
What evidence is there that the Holodomor (Ukrainian famine) was Jew-orchestrated and done specifically to wipe out Christian Ukrainians?

Other urls found in this thread:

uocc.ca/pdf/articlemanager/HOLODOMOR/Holodomor 2014 Epistle Bilingual 01C2F53C.pdf
uocc.ca/pdf/articlemanager/HOLODOMOR/Church in Holodomor 1932-33-Bilingual 0857BE62.pdf

uocc.ca/pdf/articlemanager/HOLODOMOR/Holodomor 2014 Epistle Bilingual 01C2F53C.pdf

uocc.ca/pdf/articlemanager/HOLODOMOR/Church in Holodomor 1932-33-Bilingual 0857BE62.pdf

Lurk more Holla Forums.

Much thanks.

Who is this "int" you speak of?

Nearly all Bolshevist officers ever were jews.

Sage for questioning common knowledge.

I know that but I want hard evidence that the Holodomor was specifically carried out to kill the goyim.

It must have happened because people who dispute it aren't widely called "deniers".


Russia =/= Soviet Union

I hope you're meme'ing. If so, Nice bait.

Next you'll start declaring other Jewish-caused genocides, 'slanderous lies' because they are anti-average Joe.

Yes yes, we accidentally set your fields on fire and killed your cattle goy.

Jews were the ones who carried it out, retard.



">Nearly all Bolshevist officers ever were jews.

stalin was not jewish, nor was zhukov (who joined the Bolsheviks)… could somebody provide a list of jewish soviet military officers to validate this claim?

lenin also does not appear to be from a jewish background


this man who wikipedia says was influential in founding the bolsheviks also does not appear to be from a jewish background…


Lenins mother was a Jew.

says she converted to Christianity


His paternal grandfather was a Jew, his wife was a Jew, and he spoke Yiddish at home.



that's weird, so is the whole basis of the "jewish connection" in communist russia based on a 'conspiracy theory'?
The Evsektsiia, or Jewish Section of the Soviet Communist Party, proclaimed Hebrew a “reactionary language” on this date in 1919 as part of an anti-religion campaign that led to the banning of Hebrew language instruction, the arrest or suppression of many rabbis, and government confiscation of synagogues and other Jewish communal properties (properties of the Orthodox Church and other religious groupings got the same treatment). Yet earlier in the year, Vladimir Lenin, as head of the revolutionary government, had recorded on gramophone disk a speech against anti-Semitism. “The Tsarist police, in alliance with the landowners and the capitalists, organized pogroms against the Jews,” Lenin said. “The landowners and capitalists tried to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants who were tortured by want against the Jews. . . . Only the most ignorant and downtrodden people can believe the lies and slander that are spread about the Jews . . .” This ideological treatment of Jewish life — opposition to Zionism (and its language, Hebrew) and to religious Jewish life, linked with encouragement of Yiddish culture and national minority status for Jews — exemplified the schizophrenia of Soviet Jewish policy in the early years of the revolution. The Evsektsiia was abolished in 1929 and its chair, Semen Dimanstein, was executed by Stalin in 1938. To see and hear Lenin speaking about anti-Semitism, look below.

“Shame on accursed Tsarism which tortured and persecuted the Jews. Shame on those who foment hatred towards the Jews, who foment hatred towards other nations.” —Vladimir Lenin


Lazar Kaganovich, a Jew, was put in charge of collectivization, which directly led to the Holodomor. Lurk moar or learn to google, nigger.


how would an english-speaking person pronounce that word: 'holodomor'

the reason why jews probably got all of the successful positions of the soviet union probably wasn't because there was a 'jewish agenda' but rather a 'satanic agenda'…. seeing as the whole country at that time was an antichrist state


Fucking lol.

who would take the time to make something like that? a history enthusiast? perhaps somebody studying international law or political science

Buttblasted shitposters, the boogiemen of fullchan. They were BTFO last year and fucked off to other chans but sometimes they come back to shitpost.

To prove the Holodomor was orchestrated by Jews you have to prove two things.

While this was true to the Soviet Union directly after the revolution, by the 1930's when the Holodomor happened, Stalin was in charge. Before he got into power he purged many Jews (but let the ones loyal to him live), so proving this point can be difficult.

This is a tricky question too. Was the intention of the Soviet government to kill millions of Ukrainians or were them the collateral damage of collectivisation? There are points that support both views.
a) Stalin was utterly paranoid and feared anti-Soviet uprisings by minorities. To prevent this he created the GULAG and deported millions of minorities to the far reaches of Siberia or Kazakhstan.
b) Communists are utter shit at economics. The best example today is Venezuela. It is lead by a socialist government with communistic goals, sits on the biggest oil reserves in South America and is almost bankrupt. The other example was the disastrous fuckups of hte Chinese communists of the 1950's and 1960's where also millions of people starved to death after the forced industrialization.

These are the points you have to prove if you want to know if the Holodomor was orchestrated by kikes.

Great site. Thanks user.


What makes you think it was Stalin and not his Jewish buddies like Kaganovich and Yagoda.?


Like a Gorilla converts to humanity?

Lenin was indeed a Jew.


Holla Forums fuck off please.

Lenin was proven to be a Jew.


Because Kaganivich and Yagoda couldn't pull something big like this off without the approval of Stalin.

They said the same of Lenin. Which turned out not to be true. Stalin was married to a kike, his mistress was a kike and he was surrounded by kikes. Seems Jewish to me.

