Brit/pol/ #1175 - Bank holiday edition

Brexit NOW: Theresa May to trigger Article 50 WITHOUT Commons vote

New move for instant EU exit: Tory MPs pile on pressure to ditch Brussels for good

UK could remain in 'looser' EU - Lord O'Donnell

Theresa May launches race audit of public services

SPIDER WARNING: New BITING arachnid that can pierce human FLESH invading UK homes

'We have a right to be here' Squatters refuse to move, citing human rights laws to police

Other urls found in this thread:

Why would you need space travel when we already have ayy lmaos?





did you not listen to Ted?

Reported for ban evasion ttpw.



there aren't gonna be space empires for hundreds of years, maybe even 1000+

read the comic, ministry of '…..'


??th for nice ID colour, green maybe.


I can't imagine a worse colour, see you tomorrow ladpais.
>Horrific abuse scandal in town dubbed 'child sex capital of Britain'


I think you and me need to have a talk, lad.

So, are we still pariahs or are these threads allowed again?
Been at work all day and not kept up with the drama bullshit

They can't beat us, as we make up about 10% of all of Holla Forums's posts

We banned lad, just need to make sure we keep under the radar

I think as long as there's no Harrisposting, we're kosher.


I love how he cracks up at 'landmine them all'

What did he mean by this?

There was no time lad, you know fine well he who is ban evading would've made a worse one if someone else didn't do it quick.

We're fine lad, there was a load of drama and spergouts last night, just got to stop b8ing so much in the OP's.

That's what you get when you cross a half-Welsh, half-Czech with a Pakistani.

A migrant lad

He knows.

Farage is most definitely to the right of Trump.

Fuck I hate being a weeb sometimes

You could say hes to the FAR EAST of him.

Cool, cant argue with that.
Brit/pol/ IS cancerous as fuck an awful lot but last night reeked of set up.

which one?
was a nightmare downloaded gensou shoujo tbh


Yeah well when you're hooked up to the pipes pissing your last in a nursing home and we're still all stuck on terra firma please do tell your muslim convert carer she's a whore and that that user damn was right.

This is true, I am no fun now and it's a sad indictment at the state of humanity that that's the case. we're too poor in spirit to be allowed into the universe, we'd fuck up out there like we have here anyway.

Space kikes colonising on top of Moon muslims.

No good lads, we have to sort this shithole out before we can even being to seriously think about it.

Fair enough, lad.
Per ardua ad astra

man, id rather have a beer with Nige than Trump tbh. Seems like there would be a lot more laughs

t. burger

A 70s album by Mio Takaki, its nothing special, I just like it.

She's just another actress who occassionally released singles to go with her films, so she could cash in better



I love this guy,

t. burger

Fair warning lad, he will kill you if you diss master brew

Actually finished reading Dune a few nights ago, the book is decent tbh, perfect length,

master brew?

It's what he drinks,

tbh I think it's fine as long as it's not in the goddamn OP.

You'd insult him with your yankee beer taste.

I don't think it's fine at any point.

People will take the bait whenever it's posted

Doesn't Farage droink shite like Greene King IPA?

yeah it;s a good series, just make sure you avoid the sequels not written by frank herbert himself (everything after chapterhouse)

Night lads.

yeah, im asking what it is

probably. would still enjoy trying to drink him under the table

Tho if we shared a burger, he'd probably insult me in his choice of burger

oh wow yeah she is obscure


that last sentence
drinking before 5 is a bad idea

unless you can hold your pints like a true englishman prepare to be out manned tbh

It's ale from Kent.


fuckin hive mind

i doubt id be able to do, but in the name of unity id give it a good go

not quite but close
ARE NIGE is a bloke who cannot be drunk under the table tbh

She stars in some terrible movies to be honest. One where the trailer literally has the line "one stormy night" (嵐の夜に)

Literally a shit love film where she plays a mother who swaps bodies with her daughter kek


If even 1/10 of Brits today were willing to go to the lengths that he did to defend their country, we wouldn't be in this mess.

2kb off tbh

nice b8 m80 i r8 88/88

I really enjoyed the Dune series, particularly God Emperor. Until he started ranting about the jews. They were completely irrelevant to the story and shoehorned in for some sort of pointless emotional appeal. I don't understand why he would go to the trouble of writing a unique and inspired future setting with interesting factions like semi-telepathic trained psychic lesbians and autistic desert nerds who stab people so they can put their grapes in a wine press to make the sweet juicy lifewaters.

Oh and the jews are also here, 5000 years later. Christ.

Kek i considered watching that one I think
is she a pink film actress?
ive recently gotten back into Kishida Kyoukan and the Akeboshi Rockets tbh and ecently just got int Ami Wajima

those cockroaches tend to survive no matter how much we try to do the universe a service and rid the world of them so its not that unrealistic

One of his aides said: 'He's gonna be your warm-up.'

kek, poor Giuliani. That's a comfy little article.

Restoration of Anglo Empire confirmed

Good one.>>7279504


No m8 Bomber Harris was an evil man not like that nice Mr Hitler who only wanted to break treaties and violate the sovereignty of other nation states.

People still do this shit?


Got to admit, seeing Farage and Trump on stage together gave me some good Anglo feels.


What's that? You don't want choppy and low quality audio of autists talking over eachother?

that second one looks like it was made by yanks tbh
>Britain: Colonial Success because noone quite does it better, Chivalry m'lady and of course
you hear that lads? apparently we're all immortal

I also want to see how everyone except the actually intelligent or knowledgable person constantly talks.

Just saw an advert for fruit juice where a water bottle gets cucked by some mangoes.



how and what even

I think this will be my motto going forward

Just pulled out a nose hair that was nearly an inch long, lads

good post

Yeah I saw this too

Basically this Plain Water Bottle woman gets "coloured up" with fruit and is now fruity water

and the water bottle man is cucked

oh shit thats even better.
glad i stopped by brit/pol/ today.

cheers you cheeky fucks

im not sure why the Spanish Armadas up there though
we've won shitloads of naval battles and the Spanish Armada was beaten by English weather, general Taig thievery and by setting our navy on fire and sailing it into them

i feel like getting a paint splattered water bottle lying on its side surrounded by aubergines and coconuts and sticking
in big red letters as a heading



The only thing that taigs could remove is the collective will of the Irish republic to have a united Ireland.

Better be prawn cocktail lad

Sorry lad, don't remember the brand and it was on TV.


We may never know.

What the fuck is a taig lad? I've seen it too many times.


I like how Holla Forums briefly flirted with Christianity, before realising that Christians take the whole "love your neighbour" thing seriously

Cheese and onion master race tbh though lad. P&C a close second.

And now they're LARPing a religion that no one actually knows anything about, because they didn't think to write anything down.

Honestly anyone who wants to attack christians is a fucking D&C kike shill or an edgy larper who didn't grow out of his teenage athiest phase.

That's implying that they are old enough to have had the chance. Holla Forums's userbase is notoriously young tbh

Come back when you're for man crisps lads


love your neighbour applies to your in-group

doesn't apply to muslims looking to behead you

this tbh fam

Can any of you lads recommend some good patriotic films to watch? Watched Zulu recently and it was pretty good, so I'm looking for something similar.

Well done lad, you fell for it.

pshh. Bloody pleb. Pic related is the real pinnacle of crisp creation, only eaten by true aristocrats of the soul.

Dark Liege Theresa May,

You asked for a detailed description of my experience last night and the reasons for my plea to the Conservative Party for another assignment. I hope I have served you well in my capacity as informant in the court of Nigel Farage, a man who I have stated in many previous reports could teach Vladimir Putin how to scheme. As you know, I've spent nearly a year now working my way into his inner circle of advisors. He was in need of friendship when he first arrived in the major leagues in politics, and eagerly took to me and a few others. Still, he was disinclined to trust any of us, which is perhaps not surprising, given his tenuous position in British politics.

I've kept your unholiness informed of Nigel's movements, meetings, and plots, as well as the names and characters of his other advisors. As you may recall, I've often thought that I was not the only spy in Farage's court. I told you before that a particular Pakistani counselor of Farage's looked like a fellow I had seen in the company of George Galloway, the Imam of a Mosque in Bradford. Another, a young Swedish woman, has been verified to visit Brussels from time to time. Of course, in their cases, they might well have been on Farage's own business, but I couldn't be certain. I had begun to think myself paranoid as Farage himself when I found myself doubting the sincere loyalty of Farage's chamberlain, Winston, a black gentlemen who had been in his employ since the early 90s.

