Literally burned

Man in Sydney, Australia, is charged after replacing lubricant in dispenser in gay night club with Hydrochloric Acid

Other urls found in this thread:

toppest kek.

Christ. On the one hand that's horrifying but on the other it's horrifying they have a fucking lube dispenser in a night club to begin with.

If he'd gotten away with it, the faggots would have thought it was a new form of GRIDS.

How do you even get caught doing that? Fake mustache that shit and jet. It's a dark club and fags are too busy gaying it up.

It's just bantz m8, she'll be awroight.


Seriously gays, you use so much lube you need dedicated dispensers?

so at first i read "lube dispenser" as hand lotion or something.

and then i questioned why there was a lube dispenser.

Just saw this, it was almost definitely a muslim.

never would have done it if they'd just started a monthly bacha bazi night like he wanted

That's makes it even better. They had to put alarms on their dick lube dispensers.

Just your typical gay club.



Fags that got their dicks burned off deserved it for being such fags.

What the hell goes on in these clubs?
Do they just drop trow and pound ass to loud thumping music and over priced drinks?

You know what. I already know the answer to these questions and its disgusting that this shit is acceptable at any level.

A place to spread disease, grinding out levels for your naked barbarian character in the fag dungeon. What a shitty RPG.

yep, believe it or not I know some Holla Forums tier fags that told me what goes on from their few experiences with them
it's like those world star nigger club videos on steroids and chrystal meth, they just do "hot lines"(freebase meth) and sodomize eachother on and around the dance floor.

remember user gays r just like u or me

Their parades in SF were disturbing even SF locals with all the public dicksucking so they put tents along the route. Now imagine them in a club environment.

Faggots are having all kinds of problems these days.

I'm thinking longbowmen and flaming arrows.

My fucking God, purge those disgusting monsters already.

Anons, is it… "Happening"?
Or is it


You can give them public parades and private clubs to assfuck each other in but it's never enough.

Reminds me of a state lake I used to go fishing at years ago.

There were basic cinderblock restrooms for the park patrons but they were almost unusable due to all the faggots cruising for some ass. I was on a late shift and would relax after work for a few hours catfishing on the dock and listening to shortwave radio. If worrying about lurking wild niggers wasn't bad enough there were half-dead looking fags slinking around too. Always carried a pistol though.

And just when I was starting to like these guys…

(they're not)

yeah and they promote these gay sex events as "family friendly" fuck them. Let the muslims toss them all of rooftops.

Probably to alert the staff for refills, the last thing they want is angry gay men with dry penises complaining.

Cedar Point, in Sandusky Ohio has some of the world's best roller coasters. Every fucking FATHER'S DAY is fucking gay day. Father's Day… At the best amusement park in the Midwest and arguably the US.
You can't even go there on Father's Day because it's fucking fag day.

Honestly, how do you get caught?



Faggots fucking deserved it, jesus christ, they NEED lube in a fucking bathroom because they fuck each other int he ass so much?

What kind of Sodom and Gomorrah are we fucking living in?

I've been there, and this is true.


They promote these events as "family friendly" because there's a disproportionate amount of faggots who are child molestors.

96% of child molestors are men. 1/3 of all children molested are boys. 2% of the population are gay men.
The quick math says there's a lot of faggot child molestors. They want little boys to come to this shit, either fuck them outright or at least fuck with their heads enough to make little kids think assfucking is normal.

A quick search confirms we're veering into Western European tier degeneracy. Sorry to hear that user.

God forbid a father want to take his kids on fucking FATHER'S DAY. Because when you think Father's Day at a Midwestern amusement park, immediately, you think faggots.
Because faggots and fatherhood are synonymous. Amirite?

I'm starting to think fags would actually prefer to live in a concentration camp.

Holy fucking shit you guys, we call them degenerates for a reason.

I read this as "soap dispenser" at first, too, because why would it be a lube dispenser? This is fucking absurd.

Degenerates feel compelled to destroy everything that is good.

Paint a wall white in a city, and what happens? Niggers graffiti it. Why? Because you painted it. Unpainted it would have been ignored, but because you put forward some effort to make it look nice, they'll fuck it up.

The actual fuck?

Do they have no higher goals in life than fuck each other in the ass and live in the moment? Literally niggers.

Fellow Ohio user here. I did not know that.

Next year we should start some online petition to boycott. It'll get media attention because any assault on their sacred cows gets attention.

