What are your takes on the Identitarian movement in Europe?
From What I gather they claim to not be Fascists just Right wing,
But as some of you might remember Europeanguardiam.com their news website wich basically had Holla Forums articles on it had a heiling girl .gif in one of their artticles on European women.
Identitarian Movement in Europe
Other urls found in this thread:
They're garbage
They seem like every other populism (mildly) right wing group that is popping up in europe.
Any "nationalist" movement that isn't explicitly anti-semitic is controlled opposition.
Everything that isnt NatSoc is shit.
They seem to love Putin and Bibi…I tend to support their actions whenever they pull off something in public but tbh, they're the ultimate RT/Kikebart movement. The French branch is a bit more ahead of the others in all regards, though.
Hitler dubs confirm.
I read a short book (more like a pamphlet) by one of them once, it was alright. Refused to name the Jew though. Probably useless in the long run.
These groups would do better if they were much more aggressive about recruiting instead of acting like an elite little Situationist cell, like door-to-door knife salesmen aggressive.
Every little helps as long as it moves people in the direction of NatSoc.
Even if you are a zionist libertarian civic nationalist if you start by accepting that blacks have lower IQs, you'll eventually go down the rabbit hole.
Nazis are not even right-wing, they are nothing more than left-wing authoritarians who believe in state-run cultural conservatism.
"I-Imposing values by decree is A-Ok, as long as they are not SJW values"
t. stormfag
They're neither right nor left.
Third position, wathever is good for the people at that place at that time.
No dogma's.
If the state does something it's left wing!
By this logic, the Ancien Regime was left wing, which renders the entire concept nonsensical.
Yeah, you sound more like a stereotypical lolberg.
And just so you know, if you don't impose values by decree, someone else will.
Naive liberals believed they could have a completely open culture, but then (((people))) to the left of them came along and started enforcing SJW crap.
Conservatism = left-wing.
No, but stormfags have the same childish attitude as all other leftists.
"The state will fix it"
"There oughta be a law, goshdarnit"
Socialism and National Socialism draw from the same rotten well.
Yeah, No. Try to address the message, instead of trying to drag down the messenger.
That's not childish. Libertarians are childish for believing they are above this. Even private property is enforced by the state, but you don't accept this. What matters is what you want to enforce, not that you enforce things.
Even Ancaps think there oughta be a law, it's just the law of overlapping polycentric private organizations enforcing the NAP instead of a state with a law monopoly.
Their actions are great.
Their ideology is decades old french cuck shit.
It's not childish to defer to people in authority to do everything for you?
It is an infantile ideology and what's more, at it's core it is a feminine, r-type ideology, which would allows parasitic and worthless elements in society to flourish if it wasn't for eugenics and other absurd countermeasures to fix problems created by other absurd policies.
Yeah, so? Enforcing basic rules is very different from having stalinist policies about everything. I am not a libertarian and i am certainly not an anarchist. We need the state to do things for the general good that are impractical and inefficient on a local level. What we don't need is a Fuhrer setting policies in areas that he is completely ignorant of.
Everything that's not literally Hitler is shit/honeypot
t. Holla Forums
Fuck off shill
That's the problem I'm having with them what they say is their ideology doesn't match up with their actions.
It's really weird and could be to throw normies in for a loop.
Don't know.
Well, yeah, because they just are right wing in the sense that they care about their own race and identity in the same way that every other race does. Modern society has done nothing except attack white identity but promoting the most extremist of all others to the point of promoting violence and murder against whites. It's only natural that they seek to take back what was taken from them.
Who says it's deference? If the government says homosexuality is banned, then if I agree with that, I'm not just being passively submissive, but acting along with the government, because I'm part of the society that endorses that rule.
In a non-degenerate society, I'd gladly become a cop and enforce order. I'd be part of the authority.
Bullshit. How can it be feminine when it's literally how militaries function. Authority and duty = power.
You want to be free from responsibility. The only way in which that is masculine is the way in which it's like the masculinity of a little boy dreaming about being a superhero who doesn't need his people.
