Pictures that got you a permaban from half chan

See title

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She's a jew whore.

No thanks I don't want to get banned even here.
it was child porn

I posted used to post cp vids with the faces edited out on 4chan /gif/ and always got tons of source requests like it was the hottest shit they'd ever seen

can you describe at least what the pic looked like?

It was really young girl (10 I gues) just in bra and pantsu dancing on the beach.
And it was a video
And halfchan suckcs
But I still send reappeal to take off my ban every month

Apparently I'm 'terminally retarded' for posting this picture

You're doing fucking gods work user. You've probably conditioned a few plebs to like teen pussy now my fucking sides

Just reset your router my dude.

Kinda appealing tbh. In a cumdumpster kind of way.

I'm glad I can't back. It's basically 4chad facebook now.
Holla Forums is better