Counter alt right thread

What is with this sudden flood in the alt right bullshit?
Holla Forums is not one political view
the alt right is a fad created by kikes for profit and control

Other urls found in this thread:

Bumping cause facts.

That thing called "alt right" is basically a generic decent asian lyfestyle.

'Alt-right', aka outside the mainstream right.

Holla Forums is many views, most of which are outside the mainstream right; they are alt-right.

You fucking D&C faggot.

Fucking trolls.

oy vey the goyim know

We are being framed and setup for MSM destruction.


A major president candidate gave a speech on it. Or have you been asleep for the last week?

Nah, they have to basically destroy all asian cultures at the same time to kill "the right", liberalism is a minority in the world and leftism a novelty that rise and fall in every empire.

the alt right is D&C
the ones that call themselves "alt right" visit Holla Forums under the assumption that Holla Forums is alt right, proclaiming to Holla Forums that Holla Forums is alt right , thus angering those that are not as ignorant as they.

Everyone who isn't politically correct is alt-right.

Islamic brotherhood mouvement isn't politically correct

so trump and bill clinton are alt right?

It must be jews, because my Holla Forums couldn't have possibly dug itself into this shitpile.

Then mennonites are commies.

found the CTR shill

Alt-right is a bit ike Al-Qaeda: it doesn't exist.

Its a name applied to a "feeling" so critics of that sentiment have something to aim at.
It also allows people to claim themselves as "leaders" to raise their profile and look important.

But there was never a membership, never a creed, never an ethos.
Its just a feeling that globalism is wrong and things are getting worse.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you nazi frog? I’ll have you know I was employee of the month three times at CTR, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret record corrections on 4chan, and I have over 300 recorded corrected records. I am trained in d&c shilling and I’m the top racemixing shitposter in the entire Hillary shill forces. You are nothing to me but just another uncorrected record. I will wipe you the fuck out with subversion the likes of which has never been seen before on this election year, record my fucking words. You think you can get away with being a fashy goy over the Internet? Think again, drumpfer. As we speak I am correcting my secret network of records across the USA and your record is being corrected right now so you better prepare for the correction, racist. The shitposts that slide the pathetic little thing you call your chan. You’re fucking kidding me, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can shill you in over six million ways, and that’s just with my bare non-binary hands. Not only am I extensively trained in posting pictures of traps, but I have access to the entire meme arsenal of the CIA,NSA,FBI,TWITTER and GamerGate and I will use it to its full extent to correct your miserable record off the face of the thread, you fucking white male. If only you could have known what unholy correction your little “unflattering” post about Hillary's health was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re gibbing the dats, you goddamn russian hacker. I will shitpost all over your board and you will stand corrected. You’re fucking kidding me, kiddo.

there's nothing "alt" about that.
the real right has always denounced globalism

Holla Forums is an anonymous image board where people discuss politically incorrect topics.


Alt Right

Bump, most people who call themselves "alt-right" are from reddit and like that kike Milo.

Lots and lots of new users. The current US political establishment should know they are "alt-right" as well. Currently it is neocons but what where were the neocons before they took over the American right from the old right? The "alt-right". The neocons are finished. Kiss your precious greatest ally goodbye too because the US doesn't need heeb or saudi parasites, it's the other way around.

The alt right is to nationalism like anonymooose "we are le legion" is to user.

What the people refer to as the "alt right" has been pol culture since the beginning and now these jews like milo come along and hijack it and try to tell us we're illegitimate.

But the people who lead the "alt right" are Israel leg humpers.

read the thread before you post


Animals can't feel any pain when slaughtered right with a sharp knife.

That's because jews try to hijack everything they don't like.
People like Milo and those faggots from r/theDonald (or whatever it's called) are basically just leftists who think that disliking terrorist attacks makes you right-wing.

The audacity of this kikes

I think there need to be a new big op.

One massive spam of pro nationalist material on all the "alt right" hubs to clarify a few very important things.

