Planned Destruction of Alt-Right

Came accross something weird:

It is in the form of a chat log, but no indication of between who and whom.

Other urls found in this thread: PROPHETS WARNING!!! OBAMA IS GOING TO BE SHOT.pdf


Holla Forums has nothing to do with the "alt-right," what the fuck are they smoking?



Saged for autistic roleplay.


We already know how they play their game.

There's nothing they can really do to us, we're immune to most of their weapons.

All their buzzwords bounce off of us like sherman rounds off the hull of a tiger.

That and we aren't isolated to this board.

I for one have a local community I interact with, some of us Holla Forumsocks have networked and have regular meetings.

That and I've fairly heavily redpilled most of my previously normie tier friends.

Holla Forums is not the be all end all, it's just a place for us to discuss news and our progress, it is not necessary, don't be afraid to lose it it.

bump because sage shills are active again

Shocker, (((they))) are trying to set up a strawman to destroy.

Their tried and true methods are all failing one by one, this will be the same.

(((Alt-right))) is just a meme (((they))) are forcing. We all know that aint gonna work, not in current year.

Cunton is stupid enough to run with this even after it's leaked, so we pretty much already won this battle.
Let this senile pant-shitting cunt expose us, it will only serve to ridicule her even more when she claims this tiny 2000-member Kosovan drum-polishing newsgroup that worships frogs and anime girls is more dangerous than 2 billion potential terrorists able to enter the country unchecked.

Why call it wrongthink? Why not hate speech? That would seem like a more likely choice among the subversive left.

Faker than the Holocaust.

(((They))) are surprisingly slow to adapt, we are not. That is why the tide is turning, that is why we are going to win.

We don't concern ourselves with holding some imaginary moral high ground like the cuckservatives are.

We'll use every single underhanded tactic (((they))) employ and we'll do it better because we're more desperate and vengful.

Us Albanian tomato finger painting autists have divine backing, she has nothing but a dead void behind her.

Heil to that!

Out Jew the Jew,. But instead of seeking filthy ends for the world, we seek to leave the world and go beyond.

You sound like a massive queer tbqh fam.

>>>/guts/ BO here, I know this for a fact. I am mobilefagging it up due to some unfortunate circumstances so can't moderate my board.
someone used to to post links to RAR files named after girls.

They tried for months on end to stick Holla Forums with the alt-right, I remember arguing a lot with what I now see were shills, and not only idiots, trying to make Holla Forums accept those faggots as allies. They tried to do this because the alt-right has been set up to fail and become the new boogeyman a la GooberGoyim. They hoped to knock Holla Forums down in influence at the same time they were to pull the plug on the "alt-right". In the end they failed yet again. What does GG and the "alt-right" also have in common? They both have that greasy racemixing Jewish faggot Milo pushed as an important figure by the media.

guy that runs cultstate is insane

he posts here regularly, i can tell his writing style (often long-winded, arrogant, and trying to come up with deep schemes that sound insane)

he's some sort of silicon valley programmer guy that works in online advertising

he believes he was the one that started the gamergate strategy to take out the advertisers, and regularly takes credit for it on /r/kotakuinaction

then recently he came up with some sort of other plan to attack twitter's banning system or something

Precisely, we refuse to be the French Knights at Agincourt.

Cool story bro

No too worried.

They don't have the bantz down yet and they're easy to spot. Seeing as most of them are spineless cucks, I doubt many will ever manage to successfully blend in.

What's the worst that this literal spawn of satan can do to a Yakutian ice-chiseling bulletin board? Does she really think that she could just false-flag us and have us be gone that easily?

attacking the alt-right is also a debate window shifter

we all know the alt-right isnt very right wing at all

by demonizing the alt-right it shifts right wing from being unacceptable to even just centrism being unacceptable

fucking this, Hillary calling the "alt-right" paranoid nutjobs is going to be used to send anyone with right-wing ideals to loony bins and eventually FEMA camps once the manufactured "mental health epidemic" becomes too much to handle and they drum up some "emergencies"

Did anyone actually bother reading the chat-log posted before making a reply?

I don't necessarily buy it, but it is an interesting read.

Bring it the fuck on. See how well that works out.

Soooo their plan is to call us racist for the six-millionth time? And if that fails start a witch hunt that Trump will definitely spin into his favor? Also, somehow they're going to paint Holla Forums as crazy, when Holla Forums already has memes and waifus on the brain and doesn't give a care? Just put these dummies through the Wall.

fuck off shill

I wish the whole of the country shared your sentiment.


not everyone using sage is a shill idiot. learn how a site functions before you use it.


Its very highly unlikely but its kinda funny and also typical.

The left always cloaks itself in righteous talk.

When their words are not heeded. They always turn to violence.

But what little do they know is that they are not very good at that. The R selected nu males and their cohorts are not very good at violence at all.

All we have to do is endure long enough, make sure that the servers are safe and outside of their jurisdiction.

once we pull through this political horse crap, and get the power, we can start doing the actual violence to them. It will be mass censorship, ostracism of leftists. It will be glorious.

OP is a faggot posting this as it's a variation on spam from yesterday.

It's cartoon shit. ISIS puts beheading videos on Twitter and you cuntpaste this?

So memes and political punditry… Looks like the Jews are going to Holocaust themselves, boys.

Normies don't give a fuck about this shit. If the dumbocrats keep pursuing this… the bitch has already lost at least 3 points since she gave her convuluted as fuck speech. Her minions who're Summerfags working for free want this but it will fuck her.

Yeah AND? We'll post gore and someone will say, you too? Another guy will go, shit I've done 5 this week. And if that results in whoever does the nightly news these days saying it's a club for black baby killers, it will be the new Oprah, over 9000 penises and we'll have a good chuckle.

If you think that will change one vote you're severely fucked in the head. If you think that will get a law past, you aren't familiar with the first amendment.

That's a very calming picture.

OP is mighty ass blasted that no one is buying into this ominous (lol) threat.

There is no possible way on earth this could end badly in any way, shape or form for them. None at all. This planif it is indeed real is just too perfect for us to fight against. We might as well give up now.

That is what our enemy expects of us. But I say unto you my brothers, that this is our home! Our place where we can escape the jew! Even if only for a moment, it is a sweet relief. We shall drive back this demonic scourge from this imageboard and bathe their world in unholy fire! And let's not forget that Kek guides us and aids us! So long as we keep the faith and fight we shall emerge victorious!


Irrelevant. That is the label they are internally referring to us as, and so as far as our strategy is concerned we must at the very least accept that they see us as that and plan accordingly.


After reading the rest of the website it's clear whoever wrote the entries also wrote the entirety of the chatlog.
doesn't even bother to make up some retarded names or whatever.
I think shit like this will be used to make right wing ideas a symptom of mental illness though, it prompted me to read medicalization of dissent again and shit's spooky lad.

medicalization of dissent?
Is there a pdf?

it's in the sticky here are the links


Thanks for the made up bullshit OP, I appreciate it.

It's obviously made up, but it's a semi interesting thought experiment. What does happen if the State comes down on us? Moreover, what if they can actually manufacture cassus belli to do so?

All of these people are shills, either from Holla Forums or actually from CTR. They do the same thing in every thread and their only goal is to stifle discussion on current strategy against the Clinton campaign.

The destiny of humanity is the stars. Any will in opposition to that is deemed the truest form of heresy to me.Our destiny cannot be slowed by envious kikes, and it wont. They had their moment, now they have been exposed as the charlatans they truly are.

How much are they paying you Mordecai?


Bump this thread.

We are going to be framed for murder and rape, and spread across the media and demonized directly. We are literally going to be shut down, as an ideology.

Let's dig through this guys' shit. All of it.
Some of what he says is extremely intelligent, and well thought out.

since when did anybody on Holla Forums give a shit about the alt-right?







It's not about the alt-right, retard.

It's a name that's been given to us by those who are now understand what is driving this nationalistic sentiment.

no normie is going to define us as "whoop, Holla Forums with the antisemitism again".

The media is going to find more digestible terms: the Alt-right.


Lord Kek doesn't seem to think so.

Once we've mastered space travel all our concerns about demographic issues and total economic collapse will for a time be relieved.

It's much more difficult for the hordes of slaves to cross the vastness of space than it is for them to navigate the Mediterranean.

Stop being a disingenuous kike and state your argument clearly.
You think we should disassociate from 'alt-right' because the media are using it as a boogeyman? I'm going to argue against this because that's what I got from your post, but I'll bet after I finish you'll attack from a completely different angle.

Mainstream media was always going to demonize us, and has always demonized us in both the sense that we descend from a counterculture right wing tradition and from imageboards/anonymoose. Trying to avoid being labeled as the boogeyman is useless, it's the same problem the right had with being labeled racist. When "we" stopped caring about being called racist, that's when we started making gains. Some mealymouthed cucky bullshit about being a european traditionalist or something isn't going to convince anyone you aren't an evil member of the alt-right.

KARMA + 6,000,000

what are you on about?
you sound like fucking chicken little

I need a costume and face-makeup

All we have to do is start shilling hillary.

BTW this has already started, check the catalog.

this user seem at least willing to discuss the question that is being raised.

shitposters and shills
>>>Holla Forums

Destruction would be wrong word to use. Neutralization would be the real goal. It would be preferable for (((them))) to gain control of it through a label instead of outright destroying it.

Trump handled the use of the word alt-right best. He dismissed it as something "no-one even knows what it is". By doing so he made it appear as if it was some worthless buzzword a fringe group would use to describe something they didn't understand.


I'm saying reject the fucking label they use, of course their goal is to paint Holla Forums as the boogeyman. They decided to make the racemixing faggot Milo as a leader of the "alt-right" let them believe it and distance yourself from it. Accepting their label is like a kike pinning a gold star of David on himself. Make the "alt-right" seem like weak faggots so it seems like the dems are paranoid about a paper tiger instead of just proving them right you idiot.

You post to the internet. The Jews run the world in real life.

We've also read all their internal manuals, and commie books, and been studying them for 10-15 years.

Yeah, I've been noticing the trend over the past week and a half. If you read the chat log it describes exactly what's going on right now.

Little do they know, their efforts are futile though.

We need the mods to start censoring only those posts and they need to allow us to propagandize ourselves with Pro Hillary memes. But we all know they are fake but we bump them.

