We need a national socialist party aye, what we don't need however are Nazis. Sure we need "Modern" Nazis in a sense, but we wont be fighting to unify Germany and worship Hitler, though we can learn MANY things from the past. But that's just it, it was the past. We need to be striving for something more… something better. Something that wont last for 2.5 decades, but for generations.
This isn't just a systemic problem with the United States, this is a problem that affects those of our blood globally, as it has since the dawn of time and the sinking of Atlantis. White flight has gone on for too long. The United States was truly the last bastion for whites up until the turn of the century. We now have no where else to go (excluding Iceland and rural countries with freezing climates) and diversity is knocking at our door as our culture and ideals are being burned at the stake on our own lawn.
It's our time to fight back and forge a new identity, using the past as our guide we will have to pave a brighter future for our children and their children, there is no other way. We are growing stronger, the short time I've spent here has shown me that, this years election has shown me that. We've been following the false flags for awhile now and they have lead us to the globalist network which is set to destroy all of Western culture, identity, strength and genius. They want to take the pedestal out from under our feet, the one that we ourselves built as the rest of the world was too busy being degenerate. We are the ones who brought culture, technology and civilization to the world, it us up to us to uphold the natural order of it, not them. They no longer have a place in this world and they are aware, which is why so much has happened during this Year of the Fire Monkey. It's not a pure coincidence.
The Globalists have always been at our heels. Always wanting, though never willing to put in the effort, blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish their goals, for they have the good goyim for that.
We have to apply what we know about the past to this modern world that we live in. Some of it will work, some of it will not. As much as I would like to, we can't march down the streets with portraits of Uncle Adolf in full regalia, worshiping him will get us no where. Understanding him, his cause, his sacrifice and applying that to our current situation is what we must do in order to achieve victory.
Trump is the first step towards progress. He will not bring about change himself, but rather open the gates for something far greater.