Another "Hate Crime" Hoax

The True ‘We Only Tip Citizens’ Story Is Complicated, And Virtually Everyone Got It Dead Wrong

At least, that looks like it could be the case with the massive national outrage over a receipt from Harrisonburg, Va.

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Well that was predictable, other than the 100% not-white nature of the accused.

Totally unexpected, has literally never happened before.

Now that I'm thinking about it, this bitch probably picked a receipt with no written-in tip at the end of the day. No way she'd purposefully pick a Puerto-Rican who barely speaks English and a black for victims when she could have picked a white.

She waited until her shift was over to pull her little prank and that's why she didn't choose better victims.

Stupid fucking muds can't even false flag right.

down the memory hole it goes


It doesn't matter because they don't need to. See >>7280345's post.

All that will be remembered about this by 99% of people is that some Republican, gun loving Trump supporter harassed this poor waitress. She'll likely even have her own (if one doesn't exist) Kickstarter campaign set up by some cuck that is going to get her enough white guilt dollars to have a full ride to college where she'll promptly study Gender Studies or something and have a few lectures on campus where she bravely regales the audience of blue hairs and La Raza dipshits with her traumatic experience with the Klan at that restaurant.

Why is it never a male this happens to, and it always turns out the "victim" lied?





Checks out for me, fam.

has any of these "waitress doesn't receive tip" stories ever not been a hoax? speaking of which does anybody have a link to that site that lists liberal false flags?
'ere you go

thanks m8

She was a compassionate us citizen warning the waitress of the incoming doom of the nafta and ttip

such a brave act of civism demonstrating why diversity is our force cabron.
nothing to see here


White people are by far the best tippers. Even Mexican servers hate serving Mexicans, and the same goes for blacks. They are demanding, more likely to complain to a manager to get a free meal, and tip like shit.

That girl looks like a gene editing experiment gone wrong

Kek confirms both these posts to be undeniable holy truths

anyone got the image of that idiot that wrote a b backwards on her face claiming she got mugged or some shit by an anti obama racist but it turned out to be her writing and she obviously did it in a mirror? i remember a round face

It was obviously going to be a hoax, but this is just even better
Feeling so smug reading the accusations that it was somehow from Trump or a Trump supporter.

I don't think a single one has been legit. They're all false flags. I remember the big one, possibly the first one to really hit international news. The one where the fat dyke wrote on the receipt herself and some old woman was left trying to defend herself alone against the moralmob.

It probably wasn't even intended as a false flag. There are a lot of hatreds between the various spic populations that I don't really care to delve into very much, but I'm pretty sure that Puerto Ricans fucking hate Mexicans, and I think that these people thought this girl was a Mexican.

But it's only muh bigger tree when whitey does it.

And it gets better!

Tom, the black husband


Nog leaves a 3 dollar tip. Butthurt juanita makes up elaborate hoax.

WTF i love racist now

doesn't really matter though

the kike media knows how this works, like the two anons said above, it'll be memoryholed and forgotten, then left wing redditors can trot it out every few years as a "fact" in an aggregate of bullshit

the media can make a bullshit story without any corroboration or analysis, then six months later say the exact opposite without reference to the earlier stories, e.g. the amount of times elite media like nyt have called for war, then backed down months later, only to call for another war in their editorials again

then they wonder why people everywhere hate them and want to kill the media

i'm looking forward to cutting the throats of journalists in the apocalypse tbh

At least I learned not to trust anyone that works for the school system on that day.

be thankful it happened to you so early, didn't happen to me until high school and my life is still fucked as a result


I suppose that is true, by high school I had pretty much isolated myself from the girls. I wasn't a fag but I had learned by that point not to trust women. I honestly forgot about the story I just told until I read yours, some things make more sense now.

In my early life pretty much every woman (save one) that I had a close relationship with eventually turned on me. Even my own mother did it just to spite my father. I was thankful to have a large group of male role models to fall back on. If It wasn't for Dad, the Uncles, and my Granddad putting my ass to work in the fields who knows where I would have ended up in life.

I've learned to become weary of what a woman's version of the story is. They love to gossip, they always have manipulation of the social group on their minds. It isn't even a conscious thought with them it's something they do on auto-pilot, it's how they gain power in the world. Thinking people are above it, which is why I guess finding wife material in this day and age is so rare.

I have just always been a fucking retard, engaged in full on degeneracy in high school and paid the price. Finding wife material is hard as fuck now, especially for a cat like myself who's probably constantly circulated online for his degenerate actions, or lack of actions mostly.


A nigger, a dyke and now a wetback all hoist on their own petard with the same ludicrous scam.
Little wonder that these retards are waiting tables.

If any of you join Trump's official border security please deport this fraud.

Making a choice is hateful.

To be fair, the blacks love Trump. He a real OG.

That's her. She looks 8

I would have wrote "We only tip qts" Damn this girl is ugly.

Well hello there, pretty lady.

it's one of their greatest weapons, simply rolling out of bed the day after you get caught red-handed in a hoax and not only pretend like nothing happened but that people are weird for even remembering it

Clock-kid was the kind of blatantly over-the-top hoax where anyone who pushed it in any capacity shouldn't be able to go ten seconds without being reminded about it. Same with the Fields hoax, Shapiro got off way too fucking easy for that and just rolls right along like he didn't completely expose himself white-knighting an obviously unstable clock-kid tier hoaxer

vile bitch


She's beautiful on the inside, user.

Shit like this would happen in my school too, when I was gowing up. I was one of the lucky ones though, I was hardly ever messed with or bullied. However, school staff and teachers themselves are actually some of the worst bullies plaguing the American school system.

I'll share with you my story user.

When my parents hear about it, they go to see her and after talking to her, they discover she's been trying to bait kids into misbehaving. A real fucked up individual that one. I was transfered to a better class after that, but it still was absolute bullshit that she's been doing that shit for years and nobody in the PTA wanted to fire her.

Remember folks, a scapegoat is a Jewish invention.

This is how they fucking get you. They break you down and you don't know what you did and they keep hammering away at you and you're too fucking young and naive to see the trap right in front of you.

A classic problem with elementary school art teachers.

Nobody ever liked their "art" or "personality" and they wre incapable od socializing with others. They could not sell their services making crappy rattles in a country with electricity, so went back to artschool, accumulated debt… were less sociable with the public, failed hard, went to school another term for teaching credentials,and got themselves into a dead end underpaid teaching position that they are shit at, and then wonder why the school wants to drop funding when they try to crush the spirit of he students.

You know what the trick is to making something incredible? This is what a real artist would hammer into every student day number one.

"Good things take time to make. Learn to be patient an diligent and your works will become masterpieces."


This is the same thing they do when they spin the chicken in the air and kill it. They believe all their sins go into the chicken so they can avoid hell. Jews recently won the right to do it in New York in public New York, so it might be coming to a street near you.

not from NY, but I hope it will, people need to see shit like this in their own eyes

The world needs to see it but also understand the reasons behind it. Jews blame all their sins on someone else. They ran the slave trade and blamed it on white Europeans.

Inb4 jews are white! Sephardic jews were the kikes behind slavery in Europe, the Americas and tropical island nations.

That kike in the picture is a Sephardic Jew.



That white dog better be careful of that Jewess.