To elaborate on that, it's easy to characterize the use of the term as mockery against the democrats, specifically Hillary. Saying something on the lines of, "Don't tell me you buy into the "alt-right" bogeyman Hillary raved on incoherently about." or "You really take Hillary that seriously. Those Putin/Alex Jones controlled Trump worshiping alt-right Nazi frogs? are you kidding me?"

Well, it's not as if we can remove the name that's been hoisted upon us, if the mass media is going to start calling our white-nat sites out specifically as "alt-right".

Not that we should embrace it either. Absolutely not.

We need to play up the fact we are like 300 people and masturbate to anime, how are we a bigger threat than ISIS and economic collapse.

So why would CTR continue to shill when it was a massive disaster
CTR's disaster is why Clinton made her speech but there was no way they did anything constructive to their goal

they are weak, and even the democrats can see it. Hence why the media shits on them

It's not important what's true though.
It's how the media can convince normies what's true.
Leftist logic is only shaped only by popular notions.

We don't have enough manpower to convince the public we're not worth the time.
And to be quite honest, I'd say chan culture has been extremely influential in this global nationalist movement with Trump and Brexit.

They're getting scared user.

At least one good thing that'll come from Trump losing is the end of this stupid phrase.

I'm gonna copypaste the argument I used in the other thread I'm arguing this in.

Hillary already looks like a paranoid weirdo because of this speech, that's one positive for us, but there were so many other ways we could take advantage of this, and you want to give them all up because you're scared of being labeled.

are 10%.

more like 3%

It means we are wining AND it means our arguments are UN-defeatable (which they are) because we have forged them in the fires of the "deep dark internet" and they have held up.

They don't know how to counter us, so they will just burn us down. Its their last attempt before we start winning, and winning big.

So what do we do??????

We pull a Hillary and "fail" forward. We go public, and we stop being anonymous. Now is the time to organize, but we must pick leaders, and leaders that we know are not controlled OP.

We pick fine tuned arguments, and stick to that, and hammer away at the left.

Let them come.

Well a lot of Homosexual studies include people who are bi and those who are straight but appreciate the form of the same sex to a certain degree

remember the IA/metokur #GG philosophy.

Attack, Attack, Attack. No leaders. No distractions. Just Attack.

GG obviously failed when they got caught up in e-celeb drama and bullshit, and lost momentum.

Our movement should be our leader. e-celebs are cancer.



They haven't got a clue. Just a bunch of butt-hurt faggots upset because bernie didn't win and jealous of our Emperor's victory.

even if you do not personally identify as alt right this should be concerning because of the possibility of a new attack on free speech and the internet


I think a lot of people are missing the bigger picture, the goal seems to be to destroy the left by sacrificing the alt-right to bring about a leftist totalitarian government.

But anyway its fake and even if it wasn't no one cares about about the 'alt-right' most normies didn't believe her or even know what she is talking about

Forgot to add, bring about a leftist totalitarian government that the 'unaligned' as it was named, or the normal people, will rebel and destroy the regressive left, almost like they are a radical moderate or something lol

This. As far as internet-based efforts go, the more decentralized the better. Now if you're talking about political parties, militias, nationalist defense groups, ect. that's different, but the entire purpose of Holla Forums isn't to win elections, it's to disseminate ideas and manipulate reality through dank memes. So anyone who says "hurr durr u rnt organized enough" is either a shill or an idiot.

I've noticed a massive influx of hijacking alt right fags going all out trying to distance the alt right from the 1488ers saying they're just dumb dumbs ruining this cool new movement.

We fucking started this shit years and years ago. The """""alt right""""" was regular pol culture since the fucking beginning but like everything that seeps out to reddit normies fucking ruined it and they're trying to act like we had nothing to do with it.

They wanna keep posting le ebin pe pay meme but I doubt a single one of them knows what r9k is.

Fuck these hi jacking jews.

I think the main thing to consider is that we still exist (at least in our present form) at the grace of our leftist overlords. They could shut us down to a greater degree than they do now, and now that we know we are in their sights, that possibility should be considered.

Now this, I like.

2: You're explained this all before. just not in this amount of step-by-step
1: Sunstein will believe he's achieved victory, But little does he know he only
made the destruction of leftist social capital the policy of the establishment :D
Rightist social capital will flourish because of him.

I don't get this last part, how is electing a populist and then burning the government down increase Right Social Capital??? Am I missing something?

thats what we are doing though, we are on a new level because we keep our ear to the ground and follow the beat.

We don't run from the battle we run to the sound of the Guns, and we move one a dime once a meme has been found and the collective conscious has agreed to it.


Get digging lads

The author goes by various different names of the word: Ghet which is a jewish tradition of divorce.

Might be his personal meaning of divorcing himself of Marxism as a political ideology, and seeking it as a philosophy.

Or perhaps the divorce of the left and the right, into tyranny.

that was a goof on my part.

(((They))) are going to frame Holla Forums for the black feminist Ghostbuster hack.

It's laughable how scared they are of this "alt-right" boogeyman to the point they would dedication entire speeches, articles, and

They call it weak yet it is possibly the strongest most powerful thing in recent memory because they can meme a man nobody even remotely believed could win the primaries (and they made this statement repeatedly throughout the entire election cycle) and then the candidacy.

The "alt-right" or whatever new label they make up isn't going anywhere and it is only going to get bigger and more powerful because the frustrations of the people aren't going to go away and they just keep making things worse

Whites now believe they are greater victims of racism than blacks

The mainstream media sure as hell isn't focusing on black on white crimes that are far more common


I've struggled with this, problem is we are reaching the end game on their end.

Things will only get worse and harder now, so we either let them burn us because we are not unified and then take our message and twist it, OR they just SHUT IT DOWN and we are forced to go even more underground after then have arrested or executed a few high profile people.

The only way forward is to "fail forward" or just double down and increase our presence.

Issue is you literally need a Hitler figure who would rather let his whole family burn than betray his people, because they will pull FBI raids and set people up and get them to turn.

It just mean we are on target, HOWEVER, we do make a nice boggie man for them, and I wonder how much of this "gas the kikes" shit is FBI people.

just correcting the record their.

Author and owner of UnstoppableGhet

His Kikebook

His twitter

Thread about his politics and insanity

His old political blog

Its true, I have been turned down by 6 promotions in the last 10 years because I am not black or a women.

I also, almost did not get into my preferred college program because I am not black or poor, even though I had a high GPA.

sage because already posted the thread contents. just organizing the links better.

Ya no one here wants to see her getting a dick up the ass. Holy shit that was horrible.

Probably 60% FBI 30% Amplification Shitposting

That's definitely one of the biggest problems with the alt-right, and not just the blanket term being forced on anything scary and uncuckservative. A complete refusal to directly mention fascism or national socialism in a positive context, and pretending that they have any right and any real connection to our memes. The third problem is homosexuals, people like Greg Johnson who, coincidentally, have the memeing capabilities of an anglican grandmother. It's pathetic to see them try and ape our stride.

It comes from the gut, from the inner self, normies will never get it.

You sound like you have maple syrup urine disease.
Oy vey!

We may post to the internet but we're the ones who are preparing, we've studied the Jew so we know how they got successful, so we know how to replicate the conditions but instead for us

yeah, a chat log, sure
like some dude writes a paragraph that would take 5 minutes to recite from memory at a congress, and the other dude ignores all the flaws and ask a little question that allows the other dude to keep going
it's pure larping propaganda

it gave me the impression that they're trying to find attractive definitions of the "alt-right" and make us use them via imitation of the engaging debate of psyops actors, so as to be able to begin to target us through them because nothing they've done has worked

I agree.. this seems to be a little more than just some fake bullshit thought up by some anons. There is some pretty intelligent thought that went into this.

Get ready for your mind to be blown Holla Forums

Mister CultState/Abusive Oracle is more than he might seem guys.

There's something I'm confused about, and it's right near the bottom of the discussion posted by OP.

If the Alt-right burns and nothing rises from the ashes, how then does Rightist social capital flourish?

Trying to clarify it myself, I think he's trying to say that if the alt-right is destroyed–if the fringe that is Holla Forums is destroyed, and leftist tyranny is free to reign supreme from its ivory tower, expanding its reach to terrorize more and more innocent people as it runs out of true Holla Forumsacks to victimize, then this will automatically cause the masses to swing right in unison. Nothing will rise from the ashes of the remnants of the alt-right, but a great swastika-emblazoned phoenix will rise from the masses of formerly blue-pilled fence-sitters? Is that what he's trying to say?

OP here, the actual OP.

I'm not saying I believe the blog I posted this from, I just came across it and found it interesting. Even if I am very doubtful of this one chat-log I do think weird shit like this is going on.

More than once I've come across trolls that seamed a little "off" for a typical chan poster in that they didn't seem to get the humor or how things flowed on the board and left the interaction feeling more like they were shills than actual trolls.

I do wonder if the eventual end of alt-righters, reactionaries, nat-soc's, Holla Forumstards or whatever the fuck you identify as will be a pile of skulls in some FEMA camp. In case you haven't noticed, things are more than just a little fucked up these days and things we took for granted as liberties growing up are either gone or under attack.

I don't mind taring apart the ideas in the chat-log or legitimate discrediting of the blog it came from if you know more about it than I do, but the one that that really does annoy me that I have been seeing a ton of on Holla Forums recently is the constant trying to sage a post out of existence before it can ever have a real discussion. Its like the sage-fags feel if it doesn't fit perfectly into their box of predefined notions then it needs to be removed. I honestly can't tell the difference between purity-fags like this or actual shills most of the time.

Any, I do think that we who are not in the mainstream and on the right will be demonized, that our platforms for discussion will eventually be taken away and that the conception of free speech will be eroded to the point that political powers will feel they can dispense with the lives of people like us whether by destroying our livelihoods or killing us. Not saying some one is going to kick in your door now, but we are on the road to the place where that isn't outside the realm of possibility.


It's the thing we /k-selected individuals strive on. Chaos brings about more and more stress in society. After a dark-age like modern world, politics will probably not have any semblance to today.

watch this, also watch Stephan Molyneux's vids on R/k selection theory.

Im trying to figure that out myself. best thing i came up with is maybe the left will take it to far and destroy themselves??

You could make a good meme out of that – a gold star pinned on Milo (and maybe every other Jewish "alt-righter" with alt-right written on it.

