and I'll create a torrent of all files in few minutes
is it wrong i wan to shoot them?
It's a lot more humane than what I was thinking.
Shouldn't have the mods fixed the OP?
You know it's to remind why we HATE the jews, not hHAVE them?
I don't HAVE jews for dinner or anything like that… actually nevermind, that sounds way funnier.
The pill that Holla Forums refuses to swallow:
Black on White 19,293
White on Black 0.
Most rape allegations are fraudulent and women tend to choose Black victims when they make such claims. They do this because blue pilled men unquestioningly believe a story of rape at the hands of a nigger.
Add to this, the finding that such false allegations are almost solely the domain of White women and we can begin to decode the statistics.
tl;dr the majority of the statistical gulf is explained by selection of false rape victim.
nice try, nigger.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
women that are making shit up dont tend to report it to the cops, only bitch about it on jewbook and twitter.
niggers are fucking animals, period.
As I said, the pill the Holla Forums refuses to swallow.
You will find any explanation you can think of to avoid accepting this ugly truth about White women.
That's not correct matey.
Kanin 1994 found rate of lying to be around 50%, other studies/reports by police departments and investigators have concluded that 90-100% of rape allegations are false.
Read Kanin 1994 for a good primer on the motivations for filing a false rape allegation. The incredibly low bar for filing a claim that can destroy a man's life should make your blood run cold. Kanin found that regardless of the details, stories could be divided into three categories of motivation:
Very interesting subject but cognitive dissonance makes most Holla Forumsish men completely blocked from integrating the information into their worldview.
Pictures related: some examples of the incredibly low bar needed to ruin a man's life.
How is this a fact? What the hell is this? So some are 100%?? oh ok so niggers dont even rape white women, its just like MSM says. In that book does it say evil white men are the biggest threat to the US too? Must be a fact, cause why would someone do that? Just write a book and tell lies? Man, thanks for setting the FBI fucking record straight, schlomo. The FBI stats are SO stupid, huh?
WHY would the FBI keep bogus crime stats on niggers that flys in the face of the liberal narrative for no reason??? Youd think the goddamm FBI would know which ones to write off as false before your goofy ass would know because of this shitty book, right?
Any chance you could stop with the strawmanning of Holla Forums. Those of us who arrived here via Heartiste etc. are well aware of how women act.
Even if the vast majority of allegations are false, so what? Black men around white women is bad. A brother should stay with the sistas and those evil cracka broads can't touch him.
Incredulity is not an argument.
According to police/medical practitioners, in some areas the rate has been 100%, yes.
Here we go. Didn't take long for you to start putting words in my mouth.
Salt. This isn't Tumblr or Reddit.
The FBI stats aren't "bogus", they are what they are, a record of reported rapes. Much the same way as they have a record of reported "hate crimes", they just record reported instances, they don't have a magic crystal ball to filter true from false.
Not sure how you think I'm "straw manning" and Holla Forums isn't here for your benefit. If you don't want to read someone's posts then filter them, no one is going to stop posting to cater to your feelings.
Ignoring facts for political aims is the way of the left. Truth is superior to falsehood.
Nice ad hominem, are you a feminist?
when i asked "what the hell is this?" that wasnt really an argument as much as A QUESTION, DUMB FUCK.
What is this book youre posting and why do you assume it contains these facts? Are you going to dodge the question again, sport? WHAT IS THIS?
He's a shill user. He's gone now so stop letting him derail the thread.
you also never answered why the FBI would make up stats that go AGAINST the liberal narrative, just that they want crime to seem bad, which makes no sense because overall violent crime is going down.
i shouldnt have to pry answers out of you while you pick and choose what to half argue about and post scans of some shitty book nobodys read and try to pass it as fact. Eat shit and die, nigger. Here, i can post an image too and say this is a fact.
Quote the author of the video in the comments:
I'll take his words with a grain of salt.
I was not ready to rage this hard this morning. But righteous rage will only add more fuel to the ovens. Sieg Heil!
