New British BM/WF race mixing propaganda out

New British BM/WF race mixing propaganda out.



I ain't clicking that. The thumbnail is enough information.


They gotta shoehorn that shit into everything, don't they?

its getting disgusting.


Pay up those TV licenses goyim.


WEBM this trash user

British taxpayer money used to make a movie that niggers will throw around to feel good about themselves. Also, why the fuck are they claiming that they defeated the British Empire? The British willingly granted them their fucking independence; they didn't do shit.


Britain is now nigger land so I don't see how their tax dollars are being wasted.

They defeated the British for their Independence via a cultural war. How dumb are you user?

The last scene of that trailer is especially telling.

Who would have thought a hundred year old company would fulfill its destiny in the current year with its acronym. I don't know if it's ironic or fate at this point.

Well, a ship will sail the way you name it.

I wonder (((who))) is behind this.

So the film is about how race mixing ruined the British Empire?


It already was disgusting the first time they did it.

No, silly. It's about how race-mixing (a.k.a true love) freed the UK from enslavement to the concept of "race." Now we can understand that the only way to break free from the burdens of our past and finally become True Individuals™ is to romp with a negro and have racially ambiguous coffee-colored children who will feel no loyalty to any single race or nation :')

it's been disgusting for years, they're just pumping out more now out of desperation

people aren't buying their shit narratives so easily anymore


last time I was in Heathrow I thought I had left Europe,
everywhere it was just Pakis-Indians-Africans and Chinese

didn't see a white British person anywhere,
I was in a state of shock

I knew they had minorities – but they seem to have become majorities

The swarthy wog hordes are the majority in London (and getting there in other occupied territories: Bradford, Birmingham, etc.). The press were practically crowing about it when the news broke.

(checked & heiled)

White women are so vicious. They use black men knowing full well that blacks have a -15iq penalty. White women like the idea of an easily controllable thug. The whole white woman/black man thing is disgusting: the black man is being duped into thinking the white woman really loves and appreciates him. In reality the horrible white woman simply feels safe being looked up to by a man she controls.

I can't see it doing too well at the box office. There's only so much white guilt you can shove down someone's throat before they throw it all back up again.


As a bong, I want to mention that this stuff is almost inescapable now. I was looking around a bunch of German banks yesterday (for, er, reasons) and bam, right in your face, a full page splash of some weird-looking blotchy North African flirting and laughing with a German girl.

What purpose did it serve? If the bank was taking itself seriously then the designers must've chosen that stock photo intentionally, right? But why?

Perhaps it's just that I'm used to all the diversity is our strength, niggerphilia racemixing shit here, it doesn't even bother me any more (it used to but now I just laugh at it, a lot of it is unintentionally funny). I don't expect much. But there is just something so indulgent, so repulsive when it's coming from others, particularly Germans (…well, (((Germans)))).

Only half relevant to the thread but I had to vent a bit.

Fuck the tv license, you want me zog I'll be waiting with a pack of tactical spoons

false dichotomy. we will kick you invaders out. or failing in that we will fucking kill you all. britain will be british again.

Fresh from losing brexit the kites are all out trying to subvert Britain

You can't into women.

Uh, brexit won, also 2 million iggers in Britain of 65 million people

Rosamund kike



At a quick glance I thought that pic was a joke on "shotgun weddings"

that's never going to happen lad, nothing was done about rotherham and the 100s of other raperhams and nothing was done when london became a white minority so hwhat makes you think they are going to do anything at all now?
ffs all you have is spoons.

Everone that does not pay the license is on a list which could also be transfered to the terrorist watch list.
newfags ITT.

if he doesn't comply, she'll go to the next man


You do realize that doesn't apply to niggers?
Even if it did they feel no shame or guilt over beating a women especially a white woman, for many it's even something they enjoy and brag about.

Not paid my license since 2008. Fuck the likes, I won't pay for propaganda

white women would you just leave the man as soon as he stops being controllable. Black men tempted by the (more intelligent) white women are easy to manipulate.

Good on you lad



Nothimg wrong with dating black muslim men

Just ask Katie Piper

Just remind hem hat nigs are RAPISTS! Every oher fucking womn out there will agree, since it happned to them.

Spread it, nig music supports rape cultire, ANYONE who supports nig muic, supports rape culture, and the kikes finance nig music, and should be tried for rape.

If you want to destroy the nignogs nd kikes nd muslims, FOCUS ON RAPE! Make it the same as attempted murder in the law, and mke it enforced, and they will all be gone tomorow, because they are rapists.

I don't have a telly and these Paedophiles at the BBC keep sending me court letters reminding me to pay for my licence.

All I have is a Hi-Fi and a computer.

I told them this years ago and they keep sending me threatening letters.
I had a visit of one of the guys and told him to fuck himself.

They have no legal power user, and I don't mean that in the "sovereign citizen" libertard autist way. Just tell them to fuck off. They're not even allowed on your premises if you make it clear they're unwanted.


wow, how brave of them


These fuckers are very persistant, even when you prove to them you have made a concious decision not to buy a propaganda box.

They even tried to get me to pay for a licence because they assumed I listen to the BBC radio broadcasts instead.

I told them "I don't even have a radio tuner because pop music is shit. I have CD and vinyl player".

Still not convinced, it's like talking to a brick wall.

2 weeks ago I had to throw another reminder letter in the bin.

I hate them

the comments sections is something to be proud of though

there's also some black women calling black men traitors for fighting to get a white woman


Finland got rid of the TV-license and instead made it a tax that everyone has to pay. The YLE tax which funds our state broadcasting service that is, surprise surprise, full of leftists. There is still some good stuff that they broadcast but most anything directed at the younger people is full of lovely multiculturalism free of hate and with lots of tolerance.


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