How am I not supposed to be upset when I see the altright supporting this fag?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody here likes that degenerate faggot
I'm asking how am supposd to not be upset? Like how do I not blow up on people that I would normally consider allies.
Ignore that faggot and think of him as a gateway pill.
who dat?
Pretty sure he knew he was weird but still overcame his mental and physical weakness to do what was right. It's basically the theme of his life. NOT anything like this self loving greek-kike-fag media commenter
Alt Right
That first pic is no joke but only when you understand it in the context of all freemasons being sodomites.
Milo has been known to drop hints that he's a mason as well. I believe he called himself a "fellow traveler" on the Joe Rogan podcast.
Forced alt-right meme (Renegade/TRS/Red Ice/Heimbach collective.)
Forced alt-right meme (Renegade/TRS/Red Ice/Heimbach collective.)
They force the meme then use it later to establish credibility.
Holla Forums is under the control of the alt-right.
Faggots are pure evil. Never trust them.
Christ, put in a little more effort.
3/10 for getting me to reply
Alt who?
He isn't alt right, no body except the soft right fags at /r/the_Donald and people like them think he's good, he has literally said he is not the alt rights leader and is in fact not alt right at all. The AltRight is gay is a renegade meme, if you have a problem with the soft rights in it push them out. There is strong 14/88 parts of the AltRight, by pretending it was a gay and or kike invention you are just letting the insane coalburner sinead control the discourse.
I don't care if you like the AltRight, but stop trying to say this fag is one of them, he isn't, he doesn't want to be, and it's only actual controlled opposition groups and the left that say he is.
Is that the faggot who dressed as a maid to get whipped or something. Anyway after the whole family unit and "homosexual savants" speech it's clear they must be removed.
There is no alt-right, bro
Shut the fuck up, Milo.
The alt-right is a meme. The alt-right doesn't exist.
Did that faggot just call me a faggot?
a lot of these trash threads popping up
Then why does renegade shill so hard against them? And have been for months? AltRight is just some umbrella term (invented by I think Richard Spencer?) used to define people angry with the neocons version of conservatism. It has, for quite some time, described some one who was race realist and anti-cultural Marxist. People like ramzfag have pushed against the JQ , but yet 8/pol/, TRS and daily stormer are called "AltRight" pillars. However you view it, the left views Holla Forums it as ethno-nationalist, racist, sexist, anti-semetic blah blah, aka Holla Forums. So there's a choice, accept it, and push the moderates out, just do nothing about it and let them run circles like chihuahuas, or listen to renegade shills and fight against other legitimate groups that are almost as right as Holla Forums is. Dividing and segmenting the right in the exact same way it's been divided for 70 fucking years.
Since alt-right means wrong, and Holla Forums is always right, I don't see what anyone who claims to be alt-right is doing here.
He's doing more that you crybabies on the internet.
A half Jew Gay is doing more in real life against Muslim immigration than the entire White Nationalist internet parade.
People don't care about memes or NS. They want action and results.
And why the Jews always control the narrative. Because Whites cannot get anything done in real life.
Nice divide and Conquer shill
last I checked, CF ain't exactly a big fan of homos.
CF fucking abhors Milo
sage and filter
This is honestly the best argument.
The only people who claim the label outside of Anglin (who I'm okay with) are basically just twitter e-celebs who are the Holla Forums version of gamergoys.
And Anglin just put up an article saying "We reject Jews, we reject faggots, we doubly reject that Jew faggot Milo" so I give him a pass for claiming that autistic label
CF spends hours combing through gay porn and gay tumblr posts. I judge him by his actions not his words.
it's the only argument, brother
Because it's the truth.