Cern, Shiva, Satan, and the Mandela Effect

Israel is the first non-European nation with access to CERN

Unverified but the guy who filmed the satanic ritual might be dead.

What are they doing with CERN?

Why are they performing mock satanic rituals to poo in the loo gods in front of CERN and Swiss Tunnels like if they were at Bohemian Grove?

Why Shiva?

Why are they opening up portals to who knows where/when?

Why the Mandela Effect? Why jewish bears?

And the most important question. Can we stop it?

We've already established that the Mandela Effect is real and has fatal connections to the GATE and Tav15+0ck threads, unless you are a shill or haven't seen the last thread.

Also post more Mandela Effects and near death experiences in this thread.

Other urls found in this thread: sacrifice cern

Shiva is a God of destruction or chaos. Kek is a God of darkness and chaos. Both are primordial in some sense. After Shiva's destruction comes rebirth and after Kek's darkness comes light.

The gods are coming back, user. Kek has reawakened and people know this. According to Hinduism, we are on the final cycle of the world, Kali Yuga. Shiva's followers wish to bring him back to ensue the final days of destruction, much in the same sense as how Kek returned. But to bring back old gods causes temporal distortion, hence the Mandela effect. I have a theory these effects have occurred more and more since 2006 - 2008 with the construction of the large hadron collider. Basically, before that time it was BerenstEin, since then, BerenstAin. And we are slowly entering a void, were none will exist. Shiva's destruction, Kek's darkness. Also around that time period, the internet became increasingly popular and a steady flow of meme magic was established. This along with the ripples the Hadron collider is making is pulling us closer to the void and warping reality itself causing more Mandela effects. All effects happen at random, at the mercy of wild meme magics. And now that it's begun we cannot stop it. Kek and Shiva will awaken, we will enter the void, and in there they will fight over the nothingness.


The Mandela Effect is a load of retarded bullshit, lad.

Am I the only one who remembers it as Berenstain Bears even when they were a kid? It always stuck in my memory specifically because my first grade teacher corrected me when I pronounced it as Berenstein at one point. Then I noticed everyone else called it Berenstein and I'd always correct them about it.

It's obvious that boundary is getting thinner and we are witnessing overlapping of parallel universes resulting in Mandela effects. But eventually they'll have to collapse into themselves and we will enter the void.

Guess we'll never know that since no one put their name on the shill video when it began being shilled on the interwebs, and none of the shills in the video are recognizable either.

But thanks for the breaking news from your ass, shill.

Mandela effect, lol.

I I'll start with a post from r/MandelaEffect

This one just happened a few minutes ago when a friend of mine asked me if I recalled this and my response to em was yes. So as I've been doing all day today I consulted the oracle known as Google to find that Pikachu, even in searches for season one, doesn't have a black tip on his tail. What made this stranger is that we both recalled a different pattern.
I recalled seeing this back when Pokémon first started and I, as a hipster, never bought into the fad.
However, my friend recalls this one which feels completely strange to me.
Is this a part of the Mandela Effect?

Not really. The Yuga cycle is cyclical, hence "cycle". Kali Yuga is the darkest part of the cycle and when it's over, the next cycle is the brighter Dwapara yuga. It goes around in an infinite loop from lightest to darkest and back again.

As for the rest. That's as good a guess as any. I wouldn't be surprised if the Mandela effect and other weirdness (widely reported sense that "time is moving faster", ramping up of natural disasters, changes in the solar system and with the energy being emitted by the sun, etc.) has something to do with some kind of time/dimensional manipulation by CERN and other devices.

No, it's a part of media and agency induced schizophrenia.

Those are memories from the Berenstain universe. As our universes continue to overlap and defy reality itself, people from the Berenstain universe are being replaced by people from another universe. And people from the Berenstein universe are being replaced as well. Somethings that began to exist past 2008 could be fabrications too. The Mandela effect applies to more than just this too, there are many instances and much of them can't all be coincidence either.


Sure, there'll be an existence after we enter the void, but it won't be ours. The void is endless and exists at all times in every part of the cycle, but somewhere will be an existence that is nothing but the void.

But Kek will win right?

Well you don't understand how it works. My hypothesis is since you live closer to CERN you are more likely to be changed by the Mandela Effect. Just because you remember it differently doesn't make it the original memory.


No one is buying your coolaid fed.

I live on the other side of the planet.

There is zero evidence for any of this. In fact, this reads like textbook psychosis.

Sauce nigga!

That ritual video was a hoax, dipshit

It doesn't even matter if it was or wasn't.
They knocked after the door had been closed.
Even if that was the realest shit we'll ever see around here, it did literally nothing for them.

Unknown radiation coming from completely remote areas of space, proof of parallel universes, deja vu, wormholes, etc. Although it's all a theory and I don't believe in it wholeheartedly. Even some of the evidence I mentioned needs more evidence itself.

For those who doesn't get it, let me explain why some people with resources seem so hellbent on flooding all alternative movements with certain ideas. Ideas like flat earth and mandela effects.

It's because stuff that sounds completely crazy to normalfags is not dangerous in the least to the system. Real political dissent and analysis, that's something people listen to. That's dangerous to the system.

So they would like to spin you down a rabbit hole of psychotic sounding shit, where you become alone and powerless. It also make people question their memory and reality itself. If you can't trust your memory, then you're pretty much fucked.

Notice how all the mandela effect shit is either stuff people are notoriously bad at remembering, like semi-random patterns (maps,) or minutia from the media. Like what color was the robots leg in that star wars movie? Was pikachus tail black? No one fucking pays attention to these things. Never anything important. In all probability the explanation is simply conspiracy peoples propensity for paranoia and schizophrenia pushed gently on by intel.

If you want a conspiracy angle to this, I'd say it's more likely that the people who run media put small strange shit into their productions, watch what people pick up on, and then use what they don't as part of this psy-op.

That's near infinitely more likely than that the fabric of reality having become uncertain and we all implicitly have lost everything because reality doesn't matter anymore.

tldr. fuck you intel.

What are you retards all babbling about? We have one guy posting a shit load of links to pikachu pics, one who types like a three letter agency, and some fake af CERN shit.

Explain this to me in laymans terms.


This does seem like some cats-cradle esque bullshit.

And thus tall tales are birth'd.


why are you larpers trying to push this?

CERN is more odd than the PR claims, and the 911 tier conspiracy theories delegitimize every valid claim, even if none have yet to appear.

The Shiva statue is very real. What people don't realize, is that the "physical" world is information. This has been known for 70 years.

Publishing a practical joke involving a fake ritual is equally as bad as murdering someone?

Strange value system there.

Yeah, I wonder if OP thinks that my DnD games are just as bad as blood libel…

This. Human memory is not like computer memory, it is liable to "update" and rewriting.
Experiments have validated that confabulation (remembering something that you didn't experience) is a normal part of human memory.

Trips confirm. It's why OP legitimately believes himself when he tells his new boyfriends "I swear this has never happened before."

how well do you really remember the Berenstain Bears books you read as a child? do you remember the first sentence of the first book you read? do you remember any of the sentences? do you remember the pattern on the dress of the mother bear?

your brain is not good at remembering this insignificant shit. lots of other far-down-the-rabbit-hole conspiracy theories like the flat earth and CERN summoning demons theories are far more believable and have far more evidence behind them than the mandela effect.

there was an user who was saying that it was fake. He provided evidence of some affiliation with CERN.

However, even if it is fake, it's pretty fucking symbolic. IF any of the /x/-tier shit that Holla Forums and /x/ itself talks about is right, then we can't write off this event. Those kids who were faking it could have unknowingly triggered something.

I've never studied Hinduism to any degree, but a lot of the Indo-European pagan religions appeared to value what the Bible would refer to as justification by works. It's the act of honoring the Gods that counts, not belief or disbelief. They are honored by your devotion even if your have your doubts about their existence. So if Shiva is real, how did he feel about that little ritual?

Checked and capped. Interesting theory.

He was probably too busy fucking to notice.

Well, you do have dubs.

Low energy waste of hitler dubs

This is proof that the universe is expanding

There is no rock-solid proof of this. In fact, according to string theory, based on the value of dark energy (which is causing the stretching of the universe), either God is real and was the one who fine-tuned the value of dark energy, or we live in an infinite multiverse with infinite possibilities for fine-tuning the value of dark energy.
There is just as much evidence for God existing as there is for the multiverse. There is even a Bible verse about God "stretching out the heavens".


Wormholes are only a theory. They exist only in mathematical formulas or in scientists' imaginations. Nobody has yet to observe a wormhole, create a wormhole, or do any experiments with wormholes. Also, based on current studies of wormholes, a wormhole cannot be open for more than a microsecond unless you were to create metric fucktons of anti-matter to hold it steady. A natural wormhole cannot exist as it would collapse in on itself.

user, you sat there and pulled everyone into the stain line. What the fuck have you done.


we have been over this the cern video is fake as fuck

they just step up to the statue and one fag stabs the other, no invocation or incantation taking place
the human sacrifice is meaningless without first offering it up to whatever deity's favors you wish

first learn your enemies mannerisms then use it against him

We know, but the profile of the average Holla Forumsack is one that really enjoys indulging these sorts of things, we find it fun.

Can we finally confirm the Jews are probably working for They Live Aliens?