That is the background on that night, last night.

Yesterday morning, I received a curt invitation to dine with Farage. Based only on my own paranoia, I dispatched one of my servants, who is a good and loyal servant of the Conservative Party, to watch Farage's house and report back anything unusual. Just before dinner, he returned and told me what he had witnessed.

A man cloaked in rags had been given entrance into the house, and had stayed there for some time. When he left, my servant saw his face beneath the cloak — an alchemist of infamous repute, said to be a leading suppliers of exotic poisons. A fine observer, my servant also noticed that the alchemist entered the palace smelling of wickwheat, bittergreen, and something alien and sweet. When he left, he was odorless.

He had come to the same conclusion as I did. Farage had procured ingredients to prepare a poison. Bittergreen alone is deadly when eaten raw, but the other ingredients suggested something far deeper. As your unholiness can doubtless imagine, I went to dinner that night, prepared for any eventuality.

Hey, "Burger", I'm from the United States too and I know that the Donald doesn't drink.

Also, Mr Farage mentioned that Golden Dawn was a reaction to the establishments not listening to the people of each country, so you could say that he even defended the so-called Neo-Nazis. That was in his visit here during the Republican Convention.

All of Nigel Farage's other counselors were in attendance, and I noticed that all were slightly apprehensive. Of course, I imagined that I was in a nest of spies, and all knew of Farage's mysterious meeting. It is just as likely that some knew of the alchemist's visit, while others were simply concerned by the nature of Farage's invitation, and still others merely unconsciously adopted the tense disposition of their fellow, better informed counselors.

Farage, however, was in fine mettle and soon had everyone relaxed and at ease. At nine, we were all ushered into his dining hall where the feast had been laid out. And what a feast! Honeyed gorapples, fragrant stews, roasts in various blood sauces, and every variety of fish and fowl expertly and ostentatiously prepared. Crystal and gold flagons of wine, flin, shein, and mazte were at our seats to be savored as appropriate with each course. As tantalizing as the aromas were, it occurred to me that in such a maze of spices and flavors, a discreet poison would be undetectable.

Throughout the meal, I maintained the illusion of eating the food and drinking the liquor, but I was surreptitious and swallowed nothing. Finally, the plates and food were cleared from the table, and a tureen of a spicy broth was placed in the center of the banquet. The servant who brought it then retired, closing the banquet hall door behind him.

“It smells divine, Nige,” said the Marchioness Kolgar, the Swedish woman. “But I cannot eat another thing.”

“Nigel,” I added, feigning a tone of friendliness and slight intoxication. “You know that every one at this table would gladly die to make you PM of the United Kingdom, but is it really necessary that we gorge ourselves to death?”

The others at the table agreed with appreciative groans. Farage smiled. I swear by Civic Nationalism, my dark liege, even you have never seen a smile such as this one.

“Ironic words. You see, an alchemist visited me today, as some of you already doubtless know. He showed me how to make a marvelous poison and its antidote. A most potent potion, excellent for my purposes. No urgent trip to a socialist NHS hospital will aid you once you've ingested it. Only the antidote in the tureen will save you from certain death. And what a death, from what I've heard. I am eager to see if the effects are all that the alchemist promised. It should be horribly painful for the afflicted, but quite entertaining.”

No one said a word. I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest.

“Nige,” said Abdul, the Pakistani I suspected of alliance with the Bradford Mosque. “Have you poisoned someone at this table?”

“You are very astute, Abdul,” said Farage, looking about the table, eying each of his advisors carefully. “Little wonder I value your counsel. As indeed I value all in this room. It would be perhaps easiest for me to say who I haven't poisoned. I haven't poisoned any who serve but one master, any whose loyalty to me is sincere. I haven't poisoned any person who wants Nigel Farage as PM of the UK. I haven't poisoned anyone who isn't a spy for the Labour Party, Islamists, the Social Workers Party, the Henry Jackson Society, the Adam Smith Institute, the Conservative Party.”

Your unholiness, he looked directly at me at his last words. I know that in certainty. My face is practiced at keeping my thoughts from showing, but I immediately thought of every secret meeting I've had, every coded message I sent to you and the Party, my dark liege. What could he know? What could he, even without knowing, suspect?

I felt my heart beating even faster. Was it fear, or poison? I couldn't speak, certain as I was that my voice would betray my calm facade.

“Those loyal to me who wish harm on my enemies may be wondering how can I be certain that the poison has been ingested. Is it possible that the guilty party, or dare I say, parties were suspicious and merely pretended to eat and drink tonight? Of course. But even the craftiest of pretenders would have to raise a glass to his or her lips and put empty forks or spoons in their mouths to play the charade. The food, you see, was not poisoned. The cups and cutlery were. If you did not partake out of fear, you're poisoned just the same, and sadly, missed an excellent roast.”

Sweat beaded on my face and I turned from Farage so he would not see. My fellow advisors, all of them, were frozen in their seats. From the Marchioness Kolgar, white with fear, to Dianne James, visibly shaking; from the furrowed, angry brow of Abdul to the statue-like stare of Winston.

I couldn't help thinking then, could Farage's entire counsellorship be comprised of nothing but spies? Was there any person at the table loyal? And then I thought, what if I were not a spy myself, would I trust Farage to know that? No one knows better than his advisors both the depth of Farage's paranoia and the utter implacability of his ambition. If I were not a spy for the Conservative Party, even then would I be safe? Could a loyalist be poisoned because of a not-so-innocent misjudgment?

The others must have been thinking the same, loyalists and spies alike.

While my mind whirled, I could hear Farage's voice, addressing all assembled: “The poison acts quickly. If the antidote is not taken within one minute from now, there will be death at the table.”

I couldn't decide whether I had been poisoned or not. My stomach ached, but I reminded myself it might have been the result of sitting at a sumptuous banquet and not partaking. My heart shook in my chest and a bitter taste like Trama Root stung my lips. Again, was it fear or poison?

“These are the last words you will hear if you are disloyal to me,” said Farage, still smiling that damned smile as he watched his advisors squirming in their seats. “Take the antidote and live.”

Could I believe him? I thought of what I knew of Farage and his character. Would he kill a self-confessed spy at his court, or would he rather send the vanquished back to his masters? Nigel was ruthless, but either possibility was within his manner. Surely the theatricality of this whole dinner was meant to be a presentation to instill fear. What would my ancestors say if I joined them after sitting at a table, eventually dying of poison? What would they say if I took the antidote, confessing my allegiance to you and the Conservative Party, and was summarily executed? And, I confess, I thought of what you might to do to me even after I was dead.

I had grown so light-headed and filled with my own thoughts, that I didn't see Winston jump from his seat. I was only suddenly aware that he had the tureen in his hands and was gulping down the liquid within. There were guards all around, though I never noticed them entering.

“Winston,” said Farage, still smiling. “You have spent some time at Brussels. Speaking to Europhiles promising you a cushy job in their offices after you sabotage my efforts?”

“You didn't know?” Winston laughed sourly. “Not just any Europhiles. I report to Merkel herself, Chancellor of Germany. I've always been in her employ. By God, you poisoned me because you thought I was working for some foreign Green Party reps or something?”

“You're half right,” said Farage. “I didn't guess who you were working for, or even that you were a spy. But you're also wrong about me poisoning you. You poisoned yourself when you drank from the tureen.”

Your unholiness, you don't need to hear how Winston died. I know that you have seen much over the many, many years of your existence, but you truly don't want to know. I wish I could erase the memory of his agonies from my own mind.

The council was dismissed shortly thereafter. I do not know if Farage knows or suspects that I too am a spy. I do not know how many others that night, last night, were as close as I was from drinking from the tureen before Winston did. I only know that if Farage does not suspect me now, he will. I cannot win at the games he mastered long ago as a commodities trader, and I beg your unholiness, my dark liege Theresa May, to use your influence in the Conservative Party and dismiss your loyal servant from this charge.

It's LARP for Irish Catholic.

Fed up of Yanks tbh lads


waterloo 1970 is a good one


also the Hornblower series of films are pretty good



Liberals all over the world will probably kill themselves at the same time

"Nothing stands in the way of the actual domestic UK policy of immigration"

ie: You will continue to be flooded with worthless and dangerous muds…while you hoot and holler about leaving the E.U.



being in the EU made it literally impossible to control immigration

at least now we have a chance
plus we struck a massive symbolic blow against the forces of globalisation

Wait for rich globalists to respond first before being happy about this battle.

