ANOTHER white male General fired by Obama over a "sex scandal." He headed up the EU's Russia wing

ANOTHER white male General fired by Obama over a "sex scandal." He headed up the EU's Russia wing.

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Leading a swinger lifestyle is not grounds for dismissal. He can sue the fuck out of them.

Infedelity is against the Army Officer code of conduct. It's a technicality obviously, so it's obvious they are purging him.

Promotion of debauchery at all costs to the lower levels.
Eliminating White men at all costs on the higher levels.

Where are these people going, anyway? Surely they can't just allow themselves to get purged like that, you'd have to actually kill them like the 20th century surely?

Personally I think he just won't start war with Russia, so they made this shit up as an excuse.

Adultery is a big problem in the military. Such could be used as blackmail to turn a lowly soldier or general into an intelligence asset for the enemy.

But.. notice how the only generals who "commit adultery" are always men holdng an important command, who otherwise had stellar careers?

Yea thats not the type that is going to fuck up so stupidly. He was probably running interference to the ridiculous antirussian rhetoric.

It's more than a technicality even a lowly private found guilty of adultery will face stern punishment up to and including brig time followed by bad conduct discharge depending on how egregious the behavior was.

But a guy in this mans position… I dont but it.

so how many top military guys is this now over the course of king nigger's last 4 years that have been fired for some bullshit charges whilst king ifififififi himself and his staff commit various acts of treason, perjury, war crimes via drone, etc.

taking bets on this guy's replacement being a nigger, spic, tranny or faggot

That would be my guess.

maybe they just secretly kill them


You don't think a guy with money, status, and power would have an extramarital affair? Did any of these guys do anything about the pointless sandnigger adventurism? Or the southern border?

So where's the immediate assumption of integrity coming from?

Youd think..

But then you have the following scenarios
And less likely:

Infedility is considered breaking the marriage contract and faith with your wife. As their relationship was one in which sex outside of the marriage was agreed upon it was not technically infidelity.

They are simply transforming the federal military into an organization that will carry out the actions necessary to maintain an imperial, multi-ethnic society rather than our previously homogeneous nation of free citizens.

I really don't want WW3

Why do they want WW3 so badly?

personally they are just going to kill whitey

thats what they do when they lose confidence or power

they force everyone to get in line behind the government because of an external threat, kings and queens used to do it all the time

have a fake war between royal cousins or whatever to keep the plebs in line

The longer they wait the stronger the eastern bloc of Russia/China/Iran will grow, particularly with how our society is increasingly degenerating due to the multiculturalism being pushed. They will not accept anything less than global hegemony so their best bet is to kick it off now.

On face value you have a point but:

Even as a general not much you can do about the adventurism.. Those orders come from above.

Two of the most revered generals of the last 100 years did just that.. they realized what they were taking part of and became voc about how wrong it was. One was outright murdered and the other died a horrible and drawn out death after most likely being poisoned.

RIP in pieces Generals Patton and Puller

That is part of it, yes. The historic American nation won't like what is coming. Whether they still have the balls to fight it when it becomes apparent to even the most ignorant among them is yet to be determined.

Suspend elections because full blown war. Trump doesn't get elected and prosecute them for treason.

Yeah, I'm not really interested in the excuses anymore.

remember the red team vs blue team stuff that some user went on about?

Then why dont you grab your gun and do something? Whats that? You got an excuse? Thought so.

Its my hope these ex-generals are competent enough to collude together and go coup at the right fucking time.

Dempsey hinted that there was a pro-Russian section pushing against the adventurism after he was forced into retirement.

Same reason you don't – because the communist MILITARY will kill me.

Dempsey is a clown himself.

Well Swinging per definition is based on the mutual agreement of both parties in a relationship or marriage to have sex with others. Hence it's not infidelity under any definition. Infidelity is dependent on the other party disapproving of the act or that the act is done without the knowledge of the other. Take obongo nigger to court.

Is there any fucking way that Trump can stop this shit from happening?

What happened after WWII? (((They))) gained more power and control than they have ever had. WWIII will be the final hurdle for total subversion and dominance of world populations under the (((chosen))) leadership.

The fallout of WWII created the UN as we know it. The third contrived war will create bonds not even Heracles could break.