It's the best amusement park in the entire world. This can not stand!

one would hope it's like those condom dispensers where you get a single use packet to take away but I get the feeling it's like a soap dispenser that just sprays some onto your hands for immediate use.
I mean, the likelihood that someone would make little packets of HCl is pretty low but the likelihood of someone filling up a container with it is pretty high.


It's like Holla Forums is suddenly discovering what faggots actually are

I came here for the reaction image of a stereotypical Australian user winking

That has a lot more to do with women getting light charges or none at all when they molest children. There are also several lesbian women that are child molesters, but they get praised by the media.

Hell, in one case the woman in her 20s that raped an 8 year old boy was being called the victim.


I used to go every October for Halloweekends. I just found out about fag day about 4 months ago, buts it's been going on for years.

Honestly, it's over for me. How could I give the $300 it takes to get in for 2 people knowing they've desecrated a pretty special holiday for me. I loved my father and we celebrated every Father's Day together, save the 4 years I was in the army.

To know they've fucked a holiday that the few real men still spend time with their children on is disgusting. Why not July 19th? Or August 10th or any other day? No, they had to have that day.

Well, we could go by your anecdotal evidence which is not quantifiable or we can simply agree that there's a lot of faggot child molestors.
We can argue about women's light charges, but they are still charged and a sex crime is still committed and on the books. We can even drop it down to a more comfortable number like 85% and that's still alarming.
If you want to argue that women and men should be doled out the same punishment, we can argue that. But my point stands. There's a fuckton of faggot child molestors.
1/3 of all molestation victims will agree.

oh come on guys, cool it with the homophobic remarks. I'm sure there are plenty of straight nightclubs in australia with lube dispensers too. you make it sound like gays are some kind of hypersexual fuck machines that sleep with 20 different partners per week when they're actually just normal people like us only attracted to the same gender.

For 2-3 decades the media narrative has been that these fine fellows are just socializing, having a few drinks and heading off to a boutique hotel for a private rendezvous.

Injecting meth and industrial lube dispensers come as a shock.



Oh, I'm not disagreeing that there are a lot of faggot child molesters, I'm just saying there are also a lot of lesbian child molesters. People like Lena Dunham who admits in her book she molested her younger sister get praised by the media, for example.

nope. that's gay culture in nutshell; unbridled hedonism. same reason why the line between the gay community and the aids community has blurred over the years. tbh gay marriage probably would have happened nationally in the late to mid 90s if the aids epidemic had not exposed soccer moms to the underbelly and what really happens in those clubs & bathhouses.

Not to give women a free pass but I'd say their crimes are much more related to neglect and non-sexual physical abuse due to their inherent laziness. They hand over the kid to whichever clod is providing the gibs who then abuses them.

I can recall reading articles that this terrible new disease was prevalent with "intravenous drug users and Haitians".


How did he NOT get away with it? Whenever someone does something good for a change (((someone))) always seems to catch them.

Toppest of keks

don't forget blood transfusion, my faggot loving family pulls that one out when I mention the main factors/demographic of aids. like every transfusion is from a faggot with aids.

are dykes also this promiscuous in gay bars?

He wasn't white and probably was a fucking idiot.

I heard he was screaming white power as he got taken away by the police ;^)

Here's their poster boy:

How dare the families of Kokomo, IN want to spare their children from a deadly disease that even doctors didn't understand at the time.
They should be ashamed that they didn't want their kids pozzed like an average faggot! How dare they! The nerve, I tell ya!

If that kid was any wiser, he would have wished nothing but death to that faggot, odds are he most likely got the transfusion from a faggot and his life was most likely cut short because of it.

Jesus fucking christ.

"Sorry you got fag cancer, kid. Here's the faggot that sings Benny and the Jets. It's the least we could do."

Wow that makes me so fucking angry kid already is fucked from some fucked up blood disease and those kikes give him aids REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

ah okay

sticking around to see the results.


Sounds like acase for our boy Omar the "Butt Pirate Beheader"

Next time, just fill the syringe with the HCl and inject the lube container so you don't have to open it to set the alarm off. Trial and error.

One of my neighbhors is a cuckold who takes his wife to the capital to go to gloryholes, some years ago he discovered he got aids from his wife, who got it from a nigger. They are now divorced, he's poor, and some years ago when he came to my store i laughed at him and mocked him non-stop. We used to be friendly when he came to the store and did small tlk on politics.

He sued me for 2k and won.