ALL rapefuges must go, muslim or not.
THE problem is their birth rates and European replacement, not the occasional terror attack

Anti Israeli lobby groups, the us should be leader by Americans not dual Israel citizenship.

The thing that gets me. Is why is it pretty much a requirement for a presidential candidate to go to this conference and suck another countries cock.

Conspiracies aside. This shit is really really weird why one country has such a hard on for another.

Exactly. Strange how people think this place has one political viewpoint. Personally Im NatSoc but Ive spoken to people from every political spectrum who all felt drawn here.

Yes, this one is very important, even the Trump supporters that have the right idea about the islam and the whole illegal immigrant issue are fucking bluepilled on Israel and view them as "muh greatest ally", I'm really fucking pissed off about the fact that Trump is sucking Israel's dick and I hope that he might change his views on them during his actual presidency.

The alt right was created by Dicky Spencer. I don't agree with Dicky but he names the Jew and wants to create a white only imperium. Take that for what you will that he's all about a white only state and pisses on "petty nationalism". He wants to save the EU and turn it into a white superstate.

you retards are being retarded
instead of rejecting the "alt right" you should be owning it

unless op is a shill faggot

I'm whatever Sam Hyde is

Check id please.

None of that is true.


Alt Right is our Ebaums world


I agree.
It's some new bullshit political meme to ridicule us.

Its what sjw is to leftists now. You can't escape it anymore.

checking those dubs and slowly clapping at your take on pasta

As if this isn't the biggest clutch of newfags I've seen in a long time. It's doubtful even a single ine of you were in the first exodus, otherwise you'd know this page was almost 100 percent alt right. I leave for a few months and this place goes to the dogs. Notice how faggot OP didn't even mention his beliefs, and instead opted for cheap shit complaints with little to no merit.
2/10 got me to reply
Back to 4chan you empty headed dipshits, maybe you haven't noticed but the alt right have been doing these past few years, from political mobility to every single meme worth sharing. Fuck outta here with your bullshit

Dubs confirm

the irony
alt right wasn't even a thing during the first exodus


Holla Forums is the hub of the alt right is a meme being memed by the msm and the shills here. They need to do their research better. No intelligent man on pol subscribes to any kind of label therefore any attempt to label pol will fail.

do explain you lying faggot

No one who actually browses Holla Forums call themselves "alt-right", anyone who uses that word is a shill or a redditor.


how is that in any way related to what I said?

There is no such thing as "alt-right", only Right.
The established "right-wing" parties are not right-wing at all, just controlled opposition.

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.”

Because of Hillary's speech every normalfag around the word now thinks the alt-right is exactly what Hillary explained it to be so theres is no point in trying to "own" it because it's already too late for that, we must reject it instead.

Excuse my typos, typed that one really quick.

I want "alt right" to be filtered into something funny like "cucked right" or whatever so shills can't use it. Just until after the election.

Stop using our memes. Our political views are simply not described with one or two words.

good luck spending weeks and months fighting a nonexistent ideology
nobody knows what the alt right is so by rejecting it all you are doing is fighting against nothing

fuck off faggot

Yeah, no one was posting amren right?
It's an umbrella term, not a political philosophy retard. You'd know the lefties segregated themselves to leftypol and that wed encouraged them to stay there ever since

I never bothered to learn half this shit, doesnt change the fact that page doesnt resemble anything it was when we forst came over. Or are you really gonna tell me it wasn't flooded with nazi threads and nasheeds? Fuck off

Case in point. Garbage at saging among other things. Sue me


First time in a LoooOOOooong while I've heard that.
Son how new are you?

alt who?

Fixed and next time check ids please.

Sage edgy threads, fill them with complains about mods and this shit will be fixed or at least delayed.

As a side note, I have an Israeli civillian gas mask, and it most definitely has enough space for their noses. I'm not kidding, the inside seriously looks like it was specifically designed to allow for it.

