Return to the primitive life, western man.
Return to the primitive life, western man
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Do it.
Ted pls save us
There should be Doom Paul-esque macros for Ted tbh
You know, Ted was a right wing socially conservative primitivist, right? He isn't even anarcho, even though he gets wrongly called that all the time.
He disagreed with and wrote a whole refutation of the premise of primitive egalitarianism/communism. Not that anarcho-primitivists are good anyway.
Also, what the fuck kind of leftist who has any sense really wants to go back and not forwards? Being against capitalism isn't sufficient to define someone as leftist, because otherwise feudalists would be leftist.
Arguably primitivism is the most reactionary position possible. Fucking savages.
There's this, but really Doom Ted should have office cubicles in the background and not explosions.
Kaczynski was absolutely retarded since he was just promoting tribalism and Hobesian state of nature.
What is worth of notice though is that modern Capitalism has alienated modern people through it's abject calculated and instrumental use of of technology.
I think Heidegger was right when he said that technology, used for it's own sake and in calculation for everything in our lives, is destructive.
Earth is a fucking dump because of technology. There's heaps of e-trash in Africa where children dig for silicone while inhaling poisonous fumes. There's garbage in Earth's orbit. And new phones, computers, &c. are being made on a fucking weekly basis. How different is an HTC something or other than a Samsung something or other. Same fucking shit.
Tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of new cars that aren't sold are crushed. Landfills all over the place.
We're poisoning rivers and lakes, Fukushima Is leaking radioactive material into the pacific ocean, BP destroyed the Gulf ecosystem. There's an island of trash dozens of miles wide floating around the Pacific Ocean.
Enjoy garbage planet, you stupid fuck.
Not possible. Anyone who understands Hegel's spiral conception of history knows that it's literally impossible to return to primitivism. If we all got nuked tomorrow, we wouldn't return to mud huts because we are self-conscious of our history.
And in fact you don't even need Hegel to understand it.
It's quite well agreed upon by certain analytics as well such as John Gray.
No need to have an autism meltdown mr. sperglord
Thanks technology!
There's also satellites in Earth's orbit that provide useful services, but yeah, we should clean up the garbage, sure.
Capitalism, but I like getting new gadgets that are actually awesome and I want them for free, so I want us to achieve communism.
Capitalism. Economic anarchy causes duplication. This wouldn't happen under rational socialist production.
Bad example, it's overblown.
And capitalism (but actually there is no such "island"; the pieces of plastic are very small).
Enjoy capitalism, you complete dupe.
Go back to Holla Forums.
I read one of his prison letters yesterday and he stated that he rejected anarchist/green communist movements because of their focus on idpol and failure to challenge the larger system.
Someone needs to mail Ted some Bookchin and let him know technology isn't the enemy, the organization of society is. It's a shame those two never got a room together.
Is it possible that Hegel was a retard who was wrong? Is that maybe just possible?
just ask yourself, if we got nuked tomorrow would we really need to go through 2000 years again to get to where we are now?
Just offer me a suitable mechanism for returning to primitivism.
After you've done that, I'll consider whether it's a good idea.
Depends on how many people die. It's not "literally impossible". We're just more resilient from having knowledge of how to do everything we do today, but that knowledge isn't perfectly distributed. You kill off 70% of the population and get all of the scientists too, and we'll have difficulty getting back without being swamped in superstition and retarded ideas.
So if we nuked hard enough, yeah, we could get back to primitivism.
Nope, it would still take probably less than half the time.
not arguably, obviously. the only thing more reactionary than anarcho-primitivism is transhumanism to turn us into apes again.
If you nuked hard enough, and nuked all the intelligent people, sure.
Most people don't know how to do shit. They just think they do. In fact as time goes on and stuff gets more automated, the distribution of knowledge gets more unequal not less. People only know scattered "facts" from the internet. Expertise is becoming scarce due to technology. In theory everyone can now learn but they don't, and when the internet goes down, and all the experts are dead, they'll be absolutely fucked.
We're drowning in information, but not a drop to think.
Poor guy doesn't even know about meme magic
What's beautiful about Marxism, if you think about it, is that it's possible to be a right wing communist if you go in the wrong direction.
Arguably, Pol Pot was the most right wing figure of the 20th Century.
soooo… nazbol?