Nice one, schlomo.

M&Ms also did a cucked advert, with the 'husband' coming home early catching his wife, in bed with one of them, while the other watches from the cupboard

It's a fucking disgrace along with the:
M&M ad
Orangina ad
Money supermarket ad
etc etc etc

Strange, I just had this dream that I was living back at my father's lodge and Alexander Jahan's was on the loose attacking us as we were defending the monarchy. I was trying to hunt him with a rifle but when I tried to shoot him it sounded like an air rifle. I think he kicked me in the face.

The last thing I remember is his rolls of fat being strapped underneath his uniform just afore he was declared Lord Protector of the Commonwealth.


You're beyond help.

The Man Who Would Be King is mandatory viewing


The British Government is anti-non white immigration? Lad…

I guarantee that Brexit has no impact on the amount of brown immigration to Britain. Hell, it will probably be more now that you've mildly aggravated the Jews.(even though Soros made a shit ton of money on it)

Look, the average Brit voted for their own reason. Alot of left wing commies were against Brexit for a whole other set of issues than you were. Don't get too excited.

The Brexit vote was not a right wing "thing'. It was a commie and right wing thing that came together. Let's face it, you don't have enough "right wingers" to actually push this kind of referendum through. Be honest with yourselves. The Brexit vote was a hybrid of fanatical leftists and cucky "Civic Nationalists".

Let's not pretend this was some kind of far right "initiative" when it was pushed harder by far left Marxist commies than actual British cuckservativs.

Suck on that awhile Britcucks.

The truth is sour and salty…


I'm glad someone read it. Probably should have posted it in the day and in smaller sections.
Tbf it's just a ripoff of a recurring in game TES book but the writer of the letter is now supposed to be Carswell, and Berenziah's son now Farage, the Underking Theresa May, and the councillors of the court other people in UKIP.

It's not really demoralization, lad. It's a return to sanity. Get to work.

What's your nationality?


Icelandic. It shouldn't matter though, lad. The truth is the truth.


Nicely done lad proper British response tbh.

If you are filtering for my post, you are the definition of a delusional and sensitive pussy that can't accept the truth. Are you still partying because of you and the hardcore Marxist Jews defeated the EU? Congrats, dipshit.
Just go to bed.

Late night Bushposting?


I'm sure that will cause trump to stop, and listen to what this crap actor has to say over the internet.
Actors and liberals are so far up their own arse, it's unreal how important they think they are.

Fuck off ttpw, reported for ban evading.

Tbh it was liberal globalism verses nation and the british people still chose nation.

The new golden idols of this age mate.

You are the cancer killing Brit/pol/

He wasn't the only one to late night bush post. I think he stole it from me or TS (now gone) actually. Can't remember who started it.


Bushposting was organic, I don't remember who coined the term (I made this, however)

Liberals replaced God with celebrity worship. It's really quite pathetic when you come across a self-confessed atheist who will shit all over the mere mention of God, but if a Hollywood actor was to arrive in their vicinity, they'd drop to their knees, hands clasped in praising. It's pathetic.

It was the standard way to kick off the graveyard shift when I started lurking back in the cuckchan days.

'The black pill' is nothing but useless pessimism to justify people doing nothing.

Nah, UKIP getting elected to the EU, them getting 4 million votes at the GE, us voting to leave the EU, all that after them throwing literally everything they could at us. They've known for ages the general public's attitude to immigration, only now we've reached a point where they simply can't afford to ignore it without losing their power.

If immigration isn't drastically down by 2020 they'll pay for it in the general election.

No, fuck off telling us not to be happy that we've won a battle. We've been beaten as a people for decades by our political class. We know it's not the end of the war, doesn't mean we shouldn't be happy at this victory.


Reported again ttpw. Kill yourself.

user, I…


Then why did "liberals" vote to leave the EU?

That's just the little delusional scenario that you've repeated to yourself. It wasn't a "left vs right" vote. It was a radical leftist and mouth breathing middle of the road-politically- Englishman that thinks the idea of Britain not being independent "just doesn't sit right tbh".

Also, Brits have a wildly inflated view of their importance in the world. They are the population of Californian and the geographic size of Ohio.

You were a big deal in 1850. Not anymore. Got it?

Better than the Thunderbirds tbh
But not as good as UFO.

Thanks for the post lad, I was feeling a bit down and I needed a bit of cheering up.


Oh lad, I'm just quaking in my boots at how blessed we are to have the important nation of Iceland visit our thread.

Fuck off back to Nordpol or whoever you're piggybacking today, you filthy fucking foreigner.

That's out of line!

it's not left verses right I said that no where it was nation over an exploitative supranational body no left vs right anywhere. My point was people more and more are seeing through it.

Also your wildly underwhelming attempts to get under my skin have failed. Fuck off.

This is actually pretty entertaining tbh

you're not convincing anyone that the EU isn't globalist neo marxist cancer, Bjorn

fuck off back to your cuckshed

No probs lad, this guy

is full of shit.

what if nigel farage was nigel farage?


saved the 1st one tbh


I'm obviously American,. I'm just here for the weekly ball-breaking. I like you lads, I really do. Nothing personal. You lads certainly bust some balls yourselves.

I'm outta here…Damage done…Don't try to rage reply…I've already shut down the laptop and gone to beds, lads.


You're fueling his degeneracy.


You must go to bed pretty early, jose.


tbf California's a pretty big deal

That state alone has an economy larger than all of Russia.

Statistically more than 1 in 10 Americans you meet will be Californian by birth.

#esotericjahanism #becomeyourenemy

Now do the opposite

It struggles tbh.

Morning lads.

night australia


I just realised in Victoria II you're playing as a civic nationalist.

You spend all your time trying to hover up as many immigrants as possible and assimilate them all to grow your economy and increase your power as a nation.
Been trying to play a game as Texas becoming the most densely populated state in the world.
I've started getting so many Asian and Turkish immigrants I swear by now the average Texan must be the weirdest mystery meat mixture known to man.

Reminder if you play the electronic Jew you're a good goy.


That second one looks like Greg "I have nothing to offer but second-hand memories of the 1980s" Davies.

It's difficult lad.

REVEALED: British government doctors secretly sought to drug troublesome teenagers in the 1960s

Nothing worthwhile is easy. But I believe in you lad. You can make the difference in your life to make yourself a better, non-pozzed person.

Can I play map painting simulators.




Excellent post M8.


You from there, lad?

No. Boston suburbs.


Speaking of gaming.

At least apparently the story is non-cucked and it sounds interesting.

Boston, Lad.

trolling Holla Forums right now mates


This seems like important and frightening news. I haven't left the house or used social media in years. How are normies reacting?

Jerrycucks out tbh

Sam, I'm going to continue to ignore until you can act like a regular human being…

Home-made cider is superior to all, tbh.

kek wews getting angry is always funny



I was flicking through the TV when I had one and I was surprised that something like this is allowed to actually be put on TV
what the hell

Pornosec are doing their job.



Where do the faggots operate from? From the State of California, that's where they come from. Where do the faggots return to for sanctuary? To the State of California. And yet Mr. Inslee tells us, that shithole must have some say in our State.






Isn't that (((Channel 4)))? Not that BBC is a lesser evil.


Channel 4 get some of the Licence Fee money.

Lads, my massive man hands and adams apple don't give me away do they lads?

Fucking hell, I never even knew that.

dont worry about it ttpw

What the fuck.

What show is that?


Of course there is a black male white female coupling. A naked date show isn't bad enough already.

Get one then.

Next you'll be seeing articles on how his limp dick despite being in the presence of two women in the buff is proof of pervasive sexism on the telly.

Hosted by a dyke too.


At least she doesn't make it obvious, r-right?

Damn. Glad Woes can't debate him. He'd get destroyed.

Naked Attraction

Jesus fucking Christ

Thanks lad.

Marriage is hard, lads

Been looking for one that would be interested in night-time clam digging and Elk hunting, tbh.



My brain has been thrown into an scintillating mentation, cast afar into a deep reverie in the fields of rumination. One is directed to the realm of forms and crystalline ideation.


In the current year, would these women be described as "curvy"?