It's a pretty cozy mask tbh

let's fight this shit with memes.

facts, irony, humor and a constant jewdar activated is our weapons, and as sun tzu said we have to use the enemy kinetic motion to propel him on to the floor, so let's push the /fringe/ dimension of the clinton speech.

milo being the leader of a gay cult named alt-right isn't far fetched.

there's nothing to fight.

Well Isreal basically calls the shots on a global scale, sure everyone else is playing chess in some form or another but they still need to be played by the game masters rules.

"Alt-right" is a forced meme designed to destroy us all. You're the one trying to d&c by implying the alt-right exists and that Holla Forums is part of it.

wow. This thread again.


The use of the term "alt right" on Holla Forums is disconcerting for a number of reasons.

One, the exodus was, like it or not, heavily attached to generate faggotry via moot. Meaning we all knew, and should still know, better than to give ourselves a label. There was nothing wrong with "I'm a fascist, he's a Libertarian, those guys are NatSoc, and he's a Monarchist.". No broad label was or is needed.

Two, because of the first point, "alt right" should never have become a thing on Holla Forums, but it's clearly gained a foothold. It may have started off as shills trying some GG style co-opting, but there's plenty of non shills now that use it.

Three, this means we have newfags that don't understand why were here instead of cuckchan, have Holla Forumsacks that are too dumb to figure out why a label like this is a bad thing, and have genuine reddit type "alt right" fucks making their way here.

I mean for fuck's sake. Even if it wasnt intended to be a GG style co-opting strategy, that's what it is now. Hillary just gave a fucking speech about it as if it's a specific united group with an agenda and leaders, so that's what it is to the media and to normies.

Fuck the term "alt right". I'm not it and Holla Forums ain't it, especially now that it's being used out in the open to label, associate, and demonize anyone against the left, from edgy degenerate kids trolling on twitter, to controlled opposition cuckservatives and provocateurs, to useful idiot r_theDonald cucks, to genuine redpilled Holla Forumsacks.

Meant "gamergate faggotry connected to moot". Fucking autocorrect.

how new are you?


I don't think the normie headspace is prepared for the ideological diversity, so the media found a dayjob in repackaging it for them, aided by the common interest of figures like Hillary (who needs a concrete, looming enemy) and Milo (who wants to sound like he represents more people than he does)

Iron March is gayer than the AltRight.

there's no alt-right
give it up

nigger i just said that

He barely names the jew, and he happily associates with them. He actually co-founded his "The Robert A. Taft Club" with the jew Marcus Epstein.

Spencer is not our friend.

Every AmRen thread on here has always either died at page 5 or turned into a "Jared Taylor loves kikes" thread.

it's about the post you're "this"ing shitbird.

The Alt-cuck is PC.

Fucking look at our board name. This Alt-cuck shit is just spineless Cuckservatives and good boy BFF with Israel all over again.

The Alt-cuck is just Cuckservatism repackaged.

Because people were fed up with this fake 'Right-wing' constantly bending over for Leftism, people started to leave. The Alt-cuck is an attempt at reeling back in all these disenfranchised youths.

All they've done is attack SJWs and feminists once it was safe to do so. Their efforts are appreciated, make no mistake, but don't think for one second they'll stand up to Leftism on their own. They're already cheering for gay and tranny shit and of course stand with Israel.


This site is being shilled incredibly hard. I'd say less than 50% of posts are non-shill posts

Really? I know there are shills but that seems a bit high.

You're being a baby. You're like Holla Forums fags who get flustered about normies liking video games now because it was "their thing" first. Holla Forums has been wishing that people would wake up for years and now that a thread of truth has reached the mainstream you all want to disavow them because they don't hate gays enough? Guess what, they're fucking normies, they will never understand shit. Just be happy they're voting for trump. I understand the sentiment behind this thread but this is basically a post about cultural appropriation. Fucking get over it

There is absolutely no evidence of this.

sage for being a D+C faggot

srry ID's not working for me

It reminds me of how people here push the RWDS meme yet when somebody actually does something, it's immediately labeled a false flag.

