Laws are based on moral grounds, and usually vary. However, I bet we all can agree the justice system in America is I live in America so i'm going to talk about America, I know the others are cucked toocompletely fucked up.
Here's an example, this is way to strict. Example from a different thread.
Laws make no sense currently. With them being ridiculously strict in some cases, and unbelievably relaxed on the other. Some things are felonies in one state, and legal in others. This is a major problem, and should be talked about.
So Holla Forums what should the punishment be for:
What I believe.
10 years in prison, if you murder two people at once it's 20. Anything above two is a public execution at the gallows. If you get out of jail and murder another person it's also execution.
5 years in prison. Has to be proved by physical evidence like any other crime.
No official punishment. However they should be socially shamed, and beat up in public.
Sent to a rehabilitation camp for 6 months. Their you are showed how to be a functional member of society. Be taught tradition values. If your caught again your deported. If your caught trying to get back in the country your executed.