How did the guy react? I think the naked girl on the right is quite attractive. But I have a theory as one grows more disgusting, the lower one's standards in women are. So she might look wife material to me, but might look like a pigslut not worth a fiver in an alleyway to this young, health, athletic British man of African heritage.

I want to feel bad for them but I want to hate them because they're enabling this degeneracy.

I think she looks like shit to be honest. She has the standard fat arms, Netflix and snacks physique going on.

one thing you have to realise, is most of these dating programmes are a failure

At the end of the show, it usually says that they didn't see each other again

Based Voegelin

Even worse.

"I was oggled at by millions of people nude for virtually no reward other than my 15 minutes of pervert fame."

"pls marry me and take care of me but don't take care of me because I'm a strong woman and I don't need no man but if you actually do that I'll call you a bad husband so please accommodate my delusions that I'm independent when actually I rely on you for financial and emotional support almost entirely"


It's an improvement. Not that it took much.

Also note that about half of the shows have a gay or lesbian on.

You know that shock troops were trained to steal and use enemy equipment against them, right?

And that the club in his other hand confirms that he is part of the shock troops, right?

I posted some retarded, abbreviated version of what I was trying to post, lads.

Here's the real thing:

Is it just me or is 4chan's brit/pol/ much higher quality?

Only when Americans are posing tbh…tbf.

probably, it's been dire around here for a while and I haven't been to 4chong for ages.

Well, come back, lad. It's pretty good.

can you post "Jamie is a faggot" in the 4chan thread?

Do they have Gordon posting there?

Yeah, I can't stand the racists like UKIP either

Yes, now fuck off back there.

Last I checked people said it was infrequent and slow (read: dying) but laughed at Holla Forums posters pointing out caps of the worst of mummy posters and ignoring good content. Holy fuck I've just realised, maybe the two or three Brits that still post on 4chan Brit/pol/ made that thread here yesterday about nuking 8 Brit/pol/. They evidently want us to move back to cuckchan because it's dying and something like 90% JFs posting in it.

Cuckchan is cuckchan, it's so full of shit I doubt if 8brit/pol/ got nuked any of us would go back there

I like hugging fat people. Is this ok?

I've been following Trump for a while now and watching Fox News. If I ever saw this guy walking down the street, I think I'll give him a hug.

Why did they think that was a good idea for an ad? I don't think I'd want to buy that drink after seeing that.

Also; fun fact, "crossing the Rubicon," literally means that you're past the point of no return, are they trying to tell us something?

What books are to buy when if I want to get inside Shakespeare?

Sam, let's just hug it out…

During the intro music, we should just start to french kiss like real men


paris syndrome strikes again

Fucking kill yourself, you freak

Fuck off cunt

It's a fuckin game in a fantasy world in which you're literally a superhuman
it's pretty fuckin fun m8, learning to fight in such a way that you're basically dancing around an opponent is pretty fulfilling
Becomes actually important when fighting against enemies that regenerate.

You can turn the HUD off.

You haven't even played it ya cunt


Everything he's been saying digs him into a deeper hole.


who /blondie/ here

Actually happened.
Made me smile.

kill urself

Not /ElliMedeiros/ smh.

Americans have ruined this thread tbf

I've put a load of salt lines down lads, but I can''t relax.

know your feel mate, I feel everything as an insect when I'm in defcon 1

It was a quickly bastard, lad.


pretty solid milf

had a midge flying around my living room last night being a cunt, a moth suicided on me as well. I cannot leave my window open at night ever.

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not a Jerrycuck, just bored.

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Do NA have an NI branch?


u woot m8

Gotta love the language here.



She's coming back


Let me guess she will be trying to bring her turkish boyfriend in with her ?


Papist detected.

bitch needs te put some make up on and shut the fuck up

The tone of it suggests not

How about we


dozy cunt

What I don't get is how she intends to fund it. To live by the sea somewhere pleasant you will need 1K min to live a minimalistic lifestyle. Does teaching English online cover that?


Are the muzzies always this inept at flirting?


hey lads morning what did I miss?

Mo Farah's brother faces being kicked out of Britain and deported to war-torn Somalia - but fears he'll be killed if he is

Good morning, m8. Slow Sunday morning, tbh, so don't think you've missed very much.

Probably because Mohammed just ran faster than Ahmed.

why are Notting Hill residents so prejudiced?

Wow sending a somali to somalia, the humanity!

Somalia doesn't accept people who have been forcibly deported

Can you imagine it? A city negro suddenly thrown into the savage nature of Somalia?





yes chum

the fuck tbh lad

someone should remind Sarkozy we've owned Calais since before France as a state was born

Are there any banks or online wallet things suitable for NEETs?

higher quality of what?
most of the posters on cuckpols brit/pol/ are yanks who like doctor who

Can you stop replying to hours old posts like you did the other night, please?

tfw you will never go hiking on Dartmoor with AW

Good bank holiday so far.

There are rumours that Nige used to like the National Front (who didn't?), there was also a rumour that he respected Mosley (which I find odd considering the european nation and some of the economic policies - the culture and energy was good though I suppose). Maybe there's truth to it but Farage knows how to play politics.

Of course he knows. Trump and Farage have actually worked real jobs in their lives they can relate to the main issues much better, they also know what kikes are like in the working world.

who /metAWirl/ here

I'm not the same guy tbh


Speak english or die tbh


I'm a lenient guy but don't start.

wew, the alt-right has a tv show? pitch increases towards end of sentence till im practically squealing

I want to batter your face into the curb


Are you TTPW, lad?

That's disgusting, lad. Why?

idk, sometimes I get it if I hold a coin or something with two fingers, sometimes I shake when I give people money wew

Who /hashadtoomuchtothink/ here?

Why doesn't the child's mother take some responsibility?

I don't even understand the other two pictures



God I hate faggots

They've really upped the ante of degeneracy over the past couple of years. I'm sure their target audience is solely students and teenagers who think this stuff is "edgy" when it's the norm by the establishment standards.

I'd say they're probably worse than the BBC, the BBC try to keep their deviancy secrect to an extent, C4 and the kike exec is brazen about it.

Daily reminder on BBC:

We need Hulkamania to run wild on these media outlets.

Of course people don't care about that, but it will mean you'll be pressured more into getting a TV licence to see lesbians, fat nude people, niggers, miscegenation, anglophobia and whiote guilt. If you wish to change this from the inside you need not even apply, the BBC only put out applications for darkies.

Women are literally immortal, user

There was a case in the papers a few months ago where some bitch killed someone texting while driving, the police refused to press charges even for manslaughter

They aren't accountable for anything

I cringe every tiem.

Based Gender Dysphoria Bug

the worst part is how plastic and forced it all is


When I was in my teens I thought I was misshapen for some reason. When I clearly wasn't. The misshapen feeling wouldn't go away, despite being confirmed I was normal by a doctor, not until I got into my twenties. I was severely depressed and it wasn't until that cleared up that the sense of feeling misshapen lifted. I cannot help but think of trannies as like this. Mentally ill lunatics that heed not to reason and authority.

In what way?

generally believe transexualism is just crossdressing fetishism + mental illness

the general naive child my bodies changing am i normal shite most kids seem to go through
I didnt and i dont understand people that did but apparently its common

Women are overgrown children, they don't really get any more intelligent after the age of 15, they just learn how to be more manipulative. There was a damn good reason we didn't have women involved in politics and voting matters; they even tried it in Greece in the ancient times and reverted back to a patriarchy because the matriarchy was failing.

They've discarded their husbands, god and families because they've been duped to seek independence and power. Truly the way to hell as the results around you today can show.

The large nuclear family with a line of moral traditions and living is THE staple of a healthy and functioning society. I'm living proof, 4 GCSEs because I got kicked out of school, didn't go to uni and only did a year at college for a BTEC in IT because I hate academia, 25, in my own home, no debt.

These students who think they know better than their parents or have parents and families who simply don't care can fuck off, I've no sympaphy for them, they do not know how to truly live.

I thought I was fat in my early teens and worried about it all the time; can't understand why since, looking at old photos, I was a little chubby but nothing noticeable and now I'm slightly skinny if anything


Key word, that's exactly how I feel whenever I see an advert on channel 4 (I only watch The Simpsons at 6pm when I go around to my mum's).

It's basically instagram and twitter put onto a big moving screen.