I'm sure there are those here with that motivation. But these things are being pushed throughout the alternative social media hard. There are people with reach who want people exposed to this shit. It goes beyond Holla Forums.

I'm not averse to a bit of trolling myself, but trying to induce psychosis and schizophrenia in the youngsters is a bit too dark for me.

Really ought to dig into the financial supporters of CERN

Who paid for it?
Who got them to pay for it?
Who lobbied for it?

I always thought it was fucking weird that politicians couldn't give TWO FUCKS about science, but suddenly they go off and build multi-billion dollar particle colliders for the sake of basic research with no applicable forseeable benefits for decades/centuries, except that we better understand some subatomic particles?

It never really jived with me. Why would a politican ever care that atoms are composed of even smaller bits, and those bits are composed of even smaller bits?

Why is that research more important and deserving of some of the most expensive grants and financial donations in the history of science, while so many other scientific endeavors are practically ignored?

How come it's always >1 post by this ID who says this?

I just watched it and it didn't sound particularly fake at all. I encourage anyone who hasn't watched it, but read people saying it sounds fake, to actually go ahead and watch it yourselves.

But that is what kek is. Even if he is fiction, he is a fictional god of chaos and darkness before light. Kek is Lucifer/Prometheus (Lightbringer) as opposed to being light (Christ, Logos) itself.

This is why people ignore us.

Aye, it is also why the shills focus on defaming us amongst the largest potential redpilling grounds, such as Christians who are among the last people who believe in the existence of Evil.

I think it's intentional to disrupt CERN threads with mandela effect and other bullshit.

I want to know who's paying for CERN, since that's where some actual investigation can turn up interesting tidbits, rather than all this kookery.

Probably something fucking nefarious. Just like I've always suspected the space program was more about filling every inch of sky with spy satellites than making cool videos about moon buggy rides, I suspect this is a front for something shitty too.

Hence, I suppose, why it's so important to put spins like mandela crap and spoopy satanists on it.

We are opening Steins Gate

no the problem of OP is he takes a legit newsstory
in this case israels nose worming its way into another place it doens't belong and mix it up with esoteric bullshit
so as to make the discussion void
i should have perhaps expanded on it: cut the bullshit and don't discuss the obviously fake shit and make a new thread about the isrealis infesting cern

take for instance who is reframing the discussing away from the newsstory to the meaningless shit which has been discussed in detail here when the video first was released

Okay, so some quick googling suggests CERN gets over a billion dollars yearly

That's a lot of fucking money

It's also coming from mostly european state governments, but there's never any actual DETAILS about it, like who decided to allocate these funds to CERN, how any financial agreements were made, etc. etc.

Soros leaks proved that european leaders are pretty easy to bribe and sway, so what got the ball actually rolling on this? It looks like CERN officially started way back in 1954 – why? Because someone thought it might lead to an even bigger nuke?

That's what happens when you put Kikes at the top. All progress is in control, atomization, despair, sin…
My own hypothesis is the amount of control their "father" has over them, with muslims it is somewhat limited, so they aren't even allowed to kill their subjects (dhimmi), they are stagnant societies, with kikes it is deeper, and it is entirely rotting.

Something is wrong how do you have Hitler dubs while being wrong. Anyway Snow White isn't something insignificant shit. In the English Disney version when you call the mirror it's now "magic mirror on the wall" instead of "mirror mirror on the wall". The translations are all unaffected and are still mirror mirror.

When it was in German hands the space program was about exploration. The focus on spying came after Werner von Braun and his top engineers and scientists had retired.

Very relevant anime. I gotta watch it again.

You sure it's Stain
I fucking swear this is the 4th time I've shifted

A possibility is that they are trying to trash physics. The money itself can be just laundering. Plebs are not allowed science anymore. Universities and academies are for social training and just enough to get you by as an engineer/maintainer.

Always be on guard when a tiny group is "revolutionizing" science with revelations only they can check. This leads to things like global warming science and suchlike.

This is just a random idea based on what I've seen come out of it. I don't have any answers. But keep an eye on what they actually produce for the best bet I guess.

Whatever they come up with it's going to be a sham. Watch for demands of societal change from their "amazing" revelations.

Does this have anything to do with how pretty much every western government is trying to force pretty much everyone with some intellect to get an expensive piece of paper

The whole university crap serves several purposes now I suppose:

Also remember that it's not soft-forcing everyone with some intellect to get paper. It's actually forcing everyone. People who would be considered borderline retarded 50 years ago are expected to get that paper.

I've never seen a BerenstEin book in real life. I found a few BerenstAin books at a flea market earlier this year and checked them closely after reading this Berenst*in autism on Holla Forums. I'm just as surprised that the writers of a TV guide misspelled "Berenstain" as I would be if they typed "definately" instead of "definitely". it's a common mistake.

it's an insignificant part of your life. how many times have you watched the movie? when was the last time you watched the movie (before you started investigating the mandela effect)?

I watched it 2 or 3 times in my life and the last time I watched it was over 15 years ago. I do not remember whether it was "mirror mirror" or "magic mirror". either I have a particularly bad memory or the people who believe so strongly in the mandela effect are in denial about how unreliable human memory is.

Don't forget that it is feminising men by making less of them do hard work and instead serve coffee with a doctorate in Sports Physiotherapy that they can't use because it's filled to the brim

True, and also it helps people get started early in alcoholism culture. All my acquaintances who went to university are now drinking at least 1-2 times per week, a pattern they developed there.

There are just so many things. It's like all the bad things of various institutions and cults of the past, distilled into one terrible and efficient whole.

More digging has revealed that the two scientists were heavily involved in the creation of CERN:

Louis de Broglie and (((Isidor Isaac Rabi))), with the latter receiving a stipend from the Rockefellers. (The Rockefellers likewise paid money out to the Tavistock institute around this same timeframe - but that's mostly human and child psychology, not particle physics)

However, there is very, very, very, little information I can find that explains just what the founders of CERN were intending with the project. A lot of vagueries like, "getting europe to catch up to the US in scientific endeavors", but no actual specifics.

I dunno, it's pretty strongly instilled in High School

Huge Particle Accelerators are basically dick measuring contests in the world of Physics, don't get too carried away with it

Does "i pet goat ii" still work for anyone on Google maps? Decided recently to try it again but it didn't send me to CERN

This board would be better off without these discussions. I regret taking part in those fun berenstein threads. I don't know why you faggots are still calling it the Mandela effect. The fact that we weren't able to get people to call it the Berenstain effect instead is enough for you to drop all notion of it. Fuck that nigger.

I know a bit about it, I have some fam who worked in physics research for a time
CERN was initiated by De Gaulle in '52-'54, to prop up French scientific research for the purpose of nuclear bombs/energy, it doesn't come from soros/kikes bribery at all
during the early cold war, the french government decided that they couldn't rely entierely on the USA to defend yurop against big bad USSR, because it would either risk to fail if shit hit the fan, or make france/various euro countries forever subservient to uncle Sam
it's from these years too that a strong overhaul of science education occured at all levels from middle-schools to universities. Until a few years ago when librul shit began to infect the place, STEM were actually masterrace in french educational system

CERN was made to make us up the Bomb, except that as it is for pure science and discoveries n stuff, it doesn't need to be kept state secret (for the most part) and actually benefits from being an "international cooperation for humanity's happiness"

financing has been mainly french government for a long time (about 95%), researchers/workers are 50% to 90% french for projects launched by researchers/grants from various countries (for the projects that are not 100% directed and owned by france and kept under wraps)
and the results are of course shared with the respective countries of the researchers from all over the world, published internationally when possible, and 100% known by the french

the 1B€/year budget is not much, it's a fraction of the research budget of a major country like france, and since the '50s it's allocated routinely to benefit research and civilian/military nuclear apps
the ITER reactor being built 400km away is of the same sort
and there have been many international cooperations from outside europe at cern, a japanese professor a decade ago, a team of indians a few years back, etc

stopped right there

The whole concept of parallel universes comes from string theory…

that's ass-backward

Not what I said. The whole idea of a multiverse and parallel universes comes from string theory. The reason why is because of the value of dark energy.

that's exactly what you said and then you say it again:
the idea of multiverses did not originate with string theory
here's an example -

Why is Israel allowed to play European cups in Sports despite being located in the fucking Levant? Because they bully their way into privileged treatment.

WTF is this shit, I tought you were memeing, but this is spooky as fuck

Keep this weak shit over there faggot

The elite have been playing with alternative timeline and timetravel tech. In fact, most have gone absolutely crazy and will likely get trapped in their AI interface. It's sort of a big deal, disclosure might come out of it when they attempt to reconcile with the greater populace. If you aren't an insider into these type of programs or the breakaway civilization, it would be much wiser to just stay in your own lane. Nice attempt, though. There is only one God and he is Satan.

I'm sad now, I need to MFGA.

Thread theme.

By the way as soon as CERN perfects its time machine they're going to erase all trace of this event.

pfft get this heresy out of here

I know it's more likely a fucked up memory than anything real but does this whole scene feel rushed to anyone else? I know about the "luke/no" thing but it's not even that, the pacing feels entirely off - vader speaks too fast, doesn't really pause between sentences, etc.