If you haven't already accepted your eventual death by the hands of ZOG you shouldn't be posting here.

Yes, I'm familiar with R/k-selection theory, I've long been a disciple of Anonymous Conservative's material on the subject, and am familiar with evolutionary psychology. Makes sense. I just need to clarify what 1 meant by the destruction of the alt-right, and whether we should take steps to stop it or let it happen/aid it.

Also just read CultState's bio on his site, where he wants to bring about a revival of the survival instinct.

He seems like a League of Shadows type figure, but not sure of his true intentions.

My intentions are bringing about a Emperor Leto's Golden Path for the Aryan man, essentially the 14 words. Whether our goals align with his has yet to be determined.

If this guy is legit and not a role-playing larper, pretty sure one of the things this guy has planted is the RWDS meme. I and others were suspicious of it from the beginning, one false flag IRL now after Hillary and the MSM have covered us, and then all CTR and the MSM have to do is talk about how we promote RWDS on our board and that's it for us.

how new are you… we went through this shit for years on half chan before the exodus… that place is nothing like it was. It used to be more like 8 chan but with 1000x more shilling.

see this?

is identity politics
it's the ego
it's what is used to destroy individuals, or reward them if they are good goys
it's what (((you))) try to pin on us to be able to target us

we don't
you will be forever pursued by unnamed ennemies in the night

nice dubs

yes they are obsessed with bloodlines.

This is a little too elaborate to just be a troll. At the very least, our troll is exceptionally intelligent. He understands the subject material, unlike some of the LARPing I've seen in recent months.

That back and forth sounds a bit like he is talking to himself, but it seems legit,

and the front page does not lie.

fucking this

also why do shills think Holla Forums is filled with people who all think exactly the same? Are they projecting?

Full log here for saving.

Identity politics is literally the only politics.

i did user.

It gave me the little push to put up some bells by my front door and keep my rifle by my bed instead of just my pistol.

If your posting here and worried about the repercussions you are in the wrong place. By prepared, go down in a way that would make your forefather proud if they try to van you

We need to roll Hotwheels out again. If he can stop smoking crack and fucking ladyboys then we have the 'face of 8 chan' . Maybe if we put him in blackface he ll be even lesser of a target.

found the liberal

They have been talking about us on MSNBC for the last 3 days.

vid related. =)

Agreed. Remember the run up to the 2012 presidential elections?

The only way to counter the shilling was to engage them on a higher-dimensional meta level, get in their heads that maybe you're also a fellow shill, or someone far more dangerous, then destroy them.

The shills tried adopting our memes, lingo and shiboleths, yet we were still able to call them out on it. When they accused us of being JIDF, we adapted and caught them in the act.

Anyone on the frontlines then remembers how exhausting it was.

agreeing with this

essentially you are right, but consider how hard it is to fight an enemy with no fixed identity, thats kinda how Holla Forums is

checkd hitler dubs

Not going to happen.

We need to dump the term alt right and use the real term. Nationalist.

At least this alt right shit is staying in the USA. European nationalists are spot on.

Except we do have identities then can target. All they have to do is buy Jim off and he'll sell them our IP addresses with timestamps.

You're using VPN, right?

magical thinking, "believing in their own lies" + "taking their desires for reality"
they shill so hard with sockpuppets or even various media-influence-companies doing the same shilling without knowing each other that they believe their own echoes (((ha!))) are agreeing with them

this is the only thing that lets them believe they've "found us"
it's not surprising they believe we "think exactly the same", the noise of their own troops is the only ones they can hear, they are deaf to the redpills (or they would quit their jobs and become one of us)
and they are so blatant

the meme's are becoming reality

crispy chick, oh fuck user. my sides.

seriously tho, every user shoul dbe prepared to fight, be prepared to die.

If you arent you ARE a larper and a piece of shit neckbeard faggot. If you truly value your race and your people, you will be ready to fight

Be /fit/
Be armed
Be prepared

this kek confirms

good luck fighting memes by taking a copy of someones IP address

is it just me, or has MSM started to shit the bed?

I always post raw dog.

I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear right?

Even if we dump the term alt-right, the enemy wants to keep the connection between alt-right and Holla Forums, because it's us who are far more dangerous to (((them))) then the alt-right is.

We'll still be in the crosshairs.

Which means if they really, truly outlaw us, start banging on our doors with door-breachers, we should be prepared to go incognito.


so has hillary, shits her pants all the time

what do you think is causing it? It seems like they have people on their inside that are purposely fucking them.

the problem is even if we dumped the term the alt right has extremely similar views to our own.

I think its the coughing fits that are losing her to lose control of her bowels

>"We need to dump the term alt right"

but we never had it

yes, they are trying to close so those who have been sitting on the sidelines are forced to make a choice, and those that are on our side are taking targets of opportunity.

It's not you, it's reality. Brietbart and Alex Jonestein get more views in a day then CNN or MSNBC's most popular pundits get in a whole month.

Famous last words before getting V& after some made up accusation/warrant/lolsuit.

Always wear a proxy comdom or two fuccboi

its pretty naive to think like that user

I've always considered Brietbart and Alex to be a part of MSM.

meant for

I just discovered this CultState guy browsed 4chan in 2011. Found out on his edgy old political blog.

I know that, but that's not how Hillary and the MSM are framing it.

Pretend you're a blue-pilled faggot who watches CNN every day. Right now, you're thinking Holla Forums is some sort of alt-right secret society that's trying to undermine the elections in favor of Putin.

They're attempting to force the narrative that we are a part of the alt-right, we're the hub of it.

They may be influenced by kikes, they may be controlled opposition, but Hillary wants to shut them down.

Dude, one of the main reasons why the kike media is so butthurt about the 'alt-right' is because people on Twitter actually trigger the fuck out of their journalists.

Breitbart and that nigger-loving faggot kike Milo are just trying to make the 'alt-right' more kosher to make lots of shekels off of it. Even that kike-apologist Paul Joseph Watson is now suddenly calling himself 'alt-right'.

OP might be onto something. You can see how this happened with both our Holla Forums and 4/b/. They were both competent enough to raid other websites and become internet boogeymen. But then one day (obviously not at the same time since halfchan died many years ago) the Holla Forumss started getting flooded with spam, generic porn, and so on until that's all they became.

You think the death of Holla Forums is the result of mass forum sliding in order to suppress assembly?

Nice find. I think I'm going to read up more on this guy. Reminds me of Nick Land in some way. Both originally Marxists, but then they saw the darkside of human nature and its contradictions with Marxism, and weren't able to ever recover.

P-patrick? Is that you?

Ehh its a possibility but the things that Holla Forums would target back in the day weren't really anything relating to government. It was almost always to annoy and bother normalfags.

Look into Telecomix.

They're the ones who took ownership of Anonymous after the cancer that was Chanology and turned it into a social justice cult. Pretty sure they've received funding through some Soros NGOs at some point, and that there's collusion between them and certain alphabet agencies.

Which reminds me, when Hillary's website mentions "Hactivism", is her campaign referring specifically about Telecomix?

No, I'm a nobody. I'm just saying if you think Hotwheels is coming back, you need to stop doing whatever drugs you're on.

face it, the alt right was created to attract the kind a vapid, toneless idiots who's only concern is how they can accessorize themselves to get any attention.

Telecomix dump. - report on telecomix - more reports - Telecomix delcares ware on Trump - specialist reporter - NAFTA hacktivism - telecomix hacktivism subverted anonymous - telecomix shilling against Assad - DDOSISIS? - telecomix wiki - SHILLING - french analmoose - Israel is your friend goyim - main official site - some blog shit - theguardian report (namedrop Peter Fein) - peter fein's twatter

(mentions "the neurological effects of watching an ISIS recruitment video) - peter's main page - TWITTER shadowbanning software source

code - bullshit media trying to cover for analmoose - hacktivist kike - discordian shilling

Thanks. Exactly this shit.

Hope you're not confusing him with smiley.

That said, I don't think he's insane, I think he's just ahead of the curve.




Alt Right



good post

Well, it's not by a leftist, that's for sure. There are some dead giveaways in the speech that it's somehow unfamiliar with the terminology of left wing ideology.

"Marx says all conflict stems from the poor vs the rich". This is wrong, and a Marxist would never say this. Marx says all conflict stems from proletariat vs bourgeoisie, which is substantially different, since it's possible to have proletarians who are richer than certain bourgeoisie. The fact that the guy who's supposed to be a Marxist posted this casts doubt on it. It's also written in a way that's too congratulatory to Holla Forums to pass as an enemy.

It's more likely that the owner of cultstate is false flagging for some other nefarious purpose. Perhaps he's an Holla Forums like figure that isn't very familiar with left wing ideology, but wants us to start panicking just for the keks.

This makes me want to go and check /int/'s new version of freech after the old was destroyed. I think they might be shit stirring.

The other possibility is that it's a Holla Forumsack who wants to make things more exciting. I'm giving it a low probability of being an actual leftist, because there are a lot of giveaways that they only have a surface level familiarity with Marxism.

no it's not a good post, anchor this shit
it's some arrogant autist with a vpn and a lot of (1)s trying to get us to admit to being something he can understand for the purpose of harming us
if some mod can identify the poster(((s))) via browser fingerprinting and then hilight all the posts OP made in this thread, it would be half red

it's obvious it's been made by the "cultstate" site owner


(((Someone's))) mad.


Mods Sticky this post please. We need an honest discussion about this, to determine whether this is bullshit, or true.

Also, I don't believe CultState is the one explaining his predictions here. I think he's the other person chatting, and archived the convo after. Think about it, he has no reason to expose himself if he was behind this shit. He obviously released this himself to 4chan, and then to here.

I agree with tracking CultState .. but stop being a party pooper, user.

Some user should contact him on his Facebook page

I was actually planning to call in to Glenn Beck on Monday, on Friday's show he interviewed Ben Shapiro to ask him what the alt-right was, and Ben's description was maybe half right (he actually briefly summarized GamerGate on the show before I had to turn it off and go out.)

Assuming I'd even get through, I planned to say this (please read all the way to the end, because I did have an endgoal planned with where I'd take it.)