I can't help but feel how pissed off and broken these people are going to feel when they get older, they thought they could get up there and be happy by being a degenerate, like the champagne socialists. They've been conned.



they need to embrace the cultural enrichment

lad, you're destroying your skin's natural protection and probably making it worse

keeping the peasants hopeful they can enter paradise is rudimentary in keeping the seething masses happy tbh

showering all the time will just make it worse tbh
and vasaline isnt really that great for skin conditions, you should consider it like putting a petroleum based scab on your skin

E45 mate.

alright I'll shower less I guess

is that like diprobase?

the fucked up thing is it only goes crazy when I visit my dad


Could be something in the environment there like mould


yeah probably


you know that meme applies to wogs who were never kings ye?


I guess it just doesnt spring to mind that the whole reason we beat them everytime was literally because we were quality and they were quantity

Have you got an article for some context? I love showing stuff like this to liberals.

So many people have written on the phenomenon, it's unreal. Of course the Fenchies, Germans and Italians will try to argue against this with "muh liberalism" as if they're any better today or try and say their own liberalism is all our fault somehow. They could make a stronger case for "hurr shit cuisine" than they could anything else.

Fact of the matter is, aside from Egyptian, Babylonian, Ancient Greek and Roman; Anglo history, culture and society are the only ones I really give a shit about. I don't disrespect the others, but I of course favour our own and find their ways to be weird.

I pray for the day we all return to traditions and truly make this the greatest place to live again, like it once was and can be again.





Is there a good quality PDF to download, or even a decent physical copy to buy for cheap? I find things like this far more interesting than the new "why we're better than niggers" books.

Why do british people hate us so much? we hate americans too

It's just banter tbh lad

Our food is amazing tbh roast dinners, full english, pies, pasties, puddings, list goes on and on and not much compares

the average person doesn't hate germans until he meets them. they really are more beaten down and broken spirited than perhaps any other nationality i've met. just depressing to be around


generally just dislike some of your creamy milky frog inspired foods oh and your commies are some of the worst in the west

denazification was the most overboard brainwashing ever seen it's completely removed them of any sense of banter and they have a constant guilt complex now


oh yeah that too
the ethnomasochism levels among the average german is stupendous

dog save the queen

i am eternally grateful to not be a german for that reason alone

Meh I don't hate Germans apart from the fact that they're autistic and have an inferiority complex.

There was this one German guy in my school and he flipped his shit everytime you said anything related to nazi germany. I once described his haircut as a "skinhead" and he attacked me. Another time I used the word blitzkrieg to describe something and he flipped his shit again.

Fucking autistic is what they all are.

with that i bid you gents good night

oh that too
its like losing WW2 created a form of dysgenics that increased the level of autism in the german population

lol what the hell..

Its nearly 11AM lad


The PDF from here seems decent enough user, I would avoid the other formats and just convert them yourself if you want to use an ereader though

I've never hated Germans tbh, I've rather liked every one I've met. But the self-hatred is a bit much. (I had a German friend I worked for flip his lid because I asked him about folk music from his city).

Fair enough, have a nighty night moggy

We don't hate you, you're just overly sensitive, humourless, you can be creepy, you have a massive Turk problem, your lefties are probably even worse than ours, you have mama merkel, you make it so everybody has to reserve the best sun loungers.

I'd be more than happy to temporarily take in some good Germans and then Harris your whole country filled with turks, lefties and our lefties, if that's any consolation.

I do like Bavarians though.

All the Germans I've met have been left wing zealots. They've mostly been exchange students though, and all exchange students from Europe are lefty cunts so I don't hold it against them

Oh and Germans are manic fuckers when it comes to staking out sunbeds at 3 in the morning

Yeah I played Dota 2 with a German guy once and he was extremely anal about everything.

Literally kept saying it for the next 30 minutes like I'd broken his programming.

If Asperger's was a country, it would be Germany

Germans try way too hard in all aspects, apart from that relatively none of them try to show any self-pride or confidence, because the only German men with balls died in the world wars

I suppose I could've gotten off lucky lad, I never went to uni so I've only met them through work and Dota like


Nice. Just looking at the titles of the chapters I think I'm going to enjoy this, I've always hammered the point here that the education system and how we bring up kids is one of the most important issues of our time.

considering how evil the stasi were its probably not difficult to imagine some germans have programming

I forgot to mention that blaming WW2, the US and UK for ALL or even most of your problems gets a bit boring.

wasn't really worth it over poland though

bureaucracy replaced common decency with them
they like rulebooks and guidelines instead of unspoken laws and rules

Excuse me, lad, but non-Brits don't get to use "lad". Except maybe the Irish.

Nah I just think it's their psychology. They're very analytical and organised whereas Anglo's are more eccentric. Not saying that Anglo's don't analyse or organise, but from the way Germans organise their society they seem to like planning and bureaucracy and cataloging to an almost autistic degree.

Like that old cariacture of the German colonies, where every Giraffe is numbered and every animal tamed to walk in exact uniformity. And that image of a German colonist riding a tamed Zebra. Just seems like they embodify "Ordnung."

I wonder how life was in German Africa, if anyone could get the wogs to work it'd be them

I disagree completely. If you were around the average Brit most of them are actually racist. Even the labour voters. People who live here know what I mean. You ever met a stereotypical northerner who votes labour because he hates the tories but fondly remembers paki bashing as a teenager?

A lot of them started voting BNP for a while. Some stupidly went back to the labour party, I imagine some stayed and some probably went to UKIP (if they didn't join the BNP).

Here's a question. UKIP won't approve membership of former NF and BNP members, how do they even check this?

They genocided a bunch of Namibians for rebelling and forced them into the desert to starve and dehydrate to death. Their colonial troops were pretty well trained though. When they went to find the Askaris that served in the Imperial German Army to retroactively give them pensions, I heard not a single one failed to properly perform the manual of arms when ordered in German.


They also put down a revolt in East Africa with scorched earth tactics only a few years after their colony started

So is there going to be a next big thing we can help the cause with? Hasn't really been any British happenings for a while now. Getting a bit bored.

I don't think they do, they just take your word.

Probably when Article 50 gets triggered that'll rustle the jimmies of a lot of people, would be good banter for us

Other than that, barring a MAJOR HAPPENING like war or natural disaster or economic disaster, we're /comfy/ until 2020

What did you lads get in your A levels this year?

I'll start:

Not going to university because that's a waste of time and money.

Reminder 7/7, the last successful attack that actually felt like a terrorist attack, was 11 years ago.

It made me laugh when Rees-Mogg went up north and tried speaking to them if they'd ever vote Tory over labour, some lads said they were voting BNP lel.

I don't understand it entirely, I know the tories are cucks but it's not like labour didn't close more mines up North under Wilson than Thatcher did.

The commies just knew how to use real-politic to spread memes and ideas amongst the people up there without directly mentioning Marx, Lenin, means of production or any of that crap. Joe Owens mentioned a book once which detailed the methods used, it slips my mind what it was at the moment. It is frightening how close we could have come to turning commie at some parts of our history though.

It's been two months in the middle of the Summer since Brexit, probably the biggest British political event yet in most of our lifetimes.

I thinks you've become a bit desenitised to political events tbh

Why did you even bother?

So what you doing instead? Based Bricklayer?

Well you did better than me, don't even have A levels


I have tbh. Got a bit depressed and dejected about seeing those new stats on new births (something like a quarter or a third of new births are to foreign-born women). Also that the populist-nationalist right on the Continent are gaining more than UKIP over here. Admittedly we got Brexit so maybe I just need to change my perspective about it.

How to stay comfy user? I'm always worrying about the future and whether we're going to make it.

Our security services seem to be on top of things. Also we have the Channel.

It seems probable there'll be another recession of some sort before 2020

Lad I got 4 GCSEs, a BTEC in IT from one year in college, fucked around on JSA for a while, did work with my dad on the side for a bit to pay my way at home, ended up getting put on a business admin apprenticeship at age 23, 25 in information analysis (I fucking hate it though) and have my own home.

I'm going to learn plastering, tiling and plumbing on the weekends with a friend though so hope to shift careers in the near future.

Don't fall for the academia meme, unless you're going into mathematics, chemistry or physics. Even then you could self teach yourself while you're a NEET.

Our nations were largely built on creativity and innovation, entrepeneurship and hard graft; not pencil pushing and intellectualism.

It's shit lad but remember half our migrants are Europeans so half or probably underhalf the foreign-born babies are at least hwhite

Merchant navy officer cadet.
Training to be a third mate, officer of the watch.

