Can someone explain to me why liberals, SJWs and feminists always take the side of criminals than victims?
SJWs are defending Dog rapists now
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It's ok, the dog gave verbal consent and used safe words.
There people in the comments of that video and mundanematt that Uniroically arguing that.
Based Chinese.
Who gives us the right to judge?
If only it were just SJW. I was on leddit and even there there was an overwhelming amount of
God does.
I suppose he deserved this beating not because "muh poor doggy", but for the fact that he was promoting bestiality for young people who are mentally ill and can't handle mating with a woman.
After all who would fucking go into dog brothel when you can order a human prostitute? There must had been some advertising to this shit, since they found out.
Also its degenerate to fuck your food.
With each day the world is getting more and more bizzare. Is this real or am I just dreaming? How can people like this even exist? Are they defending him, because it gives them money somehow? Are they just being edgy? Imagine these fucks were your neighbors, how can you live in peace of mind knowing they are this twisted? We need to be hit with some asteroid or something, this is too much.
Because liberals, and kikes, are all closet satanists whether they realize it or not.
Why are fedoras always so butthurt about christianity? Why are they always seen blasmpheming at every chance they get?
Liberal tought is an inversion of morality. Good becomes evil and evil becomes good. All fetishes and depravations are permitted, since it's all about 'freedom' from the 'oppression' of christian morality.
And what is the base of Satanic philosophy?
'Do as thou wilt'
And then right after the incident, the proud chinese citizens went back to their time-honored tradition of torturing, skinning and boiling dogs alive for fun.
At least they saved that one dog, until they get peckish at least.
I can't wait for this sort of thing to become the norm. Dragging degenerates to the streets and killing them. Human rights doctrine is breaking down. Death squads are the future. Duterte is the man against time.
So "animal activists" beat the guy to death like an animal for having sex with animals.
I would purge all of them.
because at least at first they, I suspect, aren't real SJWs and they're paid to do it, then maybe a few actual SJWs might follow, thinking it'd make them more popular, then maybe some more SJWs might follow them
Kind of undermines it when the safeword is 'ruff'
They'd fuck you up.
We give us the right. Same as with everything, if a man decides to do something he has the right to do it if he can get away with it.
That also basically sums up the christian prophesies of the end times. For a supposedly backward desert religion it sure is right a lot.
Chicks having sex with animals is one thing, they can't really force a dog to get a boner or mount them. But dudes having sex with animals is fucking gross.
Nice bait
this is fucking bizarre
All religions have some prophecy that everything will go to shit, though.
You might as well say islam is right because it prophesized the same.
Perhaps but those women are unsalvageable wreckage and utterly foul too.
I wonder if Common Cuck will mention this in his next video…oh wait…the dogfucker isn't white…nevermind
Daily reminder that that proverb doesn't mean what you think it does.
nigga plz, bunch of gewks ain't fucking shit up, well except reason, logic, and animal fuckers.
"You don't roast dogs in ass, you roast dogs on a frying pan."
-chinese proverb
Why should anyone care about some kikes' tribal false god (more like an egregore, actually)? Nothing to do with me or Our sacred People.
How can you be so upset about Chinese eating dogs and cats when we eat pigs, which are measurably more intelligent than dogs or cats?
He raped a female dog? Damn hetero fascist!
Because dogs aren't tasty, aren't suit as a food, and have far more uses as a pet.
It's only mob violence if whites and Asians do it.
ah yes
we really need to convince PETA to starting taring and feathering niggers.
they beat him up because they wanted to eat the dog
that's sick, let's lynch him
this is hawt
double standards everybody
Kek, filtered. What's the matter, did your raid run out of energy again? Sad!
I remember a time when Otherkin rights was just a joke people laugh at. Now more and more people are taking otherkinism seriously. Fuck according to my spellcheck otherkin is a real word. It took use for it to recognize transphobia as a real word…..
They're just mad because the starving chinks were going to eat those and now they can't because no one wants to eat something that was jizzed in.
I'm tired of you Christcucks acting like basic common decency and courtesy is your exclusive property. That shit is abominable whether Moses said so or not.
So it seems the plan for acceptance of bestiality in our culture has started.