Worth every penny.

sounds like he got everything he wanted from a filthy fucking glory hole with niggers.

So you're saying actual women go to gloryholes?
Oh well, no big loss there. Sucking a nigger's dick through a hole in the wall? This is the type of shit AIDS was designed for. Hopefully, she didn't get to reproduce.


In the current year you would be sued for not letting him give you his nigger aids, you racist bigot

They were one of those hyper-liberal white couples.

Just degenerates trying to pretend really hard they were not disgusting people.

Got what they deserved, and to the other user, no, hopefully they didin't have children

AIDS was the largest pandemic (in the U.S.) since the 1918 Flu Epidemic and since nobody knew the cause there were worries it could expand into something on the order of the Black Death.

We're probably subsidizing the lube in their fuck dens now.

I bet the 1488ers did this.

Do you think niggers realize people have sex with them because it is disgusting ie exciting to degenerates and not cause of MUH DICK? probably not tho.

I guess some probably do, funny thing, old legit black racists hate white people because they remember shit from the 50's, like separated bathrooms and stuff, but they hate degeneration just as much, oly in a more ignorant style

And back then that was it. There were no alternatives to the media faggotry. Have a problem? Here's a kike L.A. degenerate to make everything right and push the narrative in the correct direction.

How bad must these fucking clubs smell by the time the party ends?
Must smell like shit and piss and jizz and sweat. Imagine the fucking mess they must leave by morning too. It's probably a bio hazard just to set foot on the premises.

Well at least the disco-goers had a swell acid trip


My dad grew up on army base schools where he got caught kissing his a black girl in school think in the 70s her father was chimping out on her for being with a white boy, while his dad was just mad about them kissing in school. which confused my dad since he was ((((educated)))) that segregation ect was over. so yes old niggers sure do hate whitey.

Sorry for derailing about niggers even tho they spread all the faggot aids too.

Omar "Clubber" Mateen
Omar "Gayslayer" Mateen
The Commando in Orlando
Omar "LGBTBBQ" Mateen
Omar "The Gaydar" Mateen
Omar "Y-M-C-Pray" Mateen
Omar "The Unseen" Mateen
"Mateen Gun" Omar Mateen
Omar "Bear Season" Mateen
Omar "Frag the Fags" Mateen
Omar "Rainbow Warrior" Mateen
Omar "It's Raining Lead" Mateen
Omar "Shots Are On Me" Mateen
Omar "The Closet Closer" Mateen
Omar "Kiss a man? BLAM" Mateen
Omar "Waste the Rainbow" Mateen
Omar "What Did He Mean?" Mateen
Omar " Blastin´ and Fastin´ " Mateen
Omar "God Slay The Queen" Mateen
Omar "FUBAR The Gay Bar" Mateen
Omar "One Man Homocaust" Mateen
Omar "50 Gays = Good Day" Mateen
Omar "One-Man Blood Drive" Mateen
Omar "Akbar at the Gay Bar" Mateen
Omar "I Just Bagged 50 Fags" Mateen
Omar "Giving Queens the M16" Mateen
Omar "Put a Mag in Every Fag" Mateen
Omar "The Fag Killing Machine" Mateen
Omar "Dump a Mag in Every Fag" Mateen
Omar "For the Glory Hole of Allah" Mateen
Omar "Make the Queer Disappear" Mateen
Omar "Wiping the Gay Club Clean" Mateen
Omar "Candy Ass Turned to Glass" Mateen
Omar "The Ass-Driller Blood-Spiller" Mateen
Omar "Blow Him Off, I Blow You Up" Mateen
Omar "Suck a Cock, Get the Glock" Mateen
Omar "Ramadam Thank You Ma'am" Mateen
Omar "Putting Fags Into Body Bags" Mateen
Omar "Can't Ram a Man on Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Pray and Spray the Gay Away" Mateen
Omar "You Lick Bum? Die Like Scum" Mateen
Omar "Judgement Day at the Cabaret" Mateen
Omar "Every Sodomite Shot On Sight" Mateen
Omar "Lick a Dick, Get Bricked Quick" Mateen
Omar "Can't Eat Meat During Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "Empty My 9 at the Gloryhole Line" Mateen

Black people got mindfucked as much as white people by the jews, the jews fuck blacks econoicaqly by making them lazy and dependant on the system, keeping black family structures broken via gangsta propaganda, misguided and poor quality education in public schools and by turning black women and men against each other, is a core issue for jews

the niggers still have to go back, thou

Niggers that actually sleep with white people with any regularity are well aware of it. Niggers often cry about being objectified and used if their iq is north of 80 which is few and far between. The rest just muhdik until they're locked up, dead, or drunks.