So I could pass my A levels.
Sponsor company and college only wanted passes.

Well done.

University really is a depressing thing.

People were going to it from my 6th form purely because they wanted to fuck around doing nothing for three years but smoking dope and shagging girls have the uni experience.

Load of nonsense.


Just think of how endulgent that is.

Glad they will be crippled with debt

You know that Uni debt in the UK is really not that bad? You have to be earning a certain amount to even start to pay it off (and it's highly unlikely that these spastics will be earning enough) and it gets written off after a certain amount of time.

Give me a large and stable family who laugh with each other and no debt any day of the week. I'll admit I've shagged some birds when I was young and went out in town but I never put up with any of that drama bullshit that stupid cucks put themselves through with girls these days; I've not really had a meaningful relationship with any woman since I was 20.

I grew out of going into bars and chatting women up pretty quickly when I knew there was something better and less nihilistic to life.

Uni is free outside of England, all the hippies in Wales etc got their fun on tax payers dime

Yeah I know, non-EU migration peaked in 2004, thank god.

So I guess just wait until 2020, where I guess our goal will be to help UKIP gain something like 20-50 seats. Or a new party if UKIP falls apart, which it might but I think Diane James will win the Leadership contest and be a good enough caretaker for the party. And if UKIP does re-organise and get a grassroots organisation it'll behoove us to try and put forward good policies and help shift UKIP in the right direction.

I wouldn't be surprised lad

We (the British people) are going to make it, roughly 100 million people worldwide are racially Anglo, and nothing I can imagine will kill all of them.

We (the British nation) are probably going to make it, we're lucky that we have a monarchy because monarchies are inherently right wing patriots and most of the UK's top generals are patriotic too. Plus, we've pretty much got at least 10 years of conservative government guaranteed which is better than if it was Labour.

We (Western Civilization) are fucked but we've been fucked since about the 1950's so there's nothing really we can do now other than try to slow it's collapse.

Start preparing lad, learn how to fix objects and people and you'll never go hungry. Start stockpiling hygiene products and move away from the cities if possible.

Everyone knows true /comfy/ lifestyle is living in a big house in the countryside with a nice bit of skirt and safe in the knowledge that whatever happens you'll be alright while normies in the cities suffer.

Yep, a lot of them fall for that catchphrase; hearing them parrot it is even worse.

We need an Ebola crisis or something equivalent kicking off somewhere in Africa or Asia
Millions of people will die in the UK thanks to our non-xenophobic immigration policy

It's nothing like the US unfortunately where going to uni costs hundreds of thousands.

Big house in the country will set you back a million quid. You will also be isolated an vulnerable.

Americas fucked but Europe has been yo-yoing between dark ages and enlightenment periods for about 5000 years at least
I'm not so sure about the continent but Britain will endure
we always weather the storm

he's not a granny mate. the cities are way more vulnerable when the war comes tbh you'll be right in the thick of it unable to find food or water

Vulnerable to what?

We just hate your braindead robot-faced women and over-seriousness about everything.

I love going to Germany, though. Comfy as fuck.

My sister is in her early 30s and has nearly paid hers off, she's a teacher though and has done relatively well in her job. 1 year to go to get a master's degree and she could be a headteacher if she wanted.

Any debt students have is down to their retarded financial management. Maybe they'd know how to budget properly if they asked their parents how to do it or read a worthwhile book for a change. You don't even have to be an economic whizz to avoid it.

Of course the nu-males are less hardy at planning now because they're too pig-headed to ask someone who knows form help and are more effeminate.

To the joys of splendid isolation.

Easy pickings for the roving bands who have risen to the top of the inner city conflicts. People think harsh conditions will weaken the organism, in fact it means the strongest ones survive.

What you planning on studying lad?

They felt like a waste of time.
If I wasn't doing what I'm doing now I wouldn't have taken them in hindsight.

The funny thing is I'm going to places where you can buy women for the price of a bootleg DVD.
Some of the biggest shitholes in the world where being white means you have money/the opportunity to escape whatever shitheap you've found yourself in.

If I wanted to I could have STD ridden sex with a bunch of ayy lmaos and I'd still come out more knowledgeable about the world than the average uni student.

Really though don't have sex with them they'll ruin your life

I'll grant a country house is unrealistic but I can tell you there's millions in the cities and suburbs who are completely fucking useless and would die like beached dolphins if shit hit the fan tbh

I'm going to start asking them what they mean when they say it and then mock them when I get the inevitable responses. It's great having some success and property to your name because you can throw it in their shit eating faces just like they try to throw their "educated" title in your face.

I really hate students.

In the country people have firearms

In the cities people have frappachinos

Oh and I forgot to mention, irrespective of party politics we'll have to continue educating people. Metapolitics is always important and in some ways is more lasting than party politics. Gotta have the State-In-Waiting before you can affect real change. Not to mention a cultural shift is important, which would probably come most quickly from the belligerence of Islam.

Thanks lad, I just don't like seeing us lower in proportion over time. I mean we're not literally dying out I know, and its largely down to population growth from immigration that our proportions are dropping.

Could be worse

It's what you have that will make you a target.



Lad in the city your chances of survival are close to none at least you have a chance being away from it all


I did mediocre and even missed one of my exams from anxiety and stress. I think I got a mixture of A's, B's, C's and D's. I'm going to university to do a History degree though, still got in to an average one. Brit/pol/ can meme all they want but literally everyone I've consulted who isn't a NEET on an imageboard says it's a good idea to have a degree. While I'm there I'm gonna pursue my true passion, writing.

I have a tonne of ideas but one I've been writing a lot about lately is about a neo-nazi Brit who inexplicably ends up in 1930's Germany after a drugs/weed/alchohol binge. He manages to get an audience with Hitler and is at first ignored as insane when he tries to explain what will happen in the coming years. Soon enough though, Hitler realises his predictions were completely correct and upon his election orders the stranger to be found and brought to him. They find him sleeping rough on the streets of Berlin, but he is of utmost importance to the Fuhrer. Throughout the rise of Nazi Germany Hitler begins to doubt whether it is his own doing, or he's subconsciously doing what the stranger has told him will happen. He becomes dependent on the Brit's advice which leads him to avoid many of the mistakes of the war, and develop a nuclear weapon. The Brit rationalises it all as saving lives, if the war ends quickly with a German victory the horrors of Communism and the Cold War will be avoided. He pleads for Britain to be dealt with leniently but Hitler nukes London and in the chaos Operation Sealion is successful. The swastika flies over Britain and the SS administration prepares England for Germanisation. Melbourne, Vladivostok and Calcutta fall to the Imperial Japanese Army. The protagonist wracks his mind to convince himself it was worth it. He convinces the Fuhrer to allow him travel to Britain ostensibly to help the administration integrate the province, but escapes from his bodyguard to return to his home village. He's shocked to be treated as a pariah by the people there, who scream upon seeing him and run into their homes, locking the doors. He tries to find his old house and any relatives, but the doors are locked and every window shut, with no amount of screaming or banging causing a stir inside. Two SS bodyguards who have been tracking him since he escaped approach. They reveal that he was a major figure in allied wartime anti-German propaganda, and that the people have been 'fed lies' about him for all the years of war. They begin to hear chants and try to leave the village, but a large mob blocks them. The SS men point their machineguns at the crowd but they don't budge. More and more people begin to surround them, armed with clubs, knives, and chairs. (Brits were disarmed upon a German victory during the brutal surpressing of the Home Guard and resistance.) The SS men order them to move aside, and that if they don't their entire village will be levelled by aerial bombing and the survivors machinegunned. The crowd still doesn't budge. The Brit falls to his knees and the book ends.

tl;dr Jerrycucks fuck off.


First job if shtf is to leave the city, I know where I'm going.

Prepare to be sorely disappointed.

*Claps proudly*

so diverse :'D

I enjoy it in itself so I don't care if it goes nowhere. I'm pretty sure I can write something that sells though. Just throw some trannies and liberal shit in there then spread it on the internet.

Will sell easy lad.

Why does the man on the left appear twice?

Tons of mainstream material out there on why getting a degree is a bad decision unless you're going to a very good uni

Just what the world needs

Not really a career

Ancient History: A
History: A
Politics: A

You'll end up like Gord, he did a degree in creative writing too…


why am i such a failure

He did say he's going for a History degree, so maybe he can become a history teacher,

The roads will be clogged up. Even if you get there there will be other city dwellers who had the same idea. Everyone who thinks like that will be in the shit.


