Make 1920 Real Again

Is it possible that a bunch of people recreate a National Socialist party? I don't mean your basic far-right that claims that they're not Nazi and pussy out at the last moment.

How do we recreate the movement that was created in 1920?
How do we wake up the people outside?
I fear that a civil war / revolution is coming in Europe, but not the one we want.
The National-Socialism is seen as pure evil here, while the Far-Left is seen as avaible alternative.

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According to astrological survrys… We're already almost there.

Spread the word of what you believe with citations and reputable sources. Race realism, nationalism, family values, hard working society, no fractional reserve banking, etc. The truth doesn't fear investigation

Have fun with economic failure.


Is that what they're teaching in economics at goy university now?

Rub your hands fast enough to start a fire and gas yourself please

Its actually pretty well laid out in The Greatest Story Never Told.
Hitler was a true Nationalist that despised Cucks and Traitors.

However even with that, you have a rigged system, I dont just mean the system Trump outplayed with his 4D-Chess.

Germany has one too.
This is what happens with every new n upcoming political party that isnt lefty/establishment shit:
Random Guy from the Main parties have an affair, leave voluntarily cause Pride of the Party, join the new party that is up n coming, new Party suddenly changes views to that of the Main partys.

Voila, there you go.
Also Merkels views were stronger borders as well, less immigration etc etc.
Once she became chancellor she did an °180 and is in bed with George Soros

How to re-create the NS Party?
Gas the kikes and make sure nobodys left to corrupt any more politicians.

The German NatSoc movement came after years of depression from losing WWI. These were people using currency as wallpaper, extreme food scarcity, and a nation in absolute dire straights.

The fact that you can post at your leisure on a global communications device in your air conditioned room with your kitchen stocked with groceries is all the proof you need that it will never be 1920s Germany again in your lifetime.

Kill yourself kike

Der mentsh trakht un Got lakht


Compared to 1920s Germany, you do live in luxury. Do you have indoor plumbing and heat in the winter? You're already better off than 1920s Germany.

OP asked about the 1920s NatSoc revival. Luxury = Complacency.

It ain't gonna happen, Kikelstein.

It's worse now. White people in America are barely a majority of the population and moslems are invading Europe.


Except for when you have to pay 80% taxes to get it, and don't get it anyway.

Loans, negroe. This "western standard" is subsidized by nothing more than loans, which in turn is based on trust and expected steady output of loans and market profits.

That's not the threat at all. The point he made was that people are going to be complacent when living conditions are comfortable.

However, I disagree. We grow acclimatized to these things and that is why kikes try to warp our reality so that it doesn't look as bad as it really is.

Wrap it in the flag and carry a cross.
No seriously, let us dress in blue jeans, red polos, white maga hats. Our marches will be carrying crosses or nithing poles to locations, and erecting them. Crosses to public locales, nithing poles to those on the rope list.

Fucking christians doing it wrong AGAIN!

Do NOT marh with crosses, UNLESS, they have someone actually nailed to it. They're meaningless if you don't use them.

Get national socialistic values out to people as much as you can, especially about loving your nation and your family, make sure to present it much more favourable than the current society, which shouldn't be hard.

Let's be honest, National Socialism is a movement for the masses, the plebs if you will. The original thinkers that inspired the movement had a much grander vision but alas as all things in the recent centuries have been it was degraded so that it appealed to the everyman. Long gone are the days when the great was exalted now everything is just to fit the lowest common denominator.


The far left are slowly dying and dwindling because of their support for the muds. they're importing violent right-wing ideologues who prove themselves to be vermin and undermine all the #welcome bullshit because they've ceased to be intelligent beings.

Intelligent argument and comment has shifted to the sane right over the last 10 years, there are now more smart people on our side and more mindless braying retards spouting buzz words with no back-up on theirs.

They're going to be in for a mighty shock when Europe Brexits it's self right under their noses and the clean-up begins.

That's my plan stan. Just give some years while I prepare. You see me eventually :)

Is that you, Grant?

Go into detail…

I'm not sure what you mean with that, but if we look at the past then Trump is Mussolini, his personality is similar too.

I have a theory that the "next Hitler" could come from the chans, this is an analogue to the Thule Society. Most chans user are mentally unstable or prone to depression, Hitler too (not that it's a bad thing, it makes you more aware of reality). Hitler also struggled with his faith, chans users too (Christianity, Atheism, Paganism, Kek Pantheon).

How high were taxes during Hitler's regime anyway?

Hello Jew.

starts with you and your community

all politics is local

There is some truth to this. Generally in times of peace and prosperity only moderate change can be affected. Desperate measures require desperate times.

Doesn't mean we can't achieve a lot of good, just means an all-out Nazi revival is pretty unlikely.

This, Social Media is really useful.

It can take around more than a year to get started though, start locally. Don't reveal your power level from the start though, do it around 6-8 months after gaining contacts.

Run for the lowest office possible.
Start with social media, WhatsApp is good, Facebook too. Twitter not so much until you gain more popularity.

