Lads, check the account for the Iowa Butter Cow.
Link to the tweet:
Link to the Cow:
Lads, check the account for the Iowa Butter Cow.
Link to the tweet:
Link to the Cow:
The one he gave a shoutout too is @IFS_ButterCow and the one you linked doesn't have the upper case butter cow.
Go to the tweet and click on it.
My bad, but wtf ? Was this planned ?
The likes bar speak for itself.
so, what is this about?
Not sure but it's funny either way.
Shitty .gif inbound
Oh fuck. This could be bad.
Good times
I figure that someone made the account after the tweet. Would twitter link to the account afterwards if the wording in the tweet was close enough to the account name?
Wow, a whole cow made of butter :^)
My running mate would love it :^)
In fact, his first word was MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN
Oh look there he is sitting next to a Russian star.
This means that Wojak must be a part of the vast alt-right conspiracy.
They should have done it with something more relevant about hillary because she's not a jew she's one of their puppets.
Also there was that Flynn kike tweet. Nothing came out of it but shits and giggles. We're fine mang.
if that's what happened then it would have gone to a twitter "acct not found" page and a shitlord noticed and immediately changed their twitter handle to match it
Says joined Aug 2016, so you're probably right. Still very funny.
i expect the media to be all over this tomorrow as they're probably lurking here now
hi cnn
It doesn't really matter too much, this is simple shock value, especially if someone decides to report on it.
Yeah. I'm just letting the memes happen though, funnier that way.
fug. If so we can just shitpost to Breitbart with what said
I sent them a tip and told them to tell pence
If we get enough people to tell them they should look into it.
Whomever made the account really likes football. I would assume if it was an actual shitlord they would follow shitlord related accounts. Might have uncovered a false flag.
He probably mistyped the real account and some CTR intern then took advantages of it.
Maybe. Check the news accounts in
and see if any of them write a piece on it. If they do we'll have our outlet.
It's quite obvious. Account was just created m8.
Was it you?
Yeah, someone sent 'em a tip and told Mike. We're good if someone tries to pin anything on him.
We should look for CTR links before it hit the news.
I've got tabs open to every account the crypto-cow followed, there are news outlets. Checking 'em for CTR related shillings.
Good job.
Tweet the account. Be like…[vid related]
Most of them are just football accounts, like players and teams. Keeping the news outlets open, though.
These are the accounts to news outlets that the Hillary account follows:
There is no way she's a kayak. She doesn't have any of the tells.
She's on to the kikes, she's just an old warmongering bitch that'll do anything for power and shekels.
also check my time
That motherfucker's a Pierce county fag for sure. I wonder if it's 253 user with the glasses who recorded all those songs.
@IFS_ButterCow joined August 2016, it's a god damn setup for the media to shit on Pence
yeah right after hillary doing that alt right speech bullshit what a fucking (((coincidence)))
Pepe/Wojak 2016
One of the outlets has a piece shitting on Trump, but so far I haven't seen anything about Pence.
Hillary is, in fact, a kike
you mean the guy that did take the rainbow down and goys of summer?
100% guaranteed marxist
It's hard to believe that picture isn't photoshopped to make him look more like Wojack.
bump bah gawd fags
it seems as though (((they))) are fucking with us lately. this is too blatant. its like they see us as the only ones who actually know whats going on so they subtly make us aware that they are aware of our existence. like a nod of respect during a fight to the death. they dont see us as drooling sheep, or alex jones tier doomsday faggots. we are the only collective who has reached the top of the pyramid of knowledge.
Nobody's going to think Mike "what's your mother's maiden name" Pence is anti-kike, I do wish he would step down though.
He was the best out of a bad hand of RNC fggots and so far, Trump has turned him into a yes man.
also I didnt see anybody shilling for Christie or Newt Gingrich leading up to the actual VP pick so there's that…
That spurdo face, I can't be the only one to see it.
Maybe it's an attempt to de-semitize the insult by turning the meaning into "greedy scheming unattractive crooked person" instead of its functional synonym, a yid.
Did you introduce yourself as the hacker known as 4chins?
Breitbart probably has that figured out by now
Or maybe this is a normie's first shitposting twitter account. Breaking the conditioning etc etc
Sauce on the tank image plz.
Lost the link but clinton's maternal grandparents' last name is some variation of kikeberg, potentially making her a partial lampshade. It's not definitive but also not surprising.
I made it by mashing together these two pics.
Mike Pence made a typo. He meant to write @ISF_ButterCow, which goes to the Iowa State Fair's ButterCow twitter account. Some user noticed the error and quickly made a twitter account with that handle to make Pence look bad. END OF STORY
Thread Theme
I rememeber that Cruz was with that cow once
So you made that
Well good job as that was a very high level meme
I have memed responsibly. You follow suit, we're all capable of it.
This is some fakeass shit. The Twitter account is down already. "Joined August 2016."
It was created AFTER Pence's tweet.
Either an user thought it was funny, or it was a deliberate move made to make Pence look bad to the normies and Judenpress.
This is a mixed blessing, on one hand he'll support Trump's agenda unflinchingly. But, we also have no idea as to his own motivations and what he would do should Trump vacate the presidential role.
fake and gay
Fam, this isn't happening for the first time. @WhiteGenocideTM did the same shit after Trump retweeted him.
Hi, I'm Bradly Johnson McKennin from CNN. I take pictures of small boys with my job equipment. I've only had to give two blow-jobs and denounce my heritage 14 times to get to this position. I despise white people.
there is only the one account, and Iowa State Fair would be ISF, not IFS.
Will he give an apology?
Will the media even notice?
And how much more airtime will this tweet get than her dying on live TV?
Pence did fuck up by making a typo, but it happens.
Here's how it went down.
can you change the @-handle at any time?
what was his handle before that?
Nice breakdown, user.
Holy fuck, can't stop laughing at this shit tho. Clever, clever fella.. that enterprising @IFS_ButterCow is, clever, indeed….
I said nothing about the handle, only the name.