How? You claim to have escaped, but again you've fallen into the lolbergish trap of assuming that government doing things automatically equals leftist welfare states and degeneracy.
You can't comprehend the idea of citizens working for and with their government to do generative things, can you?
I don't blame you. Our age is so degenerative, that it's hard to believe a state could be for you instead of against you, but that's exactly what the ideology of nationalism AKA nation-statism hopes to establish.
No, because if the state purely enforced private property with no other input, then the rules become whatever the property owners decide, which could be anything from lenience to ridiculously totalitarian depending on what the property owners want to do with their property.
You can't escape from the responsibility of authority.
Your thinking is littered with libertarian memes and false thinking, so you do sound like one. There's still time for you. Keep reading!
Who says it would work that way? The Fuhrer is only enforcing the kinds of well established conservative values we know work, and as far as anything technical, obviously he'd be appointing people who do know what they are talking about.
There's nothing rocket science about faggotry is banned, however.
Throwing normies in a loop isn't bad. They need to start to think for themselves anyway, not switch to another (((trustworthy fool))) telling them what to think. We live in the information age. Propaganda has changed. It's not that important anymore to convince someone of what you are saying, it's enough to get him to look it up for himself, at least when you have the truth on your side.
I'm quite sure the real thinkers haven't set foot on the field yet and are content with steering everything from the shadows. The thinkers of the new right (of which the Identitarians are the youth organization) are an abysmal joke.
Just to clarify; retards misunderstand this and think something like HURR THEN OBEYING THE JEWS IS POWER THEN CUCK, but actually the entire point of this is that authority isn't free, but is earned. The existing establishment only acts against the white race, so it does nothing to earn authority, and there is no reciprocal generative relationship on which loyalty can be founded and duty becomes a requirement.
The duty we do have is to establish that authority, the authority that can enforce and protect our blood and soil.
do these people even have some intellectual reference points?
I'm not judging but I'm legitimately curious if they know exactly what they are fighting for and if they are truly principled peoples.
Yes, they are decidedly pseudo-intellectual. You cannot talk to one of them without getting thrown quotes from Heidegger (I think also Evola, but not sure if they disagree) and their own thinkers like Benoist. Be also prepared to get slapped relentlessly with thesaurus.
Mostly European new right (Benoist, Faye, Sunic) and German conservative revolution (Schmitt, Jünger, Spengler) from what I've seen.
And what have "NatSoc" done but shit up the internet? You people cannot get anything done in real life. No excuses.
Everything HItler is a kosher D&C to derail any serious attempt by Whites to defend themselves.
Holocaust denial just became legal in Germany btw
Reminder that all the conservatives in europe were fine with the destruction of nazism
Didn't know that. But it's the hate speech laws that are the problem
oy vey muh 6 gorillions. Can't create a thread as torfag, some part of the courts ruling are posted (and translated in Deutsch/pol/) for those who care.
They look like Holla Forumsacks hiding their power level. Anything that spits in the face of muh diversity is worthwhile.
But they think anything right is facist.
I have done plenty of real life activist
Another Matthew Heimbach thread.
this thread is full of antisemetism CTR shills.
yeah. Holla Forums loves the kikes, we cannot stop talking about them.
I am quite new here lad, I came from r/the_donald and I am an expert on what is and what is not antisemetism and racism.
I am also a strong supporter of Trump #MAGA and the LGBT liberation movement.
antisemite ctr detected
If you are trying to police Holla Forums into pro-Israel you are a CTR shill.
I'm pro-Israel. Israel can be their new concentration camp.
Only LGBT? You bigot!
Holla Forums seems to be quite anitsemetic but I think that will change after the elections and an influx of enlightened anti-racists like me from reddit and other more tolerant websites.
The fuck you doing here?
I fully align with LGBTQPI+ freedom and I am not a bigot.
It's because of hate speech laws.
You sound like me! Thank g-d for the Alt-Right and Trump. I can`t wait till I can have sex with my daughter and dog without fear of persecution.
