So there's really probably no point anymore in trying to kill the altright meme right...

So there's really probably no point anymore in trying to kill the altright meme right? It is to right-wing what sjw is to the left. I can't get over how fucking stupid this shit is but if WE HAVE to keep this shit then how do we kill the faggot menace that creeps into it?

Greg Johnson, Richard Spencer and I forgot that other guy's name are literally sexual predators for convincing a young generation of right-wingers that they can't win without the help of homosexuals. That's pedophilic predator behavior.

And now we have to deal with shit like pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:



Just tell everybody that homosexual behaviour is suspiciously similar to what a parasite would want from its host, and they will lose their shit.

Someone should inform this faggot what the 'poz my neg hole' meme means.

just join phalanx brah


this guy, eh? what a fucking faggot. I'm sure jumping about all lubed up with your rainbow strapons is total anti degeneracy


Simple, start implying Alt-right = Alt-SJWs when you see things like that taking hold. That should agitate things a fair bit. Considering a significant portion of "alt-right" would still desire more politically incorrect thought, the accusation will force them to harden that stance or risk losing people.

Dude in image doesn't understand that gays are hopelessly entrenched with the left. You can't even wear a MAGA hat in San Francisco without running into trouble. What do you think would happen to you if you wore a swastika necklace or something? It would take genuine balls to stand up against the mass of communist dogs, and tbh, I salute any gay person with the courage to do so. However, those people will always be the exception and not the rule.

Speaking of well of gays will not translate to votes. It'll simply cause the concern trolls to move on to the next topic (probably transgender people). Ultimately, it will lead toward topics like, "Can't we just promote racial purity with culture instead of with law?" and the movement will have no definable aims.

Part of NatSoc ideology is about building the perfect Aryan. Every day, science improves our understanding of human biology a little bit more. In the future, we may find a way to prevent newborn children from becoming gay. If that happens, then I don't see any problem with letting the last gays live out their lives as they wish.

I don't like gays at all, but at this point the """"""""""""""""""""""""alt right"""""""""""""""""""""""""" is about creating memes and voting for this or that and mild subversion, so its not as if letting gays stick around is bad. There is nothing that can be done about them.

I like how Trump handles it: its a states rights thing for him. No point worrying about stuff you can't change.

Eventually, they'll push too far and get kicked out anyway. Gays are leftists trying to let their ideology bleed in.

How about we just say things like
mafia style
Nothing changes.
No literal D&C like you suggested since it's still an implicitly pro-white group.

Fair point.

It's one big misunderstanding right now, leftists think that the "alt-right" is a nationalistic group that wants to genocide the jews while people who actually call themselves "alt-right" are often redditors like the one in the pic OP posted that actually have mostly leftist views.

They will meet the same fate with the SJWs.
We are not alt-right, we are NatSoc. We are white and proud, we are racists, we want to throw faggots in bogs. There is nothing wrong with that.

Alt-Right is GamerGate 2. If GamerGate was worse than ISIS, then Alt-Right is worse than Hitler. SJWs must reckon it as some kind of death cult that's completely devoted to exterminating everyone that's not a white male.

So our enemies will give our arguments air and do our work for us while blaming a scapegoat that isnt us.

Thank you for reminding me.

I like natt even though he's a sperg at times


Meaning """""""""gay pride""""""""""" is white gay pride or that white identity is necessarily tinged with the gay?

jesis christ

i guess the only place for gays are in a bog now?
care to explain this

care to explain why fags are degenerates who need to die? only fags can do that. start explaining.

Can't wait for CF to find this post and use it as 'proof' that all white nationalists suck cock

no, I mean the image, what does the bog mean and whos the guy

Faggots, cuckolds and racemixers are no white brothers of mine. I will never stand in solidarity with a traitor.

A bog is a body of water, usually like a swamp, good place to disappear a corpse.
I don't know, probably some British shit.

Some guy from TRS I think. He used to be part of their Radio Free Skyrim podcast. Some danish occasionally spergy nationalist


We are not Alt Right.

We are the Umman Manda.

Just make a fucking sticky called "The Eternal Homo Fag Thread" already

Honestly I can't disagree, this isn't really news/politics or informative. All of these religious debate and fag threads are started with no substance and lead absolutely nowhere.

I will tbh. I've been coming here and half chan for years now and this D&C shit will fucking sink us. We should be willing to work with anyone to achieve our goals and deal with the consequences of that AFTER we are in a position of prominence. Weve had almost 80 fucking years of being the underdog now, lets get on top first then clean house.

Ok, but what do we do when one of our "representations" is fucking (((milo kikeopolis)))?
Also, the whole tolerance of having gays thing does not really serve as the alt-right's "saving grace", does it?

No matter what we do at this point the MSM are going to use it to refer to us.

This reminds me of the time Gamergate tried desperately to change how the media reported them and the MSM didn't give a shit.

That was Trump's response too; nobody even knows what an 'alt-right' is. He's right, there is no alt-right, we are the Right, and that's all there is to it.

Yeah, Trump already gave us an example of what should be doing in response to this media garbage. It's not worth actually letting it become a wedge because people get hung up over the term.

fags are such gigantic attention-whoring mini-jews

if the right hates them, they run to SJWs
if the left hates them, they run to the "alt-right"

fuck 'em


The alt-right never existed and was coined by kikes

I've heard this theory before & it's far more plausible than "Being gay is genetic!" nonsense which can be immediately dismissed by the simple facts 1. No gay gene has ever been discovered. & 2. Genes are passed down through procreation which gays don't do thus homosexuality should decrease to nothing rather than increasing.

Consuming Soylent for long periods of time turns men into trannies so there are also theories regarding artificially-inflicted Testosterone deficiencies.