It was actually last year, I'm at Uni now :^)

Reminder that we replaced Morris dancing and Jack-on-the-Green with this

That's why I have less trodden paths out of the city at my disposal. A full day of humping it and I'll be clear for good.

>tfw I got 2 As and 2 A*s

Everyone's done WW2 alternate history.
If I were you I'd do WW1 alt history.
Use the Kaiserreich universe and focus on the life of a character in that world.
There's so many possibilities for stories to tell there.

I usually find nigs repulsive but damn

Law, it just seemed like the natural career path considering my options.

Literally a mickey-mouse subject


Well done lad

What university you thinking of going to?

We all know this will be what he ends up teaching.

Learn a trade, how will knowledge of history and 50K of debt help you in later life?

What job are you thinking of doing?

It was 2 years ago

I go to Oxbridge

Fuck you I got four S+ grades (super plus)

It's better than A :)


I got a software dev job, start in a couple of weeks.

Know someone that got a place at Cambridge by applying to take Norwegian studies.

He didn't get the grades for it in the end so it made up for the endless gushing of his parents before then about how marvellous he was for managing to get a place there. Completely ignoring the fact that its a fluff course and he's half Norwegian anyway.

Can I borrow a fiver?

Yeah, but a degree from Cambridge is a degree from Cambridge.






Do this user
Go to
the 3% solution…and use this to clean your skin. Then apply the following

You may need to mix it with
…dilute this in warm water and apply to your skin twice a day and drink a small amount in warm water daily. It's foul but worth it. It expels toxins from the body

Watch these clips of Vladimir Putin. Posting because it's a nice little collection

I was going to respond to this but already said what I was going to.

Your idea isn't uninteresting but it's ill-timed to start putting out even more anti-Nazi material.

You can make the case this way and that for degrees (I wouldn't recommend them) but if you're set on university, don't do it for writing.


Are you planning on making any decent posts ITT, lad?

Prepare to be disappointed

I'm not putting peroxide on my skin lad…

At least a third of my posts are of the high quality variety

Why lad?

Bow down to me


Teenage girls get 60 likes and at least 10 "wowowow so pretty" comments without even trying lad

Step up your game

Fucks sake lads why cant you let me win for once in my life

now a lecturer

I will bow down then jump up really fast plunging my ninjustu into your chin

Normies out

I think you need to read about it m8

I'm giving you advice from experience

You have nothing to fear Mr. Jackson

I will never belong


fresh Gordon

I'm still a bit of a crypto normie tbh, I just dont have fb.

Everyone knows one lad like is worth 10 lass likes

This is the most feminine form of thinking I've ever come across.

Stop being a fag and get rid of facebook, get a phone and put the contacts of your few friends and family you have, that's sufficient enough.



Lel, why is Scotland always BTFO?


You what?

Whats the most feminine form of thinking you've ever come across


I already knew that the cunts spamming this jerrycuck D&C shit were autistic faggots. This pathetic story just confirm it tbh

Stumbled upon this. Thoughts?

They will demand reparations from us and it will cover their debts and more

Congrats lad, I concede. What in?

He seems to have gotten a lot slimmer lately.


Probably the best candidate to succeed Sam as "guy responsible for every shooting"


Could be good banter tbh



Who /civicriflefencer/ here?

Pakis BTFO

You'll have to forgive me lad Im in work so cant shitpost as much as you NEET's



Nah immigration from Anglo and white countries would keep our culture and demographics too stable for them.

Why does he have to obscure every vaguely interesting part of his life and just talk about bullshit?


Black Grandmother defies convention to sell Golly dolls in effort to reclaim black heritage

Pretty dapper tbh.

ov vey what happened to my beloved britain

Lad Disrael was a good Jew tbh

dont say that lad you'll trigger the dutch

He was better than Gladstone, I'll give him that.

Engineering lad

I don't have a-levels
I was a mature student so got unto uni as an open access student. Still, got a first from Manchester so it worked out ok

Would gas in a heartbeat tbh

Stop being coy. A degree in Norwegian studies from anywhere is not going to be valued fucking ANYWHERE.

…pick one


What about McDonalds? It's got to count for something

This needs to be shilled to the mainstream to generate more interest and exposure. If we're being stuck with a pbs then we're gonna damn sure try and get the best out of it.

Sorry pajeet, you're not needed, too many of you here already.


If you need a degree that proves you're competent to work at mcdonalds then I really don't know what to say tbh, it speaks for itself.

Is doing a maths degree from a mid tier uni worth the debt lads?


What do you mean by mid-tier? Maths is a great degree that can give you earning potential and lots of career options.


tbh I guess it's good we had Disraeli since it no politician in the future can come to power claiming to be Britain's "first minority PM" since that title's already held by a hyper imperialistic Jew.

Same with female prime ministers.

Jesus he's getting old.

But Jews are white lad!

We need our first POC PM now!

My hopes are on Spear Chukka Umma and Saddick Khan

I'm still laughing at how they were endlessly going on about le anglokiek in and outside their threads then went strangely quiet after someone posted that stuff about Amsterdam bringing Jews to England. Chat shit, get hit tbh

Has anyone noticed we haven't seen kikemarez on any vids or hangouts lately?

Kek i think that was me tbh
they kept going on about it until I remembered some flowcharts and pdfs published by a yank poster about the rothschilds getting their bank of england from William of Orange and then it all kind of stopped

Hows it going lads?

He's at the gym all the time.

I missed that, sounds good.

RE: Disraeli, he was hit and miss. When dealing with a kike you can do a hell of a lot worse.

Thanks for the link, I swore that I read it before but couldn't find it anyway. Guess the Chosen got it taken down.

To be fair I think it's one raging autist who spams most of the anglo stuff


You want an immigrant crime map lads?
I think we need to make a website like this for Britain tbh

jesus germany isnt even on the map
its just a red blob of rape and assault

Gave me a chuckle tbh.
Did they ban your trip ttpw?

This says it all tbh.
Good idea though.

Why is Scotland so anti-ISIS if it's voting socialist every election?


These maps are a bit of a shit argument tbh. It just shows the correlation or urban, more populated areas really.

fuck off woes

she fell for the exotic man meme and got culturally enriched
she can sit in her mess and stew in it tbh

all muzzies are creepy rapists

Fuck you

'BREAKING: Germany's economy minister says free trade talks between the European Union and the United States have failed.'


I feel bad for the guy she traps.

lose weight manlet boy

Do you really think a man of his calibre sits around all day posting on brit pol?


Then break them all down by ethnicity and it's not such a shit argument.

Whats the best documentary on Trump?

yes he shills here constantly


Fuck off woes.


Woes is based



t. woes

I like his normal vids usually, but streams are a bit too autistic for me to sit through tbqh

Post yfw Woes has a hot gf and you don't

lol, this vid is great

>want to live in a smallish town by the sea where there are few immigrants presumably

Outright racist tbh.

Are you feeling like you've missed the point of life, modern woman? Getting broody?

an old granny isn't a hot gf, woes

Fug it. Tea, toast and Wews it is then.


She needs to stay in Turkey.

I don't understand how she has a mini army of white knights who lap up her cunny juice with every retarded video

What is so appealing about this idiot?

And she has no kids right? Just a string of "English Pakistani" and Turkish boyfriends



I think they like that she is in their league.
no point whiteknighting a glamour


tbh I look at most early Millennial/late Gen X Brit men and can understand why she wouldn't have got married to one. Our culture is so deeply flawed now, and few are prepared to reject it.


women shouldnt roam tbh that was the past time of rich gentlemen

Is this TTiP down?

Men are based. Everytime I read about an English explorer he always manages to have a wife and kids while going out and conquering peaks or mapping the poles.


Thoughts on Bakunin?

thats because he has a dream and the empire allowed him to pursue that dream
while the woman had her comfort and content provided by husband and the safety and luxury of the empire

feel sorry for the cats tbh, these types anthropomorphize their pets out of loneliness


There is an excellent chapter in european and american anarchists in The Proud Tower by Barbara Tuchman. Really insightful. Basically

childish tbh

She's getting a RABBIT not a CAT

even worse
the poor thing will silently starve to death a week after Mohammed breaks up with her and she opens her wrists in the bathtub

They just need to read the Bible tbh.

