An interracial couple was attacked after a self-proclaimed white supremacist saw them kissing outside a Washington restaurant, police said.
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Has anyone ever heard of this site ""? Because I'm not even clicking that shit to archive it.
Fuk U OP U Fag
Sage for bad link. The guy was fucking deranged though.
You don't click you copypasta, dipshit.
op is a fag, though
So he didn't even kill the guy (it's not fucking hard to hit the aorta, buddy), and then admitted to a hate crime.
I hate to say this about a fellow white, but fuck. You kinda earned your prison rape there, goy.
anyone notice that this pukflick site is being shilled here in the last week? this is like the third thread in the last 24 hours i've seen it
Saw this artice the day it was released, his name is David Rowe apparently. I am under the impression that this story is bullshit though for a few reasons.
For one, there is only one picture of the guy and it pic related or other cropped versions. I can't find a mugshot or formal picture. I also archived an article by the New York Daily News that has him listed under two different names. The article says David Rowe, but the caption of pic related says David Thurston. I'm not sure if they changed it yet, but I archived as soon as I saw the mistake. Also, with how much racially charged news is out there, combined with Hillary and her alt-right speech, this story went nowhere.
Imo its nothing.
Correction, the caption says Daniel Thurston article says David Rowe.
yeah this reeks of bullshit. Of course my state is full of bumbling retards so they'll eat this shit up and try to use it as an excuse to cancel any trump rallies.
it's as if donald trump himself held the knife
he should be ashamed. trump needs to avow
Possible relation?
are going all out.
his. neck tattoo }CUCK"""
They're going to throw the term white supremacist at every fruitcake that jumps out of their drugged and jewish media society.
It feels like the stupidest kind of false flag.
So stupid I'm not sure whether to chalk it up as a false flag or a genuine fucking retard.
Yeah, keep in mind that if someone genuinely supports something, they're not going to say they support it first thing after being caught doing something retarded.
Yeah but hes not white, looks like a spic as always.
Fuck off FBI shill.
it's like it was planned by the ones involved in the attack
This story reeks of bullshit. copypasta from pukfuk site:
An interracial couple was attacked after a self-proclaimed white supremacist saw them kissing outside a Washington restaurant, police said.
Daniel Rowe, 32, came up to the African-American man and the white woman and, without a word, started stabbing them, said Olympia police spokeswoman Laura Wohl.
The man, who was stabbed in the hip, was able to tackle the suspect and restrain him on the ground until police arrived. His injuries were minor, as were the woman’s.
The man confessed to stabbing the couple, saying he was a white supremacist, Wohl said.
“The suspect spouted white supremacist sayings and made many many references to racist things,” she said.
Rowe also complained about the Black Lives Matter movement, and had tattoos that said ‘Skinhead’ and ‘White Power,’ Wohl said.
Investigators are treating the attack as a hate crime and Rowe has been charged with 2 counts of first degree assault and one count of malicious harassment under Washington State’s “hate crime” law.
Rowe was booked into the Thurston County Jail and is being held on $500,000 bail.
He made his first court appearance Wednesday and is scheduled to be arraigned on August 30.
The local Public Defender’s office said he has not been assigned counsel yet.
Hair and hair color says he's not a spic.
Tattoo's say subhuman though.
Whites might have a 15 point mean IQ advantage over the nogs, and higher percentage in the top two quartiles, but we also have the same spread on the left side of the bell curve.
By which I mean to say there are enough deeply stupid whites for an attack of this sort to happen somewhere in the country every few weeks. Of course now is the perfect opportunity to make hay about the latest one.
Not that pukflick is a news site that anyone has ever heard of.
Meanwhile, somewhere at this moment, statistically speaking, a nog is murdering a white, and at least ten other nogs are being beaten to death by gangs of rival nogs.
I honestly believe that eugenics are the best way for the white race to increase it's mean average IQ.
Might hurt numbers in the short term, but who the fuck cares when we can create a genetically superman from a modified egg and sperm cell.
3 threads on gays being attacked by dindus.
An interesting increase from the zero I usually see.
This story was already posted a week back ffs.
CTR, you're not fooling anyone.
"A black male and European-American woman" would be so racist!
I've noticed that most interracial couples I've seen over my life in multiple states and countries are white men with yellow and brown sheboons, much as Holla Forums likes to trigger itself over fucking white women with niggers.
shoo shill shoo!
Archive stupid nigger
Hello CTR
Care for a beer?
That log is fake as fuck.