Remember that Canada ruled that non-penetrative bestiality is not full intercourse can have it's illegality challenged in court.
Funny but not surprising that this is coming from Asia. Linking it to animal rights though is a pretty clever move.
Soon there will be a movement to change animal "consent" laws and eventually promotion through media im guessing some kind of furry/human love story kids movie, extra explicitly, not just Beauty and the Beast style
Lets see now how fast this is going to snowball.
Underrated post
Pigs make pretty good pets, user. Dunno if dogs are tasty or not, but I imagine it's a matter of taste and what you're accustomed to. Would you eat a horse?
Well yeah that's obviously fucked. I'm just talking about eating them, not killing them in fucked up ways.
Dogs are man's best friend and all, and we're theirs, but I think that's mainly a white people thing. I may be wrong, but I don't think dogs have been an important part of any culture besides various white ones. Some snow Asians I think made use of em, but I don't think they represent the average Asian. They look different even.
I'll give the amazing atheist four years until he apologized for being so transphobic against the otherkin community. Assuming he doesn't get arrested for CP in the mean time.
Dogs are companion animals and have a unique social relationship to mankind.
Also measuring the value of an organism purely based on intelligence is fucking stupid. By that logic Jewish lives matter.
Doesn't fucking matter. We selectively decide which animals are "eatin animals" and which ones are "pets" or "don't kill these they're endangered/too cute".
I also irrationally oppose hurting "pet" animals but dgaf about eatin animals.
I remember reading that in ancient china there was some dog breed that was highly valued and they were in charge of guarding whoever was in charge (I don't remember the term)
It might've been a chow chow.
The problem is not that they eat the poor things, it's the utterly sadistic and borderline demonic way they have of 'cooking' them.
There is a reason they are known as the kikes of the East. These people flay and burn puppies and kittens alive. In a similar way, they illegally steal organs from living patients in many of their hospitals. Remember that every time you hear about 'based China'.
God DAMN I hate chinks.
Yep, dogs are the only animals that look into a humans eyes when they need help.
"1 dead chink whos gonna be forgotten in a week"
honestly who gives a shit
He was not beaten up to death like an animal because animals are not beaten up to death, except by other animals like niggers.
If anything they did him a favor. There's no way someone degenerate to the point of streaming himself fucking dogs could ever recover.
In other words, you won't.
dogs can also smell cancer and read human emotions
they're top notch lads
That fat numale piece of shit should be beaten to death too.
I just got an Irish Wolfhound puppy recently, they were bred to protect herds of sheep and stuff but royalty also made use of them. They're cuddly guys but they're also fucking killers, I saw a video of one killing three wolves that attacked a sheep. I can tell by the way he plays that he's gonna be a fucking badass when he grows up.
There is literally nothing wrong with having consensual sex with animals. However, this guy was a nigger and deserved what he got. He was beating and raping them instead of loving them.
Any archive or SS?
That's lower than I'd even give fucking leddit credit for.
Aren't dogs and human so intertwined that we literally evolved around each other?
Don't we share a symbiotic bond on a instinctual level?
blow your brains out.
How would you ever walk your dog in public again knowing that your neighbors are undressing it with their eyes
I hope you have enough room for him to run around and play.
I have a dachshund and it'll go around killing squirrels and other small animals.
He's really attached to me and I've heard that he whines and looks for me when I'm not around.
I actually found evidence of this.
They are our companion species
does he tear the things to shreds or are they clean enough for cooking? squirrels meat is one of the best sources of protein.
Yeah, I live in a cabin in the woods in Montana. He loves it here. I hear that when they grow up they sometimes kill deer and drag it to your doorstep, like other animals hunt moles and shit.
Here's a vid of one in action. Dunno why it looks so weird.
Putting aside the obvious mental problems you'd have to have (you sick fuck) the possibility of disease and fatal injury for either party should make it obvious that it's a really bad idea.
Since when did the Chinese care about doggos
He usually strangles then so I could potentially eat them. I never do it though.
Its a new slang for butthurt.
Kill yourself degenerate.
That sounds badass.
these comments holy fuck
Is that a squirrel? There's no way a squirrel was eating out of his hand.
