THERE GOING ALL OUT. (((press))) claims Pence goes missing on bathroom break, Trump finds him wandering on the highway.
Seems like shitty propaganda to me.
THERE GOING ALL OUT. (((press))) claims Pence goes missing on bathroom break, Trump finds him wandering on the highway.
Seems like shitty propaganda to me.
Trump staff are redpilling Pence too nuch too fast.
This was posted in the "humor" section of the New Yorker, according to your own link
Congrats on not being able to tell the liberal version of The Onion from a real news article. Retard.
Poor goy must have realized he's not playing for the jews anymore and he tried to run back to his original masters
that's the only way I'd be able to tell this was supposed to be funny.
it's just shitty satire mang
But really, this isn't even thread worthy. At this point I'm finding 3 or 4 things a day that a year ago would have been major happenings. Too much going on and the war hasn't even started yet.
This is just them mocking us about our highlighting Hillary's failing health and mental state.
Glad to see they still suck at comedy though.
Better incinerate this one and roll out the new Pence.
1) The Onion is owned by Clintonites, IIRC.
2) Of course we can't tell the parody from the real thing, they're both obvious lies.
Most likely lies but he is divinely ordained to be Wojak.
its was posted on yahoo as "fact"
The (((media))) would surely never create a falsified piece aimed at portraying the republican party as the party falling apart than the Democrats who are imploding after DNC.
That's why you check the fucking source, asshat.
MSM are constantly lying about Trump thus you can not tell the difference between a real article and an onion article.
the memes have a life of their own
I'm pointing out they are pushing it as fact to show create the illusion that Trump is un-hinged.
Most normies won't check the link.
Pic related.
Grow some balls. Breitbart gets away with comparable stuff.
Now I'm going to have to recapture my sides.
That feel went too far.
top kek, I want to believe
There's that too, but other than that, there's nothing comedic. It's not dry humor; it was written by an unfunny kike.
(((Andy Borowitz)))
Then you teach normies to check the fucking source.
Pence is definitely the embodiment of wojak, now that Jeb is out of the picture
kek confirms, Pence is wojack
Checked my man
I miss Yeb
I'm surprised it didn't say white people living in mexico tbh.
I'll admit, I did laugh.
OP fuck yourself. This is not a real story.
Just how desperate are they that THIS was the Best idea they had for propaganda?
What a Year we're living in.
Learn your God damn homophones!
Note the wormy thin lips, sunken in features, tired baggy eyes, pale skin, and that nose.
I do too.
Just makes it seem like Wojack Pence made a failed bid to get away from the peepee poopoo
The memes did it. Can't handle them.
I imagine trying to keep up with trump's schedule of 3 hours of sleep a night would drive anyone batty within a few months
The sheer idea of Pence being a tired old conservative Politician being suddenly forced into Redpill Nationalism Training sessions whether he likes it or not is so fuckin funny.
One of many temporal Pences tried to escape. Trumps personal guard, wearing yet unexplained insignia of "RWDS" track him through future memes of his daring escape. Using the information gleaned through The Trump Towers Temporal Telecommunications Technologies, The RWDS were able to capture this rogue Pence and corrected the peices on Trumps 4D chess board. It is a beautiful day again in this neighbourhood.
This is the dumbest shit I ever heard. They have to do better if they want to stump anyone.
fucking glorious
Yeah, I cant do the blue anymore either.
There is a civil war coming in america; A global war in the coming years.
Thing is that even though many of us consciously admit it - of those that are aware many are visualizing a modern "world war" type scenario
That is not the case at all…
This war won't be boots on the ground "trenches" and "all or nothing fight for your government they're 'our guys" . The war is slowly already initializing. War on our bodies by chemicals in food, air, water. War on our minds by poisons in MainStream Media, Elementary "Education", and "Academia". War on our traditions. War on our focus. And so forth.
For examples, race is an issues that is constantly twisted against us. So is sexuality. Sure a homogenous society is nice and statistically superior to forced "diversity" through immigration. But our enemies aren't the other groups thrust into our societies. They are the humans that are like shadows that buy our governments and sit on executive boards of corporate exploitations. There are our enemies and they are not easily identifiable nor easily accessible. Yet many think they have woken up to some truth and start slurring other races and thinking they have won the psychological war. Far from the truth. Sexual liberation? What of a life of constant hookups and old age of regrets? No one wants to admit it when they are in the biological prime of their life because it does satisfy immediate needs and it is all they know.
Academia exists on two levels. There are the objective research projects going on and they are out in the open. But if you don't work in those fields and do not study them in your personal time then you will get the "public image" version. Geneticists won't tell you races are different. Neither psychologists. Even each other the cultural marxists will eat if any individual steps out of the core accepted beliefs. This is the pantheon of progressivism that the humans in the shadows use to hide behind.
Prepare yourself. And always remember what is a product of the destruction wrought on you and what is the cause. Attacking the symptoms usually leads to even deeper progression of the disease.
These luegenpresse kikes must swing for their crimes.
oh yeah, big civil war while the media accuses the VP candidate of wandering into traffic with his pants around his ankles.
War is coming. Real war. It looms on the horizon, around the world people can feel it. Most dread it. On Holla Forums many feel eager. When it comes to us, we won't be laughing anymore. I am welcome it anyway.
"guys look at that pickle jar"
is that maker thing still up?
pizza maker*
Pence was probably time traveling while he was missing.
At least those faggots got that part right. Do you think they knew that was part of the meme or is that just meme magic doing its thing?
I don't think they even know hes a meme tbh.
He never imagined it would be a urethral suppository regimen.
got me
2nd post is supposed to be a shill post, btw
get with it
>not being able to tell the liberal version of The Onion from a real news article
like this article?
face it, the lugenpresse has turned to such shit that it is impossible to distinguish between lies and parody.
We really won't, it's one thing to wish for The Happening out of frustration that we seem doomed to a slow slide into degeneracy, but were it to actually Happening we'll all be looking back at these days wondering what the hell we were thinking.
It isn't going to make it any easier to dethrone Schlomo just because the world is on fire.
Sounds like an episode of Veep tbh, interesting shill tactic. Bring heat away from clinton by attacking trump and pence as crazy
I got a boner from that. Song name?
Nigger, we're already balls deep in that war, and people are barely even waking up to that. It's a collapse or even a shooting war (though perhaps low-intensity) that many of us see a-brewin.