Most Jews are atheists. They only study/ practice religion to enforce nepotism.

Checking your double dubs, and saying that allegedly, Stalin became very untrusting of Jews, leading to the Doctors' Plot incident.

fucking newfag

/int/ = dead spurdoposting community
Holla Forums = degenerate spammer shills who want to destroy Holla Forums

Know the difference.

But why? We're a board of peace. Just because there is a tiny minority of bad apples the whole community shouldn't be punished, right?

"Holodomor" is what happens when communists try to nationalize farming. Their food production went from 1930s levels to 1330s levels in just one growing season.

It's not a "genocide", it's just commies being stupid commies. Ukrainians need to stop whining about this they sound worse than fucking Jews.

I'll take the bait. In short: none.

There were no "ukrainians" before jew Lenin created Ukrainian SSR and other national republics. Before communism "ukraine" was part of Russian Empire just like any other. Word "ukraine" in old Russian means something like "borderland". It's not name of the country or a nation. It was part of Russian territory closer to border with Europe.

That's good one. Pretty much everyone were Christian in Russian Empire. And many remained during USSR era. It wasn't ever legally banned. Well no more than being not-feminist in modern USA. Main reason why Christianity(among other religions) became less popular was implementation of free education for everyone.
Only religion known to be prosecuted in USSR was Zionism, but that was Stalin's personal initiative. Khrushev was probably Zionist himself as he stopped all such activity and started to blow up Christian churches as soon as he came to power.

They are. At least in one country.

This is another popular version of same bullshit. For some reason nobody asks how often famine happened in Russian Empire before bolsheviks for example. What territories were affected? Truth is people are stupid it was another fucking famine in Russia. Thats all.
Also it was the last one for some mysterious reason totally not related to evil commies.

You can find more detailed info about ukrainian early history in recent book of Andrei Vajra (ukrainian historian and politologist).

Except that the communist policy of collectivization was forced on the Ukranians and anyone dissenting or resisting against it was tortured or killed by the NKVD. It is the same as if a foreign enemy stole or sabotaged your water or food supply, the actions of (((bolsheviks))) led directly to the deaths of about 10 million Ukrainians and that can only be equated to genocide, get fucked schlomo

Okay. Thank you.


Ukrainian opinion leaders insist that those who carried out the Holodomor were Russians, even though there were many ethnic Ukrainians among most devout Bolsheviks. (((Coincidentally))) those Ukrainians often appear to be maidanites backed by Soros.


Sorry, equating famines from before the era of the railway and after is false.

It is impossible for that many people to starve to death in a country with a rail network unless it is the express desire of the government.

It's easy to let thing go when it wasn't your family murdered. JUST GET OVER IT AND LET RUSSIA OCCUPY YOU STUPID!!!! westerners can be dumb cunts

The Ukraine has a history outside of Russia and was apart of Poland for a long time. Ukranian is an identity you nigger

Except it wasn't

Stalin had very little to do with the Holodomor. He wasn't even the great dictator everyone paints him as.

Also this.

Really? When did that happen? Ukraine was always Russo-Polish border state. Ukrainian language reflects that. Of course, you won't ever hear it, because Ukrainians speak Russian and not their own language. Made up nation, made up minority. Ukrainian national hero is a stateless mass murderer, Bandera. Another is Khmelnitsky, a polish noble. The only time Ukraine was independent was for a year or two shortly after ww1. That didn't last. Russians and Poland reclaimed their lost lands quickly.

Ukrainians had always identified as Rus until the kikes invented Ukrainian nationalism to divide & conquer Tsarist Russia. Kiev was once the seat of the Rus Empire, while Moscow was a remote backwater outpost. The Mongol invasion smashed the Rus, which is when some of the Rus territories were occupied by the Polish-Lithuanian common wealth. The original territories from which the Rus sprang even before Kiev was the capital were in North-West Russia, somewhere around Novgorod is where Rurik, the first king of the Rus reigned.

Russian and Ukrainian aren't even mutually intelligible.

Just the other day, I got a Ukrainian Jewess professor to admit that Jews were ignored during the Holodomor.

This is the final redpill on Eastern Europe. The various "nations" there aren't real and never will be. They're mentally retarded lower-class Russians who were coerced by echobergs to adopt made-up identities and artificial gibberish languages.
These clueless fools and their kosher "muh separate identity" LARPing proved to be an effective D&C tool, which is why the echobergs continue to use them to prevent an actual pan-European NatSoc state headed by Russia from emerging.

Are you a NazBol?

Kievan Rus is the forebear of all Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia culture.

The fact that the Russian communists were all Jews. Also the man ultimately responsible, that Ukraine and most others holds responsible for the Holodomor, was Genrikh Yagoda, a kike


Stalin was anti-Jewish and executed most of the Jewish Bolsheviks.


Yeah mate but this was par for the course in every SSR, the same forced changes caused famines in Russia, and they affected Russians living in Ukraine most of all.

What kind of fucking organized campaign of genocide is this?

Except the rest of the country wasn't producing grain either you retard.

Where did I say that fuckhead? Resist all you want, pick up a gun and fight.
Making up bullshit lies is not resisting occupation.

Yes he was.

emotion-basied economic policies.
cammunasm is like Ebola: once everyone has it, it's done for. It only thrives as it spreads and infects new hosts.



Eastern Europe maybe, but Slav can GTFO away from my grain-fielded ancestral homeland

Daily reminder that the Ukrainians were violating the non aggression principle by hoarding grain



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