This site has 2000 posts per hour, or 24,000 per day. If half of those were shillposts at $0.05 each, it would be costing someone $1200 a day to fund all these shills. That's more than $200,000 since the primaries started. I know these organizations have deep pockets, but do you REALLY think someone has spent $200k to shitpost on this site

RWDS is a joke parodying how afraid leftists are of anything right wing.

You're assuming the shilling is happening at a constant steady rate. The shilling comes in waves. It's usually the worst on the weekends.

The AltRight is simply the jews' reaction to the realization that people are waking up to their kosher bullshit.

The Trump campaign has seriously scared them shitless, because they didnt realize how many right-wing whites there were in america. They arent stupid, they realize how dangerous it is (to them) for us all to be active under a common banner, so they thought they could acr first and "lead the revolution against them" by starting this AltRight.

The problem is that we are not really jumping on board like they expected, we, the people they are targeting with it, are fully aware of their tricks.

When I think "AltRight," I think of a literal nigger-loving, faggot jew: Milo. I dont know how they thought we would get on board with that, but we didnt. So now they are shilling us to death with it.

tldr, the Alt Right is the jewish attempt at co-opting the new rise of Nationalism.

For the 503rd time…Milo isn't alt-right you fucking retards. He's just some opportunistic entertainer who loves to piss off feminists.

He holds views that NOBODY on the alt-right does such as reparations for niggers.

The majority of the alt-right are redditors who follow him.

Spencer/TRS fans are currently a minority on the aut-right.

…any other points in that post you'd like to refute?

I think it happens more in proportion with the number of happenings. However, even though I get called a shill for posting this, I think people here are way too paranoid. More than half of the posts on this site are most definitely not shills. People forget this site is now flooded by redditors and halfcucks making stupid posts and D&Cing by accident, and I'm convinced all the Christianity threads are one person


Are those people even counted as part of the alt-right then? I know a lot of people on reddit like Milo, but I think you can be a normie "centrist" and think Milo is funny. Hell, even I have watched Milo college speeches and enjoyed the reactions even though I think he's a nigger-loving Jew. More people think he is funny than actually allow him to influence their political views.

This reminds me, I have a chan-reader app on my goyphone and it often makes me type capchas twice. Could it be harvesting them for bots?

If you want to pretend the alt-right exists, yes.

Third position is the only real threat to both capitalism and communism/socialism

This. Their fals counter revolution failed before it got off the ground, because we were expecting it. I guess they just dont know that yet.

I'm not very tech literate, but I'm sure its possible and I wouldnt put it past them

Who is "we"? Who is "they"? You're acting like Holla Forums is one person and "they" (whatever the fuck that means) is one person.

Those alt-right chosen people are really damage-controlling ITT.

Holla Forums is to the right of Alt-right…
…and to the left of it, too…

Has anybody else noticed the shit-tier aut-right damage control here in the past week or so?

First the spammed CF threads so the could accuse anybody who points out the fact that the Alt-Right is infested faggots as being him. Then, when that failed, the retarded "chat log" was released, and they started saying anybody who criticized them is a CTR shill.

I guess I shouldn't expect competence from literal autists.

You can't deny we were under attack, & it certainly looked like Hildabeast's paid shills.

Yeah, but the people attacking us are probably the same people promoting the alt-right.

No such thing as the "alt right" made up label.

nobody here should identify as the "alt right" so cringe worthy.

Coincides with a shill uptick I'm guessing. Recent advancements in trump and AN movements, plus lots of discussion getting bretty jew wise as I see it around me, they're gonna hit us hard till november, maybe just keep it up.

I hopped on brit pol to see how bad it was, filtered 3 people and immediately got this.

So exactly like us?
Or are you one of those cucks who thinks we must pretend to not have those opinions to "look good to normies"?

That is the sorriest attempt at DnC i have seen in the past few days, and that is saying something.

Thank you for correcting the record, 0.10 shekels have been deposited into your account.

alt-right is a meme made up by the libbies