-I'm not an expert on it, but I've been hanging out in many of the main hubs for it and following lots of people involved in it for over two years. You keep saying you only started hearing about it in the last six or seven months, and I can explain why it's exploded the way it has.
-The first thing I have to say is that you shouldn't take anything you read on the internet at face value. Yes, there's an element that genuinely hates Jews, but the people posting those jokes do so for a number of reasons, the vast majority of the time it's simply a joke. Now you may find the joke distasteful, but that's kind of the whole point. The single common factor among all of them is that they hate political correctness. These are all people who don't like to be told they can't say something or talk about something. The very fact that them making a Jew joke would upset sensitive people is reason enough to make it. There's also the elements that go overboard obsessively about because the community is largely anonymous and do so specifically to disrupt discussion.
-Number one, the Alt-Right is not a conservative group. They're closest to libertarians, generally speaking, or counter-culture. To this extent it's easy to agree with them when they're relying on facts and statistics about race issues or feminism. However, the group does have a ton of narcissists, and self-described progressives infesting it.
-As to why it's expanded, this is the most important part, and you'll find this online example mirrored in what's happening in Europe. I'm a part of it, you could say it's happened to me in that while I'm not a part of the alt-right I post where they do.
-Two years ago the GamerGate thing happened. What Ben didn't tell you was that a big part of what made that happen was a massive wave of internet censorship of the topic. Virtually every forum online was banning all discussion of it, the wikipedia version of events is all wrong. When discussion was censored, people had to migrate to places that explicitly allowed any kinds of speech to discuss it. One of the major hubs for this as a result was primarily full of people who had previously been banned from those sites already. Primarily white nationalists. Now for one, many of these white nationalists aren't actually white, many of the posters are themselves Jews, one of the alt-right's favorite figures Milo (I can pronounce but not spell his last name off the top of my head) is himself a Jew, so as I said to begin with it shouldn't be taken 100% literally. Now a lot of these people may previously have never even considered the possibility of hanging out with supposed white nationalists, but when progressive moderators on most sites are banning all discussion criticizing feminism, the LGBT community, Black Lives Matter, etc. it kind of makes you re-evaluate your priorities. These people would at least allow us to talk.
-And as you've stated repeatedly, a similar thing has happened in Europe with more and more people joining what you call "far-right" parties because of the refugee rape gangs, the rotherham scandal. Essentially this is a situation the left has created. They've been collectively calling us racist, misogynist, homophobic, and every other kind of bigot before we were saying anything negative in order to silence us. When you're left with the option "be labeled a racist" or "allow your people to be systematically murdered and your wive and daughters to be raped" and add that we were already being labeled these things to begin with, it's not hard to take the leap to "I guess I'm okay being called a racist."
-The GamerGate people largely accomplished all of their goals. Virtually all the progressives they were against have fled to other industries. Many of their websites have gone bankrupt, they brought the term SJW into mainstream consciousness. Most notably the recent destruction of Gawker. With their work done though, they're still hanging out in those same places the "alt-right" frequents, still about freedom of speech and hating political correctness, but now largely done with their own stuff.
-And then along comes a candidate who's running largely on the basis that political correctness sucks.

He did say he was a Marxist in philosophy, not politics. Maybe before the redpill he was just a dumb basic bitch commie.

Perhaps in the sense that he deconstructs the simple truth of the "capitalist" market, vector commanders and shit he talks about on his blog.

He also did say this on his kikebook page. pic related. (obviously referring to antifa.)

Say what you want. The ex-editor of Gawker thinks that the anti-ad campaign of goyimgate had a serious impact… until they employed counter-memetics in the form of Colbert.

You stupid nigger, Holla Forums has always been racist. This isn't a kosher /trump/ board, so fuck off you hooknosed kike.

And when I say he deconstructs the capitalist system. I mean he literally dives into it to the point where this poor bastards soul has been crushed. You can see it in his writing.

I think he figured out that after searching for the truth about Marxism, he realized that all an economy was, is controlling stupider people to do things for you. And when that falls apart, everything does, and somebody takes your place.

And that's it. That's his philosophy. Crippling depression called: you're all fucked.

(I'm not done reading his blogs, but this is my initial perception of this guy.)

Why the fuck would you say that?

Fuck off jew.

When will these people understand that no one on here calls themselves "alt-right"?
It's so fucking pathetic when a bunch of old jews think they understand what Holla Forums is all about.

1. Shut up, Jew.

2. Even if you're going to pretend this board is 100% serious about "gas the bikes, race war now" this would be an explanation being given to people who acted horrified just reading text describing a desire for a white ethno-state. Saying "But nah Glenn, the Jews really are evil!" probably isn't going to result in me being on the air long enough to get any of that out.

Any source to proof authenticity of this chat log?

Based on what I read so far it doesn't seem like they know much about this board. Literally anyone could make this kind of threads, I think it's bullshit. If they would have the tools to destroy anonymous imageboards, they would've done it already.

I'm not saying the people who say gas the Jews are serious obviously all that is a joke.

But that's not what they're gonna think. They're gonna think about the criticism of Jews. Their media bullshit, the holocaust stuff, their lobbying. Non of that stuff is a joke so you shouldn't say it is because all you are doing is further discrediting us.

i liked it.
i cant type coherently right now so expanding on that is a bad idea. it was good, i hope you get on the air


Holla Forums isn't ready to go up against telecomix. We don't have enough intel.

okay I look stupid. I'll explain.

I think he's using Marxist principles to answer questions of politics beyond what Marx concluded.

But, he seems to have zero interest in having communism or socialism enacted in a state. He's not faithful to the politics of Marxism, he just utilizes it's philosophical arguments for his own questions.

The audacity of this kikes

kys retard

There's no goddamn way that they could get away with this right before the election.

For some reason our populace actually still cares about the 1'st amendment and this wouldn't have a chance in hell of passing without killing Hillary's campaign.

false flags user

false flags

Hillary purposely brought up OKC, 911, and Sandy hook.

I WONDER WHY???? So when we call her out on her shit, we will look insane.

To be fair absolutely nothing happened in terms of legislation after sandy hook or Oklahoma City.

They tried to use Sandy Hook to push gun control and completely and utterly failed.

There's no need to even bother with it though. There's more than enough material to attack Hillary directly. That's likely her real intention with that, to distract people away from her history.

top kek

And before it's argued the association is being made to equate those with any of Hillary's history as fringe conspiracies; Wikileaks is the biggest counter-weapon to that narrative. If anything if they keep pursuing it, not only it will backfire, it will open up people to legitimize question such issues too. They could inadvertently unravel decades of propaganda with such a move.

*legitimize questioning

How can people be stupid enough to believe this? It should be manifest to anyone alive (even people living in Soho or San Francisco) that one in every ten people they know/meet are not homosexuals.

Anyway, the rest of it reads like larping. It's undoubtedly the case that there has been an even greater effort than usual to shill Holla Forums and /n/ to hell, following the media articles and Clinton speech mentioning the alt-right, but no two people have had a conversation so stilted and conveniently explicit in all of history.

It reads like the imaginings of a red alert enthusiast.

She is losing votes left and right and her focus is to "oust" us?
lmao that brain damage really fucked her up.

To our enemies, it means us. To "us" it means (((Milo))) and (((cuckservatives))).

Stress fucked her brain and now all she sees is frogs.

Wow i wonder how this will turn out?

This will definitely not backfire horribly.

Persons attacking alt-right in this thread or any thread are divide and conquer shills

Read this

With this webpage on Oracle's/CultState's blog, I have every reason to believe he's absolutely fucking with us with physiological conditioning.

I read through his entire blog, which I think is a setup. I also found a facebook page operated by him as well, very similar to his CultState page.

She always pre empts anything she does or is going to get exposed for, BEFORE it comes out.

Notice they cooked up the whole David Duke thing before Trump had the chance to bring up the Senator Byrd KKK thing.

She knew it would come up so she wanted to be the first to strike. Its a common Clinton tactic. She tried to do the same thing with the Trump rape charge, but he came at her first so that one fell flat on its face.

What's funny about that is that all Wikileaks would have to do is spontaneously release something new without prior announcement to catch her off-guard.

ok listen here, you are not Holla Forums, Holla Forums is not alt-right, you are alone in this crusade, you will burn. everyone with a brain knows who you are, nobody will fall for this trap

Holla Forums is not alt-right. alt-right exist only in your mind, like every strawmen. we have no label, that's our force.

fuck off agent.

The day of Hillary's speech cuckchan Holla Forums was being hit with CP, although it could be retards from Holla Forums


Also what if this site gets deleted?

We just make another one.

I followed these URLs connected to the karlmarx - rothchild connection, and they came out very strange.

At least we know we're being toyed with, but it's fun following this guys bullshit.

If anyone else wants to help me dig through this, it'd be great. also I'd beware the second link. It obviously traces IPs and browsing data.

There are many other URLs to follow.

This information is probably false, but I want to say that this has always been the goal. This "alt-right" name is being promoted by Jews. The Jews cannot defeat an enemy which does not have a name, and which does not operate as a collective. Saying "we want to crack down on random anonymous posters who don't like us" doesn't work. Saying, "we want to crack down on the alt-right" does.

Don't buy into this "alt-right" label. Thankfully, I think most people on Holla Forums do not, because we are smarter than that. Or pure rage prevents everyone here from falling for that trap.

We will pursue them as nameless monsters form the dark until the end of their days.

I myself have taken many targets of opportunity over the years, as you should all as well.

Wherever you encounter the beast and can fight it, fight it.

One day we will likely all be out of contact.

I know what to do in such a situation, as should you.

All jokes aside, we are ubermenchen.

And we have the opportunity of already being embedded into america in the deepest cover possible.

We are an army of sleeper AGENTS.

Not sleeper cells, AGENTS.

We are an army of operatives.

We are the stand alone complex.

If you read this ctr, news media,ect ect: Know that I have a government position.

Its likely that if I was able to get this far and deep, you probably have met one of us.

We are everywhere.

This should terrify you.

Because we are hungry, and it is almost time.

When you stare into the abyss. the abyss stares back.

Now, you may wish to complete the quote; "He who fights monsters, should be careful in not becoming one himself."

We are the monsters you where fighting.

We are the abyss.

And now you have become little more than a braying beast.

Monsters devour other monsters.

And you all look very tasty.

>hey Holla Forums look what i "found"
So you are the site owner? Seems like that.
my favorite part of your site was
wow you surely are retarded.

gee another faggot on Holla Forums sperging for his site.

