==Ok PNW Goyim== the God Emperor is coming to Everett on Teusday. Rally starts @7pm. Now this rally has 4 days advanced notice, and is closer to Seattle, so antifa commies will have more time to prepare and will have much shorter travel distance. With this in mind we can expect Tuesday to be very interesting. I met some of you anons at the Lynden rally, and that one was relatively peaceful. Everett may not be so peaceful.

So PNW bros, over the next few days let's use this thread to compile Intel on any leftist planning. Also, let's figure out carpool/hotel accommodations.I already have my hotel accomodations, so get on mein level.

Other urls found in this thread:



Nice redtext OP

I know, fuck.

I predict some chimpouts on the horizon coming from the west, mostly constituting the cities west.
Nothing major, just minor chimpouts brewing up in western Everett.

We'll see friend. RWDS might have to be activated to protect the God Emperor's people.



OP is a newfriend. A cum guzzling, ball fondling newfriend. But he has a point about Everett getting messy.

Seattle is obviously a liberal stronghold. The email the campaign sent out suggests getting on line at 4pm, and the majority of working people are not going to make it there on time.

Pic related is from the Freemont neighborhood of Seattle, one of the many gilded favelas. Seattlite btw. The stories are true.

Looking to go, maybe grab some video evidence of chimp outs and antifa fags doing some stupid shit. Long drive for me though, and I'm not sure what the price of tickets are, if there is a price. Not a lot of extra spending cash beyond bills and food. Anyone want to clear that up?

I knew Seattle was cucked but wtf?
Where is the Mao statute?


No, I'm not new, just fucked up red text, shit happens.

We need to do something about pic related. It's where the terrorists operate from. It's where the terrorists return to for sanctuary.


Tickets are free they are always free


Wasn't there a shooting there not too long ago?

Harsh bro. I've worn the Breitbart Border Wall Construction Co tshirt around Rainier Beach and Renton. Lots of "Huh… FUCK YOU!!" and 'contaminated' food. It's ok though, we'll sail a ship made of nationalism through a sea of liberal tears in November. I'm getting stiff just thinking about it.

2nd comment meant for

Seattlite here.
I'll be there with my wife.

Beautiful. Nice x2 dubs


I'll be there with a friend or 2, look for me Holla Forumsacks, let's meet up. RWDS.

brothers im in need of the alt right flow chart for a friend hes feeling down. help a brother out

You don't get to bring friends.

Oh they're coming

I'll be there by myself along with a custom Trump sign I fully expect antifa to try and break.

Good luck faggot.

Maybe Trump will bring your sign up to the stage.

Thanks, it is to large to bring inside the venue so no. It is just for pissing off antifa hopefully they burn it and breathe in the toxic fumes

You aren't allowed to bring any custom signs in to the event

Oops nevermind

dammit I need to get over there. I haven't been able to go to a rally before, how the fuck does the ticket system work?

That's why I don't go to these things.

I'll talk to my boss tomorrow, but if everything is okay on that end I'll be driving up from Olympia. I'm willing to take some people.

are you think about a carpool? I don't have anyone that can come with me and i'll be fucked if I have to take a bus and go up there by myself.

do to his campaign website. go to the schedule, select get tickets for the everett event (they're free btw), print them off.

You're missing out on half the fun. You get to talk to other Trump supporters, and get to see butthurt antifa, it's a wonderful thing. I met up with a few Holla Forumsacks too, which made the Lynden rally even better. How does this not sound fun?

Yeah, I'll be driving and taking some people. But I have to make sure it's A-okay I can leave.

I have one person I'll be picking up in Seattle for sure so I have 3 more spots in the back. If you have Tox, add me on there.


Well already one group organizing disorder:


**We will meet in front of Xfinity Arena in Everett wa. just look for the banners and listen for the music**

. you can also protest inside if you so choose .
Free tickets provide on racist presidential candidates website under schedules

For months Donald Trump has been spewing hate, bigotry sexism ,racism ,classism etc. In WA state and around the country ,we do NOT accept his brand of hate or bigotry or racism or sexism.

So it is time to stand up and say Donald Trump is NOT WELCOME in wa state

we must stand united and stand strong AGAINST Donald trumps hate and bigotry

WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER AND BE UNITED AS ONE AGAINST Donald Trumps hate bigotry sexism racism classism etc.

people must gather and make a very visible and loud demonstration and show we do not accept hate and bigotry in this state

NVITE EVERYONE –Lets see who can invite the most to THIS EVENT

-Family Friendly-AND -Disabled accessible and compliant—- come rain or shine

Family friendly— come rain or shine

Media relations-206-334-6007-Text Preferred

Questions— contact [email protected]/* */


You motherfucker I knew it.

How far along into the burn did you get down there? An acquaintance of mine lives directly across the tracks at the crossing and was losing his shit all day about it.

DUde, I was 3 blocks away when the 1st plume rose, looked like a backyard garbage fire getting out of hand. Sped up to that shit in under a minute and it was already fully engulfed. Biggest event in Pull Y'all Up since Meeker Days.

Take the bus, man.

