Shills exploiting natural rifts on Holla Forums

Who's even shilling who anymore?
Christians and pagans are both creating a retarded amount of threads right now, and honestly both groups have plenty of evidence for being shills.
Pagans being shills:
Christian being shills:
This could be organic and just be a few autistic pagans and christians going all out.
It could also be a new tactic from the shills, to exploit the natural rifts on pol right now. If this shit continues past today, I'm inclined to say it's shilling.
The kikes are baiting us into fighting and sliding our own board. it's time to stop
Pagans and christians, why not use the other's natural hatred of jews and muslims for your own interests? Once we fix the jewish problem, we can go after the 'lesser jews', whatever that means to you
If you're gonna fight, why not keep it contained to this thread to prevent sliding

Other urls found in this thread:



All the slide threads are coming from outsiders. This has already been established.

Posted so fast they couldn't have even read the thread
Ok yeah, it's not organic, it's definitely shills

Here's a little trick I learned to make my catalog experience much more enjoyable:
Copypasta for Everyone!

Hold the Shift key while clicking the offending thread on the catalog and VOILA D&C is gone!
One trick to remember, click on the text of the thread, not the picture of the thread in the catalog.

Go ahead you'll thank me later.

Its easy to spot them since they are so blatant in their speech. The board isn't divided, its just being flooded by shills. Stay strong and don't fall for their bullshit.

This is the same guy as .
Definitely shilling.
Have a bump.

kikes are playing both sides


and its not a natural rift. The kikes are setting up a play, a false problem of their own making so that they could swoop in an offer solutions.

The fact of the matter is that

the threads were practical, real worldly mostly, when the topic did came up it revolved around racial lore like this

It's not new at all. Christians are all over 4chan right now too. They move in packs because it's a paid group.

I seem to remember more fighting between christians and pagans on here. Wasn't common and it only seemed to be a small percentage of zealots fighting from both sides, but today it's just been ramped up to 11

they're just having a bit of fun, no reason not to have a shitflinging thread once in a while

But over 10 shitflinging threads is quite the (((coincidence)))

pretty much yea, this.

So what are they sliding then?
Is there something special about today?
Or maybe CTR just got a new memo

Paganism is COINTELPRO, started with that retarded 'iron pill' shit.

Start gassing yourself anytime.


The most cursory glance reveals the difference between real discussion threads and slide d&c bullshit. Heck, someone could probably code an algorithm to filter them out.

Actual Christian here.
Nice try at falseflagging kike.

It could just be to spam so no discussion can happen. Seeing that their previous attempts just brought laughter.

Sorry my sage was on.

Holla Forums and its derivatives have been known to exploit religious angle on Holla Forums. This goes for christian and pagan threads. These threads are nothing but shitposting and opinions about nothing. I hear /christian/ has been here since they fucked up their own board too.

Yeah OP is a fag got. I agree.

the fact that you're not seeing the same behavior from your side either means you're retarded or another shill

I just thought of something
It's likely that after this, all religious discussion might be crippled by accusations of shilling.
Maybe this is part of the plan.
It's a shame really, I enjoy those pagan vs christian threads

Except the Iron Pill was pro Christian. He invoked Christian mythology and symbolism many times.

In fact, one specific time in his comics he was pushed to using his final form/limit break, and it was a Christian themed one.

And then he survived it anyway because he's, and I quote, "Mary Sue as fuck".

This isn't shills OP, well, not in so far as they're doing this for any political cause.

It's just shitposters that get a giggle out of triggering people, and religious people in Holla Forums are very easy to trigger. I've given up on any sort of religious talk on Holla Forums, it's pointless. You can't even dare suggest both are valid anymore, god forbid you discuss the esoteric nature of the origin of myth instead of just MUH PAGANS! MUH CHRISTCUCKS

bunch of Kikes pretending to be christcucks, hardly any real Christians say anything here because it's like screaming into a giant asshole

Cant get real about Christ because the site is owned by kikes

Christians worship a literal jew.

If you want to discuss christianity, there is a board for that, complaining about not being able to discuss non-political subjects on a political board is retarded.

Ban any kind of religious discussion from Holla Forums. Problem fixed.

We need to keep this thread bumped, so this bullshit doesn't get any worse.

Who the fuck are those pagans you people keep talking about?

I literally haven't seen anyone on Holla Forums who actually admits to worshipping norse gods or anything.

It's a boogeyman christcucks invented because they can't grasp people simply not being religious at all.

Kikes run that board you stupid fucking nigger


That's what's happening.

Every group has realized the value of Holla Forums

The christians, mudslimes, and kikes are shilling for their sandnigger religion.

The Euro-pagans are shillling for the return of pro-European religions.

The propagandists are shilling for the invasion of Reddit.

The Redditors are calling the propagandists' plans cancer, in an attempt to shield Reddit from a massive pro-Holla Forums propaganda campaign.

We are all shilling for our own causes. Everyone is a shill, on all sides.

Good point, thinking about i'm only ever seen two pagans. Which are Varg, and the golden one.

Oh look, here's the (((solution))).
Nice try, kikes.


Iron Pill cared only about EVROPA. These petty squabbles dividing white brothers amongst themselves must be set to one side, we have a common and far greater enemy in the Juden. Focus on that.

Jeez, you guys are out in force aren't you?

I'm curious as to why you think OP is a shill. The board is clearly getting spammed with religious D&C.

EVROPA was a memetic encryption of "white race and western civilization"
Iron Pill was non-figuratively conceived to cuck smiley. He's a christian / pagan / esoteric hitlerist (whatever suits him at the time) who's OP as fuck and regularly BTFOs shills, cucks, and subhumans.

It's a well known fact that Christfags, like myself, and LARPagans are in conflict, it's natural given that the sort of politics one has are informed by their world outlook.

But we all know that people exacerbate the conflict, and repeating it for the billionth time is a waste of board space.

We had almost none of these 4/pol/ Christian/Pagan console war threads until the Shillary speech then there were tons of them overnight so it's obvious they're started by shills. It's also interesting that it means it was likely paid shills behind it on 4/pol/, too. Just remember that this topic is one they're being paid to use against you and report/ignore/destroy the threads when they appear.


I'll post an Odin meme sometimes but only because he's like a bad ass Merlin/Santa Clause viking

what is that word?

pick one Smilesberg

As another Christian, I want Pagans and Christians to stand shoulder to shoulder, side to side. We're here to remove kebab and laugh at the stupidity of our enemies, not get divided-and-conquered by the lowest tier, low-energy shilling and sabotaging ever witnessed on imageboards.


where? I've seen nothing but bashing of Christians by shills.

I could care less if you hug treesand fuck other men because TRADITION or talk about how 'enlightened' you are without religion. But worshiping a literal meme is just the purest form of autism.

>inb4 muh ironic XDDD poe's law

Reported for shilling and concern trolling.

This shit is common sense anyone smart or busy enough give zero fucks about shills and their D&C tactics.

It's easy stop caring and give zero fucks about anything. Most of us have more important things to worry about like Soros, DNC and DDDC leaks and other projects.

I'm dedicating more time on the toolkit that I whipped up, going through lists of names just to see if we have CTR names in Ashley Madison database. Holla Forums found Kahn in it after all, so it's likely that user will find a degenerate or two in that database.

Iron Pill cared only about EVROPA. These petty squabbles dividing white brothers amongst themselves must be set to one side, we have a common and far greater enemy in the Juden. Focus on that.>>7283715
Good stuff user, please make a thread if you find anything.

Get back to reddit.

Sure, guy.

It's Christians and pagans.