Is that you Ben?
Who are you quoting?
Fucking animals have been a European tradition for centuries (until modern times). If you are against this you are anti white.
That's gotta be the worst bait I've seen all day, user. You're better than that.
vid related, even though it was about cats brain, we can assume it is the same for dogs or pets.
also, gifs related, it is a well known phenomena.
So be prepared for furry and pansexual demi romantic dolphin cis gender.
needs more effort
Good thing you saved all those gifs of people getting humped by dogs. Keep up the good work.
beating up elderly trump supporters gud
beating up dog rapists bad
oh gawrsh im voting for hillary today!
It's not even untrue, and it exposes the hollowness of traditionalism as a vehicle for nationalism.
The guy got arrested. He didn't die. Did OP even watch the video?
That second gif, why does that girl just lay there and smile while the dog humps her?
fuck you, carlos, you damn spic bastard…
10 / 10
well, it is important to have them, to remind people that pets don't see you as an human, but as theirs. If I want to make an article, or a documentary, this is good material to add, as it provides humor and reflexions on the human and animals.
it's called cultural marxism.
More like
Chinese Man contaminates restaurant dishes and is arrested by the State Food and Drug Administration.
If you guys had to choose would you rather white girls fucked dogs or niggers?
It's not rape when the Dogs are having fun.
It's bestiality either way.
when the choice is fucking an animal or fucking an animal, I'd go for the nuclear extermination.
It's funnier in Chinese because their words for "ass" and "pan" rhyme.
I'd rather you put a shotgun in your mouth and blast your fucking brains out for even having that saved on your computer, you disgusting nigger.
i could get behind peta if they pulled this kind of shit.
Dogs, because at least they can't breed with them.
Also, since the dogs are the ones on top, it's technically not rape?
Why am I not surprised?
One thing I never understood is where the commie part enters into cultural Marxism. They get everyone to be a degenerate, and then what? The Jew still owns everything, they're no closer to Communism than before, if anything they're farther from it since less people would be willing to fight. Or is it called Marxism because they use similar tactics, not because of the desired outcome?
You're thinking it backwards. Jews created Marxism. It serves their agenda.
Dogs. But I'd still never consider a relationship with that woman, and neither would any worthwhile man.
It does matter. It is you who doesn't matter.
Okay I dong get it.
Does china hate dogs or not?
you don't have to love animals to want to kill a disgusting depraved pervert, the world is better off
Let the degenerates do their shit. AIDS 2.0 is going to come from these faggots, they're going to pioneer new diseases for us.
Which animal do you think it will come from? Dogs? Horses? Let their tastes for strange flesh diversify until they fuck something that unleashes holy hell on humanity.
they arent, sorry
dogs were our first allies, and may have actually been the sole reason we defeated neanderthals.
well when you say human, its more accurate to say "whites", niggers and all those central/south american fuckers are either terrified of dogs or use them like tools because they never evolved beside them.
goes back to that nigger conspiracy that white people evolved from wolves.
That's because on those cold lonely night Mundanematt looks at his cats asshole and thinks "you know maybe" . "you know I wonder what would happen if I porked that".
SJWs have been defending dog rapists sense like 93ish. Put on some ancient Hook nose(Howerd) Sturn.
(You) (You)
if youre the kind of pussy who has cats.
Dogs operate on pack rule, so as long as you assert yourself as the alpha, the dog sees you has his superior, most of the time when you see normal sized dogs with white owners, the dog has respect for the human, but when you see women with tiny dogs they spoil the dog sees the human as their lesser.
You're thinking of cats. Dogs are pack animals, that either follow and respect the leader or become the leader, if they must. Most dogs don't wanna be the leader, it's much easier and safer to be the follower. But if they're owned by weak humans, they will assume the role of pack leader and become aggressive, yappy fuckers. You see this a lot in small dogs, because people just think it's cute when they try to assert dominance and don't train it out of them. But in big dogs, it's dangerous and you must be very clear with your dog that you are the alpha.
Jews like marxism because they want everyone who isnt them to be animals, they are obsessed with being gods, and because they cannot ascend to godhood or to be with god (they were cursed by god), they decided to build their own empire on earth (this is what revelations is likely about) and because they cannot physically or mentally advance beyond whites, they chose to drag everything down around them.