Here's a novel idea – soldiers could start refusing war orders. Totally mind blowing, right?

The complete lack of agency this board proscribes to ZOGbots who go along with this bullshit is staggering.

Dont forget about General Smedley-Butler too.

Blew the whistle on an attempted fascist coup by US Industrialists (said to involve Bush 41 father) against FDR

So let me guess he was against being tol militant to Russia and didn't want both sides to escalate to a war? The replacement will end up violent or listen willingly to his handlers.

Not unless he goes full Caesar. Hopefully meme magic is actually real and the god emperor stuff works

meant for

Here's a novel idea, the Christmas truce could have lasted throughout the rest of the 19-teens.

It didn't

As if individual soldiers are going to see what they are doing in a larger geopolitcal picture rather than just fighting for their lives.

If only the industrialists succeeded maybe we wouldn't be in the situation we are in today.

I'd take a Cincinnatus before a Caeser.

They did succeed.

So let them die. The end. There is pretty much zero you can do for American soldiers or the people who support/supply them.

The relentless clinging of a long-established National Socialist board to the trapping of postwar America is almost impossible to comprehend. Where have all of you come from?

It's almost as if individual soldiers are mouth breathing morons who are a drag on our population rather than an asset.

Didn't Bill Clinton do this?

Then they weren't fascists now where they?

He should be fired, I don't want degenerates of any stripe running our military.

That said all the others OP listed should've been fired and probably given a free helicopter ride for their troubles as well. It's obvious this guy was only fired because he's a fucking hwhite male.

The problem is that we end up dying as well. A war between Russia will fuck over everyone.

I think those industrialists were the NWO types were up against now

What? Who?

No, they were neocons.

There's no energy or will in the American people to stand up and overthrow the government or do what is necessary to stop the war – so why exactly is it a problem that we die? It seems perfectly appropriate to me.

Adultery is a crime under the UCMJ, punishable by a dishonorable discharge.

I will say this, however. Cheating on spouses is incredibly common among military service members, and is often well known whats going on by those above and below the individuals. I have personally never seen this article charged against anyone, despite witnessing dozens, if not hundreds of affairs while in the military.

Then give up and die already. However to me giving up is the easiest and stupidest shit possible. At worst we can bring down the enemy with us and we should try to survive until them or a better scenario unfolds.

Interesting. I've still not seen any info on US 3-star General John G. Rossi's mysterious death from a month ago - two days before he was supposed to take over U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command from 4-star General David Mann.

He would have been in charge of satelites and U.S. missile defence systems. It got me thinking…you hear about how the defensive missiles in Romania and Poland are easily converted to offensive use…what if he was about to stumble on something?

Any thoughts?

If it makes you feel better to puff out your chest like that, okay. Embrace the sentiment, I suppose. America made its choice, it can live with the consequences.

I see our rulers as more of an enemy than I see Russia.

meanwhile king nigger probably fucks children at orgies and nobody gives a shit.

I hope they get a faggot for that job and let us see what he will do against the russkies

Agreed, traitors are the worst.

Just another Obama general that will need to be fragged in the revolution.

Found the globalist filth.

u wot8?

They were not fascists. They won. They are in power now. Your should have realized this when he mentioned Bush 41.

Fair enough

I agree that the purging is targeted, but the guy is still a cuck.

Fascism originally meant "combined government and industry". It meaning didn't have anything to do with race iirc

swinging is degenerate as fuck, what kind of middle aged hwhite man, especially an officer, cheats on his wife

he would've taken a vow not to 'lie, cheat, or steal' IIRC, so fuck this guy

(that said if it's just fabricated bullshit to further diversify the military, I;ll take what I said back)

It still had a basis in the nation state instead of being globalist in nature though.

Next orders sir???

tfw you realise that this is their second attempt at complete takeover

Nah man it started in Italy and was always ultranationalist it's just Mussonli was a cuck who thought that the nation was spiritual and cultural rather than racial.

And then Hitler told him to stop being a faggot.

yeah, i probably used the wrong word

They've been in power for a minimum of 30 years. This is just their attempt to turn up the heat and eliminate all possibility of a successful resistance.