He's had many different sites

CultState on Holla Forums - 2013

Actors: Holla Forums

"First, we shall examine an identity known as Holla Forums. Holla Forums is a political board on 4chan. People who self-identify as European nationalist (and related identities) as well as those who oppose such views tend to congregate there. The structure of the communication is just as important as the communication itself. It is anonymous by default. There are no user accounts and no history of usage as contributions to the board ultimately get deleted after a short time. Any identity criteria are voluntary and can be changed on a per post basis. The structure of communication allows for an extremely flexible expression of self-identification, and ironically, the mass amount of participants of the board rarely deviate from a European nationalist identity.

The only people who exploit said flexibility are those who opposed to the European nationalist identity. Very commonly, threads are derailed, content will be intentionally pushed off of the main page, and off-topic threads quickly dominate the content space. This results in perpetual agitation of the main community. However, because of their adherence to free speech, they refuse to fix this via policy and rarely issue bans even upon the most coordinated attempts of agitation. The agitation does not provide any significant criteria for education or conversion and, instead, is rooted in achieving identity revenge and low-hanging social justice objectives.

This fixation comes from the European nationalist identity being considered the most evil and disgusting of all identities since the rise of globalism. Because of this permanent friction, the European nationalist identity doubles down and takes a permanently defensive position, certain that at every possible moment, an agitator will very overtly attempt to provoke him because of his identity preference. Paranoia dominates the typical exchange, but when self-identity is expressed and mutually appreciated, the participants resonate in a much more meaningful fashion. They generally have collective enemies, (the internationalist Jewish banking system) collective heroes, (Military conquerors) collective fears, (Heritage displacement) and collective utopias. (Homogeneity)

In short, in order for someone to embrace a self-identification that the entirety of western civilization has spent the last 70 years actively demonizing and, in most cases, have made illegal, there must be excessively compelling reasons for one to participate that go beyond the typical polemics and knee-jerk assumptions third-party observers are trained to repeat."

Honestly I doubt that they're going to blatantly assault the first amendment before the election. Even In our polarized society pretty much the only people that disagree with free speech are blue haired SJW's.

However if Clinton wins we should all expect the Globalists in a panic to massively increase immigration to make sure another Trump never happens. Also they'll do everything that they can to punish their enemies and silence dissent.

The "alt-right" shills don't really understand board culture or ethos. This happened because they jumped on Holla Forums as soon as they realized it was an effective platform to shill their content, as well as giving it the stamp of authenticity/"street cred". As such they didn't take the time to "lurk", instead using strings of meme-words, "cargo cult" style, in an effort to fit in.
Ironically it is their over-use of memes that makes them stick out.
The abject failure to realize that Holla Forums is further right than they can begin to realize, is highlighted well when they drop in and post "the mantra", thinking that hearing about "White Genocide" and Jewish targeting of "White countries and only White countries" will be news to us.

Anyway, some heuristic ways to spot these interlopers:

Excessive use of red text.
((( they ))) - I would avoid this, "Jews" is shorter and easier to write, hence ((( ))) is being pushed for another reason.
Default to out-grouping when questioned, i.e accuse the questioner of being a jew/cuck/nigger.
Garrison/moon man (1).
Sam Hyde (1).
Excessive use of -berg, -stein, "based" etc.

Spotting them is an imperfect art but these are pointers to help you on your way.

this is an outreach thread. he created it. he's done it before.

and what exactly does he want?

to mess with us like he did with the false rape hatefuck bitch controversy?

When /bmw/ started it was the place to try and modify memes to be an ideological vector, telecomix came and made contact, I did some digging and dropped my results on /bmw/ the thread is likely gone now but this likely pissed them off so they came back and shilled meme magic i.e. the idea that repeating a meme among yourself makes it come true. I spent the next year trying to warn Holla Forums and /bmw/ against them. I wish you'd all listened.

Trying to go after the """""""""""""alt right""""""""""""""" is going to go down as one of the worst general election ploys of all time.

SKINHEAD NEONAZI KKK FAR RIGHT type buzzwords work just fine, and have real punch, because people have been watching movies in which NEONAZI KLANSMEN FROM THE FAR RIGHT attack photogenic minorities for decades.

So they created a new bogeyman… to try to recast it as the same bogeyman. This is totally pointless. All they did was give Alex Jones etc. publicity.

Oracle pls.

attention. he wants everyone to hear his faggot ass blogposting with his autistic fervor wasted into such uplifting topics of how "feminist logic" and "spooky government gon drone you".
The Telecomix operations manifesto. Have fun

How come I've never heard of this guy before, and can't find anything on him?

are you a feminist?

Why don't you care more about your nation?

I'm not him. I simply meant meme propoganda for our ends. The issue is that telecomix are aware of us and have been for many years. They decimated and conquered anonymous, taking away our memes for their own use. They are the internet enforcers for the left.


about cultstate as well. i think i have a behavioral profile on him

fuck if i know. i don't want to waste all my time debunking this nigger.
k faggot.

okay cultstate. calm down faggot. the +50 views on your site mean fuck all.
there is no point of making a fucking flow chart about "feminist arguments". it's so easy to defeat them verbally anyone can do it (see jewtube). your flowchart is shit btw. too much autism+paranoia

Its decent cover.

Hiltler dubs is right, I don't even know what this fucking alt gr right is, it seems to me that only libretards actually use the term unironically

Isn't that just reporting violent incidents rather than "lol guys I strangled 1488 nigger babies in their mothers womb the other day"?

you used the word vector, and Oracle has some obsession with vectors and vector commanders in his economic theory.

I just figure I'd call you out just in case.

This just doesnt seem like an issue.

Interesting, but we are still effectively user.

I was actually proud of all the violence.

Seems like some people are actually attackign the things they hate.

Sad that he let himself get caught though.

I think that making a WebM of his saying that would be an excellent method of propaganda.

I post rawdog using chrome on a mac :^)

If I get v& its going to be a morgue v& I am never unarmed. We all gotta die sometime and Kek favors the chaotic. Embrace the power of nature, embrace the chaos.

We are pro-white, and they have tried burning us since day one, so please try once more.

You guys are overthinking this.
Use the alt-right as a scapegoat.
Don't fall for blatant D&C.
like the Mafia.

troubles with reading comprehension rabbi ?

The alt-right is people who follow that Milo fella?

They are fiscally right wing but they only hate gays and niggers in a joking way?

I think if you go up against those guys they will just make fun of you on the internet until the day you die.

Here's a useful mp4 to post whenever someone says that Holla Forums is alt-right rather than a wholly independent entity.

Orders from the emperor himself saying that it's a bullshit catch all label.

I don't think /bmw/ delete good threads, so it should still be there.

As for meme magic, it's not a telecomix meme.

They are just disgruntled normies who got sick of being told to hate themselves for not agreeing with communism.

They (as reddit fags always do with anything on 4/Holla Forums) copied all our shit and pretended it was theirs.

For example, rightest social capital conversation
looks like this: "Oh, we're under attack. must be the damn jews again" "Yep,
probably the jews" "hail kek!".

We memed Frog Pepe as a Far Right Wing Symbol.

Surrealism keeps accelarating

Alt right was coined by Richard Spencer as a more palatable rebranding of white nationalism. I am told he is faggot, so whatever.

The media and HRC is stupid to use the term, since WHITE SUPREMACIST KLANSMEN NEONAZIS work just fine.

Why do you shills suck so bad?

I've been looking how this faggot types. The "IRC" log is 100% faked. Actor 1 talks exactly like he does. Actor 2 is the friend statecuck never had. We are suppose to be Actor 2.

The KKK donate to Hillary and openly endorses her so I can understand why she wouldnt want to bring them up.

I guess this is a way of calling her opponents the KKK without bringing up the KKK which could be used against her.

but it doesn't work anymore, which is why we're seeing "alt-right" used against us.

Also here's a shitty WebM because I don't know how to make them look good.

the fire monkey part of that needs to be changed
it just sounds gay

so thats where they come from

Nah I disagree. It doesn't work well, but the ONLY talking point that HRC has that works at all is calling Trumpsters racist.

The explanation for why nazi imagery works so great as a condemnation, that I was told, goes something like: normally you see no nudity in schools as a child, nor dead bodies, and the first time the majority of Americans saw a naked stranger or a dead body in class, was the heaps of dead naked typhus corpses from Auschwitz etc. Then of course there's decades of Hollywood propaganda against the Klan, Nazis, etc.

So equating your enemies to nazis and the KKK is still a VERY powerful tactic, because normies are completely brainwashed into reacting with unreasoning disgust, fury, and hate.

The """""""""""""alt right"""""""""""" or whatever she thinks it is, is not scary, it is funny and harmless looking. I can't begin to think of how they can rebrand it as something that will make normies react in horror, but it would take decades just to make it as serviceable as an insult as KKK/nazis/etc.

She shot herself in the foot, even if she could get the alt right label to stick (I know noone who personally adheres to the term, and I see almost nobody on pol claim a fondness for the label). Its all wasted effort.


Sounds like some hysterical jew masturbating himself.

If you change it, it will look exactly as you'd like?

statecuck is a PR cuck as well. He is afraid of being called "racist".

Actually, I am suddenly aware of something, our road to power will be created by our opponents.

Imagine, if we could get powerful forces to try and shut us down, on the internet, on tv, in the newspapers, then they will make us relevant and we will win.

Not if we are what they define by "alt-right"

If we stay blinded and stubborn about our little war of label "they are alt-right, we're not" , we will go down in flames while smiling and laughing.

This user get it

They'll have to ban anime because you god damn well know where me and others who think like me will congregate and restart anew.

(((they))) define Alex Jones as alt-right so our window is already pretty huge and it's already being seen as a meaningless blanket term.

That diversity image is pretty sick (not in a good way) and isn't helping anyone you freak.


Shit, I didn't saw it.

Have another one anyway.

Thanks for correcting the record.

The problem with the alt-right is they are infiltrators. They present a watered down version of Holla Forums and are all like:

its watering down of the idea, reject the label and let them run with it and drown themselvs.

Every alt-righter looks deaply homosexual.

Anyone who can not see that this is another schill for the alt-right honeypot deserves what is coming to them.

Take note of these kikes promoting some filth as a "meme" image for the general public.

Kikes of course never understand boundaries.


kike you were easily exposed. Try again next time.