That's some tame shit.
This guy cut open a pregnant dog alive.
On the darknet there is a whole site dedicated to videos of animals getting tortured during sex etc.
The rabbit hole of human depravity goes deep lads.
RWDSs coming soon, Kamerad! Purging the scum!
Sieg Heil!
sad topkek
That's not the point.This gook was stupid enough to post his info online plus he got killed that's why journalists are reporting this.
im not saying pigs are stupid, they arent, and i think pigs are a viable alternative pet when a dog is not possible, but a pig is not genetically designed to understand and work with humans, so even if they are equal in terms of ability to problem solve or recognize language, they are inferior.
What do you think are the most fucked up animals? I think all apes, including humans, plus dolphins and cats. All kill recreationally, and will play with their victims and prolong their suffering for amusement.
Humans are also the nicest animals, though. No other animal will take on the risk and effort a human will to save and protect other creatures.
Palindrome dubs demands it
Yeah I agree that most breeds of dogs make better pets than pigs. Some dog breeds are fucking stupid wastes of time though, like almost all small dogs. But my point was the pigs can better comprehend their suffering than most dogs. So factory farming of dogs would be less suffering for the subjects than factory farming of pigs, for example. Pigs on a farm though, they've got it good.
Vigilante justice is rarely justified. If the courts can resolve a problem, they should always be the first resort. Only if the courts are completely incapable of bringing justice despite overwhelming and obvious guilt, can vigilantism be justified.
I know you're angry at the criminal. Obviously, criminals deserve to be punished. But there is a rightful process to this. There is a reason we have police, judges, and lawyers. It is the SJWs who want to remove police entirely and replace them with vigilante justice that we should be concerned about.
We need to get PETA to admit dog abuse is overwhelmingly done by blacks.
I dont understand the moral wrongness of this shit. To me personally it is disgusting because of the bacteria and viruses that animals have, different immune systems might allow for different viruses to live in you…..
Anyway, to me, dog fuckers are simply as disgusting as people who fucked more than 3 people. They are disgusting to me because of biological reasons. I dont understand morality.. I just dont get it. I find it disgusting because of hygiene and biology and that kind of stuff.
Moral implications just fly over my head. I can measure micro organisms, but I cant measure morals and feels..
Having a hard time trying to picture these types of degenerates being as human as an upstanding man of strength and discipline.
Sucks that it will likely not live past 6-7 years. Cool dogs, though.
Wouldn't surprise if Bronies caused AIDS 2.0 too happen.
That is called autism
Looks like someone didn't enjoy the ruff sex.
Being right.
Autism, the post.
god fucking damn it carlos
This is finally it. The truth that leftists are the most absolute and utterly insane subhumans in existence to the point even religious fundamentalists look sane.
They can live over 10 years with good genetics, and caretaking. I was very meticulous in picking my breeders. My pup's dad was over 180 pounds, and his dad lived to 14. The mom was always very healthy, as was the grandma. He'll live for a while.
If there's ever a collapse, a true SHTF scenario, I look forward to having him beside me. Blacks fear dogs.
It's interesting also to notice what is happening today in western societies regarding pets.
What can you acquire as a domestic animal ?
If you live in a big city, chances are there's a lot of contraints and steps to acquire a dog compared to others. and if you look at the pic, coming from kikepedia pet page, you'll see that in 07-08 it was close to become a majority (the cats). My idea is, and I didn't found info on that so it's just a theory, is that there's a dog genocide atm.
Cats are natural predator to
thus making them the only pet needed for a 30yo single cat lady.
they have been promoted on tv, movies, there was that period of mass shilling with cat memes, well it's becoming obvious that there's a replacement here, as the dog is no longer welcomed in western big cities.
Any thoughts ?
I think a big part of it is that people are living in increasingly smaller spaces with less access to nature or just plain ol open land. More people are living in hyperpopulated areas like cities, living in apartment buildings surrounded by busy streets. Cats can do okay in an apartment, though it's not very good for them. But dogs just don't belong in that sort of environment.
cant speak for dog, but I ate bear. Its an omnivore and isnt very tasty. althought it is good, depends on the reciwpe I think, this was a stew. Beef or pork is still better.
