I'm seriously thinking about murdering someone
Suggest me a way to murder without getting busted
I had some infographs about that but I lost them…
step 1: call the FBI and ask them for tips
just put on a ski mask, shoot him and dump the gun in the ocean
Kill them and then kill yourself
Just kill yourself: not going to see that someone anymore, never gonna get busted
2 things very important. First make sure it's a complete stranger preferably a nigger or leech of society. Second, leave you fucking phone at a different location
Is that a nutsack?
He should kill someone disabled, so they can stop being a fucking leech and stop infesting the gene pool with their shit genetics. Assuming they're not a veteran in a wheelchair, of course.
Steal your parents money and run off somewhere.
Op you should up your game. Find a family with pretty daughters. Break in kill the dad immediately. Maybe keep a son alive if you want or kill him. Then tie up the women. Force the mom to suck off her son. Rape the daughters, fuck the son up his ass, make mom lick her daughter's little clits..etc. do this for days then kill everyone and burn down the house
Haha hell yea kill the cripple haha
Join the police, claim he was reaching for something you couldn't see, and your training took over to ventilate him a full mag
That's pretty gay tbh
what are you fucking gay?
murder yourself
was gonna post a detailed guide but then saw you used a picture of a dick and balls for the thread. gay.
Kill the losers suggesting that you kill innocent people. Then kill yourself. Do the world a favor.
Go to an antifa or BLM ralley and shoot it up.
you're too pussy to kill someone
why the fuck would anyone make themselves an accomplice to murder by helping someone who has expressed the intent to commit crimes such as murder by giving them tips that help them do a better job of commiting a crime? fuck off!
The fact that you're asking for advice clearly states that you are not suited for the job.
To get away with murder requires the mental capacity to plan ahead and know how murders are investigated.
The technology today makes it a lot harder but if you are patient and are willing to use your head then you should be fine.
Of course, you may go through all the hassle of ensuring you don't get caught and then get caught anyway.
You may aswell enjoy the kill while it lasts and then suffer the consequences.
Doesn't matter how long it takes for death to take them, so long as the law enforcement can't see you had fun with them.
So do what you got to do then try to dissolve the body, chances are they will catch you doing this but the point is the dissolving of the body was just to cover up the evidence that shows you had fun with them before they died.
What you consider fun is on you.
Do you have a clear motive, or are you close to the would-be victim?
What's the story on the pic?
By the way, NSA faggot, I don't condone murder against any innocent person.
Kill yourself, you can't get caught for murdering yourself if you are dead
Become a doctor or nurse. Lots of murders in the medical field. You just "Let them die" instead of murdering tho.
You could assassinate people that promote public policy that you don't like. You could go down as a hero or terrorist instead of a basic murder.
A piece of advice: The more brutally you act with the body, the more the police will investigate. Chopping up a body is enough to start a million dollar manhunt that makes it to the national headlines, throwing a random dead person in shitty clothes into the corners of a ghetto will net you an 1 day investigation where the police will identify the body and talk to the people it knew and the case will be archived in a month.
The former is for killing someone you know, the latter is for random murder. If you have no connection to the body and leave nothing connecting it to you, nobody cares how easily the police can find information on the body.
Getting away with killing someone you know takes someone who's good at the craft though, no matter how unidentifiable you make the body someone is going to call the police to report their relative is missing and the police knows people are more likely to kill ones close to them, the spotlight will be on everyone that person knew including you.
stranger-on-stranger is pretty easy to get away with one time
but if you want to be a serial killer or kill someone that you actually have a motive against you'll most likely get busted
or i was going to say join the god-damned military and get yer murder on all day long…
if you gonna kill someone you know, try and make it look like a suicide…
You failed already, you made a thread about it.
The trick is to select the right victim.
You have to pick someone nobody would miss, or someone that everyone already wants dead anyway.
Dysnomia, for example.
You could announce to the board that you were going to do it, do it, and nobody would even call a cop. Hell, we'd probably elect you to be the new BO.
Murder-Suicide is the best way to go.
But I suggest you go with the suicide step first.
Post about it on a public image board be4 u do it
Learn mentalism first and you'll be able to murder people and get away with it just fine.
OP here
what if i told you that i've attempted to kill someone before and got out of custody with bail
because the one i want to kill is total scumbag and he doesn't deserve to fuckin live on this planet
Kill them with time.
For all we know the guy is cool and you're jealous.
If you did it because of an insatiable bloodlust, that would be interesting. If you did it because someone made you mad, then you're probably just an obnoxious little piss-pants whose parents didn't discipline you properly.
kill a woman that got pregnant on purpose to collect alimony, which is basically every woman on earth with a kid.
go to a restaurant, slip poison that induces heart attacks, target old and/or fat person
walk out laughing