Nazis are slightly right leaning authoritarians.
This one is older, at least 15 years old, started by French gen-xer's who were in their late 30's.
i like it, they actually do shit, and inspires the new right
Have you sucked any cock lately, Richard?
hey there jew
Kill yourself.
Remember goy, homosexuality is the last bastion of white identity :^)
Very impressive gymnastics. Standard jew tactic.
I thoroughly support them, lad.
They are as controlled as opposition can get. However, I do like their
Which might motivate white girls to not fuck niggers anymore.
I wouldn't pin all my hopes on them, though.
The europe problem are hate speech laws. An actual ethnonationalist party would be illegal in most of europe.
Oh yeah, and apparently "muh horseshoe theory" is a new meme by (((them))).
correct use of Sage because I don't have a lot to offer to discussion.
identitarians = crypto jidf
People who shy away from calling themselves "fascist" for the sake of PR and go out of their way to prove how "not racist" they are are worthless to our cause. Anyone who understands the true left/right paradigm understands that there's no "just right wing" with bits and pieces of left-wing ideology transplanted and grafted on. The only real right-wing ideologies are those that reject egalitarianism in its entirety and embrace hierarchy, strength, and the strong races dominating the weaker ones as nature's will.
Holla Forums's exactly the same as those pesky SJWs, amiright, my fellow goys?
You fags could always read :
Generation Identity ‒ A Declaration of War Against the '68ers
The denial of the European peoples' right to their own heritage, history and even their physical homelands has become part of the cultural fundament of the modern West. Mass immigration, selective and vilifying propaganda, and a constant barrage of perverse or, at best, pointless consumer culture all contribute to the transformation of Europe into a non-entity. Her native population consists mostly of atomistic individuals, lacking any semblance of purpose or direction, increasingly victimised by a political system with no interest in the people it governs. There are many views on how this came to be, but the revolt of May 1968 was certainly of singular importance in creating the apolitical, self-destructive situation that postmodern Europe is in today.
This, however, is no history book. It is not primarily about how this came to be, but rather what can and should be done about it and, more to the point, who will do it. After the treachery of the political, journalistic and academic pseudo-elites and the complacency of an entire generation of Europeans which enabled it, it falls upon the young – the foremost victims of the derailing of Western society – to turn the tide.
In Generation Identity, activist Markus Willinger presents his take on the ideology of the budding identitarian movement in 41 brief and direct chapters. Willinger presents a crystal-clear image of what has gone wrong, and indicates the direction in which we should look for our solutions. Moving seamlessly between the spheres of radical politics and existential philosophy, Generation Identity explains in a succinct, yet poetic fashion what young Europeans must say – or should say – to the corrupt representatives of the decrepit social structures dominating our continent.
This is not a manifesto, it is a declaration of war.
This book also contains an original Foreword by Philippe Vardon, one of the leaders of Bloc Identitaire and the French identitarian youth movement.
Table of Contents:
Foreword – The Front Line by Philippe Vardon
Editor's Note
1. Generation Identity
2. On Loneliness
3. On Religion
4. On Politics
5. On Idyllic Family Life
6. On the Sexes
7. On the Unborn Children
8. On the Economy
9. On Critical Thinking
10. On Ecology
11. On the Multicultural Society
12. On Universalism
13. On Democracy
14. On Diversity
15. On National Socialism
16. On the End of the World
17. On Foreign Affairs
18. On the European Union
19. On Death
20. On Sexuality
21. On Racism
22. On the New Year
23. On the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
24. On Islam
25. On Body and Mind
26. On Freedom
27. On Ethnopluralism
28. On Responsibility
29. On the Globalised World
30. On Escapism
31. On the Zeitgeist
32. On the Longing for Identity
33. On Compulsory Military Service
34. On Integration
35. On a World Without Identities
36. On the Conflict in the Middle East
37. On Art
38. Aurea aetas: The Golden Era
39. Our Decision
40. Our Weapons
41. The Declaration of War (less)
If you haven't read it, I see no use in debating since you don't know the subject - at all.