It's a shame these far more plausible theories cannot be discussed since everyone is pushing the failed "It's genetic!" theory.

Combined the images, far more convenient.

Just do what Trump did, and say you don't even know what the alt-right is. Which is true, because the term is so vague.

(((they've))) made the window so open it's basically "anyone who doesn't go along with kike bullshit, and even a few who do too"

It's a classic punishment for literal faggots.

Thanks for the combo. Here's an interview about toxoplasmosis that you should watch. I'm not convinced that this is the exact germ that is responsible for homosexuality in humans, but this the only candidate I know about.
A related concept that people should be more aware of is parasitic castration:

>A parasite that ends the reproductive life of its host theoretically liberates a significant fraction of the host's resources, which can now be used to benefit the parasite. Lafferty points out that the fraction of intact host energy spent on reproduction includes not just gonads and gametes but also secondary sexual characteristics, mate-seeking behavior, competition, and care for offspring.

Homosexual males who spend their time clubbing with other homosexual males instead of finding females and raising up a family fit into this perfectly.

Is this a parody?

Even I don't believe that, and I would allow gays to keep living.

Lol you're hilarious. The only reason you believe that is because it's a trendy thing for nu-males and silicone valley cucks to try and then post about on twitter. I ate that stuff solely for a month as an experiment and I didn't turn into a tranny.

I agree with him.

We also must keep White women from voting. They are the real enemy, unlike Jews, Blacks, Latrinos, Moslems and my teenage Flip trad waifu.


It's referencing a tweet made by Richard Spencer, but I've also been told that tweet is posted out of context where it is sarcastic/being critical of those types of remarks.

Working with others to build a "movement" is democratic, democracy assumes equality. Maybe the reason we're getting nowhere is because we're trying to use the tools of our enemies and those tools have an inherent bias against us.


I think you are right. We all should do our part, and the best of us will naturally rise. First people will listen to them, then they will have followers. We don't even need parties and clubs if we can just sow our ideas everywhere, so that they will bloom later.

According to Tacitus, Germanic tribes threw faggots into bogs. So all the bog mummies that people discover today were actually ancient homos.

You were probably already low test to begin with tbh fam. You ever get tested?

Well, notice he's playing by our rules. He says we should like faggots because they're anti-degeneracy. That's an argument he can't win. It's why milo pushed that cultural libertarian bullshit.

Just show them how degenerate faggots really are. Maybe then they'll either learn, or admit that they're really just cuckservatives.

Just call him a cuck. If he protests it, he's outing himself.

Actually, his comment was vague. It's likely he didn't understand what was going on.

Tacitus, you can argue about, but this statement is absurd.

Spencer meant that opposition to fags was the last struggle of implicitly white society against the POZ. He was defending the duck guys, not the homos. He's explained it on FTN.

Yeah, he walked it back.

Smartest post itt tbh

Frank Avallais is obviously taking a page out of the "How To Destroy Gamergate" playbook.

And needs to go in a fucking oven.

We may have to deal with them sooner.

Our real enemies aren't mestizos or blacks or even arabs, whom we've successfully beaten and kept at bay for hundreds of years. It's the whites and Jews who opened the gates.

Wait until after the election, kiddos.

We need all the help we can get, right now.

That's part of the "there is no alt right" thing, man. It's gonna work out. Just think like the mob.

Gays are only 2% and nothing more.

We need an actual music video out of this.

It means that you should go to less Hillary speeches and start lurking the fuck more.

Common Filth was right.

He spotted the fag/tranny infestation a year ago.

Meanwhile alt-right poz pig cumdumps get in here and tarnish his good name.

They know. They're keeping it quiet taqiyya style.



Gays are less than 2% of the total population. What percentage of the "alt right" do you think they actually are, faggot?

The only reason they get so much attention is because one of faggotry's symptoms is histrionic disorder.

Keep trying, shitdick.

The fact is the faggots must be purged and CF's exposure of just how degenerate they are has made it impossible to to ignore their infiltration.

Oh and he did us all a service by exposing the hive of faggotry / controlled opposition that is TRS




There is no real alt right
there is no alt right
can we just get some better threads up on the front page now?

No, it wasn't.

Yeah, the guy who was there didn't understand, but you and Dr. Anusberg do.

No it isn't.

Their traditions were the same for thousands of years. Ancient Germanic tribes were not le current year progressives. If that is how they did in the time of Tacitus, then it is the same that they did a couple hundred years earlier.

We were threatening to kill fags before common spic ever found tumblr.

Fuck off Godly Nigger. Just because we resist faggotry doesn't mean we endorse that anti-white beaner fetishist.

Did you expect the media to worship us as the enlightened bearers of a new ideology?
The alt-right is completely amorphous and meaningless. If we took it over it could be synonymous with Holla Forums, that's already what it is in the minds of normies. The only people giving those faggots any power are people like the OP.

Nigga what don't you understand?

"alt-right" is to the right-wing what "sjw" is to the left-wing

We can't escape the label anymore. Attempting to rebrand yourself now is going to fail. At least we can thank our enemies for not coming up with something as offensive as "sjw" for us.

The alt right doesn't exist. What are you talking about?

Guys, you do realise they are pushing this, so that we are concerning ourselves with the alt-right instead of ((them)).

We gotta attack ((them)), who cares about the fucking losers and freaks in the alt-right?

that's why the alt right doesn't real

we don't

Of course there is a way to deal with it. Just deny you are a part of the alt right when people insist you are. And make sure to demonstrate you despise homosexuality. If we can't kill the meme we change it.

I wonder who could be behind this shilling……

This. The anti alt-right shills are just helping the people trying to co-opt it.