I got tickets for my wife and I. We live within an hour so we aren't getting a hotel. There's paid parking near by ($5 from looking online).

How early should I get there? Doors open at 4 apparently, but I feel like we should get there sooner. Also are we expecting much protest? How has leftest protests been recently at Trump rallies? I looked on Reddit Seattle and all there threads didn't pick up much steam.

It's on private property. It can't be removed.

Dude I live in Skyway.

polite sage for triple post

I went to the Lynden rally. Doors opened at 3, we got there at noon, and there was already a line, but it was a Saturday. I'd get there about 3 hours b4 the doors open to guarantee a spot in line. I would expect there to be a much larger protest than the Lynden rally. They're gonna have 4 days to organize, plus it's a lot closer to Seattle.

This is kayturner from tox or skype. I'm coming up with a guy from tox and possibly some friends he is bringing along. I posted in the Lynden rally thread with a picture of me so if you see me with my white trump hat with gold lettering make sure to say hi.

This is how the Lynden rally went down:

Pics from Lynden

I haven't logged into Tox for a while. Is there still some WA fags on there?

That's kind of what I was thinking too. Sucks to wait for 6 hours total though.

Maybe I'll park a little further than I was thinking…

Only one guy I really talk to. All these offline tox people is a little depressing.

I'm maxiu on tox but I didn't talk much with anyone and just stopped logging in. I was thinking discord or something might be better since it's something other people actually use but I dunno.

For the sake of your car and a quick escape I would park far away. I got a hotel a block or 2 away for the night, no fucking way am I leaving Everett that late.

Discord is nicer for talking in a group but it isn't encrypted like tox is which is one of the main reason some people used it. I'm kayturner
#4579 on Discord.

I think it'd be cool though to have a group chat that I could just stay logged in where everyone in /wash/ can talk. Tox seems to only have 1to1, but I understand the security aspect too.

Don't worry bro, I'll be there with my wife.

got my ticket. we need some way to identify each other that is subtle enough for normies to ignore. I'm going to have an 8 of diamonds somewhere on me, should be obvious enough.

I'm fucking pissed
I live in south west WA and our Hillary for prison sign was stolen, and now today these mexicans intimidated/harassed my dad walking his dog and started insulting trump (they prob stole it). Then they follow him in a car back home. I need to get out of this shithole.

You got to mace it or put it up somewhere where they can't reach it quickly

thanks for the tip but my dad is far too paranoid to put anything up now, hes really concerned about someone breaking in and stealing shit


I'll wear a white Trump hat and plain white shirt I guess.

Cane man?

I'll see about pinning an 8 of diamonds to my MAGA hat, if not, I'll just carry a big sign that says Holla Forums

dont do that

Bad idea. Dress up like CIA instead. Khaki pants, baby blue polo shirt, black jacket, etc.

Big sign that says 1488, RWDS? I'm out of ideas here. Maybe the 8 of diamonds pinned to your hat then, can we agreee on that? Subtle enough?

You could go with 'PRAISE KEK'


Looks like we got some heresy here boys

No. It just makes you look retarded. It's like during the occupy movement when people had "looooooong cat is looooooong" signs.

But yes, praise kek




nigga pls

that's odd, shouldn't have been mute.

tweet is here for those who want to see it.

motherfucker that'll take 3 and a half hours and i'll have to take 4 transfers since the pierce county transit passes don't work on king county buses and intercity transit.

I haven't used tox before but i'll set up an account, I'd gladly toss in for gas.

Ive been to Everett, it always felt like a white nationalist enclave while I was there.

My ship stopped there in 2013 while I was in the navy and all of the niggers on board complained about the racist service they recieved. I kek'd.
My experience there was glorious.

also one of the nigs on the ship stole a sports jersey from a bar and was arrested by NCIS at the next port.

I still can't trust Trump. It's only due to our meme magic he got anywhere but he'll be quick to forget us and shill to his new merchant overlords but I want anyone in The Don's campaign to know if he wins and we don't like what he's doing, those four years are all he's getting.



I'm hoping to be there, missed the Lynden one earlier. I'm actually interested, WA is a pretty blue state west of the Cascades, but I suppose that's where Bern went wrong, focusing on places that liked him already.

Thanks for correcting the record.

Trump is genious for coming back to WA. He's going to swoop up the butthurt burnouts who hate Hillary. I've already had 2 of my friends who hate Trump tell me they're voting for him simply because he's not hillary, and they realize a vote for any other candidate is a vote for Hillary.

Ports Closed

I always thought Everett was nigger-central, just like the rest of the I-5 corridor. I find it strange that there evidently are more nigs in Bremerton. Kitsap county was nice, aside from Bangor-Keyport being a giant "please nuke us" sign. Too close to Seattle too, so I moved back to Grays Harbor it was a horrible idea, get me the fuck outta here

I've been thinking, people should make stink bombs and throw them at the protesters, scatter those fuckers.

I'll do my best to be there, in any case.

former mill creek fag here
everett is going to be extremely interesting
the central part of the city is filled to the brim with criminals, minorities, and various degenerates.
the outskirts are farmland filled with people that range from cuckservative to full redpill
the surrounding towns and cities are full of minorities, degnerates, and far-left bernouts.
seattle is a short drive away
major navy base in everett
worlds largest building just outside of town
major highways and many prime targets for soros-instigated chimping.