Yeah, let's take him seriously
Germanfag here. Nah. Most of them are liberal-capitalists from wealthy families. It's basically the rich equivalent of your garden variety hooligan.
I was in one of their local organizations for like two months and participated in various meeting (get-to-knows and action planning). From the roughly 50 I talked to only one dude was redpilled. Rest of them were decadent shits who grew up with the silver spoon and were more concerned with their designer clothes than intricate political knowledge.
You can sum up that retarded movement in one sentence: spoiled rich kids afraid to loose shekels because of muhammad.
That's basically it, aside from some token poorfags who are their foot soldiers.
start posting when you get out of highschool, faggot
Were there many women at these meetings? If so, were they weird?
Their videos suggest that there are many women in the movement, I don't know if this is overexaggerated, though.
And because the ones you met (your local chapter) were like this, you're now generalising the whole movement is like that?
Could you please elaborate as to why he isn't to be taken seriously? Thanks!
Were you also the guy who got ejected because you criticized Israhell?
Deutsch/pol/, Kamerad?
I have to say Holla Forums I am really dissapointed in you.
Meanwhile you're in your basement doing. jackshit nothing but posting frogs and dreaming about imaginary rwds.
Open another bottle of mountain dew and microwave the hotpockets.
He's a kid, (an autistic one at that, you can see him on yt) who wrote an ebook that's written like a mediocre blogpost and offers absolutely nothing new or unusual.
I would like to address that I have never called men doing what men do "Larping".
It is mostly the brit/pol/ subhumans, who are literal NEETs.
They are doing something irl. They are connecting people. I'd rather fight along their side than some fat faggot neckbeard who can't even run a kilometer.
Being afraid of antifa is like being afraid of a flock of aggressive pigeons.
It really isnt what you think it is in Europe.
One on one isn't a problem however as I hope you know they always attack in packs.
I just know me little neckbeard faggot is gonna call me a shill / jew / whatever so let me address that beforehand.
I'm not in ID Europe. However, they are present in my country. So far from what I've gathered they are fully redpilled, they are very well connected with other countries / willing to travel. As for their actions in my country at least, they are mainly redpilling / subverting normies on web, supporting other right wing movements, going around the country posting fuck islam and identity stickers, but not actually fighting antifa. Ultras on the other hand are. Central Europe, can't say which country because it would be really easy to recognise the ultra group in question.
They are a start and do interesting things
Gate of Brandenburg:
Generation ID scaled it and put up a banner saying:
And instead of helping your fellow countrymen see the light you ran away? Many of these kids are just whites who have a feeling something is deeply wrong. The fact that they have interest should be a good thing, not bad.
You were probably a laughable teen at one point too. No need to shun them because of your marxist thoughts on class.
He means well, but the entire thing reads like it was written by a twelve-year-old.
Nice strawman. No one here thinks like this. Why don't you fucking lurk more you kike
Nice proof torfag
I liked vid related even better. It caused massive amounts of leftist tears.
The banner says "Hypocrites", and was put up after Vienna Burgtheater was showing a pro-refugee play by (((Elfriede Jelinek))).
I actually remember this, it was all over msm national European media, leftards crying about it
shit was cash
Identitarians storm stage in Vienna during refugee play
```Right-wing extremists stormed a stage in Vienna last night where refugees were performing a play, in what was the second protest from the anti-Muslim group in two weeks.```
bump. Would be great if an identitarian could actually give a little more insight…
I recall they are present, they posted a thread about a planned gathering couple months ago
I'm surprised, generation identity are very level headed and good looking. Meanwhile the antifa and other leftists…. All I'm reminded is that quote about how the fascists of the future will be anti-fascists.
Horseshoe theory is kind of right in the social ways, wrong in everything else.
An example of how it's right is in extremely right-wing societies, races are segregated because of that pesky racism.
In extremely left-wing societies, buses/trains/whatever are "diverse" and have areas/entire vehicles specifically for one race.
