Whats so bad and degenerate about homosexuality?

whats so bad and degenerate about homosexuality?

do you hate it simply because a Heeb g-d kike told you so?

Other urls found in this thread:


How long will /christian/ be false flagging the board to paint pagans as bad? You're the one shitting up the board christcucks.

GRIDS Greg pls go.



you haven't answered my question you fucking YID.

Another shit slide thread.


First post every time even on this faggot slide, man tel aviv really isn't sending their best lately

if it was kept hidden the same way other degenerate stuff is it would not be an issue, if gays contented themselves in being gay behind closed doors it would not be an issue, everyone is degenerate one way or another, the point is to recognise what is harmful to society and the social fabric. But no, they insist on being flamboyant about it, and using their orientation as an excuse to have pseudo-orgies in public with parades and stuff.

I am generalizing of course, but franking I don't mind the gay in a suit that is not advocating his lifestyle as being normal.

what he does at home is his business, his personal life is his alone. just don't appear on TV with a feather butt-plug telling kids that is normal.

I consider myself homo. It's not relevant most of the time. And when it is it's usually to recognize how disastrous an impact homo culture has on society.

You made this thread to shit up the catalog.


answer this simple question :
having two father must be a mental gymnastic everyday, how are you doing mentally, fellow robot ?


Pretty lame deflection there, /asatru/.

Holla Forums has always been hostile to cuckstians.

t. atheist.

to expand, everyone got their quirks, some more degenerate that others, and by degenerate I mean the actual definition, not the buzzword flavored one. And you cannot remove degeneracy fully lest ya want to live in a nightmarish society.

with that being said, repression will never work and lead to unrest and collapse, and free-for-all lead to depravity and collapse, the equilibrium repose on the citizen acknowledging what is harmful to society at large, and that people willfully keep their quirks in check behind closed doors.

I will not think ill of anyone who does that, if you recognize you are a degenerate, and know that promoting your degeneracy is harmful, and agree to restrain it to your private life, then you are doing what you must.

and that goes for me as well, I keep my quirks to myself, my home.

Go back to the autist shithole that you came from.



gtfo you jewish fucking shill

Careful, if you make the posts this long, we won't be able to numerically overwhelm the board.

Already confirmed for being retarded.

Std rates, high rates of child molestation plus their pushing adoption, demand tax breaks while not being able to children, furthers identity politics, useless wastes of humanity that base their entire sense of self on "what i have sex with and what my stereotype is supposed to be", endless sexcapades that further promote breaking down of family unit, unhappy with acceptance and forcing bullshit into culture, forcing children into gay brainwashing via education (see MA).

Yup, all of the above is strictly my cuckstianity talking even tho im an atheist. But hey, further proof that Holla Forums is always right, OP is a faggot.


What's wrong, not allowed to spell it out?

It isn't clean and completely straight like your trap and dickgirl animes op, real homos are diseased and suffer from mental illness.


more no.
because slippery slope is real.

Hey, you're right!

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