I thought Koreans were the kikes of the east, and chinks are the niggers of the east.
Hope so for your sake. A friend of mine went through 3 or 4 of them in a span of 5 years.
He should learn to not buy puppies from shitty breeders. There are a number of health tests that you can do on them to determine roughly how healthy they'll be and how long they'll live, most importantly on their heart and liver. Buying puppies from shitty breeders is bad.
to expand on my post here, I ate a shitload of things, Ill describe the tastes here, mostly becouse Im drunk, but I also think you guys should atleast have an Idea.
gamey, tough not good, most carnivores taste like shit, bear is an omnivore but still tastes bad
shit, feed to cats, not worth the effort
good, between chicken and fish in texture, taste is a bit different but pleasant, probably depends on the species, I ate gartetsnakes.
delicious, really good in fish stews a fucking delicacy, just cut of the head and upper body, they are really great
poultry, like chicken, not worthwile, hard to field dress or get rid of feathers. pass if you can
I ate a frog raw when I was a kid. It wasn't very good.
w-what the fuck am I in the boronstain universe now?
Humans have the edge because we can invent shit to keep victims alive while we fuck with them.
I don't think dolphins think about killing their victim's children in front of them then slitting their eyeballs open with rusty razorblades and pouring salty lime juice in there while cackling,
to add to this
iron-y, but rich, good in small quantities
like blood, but more watery. good if no other option, not dangerous if fresh
dont, too tough,cock them. seriously
They can't help it. Once they swallow the lies in college about everyone but white men being victims, it's all over. If this foul Chinaman was a foul honkey, instead, the SJWs would have beaten the other mob to the scene.
Our innate sense of outrage and desire for justice and/or revenge. Also, most of us cringe at the thought of someone fucking a black woman, so you can just imagine how we feel about some heathen chinee raping something worthwhile like a dog.
why raw? stew them with fish and noodles and eels. Its great then.
Humans are more intelligent giving us a greater capability for cruelty, but we're no more inclined towards it than dolphins or cats or chimps.
wew just fuck my shit up lads
at least you got dubs.
Why do they think wording it like that will affect anyone?
Don't be jealous.
A friend of mine had an older brother who was a massive furry/brony, named Roman. He was married to this girl, and I use that term loosely, a massive landwhale with an even bigger attitude and ego. They always traveled in a furry pack, with at least one other male. Roman rarely had the privilege of fucking his wife, that was reserved for the other faggots that came and went.
Despite all being at least 30, they came back to my friend's parent's house to live in the living room, sleeping on the couches and sleeping bags. They were incredibly fucking bitchy about everything, including the parents going to work in the morning to support their sorry asses. Roman was a whiny literal cuck, and his wife had loud sex with other men in his daughter's bed regularly. Yes he had a daughter with that terrible woman, who has been raised by his parents because he was incapable. Poor girl.
They spent all day playing various video games and MMOs, like Dragon Age, Borderlands, and Guild Wars. They hardly even played these games however, preferring to bitch about me and my friends playing Demon's Souls and shit (we were in high school). After months, my friend's parents kicked them out. I have no idea what's become of them since.
In short, don't be jealous. These people lead terrible, terrible lives.
Those 'wives' aren't women they're desperation made manifest.
Seriously though I'd love to see how long they put up with that shit for, I imagine 6 months after the kid is popped they finally realise it's not a joke/phase then bolt and rename the unfortunate little prick something sensible.
Fucking hell lads, next generation is going to be chock-a-block with school shooters with parents like this.
because dogs and cats aren't meant to be eaten for one. we have cultivated dogs to be our companions and assistants. it's like spending the time and hard effort crafting a beautiful sword only to attempt to chop down a tree with that sword like a fucking dumbass, you ruin the sword and the tree still hasn't fallen. not to mention they're riddled with diseases, same goes for cats
Agreed, what user in
If it makes you feel any better, those kids will eventually be taken away by social services.
How is that a 'WTF'?!
He should be fucking shot. Worthless degenerate scum.