The reasoning is different, but the result is the same.
The problem is that centralists never look at anything other that social issues, if they even dared look at the government of Nazi Germany compared to North Korea their theory would fall apart.
Yes, same. I notice that Identitarians pay great attention to: Being well groomed, being physically in shape (climbing, running, martial arts) and being well educated (reading and knowing your history)
Summer is over. You don't want to get suspended by the principal for using the library's PC to post in an ebul neonazi forum, do you, sport?
Did you seriously expect anyone to read past that?
Okay, it's probably just freech but let me demonstrate why you are retarded.
Not in any way a SJW belief. At most SJW claim that "White cis-males" should be segregated from the rest and be demonized.
Well yes, in contrast to other people's ancestors our ancestors actually did shit and so will probably our descendants. If you goybergs are so meritocratic then why don't you deny any family inheritage and start over from a fucking jungle?
aka taking credit for what OTHER PEOPLE'S ancestors did
Yeah. It's not like media are literally propagandizing shaming campaigns and population replacement in solely White cries or that they are actively silencing reports for widespread targeted violence and rape against Whites.
I am sure that Rotherham rape, Cologne rape and Whites being the overrepresented silent victims of interracial violence is just as imaginary as the wage gap.
A broken cloak is right twice a day. I don't see any SJW rallying against "sexual freedom" though. On the contrary they are constantly yelling about "slut shaming" and "my body my rules".
Indeed they are. You know that "cuck" somes from "cuckoo", right? Are you lolbergs zoologically illiterate enough to not know what cuckoo does?
They are right. Libshits invented the word just to fit this description, so what's your objection?
Yes. Every socially responsible person that is not solely obsessed over MUH HOARDING and MUH FREEDOM TO INJECT AN OVERDOSE OF MARIJUANA AND AIDS does. Good luck building your meritocratic utopia with all the subhumans and noise making hippies around. I bet free market will fix Tyrone from planting a bullet into your head during your attempt to become a multi-billionaire by working into a convenience store.
Generation Identity is good.
They are just fascists in denial.
What do you mean, user?
You know who were the good guys right?
Antifa in Europe is state-supported
He means:
Antifa is more nazi than nazis ever were
Anti freedom of speech, attack anyone who has a different opinion, basically.
Man, this shitty lolberg/ancap lingo really pisses me off. Suppression of opposition is a necessary thing. Everyone does that.
Even lolberg and ancap do that under the pretense of "muh private forum".
I dont think anyone should make this kind of retarded comparison anymore.
winston churchil said it.
I didn't fucking invent it, fam
I really dont like to hear whatever came out of the subhuman drunkard mouth, lad.
Seriously, pure retardation and poison. "If you were young and you werent socialist.."
The fuck?
Its the same with Roosevelt.
He was like the liberal living image of the evil George Bush, and pushed for a war that americans didnt wanted. But he is good becuase the (((media))) says so.
fuck off
There should be a soviet version of this Hillary image. It would be more fitting.
Good. Really good. Lads are doing an upstanding job.
They aren't natsoc, they 're nationalists. You niggers should stop whining about it and start working towards the common goal. I'm talking specifically Europe, what burgers do is of little relevance to me.
Eurofag here.
I don't trust them. Same goes for people calling themselves fascists or Pan-european.
These don't seem to genuinly care about their own people's well-being. Identitarians are a bunch of "intellectuals" as in they have to intellectualize the whole simple process of taking care of your family and tribe.
Fascists have some subverting elements amongst them, as in there are instances where the state, is above race. As in they don't care if there is shitskins in amongst them, as long as they have the fascist nation.
And Pan-europeans are self-explanatory. They don't understand the differences and variety of the european cultures and peoples. And how it would be a shame to mesh everyone together (and it wouldn't work, would end up like Jugoslavia).
all current governments are despicable
we agree on that
good clarification
in fact right now most governments only earn the duty of the people they try to control, the duty to overthrow and dismantle every aspect of those corrupt bureaucracies