It's gonna be a wild ride.

Hey man, I haven't heard from you.

I'll be in Tacoma around 1PM but we gotta set something up if you want a ride.

I have 2 seats left.

All I did was politely ask him not to be violent at the rally tomorrow, what a baby!


So far, this is all I can find about demonstrations tomorrow:

Tuesday, August 30th, 4-7pm
Clark Park
2400 Lombard Ave
Everett, WA 98201

DIsgusting homosexuals protesting too

hmmmmm, maybe some open carry guys there too, sweet.

That's a four hour drive from me. I considered going anyway.

You should user, we need more presence there. 8 of diamonds on your hat or shirt if you wanna meet other Holla Forumsacks, I'll have mine on my hat

On the plus side I did find Kek near the venue.



shit I completely forgot, i'll send you a message now.

I will too, but whats a non retarded way to have an 8 of diamonds card on your person?

I havent finished my patch yet

I'm prolly just gonna pin it to my hat, kinda off to the side, if it looks retarded, then I'll just pin it to my shirt.

yeah swhat i was thinkin too. probably on the right shoulder of my sleeve. If it was on the front of my shirt itd probably look like i was a 1st grader bringing a not home to his mom

Dood, you should have said that you were a Hillary supporter planning on crashing the rally with no survivors…

DUDe, you go to the event for a pre-scout mission, find Kek's statue, and keep getting dubs, I hope I run into you tomorrow, you're good luck, Kek has blessed you mightily.

Good idea on the sleeve though, I like that better.

sorry to let you down, but im not the same guy as the statue-user
my dubs are great tho

bring lighters to the even as well. If anitfa fags or shitskins start something and it comes to fists, hold the lighter in your hand it keeps your hand in the correct position too.

Get a cheap 5 dollar mouth guard too, keeping a clenched jaw keeps you from getting knocked out

im prepping and really hoping for a brawl with my cascadian Holla Forumslack bros.

might be hard to convince them while wearing the "if you build it they won't come" shirt. Honestly I froze when the camera was on me, I said no to the interview.

I am statue user and sign user, kek is located at the top of the hill and across the street from the Grill entrance to the venue in a courtyard. It seems like a place either anons or antifa will use as a base to group up at.

implying we would let commie scum occupy a shrine of our Kek

I say if any user feels like swallowing his autism and risk spilling his spaghetti they should meet there

It looks like the protesters that I saw already left. I guess they were only there for a quick photo op.

I don't see any anons near it at the moment.

….thats because the rally is tomorrow?

I really need to chill out on that autism then. I thought you meant today and tomorrow

its all good.
see you glorious fucks tomorrow

last bump for the night, but i might check back later

jesus you fucking autist poor spelling trumpfag where is everett?

See you slugs tomorrow

That's a really nice lamp, user

Thank you! Fred Meyer. Provides ample glow, not too bright. Just right. They were all out of the lightning bolt and 1488 ones, and someone had just made off with the last Jew skin one, so I had to settle for 3rd place.

What about a big sign that just says "Pepe!"

I think I'll get there around 12 or 1. What about you guys?

No home made signs allowed user.

Boon would be a safe bet

The line is already forming. I'll hang out next to Kek for a bit before joining the line

any protestors?

Small pockets of mexican antifa forming near the venue yelling fuck Donald Trump. Not much yet

Safety pin one to the sleeve of your shirt, on the side of the shoulder, like where a tattoo or a patch would be.
You people are so fucking stupid. It's easy to wear dumb shit in a way that looks cool. You should be signaling something a little more meaningful and nationalistic than MUH BOARD CULTURE anyway.

he's coming to my city soon, a few of us are going to nail him or whatever bodyguards he cowers behind with water-balloons containing our delicious proletarian piss, watch for us in september.

Trump shall only be empowered by the poo poo pee pee, all your efforts shall be in vain.

Does the soon to be repealed Obongocare cover burial expenses? You might want to check into that.

I just got in line. It's already around the block.

Does the line start on the north side of the building?

If anyone is looking for some others to hang out with, I'm in my brown shirt outfit with white trump hat with gold lettering. We got a group of 4 people with me.

Holla Forums where r u?!!!!


Here! Does the line begin on the north side of the arena.

When will you learn not to do this?


Either shave or get a different pair of shades that don't make you look like a cuck.

The beard would be fine if he'd spent the last 6 mos lifting instead of fapping to traps.

True, it's the body type that makes or breaks having a beard. We're telling you this for your own good e4ca1d, you need to get /fit/.

Pics related are from a recent thread by a based user.

Christ mate, head down to Men's Wearhouse quick and pick up a razor too.

bump & RSBN pre-rally warm up



Get on the floor bitch

On the floor with 2 small flags

I'm on the right with a white hat and red jacket

Saw you guys but I got a good spot. Gonna try and get an autograph. Maybe meet after event?



sheeeeit, nigger, just walk away