Are you telling me rabbi libowitz had them sing about killing each other,selling crack and bitches ain't shit but hoes&tricks for nefarious reasons?

Sounds about right

I like how much harm just this article does to the perception that homosexual fuck-clubs are some tame meetingplace of normal people just like u or me


They just kick the shit out of each other and abuse their adopted children.

there was some shit on jewtube called like dark dungeon or something like that with some asian dude in leather straps and shit cant fucking remember but it was so fucking weird.

there's this classic

Found some shit edited with what I was talking about



Niggers and FBI are useless faggots and cant do anything right

Doesn't sage



"hot lines" or hot rails is where you take a tool for snorting, generally glass, heat up the end facing the powder/crystal, and do a line with it. this results in both smoking and snorting

t. former addict (not a homo though)


this retarded nigger

How… appropriate.

Grandson of Sulu.

Throw it and Milo into a bog.

Wait. You can sue someone for hurt fee fees in America? How the hell does that not defy the first amendment by having government (which should make no law abridging free speech) courts punish you with fines for bad speech?


Absolutely amazing, thanks ausfags for this hearty kek

Milo plz.

Ov vey we will destroy our controlled opposition

Go home autismo.

That one girl's sign looks like it says "CUCK IT, DON'T FUCK IT".

Appears that she's looking to be farmed out..

I'm gay and never heard of a club that does lube somewhere. That'd be fucking weird.

So quick google search turns up this place which is not a night club, it's a bath house. The kind of fucking weird ass place frequented by closeted fucks.


So you can really do this then? How does this work?

Does it have to be a business? If you go into a business and they laugh at you, you can sue them? Presumably you can't sue some individual on the street for this?

Why didn't limited liability status protect ? You didn't apply for corporate status?

I might start a fag fun park one day. Just buy a big warehouse and fill it with Vaseline and water-slides.

What a spectacle.

The statistics out there beg to differ friend.

Statistics say faggots are the main holders and propagators of AIDS

They're just like us
It's the same love between two people
Nothing degenerate about this
We should be proud of their bravery
We shouldn't get mad at other people's lifestyle
It's free choice
It's about marriage and commitment
It doesn't even effect us
It's not fair to judge people who are different than us
The bible is out of context, really

Oh and the proper answer
Abrahamics are all the same

Seriously though, is a lube dispenser common in these sorts of clubs, or is it just this one? What brand of lube even is it?


You need a lot of lube to stop a dick from tearing up an asshole.

the only reason he even did that was because he was poor, holy shit who would bother with lawyers and court documents for a measly 2k (not taking court fees and lawyers cut into account)

Odd, I can dry insert my prostrate stimulator.

I share the same views as Holla Forums but since I'm gay I feel like a degenerate constantly…I have my guns and right wing literature but at the end of the day I like guys.


i dont feel sorry for him.
the juxtaposition is enough for me to hate them.
for who they are.
how they were born.

Day Of The Rope cannot come quickly enough.

Probably because you are a degenerate. That literature you're reading must not be very right wing either because you would have been jailed/executed by the state or vigilantes in any white rightwing country throughout almost all of history. Congratulations, you are the cancer that is killing our people.

keep it to yourself and stop getting offended when the openly mentally ill are being bashed. try to treat yourself. you have a sickness.
Could be as simple as a hormone imbalance. Try boosting your T.

Some realise it, some are in denial. There was this article in HuffPo by some nogette dating a (((white))) guy, complaining at one point that other nogettes were saying to her "White people only sleep with black women because it excites them, it's an animal thing." or something along those lines.
Some are aware.

and don't ask me to find it again, ffs I don't even remember the title

I doubt that. They tried this back in the 50s with injections and just got angrier hornier homos.

why are you here?
We don't want you, get the fuck out of here if you're going to be a slave to your "passions" you fucking faggot.

Yeah but that was with regular homos i.e. the ones that get molested when they're younger and pass it on. Not the imageboard tier fags who are basically prison gay because they're too autistic to get a gf.