I think their was a thread debunking the BUsh nazi connection, but I could be wrong

Yes it is, because marriage isn't just between you and another - it's between yourselves and society (or the church, or God). Marriage carries certain social benefits, and even if you mutually consent to breaking your vows, you are still breaking you oath to your community and undermining the whole concept of marriage… and that is worthy of punishment.

I'm pretty sure that Trump proves that they've never been in complete control.

Trump has not proven anything yet. It is my belief that the election will be rigged for him to lose, at which point I hope that he launches a coup after attaining evidence of the rigging to justify his claim.

Assuming the NWO have been consolidating their power since Bush 41 (1988), have there been any presidents since WW2 that resisted the NWO?
ie. Reagan?

Sadly I expect this as well.

I just hope he has the balls to launch the coup.

Nixon and Reagan. One they impeached and the other they shot which frightened him into submission and obedience.

Yes all of those although they all thought they had the power to do so, they found out otherwise.

If he's legit and not a ZOG-bot, his campaign where he doesn't want donations points this way. He wouldn't be doing this for money, he simply sees a chance to make a total revolution. But nothing's proven yet. I'm not convinced at all.

I can't imagine why such a person would receive such scrutiny.

I don't think he's hardcore enough. He probably wouldnt risk the lives of his family to free us from the jew through violence. He probably doesnt even fully realize getting jews out of power is necessary.

Do you think that a gay man would be dismissed for infedility?

You would think if he were building to something like that he would be setting up a more robust organization. I think he's a good man near the end of his life who has stepped into a giant pile of shit.

My hope is mainly based in all the leaks we're seeing coupled with the increased purge of the military? I have a wild and likely misplaced hope that he has deep state connections that we are not privy to and that is why we are seeing all of this.

Remember George Washington lost almost all his battles in the Revolution. Until he won.

Thanks for confirming what I suspected.

With all the h8 Nixon gets from the MSM still, I thought he must have tried to go against the NWO.

I remember seeing All the presidents men for the first time and thought "they got rid of him just for a break-in?" lol. its fucking nothing! especially when you look at all the stink that surrounds Hillary and others! etc.

Then I read somewhere later that Bob Woodward was CIA/Op Mockingbird and it all made sense.

Because he BTFO the hippies and the (((elite))) at the same time, who were supposed to be against each other, but of course were actually being funded by and Nixon knew it. He speed up the war in order to end it and was almost successful.

I've never been that sure of Kennedy, I mean he's the main reason we got desegregation, as far as I can tell he was going along with what was wanted.

That depends entirely on his position or rank if he's in the military. Officers are held to much higher standards than enlisted with ncos being held up to much higher standards than lower enlisted. If some e-1 gets caught for infidelity then the most that will probably happen is his supervisor shitting on him if he cares enough.

The higher up you go, the more eggshells you get to step on, but you also make a whole lot more money and get a whole lot more authority as a tradeoff.

This entire thread is a bit laughable, but Holla Forums is more than likely being flooded by redditors atm.

He tried to limit (((international finance))) but did go along with leftist social issues.

Up till about a few years ago I just swallowed the MSM line about Nixon (ie. a crook) but the more I read the more he seemed based.

How did he BTFO the hippies? and the (((elite)))?

I just hope this happens, and with the power of meme magic, it might:

I hope the western kekolds get conquered by eastern Europe, and that the good guys simply join up. Maybe one day, Russians, Serbs, Greeks and who ever else reclaim neo-Constantinople from turks and create another thousand years empire that would not succumb to feminism, faggotry, zionism, mass shitskinism, cultural suicide, ethnic suicide, and all the other evils of the world.

He played referee between the state governors and the hippies, the governors were calling in the State Guard to beat hippies while they were burning down colleges and rioting, and throwing rocks at cops and soldiers. Secretly he was telling the Governors to fuck up the hippies for being dirty commies, while publicly calling for peace on both sides. His FBI helped the governors arrest the commie agitators.

He got the blame for not doing enough, but in reality he really did not like what the commies were doing to America and wanted the end the Vietnam war because he knew it was a shame, but could not appear weak to the public and the world by just flat out saying it was a bullshit war. So he changed Generals and when on a Blitzkrieg into Cambodia to end the Norths weapons routes. It worked and almost ended the war, but then the Jews burned him with watergate, because they were selling weapons to both sides of the war.