He BTFO'd anarcho-primitivists for not being extremist enough and sticking to the ideology of civilization that they claim to reject, basically.
Nah, because you need to think about it in terms of historical materialism. NazBol are just confused.
There's no going back now, primitivism might add a few more years but it can't prevent the inevitable.
Ted might be crazy but at least he's not retarded
socdems can be considered right wing communists imo
Socdems are to the right of communists, and even other socialists. Socdem is baby's first socialism, and sometimes it's not even socialist.
I was meaning more like this.
Take Marx and Engels theory of history. People who advocate stuff in the red part are left wingers, people who advocate stuff in the black portion are right wingers. Since history began with primitive communism, technically if you go far right enough you will end up at communism again, but just a shitty version where people share carcasses and live in huts.
People who want to destroy the means of production and produce primitivism are both right wing and communist.
so are you saying that people who are destroying the highly centralized and planned economy of modern capitalism, like anarchists, in favor for their each little fucking production step becoming its own independent commune - basically trying to go back to guild like feudal production… are right wing?
i can actually agree with this.
Their proposals are left wing in their theories, but in practice they'd produce outcomes that would match up with the actual proposals of neo-feudalists.
This is because anarchists can't materialism.
kill yourselves
Yes, it is totally the fault of technology that we build things like iphones and cars and then immediately throw it out. the fact that things aren't recycled is the fault of technology and technology alone. There is no way that waste might be a byproduct of a system where sales must always be increased and if you can't sell, smash what exists to force more selling. Nope, that can't possibly be the reason.
social democracy is pro-capitalism. communism is anticapitalism. therefore social democracy is anticommunism.
Dude, I'm an ancom. I agree capitalism is to blame, but it's too late now. We need to be in damage control mode. The conditions of the start of the industrial revolution when communism should have won is long gone. We have to face reality and face the facts.
All I'm trying to illustrate is that we're approaching the point of no return and unless we take a break from all this gadget-collecting and tech-consumerism there won't be an Earth where full communism is achieved. We'll all be fucking dead.
So yeah, maybe a generation of primitivism is a good idea before we start thinking about an idealistic anarcho-communist society.
I don't want to live primitively, I want to live the Good Life. That varies between people.
Step one of living the Good Life is realizing there is only so much a human needs to live, and it scares me a little to think what the FALC and technocrat kiddies really think they NEED out of life to be happy. However I think it is a better idea to do some aikido shit with the capitalist economy (that is, use its forward momentum as a reversal of its purposes), seize the MoP, and then establish communes than it is to return to the primitive life while presumably waging some sort of anti-industrial guerrilla warfare. Plus we want industry to provide basics so we don't have to die from stupid diseases or toil for 12 hours of a day. tl;dr the best way for people to live out these primitive fantasies is through communism, for only communism can provide for all in a state of equilibrium instead of cancer-like capitalism
As I wrote here yes I agree capitalism has brought us to this point. If all countries suddenly become communist tomorrow all the damage capitalism has done will not magically go away overnight.
We have to be thinking how to fix what capitalism has caused. And that just might be primitivism… because we're at the point where we need to be trying to actively reverse this trend.
Some primtivism (e.g. stop making new shit) combined with garbage-recycling (e.g. finding new uses for garbage and old-shit) could be the answer.
You've underestimated how much people understand about things.The average person knows a lot more than we did 2000 years ago.
Is global warming even reversible at this point? I don't keep up with this meme topic.
Primitivism isn't stopping making new model-year shit that's intentionally designed to break. That's just basic resource conservation. Most of the shit that we need to do to clean up the environment is a net profitable act, but only if done as a societal effort. There's almost no private profit to be made from a lot of it.
Most of the "the environment is ded" meme shit is projections based on resource and waste trends. If we were to drop to a much lower waste output tomorrow much of the worst damage would already be staved off.
Change culture. People would get back to the world that they believe is the "best".
You are from generation where people can play a videogame for 2 days straight and drop dead. Leisure is not a problem.
but a new zelda came out and looks cool
maybe after i finish the game xd
obligatory zerzan video
Adorno was right. Negative dialectics is real.
Huh. Who would've thought anarcho-primitivists could actually produce intelligent videos. Surprising.