Jews are taking over Trump's America First App

For those of you that aren't aware, Trump released an app that allows you to get good boy action points.

Holla Forums has managed to get our novelty accounts Sam Hyde to #3 and Jeb Bush to #6 nationwide.

However, (((Paul Nehlen))), (((Tim Laubenthal))), and (((Michal Katz))) are conspiring against us.

The fastest way to bump the accounts to download the app, create an account, scroll to the bottom of the action screen and click confirm invitation, and use the invitation code for one of our Holla Forums accounts. Each confirmed invitation adds +1,000 good boy points. You can then delete the app and sign up with a different email address, rinse and repeat as often as you like. It's easier if you use an Android emulator.

Here are our accounts we want to bump, with their invitation codes:

Sam Hyde - GAQK2
Jeb Bush - XZVXB
Ben Garrison - XZKDD
David Duke - Q4LQ5
Hillary Clinton - 2XPJR
Ben Carson - 5DA73

Currently, Sam Hyde and Jeb Bush are top ten nationwide, but these Jewish faggots are trying to ruin it.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm half tempted to try it because I want to see what Jews I can catch in my area.

This is some cringey shit.


paul nehlen is good people, fgt

But….Paul Nehlen isn't jewish

pick one

Does it need google play store or does it have .apk too?

Does it require actual cellphone number?

I could run it in an emulator.

The Trump campaign sells/gives your info to other tangentially related parties. Enjoy your spam phone calls and emails from local cunts.


>hey I know that there are two other threads on the catalog about this but we really, really want you to join this app!

Keep going lads. Sam Hyde is #3 though, good job.

You clowns are fucking hilarious, I've been reading your various boards for years and the pattern of thought is laughable. You live in a constant HAPPENING that you've made up to act as a hopeful clean slate, a redemption of the world that can allow us to start again in a way that you feel would be more right.

Perhaps I'm the man in Pompeii laughing as my neighbors flee the city, but the mountain has been there for a long time, and running away won't get you far enough when it does collapse.

Here's what I think: your constant spasmatic responses to the trivia of elite wealth management makes your movement seem less legitimate and more tinfoil. But at the end of the day you can never hope for serious change without participating in your community and government, participating in your local business climate, and putting yourself in a position that you can act on your beliefs in a way that allows the "normies" to pick up on the thread in a way that doesn't scare them too much.

But at the end of the day there is no getting off the wild ride, and losing it over every minor flagellation numbs people toward what is actually going on.

grade A copypasta, fam.


love this meme

(waisted dubs)
You know that's the exact same copypasta you used last week. Do you all just share the files across the office or something?

nice trips

Been a long day, touch edgy after this afternoon's raid. Here have some puppies.

Paul Nehlen is the guy that ran against Paul Ryan in the Wisconsin primary OP.

Paul Nehlen isn't a Jew though.




How about no.

Faggot OP here, ok, I get it, Paul Nehlen is not a Jew, and is actually a good guy.

The others are most definitely juden though. I've corresponded with the Laubenthal guy, and he's a dipshit.

Nice. I'm expecting Trump to fuck over Ryan after he wins and let Nehlen throw Ryan out in the street afterwards.

Yeah I hope Trump rides Ryan's ass and if he doesn't play good boy throw Ryan out and brings Nehlen in. It is a shame Nehlen lost as bad as he did because he was projected in a more even race than only 15% he got. I don't know if it was rigged or just uninformed voters that was the cause of it. It was probably both.

There is at least (((1))) faggot kike in this thread

It was probably a little bit of both. I can see Trump seeing the writing on the wall in that race. I do think he'll toss Ryan out. either ways, if Trump win, Ryan is out as speaker. That's for sure. Too many people are pissed with him and see him as weak on both sides.