If it pisses off traditional white men, they'll support it.
Hitler could perform miracles, what makes you think a squirrel wouldn't eat out of his hand?
Leftism = hatred against whites.
What I envy these fuckers, is their incapability to see how fucked up they are.Instead of dwelling for days upon years on how to get a good life situation, they just throw in the gauntlet and go full baby-time and feasting.
Do they have no shame, or even ability to feel shame or what the fuck is going on?
well… well… I remember hyperbole and slippery slope being thrown towards me few year ago when I said that society will reach a point where it will try to legalize sex with animals among other degenerate things.
I don't know whether it's boring or depressing to be right on things like that.
Leftism, or at least modern liberalism is and will continue to be a big "FUCK YOU DAD!". It's about provoking, and they know they have daddy government in their back, so they harrass successful and strong individuals (which happens to be mostly white males).
It's a zero sum-game, where they make up the scoring rules.
They're just fucked in the head. Don't bother trying to understand them.
When you gaze into the abyss, and all that.
I get that, but for some reason, I can't help but envy them for some reason. I don't have life in general order (steady income, repertoire of skills, fit and healthy etc), and neither do they. But unlike them, I spend a lot of time in sorrow / self-pity / desperation instead of just chasing hedonism and easy goals.
It's like they lack the ability to reflect on their own situation, and like an animal, they just chase the most important urge.
That is indeed how it all started.
what do you mean "like"? those dumb goyim ARE animals!
The ancient Indo-Aryan (Indic) books refer to this Age as the Age of the Losing Throw, the Kali Yuga.
Canto 12: The Age of Deterioration
SB 12.2: The Symptoms of Kali-yuga
SB 12.2.12-16 — By the time the Age of Kali ends, the bodies of all creatures will be greatly reduced in size, and the religious principles of followers of varṇāśrama will be ruined. The path of the Vedas will be completely forgotten in human society, and so-called religion will be mostly atheistic. The kings will mostly be thieves, the occupations of men will be stealing, lying and needless violence, and all the social classes will be reduced to the lowest level of śūdras. Cows will be like goats, spiritual hermitages will be no different from mundane houses, and family ties will extend no further than the immediate bonds of marriage. Most plants and herbs will be tiny, and all trees will appear like dwarf śamī trees. Clouds will be full of lightning, homes will be devoid of piety, and all human beings will have become like asses.
from wikipedia:
not sure if troll or just ignorant
Only a sub human chink would think that
Wasn't SRH Butts a dogfucker? So it wouldn't be the first time.
They're protecting their own
Take note Holla Forums, this is the destiny that awaits yids, moors and sodomites all over the world.
Just look at atheist leftist faggots and transsexuals all proclaiming their unnatural degenerate developmental disorders as being perfectly in harmony with nature.
chinks always half-ass it
Yeah, he's off busy killing Schlomo in slo-mo so he let me use his WiFi
t. Moonman
He gets triggered when he gets called Numan Fatt.
dogs are for eating, not for fucking
table manners
Sadly, no. It was in worldnews, but I can't find it anymore.
This is your brain on liberalism.
Im looking at this guys videos and he covers topics like anti-white-isms but from the perspective of the typical fat le enlightened libertarian. I am tempted to go into the comments to redpill people.
Hey, would you want someone cumming in your food?
I bet you would you fucking fag.
What in the fuck am I looking at?
whats pol's problem exactly? YES, he did have sex with an animal. but NO, it isn't illegal. he didn't deserve to be beaten to death just because he had sex with something that isn't human. niggers beat people to death, so there is nothing civilized about what happened.
seriously, how can you support this?
Its funny because its in the comments of the same video.
Gook with cerebral palsy being massaged in a homemade massage machine or some shit.
did you actually read what you posted? what he says makes sense you idiot
Because they're disgusting whores and vile sluts
fur/ponyfags confirmed for niggers
pic related.
Just looking at more of this cuck MundaneFatt's vids and look at these comments
These people are fucking primed for redpilling.
At this point i dont think there is evidence enough for that accusation, but there is definitely a push for cats, and that alone is bizarre.
What whore would bread with these people?