Nixon hated Jews and considered them natural spies.

Doubt that he was NWO.

I find it funny that by funneling more and more power to the executive branch they might have sealed their own doom when Trump gets elected.

Sometimes I wonder if that was the plan.

The RNC seemed pretty "emperor trump" like.

It's happening again

kek. Letting the locals BTFO of hippies and coomies. Love it.

Interesting looking at Nixon's life, he was born poor but pulled himself up by sheer talent and hard work. Yet the MSM always wants to knock this type of person down. But because they have suffered hardships and seen life from both the bottom and the top they have the best experience, perspective and judgement and make the better leaders it seems.

These types of people hate commies too which is all good

not to sound like a shill or anything BUT:

Having secret affairs and a shady private life in general is grounds to get a general fired.
Stuff like this means that enemies might potentially extort you with that information.

That being said I do think that Obama is deliberately getting rid of bad goys and pushing for a multi-racial, genderqueer army easy to control garbage.

Trump has been outplaying them years before he put in his presidential bid

Not only that but I had read some where long ago he was going to can the Fed and found out for the paltry sum of about 250million dollars they would have been BTFO legally and end of them totally. Also he did print legal US currency you never hear anyone talk about that aspect of his murder.

After knowing how completely corrupt everything is i'm 100% ready for a benevolent dictatorship.

is that what that executive order was about? cant remember which one exactly


Considering how much push back there was against intervention in Syria a couple years ago by regular soldiers and marines, that might actually happen. I don't know if any anons have that picture of soldiers refusing to go start WW3.

Everyone was 'east' something back then. Because all modern westerners come from the east. European natives were Celtic people, that today remain only in Ireland and Scotland.

WW1 and WW2 were the biggest white goyim bloodlettings in all of history. A third one is all (((they))) need to permanently wipe us out.

honestly the 3rd world would be hit the hardest because the gibs would get cut off.

They estimate about 3 billion dead .. which is their plan to cull the population.

In a rather bold paragraph in their recent book on The Tarim Mummies, James P. Mallory and Victor H. Mair suggest that there may have been more cohesion among these nomads than was previously believed.

The industrialists were kikes. Smedley Butler blew the whistle and Congress told him to fuck off.

*House of Representatives.


good fuck swingers tbh

They need to be killed


Obama has been sacking all the brass in charge of nukes.

I'm scared fam. Better move innawoods.

Now that's concerning. Perhaps he was resistant to the future plans to attack Russia. They probably knew about his behavior long ago but kept it secret to exploit it in case he went out of line.

Infidelity is disgusting, intolerable and a huge fucking security concern. The swinger shit is just the tip of the iceberg.

Either this guy refused to resign voluntarily or they're hanging him out to dry……..that's what I really want to know.

Would not surprise me if there's a surveillance detail assigned to them for life. Politically purged leaders are too much of a liability to let loose into the breeze.

They get jobs working for defense contractors, neocon think tanks, and become "Fox Jews Special Contributors".

You'd think they'd be forming some kind of secret society to unfuck shit. Not one General Patton in the whole bunch.

You guys think they are using honeypots to create these "Scandals" to attempt to "Justify" the firings?

I wish I had a smug enough face to respond this allegation

This is why USA loses war against goatfuckers.

Instead of being worried about the Generals ability to win battles, you are worried about their sex life soap opera style.

Do you think Mongol Empire would've expanded so much if Ghengis Khan was "fired" for having an Harem?

Kek I'm sure. Nation in total war, biggest worry is the Penis of the General rather than his Martial Ability?

Imagine Napoleon resigning because he had an affair, ending with France conquered by Austria

Nah, it's just an excuse to get rid of certain people, and replace them.

No-one cares who this guy is fucking.

Total media over-hypeing for political effect.

Yeah, that sounds about right, doesn't it?

I'm kind of curious as to the back story with this one.

The media says "Sex Scandal", but the real details of this story are probably FAR more interesting….

You think this is a continuation of the "Purging" of the nuclear chain of command that's been going on for about 6 years or so?