Ask someone with anti social personality disorder anything aka psychopathy
Other urls found in this thread:
only dreams now
would you ever do cannibalism if you could?
What's it like being an edgy teenager?
I doubt this, but what led to being diagnosed?
If its a cute gurl. women taste sweeter according to other canibals
What's day to day life like? Do you hear shit that's not there? Plan on making a skin suit out of someone soon?
please go back
What makes this secret club so much better newfag here
You might as well just go back right now.
As long as threads like this don't become the norm, I see nothing wrong with it. The problem with 4chan Holla Forums is it's 80% porn and the same stupid threads every day.
You people are weird. Freaks. Thinking they're so special
says the guy defending a AMA thread.
idk but i have urges to kill small animals and run over old people
I would not go back to shrink. Almost revealed some dark shit to one before. had strong urge to kill her aswell. She said i have trouble thinking about others
Sounds like you didn't understand me completely.
OP here. I'm going to go to bed, I'll be back tomorrow night.
Compelling thread, OP
I'm not defending an AMA thread. You a cunt or something?
nice try asshole. Still here
Are we able to communicate psychopathically?
That wasn't the answer I was looking for
Its the perfect response
I answered you right here. Its mostly misery and lack of any feeling
have you ever tried mdma and if so did it make you feel any less antisocia?
ASDP and Psychopathy are not the same. OP is a self-diagnosed sociopath because he wants to feel special instead of admitting that he's just an outcast.
good thread OP, don't kill yourself
Looks like I'm not the only one.
For those who don't know what it means it's just a lack of empathy, remorse & emotions.
I was diagnosed, however I won't let a label change my way of thinking.
why did you choose to become psychopath?