There is no alt-right

the alt right is just the jewish word to categorize people who aren't down with the jewish bull shit

i hope hitler rises from the grave and kills every fucking god damn jew

Are you telling /BMW/ that we don't know what we are doing?

We're not alt right, that's a halfchan and reddit thing (and they worship an actual fucking faggot kike)

Why can't $hillary pay for some good shills, since it's not like the hag don't have enough money?

This would work with a tradition media outlet like the NYT.

How could it possible work at a place like this, with complete decentralization?


You tell me.


mafia style. i like this for now.

we've been doing it for a minute, fam so let's keep to it


money is used as a tool so you dont have to trade and barter for everything you need/want. much more convenient than waiting around with 200 pounds of wheat for someone who wants to trade for the ak47 you want. jews pervert the concept of money through debt and usury.


It's like kike are so cheap, that they can't pay for quality shills.

Wow, everyone, go and read point 184 and notice he is actually right and this failed on Holla Forums.

The bloodline connection doesnt add up either, he swapped the wife with the daughter.

Well they know that graphic images are striking and draw attention, so they want to shut them down.
The irony though, because kikes create some of the most graphic, vulgar works of "art" known to man.

A) Holla Forums is not alt-right.
B) The alt right is shit.
C) Active mods/volunteers can tank their stupid plans.

the alr right doesn't exist.


Trips of truth there.

This is interesting, even if it's fake, the log is a pretty accurate scenario. However, we do have a fairly sizable advantage in a couple ways.

I know everything seems pretty awful in the world but we are winning right now. What do you do when your assault is going well? Press the advantage.

Two notes:
1. A common rally point
The fag-right is a losing proposition because there isn't much of a ideological backdrop. "Western civilization" as they put it is nebulous at best and attracts those disenfranchised but without recourse to any of the actual policies that focus on our destruction. They're a great way to funnel people to us because our actual ideals focus on the preservation and expansion of the white race. This is not something that can be realistically obfuscated and we are inoculated against attempts to do so from constant barrages of shilling and subsequent debunking of leftist arguments and D&C tactics. Due to our 'training' most of us are on par with actual low-level academics in in resources and searching ability and have honed rhetorical skills.

Our common principle and knowledge gleaned from the chans puts us in a very unique position. Simply put, we don't have to give ground. Even if we were all atomized after our stint on the hate machine, the general defining ideal leads us all in a very similar direction, avoiding the same pitfalls and bringing about workable tactics that enable a solid foundation for argument and bringing others to see the light. Goebbels obviously put it best, knowing that the most effective propaganda is true, but we almost have a better situation in that we all are effective individually, having a tie that binds us and a common goal of the preservation of the white race. The truth is on our side, meaning the honest and fundamental laws of reality bolster us, in a way, it's transcendental. That common goal of preserving ourselves brings us in conflict with a myriad of other pressures and is naturally exclusionary but is defined and real, meaning we actually have a real foundation for our beliefs. Implicit notions and quirks of rhetoric are natural for us and bolster our efforts because we know what the ideological root of our arguments are.

2. Social media
I haven't been as active as I should but we're taking heads like nothing I've ever seen. Assuming the worst, we have a force projection that any shilling company or government propagandist would suck miles of cock for. We get shut down, we will find each other for reasons mentioned above. Even if people get lost in the wreckage, individually we're still able to cause some serious ideological damage and activate some of the unaligned.

A shut down would harm our numbers and ability but we're still able to operate, even if in a limited capacity.

We are strong. The only way to stop us is if we surrender, don't fall for defeatism. If Hitler had such a complex and multinational undercurrent, he wouldn't have lost. Our reach is even longer than we realize, I would wager. Let's keep expanding.

Sounds like some edgy hipster clique.
This is Holla Forums, not alt right
Fuck off with your goyimgate 2.0, we ain't falling for it.

sounds like a scapegoating media blanket term that means nothing to me.

I guess they can't really say that the ones they are fighting against and losing are a bunch of NEETlords that fap to 2D and have too much time on their hands :^)

What do you mean by Mafia style?

I'm confused.


This. "Alt-right" is controlled opposition. Globalists know that their agenda has provoked enormous backlash among all sorts of people which could ruin them so they prop up a bunch of shills in advance. Milo is a faggot, a Jew, and a Zionist, Christina Summers is a Jew and a Zionist, Roosh is a degenerate who does not give a flying fuck about white civilization and thinks that young men should squander their lives by chasing tail 24/7 instead of starting families, Jared Taylor is right about a lot of things to be fair but conveniently misdirects most of the followers of the rising white identity/white nationalist movement on the JQ, Alex Jones is in it for the shekels and also deliberately obfuscates the JQ, etc. the thing is, that by attempting to label and stigmatize any kind of right wing ideology that isn't neocohenservatism or cuckservatism, they have only created an entirely nebulous and poorly defined category of bad goys which no one can actually take seriously.

It doesn't matter what you think.

It's about what the general public thinks.

They are targeting the minds of the sheeple. The people who REALLY do believe in internet boogey-men.

People like Zoe Quinn, Clinton's zombies, and even media will believe that the "Internet Boogey Man" was beaten by Clinton's people.

Honestly as long as imageboards remain nebulous and without a label we'll be fine. Our greatest strength is our inability to be defined and alinsky'd. We can't be labeled or shamed.

All attacks against us are the equivalent of trying to shoot a cloud to death.

Does anyone actually identify as alt-right? Seems like even people you'd think of a prominent members consider themselves to only be on the fringes of it. Has anyone come forward claiming to be a core member?

The TRS fags and Dicky Spencer.

They are not shutting us down, they are trying to make us mainstream.

Some time ago it dawned on the top brass that NATO can't win new cold wars, if the soldiers and generals are fighting for the right to make their children a hated minority in their own countries.

We really are dealing with the deaf, dumb and blind here…
Do they not see 8chans or 4chans shills?

founded by bullets, not ballots

Holla Forums isn't "alt-right". Trump doesn't even know what the fuck alt-right is.

10/10 map

All a vector is in an epidemiological sense is a means of spreading a disease, I use it only in that sense, it's important to use epidemiological means to study memetics as the more successful a meme is in spreading the further the ideas travel. If we ever get a second with open gates moment that'd be another amazing way to spread it. Making memes for normies to sway them gently our way seems the most advantageous outcome. Research into redpilling and memetics as such is essential to our goals and perhaps should be one of the highest priorities.

At the end of the day the true alt right is the occult and there's no fucking way these candy ass journofags will EVER report on the esoteric memetics we're cultivating here.

We're a fucking mystery school, and they have no conception of the spirit.

trying to figure out what the alt right is is already a strong meme, Trump took it out of the subconcious and into the material

No one fucking does.

It's just another identity gimmick that spread around.

It's designed to make people on Holla Forums aline to it in order to control them better.

that was clearly written by one person

good bye

Do you remember this person ?

Robert Cialdini

WHO is Psychologist Robert Cialdini, and what is he working on for the Clinton Campaign??

Apparently this guy is an expert on MASS PSYCHOLOGICAL MANIPULATION, and has written several books on the subject, including "Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion".

Frankly, I'd never heard of this guy until last night, but other places on the Internet are saying that this is the guy who came up with the "All Criticism of Obama is based in RACISM!" and several other memes used against McCain and Romney for the Obama campaign.

He was part of Obama's " Behavior Psychologists Dream Team" in 2012, along with Dr. Craig Fox, Susan T. Fiske of Princeton University; Samuel L. Popkin of the University of California, San Diego; Robert Cialdini, a professor emeritus at Arizona State University; Richard H. Thaler, a professor of behavioral science and economics at the University of Chicago’s business school; and Michael Morris, a psychologist at Columbia

He is working his NLP magic. he is trying to put everbody in frame with a name "alt-right". And he is framing "alt-right" in a way to exploit it later.

If we play his game and go into frame with a name "alt-right" then he wins. he just framed us in something that he controls narrative. It is quite simple and pretty logical move. Who ever controls frame controls narrative and mind of others who are inside that frame


This is the very essence of everything from attraction to survival.

A frame is the context or belief through which a person, situation, or a conversation is perceived.

If you look at the big picture of the techniques in The Game, frame control is the confidence of being the master of your own reality, and treating everyone else as a lucky guest in it. If you can embody that in a charming, humorous, and congruent way, the rest of the attraction process is easy.

As a small-chunk example of reframing, if someone bumps into you accidentally and apologizes and you ask them, “Did you just grab my butt on purpose,” you are now in control of the frame. And the frame can then be one of flirtation or harassment, depending on what outcome you want.

As an Emergency example, I think of the principle I learned at Tracker School: “A fleeing animal is a vulnerable animal.” The final video in the playlist below will show you what happens when the fleeing animal stops running, turns around, and decides to “change the frame.” Even in the animal kingdom, frame control ensures survival.

This guy is legit, fellow neonazis, we talked in IRC.

kek is greenpill incarnate

Already got me.

You. I like you.

Turning legitimat nationalist movements into retarded skinhead failures is how every movement so far has failed.

The only way we can avoid this is to remain anonymous, so kill trip fags and attempts to organize pol into a honey pot and when the time comes migrate again

Thanks for your input, obvious inaction shill.
There is no alt right though, so you've wasted your time in coming here.

Every time I read it.

More or less.

We're punching massively above our weight by spreading memes and arguments that come from our anonymous culture it's pretty much entirely the reason why we've gotten so much farther than anyone else.

Why don't you care more about your race/nation? Why is every one of your posts "MUH BOARDS"?
Jesus Christ, we're in a bigger fight than you know and none of your little imageboard culture is going to exist if (((they))) have their way.
Just don't directly link back to here.

Why not take Holla Forums off the board list for a while? It will stop the shills from finding us so easily.

Oy vey goy just give me your personal info and follow the same format as every other failed nationalist movement so we can infiltrate you with FBI agents and send you to jail on trumped up charges. How about no.

anti user is code word for anti white

Because protecting board culture/traditions and the influence that it has on politics is by far the best way for us to protect our race and nation you fucking faggot.

Unless you think that small protests and insignificant small groups of nationalists somehow pose a bigger threat to the Jews than a large scale propaganda machine that (((they))) have not being able to counter yet.

You are neither White or European, Mehmet.



This is like b8 to put Holla Forums with Trump with some shitty text. Seems like a forced meme someone wants to spread

yes, and we use it.

we use anonymous. We remove dust from it and use it.