Fag relationships are extremely promiscuous because you remove the woman part. Just think how horny men are, we always want to fuck which is why we go through all this bullshit all the time. Women on the other hand are a lot, A LOT, less promiscuous and way more picky with their partners (this is evolutionary and not up for discussion) which is how we reach balance. The man tries to swoon the woman and she will give in once she trusts him. This is alo why sluts are looked down upon.

Now for fags that whole game is removed. Everybody wants to fuck and they do it all the time. Every day they fuck a new guy and it's just a massive HIV-fest of disgusting degeneracy.

all fags are disgusting degenerates, no exceptions.
the ones who say they're 'monogamous' to a one define that as 'i suck hundreds of dicks a year because that isn't sex' and you know they're lying about that

then you don't share the same fucking views

you fucking degenerates lack a basic notion of self control and are a slave to your animal urges, except your basic urges aren't to impregnate a woman it's to either fuck or get fucked in the colon depository of another man.

Absolutely fucking ropeworthy.

Seems a little too roundabout for the likes of a Middle Eastern rube. They like to get personal with these sorts of things.

If it was, good on them for thinking outside the box, but it might mean they're learning not to blow themselves to smithereens, go out guns blazing, or take leisurely Sunday drives through crowds of people.

If you made that pic, you should stop posting.

not only did i not make it, but the fact that you don't want to see it makes it even more relevant

nationalism has no place for faggotry

in addendum, either faggots come to their senses and realize that they are making an active choice to be a degenerate hedonistic assspelunker that is a genetic dead end and a net loss to society and thus make moves to correct their repulsive behavior, or they ALL GET THROWN IN THE FUCKING BOG

Don't worry shitskin, I won't shoot you, I shoot mutallos coming over my lawn. So long as you wipe your shoes of filth and stay on the sidewalk, we can chat.



As much as I wish it was a muslim I am going with mentally ill faggot (redundant i know)

I don't think there's any reason to persecute gays on a basic level, but all this gay parade and lube dispenser shit has go to go.

Gays should be persecuted because lube dispensers are the natural state they fall into when unchecked by persecution

Because you are one. Get the fuck out of here.

mentally ill people need to be treated
gays are mentally ill

they are literally abomination
or, for the spiritually dead, they are genetic dead ends who willfully neglect to reproduce, which is the basic function of all life.

they are heretics to life.

>Due to the widespread fear and ignorance of AIDS, the principal and later the school board succumbed to this pressure and banned White.

Meanwhile 1 year earlier

I guess listening to the largest body of doctors in America means you're fearful and ignorant now. Any sane parent would call it common sense.

Do you think there's no reason to persecute kikes as well? Or that holohoax is real?

Perhaps you should go back to kikebook and virtue signal there instead.


Gives a whole new meaning to Hot Poz Loads

Is it this one?
sage for offtopic

whoops, fucked up the sage.

Oh shit
Top kek m80

I never knew they existed..

I had to go in to one of these clubs to fix the lighting throughout the premise.

It wasn't explicitly only gay , but it had rainbow flags to virtue signal.
Basement full of porn and toys, with a theater room with up to 100 seats. There was a heroin needle in one of the solo masturbation stalls, with stains on the floors and walls.

Smell of sweat was in some of the "lounge" rooms which had a single leather couch and lights around it with a curtained entrance.

The showers had shit stains on the walls.

They truly are the most degenerate, hedonistic places of all mankind.

Based Aussies!


Under normal circumstances I would agree, but the real problem is that gays have gone from being private fags to overt, gay "pride" parade, openly gay schoolteachers, and all the bullshit they now PROMOTE faggotry with.
I've lost all sympathy for them, so when something like this happens, I laugh.

Tough shit, faggots…you brought this shit on yourselves.

Fuck off degenerate weeb. Let's not forget the anime posters who spammed a thread 2 weeks ago with trap hentai and trap porn, and who were trying to get someone to fuck their mentally ill trap brother a few days ago in an anchored Holla Forums thread.

It's creative, I'll give him that.

Hot pH loads

if you have any knowledge of the soul you already would see the error of faggotry as a corruption

Where is the orlando commando when you need him?


that meme is ancient

your worse than a shitskin, you're a faggot.

go be gay and degenerate on twitter. Your lifestyle will never be accepted here.

Nigger, what the hell are you talking about? I took my gf on Friday and it was less than half of that for both of us to get in AND eat.

I seem to recall Michael Jackson become good friends with the kid. The propaganda pushed through this kids story was astounding at the time.

Lube dispensers are a new low. Absolutely disgusting.

Fags are human.