Normies love the Mandela effect and the berenstein bears, you fag. It isn't being "pushed" by anyone. It's either a gimik that just so happens to align with our view of a coming "new age", or it's some crazy shit we won't fully understand until we're dead. Either way, comparing sinead born flat earth shit to this is just stupid.

Yes and no. I mean, I agree with what you're trying to say, it's just that you're not saying it very clearly, so I'll chip in;

Information is non-physical. Representations of information, eg. ink on paper, (ie. the medium) may be physical, but the information itself is not. Ink on paper, for example, is not information in and of itself. It only becomes information during the act of interpreting it as such.

It is certainly a fact that energy and information exist regardless of the physical medium. Even, indeed, when there isn't a physical medium, the information and energy cannot simply disappear. It just gets shoved back into the non-physical. (Conservation of energy, etc.)

Correct. In fact, your memories are "rewritten" every time you recall them. I can go into more detail on this if you really want, but the gist of it is that there are chemical reactions at the neuron & synapse level that perform the equivalent of read/write actions, and both are always performed together. Rohypnol, for instance, interferes with the write action, which is why it's useful for degrading memory.

That said, you are categorically incorrect about the Mandela Effect being bullshit. Some of us have eidetic memories, and we simply don't make these kinds of mistakes at anywhere near the rate of the general population.

Yes and no. There is an infinite amount of energy, matter is formed from energy, and continues to be. There are not infinite physical universes, just one, formed from an infinite "multiverse" of pure, non-physical energy.

Somewhat ironically, string theory is actually basically correct except for one simple error; the 'strings' are 0-dimensional (non-physical, ie. monads) rather than 1-dimensional.

Look up Ayin Sof, or the Kabbalistic concept of the Infinite Endless. To see Berenst-EIN become Berenst-AIN (or AYIN) makes me think there is much, much, much more going on here than we realize.


this guy gets it

Yes goys. You can't trust your memory. Also evil wizards control time and space on earth. Better charge up your protection crystals and burn that incense, because what the fuck else are you going to do faced with infinite power like that?

I too have eidetic memory, and can confirm mandela bullshit is bullshit. Oh, it doesn't work like that?

No, it doesn't.

Kinda wish namefags that are filtered didn't show up in the catalog either. Heaven forbid you actually have filters that work throughout the site instead of just on a per post basis.

Why the fuck is no one posting ME's? The CERN AI is shilling hard af. You know like the dream people looking at intruders from Inception? That's how, many shills are popping up now.

Here's a post from this site.
Well folks, this whole "Mandela Effect" shit just jumped to a WHOLE new Level!!

If you've been watching the One People's Roundtable Discussion on Monday nights, then you' know Lisa harrison and I have been discussing the so called "Mandela Effect" for months now. And over the past month or so, there was a decidedly new level seen in this mess, as we talked about on this weeks show- with us now seeing very blatant changes in modern history.

Specifically, the Iraq War in 2003-07. In a completely different conversation in the UnFucker's facebook group, someone brought up that Mongolia had fought in the Iraqi war…. and I said "No fuckin' way". So I went to check and sure enough, according to our "new" history/timeline/matrix fuckupery, yes, Mongolia actually sent troops to fight in Iraq in 2004!! I'm not going to get into the whole discussion from Monday night about Mongolia itself, but rest assured we have a VERY different view of Mongolia from what is being now portrayed in the Media/news now- please listen to the show for more on that, HERE.(fig.1)

But I went looking for the lists of coalition forces that supposedly were in Iraq during the war…. and I just about fell off my chair!

It's Stain's Gate in this universe.

Description says it is a Krishna tv show. Kek the King's name is King Pahrikshit.


bad memories and functional illiteracy

Right idea, wrong way around.

And that's the REAL point of it. I'm not entirely sure if the Mandela Effect is caused by CERN fucking around with the fabric of reality itself accidentally, or is an outright psyops campaign because they HAVE figured out how to deliberately fuck with the fabric of reality.

Complicating matters is the fact that almost everything we have now, media-wise, is digital, and therefore easy to fuck with.

There are a few examples of the Mandela Effect that are, however, indisputable.

I'll give you two of them;

#1. The Lord's Prayer.

Remember that line, "and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"?

Well that's been changed to "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors".

There's no denying THAT change. Too many people know the original.

#2. The Wizard of Oz.
Look carefully at the video, and if you watched this movie as often as I did as a kid, you'll spot the changes instantly.

a.) Sign says "I'd turn back if I were you" - used to say "I'd turn back if I was you" (Noticable because the Lion reads it aloud and the incorrect grammar suited his speech pattern/NY accent - even now, it sounds more like "was" with the "s" cut off than "were")
b.) Scarecrow is carrying a gun now. Didn't before.
c.) Tin Man now has a massive wrench that he never previously had, in addition to the axe we can all remember.
d.) The Lion is now carrying some sort of mallet-shaped thing that he never previously did.

scarecrow always picked up a revolver before entering the forest. your child brain remembers differently.

That's the one I was raised with, and it's still that way in the Angelican church (the one I went to).

You are kidding right? Do you understand just how many translations and versions the bible has?

I deny it. Just like much else in the Mandela crap there's been two versions floating around for ages.

I don't know if you're a moron, a troll or a shill, but no-one here is buying your cosmik debris, so take it back to the new age housewives and the indigo children.

Some food for thought, past, present, and future all coexist, and are all flexible and relative.

Ok, prepare to have your mind blown and the Mandela Effect proven to you.

Go pick up your copy of the Bible and check the Lord's Prayer. I'll wait. It'll be "debts" and "debtors" now.

I don't have a bible anymore, and there's lots of different versions of the bible. Some have it the "tresspasses" way and others "debtors," according to Wiki at least. I was more spooked by the Mandela Effect from some other examples. I'm not discrediting it. I think it's fun to think about, like some other user said. I don't take it too seriously or dismiss it outright as being faulty memory (also possible).

Of course you would. How much does being a shill pay these days, anyway?

Uh huh. Why? Why would there be two versions? I will admit, I do have memory of another version; "forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us". That I could write off as being the difference between the King James version and the New International Version, for instance.

But the "debts" and "debtors" version is definitely new.

CERN could discover new scientific data, kikes want to steal it, what else is new?

Mandela effect is a result of certain organizations messing up your memories and making you question reality, not of alternate universes overlapping or any other stupid shit. Or, it could be just your memory being faulty when it comes to remembering irrelevant details, i think this is a well known thing in neuroscience and psychology.

This ritual thing is a hoax, and kikes are pushing it to discredit Holla Forums in the eyes of normies.

Get real faggots.


hurr durr, hilarious.

Apart from the Bible, which has multiple translations, explain to us all WHY there would be multiple versions of everything else the effect has been noticed with?

And why is it that such a large percentage of people never saw or heard the "other version" that's suddenly become the accepted default version until so recently?

Get off our board, /x/fags. Come back when you can make yourselves useful in dismantling the jewish power structure. Stop spinning your wheels going nowhere. There's a difference between researching the Rothschild/Rockefeller gang and this bullshit.

Read a book about the ACTUAL REAL LIFE Tavistock Institute, not the one that exists in your "gangstalking" fantasies.

As I said earlier. It's all either things people are very bad at remembering/predictably symbolize in a deterministic fashion like maps, or inconsequential minutia from popular culture. The type of stuff the brain doesn't put any effort into remembering because it's so incredibly unimportant for anything, ever.

So then I have to choose between two options:

Assume you are a photographic memory autist, is correct, and with that I can't really trust my memory for anything, either reality is broken or someone have unconquerable power at their hands. Either way nothing matters anymore, we can't do anything and all is lost.

Or I can assume you are delusional like so many in the target demographic of this psy-op, that is new age morons and low level conspiracy simpletons. The prime breeding ground of psychotic schizoids.

I know what's most likely at least.

What does anyone gain from incorporating your shit into your world-view even in the incredibly unlikely case that you're correct? Nothing. Only powerlessness, defeatism and fear. And that with only vague crap like childrens books no one cared two shits about back in the day as evidence.

I can go as far as the possibility that the media is fucking with you, changing things up, using alternate versions in commercials and things people won't keep a copy of, trying to create alternate memories and shit for the psy-op. Personally I had a mandela moment when I saw Steamboat Willie again after many years, and could have sworn he had like a suspender on his shorts going over his shoulder.

But that's just an image I have from somewhere. Perhaps they showed an alternate version once in a "here's what's to come" type preview or something. Or perhaps it was a spoof clip somewhere.

Or perhaps I'm just fucking remembering it wrong because who the fuck cares about Steamboat Willie.

Why would you give a shit about anyone else wasting their time?

…enough to waste your own time posting "YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME!!!"

Unless, of course, you REALLY want to stop people looking into this phenomenon?

Oh, and literally NO ONE in this thread before you posted a reference to it, mentioned "gangstalking". Nice strawman.

And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass on your (probably malware-laden) .pdf

Also, lol @ "Tavistock". Anyone who thinks they're anything other than a PR firm is obviously a batshit crazy conspiracy theorist. There is not a single shred of evidence otherwise.

On the other hand, the evidence for the Mandela Effect grows daily.

Ernestly coerces one to cogitate, doesn't it? :^)

Nice trips.