Any well funded shill group would already know the direct link to this place. It would likely be written in the manual.

That and factor in that imageboards serve as a upstream source of internet culture (especially memes), a lot of what happens here eventually trickle downstream to all over the internet, then IRL. It's also why (((they'd))) rather shill and try to influence a chan than to outright destroy it. They're aware of this effect.

We really do need to remember that imageboards have have had more influence over internet culture than pretty much anything else.

What great memes or new ideas came from Facebook, Reddit, or Tumblr? Our influence culturally dwarfs them all.

Also just imagine how fucking horrible it would be if we allowed the enemy to have control over imageboards. They'd never be able to wield as much power as us because by nature they're unfunny faggots but to give them the cultural nexus of the internet would be the biggest mistake we could possibly make.

Yet don't dig about hillary?

Fucking hell..



You can't pluck the asshole off, what remains will be the new asshole. You'd have to kill the patient to cure it, but even then the asshole will continue living.

Oi that symbol can stay.

It's a prime symbol of European culture and identity.



All right user you've convinced me that your views are correct my name is Hans Steigedar and i'm a Swiss national who hates Niggers and Jews.

This is picture of me and all European Holla Forumsacks should meet up in Zurich to plan the next Beer hall putsch were we start the next holocaust.

its nothing to do with the symbol idiot, its the mindless droning of faggots and retards. all this board is now is

Oh right,

And reddit, 4chan and the rest are any better?

no, they're not. the main reason the quality of this board has gone down is because of r/the_donald and 4chan crossposters.

Hey CtR

Fuck off shill

I hope in light of this all the "muh pr" fags will shut the fuck up forever. If they want to paint us in a bad light they will paint us in a bad light regardless of whether or not it is actually factual. This is called "Propaganda" and hopefully you fools are learning something right now.

Mencius Moldberg?

Whatever happened to that guy and NRx? Their rants about how we should just interpret laws is such a way to make kikes feudal lords was pretty amusing.

Sure thing Fredrick, we miss you.

You need to dig deeper into the ideological underpinnings of telecomix. There are people in this world with more mature understandings of memetics than us.

Richard Spencer was the first person to use the term "alt-right" prominently. It's our word and always has been. Even if it wasn't though, the appropriate thing to do would be to assert that yes, the alt-right is us, it's powerful, and it's very hateful. Running away from political labeling is cuck behavior.

also OP is fake and gay, liberals talk about hate speech, not wrongthink.

There is like 27 million Americans who supposedly browese 4chan/pol/ montly or so I've heard. A lot of whom are young adults and there is even a bunch of kids in addition to a ton of older posters.

Why would the Republican base (not the altight/chans - think older generations outside of actual Congress upper elite Republicans/Neocons) in this country let Hillary Clinton round up their children into death camps and kill them?

Seriously. Gotta ask this - imagine if you actually turned around and tried to kill/arrest everyone who posted on 4chan and their families. Just think about how the fuck you would go about doing this.

It is not running away. it is not letting somebody else frame you inside something he controls. If somebody else controls frame he also controls you thoughts and ideas.


you can be "alt-right" or whatever….but this place is not "alt-right".

ANDERSON COOPER (HOST): Are you embracing the Alt-Right movement?

DONALD TRUMP: I don't even know – nobody even knows what it is. And she didn't know what it was. This is a term that was just given that – frankly, there's no alt-right or alt-left. All I'm embracing is common sense.

They also want you to isolate yourselves and not trust anyone too.

You could also post my nifty webm

This pasta is incorrect, shill.

Alt-Right is simply

1. White advocacy
2. Racial realism
3. JQ
4. Rejection of democracy and egalitarianism

"Right wing alternative to the establishment" excludes the likes of Milos and Paul Joseph Watsons, as they are lefties. Their arguments are essentially "muh true equality" and "muh gay rights".


Lefties believe equality in all fields an all ways is a moral good and must be enforced.
The Right believes hierarchies are natural and good and the world must be built upon them, rather than bringing everyone down to the lowest common denominator. Holla Forums is ideologically aligned with the phenomenon that is the "alt right", whether you like it or not. It's sad that some of you have swallowed hook line and sinker the lies of the MSM about it.

Their memes are weak. They are fools

Their stupidity knows no bounds.

Did you learn nothing from Hitler?

He's putting all his energy these days into developing a cloud computing platform called Urbit. I don't really understand what it's supposed to be, tbh.

Here he is being an aspergers guy:

The opinion of the general public is that Zoe Quinn is a filthy skank.

Fuck off. The whole "left and right doesn't exist" meme refers to the modern democratic left and right wing, and how they are based on the same fundamental principles, thus making them the same. This doesn't mean the entire concept of left and right is invalid.

the national guard user leak was more convincing than this

The entire concept of left and right is invalid. Politics is not binary.

Just always be ready to kill the Oathbreakers when they come for you.
When they make their move that's when the shit kicks off.
It will happen before November.

That's not relevant to the philosophical question at hand.

How exactly? user is trying to say that the left-right dichotomy is valid, I say it isn't because the dichotomy is binary and politics is not and can not be binary due to there being more than 2 answers to any given question. Why don't you try adding some actual substance to your post so I have something to reply to as well, might be fun.

true cucks

Literally who?

The left and the right exist as forces, both physical and metaphysical in society. Trying to play some special snowflake isn't going to get you anywhere.

We live in the era of the enlightenment, (that ~250 cycle is ending very soon) so our culture is a husk of that. The language and political development of the environment you live in all divide the political spectrum, yes it's a real thing, as people perceive it to be real, into left, centre and right. You can twist it and turn it and pretend you have some hidden knowledge about how there is no political field and no moral distinction between a communist and a fascist because you're just so special, maaaaan.

Are they the only two forces that exist? That is my only point of contention. When people go around saying "this is left-wing, this is right-wing" people come to think of these two sides as the only two sides as they have today, words have power and you are helping to enable this trend by subscribing to the terms at all. This isn't about being a special snowflake this is about not being coopted and slandered. You should reject any label at all, period. How much do you buck against the title of the alt-right being placed on Holla Forums? I hope you would see the irony if you do.

That is what I am trying to say and continuing to use the same terms that have already molded the general populous into honestly thinking there are only ever two sides to any issues is just downright stupid.

I never spoke of morals or any particular ideology retard. Me telling you not to let yourself be labelled so easily is only some hidden knowledge to you, it's basic logic to everyone else capable of such.

You can talk about two dimensions while acknowledging the existence of multiple other dimensions.

the left and right doesn't describe a bunch of social and economic policies in the context of a liberal-democratic system. This is where the "false dichotomy" meme originates from. Yes, it is true that in the modern paradigm, the "left" and "right" are functionally the same and are both based on the same egalitarianistic principles, however this does not make the concept of "left" and "right" a false dichotomy in and of itself. When all else is boiled away, the only thing that truly distinguishes any left-wring ideology from right-wing ideology is the belief in egalitarianism, that is, the belief that all people regardless of race or gender are fundamentally equal in value and capabilities, and should thus be treated the same. This is in opposition with true right-wing ideology, which is based of a rejection of egalitarianism in favour of natural law and hierarchy.

Who ever this cult state fucker is he should be considered dangerous.

Daily reminder that the alt right deserves to and needs to die.

Too bad the purpose of the left-right dichotomy is to deny all other dimensions. How often do you see anything but "center" which 99% of the time just means "undecided" slapped next to left-right?

I'll give you an example. The NSDAP branded themselves as the "Third Position" when they were campaigning for support through Germany in a direct defiance of how their media would lump everything political into "left vs right". It worked too

Actually the origins of the "left vs right" comes from the french revolution. That should be pretty telling to anyone who knows there history.

Why would we need the whole "left-right" dichotomy and all the baggage that brings just to figure out if someone is egalitarian or not? Really user, think about these things.

He also likes cuck porn, and nigger music.

I know the origins of the labels "left" and "right", and I don't see how that contradicts my statement. IIRC, the labels came to refer to those who supported or rejected the egalitarian ideology of the revolutionaries.
Because it is a label that makes discussing and defining our ideas in relation to our oppositions more easily. This is generally why labels form in the first place. If we recognize that a rejection or embrace of egalitarianism distinguishes leftism from rightism, then we are more able to identify the basis for different ideologies.

By understanding that egalitarianism is inherently left-wing, we are able to understand why the idea that "left and right" are false dichotomies comes from, since both supposedly left and right wing parties in the modern world hold egalitarian principles at their core. "Conservatives" are just leftist liberals who reject a few economic and social policies. They still hold the belief that racial and social egalitarianism are fundamentally good ideals to strive towards.


>willingly using terms that were deliberately designed to divide and conquer when you claim to know their history
It doesn't make sense user.

There comes a point where you need to recognize that those labels are being used to corral and control you. See: Alt-Right again.

But this isn't commonly recognized. Go ask any random guy on the street what he thinks when he hears "left vs right". Pro-tip, egalitarian isn't a word that comes to mind, things like "us vs them" "republican vs democrat" "trump vs clinton" are what people will think because that is the definition the mass media has been pushing.

This is an entirely different conversation. You are proposing a new definition that simple is not commonly accepted today. It isn't even consistent with reality, you have commonly accepted "left-wing" figures who absolutely do not believe in egalitarianism.

I reject the alt-right label because there's nothing "alt" about us. We are the true right-wing in that we embrace natural law, racial realism, and reject egalitarianism in all its forms.
It should be. As I have already explained, the modern understanding of left and right is in fact a false dichotomy, since both the modern left and modern "right" hold egalitarianism at their core, thus making them both leftist.
Yes, I agree with you. I have already said that the modern interpretation of leftism and rightism is a false dichotomy. This doesn't mean that the entire concept should be disregarded completely.
I am proposing a better definition that should be accepted, and which explains why seemingly "centrist" or "left-wing" by the modern standards (economically, at least) ideologies such as Nazism are considered "far right". It is because they champion hierarchy and reject egalitarianism.
Give me one example, please.

That's a pretty fucking good response tbh

Besides the obvious "No true scotsman" bullshit all of the can be easily summed up just calling yourself a National Socialist. Just saying

Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It isn't and you are harming yourself by continuing to use the language of your enemy.

The entire concept was designed to be a false dichotomy from the start. You should also note that the side designated as "the right" bucked against said designation from the beginning but now you accept it. Besides, anyone who needs politics to be put as simply as "A or B" shouldn't be in politics.