That's already a thing
Do you truly want to know? Women who lower themselves enough to fuck nevertheless breed with Bronies. This might be worst than coal burning.
Being a Brony is the same thing as being Black or gay
Bronies are born this way
Other way around user. Koreans are literately "Kangz" of all things east. They steal JP history and call it there own, they infest everything like spics, then bitch and cry for special status. They truly are more like the sandniggers of the east.
Because the slippery slope being an official fallacy is complete jewry. Its existed and always has been.
nah, it is
my friends whose culture eat both pigs and dogs prefer dogs more as delicacy.
It's like with lobster, there are special techniques that is needed to process them.
wait so there is a discussion on whom are the kikes of the east?
So what are the Korean's mo?
What about the Chinese or Japanese?
I've personally found the chinks to be more subhuman only because they are so god damn cold. The best thing is that the chinks can get away with imperialism and colonization only because they're on a less privilege list with the SJWs.
btw Jim's Stream blew my mind when it came to nigger logic. That blm nigger is going around the cake until we see the nigger'ish logic come to full. If one wonders on what the nigger logic is, its basically the criminal mind of a niggers. the logic of it, if its not "me or you" whom got robbed,killed and raped plus why do you care about that other person.
Get out.
Indeed, it does.
I couldnt even fathom that all this variety of fucked up shit could exist a year ago. Now, I dont think I can really be surprised by all this evil shit anymore.
Kikes, corruptors, degenerates, traitors. All of their ilk are destined for the tar pits.
Dunno but they all probably have yeast infections.
Now I feel like such a heel
carlos your going to be first in line
What is the heavy things on him? I don't know what I am looking at. This is seriously messed up.
I'm sorry for going against the grain.
I just felt the need to rise to the occasion.
I just wanted to know. Bronies is a nickname for the men who watch the show titled "My Little Pony"? Am I correct?
What kind of rock have you been living under and can I move there?
Nothing like a man getting beaten to death for his degeneracy to brighten my day.
Yes, that's what bronies are, and how have you been browsing the Internet without getting bombarded by ponyshit until two years ago?
He's a fucking normalfag, why are you helping him?
Pick one faggot
Because avoiding bronies is like dodging rain. It made me curious.
This is some kind of stealth troll propaganda, right? No one can be so sociopathic and also dim that they internalize and then subconsciously reproduce such heartbreak, right?
fellow pigfag, don't listen to dogfags ITT. pigs have accepted their lot in life, they like the fact that they taste good. pigs are fatalistic lad, just like man.
pigs are master race tbh
It's a real guy. He home schooled his kid and bitched about it later. Pic related.
This is the guy
additional info:
Name: Ross the Box-Faced Fox
Location: Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Birthdate: 1988
LJ Talk:
defenestrate_me @ (Jabber)
AOL IM: rossyphox (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID: rossyfox1 (Add User, Send Message)
MSN Username:
boxfacedfox @
Bio: Gay Scottish liberal furry atheist seeks e-fame via the medium of LiveJournal
Yeah we had a few of them before the Trumpaning started.
Chinks declared jews of east
Koreans (South) declared niggers of east (Proof was provided)
Japs got double edged with about 40/40/10 (for, against, didn't care) as to be honorary aryan or not, both sides shilling there "proof" ofc.
Thai was written off as chink pawns for the most part and still considered subhuman as for some of there practices though little proof was given ether way beyond how they sell children as sex toys.
Any other slant was written off as pointless trash unworthy of discussion.
Anything else though, you will have to be clearer on as I'm drunk as shit.
Not your army.
If you want it dealt with, call child services. They get paid to harrass people, we do it because we are bored, ngry, or high.
What do I care.
I simply posted who made that comic in case someone was interested.
Since it seems to piss you have have his tumblr.
People thought furries demanding civil rights was a joke at one time
gooks fucking dogs? who cares, they should all fuck dogs and not breed
Well, the dog fucker deserved some beating for being a maniac and should have brought to prison. But death? Never
cuck faggot
I am deaf so that may be why. I saw the word but never asked until I looked it up on the dictionary but still unsure so I asked here. Frankly I am little bit retarded.
human/dog relations aren't against nature.
interspecies sex occurs all throughout the animal kingdom
he didn't get beaten to death. the cops came and he got fined
He's already aware of this thread, so expect some snippets of it in his next tumblristas
My mistake, just looked at the latest description which the video has.