She's had a nervous breakdown

More than that.
They need to go to church.

Oh they will, you're underestimating the desperation of beta's.


Yeah, she's a woman.
She'll always find someone to listen to her problems.
In 10 years, maybe not


I hate her lads.


Lucy Moon.

Owens Jones is back, hows the navy thing going?

I hate you lads


so you didn't go to prison for Owned Jones song?



How did you get a guitar and computer into the gulag lad?

Nice lad, glad to know you haven't been banged up yet

Is it because she's going to get


at Notting Hill?



White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started White people: go to Notting Hill Carnival this weekend, but don’t forget why it started

Have you been talking to her?

I'm on bail right now.
Have to teach Somalian children how to apply for state benefits as a condition for staying free.

Start college in less than a month.

I know that in all fairness the video is actually against all this shit but this entire screenshot almost perfectly captures my vision of absolute hell

no thanks

children im guessing

I wasn't sure if you shat yourself or if you were actually doing the navy stuff tbh.



i found her a place she can be at home and feel safe



19 year old Somalians are children.
Stop being so fucking ageist and get with the times.

Merchant navy isn't the royal navy.
You're working for private firms as an officer rather than the military.

Pay's much better, leave's much better and you get to actually do something useful as opposed to picking up Africans in ribs to transport them to their new European taxpayer funded homes.


Where can she get a home by the sea where the men are single straight men with jobs?

Wasn't sure what navy it was again so i just said navy, tbh lad.

No just from that one video. I watched it several times and every time it got worse. The start where she decides to get a taxi just because her suitcase handle won't come up like a lazy wasteful fucking cunt, her childlike mental state, her castrated eunuch harem guards, the ethnicity and diversity panel of upjumped double digit IQ wogs and pakis complaining about racist media, renowned whore Savannah Brown with her boyfriend who looks like has advanced autism. Concentrated eyebleach. Let me tell you if she attacked me unprovoked I would destroy her. Quick elbow to her crimson chin then one hard punch to the abdomen and she'd be down immediately. Her 110k youtube subscribers can't save her now. She'd be completely at my mercy. Let's see how high and mighty you feel when the lines are drawn and you're sucking air in through broken ribs.

right here of course

SS-GB did it better.

Also, NEVER EVER will you be a writer.

You can thank your anxiety and stress on the atomised new world order society that the jerries were trying to save you from.

Mentally ill lone wolf yells "HAPPY EASTER MUPPETS!!!" as he accidentally stabs elderly couple with a banned rabbit shaped chocolate spoon

Based Pakis

smh another failing in mental health support

Why are all these nationalists so happy over the idea of being ruled by Germans?

The Jerries weren't trying to save anybody. The Jerries are the reason life is awful today. The Jerries destroyed the Empire and got 25 million Europeans killed, as well as destroying their own nation. Hitler should never have been born.

why are germans so violent smh

its their fault we declared war on them

no tbh that was the yanks
Atlantic Charter lad, theres a section which the yanks put in that said no alliance until we gave 'democracy' to all our colonies
thats what dismantled the empire lad


but muh pan-white race
accept poles into your country, they're huwhite to me!

its their fault we signed the atlantic charter
its their fault we ignored their peace offer after dunkirk
its their fault we allied with the ussr :

Which one of you bullys did this

Which video are you talking about lad?

You probably like Daniel Hannan a lot, don't you?

Its our fault they had a secret agreement with Russia to split up Polish land between them.


While I do agree with the fact we should have gone to war with the Krauts we played a huge role in our own dismantling and the Yanks do more then the Krauts.

huh, they both attacked poland but we allied with the jewish bolshevik state

damn those jerries!

Empires rise and fall.

Britain had to give the best bits of the Empire up anyway (Eastern possessions) for a bunch of reasons. Would have been nice if we'd been able to keep Hong Kong though. The PRC doesn't deserve it.

They also invaded Czechoslovakia.
They also invaded other sovereign countries.

They made several outrageous territorial demands and then outright invaded Poland. They can fuck off completely. Hitler had every intention of war with England and France and the Soviet Union.

We wouldn't have had to sign the Atlantic Charter if we weren't being killed by the thousands by German bombings and starved into submission through Submarine warfare, while dirty fucking Japs tortured Brits in POW camps and licked their lips at the thought of raping their way through Australia and New Zealand.

The Soviets were never our ally. They were the enemy of our enemy for the war and that's all out of pragmatism.

Love bite horror as teen dies 'after girlfriend's hickey formed blood clot that travelled to brain causing stroke'

yeah the USSR never invaded anyone did they?

boo hoo they took back their ethnic land that was denied from them in the versailles treaty

Jesus christ lads just drop it. We all know what happens when you mention the war. Shills and shitposters, no actual discussion.



Get fucked normalfag


We were very lenient when they were reversing the Treaty of Versailles, even when they invaded Czechoslovakia, a sovereign nation.
Poland was the final straw, because Hitler kept breaking his promises of stopping. We didn't know when or if he'd stop invading,


why are these people on Holla Forums? how did they get here?

Our international reputation was also at stake.


reversing it would be reversing it, it was completely unjust, he would have stopped when he got that land back duh

Sorry lad you're right actually. We should've accepted the trustworthy Uncle Hitler's peace dela after Dunkirk, who never broke none agression pacts or invaded sovereign countries, just let him conquer all of Europe I'm sure Britain will be fine once he masters the continent. Not a megalomaniac or anything. Let them get nukes too.

Why are people who want Britain to be German on Brit/pol/?

Even Mosley never argued that. At his most extreme he argued we should've been neutral. Half the people in this thread literally believe we should've surrendered or if we lost the war life would've been better.

Fuck off.


heheheh….fucking lugenpress at it again…
More than 1,000 rapes and sex attacks have been reported in London schools in four years

Then why did he invade non-Germanic land?

No it wasn't. They lost a war they lose land. You can't just get it back because it's unfair, boohoo the poor Germans. Fuck off give me a break. Look up the Treaty of Brest Litovsk and tell me Versailles was unfair.

moralcuck is on LBC now, already getting angry about interruptions after 30s

I felt like it was more that tbh
I know France was very stiff about giving back territory and german aggression but for us it was more like 'yeah ok the original terms are a bit mean, you can have czechslovakia and austria but dont go for danzig we mean it this time, we signed a treaty and you know we always honour our treatise'
' oh great you broke the treaty, now we Have to go to war'
we are the empire that entered WW1 literally just because Belgium was threatened ffs

then maybe they shouldnt have marched into belgium in 1914

Exactly, we should have been neutral, we should have accepted peace, we shouldn't have faught the fucking war.

Wow look at me what a traitor

What non-germanic land did he invade before our decleration of war?


Nice strawman. No-one thinks that, we think Britain should have stayed neutral and not sacrificed thousands of British lives to protect Poland

the polish bit before danzig

I asked what NON-germanic land.

Found you Kraut

arent poles slavs?

Poland and Czechoslovakia were not Germanic. They had some small Germanic territories, but that was it. He didn't have to agree to split the entirety of Poland up.

Who do you think should own Alsace-Lorraine?

Prague has been Czech for over 1000 years you historical illiterate.

He also invaded Slovakia. Guess they are just ancient Germans aren't they.

Honestly lad where do you draw the line?

Hitler coerces and invades FOUR different sovereign nations, and then you want to let him invade the Soviet Union, then he would dominate the entire continent. What happens when he gets nukes?

the Swiss

W E W, make way Celto-Saxon scum

Germany asks for German speaking areas stolen to be reintegrated into Germany
Germany fights same globalists trying to stiff the world today
Germany gave us rocket science
US drops nuclear weapons
US not megalomaniacs
Globalist tool USSR not megalomaniacal
British Empire not megalomaniacal either tbh

Then we all become nazis, what a beautiful world


we dont care, im sure many of the gugher ups at the time didnt care either
the important point is just like with the molotov-ribbentrop pact he broke his word on what he swore on on a piece of paper so war

go back to france you snail sucking porridge wog

Fought* it was a typo get over it.

And yet they took the lot
Nope they were funded by them
Point being?
Different countries different people lad

Stefan Molyjew says none of this is an argument



Google the Bromberg massacre Chaim.

Has Farage commented at all on Hillary's "alt right" speech calling him a misogynist and Russian agent?

Farage should just hit her back on her own connections to the Russians and all the things she sold them, including US secrets.

You called?