I can assure you that I'm no new age moron. Don't give a fuck about any of that shit, never did, never will. As for "low level conspiracy simpletons", well the jury's still out on that one.

Personally, I don't claim to know what the fuck is causing the Mandela Effect. I do know that burying our heads in the sand and pretending it isn't happening sure as fuck ain't gonna lead us to any answers, though.

Now that I have to disagree with. Bear with me for a minute… Let's just fucking say, for argument's sake, that I'm correct about this as far as there being a Mandela Effect. Forget about what causes it, etc. Let's just assume for a moment that it does exist…

Ok, so we know about it. That's a fucking start. If it's happening, there's got to be some sort of reason or explanation for it. Even if it IS nothing more than a very well crafted and executed psyop. In which case, that would be the reason…

Can you really not see any practical uses this kind of shit would have for Holla Forums's purposes? We sit around here and joke about 'meme magic' and shit, but what if there IS some way to retroactively alter collective memories or physical reality? Or even just fake it well enough to use in a psyop of our own?

For the love of Kek, man, WHERE IS YOUR CURIOSITY?!

I don't see where you get "powerlessness, defeatism and fear" from except maybe you're just projecting.

I don't feel that way at all. I feel empowered to research this and study it until I understand it. I have curiosity, not fear. And the idea that the Mandela Effect, whatever the fuck it actually IS, might something we can utilize for our own ends gives me optimism, not defeatism.

But whatever. Think of it however you want, insult anyone who notices it as much as you like. Even if it IS just a whole bunch of people with poor memory, that is significant in and of itself, and quite possibly something we can exploit, if we figure out how.

Is this the first time you've seen this exact thread? They get posted here every few weeks. When OP is talking about Tavistock, he thinks they gangstalk people.

Okay then, search for "John Coleman Tavistock" and get it somewhere else.
Protip: Sometimes people post information on the internet to wake people up. But don't read ffs, becuz reading is a jew plot.

I've obviously read about it, because I know what it's about, and I'm here talking to you about it, aren't I?

That's good that you don't feel that, but there are more people than you here in this world. For many it will be, because for many the reality not being real meme leads to not caring/giving up. Cults have been feeding their victims this shit for thousands of years. It's step one, get people to not trust themselves and reality.

Then you blend it in with the standard vector this psy-op is served to the target, that it's mighty wizards doing this at CERN or something. You can't deny that meme is completely intertwined with the whole theory.

Well, the logical conclusion is that if there are people in charge who can bend time and space to their will. Then what fucking chance have you got? It's basically deifying the power elite. And that is what happens to the simple mind exposed to that shit. Whether you don't feel it or not in your personal kumbayah land doesn't really apply.

I'd need some serious proof before I'd go along with that.

I have yet to find an example of this effect that I can't explain.

Berenstein/stain could be a result of people misreading the font and mispronouncing the name.

Most of the quotes like "magic mirror/mirror mirror", the star wars one, forrest gump, etc is likely a result of a large amount of people misquoting the movie. Much like how Star Trek fans will love to tell you the classic line "Beam me up, Scotty" was never actually said in the show. It was always phrased differently.

Protip: Sometimes people post malicious links on the internet for shits and giggles. But don't stop clicking links for .pdf's and .exe's becuz malware is a crazy conspiracy theory.

So you don't want anyone else to discuss it because you're simple-minded and might start feeling helpless? Riiiiiight.

FFS, this is Holla Forums/pol/. We should be putting some effort into figuring out wtf is actually going on, not just ignoring it. If nothing else, it's a brilliant example of memetics. We should be devoting ALL our time and resources to figuring this out, because whatever the answer is, it's important. If it's a psyop, we need to know that and reverse-engineer how it's accomplished.

And no one's suggested that "reality isn't real", we're stating that reality has changed. There is a difference. Things change, that's normal… The strange thing is that things seem to be changing *in the past* and not everyone remembers what they were before the change…

[Indeed, some people maintain that there has been no change, and that things were always as they now are.]

Honestly, that last sentence (I'll put it in square brackets for emphasis) sounds like the people in 1984 to me… Too brainfucked and scared to say "Hey, wait a minute, that's fucking wrong" when the Ministry of Truth changes the past on them. Even though they fucking KNOW it's wrong.

Listen faggot, deal with the fact you're from this shitty BerenstAin universe and be glad we superior BerenStein people have not yet purged you to return to the quality of life we knew before.

I'd say it's just a lot of people overreacting to having the same false memories as other people.

I do want to believe it's something bigger though.

I'd be inclined to agree with that except… There are too many examples of it that I KNOW were different.

eg. "Sex and The City" vs "Sex In The City".

I *distinctly* remember thinking "Sex IN The City would have made more sense" when the show started airing and being surprised to see that it was in fact "Sex AND The City"… Which never really made any damn sense to me. But now it's changed and was supposedly *always* "Sex IN The City". (It fucking wasn't, and plenty of other people can confirm this.)

There are just too many examples that I know for a fact were definitely different in the past, because I actually paid attention to those small details at the time for some stupid reason or another.

Another good example: The VW logo. It never had a gap between the V and the W before. Again, I *distinctly* remember this, because to me the fucking logo always looked more like 3 V's and an X in the middle than one V and a W. Also, my father-in-law owns an original 1960's VW Beetle, and the fucking logo never had a gap between the V and the W.

At first, I wouldn't have thought anything of it; companies update their logos from time to time, that's completely normal and no big deal. But when the OLD ones are suddenly changed, and a whole SHITLOAD of people suddenly have no memory whatsoever of the previous logo… Something *really* fucking weird is going on, and I want to know what.

Can we get confirmation on this?



shit the number of dubs and trips and quads I'm getting is crazy

You guys noticed all the hostility against Kek on halfchan after the Moloch email appeared, and all the threads that came from it?

That frog is not just a nazi pepe on a himalayan throat singing forum.

Yeah, you really don't understand where you are. I guess you're not a shill, you're just a doofus who have swallowed some bullshit.

Most people here just roll their eyes at your fringe crap, the rest are just playing along for ebin troll lulz.

Pic related.

Here are the links from the pic:


If I googlemaps "i pet goat" I get taken to a place in asbury park, nj called "Evolve and Ascend" with pic related

I'm not sure what they are, but they are sort of close to me, so i could scope it out

"fringe crap", eh?

Ok, then. Explain to us how a Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser can affect the past without actually changing reality or the timeline.

I'm sure you'll be able to solve this and prove to us, conclusively, that it simply isn't possible and therefore the Mandela Effect can't exist either.


Here, have some sage faggot.


Yes, Cockyman neGrO is part of the Mandela process.

Maybe this is just viral media for the next edition of Half-Life

Easy with the astral incense there Ravi. I never said the mandela effect is impossible.

I'm saying that when it comes down to whether you misremember some shit from mindless entertainment you watched back when you were a little indigo child… and the fabric of reality having been torn apart, then the first option is near infinitely more probable.


whats the big deal with the bernstein bears anyways?


Okay, what the fuck? Pikachu definitely had a black tip on his tail.

The "Mandela Effect" is nothing more than a CIA psyop. It is not politics. >>>Holla Forums

Back to /x/, esoniggers.

That's a pretty funny way of saying kek and moloch are duking it out.

The old gods that have been banished and defeated are rising up one by one to claim their revenge against Moloch and the jews that perform heinous rituals to please their god.




That's not too disappointing 2bh…

Man, I remember Titor. Those were the early days of trolling, the likes of which we'll never see again. Good times.

mfw haven't been able to play Touhou the same way since becoming a Holla Forumsock.

mfw the symbol is used in the correct context, spellcasting involving familiars

tfw ZUN tried to warn us


They say Donald Trump is actually John Titor. He. Was. Serious.

The experience from the postapocalyptic shotgun infantry will serve the god emperor well.

don't forget the timecube

>yfw you realize the pentagram everyone raves about as evil is just a farce for covering the actual symbol of evil which is the hexagram which is popularized and accepted to thanks to the jew.

Wouldn't even slightly surprise me.


The kooks and spooks of our youth were so much funnier than the millennial batch.

Maybe I'm giving this mandela crap too hard a time. I must admit those bear comics are funny in it's way, so they haven't lost it completely down in Langley.

Still, now everything seems to be so edgy and serious.

Maybe I'm getting old and grumpy.


ever check out
its pretty good

I like where this is going.

I think it's the election year. I feel like I've gotten 5 years older in the past 10 months.

Speaking of nonsense….

were the first set of nonsense mutations to be discovered, isolated by Richard Epstein and Charles Steinberg and named after their friend Harris Bernstein (whose last name means "amber" in German).[7]

Did you know that mainland USA was bombed by Japan?

I'm def not from this universe.

just gotta funpost until the debates
then funpost some more

Spot on. I keep forgetting how tiresome it actually is. The year after is always better, so thanks for reminding me.

Buddy it's "Luke I am your father" and it's "no I am your father"… That's quantum mechanics for ya

That's one thing, now that I've started to move towards kek, that I've started to become uncomfortable with in Christianity, I can accept being judged for "sins" as most things labelled as sins in the bible harm the spirit in some way. I can also accept cancer, and diseases, and the like because most of those things are caused by other creations. What I really don't like is belief being a requirement. I always felt that your actions should be more important, because what's the point in obeying all the rules put forth in the bible if worship is the only way to be saved?

