

I have GOOD REASON to believe that Trump is well aware of the sordid details of THE FRANKLIN COVERUP AND SCANDAL.

Conspiracy of Silence: Banned Documentary Discovery Channel 1994 (all copies destroyed except this unedited one…)

Where might Trump have learned about this? From none other than his good friend Greta van Susteren, Fox News talking head and former high powered lawyer.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy was best man at her mom and dad's wedding! Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy's right hand from Wisconsin, who, so far, I have no reason to believe from memory was anything worse than a closet gay (although I do recall claims that he worked against Joe's work on purpose… who knows), was Trump's lawyer and confidante, perhaps Trump's first political mentor. He may have come to know Greta in the friendly way he does know her through Cohn.

Anywho, Washington DC's largest gay escort service in the 80s was run by a guy named Vinson, catering to high level clientele. He was approached by Greg Spence, a CIA asset and organizer of gay child prostitution in DC. He along with Larry King Franklin Credit Union Scandal infamy, in Omaha Nebraska in the 1980s was a panderer of children to DC's powerful and ran a child pandering and blackmail ring.

When Vinson would not cooperate in procuring child prostitutes for them, he was set up for some 297 yrs behind bars in a dirty Secret Service led takedown and none other than GRETA VAN SUSTEREN was his attorney. She moved to have the escort firm's client list released since it was actually a criminal prostitution ring. Eventually this was knocked down by the judge on the case and she got Vinson 5 years in a plea bargain, and closed her mouth, and the government whitewashed the entire affair.

Anyway, she is a good friend of Trump I think, and I think a good person, if Joe McCarthy was her parents best man. Therefore, there's a chance Trump knows all this, knows about Franklin, and probably knows about it from Roger Stone as well, and all the sealed-in-perpetuity documents will be something Trump might potentially access and release once in office.

Good info!

Someone, repost and archive this please, I do not know how, as I am neither an old fag or a new fag, nor even a fag at all, alas..

Other urls found in this thread:

national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com/2013/11/how-jews-invented-mccarthyism.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed: National-socialistWorldview (National-Socialist Worldview)


But if it has no ties to Clintons, its not a most pressing concern as far as the campaign goes.

Greta is a huge bitch though. She's also a Scientologist so she's going into the oven regardless of her affiliation with Trump.

And yes, op, you are a faggot.

Forgot my sage.

Worse, he was a kike.

On Roy Cohn's kikery:

national-socialist-worldview.blogspot.com/2013/11/how-jews-invented-mccarthyism.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed: National-socialistWorldview (National-Socialist Worldview)

He actually sabotaged McCarthy to protect his fellow Jews (most of the commies McCarthy threatened to out were kikes).

OP… You're fired!

I wasn't aware. I'll bump for this info.

I found this, dated June of this year on Cohn and Trump's 13 yr relationship. There is obvious bullshit like

But it's an interesting relationship no doubt. One that may be worth looking into.


No archive because, well dammit, mobile is new to me and it kinda sucks.

This is Holla Forums not /election/

everything in this post signals outsider, you are not even trying are you? this is pathetic


The case is interesting regardless. Why should it be ignored? Because op is a newfag?


She is literally controlled by a cult.

She's a Scientologist. I don't know if that ruins her credibility or not.

No shit, that was made aware in the first posts. What is interesting is this kike Cohn.

Trumps ex and daughter flew on Epsteins Lolita express.

Of course he knows all about the worst kept secret in politics.

My question is will he expose it? Or will he expose himself to young models too?

Assuming Trump knows everything, we should put ourselves in Trump's shoes and do some basic cost/benefit analysis.

If Trump exposes this shit, it will allow him to purge a lot of politicians. But they will fight back fiercely, and might have similar dirt on him.

Alternatively, if Trump can find another way to oust these people say, by turning the American public against them for their treasonous globalist policies, they'll be out of the way anyway and he won't be exposed to the same degree of pushback, and he'll still have the pedo/prostitute stuff to fall back on if necessary.


Yeah, you should know Cohn, Cohen, Kohn, etc. are always jewish. They are the top kikes from the priest bloodline or something.


Head Kikel in Charge

Pretty sure that we'r here to destroy politicians and such that we and the god emperor hate.

we should sacrifice them to kek. Dip our mighty kek rings in their blood, and then leave kek sign all over the place. Praise KEK!

Moses brother Aaron. The one with the snake rod. An Egyptian preist before les exodushoax.

If he holds back against the pedos he has failed. The wall is meaningless (except 4 votes) Trump must purge this country of the pedokike scum that has control now.

Who is Jeffery epsteins father? His father? What ties to old school Zionism? Literally connect to the military and mkultra. Dig people, I'll re-read the old pedi woods (fuck iPhones) threads and post some good Epstein family values shit from my pc later.