


Uh, you don't get to bring spinal fluids.

I like the episode she eats the brain of a nymphomaniac and then proceeds to have a gangbang.

what show is this?


You're a small zombie

Pretty shit they tone down the zombie makeup because she looks better as one. Also bad because it just became another procedural, unless they changed stuff since season 1 since that was the only season I watched.

I heard the show was absolute shit compared to the comic book it came from. I was pissed that they turned it into a generic sounding police procedural instead of "Scooby do with a zombie, a ghost, a vampire hunter, a wereterrier, and his boyfriend."

She was like that in the comic too. They explained it away that when you refuse to eat brains your body decays but if you do you just look like a fair skinned person.


Not all comics are capeshit.

no, but they're all shit

You say this on a board dedicated to the worst, most jewish, most overly commercialized medium in existence.

what do you mean? this isn't Holla Forums

Comics don't have nearly as many jews in it and they aren't as commercialized. Only Marvel and DC are. It's a failing medium and the only people that still go to it are the people who love and dedicate themselves to it, and the most retarded agenda pushers.

Meanwhile TV and film is so jewish that I don't even know where to begin. Even Marvel and DC got their fingers in it.

why? it's fucking stupid. comics are comics for a reason

Yeah, see, Holla Forums taking a superior tone over Holla Forums would work if Holla Forums actually abstained from plebeian content. As it stands, however, neither board is better.