Ok have an old KJV version that Ive used to read parts of the New Testament back when I was a christian. I KNOW it was trespasses, plus when I was the manager for the high school football team we said that at before games and at some practices. The Debtors version is new. I can guarantee that.

niggers out

No shit, sherlock.

Look at this shit, nigga.

Go get it and check. You're going to shit bricks when you see it's changed.

>Unverified but the guy who filmed the satanic ritual might be dead.



What thread is that from.



Most Holla Forumsacks don't understand genetics either and are therefore scared of GMO crops. Bluepilled as fuck.

Kill yourself.

>thank you for correcting the record

reported for sliding

The problem isn't genetically engineering crops in general, it's specific genetic changes that are literally toxic.

Increased drought resistance, better average crop yield, etc. is great, and we should definitely be doing more of that.

But Monsanto is going beyond that and literally engineering plants that produce toxic compounds found in the Monsanto-owned Round-Up pesticides.

Studies have been done and pretty much proven that eating those plants causes stomach and intestinal cancer in a bunch of animals, eg. lab mice. Not a good sign.

This is all true, but just like your bluepilled "muh environment" normies, Holla Forumsacks seem to believe that eating GMO food means growing a third arm.

The problem is companies like Monsanto, not the practice of genetic modification itself and most people don't understand that.

Epic argument, kill yourself

When my country approved GMO corn (without any public debate) there was a study done proving it's safety. They fed it to twelve mice for 3 months. Now I feel completely safe. I mean, three months, that's a long time. What can possibly go wrong?

These people are pure evil… but at least the bacon prices have gone down.


delayed choice quantum erasers

No, wtf. It was originally Bernstein Bears, then it turned into Bernstain Bears, now it's Berenstain Bears? We changed again

This shit is a psyop and the people that push it are easy as fuck to out

Kill yourself newfaggot

So, who is the person who filmed the video? Is it that Richie guy? Because he uploaded a video less than a day ago. Or did he get the video from someone else? How much of this is verified?

Far out man

Again, I'm not against genetically engineering crops for bigger yields, drought resistance, better nutritional yield, etc.

The only genes I don't want added to them are the ones that cause the plants to produce toxic compounds eg. bt-toxin. Comes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) bacteria that produces proteins that are toxic to insects. (and mammals, it turns out)

Yeah, yeah, just keep repeating it because obviously there's no such thing.

Except there actually is, and it's fucking science. It's a science experiment that is repeatable and keeps giving the same results every time it's done.

It's a further investigation of the double-slit experiment.

The problem is that it completely destroys our old understanding of a whole bunch of shit.

I know niggers like you won't bother to read, but this has nothing to do with "fringe" anything or your "indigo child incense sticks" sliding bullshit.

This is something the most respected particle physicists in the world (eg. many at CERN and elsewhere) have verified experimentally, whether you fucking like it or not.

Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser. Pic related. It's a thing, get used to it. It's not theoretical, it's been done. Repeatedly. Results are the same every time. Somehow, "objective" reality is retroactively changed.

And here's the original fucking paper, authored by Yoon-Ho Kim, R. Yu, S.P. Kulik and Y.H. Shih, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County,
Baltimore, MD 21250 & Marlan O. Scully
Department of Physics, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77842
and Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Munchen, Germany.

And in case you actually want to know, but don't have the mathematical background to follow the paper, here's a youtube vid from Thomas Campbell.

He received a B.S. in Physics as well as an M.S. in Physics. His Ph.D. work specialized in Experimental Nuclear Physics with a thesis in low-energy nuclear collisions. He worked as a systems analyst with Army technical intelligence for a decade before moving into the research and development of technology supporting defensive missile systems. Subsequently, he spent the better part of 30 years working within the US missile defense community as a contractor to the Department of Defense. Campbell most recently worked for NASA within the Ares I program (follow-on to the Shuttle) assessing and solving problems of risk and vulnerability to insure mission and crew survivability and success.

Good luck writing him off as some "indigo child incense-burning fringe lunatic", you fuckwit.

delayed choice quantum erasers: the post.

idk why the pic didn't get posted along with the embed, so here's the pic of a delayed choice quantum eraser to go with that post.

did someone say
delayed choice quantum erasers


Your "argument" amounts to:
"LOL it has a funny name. That means it isn't real. I'm sure I'm smarter than the University of Maryland Physics Department, the Texas A & M University Physics Department, Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics and a guy who only has a Bachelors, Masters and PhD in Physics. Plus the entire international peer-reviewed scientific community."

[x] Rekt
[ ] Not Rekt

Calm down dude, spergouts are bad for your blood pressure. Try listening to some soothing whale song or something.

lol, maybe you should go ask these guys you are namedropping what is more likely:

1. you (the sperg) misremember some trivial shit from your childhood cartoons
2. the universe is rearranging itself in an extremely particular way, affecting only your childhood cartoons

But seriously dude… delayed choice quantum erasers… I know when I'm rekt.

I'm sure that happens sometimes, but my memory is freakishly good generally, and it doesn't explain why so many others would misremember the exact same details in the exact same way. It's also extremely difficult to test effectively, but for argument's sake, let's assume you're right on 50% of the "Mandela Effect" examples. What's your explanation for the other 50%? The chances that the entire thing is just people misremembering seems a bit high, given the growing number of things the effect is noticed for.

Undoubtedly, there are whackos and nutjobs and people with shit memory, but again, for argument's sake, let's say 50% of those reporting the effect are entirely mistaken and discard them. Now we're down to half of half of the original numbers. There's still a leftover there that I don't think you're adequately explaining.

"The guys I'm namedropping" as you put it have demonstrated by repeatable experimental results that the universe does appear to rearrange itself, at least in some circumstances.

Further, the effect is obviously not confined merely to "childhood cartoons", but I do think widespread, well-known artworks and media are a good place to be looking, because such a large percentage of people are familiar with them.

Childhood cartoons, for example, are something that many people viewed daily for periods of years. That alone should suggest that people would remember them pretty well in general.

As for your continuing autism memeposting, well I could sit here and do that shit too, m8. But I'd rather stick to the topic at hand.


It's simple OP, they have chosen their avatar in the memetic struggle that is currently being waged.
It's mostly accepted that things started going to shit around 2007. Didn't CERN start testing only a year or so after?

They knew what they were doing the whole time. Thing is, they didn't count on a bunch of social outcasts to stumble upon an avatar of their own, and from a different pantheon altogether.

it was always bern. stein. bears. stain was wrong and beren was wrong. gematria calculator values? Cern we are happy video (employee holds up mandela sign) sacrifice cern

There should be a bunch of security cameras all over that courtyard and the rest of the CERN facility.
If CERN wanted to debunk this video they could just release a short clip of the woman getting back up and walking away.
But something tells me that's not going to happen.

Question that should be asked isn't whether or not this is real, but who those people are?
In case you didn't know, CERN isn't your local burger king where you just walk in and certainly not a place to walk around in long black robes, and perform a human "sacrifice" in.
The only people that could have pulled this stunt are the employes themselves, question being why?
Where they trying to be le epic trolls or are they simply retarded?

pikachu is the latest psyop because there is a nearly identical character that looks like a smaller pikachu that had the black marks where as pikachu never had those.

thread slide in effect

watch out for shills
it's/they are on every board.

anyone know any others?

when they surface in such numbers
it can only mean we are doing or thinking of something they do not want us to

The fact is this: disinfo operatives have taken over most major image boards. Always go back and read the tactics of both COINTELPRO and JTRIG, you will easily be able to detect when a disinformation campaign begins, and usually there are targets to discredit for one reason or another.

They always play by the same rules: to distract, disrupt, ruse, lie, bully, cheat, sabotage, derail topics, discredit targets and brainwash anyone who is naive enough to believe this sort of thing can never happen.

You don't get it, it's the same way magicians does card-trick. Take something that looks similiar but aren't but pretend it was.

Like you pick out a queen of diamonds from the deck. The magicians does a lot of tricks with the deck and makes you say something etc etc to make you forget the detailed picture of the card, then pulls out the queen of hearts and says it was yours.

I'm the guy. Ffs, stop with this bullshit already. I'm even prepared to give a private Holla Forums CERN tour if I have to in order to prove that what you guys are thinking is not true.

shills caught on screencap

top kek, m8.

Don't sweat it. Either just filter out the shills like
Or just keep replying and bumping the threads they're trying to slide.

They don't get it. This is fullchan/pol/ not halfchan/b/, posting "lol ur autistic" and ignoring solid scientific evidence isn't going to fly here, it just makes the paid opposition easier to identify.

Shit, look at that last reply of his again for a second,
and then look at the post of mine it's in reply to

How is it even even applicable at all? It isn't.
it just screams out his agenda to the rest of us




Overworking today eh, good job, (((you)))

Keep going, m8. Keep trying to sage and slide the thread.

And this post makes (32)
Now take a look at the guy trying to slide the thread

Oh look at that, (31)
(((pure coincidence))) eh?

It is what it is, not much can be done other then ignore the retards. The weird part about their style of shitposting is that it just feels fake from the get go, as to why are you even bothering unless you're being paid to do it or they're just miserable cunts to begin with. Only way to win is to not interact with them at all and let them post their dank memes in silence. This shit isn't even that deep of rabbit hole either which is the amusing thing about it all but then again people would rather discuss whatever retard shit Trump is saying about making murrica great again. Because a guy who has been in the media spotlight since before most users here were born is totally not a puppet on strings like the rest of our bread n circus entertainment.

