GoyimGate digs up something Holla Forums-relevant


So, two years later and something interesting comes out of GooberGrape. A massive amount of logs of conversations between all the key players in the entire fiasco indicating targeted harassment, clear evidence of illegal activities, the shocking revelation that SJWs love them some kiddie porn and much more besides. The content of these logs has already been confirmed by several people involved to be genuine.

Why is this Holla Forums-relevant given our distaste for Reddit-tier PR cucks? Well, for one thing these people now moderate Twitter and were catapulted into cushy positions at (((Intel))).


>>>Holla Forums10524109

All the details and archives are in those threads, no idea if Holla Forums as a whole will care or if this thread will shortly end up with an anchor next to it, but I personally think this deserves some attention.

Other urls found in this thread:


bump against all the religious D&C spam flooding the catalog

who cares at this point

I doubt anything can be done about this now but have a bump to confirm suspicions.


There seems to be enough here to send a load of SJW spider-masterminds to jail.

Delete this.

Is there anything tying this to media networks to damage their reputation further? Anything relevant to Microsoft? The Twitter-CON connection is valuable in itself regardless though.

the goons actually suggested to post pedophilia on Holla Forums's hebe, Zoe quinn and alex liftshits which is the son of a jewish war merchant were fine with it. they also surprisingly did not let in wu because that thing was useless.

also srh butts a known pedophile kept track on gamergate because he had the autism to keep an eye on multiple autists.

infact, I will tell you this.

eve online has a considerable pedo distribution ring, the ships themselves cost like 1000 dollars at times, fastest way to get money is to give goons cp. also pic related, its what they do over there.

Bump for interest.

We got any highlights?
btw they're being streamed here

If you or anyone else can document that, get it into the hands of the feds.

bump er

Give this shit to the faggot Milo and have him shame their big name supporters like Intel, that Congress cunt and who ever was dumb enough to let them talk at the UN.

This is actually a good idea since Brietbart has been identified as "the enemy" by their grand master cunt.

This is why I posted this. It was bought to my attention a few hours ago and Holla Forums seems to be pretty useless at digging for info.

I'm just starting to go through this myself but it seems to be the case that quite a few organisations could be dragged into this mess.


That's a good idea. What's his email?

Nice find!

Not sure but here's how you can report it to Brietbart:

http:// www.breitbart.com/send-a-tip/

added a space before www

Also try allum. He reported on GG with Milo but hasn't become some sort of wannabe celebrity.

They're not going to face any prosecution are they?


how is the sliding today?

Considering Zoe confessed to murder once. Probably not
Remember these people come from the top down.

[email protected]/* */

every time.

lets not start this shit again


Fuck off. There's still juice in the rind.

You have corrected the record! 10 cents for you

anyways your goon buddies are fucked. you cp garbage distributing professional shill fucks are going to jail.

fuck you lifshizt correct the record shill

We all knew this from the very start, I'm glad that there's explicit evidence now.

It's concrete proof that the claims that GG said were right.

Why are goons such a second rate internet Illuminati?

We've done far more to influence the world and they still think that they're hot shit. Fucking 10 bucks faggots.

Its also proof that the twitter safety council is ran by people doing the very thing they're trying to prevent. Its good ammo to send to all conservative or libertarian sites considering how they're using filters and shadow banning people to try to censor information and ideas.

they built up their empire for 10 years, only for it to fall down and burn to shitposting because everyone kept fucking a crazed delusional narcissist nympho with daddys kike money.

The Left has always been full of pedos. One of the main reasons they push sexual degeneracy is so they can eventually make pedophile seem normal and natural.

Sorry, I guess the sarcasm dripping from my fangs when I typed that line didn't make the transition to text.


GG was good in it's early days to rustle smelly SJW vaginas until it tried to become some kind of big movement.

I work for free. Russian government beliefs in the distribution of unbiased knowledge in order to prevent Europe falling to the globalist behemoth.

Thank you for your opinion purveyor of (((western democracy))).

t. bot army.

Its the grave you chose.

The logs confirm they've been shilling on cuckchan and here from day one.

loose lips sink ships

You know it retrospect even though GamerGate was thoroughly [email protected]/* */'d by PR faggotry and Ecelebs they still did an extraordinary amount of damage and basically fired the first shot of the Trump campaign.

