Buchanan Is Too Wrong to Correct

Buchanan Is Too Wrong to Correct

Politics: As a presidential contender who winks at barbarism, Pat Buchanan can't be dismissed as merely quirky.

October 31, 1999|DONALD J. TRUMP | Donald J. Trump, a developer in New York City, is exploring a bid for the Reform Party presidential nomination

It's time to stop patting Patrick J. Buchanan on the head and dismissing him as a good-hearted eccentric. It's time to start taking this man seriously as a political threat.

Buchanan has singled me out among his critics because I was the first presidential candidate to blow the whistle on his latest revisionist rantings. While it took other Republican presidential candidates four days to locate their sense of outrage–and George W. Bush has yet to locate his–it took me only minutes to issue my denunciation of him.

The argument I am having with Buchanan is not an academic exercise. Yes, it began with the publication of his recent book, but the dispute quickly moved to the heart of public life. Buchanan is now arguing his position in the context of a presidential campaign. He not only is seeking to rewrite history but to have his shabby and dangerous views ratified by popular vote.

Buchanan winks at barbarism in his new book. There is no other way to describe his views. Buchanan argues that we should have ignored Hitler's rampage to Eastern Europe during World War II. Hitler meant us no harm, Buchanan says. The same man who argued forcefully–and in my opinion correctly–that we should not give an inch during the Cold War is now saying in effect that Hitler should have been appeased.

We have no choice but to assume that had Buchanan been president, he would have allowed Hitler to wage uncontested war on defenseless civilian populations. We must also assume that Buchanan would have conducted his policy with the belief that Hitler had no ill-will toward the United States. He would have been our version of Neville Chamberlain.

To echo the words of a noted historian, Buchanan's ideas are so wrong that a person who sets out to correct them doesn't know where to start. Besides the fact that Hitler declared war on us–an interesting way to conduct a hands-off policy–he ordered the creation of a fleet of warships and bombers that would allow him to take his war to America's cities. Surely Buchanan doesn't believe that Hitler's Amerika bomber was envisioned for any other reason than to slaughter the U.S. population. Surely he is aware of the damage U-boats did to U.S. shipping immediately off our East Coast.

However, there is a larger issue at work here. Buchanan has enjoyed a long psychic friendship with Hitler, whom he has called "an individual of great courage, a soldier's soldier and a leader steeped in the history of Europe." He argues that the gas chambers at Hitler's Treblinka could not have actually killed Jews. He has gone to great lengths attempting to technically clear war criminals. And he has complained that Jews are obsessed with the Holocaust. Yes, the man who praises Hitler for being "steeped in the history of Europe" accuses Jews who are steeped in their history of engaging in "group fantasies of martyrdom."

Public discourse in this country doesn't get any uglier than that.

Yet Buchanan tries. He also warns his followers that the United States is controlled by Jews, especially regarding foreign policy. On slow days, he attacks gays, immigrants, welfare recipients, even Zulus. When cornered, he says he's misunderstood.

While he has not taught us anything about history, Buchanan has once again told us a great deal about himself. It's time the United States learned the lesson of who Patrick J. Buchanan really is.

The fact is, he has a deadly serious purpose. Buchanan is rewriting history and spreading fear for one purpose: To gain political power. That makes him a very dangerous man.

Unfortunately, Buchanan is very much with us. He has remained a major media presence throughout these scandals, and he has high hopes of hijacking the Reform Party presidential nomination. He has struck out with the Republican Party and is now grasping desperately for a new political vehicle–and the $12 million in campaign funds that comes with it.

I will do all in my power to see that this hijacking does not succeed. Nor will I stand idly by as Buchanan promotes his dangerous ideas. Others have already fallen silent, but silence is not an option. There is far too much at stake.

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Stormtards blown the fuck out.


Moshe, please, IDs are a thing here.

I won't correct what you did wrong here:

And I hope other anons don't either. It shows just how new and blatant you fucks are.


That's right, Trump niggers. Just ignore this op-ed piece that your kosher messiah Donald Trump wrote for the Los Angeles Times in 1999.

If you ignore the fact that Donald Trump is a complete and utter fraud, then maybe somehow he'll magically be authentic.

You said nigger! Shlomo is going to send you through sensitivity training now. Say goodbye to your 0.50$ for this thread.

Wasn't trying to pretend to be a different poster, Trump niggers.

But feel free to remain delusional and stupid.

Oy vey! Vote for Trump!

Something something hillarymissile something something corrected the record. Still voting for him faggot, go waste your time at a liberal news site where they agree with your shit.

Oy vey? That's anti-semitic my fellow goy. If you keep this up, Shlomo will dock your pay.

if you keep writing stupid stories about kikes killing SS guardsmen while taking an 8mm Mauser round to the shoulder with nothing but a hatchet maybe the holocaust will become real

No right-thinking Holla Forumsack truly sees Trump as a messiah and should be repulsed by all the kosher ties, but that there's a chance for the wall, deportations, and the continuation of the 1st and 2nd amendments, he's worth it for now. Also, there is absolutely no denying that whether on purpose or not, Trump has ripped a hole in the fabric/matrix of the world of Political Correctness.


wtf i hate trump now

OP, seek help.

Five posts? Man, you shills have no stamina. Just like Hillary.

wtf I love Buchanan now

"This is my pledge to the American people: as your President I will be your greatest champion. I will fight to ensure that every American is treated equally, protected equally, and honored equally. We will reject bigotry and hatred and oppression in all its forms, and seek a new future built on our common culture and values as one American people."

“My longtime involvement in promoting some of the biggest boxing events in history has allowed me to become friends with men like Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier,” wrote The Donald. “Through them, and through more recent friendships with Puffy Combs, Sammy Sosa, and others, I’ve had the chance to learn firsthand about the diversity of American culture, and it has left me with little appetite for those who hate or preach intolerance.”

“One of our next president’s most important goals must be to induce a greater tolerance for diversity,” he wrote. “The senseless murder of Matthew Shepard in Wyoming— where an innocent boy was killed because of his sexual orientation — turned my stomach. We must work towards an America where these kinds of hate crimes are unthinkable. There are some issues I don’t want to say much about. I support a woman’s right to choose, for example, but I am uncomfortable with the procedures.”

delet ur accuont


You know the funny thing is Pierce called Trump out in 1999 as well when Buchanan was drawing criticism and he said that in the future, the capitalists would turn on the Jews when they finally understand that the Jews will inevitably destroy America.

how many Holla Forumsacks would like to be judged on their opinions from sixteen years ago?



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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

I was a faggy liberal too as recently as three years ago.