All you can do is plant seeds for the ones who see through the bullshit and hope for the best. Figure out what you can't talk about without noise boxes showing up and go from there

I offer you a way to prove what we do here is legit (in contrast to the real shills). But it seems you cannot be reasoned with, I hope you will at least be happy with your disillusioned life.

Oh look, these (1) posters that suddenly came to defend the sperg and his delayed choice quantum erasers have the same typographic errors and idiomatic peculiarities as the sperg himself.


Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Anyone else sees something they think is stupid, they just keep scrolling, these guys just HAVE to keep replying to sage and try to bump the thread down before too many people see it.

Ironically, doing that just increases the reply count and makes the thread more enticing. You'd think they'd have better success just ignoring it entirely. Of course if they told the idiots paying them that, they'd be putting themselves out of a job, so of course they'll double-down on a losing strategy every time.

I don't doubt for a second that what CERN does is "legit" in the sense that it's real physics, and I'm not calling YOU a shill. I'm also quite certain that the "ritual human sacrifice" video is both real (as in actually occured on CERN grounds) AND fake (as in no one was actually killed of course).

I just think it's a real strange fucking thing to do, considering it's CERN and all, and I'd like to hear an official explanation that CERN will put their names to for it.

Where did I ever imply that delayed choice quantum erasers don't exist? I'm all about those delayed choice quantum erasers. Show me the post where I state delayed choice quantum erasers are not a real thing.

Sorry, I misunderstood you. The problem is, the management is really not happy with this at all (because of the negative media attention, remember the black hole story when LHC started?). They issued a press-statement saying that there will be an internal investigation since the campus is diplomatic territory (no police allowed). But actually, nothing happened since the persons involved were summer students. Look at it from this perspective, how would CERN look if they "destroyed" those kids future careers because they wanted to screw around with tinfoils?

Like respectable positivist scientists instead of an apocalyptic death cult?

There's no hard evidence of the murder not actually occurring. Just a an official denial.

I don't see that how that prevents them from being death-cultists. Are you implying there are no devout muslim physicists or engineers for example?

Its tinfoil hat as fuck but it could very well be just saving face for public eye, the whole thing looked more like an initiation deal with some clique more then anything to me. Although I'm all for it just being a bunch of punk kids doing it to fuck with the internet but the whole deal felt way to perfect right down the last frame of the video being the projection of the LHC. These things have meaning.

CERN is an odd entity on its own, I know people who work there but I never bothered bringing any of this shit up because its clear on their end they just want to get shit done. But those on the bottom of the pyramid never really know the true goings on. They're just paid to do what they do and not go beyond that.

Fun to speculate on regardless

Daily reminder that nothing gets slid harder than CERN threads, except maybe Sandy Hoax or Pedowood.

Yes, you have the "pyramid" structure. However, everyone can basically access anything. The campus is very open, the only real security measures are at the main gate, and building entrances at night. I can walk into CCC, no problem. Experiment control centers are a different story. But usually, if you show your ID-batch, and ask if you can show your friends around, they usually let you in. Of course, we cannot go down the tunnel when we are doing physics. People would die.

Remember the "Ancient Battle" and the battle "Yet to Come." All of the religions talk about another battle. There was one, there will be another.

Based mainly on linguistic relatedness, I trace the ancient battle to a pre-historic one in which the "Olympian" paradigm overtook the Semitic paradigm. That is, there was a battle and the Indo-Europeans won big, and got the best land and their culture dominated. The losers were the Semitic people and they got the shit land and all their stories are about overcoming oppression and the eventual victory. Indo-European stories talk about the eventual battle and its likely loss (cf. Ragnarök).

Of course I am no expert on global-prehistory, however if there was a battle between paradigms, then Kek is not on the same side as Shiva. Shiva is an indo-European member of a trinity. Kek is a semitic god, half-human half-animal (very common for Semite gods). Indo-European gods are almost entirely human (Zeus/Odin, Mars/Thor, etc). Some of the Hindu gods were not Indo-European but Dravidian and unrelated to Semites or IE.

verb: imply; 3rd person present: implies; past tense: implied; past participle: implied; gerund or present participle: implying

strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated).
"the salesmen who uses jargon to imply his superior knowledge"
synonyms: insinuate, suggest, hint (at), intimate, say indirectly, indicate, give someone to understand, convey the impression, signal
"are you implying he is mad?"
(of a fact or occurrence) suggest (something) as a logical consequence.
"the forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air pollution"
synonyms: involve, entail

Nice try at moving the goalposts there, m8.

Here's your problem right here:

That's what it looks like to a whole bunch of people when they do nothing. Just like the hyperbolic black hole story you mentioned.

Frankly, what I'd have expected to happen would be for CERN to state unequivocably that the behavior engaged in won't be tolerated and those involved in it will not be welcome back. (And quietly, when it's all died down and forgotten, they go right back)

True, but the evidence doesn't conclusively prove anyone was murdered either, and the burden of proof is always on those making a claim, so at this point, until a body or some other evidence turns up, it seems far more likely that no one was actually killed.


Wasn't me but irrelevant. Whoever did mention it though seems to understand something you are missing. Even if the "black hole" and "disturbance of the false void" catastrophic predictions/alarmism are hyperbolic or downright unrealistic that doesn't anyhow prevent CERN-cabals from adopting that theme as basis for their religious/spiritual cult semi-ironically and start worshiping the world-ending aspect of some poo-in-the-loo deity and eventually start sacrificing blonde virgins in his name.

Even if their original intention was "IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO" IRL shitposting they are memeing themselves into an apocalyptic deathcult of the most nihilistic kind unlike our death-cult of Ebola-chan that is motivated by Love and the betterment of mankind through the purging of dindus and degenerates.

Can we really allow CERN to attract/indoctrinate this type of mentality into its ranks and turn into a literal death cult of mad scientists when there are endless amounts of money and technology thrown at them and when there's even the slightest miniscule chance that one of their experiments mind wipe out all life and the potential of life within our wider galactic neighborhood?

Oh no!

Science is just another branch of magic at the end of the day so it isn't to far fetched.

false vacuum*

I just find it amusing that people in their positions believe in this magical being shit. There's literally no evidence for it, and their careers are based around the concept of acquiring evidence to prove a theory.

Everything we know is wrong.
and that's okay.

I dont remain closed-minded to the unexplained or even the occult, but one can only really deal in facts and the logical deductions once can derive from said facts.

This is the Holla Forumsitical board, everyone, and while I have as much fun as anyone posting memes and giving HIGH ENERGY to Trump, I think it's high time we stopped with this paranormal fringe shiet.

Why don't we move this to another board? Or better yet, why don't we contain this to a single general thread a la /britpol/? Im not against these threads, im just against them occupying so much of the board's interests for the same reasons this user pointed out.

How do we know we're not being played?

I know a friend who is working at CERN, his theory was that since the regular internet sawy students on campus know about the internet paranoia over satan portals at CERN they decided to troll the internet by performing a mock ritual and "leak" it to the web.

They were all suprised at how fast it went viral. He said he hasn't heard about anyone dying there and with occams razors it was probably just some lulzy physics students trolling us.

Yep, sure is. And CERN takes in a whole LOT of taxpayer money. That makes it political.

Pic related.

What the fuck do you think this thread is?

Anyway, 7/10 post, m8. Much subtler slide attempt.

I did. that's why I mentioned it

Science is just positivist philosophy. Philosophy is just empirical spiritualism. Spiritualism is just mememagic as perceived by primitive hominids.

One thread out of 300 is a drop in the bucket, chaim.

I know a friend who is working at Sandy Hook, his theory was that since the regular internet sawy students on campus know about conspiracies over government coverups they decided to troll the internet by performing a mock school shooting and "leak" it to the news.

They were all suprised at how fast it went viral. He said he hasn't heard about anyone dying there and with occams razors it was probably just some lulzy CIA operatives trolling us.

I know a friend who is working at WTC, his theory was that since the regular internet sawy students on campus know about the internet paranoia over islamic terrorism they decided to troll the internet by performing a mock airplane strike and "leak" it to the news.

They were all suprised at how fast it went viral. He said he hasn't heard about anyone dying there and with occams razors it was probably just some lulzy news anchors trolling us.

Except it's like 3 threads being made about this every day. Obviously it's incredibly important that everyone be exposed to this psychosis inducing psyop.

fucking newfags

3 threads out of 300 is still 1% you innumerate nigger.

You're fucking chimping out over 1% of the board.


Except it's not just 3 out of 300 threads that are shitposts, slide threads or low-effort baiting. Sometimes it feels more like 200.

Upboated. ;^)

And here we see the reason why so much of Holla Forums is a shitshow.

great how summer just ends and we get an influx of hillary speech listening fags as soon as the summer fags leave

I haven't chimped out over anything, sperg. I'm saying it's hard to push your narrative that you are being silenced, when we all patiently observe your schizoid new age theories every day, several times of the day.

If you want to talk about this shit without being confronted by reason I'm sure there are places like that for you to go.