Though, I'd prefer the "An eye for and eye. A tooth for a tooth" or a castration for him.
Common Filth pls go
That's not even the worst of fury faggoty and THe a furry rights movement.
I'm a total fag when it comes to animals and environmental stuff. This shit doesn't fly with me at all. Deserves all he gets and more.
Removing degeneracy is bad goyim!
That kid is 17 now.
PETAfags and moralfags who go along them are truly cancer.
There's no raping animals. They dont understand conscent. They dont get psychological traumas if there's no physical harm done to them.
This being said, animal sex is fucking degenerate, and should be punished, especially if the animal is physically hurt from it. Unnecessary suffering caused by sexual frustration of a loser. Fucker got what he deserved.
It's a fantasy. Furries are generally homosexuals and the female contingent is vanishingly small. Furries have even fewer children than NEETs.
Hitler would have gassed you kike
Its a communist thing to side with the criminals, we never understand it.
More cancerous than the christfags
Than how you explain Bronies Breeding?
Dude, you forgot a decade in your math. The guy would be at least 27 now. He had he kid when hewas 20 or 21.
Oh come on now, don't be silly, that will NEVER happen, you are just a conspiracy theorist!
seriously, how many times we heard that stupid crap!?
And there we are.
As usual, Holla Forums is always right.
Meet the other half of 'do as thou wilt', dog fucker.
webm related
don't mind me, just checking who got
What's the second picture?
I am always against vigilant justice, every criminal should go to court and get a fair trail but I can't say that I feel sorry for him. Do I wish he went to court instead? Idk to be honest. I mean I am really glad for what happened to him but then again I think we should also follow our own rules and mine is that vigilant justice is bad.
I kinda feel like a muslim right now. Saying that muslim terrorists are bad but at the same time getting happy about their work.
False. He was asking for "the right to eat", you are saying "hunger."
Only victim here is a mentally ill person. Criminals are "vigilantes" who murdered him.
Dogs don't have rights you mouthbreather.
But i'm also surprised SJWs are not on the "side of the dog". Most SJWs likely to protect animals feelings.
It goes somewhere from premeditated murder, committed by a group of persons to assault+torture+murder by (((accident))).
Choose wisely, kid.
Not sure if they got DP for that though. At most only their leader can be hanged I guess.
Because expressing how dumb that was in words just doesn't work.
Lurk 2 years before posting. You don't belong here and your shit stinks.
They defend a guy fucking his dog but not when animal testing can actually benefit people via medicines and cures
Hyena Eats Wildebeest Alive
just how do you think the jew operates, user?
Dunno. Youtube crowd seems to be fully butthurt about poor dogie, while eating cow burgers and wants to kill the chink again. Nothing unusual.
Funny coming from you mr (1) who can't even tell ID's apart.
So what's wrong with the last two, torpedo?
Try living that way around the vigilantes.
Fuck that's funny.
Probably just a cat.
But I'm a Milf lover user.
What's the point in living without ara ara?
30 year old 2D ≠ 30 year old 3D
I am really confused
Chinese people eat dogs and walk by toddlers dying in the streets , there is that video of a two year old who was squashed by a truck and all the chinks walked by not helping her or even looking at her as she asked for help
Why the fuck do they care about raped dogs?
They don't care about the dog, they care about a man being a fucking degenerate that puts his dick on animals.
saddest shit
Motherfuckers are degenerate.
DISGUSTING…….."like sex with dogs"
fucking gross
Kikes are evil, lying, scheming little shits… But absolutely NOTHING beats a chink in sheer capacity for cruelty.
I don't know about you but people who boil puppies and kittens alive are not my allies.
Why do this to yourself?
Like a dachshund could ever fucking catch a squirrel.
Fucking city kids on this board are so stupid they believe this shit.
Because Cultural Marxism is an offshoot of original Marxism. It was created when it became obvious the proletariat of the industrial world had no interest in what Marx and company had to offer.