Called gachimuchi

So about the same as your average mall toilet, then?

Have you read this thread?
No, no they aren't.

Whats wrong with destroying "alt-right"?
It's not even real word. It's sounds as if it was made up 6 year olds who play politicans in the sandbox.

I don't know where you live where the average mall toilet has shit smeared on the wall. Probably some literal shithole in South America or the Middle East, certainly nowhere civilized.

We have a hotel in the city thats notorious for gay activity, its run by gays, the employees are gay and the customers are gay.
They have crossdressing competitions, bearadise, public fucking, pretty much everything that fag-dom has to offer but the cops can't shut it down thanks to jews making all that degeneracy legal.

Just look at all the reviews, the degeneracy is widespread.

Couldn't resist.

nice collection, fag

shhhhhhhhhh, you're breaking the
stop it with the facts
just post some clips from jewllywood "movies"
that is the truth

Men knocking at our door in the middle of the night were also a frequent occurrence.
This place was a gross disgusting hole.

Bloody hell.

Imagine finding you'd been bitten by things that had exclusively been feasting on the blood of GRIDS and Hep ridden fags.

why would you want to go to spend your time in school when you only have 6 months left to live?


I dont believe that image.
I dont believe that happened.



IIRC, that isn't what actually happened. Guy got stabbed, I think.

Might be wrong though.

What sort of third-world shithole do you live in? :^)

Just because it walks on two legs and can speak in human languages doesn't justify its existence. There are far more "humans" that need to be erased than non-humans.

Those are probably going to be made mandatory in our new transgender public restrooms.

Tell me that image is fake

The image is real.

Seems to be a hoax. Quite a plausible one, though.

Weeb subhumans pushing their degenerate fetishes here again.


It's confirmed real, gentlemen.

You can't possibly be this dumb can you?

Why would you want to hit fags? I don't want to fucking touch them. If you cut your knuckle from punching them you get AIDS.

Video of said stabbing is here Unlike what snoops says the KKK didn't start it though, and had permits to protest. You can see the same fire hydrant near the end of the video.

But if a drunk guy takes a wiz at a mardi gras parade in an alley he gets labeled as a sex offender.

Dear lord, I thought the Midwest was safe from this faggotry.

They've got standards though, probably wouldn't allow a furry convention.

Hell is forever, sodomite.

And yet Trump does not care for me, but wants shitskins gone. Do you go against the Emperor?

Where's Timothy McVeigh now that we really need him?

Not being used by the FBI to falseflag the militia movement under COINTELPRO?

Any club is degenerate, but I can't say I've seen sodomy dispensers in straight clubs you faggot.

No there is degeneracy in the Midwest too, look at the nearby gay bar, again allowed to exist despite it being a petri dish of AIDS.

Gay guys do use lube, but it's usually closeted gays that would visit a bath house since they're not comfortable going to a gay club or bar.

Just think about why exactly someone would pay some fee to enter a place to have sex when you can go to a bar for free that you could try to sleep with or just meet someone you come across online.

Braindead nigger detected

Castration and hanging

That quote is wrong. It is from some vietnam guy who wrote a novel. The holocaust is a lie, so we don't need to use false qoutes to debunk it.

That movie is actually anti-degeneracy, believe it or not.

Kek, never seen that /lgbt/ comic before. I sympathize with the "gay," seems like a breddy good guy even though its ironically because I know his pure rage.


Pick one and only one, from now and until forever. There is nothing you can say or do to change this.


There are no "pol tier" fags. The only place for fags is the oven.

Dont know if I should kek or throw up

They were probably jerking off and fingering themselves in the shitter before and while pressing the dispense lever

They deserve it

that implies bernie voters are faggots?

if it fits, i sits

I want death

Jesus Christ

what did he mean by this?


hahaha what a fucking legend

No, he would be a legend if he didn't get caught. Gotta respect the initiative though.

Looks like things got spiced up a bit :^)

I always wondered why Hitler gassed the fags. Today, I understand

It's a meme. So it's like hand soap?


Gotta love how everyone is responding to this.
The (((media))) from other places in the world can't touch it or else they'd have to explain the lube dispensers and hurt their GAYS ARE JUST LIKE US narrative.
Fags are trying to save face by saying NONO IT WASN'T A CLUB IT WAS A BATH HOUSE WHERE FAGS GATHER TO HAVE SEX WITH RANDOM MEN! See?!?!?? We're just like you! Straight people do that too right?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO???