we all gonna die
we all gonna die
I know, it's great
Welp, mass extinction is one way to end capitalism
The car's on fire and there is no driver at the wheel.
And the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
The government is corrupt.
and we're on so many drugs with the radio on and the curtains drawn
just end our suffering
We're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine.
thread theme
And the machine is bleeding to death
fugg off. this is real thread theme
the sun has fallen down and the billboards are all leering
and the flags are all dead at the tops of their poles
it went like this:
The buildings tumbled in on themselves…
mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble and pulled out their hair
A lot of them are probably paid shills
literally why else would a bunch of people with these opinions be flocking to a site called "eco watch"
probably 50/50 paid Koch shills, and people who unironically read and believe blogs written by Koch shills.
( ;~;)7
I wish they just ended it quickly.
This is something makes me lay awake at night. Just how close we are to extinction stands in stark contrast to the way we live our lives. Everyone should be panicking to try and keep nuclear destruction at bay, but we're all so docile and apathetic.
No one knows what's going on because the news doesn't talk about it at all.
Good. Let it all fucking burn.
Because there's nothing to report.
What do you want them to do, have a daily
comment at the start of every show?
did you know that by melting the ice you cool off the atlantic ocean and can interrupt the stream warming europe that'll lead to a cooling off, as it did in the past when causing an ice age?
global warming my ass, gotta buy me some decent winter boots it seems
Damn that's a great quote.
Honestly I'm mostly sad about how there will be no one left to hear the tragic tale of the human race
thread theme 2.0:
The skyline was beautiful on fire, all twisted metal stretching upward
tfw Holla Forums are all gy!be fans
feels good, comrade
I long for the sweet release of death. especially since it means all the porkies die with me.
It's been a fun ride Holla Forums. I'll see you all in hell.
Bring on the Posadism.
Its more or less all of us killing one another, tribalism and shit
Some would call it 'living life to the fullest"
Then humanity will either die, or be put back in it's rightful place or something.
We're going to have another Jurassic period it seems before another ice age. Sounds fun. Life will find a way, even if the nukes go off.
No, this is the REAL thread's theme.
That video is unbelievably pathetic. I'm a pretty pitiful person but this several levels beneath even me. This guy isn't a rarity either. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands just like him. I am appalled.
At least all the porkies will die horribly by the mob when the resource riots start.
It's time for the Ron Paul "It's Happening" Memes
What would they even have capital in?
If he's so pessimistic about the misuse of natural resources, why did he have 3 children? Instead of just 1 or none?
Which countries would suffer the most from global warming as of today? The ones along the equator, where there will be more droughts?
Is it nigh time to invest in guns and lots of non-perishable food items?
more warming causes more rain and more CO2 causes more plant growth with less water
anything close to sea level or in hurricane alley will suffer
Saved, nice pic!
I really, really, really like this image.
we've known global warming was a misnomer for what is going to happen for fucking forever. why the media keeps using it is pretty obvious though; people recognize it, now, and allows for easy criticisms (ie shills using your argument to discredit phenomena)
Yeah. Shit's fucked. This kind of shiw I why I'm losing faith in the internet.
I hope you're ready because Clinton's about to make it worse.