Please adjust your delayed choice quantum eraser privilege.

lurk the fuck moar, hillaryfag






Take your meds or fuck off back to /x/, esonigger.


lul, so angry.



You tried.


Again, back to /x/.

Mm, salt dubs.

Quote one that I posted. Oh, right. I never did. Nice strawman.

Where? All you do is scream "AUTISM!" and then try to imply that a device used in particle physics doesn't exist. The same device you, yourself, posted a photo of that you got from a google image search.

Again, refer to:

Are you even trying? Are you even aware there are IDs on this board and everyone can tell which posts are by you and which ones are mine?

Want to compare? Literally everything you've posted in this thread has been an entirely pointless shitpost, laden with ad-hominems and random shit. Wanna CTRL+F and see how many times you've brought up "incense" and "new age" when no one mentioned it before you?

It's fucking pathetic. Whoever pays you to do this is getting ripped off. kek

Word count level: aspie.


Pure coincidence goy, don't youj know the ritual was fake? The mandela effect is fake goyim, don't worry about it! It's Berenstain, it has always been Berenstain. We are at war with Eurasia, we have always been at war with Eurasia. :^)

Thank you for helping correct the goyim, Schl-oy, I mean fellow goyim!

not true


I'm certain it is true, user. Take a look at the third pic this user uploaded, because that's the one I remember.

I never got that into Pokemon myself, but a buddy of mine drew some hilarious parodies of them in science class one day when things were going pretty slow. The Pikachu parody was "Dickachu" (not the same one as the Dikachu meme now) and he specifically parodied the jagged edged black tip on the tail as the head of a badly-circumsized cock that formed the tail.
(The other funniest one was the Jigglypuff parody Jigglymuff)

Pretty funny when you're 14 and goofing off in class, and all the funnier when the teacher notices, confiscates the paper it was drawn on, and tries to make sense of wtf he's looking at.

It's not his post count that's as concerning as the quality/content of them (or rather lack thereof).

wow it's like you're describing trolls who have existed since the 1980s on BBS but you don't have enough internet experience to understand trolls so you assume they are paid money to fuck with people

8ch Holla Forums in a nutshell.

It's sad how everybody has forgotten what trolling actually means.


Just give up you scumbags, you are not smart enough to deny all the mounting evidence and scientific theory supporting this concept.

I know I request in vain however, paid internet shills have already demonstrated they lack the capacity for any kind of guilt by the nature of their job.

And do you recall it always having been "debts" and "debtors", or do you recall it always (until now) having been "trespass" and "trespasses"?

I remember trespasses repeatedly throughout various TV shows and movies and also "The Lion shall lay down with the Lamb" rather than "The Wolf shall lay down with the Lamb" however I have not ever finished reading the entire Bible, and now this shit is happening, I really wish I had done so much earlier in my life.

That's exactly what I remember too. Trespass and trespasses, Lion and Lamb.

Thread being slid hard while we have some incoherent reindeer thread near the top.


We don't have much trouble with people posting multiples of this kind of thread, we don't usually have more than one up at a time and often don't have one at all.

Generals just promote cancer by giving it a space to grow and fester. Look at how infested brit/pol/ is with trannie namefags for example. And anyone who has experience with any general for any videogame also knows what i'm talking about.

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. The anti-christian 'threads' are out of control too. We kicked a hornets nest alright.

hy cern, go fuck yourself.

Post count IS relevant when he accuses others for autism when he spent 39 posts just saging and shitposting a thread he did not like (38 if you count the shill's first post where he tried to sound reasonable just to have his legit objections countered immediately).

I suppose it serves as an /x/ containment thread.

Wasted trips.

Not everybody who disagrees with you is paid to do so. Believing otherwise would paranoia of the highest degree. In other words: Back to /x/, nigger.

Jesus fucking Christ, Moishe. Don't they present you any briefings about Holla Forums before they put you on your shift?

lel, point taken.

Of course. But in this case…

Anyway, I think he must have finished his shift for the day or fallen asleep or something. Idk, some of these low-energy niggers can't even function on 4 hours of sleep like a successful person.

Ministry of Truth is right.

They're starting to change recorded history like they do in 1984. We have the technology now and these are some of their test runs.

It's big crazy stuff, psyops and memetics and all that, but probably not parallel universe stuff.

IMO it is likely that Pikachu-tail and Berenstein tier shit are just experimental psyops to test the waters on public perception regarding popular imagery and see how far they can get with revisionism before the frogs start noticing the increase of temperature.

This honestly is the most logical post ITT.

just say tavistock
it's a real redpill for a lot of people to see just how fucking quickly the shills show up

As the author of it I must confess that I still prefer the multiverse/mememagic explanation but we always have to consider strict positivism and occam's razor in order to not drive the more mundane autists away and give ground to paid shills like the >(40) faggots to slander us as "schizoid" "tinfoils" with bad memory that don't "take our meds".

Could you upload a picture of that old logo if you see it again next time?


I was taught by the catholic church that it was tresspasses, but I don't recall ever paying much attention to what it said in the bible

So Shiva = Odin = CERNunos?

Interesting theory, but I think that was done long ago when James Paul McCartney left The Beatles in 1966 and an imposter took over.


They're all a different interpretation of the same forces, chaos/luck and the uncertainty associated with darkness. They're the same god. They're the same meme.

What's this about wolves? As I recall there's only like one mention of wolves in the bible at most. Mountain lions were much more commonas Wolves really only ranged farther east and north.


Meme it!

You know I remember some things I've learned about frogs over the years and that they also serve as an indicator or early warning of environmental pollution.

Now if we take this and apply it as a metaphor to our current situation. Kek is the frog, and we(white people) are the environment. As we're being flooded with third world shitskins in our ancestral lands Kek is the first to take notice and sound the alarm. Whether or not it's just Kek or also includes his alternate forms or memes is up for debate, what we cannot deny is that he is sounding the alarm. And when an alarm is sounded someone comes running.

And who else could it be but the other gods? Coming to purge the "pollution" from their lands perhaps?

It's not so much the fact that they're playing around with the crop's genes that you should be upset about, it's that they're doing it so the crop will survive being soaked in a poison that got railroaded through the FDA and kills any other plant life it comes into contact with (Say goodbye to the competition!).

Or that they use it as an excuse to sue farmers who's non GMO crop accidentally gets pollinated by their plants for copyright infringement.

And NOW it starts to make sense…

That's what CERN did. Memed it. THAT'S why they have the fucking statue.

Large Hadron Collider… From

"The LHC consists of a 27-kilometre ring of superconducting magnets with a number of accelerating structures to boost the energy of the particles along the way.

Inside the accelerator, two high-energy particle beams travel at close to the speed of light before they are made to collide."

Get it?

How much more powerful a collider we could build if we put a statue of Trump in front of it?!

I- user. The idea sounds so high powered I feel some meme madness coming on.

what do you think would happen if someone put a MAGA hat on the shiva statue? Or even just shooped it?

Go away.


A bit late to the party…but…

When did Facebook break a million users? A billion users?

What if…and this is a big what IF…with the Fakebook machine running with billions of people running through the wire at once, a sort of 'meme' magick began there, but in a distorted and disgusting sense?

Facebook comprises of at the very least 98% normies and ultra-cucks. What if the interaction between all these basic minds caused an unintentional manifestation in reality to bring us this bullshit that have today with Feminism and SJWism and shit?

I mean Facebook is massive and is the highest traffic flower right behind Google.

Am I on to something here or do I just sound like a crockpot?

Hey you faggots, you still have a fucking board.

Use it.


youre forgetting indo-iranian (zoroastrian -> pre-moloch judaism ->christianity -> islam), which are also human gods.

nah i think that was a bretty gud thought.

I would say tho that meme magick tends to be driven more by strong belief in something, not necessarily belief that it will work.

Normies dont believe in anything. Thats why Holla Forums has harnessed meme magick even tho it was born on Holla Forums, Holla Forums believes in something

Thats a good point tbh, user. How else can misinformation ever be truly elevated to "we were always at war with Eurasia" levels. There's only so much that propaganda can do before you have to let people convince themselves of a falsehood.

from my point of view justice is evil

That's an extremely theologically deep question that requires an incredible amount of introspection, thought, and study. I'm in the same boat as you man, but I always remember, way smarter men have believed.

Augustine and Aquinas didn't write some of the best philosophical works by being stupid.

That is true I suppose, but iirc dont Aquinas and Agustine focus more on a disbelief/lack of faith in God, rather than a moral concern about the righteousness/justness of Christianity?

You sure?

Why are you posting anal beads in every thread?

It's a ripple effect….

Why are our neurons and brains immune to the Mandela effect? Aren't they subject to the same laws as everything else? How can the changes happen only outside our skulls?

I'm not sure as I've never formally or seriously studied their works, but I'm fairly certain they've at the very least touched the subject.



You forgot to add a completely unrelated picture


These must be the reserve shills, I fucking swear. All the smart ones must have deserted by now (intelligence is strongly linked with empathy, and these ones don't have a lot of empathy)

Message to all shills: you are like the stormtroopers from Star Wars. Just another faceless drone who never questions authority


There are multiple possibilities:

1 - we have a soul which exists outside the physical realm and therefore wasn't affected

2 - nothing actually changed about the past. Instead, our memories were overwritten by using some powerful technology

3 - imagine a movie: a piece of film with a sequence of frames on it. Now imagine every possible combination of pixels that can make up one frame, and imagine every possible frame spread out on a table in front of you.

Imagine your life is a movie in the making, and that your "soul" is the film director - constantly picking up frames from the table to add at the end of the reel for you to experience. What will be the next frame?

For your soul to decide that, it will examine all the information you already know and pick a frame that doesn't break the narrative. For example, if a ball is falling, your knowledge of the laws of physics leads you to believe that it's going to keep falling, and so it will.

The interesting part is the things that you don't know, or that you aren't quite sure about. This "murky waters" knowledge allows for your soul to surprise you, but never in a way that would break your reality, never something "completely unrealistic".

My point is that, if you watch a lot of science fiction (e.g. Fringe), then you might start to develop a certain acceptance of the "paranormal" as something that's within the realm of possibility (murky waters knowledge). Your soul will take that into consideration when picking out future frames.
The Mandela Effect is the result of you being into sci-fi so much: even though the ME is something that defies your concept of reality, it didn't "break your reality". It might have seemed very strange, but not "completely unrealistic", because, as said, you had taken interest in sci-fi before, probably of the kind involving time-travel, teleportation, manipulation of time, alternate universes, etc.

Remember what I said about belief being so important? Well it turns out that you can actually control what will happen in the future to a certain degree, simply by reinforcing your belief in a desired outcome. There are many exercises to help you bend the future to your will. It's important to do the exercise and then forget about it, because if you keep checking to see if it worked, that means you don't actually believe that it worked. I suggest trying the "Two Cups Method", just try it, you have nothing to lose


i kekked

This is a bullshit thread meant to discredit us and make us believe in something with no proof. I hope OP dies of a heart attack brought upon by AIDs and slamming crystal meth along with girthy pozzed up dicks in his meaty butt hole.

Final Fantasy 14's entire main story is how meme magic helps gods manifest themselves into our world to the point they never really die.

Can you explain this two cups method a bit more please. You've piqued my curiosity

in which universe are we exactly? reality seems to be malfunctioning

Not if esotericism does real.



It makes me wonder how often shills have mistakenly attacked each other and argued with each other before realizing who they are arguing

Yes, this scene was originally more drawn out and menacing, I would agree it is moving too fast.


You're full of Shit and you know it. It's false. Your memories are bad and everything about you sucks.

There is no Mandela Effect, there is only Eternal Misery.

Ashes and Echoes

And all that proves is that it's all shit and must burn. Put two in the Bramha and call it a day.

This user gets it!


There is no other universe. There is only Eternal Misery. You have no power.

Fool. You don't win anything. If the divines win, you lose

They hate us

You're still crazy. There is no mandela effect. There is only eternal misery.


This user gets it! Maps also have fake islands and shit in the wrong places to ensure copyright protection. Like the ink in a bank note.


There is no mandela effect! None!


We're not going to assume shit. You're wrong, you've always been wrong and your mother was wrong for not aborting you.

Kill yourself, autist.

Ashes and Echoes

A universe controlled by malevolent beings that hate you. That's what it is.


It's just another Tavistock psyop designed to get people to doubt reality. These are "The words that the priests speak, to keep the lamb still for slaughter."


No. You're just a shill.

And you're still full of shit. The universe hates you, that's all there is to it.

No such thing.

He's an indigo child incense burning fringe lunatic.

I'm right and you know it. Everything is shit and you know it. There is nothing in this universe but pain and suffering AND YOU FUCKING KNOW IT!


How many of them are Jews?

That's because Tavistock knows how you fucks react to things. You take any fringe shit, and as soon as shill show up you take THAT as proof it's real!

So all they have to do is shill the slide threads and you'll post to those trying to "fight" them.

You are failures at everything.

It's a scratch, nobody wins.

The Gods Hate Us.

Ashes and Echoes

You are being played. That's what tavistock does.

It's just how things are going to be. The mods allow it. They're cucks.


It's pain, more pain, suffering and more suffering. Nothing else remains.


Whatever. You didn't do shit.

Scoffield Bible. Look it up.

Take your meds you fucking schizoid tinfoil with bad memory!

Brown people and libshits would get triggered.


Aquinas was a shit. You know it. The Gods hate us.

Ashes and Echoes

You are genetically, neurologically unfit to ponder the universe. Just give up and listen and believe some pop-sci nonsense instead, you'd end up closer to the truth than you will if you continue to spin this /x/ tier gibberish.

I believe that kali yuga ended somewhere between late 2013 and early 2014.

Can't remember but it shouldn't be up anymore. It was at least a couple weeks ago. Just some general Kek, meme magic type thread.

Unfortunately these threads have gotten less and less interesting and are now being shilled extremely hard. The shills must have realized MM is real.

Whatever's actually happening on on the board right now it's really hard to pin down. I think there might be multiple groups shilling in conflicting and confusing ways. The Trumpgeist, however much of it was ever organic (i.e. not just shills) has noticeably fallen off. The Kek/MM threads have gotten much less interesting and are now beset with endless buthurt "go back to /x/" shills completely disregarding all the evidence for MM, and the incredible power it has brought to the board. The inept CTR shilling seems to have slowed down too for some unknown reason, and yet board quality remains extremely low regardless.

Honestly the board is so boring and weird right now. Makes me think the cool anons went to some cool chan I don't know about or something.


A stupid man believes anything they find as concrete proof of a subject. A smart man can entertain the thought of something being real despite the fact that logic and facts state otherwise.

In that forrest gump one it's impossible to tell if that retard is saying is or was, and also his momma says "is" earlier in the movie so it's reasonable for the audience to assume he is saying the same damn thing later on when he is quoting her. But being a retard he doesn't understand quotes.

Checking masondubs.

Hey ashes, long time no see. Still the same old bundle of joy I see. You could check in on the christcuck threads now and then, those fuckers are getting uppity.

It's the same as it's always been. 101 cultism, unchanged from before sumeria.

I do feel like there is a new and vicious trend in it all though. Video programming is taking shit to weird places and the aspies they have been breeding combined with an all time level of extreme ignorance create some really strange shit. People who proudly display behavior that would make a village idiot in the middle ages ashamed.

Look at this fucker for instance.

That's not even a remote possibility to this blessed indigo child. It's actually fucking scary. These aspies truly believe the universe revolves around them 100%. There are so many of them now, and my greatest fear is that they are actually being groomed to be a bureaucrat class of some sort. Child like and vicious human emulators, without any knowledge or real empathy.

I'd rather have ashes and echoes.




Hush user. We mustn't discuss the bunker here. It's also possible that they simply aren't posting as much since there are so many shills now. I imagine we'll either recover like we always do or end up just scattering everywhere else overtime and just be an even greater pain in their sides than now.

When that happens I marine we'll be more like a cactus with a whole bunch of tiny pins all over rather than a thorn though.

We're living in the matrix.
Today I held a dvd copy of the cartoon version of the Hobbit.
Touched a statue of Shiva & watched a few jewtube videos on the mandela effect.
I don't think this reality is real anymore.


Revelation 6:7-8

Go shit up another thread you self-important man-child, you are on par with Rachposter, have you nothing better to do than suspiciously sage a thread that you supppsedly believe is futile anyway? You believe everything is futile you complete and utter coward.

Kind of off topic but this thread is just spooky general anyway.

I just found this rare pepe (pic related) while watching Gene Rosen vids. I haven't seen anyone post this pepe before which leads me to believe it may be a newly discovered example of the memes becoming real. If anyone recognizes the stuffed animal and can provide more info on what it might look like from the front it would be much appreciated.

For any anons who are out of the loop Gene Rosen was the brave hero of Sandy Hook, there are various interviews in which he recounts his harrowing deeds on that day.

I'm sure they just "accidentally" filmed a guy holding those signs that look like they were made in 5 minutes by a bunch of asshole who sat around going
Not that I don't think there could be weird shit going on at cern, but this one and the poorly faked "sacrifice" are such obvious red herrings meant to distract and further discredit those who invest in them.

Man, these esoterics are a hell of a drug.

Just like a Polandball joke:

Plus that English language "alphabet" word connection is a bit on the tin foil hat side.

I do remember the some partial brown coloring around the tail.

This doesn't feel like a Berenstein Bears thing.

Again why the fuck is noone posting ME's?

This is proof that CERN knows what they are doing with the ME. I should have posted it earlier but I was lazy and hoped the shills wouldn't arrive first.

Aye Nice Ryoko


No our skulls are not intact. Our whole human anatomy has changed. Skulls have eye sockets now ect.

It makes me start questioning things about the soul. If you read the archived thread in the OP, you'll see that everyone who has quantum memories has had near death experiences. Movies like Inception and the Matrix come to mind. You are an NPC until you wake up and become a protagonist.

Forgot to post the Mandela Effect quiz where I got these.
Take the quiz to see if you are a transdimensional faggot or not.

Also if anyone has these webms from the Braless thread, I would really appreciate it.

Man, I'm glad I'm not from your berenstein universe. Seems like a fucking strange place.

I suspect it's where autists come from too.

Skulls always had eye sockets , the kidney thing tho

so is it real or not if is it what should we do to stop them olso why there are so many /x/ signs in the world in 2016