Pick a side at first, don't say "I don't identify with a political group, I'm third-position or centrist". Start on a staunch right-wing position focused on "liberty", then move into staunch anti-communism.
This will assure enemies, which you can later convert into friends by moderating your self-proclaimed political position. Flip-flop a little and they won't notice;

"I think we need a traditional society that values more the working class instead of the banker class which isn't preoccupied with the lower class; this doesn't make me a communist however, since the class problem is fomented by certain (((tribes))) that focus only in them. The bourgeois is just a symptom of the devaluation of national identity and pride in our families".

With a similar speech, I got a communist saying to me, "If you ran for president, I'd vote for you".

Young white kids are being attacked and discriminated against just for being white. You underestimate how bad things are for the average young person.

We need a national socialist party aye, what we don't need however are Nazis. Sure we need "Modern" Nazis in a sense, but we wont be fighting to unify Germany and worship Hitler, though we can learn MANY things from the past. But that's just it, it was the past. We need to be striving for something more… something better. Something that wont last for 2.5 decades, but for generations.

This isn't just a systemic problem with the United States, this is a problem that affects those of our blood globally, as it has since the dawn of time and the sinking of Atlantis. White flight has gone on for too long. The United States was truly the last bastion for whites up until the turn of the century. We now have no where else to go (excluding Iceland and rural countries with freezing climates) and diversity is knocking at our door as our culture and ideals are being burned at the stake on our own lawn.

It's our time to fight back and forge a new identity, using the past as our guide we will have to pave a brighter future for our children and their children, there is no other way. We are growing stronger, the short time I've spent here has shown me that, this years election has shown me that. We've been following the false flags for awhile now and they have lead us to the globalist network which is set to destroy all of Western culture, identity, strength and genius. They want to take the pedestal out from under our feet, the one that we ourselves built as the rest of the world was too busy being degenerate. We are the ones who brought culture, technology and civilization to the world, it us up to us to uphold the natural order of it, not them. They no longer have a place in this world and they are aware, which is why so much has happened during this Year of the Fire Monkey. It's not a pure coincidence.

The Globalists have always been at our heels. Always wanting, though never willing to put in the effort, blood, sweat, and tears to accomplish their goals, for they have the good goyim for that.

We have to apply what we know about the past to this modern world that we live in. Some of it will work, some of it will not. As much as I would like to, we can't march down the streets with portraits of Uncle Adolf in full regalia, worshiping him will get us no where. Understanding him, his cause, his sacrifice and applying that to our current situation is what we must do in order to achieve victory.

Trump is the first step towards progress. He will not bring about change himself, but rather open the gates for something far greater.

We can't. America is comparatively in a far far more dire position than Germany ever was. Hitler could have never won in today's climate.

Oh Jew…

I remember you discussing this some time ago. Godspeed, user

This is sorta my plan if i don't end up rich.
(In tech, dreams of being right-wing Soros).
Live in commiefornia; time to route out the snakes.

We are going to have to hide the hitler worship until we can take over the school system. Once the red pill is mandatory, we can be more overt.

this is accurate. therefore, we will ahve to be somewhat different. american disenchantment with the "system" has never been greater.
also, once the mudslimes start to combust, we wont have to ask for permission.

Hahaha no but I have spoken to him and know many blokes from the group(s) you have in mind

Trust me when I say, you'll get your wish. History repeats itself in funny ways.

All that needs to happen is for people's frustrations to boil over and it already is which is why someone like LePen or Trump can get as far as they do. The polls already show the majority of whites think they are the greatest victims of racism as well. You should be happy.

There's a literal natsoc pan-nordic party in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark and Iceland which has about 500 active members I believe. It is rapidly growing and recently had quite a big demonstration in Sweden.

Only in a racially homogenous society

This is ACTUALLY what they teach the goyim at economics universities.

Not really related to the thread but I guess the retarded children and people disconnected from reality like in this thread is what you're going up against.

These people don't know what they're talking about since they've been so brainwashed by one side (leftism in their schools/TV) so the best cure is simply to forcibly immerse them in Holla Forums no matter how uncomfortable it is for them. They'll finally see "the right-wing" for themselves instead of through the soapbox of some greasy television jew.

'WARNING: High Cancer Risk

that's why the economy needs to crash and burn hard, financial crisis electric boogaloo

it will be worse, and people might actually react this time, because this time there's also the mass immigration, political correctness gone mad, etc.

people aren't even shying away from open anti-islam, even anti-jew sentiments anymore

the time is nigh, blood will flow

It can be useful if they don't drink the coolaid, I remember in my HS macroecon course that fractional reserve banking was explained and everyone was actually really surprised or shocked about it, expressing concern about their money. A couple kids even raised their hand and asked why that isn't a criminal offense when anyone else caught doing so or using fractional reserves with any other commodity would be jailed. It made them all very susceptible to the red pill afterwards and I was able to explain how the Federal Reserve actually operates as an advanced form of slavery.