Well you better be ready to put some leg work in because you have the whole worlds media machine against you.



It's good that we are pro-white then?

I also doubt anybody that needs to tell how good they are, are very good at all.

Is any of his memes as influential as cuck have been, for instance?



Yes, and national socialism is a right-wing ideology. National Socialism is more than just a rejection of egalitarianism and adherence to natural law. On top of this, National Socialism entails a number of economic policies.
We should reject all labels and words that are used by our enemy? Why? They serve a functional and useful purpose. What you are proposing is disregarding valid classifications that distinguish two schools of thought for no real reason. Removing the left and right labels only needlessly removes the ability to classify and identify ideologies based on common principles and ideals. There is absolutely nothing wrong with calling ourselves "right wing" when that is exactly what we are. Our ideology and views are right wing in comparison with the egalitarian left.
The concept wasn't "designed", it simply became a thing as a result of the drastic social shift during the French Revolution, which required new classifications of the various ideological schools of thought. Leftism was congruent with egalitarianism, while rightism was congruent with hierarchy and inequality.
"The right" and "the left" isn't supposed to sum up the entirety of ones ideology into one single mass, but is meant to distinguish it based on underlying fundamental principles. Right-wing thought can be identified by its rejection of egalitarianism and embrace of hierarchy, and left-wing thought can be identified by its rejection of hierarchy and embrace of egalitarianism. This is why I would classify monarchism, fascism, and National Socialism as "right-wing" despite their obvious differences.
Since when was the media a benchmark for what is true?
The underlying goal of communism and Marxism-Leninism is to ultimately bring about a horizontal world of hierarchy, classes, and "oppression". The ideology that Stalin championed was still inherently left-wing due to these fundamental principles despite the fact that in practice, it turned into a totalitarian dictatorship. Stalin became a dictator and the Soviet Union a totalitarian state due to one simple fact - egalitarianism and a horizontal society-structure is impossible, and hierarchy remains a fact of nature. Communinsm is an ideology based on rebelling against nature, so it's no surprise that it fails miserably.

It's important to make point out that even though in practice communism turns into a hierarchical totalitarian state, it is still fundamentally a leftist ideologically because it is based on rejecting hierarchy and embracing egalitarianism.

What retard made this picture.

You're pretty fucking dense man. Cling to your labels if you wish, it doesn't matter to me.

just disarm it
spread that plan to normies then when it happens just say it was them.
user image board = rabbi spraypainting his own synagog with no chance of getting caught.

this user is right

this board will be gone if the power ever goes out

which it will in a worse case scenario

Not an argument, you fucking faggot. you didn't even respond to any of my points

free of*

Pardon me for not wanting to repeat the same points over and over again for you to not read them and post nonsense about how National Socialism is a right wing ideology even though National Socialists themselves divorced themselves from that label very deliberately.

Let me make this clear for you, you aren't interested in having a debate as evidenced by your repeating the same fucking thing over and over worded slightly differently with no regard whatsoever for what input I have.

I have already spelled out the logical impossibility that is all of politics fitting snugly into a binary dichotomy just for you to pull your own personal definition out of your ass that nobody follows and hang it up like it is somehow relevant to the conversation. Like I said, cling to your labels if you wish, it doesn't matter to me.

Based on the benchmark I provided (i.e. rejection or embrace of egalitarianism and hierarchy), National Socialism is a right-wing ideology. There is nothing inherently wrong with such a classification. You're the one who seems to have some irrational hatred of being called right-wing. It is nothing more than a descriptor and classifier.
I'm presenting my argument, and you are unable to refute it. The most you can muster is calling me names and acting like you've already refuted what I've said when you didn't. I have made my case for the left/right classifications, and all you can do in response is spout nonsense about how it's a "d&c tactic" and that "labels are bad".
Except I have very clearly refuted your arguments line-by-line as I'm doing right now.
No, you have just asserted such a thing and then ignored my reasoning outright. I have already explained to you that the "left" and "right" do not entail a multitude of economic and social policies as if they were pamphlets for two different political parties, but that they describe the different underlying ideological foundations off of which all else grows. If an ideology embraces egalitarianism and rejects hierarchy, it will inevitably lead to modern leftist policies and structures, while oppositely, if it embraces hierarchy and rejects egalitarianism, it will inevitably lead to National Socialist-style policies and structures.
It wasn't "pulled out of my ass". It was arrived at after much thought an analysis of the core tenets of many different ideologies, and what is regularly considered "right wing" and "left wing".
It is general practice to define your terms before arguing about them. This is what I have done.
Not an argument, famoolia.

And for the last fucking time, nobody uses your benchmark user. It's utterly irrelevant to the discussion.

To you maybe. Not so for the rest of the world. That is what you consistently fail to understand and why "debating" with you has gotten frustrating and wearisome.

By all means though continue to substitute your own reality wherever you deem fit.

We are arguing about the validity of a left-right paradigm. I agreed that in the modern context such a paradigm is indeed false, however I gave a valid argument in favour of such labels in order to describe what sets these two major school of thought apart. You are trying to argue that just because the concept is corrupted in its modern form, it should be discarded altogether.
Why do you keep bringing up this shitty fucking argument? This discussion has nothing to do with "the rest of the world". We are talking about the concept of left/right and whether it has any validity. I have provided a strong reason as to why such labels are perfectly acceptable to distinguish the different schools of thought.
What you're doing it creating an arbitrary boundary based on what the ignorant masses consider left/right (appeal to majority), and then trying to invalidate my argument based on the fact that it does not reside within your arbitrarily defined boundary. I have already agreed that the left/right dichotomy, as accepted by the majority of people today, is a false dichotomy, however I was arguing that a "left" and a "right" does in fact exist, but is distinguished by a rejection or embrace of egalitarianism and hierarchy. I am presenting an alternative way of understanding the left/right dichotomy, and suggesting that the concept itself is misunderstood, not irrelevant altogether.


(((Adolf Hitler)))

why would you kill a black baby when niggers are doing it themselves much better?


You are playing Hardball with the Big Boys, and they have lots of other Fun and Excitement planned for the Right Wing, Fundamentalist Christians, and White people in general. it will grow into a Nazi-style persecution after the Internet is shut down, and all the "tolerance and diversity" is shut down, with the Left Wing going for the jugular in society.




They have the media machine all ready to steamroller society with this one, which will result in genocide here in America, for the Elite want to set the minorities and the Whites against each other, just like what happened in Rwanda in Africa.


The evildoers in the FBI, CIA, DHS, NSA, etc. enjoying playing kissy-kissy with Holla Forums, refining their research, but do have the Hard Kill plans ready to roll out on the streets, and we are at just the mercy of God with this one, which goes way beyond psyops, which will literally rip America to shreds if they are successful in implementing it!!!

The David Seaman nonsense is part of this attempt to co-opt the "alt right"

Yes, Moshe, you are right.


WARNING!!! The CIA Will ASSASSINATE President Obama WIth A REMOTE-CONTROLLED RIFLE To Cause Civil War and Race War, Destroy US, Set Up The New World Order!!!

Now that you have this nugget of truth, please listen carefully to the rest of this message. The assassination attempt will be plotted and executed by the United States Government via the CIA in a covert operation. The actual shooter will be a machine. It will be a remote-controlled sniper rifle. But the actual blamed culprit will be a pre-selected candidate, an implanted puppet. The mission is to make the attempt look like it is racially motivated. It is also to be portrayed to seem as if it were religiously motivated. The scapegoat will be a White, Caucasian male. They will label him as a racist against Blacks. They will label him as a White supremacist. They will label him as a radical Christian. This is all put into play to drive a huge wedge into the national community. This scapegoat must fit all these criteria because of that these Global Elitists want to accomplish. It will demonize all Christians as being terrorists. It will set all ethnicities against one another, not just Blacks and Whites. It will also generalize that all Whites are against Barack Hussein Obama, and the rest of the Black community. They want to crate global chaos like you have never witnessed in your entire life. Remember that this is all plotted, and if it is plotted, then it is planned, and if it is planned, it has a goal. The plan is to start race riots in the entire country. Every single person will be affected. The plan is to create animosity inside of you. It is specifically targeted to instigate Blacks against Whites, and Whites against Blacks. The plan is to create national pandemonium, and over time this in turn will usher in the governance of martial law. The intended goal is beyond absurd. The goal is to strip away every freedom you had as a citizen of the United States of America. The goal is to abolish the United States Constitution, which guarantees every single citizens' rights and freedoms in the land of the free, and the home of the brave. They are specifically targeting your First Amendment right to free speech, and religious worship. They are specifically targeting your Second Amendment right to form a militia and bear arms. They are specifically targeting your Fourth Amendment right of the protection against unreasonable search and seizures. The goal is to give President Barack Hussein Obama tyrannical powers as he helps to usher in the Beast of the sea, or the New World Order. At this very same time he will leave every single citizen standing alone in a life or death free-for-all with no government protection, but rather government neglection. This civil war will cause massive calamities. There will be violence like you can't even imagine. There will be all kinds of lootings and robberies. There will be shut downs of stores and restaurants everywhere. There will be no food and no water. Cannibalism will abound. Fear will spread like a contagious disease. This civil war will cause millions of people to die. If you do not know what happened in the country of Rwanda, located in Africa, in the early 1990's, please do your research now.

In that genocide that took place over 100 days approximately one million people were killed. That means on average ten thousand individuals saw their death per day. This civil war, only the second ever in America's 236 years of existence, will be greater than Rwanda. This is all fact. This is all truth. This will all happen and come to pass. Do not be deceived. This is not a real assassination attempt. This is not a terrorist attack. This is not an act of racism. This is an exact definition of a false flag event. This is very simply a sinister plan to overtake the country, and make every citizen a slave of the upcoming New World Order. This is not a threat. This is not to make you fear, but to make you prepare. This is a warning. This is a message from God Almighty. And there is only one way out of all of this. In the Book of John, chapter 3, verses 16 and 17, from the Holy Bible, it states the following:
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved."



Dude, give it up.


You've had your fair warning. The Globalists want America destroyed. Get ready for the ride of your life!!!

You do nothing but delude the autists in this thread with this sort of bullshit. Can we just stick to factual shit with multiple sources or at least good sources?

Nah, he quoted the right post. Shill.

You belong in an oven.