International Jewry
(continuing the work of OP, not sure how to do the red capital letters)
Famous Men on the Jews
nice website, goyim
the amount of butthurt here is palatable
i will shitpost far hire quality shit to derail threads for a mere 0.67 $ a post
>red 3
>Redpills of Zion
you are killing me sempai, can we torrent our shit PLEASE
MEGA is fucking my shit up and aint nobody has time for that.
I'm confused. What's the distinction between the two? Don't they both cover Zion?
Red 3 looks like it should be everything that is in the other one, except it has filenames and is sorted into folders.
So it’s fucking great, because I found the other one almost a year ago and still haven’t had time to name and sort everything in it.
It’s just that red 3 also has a fuckton of broken folders (won’t download from Mega) and the zip of the whole thing is corrupt.
red 3 is based on the redpills of zion
not all images from redpills of zion are in red 3 (there are at least 1000 images in the roz folder)and I didn't have time to sort them out.
I suggest you download it still because it contains a lot of information that wasn't included in red 3
If the jews have been the ultimate evil towards our race, then why do we still obey our "gays are evil" dogma?
You know, the whole sodom and gomorrah story entirely fabricated by the jews?
If anything, acceptance of homosexuality could be seen as a traditional quality of early rome. Great rome. Before it went to shit due to christianity being founded as the state religion.
You’re not even TRYING, moishe.
A lot of the idea of Greek and Roman “acceptance” of homosexuality has been blown out of proportion by A. early Christians who wanted to make the Greeks look degenerate by their standards, and B. 20th century theorists who see two naked figures on a pot and describe it as eroticism even if they are fighting. The pots which did represent actual gay sex–censored by intercrucial depictions–are few. And does the existence of homosexual pornography tell us the society as a whole generally thought homosexuality was natural and good? Of course not.
Then there’s the whole term pederasty and what we translate as “lover.” If pederasty was about sex, then why was admiring boys in a sexual way frowned upon? We know there were prohibitions of this. It seems that what we translate as “lover” should more likely be translated as “teacher.”
There's also no real evidence that Alexander the Great was gay. All we have is his extremely close friendship with Hephaestion and one event where he kissed a eunuch, whom the crowd shouted for him to kiss. And there’s also another account of people lining up to be kissed by Alexander, so this may have been a tribute thing.
Here is the account:
Plutarch’s Life of Alexander 67.4
“We are told, too, that he was once viewing some contests in singing and dancing, being well heated with wine, and that his favorite, Bagoas, won the prize for song and dance, and then, all in his festal array, passed through the theater and took his seat by Alexander’s side; at sight of which the Macedonians clapped their hands and loudly bade the king kiss the victor, until at last he threw his arms about him and kissed him tenderly.”
So, yeah, probably not a gay thing anymore than a European noble kissing the king’s finger or French and Italians kissing each other’s cheeks. We also know that Alexander’s parents feared for his sexuality early on. Among hundreds of quotes that could be presented, one of the most interesting comes from Athenaeus of Naucratis and his “The Deipnosophists” (X. 45).
“And Hieronymus, in his “Letters”, says that Theophrastus says that Alexander was not open to ‘bodily pleasures’; and accordingly, when Olympian had given him Callixene, a Thessaian courtesan, for a mistress , who was a most beautiful woman, and all this was done with the concept of Philip, [for they were afraid that he would become effeminate], she was constantly obliged to ask him herself to do his duty by her.”
I “wonder” what the context of “effeminate” might be in a passage in which his parents, worried about his lack of desire, are hiring a female prostitute for him. Alexander would later go on to have recorded sexual relationships with women, yet the only proof of any with men is that he had a really really close friend, and that a crowd told him to kiss a eunuch once. That's it. Time and again, that’s how Greek life is reinterpreted. Early Christians made the Greeks gay to shame the pagans and later intellectuals enthusiastically embraced this narrative by cherrypicking sources.
Sodomy–the modern definition of anal sex rather than the Middle Ages’ of bestiality, et. al.–was punishable by death in most of the city-states of Greece. Pederasty was institutional in some cases (Sparta and Thebes), but penetrative sex was not. And in Athens, the openly homosexual could not own property, and, by extension, vote or serve in a public office.
In Rome, homosexuality was considered a vice. You were technically allowed to sodomize a male slave, but doing so would be looked at as a “decadent Greek practice.” Though the openly homosexual could own property, they could not hold office or military rank. Homosexual activity of any type with a fellow citizen meant that you would be cast out of social circles. Receiving sodomy was a crime punished by revocation of property, and, by extension, rights of citizenship. In some Providences, it was punished by death or exile.
Now let’s compare that to Middle Ages Europe. The punishment for sodomy? A fine, or a five year sentence if you were unable to pay the fine. Sodomy was not punished by death, though you could be cast out of the priesthood for it. They could not revoke property or noble status for the discovery of homosexual activity. This had to do with the philosophy of the time. Homosexuality and sodomy (homosexual or otherwise) was seen as the logical extension of uncontrolled lust–the desire for sex without reproductive function. By their philosophy, anyone had the potential to become a sodomite. As such, the punishments were lenient compared to Rome or Greece. Only certain groups within society–like certain nobles who under Roman law were literately above the common law–could do this without consequences.
And stuff from an ex-faggot:
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, also known as the DSM, is the official list of mental disorders to which all mental health professionals refer when diagnosing patient. The first version, released in 1952, listed homosexuality as a sociopathic personality disturbance. In 1968, the second version (DSM II) reclassified homosexuality as a sexual deviancy. Soon afterward, gay protesters began picketing at the APA's annual conventions, demanding that homosexuality be removed from the list completely. Members of the APA had their lives–and the lives of their families–threatened by gay activists. In 1973, after intensive debate and numerous disturbances by gay activist, the APA decided to remove homosexuality from its next manual (DSM III). What followed was a swarm of outrage from psychiatrists within the APA who disagreed with the decision and demanded that the issue be reconsidered.
In 1974, a referendum was called and approximately 40% percent of the APA’s membership voted to put homosexuality back into the DSM. Since a majority was not achieved to reverse the decision, homosexuality remains omitted from the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. To the LGBT community, this omission from the DSM was a logical move. They felt that, absent from any unbiased social-science research to prove that homosexuality is inherently pathological, the only thing that had been keeping homosexuality in the DSM was societal prejudice. However, many in the scientific community have criticized the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from the DSM, claiming its motives were more political than scientific.
Dr. Ronald Bayer, author of the book Homosexuality and American Psychiatry, writes:
“The entire process, from the first confrontation organized by gay demonstrators to the referendum demanded by the orthodox psychiatrists, seemed to violate the most basic expectations about how questions of science should be resolved. Instead of being engaged in sober discussion of data, psychiatrists were swept up in a political controversy. The result was not a conclusion based on an approximation of the scientific truth as dictated by reason, but was instead an action demanded by the ideological temper of the times.”
Along these same lines, a recent radio documentary on the subject of homosexuality revealed that the president-elect of the APA in 1973, Dr. John P. Speigel, was a “closeted homosexual with a very particular agenda.” Another of the reasons APA members were so quick to vote in favor of homosexuality’s removal from the DSM, according to Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, is that many in the psychiatric profession had “failed to identify, with certainty, the psychodynamic causes of homosexuality, and consequently to devise a reasonably successful treatment for it.” It should be noted that although the psychiatric profession as a whole has failed in treating homosexuals, there are still many psychotherapists who report great personal success in such treatment.
While the medical profession in general has done much to advance our knowledge of human functioning, in some cases it seems that modern medicine seeks to recognize or diagnose only those problems that it believes it can remedy. I found this out a few years ago when I experienced an unexplained twitching in my eye. (The medical term is “blesphorospasm.”) I visited a general practitioner, two optometrists, an ophthalmologist, and a neurologist and underwent a thirteen-hundred-dollar MRI only to be told I had no problem. Although a few of the physicians were able to name my symptom, none could tell me, with certainty, what was causing it. It wasn't until I visited a doctor friend of my dad’s (whose alternative methods were not recognized as legitimate by my insurance company) that my problem was diagnosed and corrected. And, I might add, he charged me only forty-five dollars. Gordon Dalbey writes, “I am convinced that the American Psychiatric Society [sic] removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses simply because the psychiatrists were tired of failing in their human efforts to heal it.” He suggests that the reason much of secular psychiatry has failed in treating those with unwanted homosexual desires is that it has ignored the spiritual component of this process. Dalbey points out that homosexuality is something that “only the Father God can heal.”
Another factor in the APA’s decision to remove homosexuality from its list may have been the perception that there were not many homosexuals who desired therapy to change their orientation. This perception may have been fueled by the fact that ex-gays were not nearly as vocal in 1973 as we are now. I take issue with the fact that the APA and many other professional organizations have moved far beyond just saying that homosexuality is not an illness, and instead are now saying that reorientation therapy could potentially “harm” someone tying to change from gay to straight. Groups like the American Psychological Association, the National Association of Social Workers, and the American Academy of Pediatrics have upset a large portion of their membership by rejecting the idea that homosexuals can change. In doing this, most of the major psychological associations have turned their backs on people like me. But there are still hundreds of mental health experts successfully treating homosexuals; they just aren't advertising it. This is because doing so could get them into trouble, if some gay activists have their way. There has been a move in the APA to make treatment of homosexuality a violation of professional conduct for a psychiatrist, even if it's done at the patient's request.
Wow forcing the jew pill down your patient's throats actually fucks them up even more.
Who would have known.
You might not be gay, but you're still a fag.
So yes, you’re a cocksucking faggot. Thanks for clarifying.
Are the images and video's posted after the OP already uploaded to MEGA?
Rep. (((Steny Hoyer))): Trump as president would be ‘dangerous’ for Israel
"Not to be outdone by Cantor’s Jewish-buttocks kissing, House Democratic Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (yet another Zionist Jew in power as there is now a RECORD NUMBER OF JEWS in Congress) will follow Cantor later in the month with a delegation of 35 Democrats and even more fawning over self-serving Jews."
But remember goyim, it's an anti-Semitic canard that jews aren't loyal citizens and that they infiltrate governments and wreck nations.
I need help, Holla Forums.
I talked to a Jew for hours, the guy is very intelligent and studied the jewish texts, and he debunked almost every quote about the goyim hate and basically sent me the same quantity of material that we have here but which proves the opposite of what we believe.
He's still adamant on the holohax which kept me in the Holla Forums field, but I think he has a point maybe.
He says the bad kikes are a clique and most kikes don't agree with them, and basically that jews have their own "Holla Forums" but it's just a fringe.
The words are getting into my head and I'm starting to doubt.
Half of me tells me it's kike deception but I can't shake off that he made a lot of sense.
Has this ever happened to you and how did you get out of it, I don't want to go back to being bluepilled but he's getting in my head
That's a nice fantasy of what you would have liked to do in this thread as the jew. But you're not able so you posed as a goy and told lies., like normal
There were jews who supported hitler
just read some issues of Liberty Bell and you'll go back to hating Jews in no time.
Post the "debunking" content or fuck off. If the goyim hate is not real, why do their actions do nothing but indicate otherwise, actions are 100 times more important than words in discerning character.
If it impacted you so much why cant you even say one thing that he changed your mind on?
because you know that its true what they say about jews throughout all of time.
jews despise the gentiles, they especially hate white europeans because they see them as the "seed of amalek" and believe they will never rule the earth until all whites are gone.
besides something makes me doubt that your post was honest to life in the first place
The race struggle is the primary struggle
Humanity would require them being human to begin with.
Give it one more before bed. I want to read this tomorrow.
So is there a torrent for this? All I see are the megas, but I can't fucking access those from where I am, so I need an alternative.