It's amazing how much was accomplished.

kek, sure buddy, so its not only the (((vodka))) they offer you.

Now they're reduced to trading CP in MMO's while we're influencing national politics all across the western world.

Funny that they failed at the main thing they set out to do, reign in games journalism and stop the ever encroaching pozz of video games.

Hulk Hogan did more damage in that regard.

Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg Jewish or just some old money Dutch cunt?

Not sure actually. What I do know is that she's cartoonishly evil.

The latter, but she was able to accomplish much because she had a jewish boyfriend (Alex) at the time.

True but they fired the first shot of the massive culture war that we live in every day.


here is the archive.

wasting gawkers money and dissapointing their shareholders stopped them from having immunity to courts. they could of put it off indefinitely but their holders knew where the wind was blowing. this was literally their only shameless attack dog to keep both celebrities and normal people in line. because gawker constantly harassed average joes and the targets that were on the leftists shit list.

but surely a person like you would never know how shit functions when lots of money/blackmail is being moved around.

Yes. Dutch merchant vampire.

you're climbing into delusional dimensions goyim

free cucumber water is more like it. Other than that I do it in my free time. The compensation is small and not directly related to what and how much I post. Chans are non-designated battleground. My main operational focus is on twitter and facebook.

ah i see, well good luck with that, i would suggest you to infiltrate vankelburg, they may try some hilldog shilling for money.

CON is funded by Feminist Frequency.

Not that I've seen, they'd stay away from unpredictable sociopaths like these and not give them anything that can be used against them. If there are any links it'll be very weak ones.

He's an interesting character in all of this, initially his video game vanity project was just a way to help popularize a new social networking site that was competing with Twitter back that tried to get in on the crowd funding/patreon craze. It was called App.net

These new platforms allow money to be laundered very easily. A major conglomerate can set up a shell corporation, give $500,000 and then 'crowd fund' a few thousand dollars through proxies. The mainstream media will never mention where the bulk of the money came from, they'll only refer to it as a 'success story' as they'll only ask for a small paltry sum and get over twice as much from fake sources meant to look like the public.

And as an added benefit controlling these crowd funding sites allows competing charities or projects to be shut down, as happened to previous owner of this site and Candace Owens of Social Autopsy. Her experiences with GG are well worth reading and these new leaks prove that everything that happened to her are what CON engages in;



$13k is nothing compared to the $200,000 it started with. Any mention of this fact has been scrubbed on Wikipedia(it used to be there) and is verboten to mention in the mainstream media.

Honestly have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. You're saying the Hulk Hogan thing was the attack dog of Gawker's shareholders? I think I am completely misunderstanding you. Please clarify your language.

Soros funds Fem Frequency, which leveraged its power to push their agenda to the youth again. This time through CON. It failed and this is the backlash that redpilled the gamers into joining the fight. Soros created the Alt-Right, like Obama created ISIS.

Incidentally, the website and twitter for the Soros leaks just got nuked…

Good, being video game obsessed man-children is a liability. Video games need to suck so these faggots will wake up.

That's what the guys a few floors below me do. I engage in discussions and correct jewish and neoliberal manifestations of knowledge withing the degenerated nationalist movements on the internet.

gg weakened their ad revenue scheme, lots of shareholders kept gawker afloat since they were using it as an attack dog.

After the ad's dissapeared, the shareholders (kikes/leftist figureheads) stopped protecting gawker, their money making scheme was gone. special protection was lifted then hulk hogan finished the job.

Gawker was the premier leftist attack dog of many lefties. but you wont know this because you fell for kike shilling.

Well I know Bill Gates gave some of the "Gamers Are Dead" outlets quite a bit of money right before those articles dropped.

Two years too late. Sage.

To be fair we did more for the growth of the "alt-right" than any other single factor by a long shot.

Without anonymous internet culture there never would have been a backlash and the current culture war would be far more one sided on the side of the SJW's.

Sage is not a downvote

Well vampires usually are attractive.
That cunt is so ugly that if I had a dog that looked like her I would shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards.

Oh okay, got it, thanks for the clarification. However I always knew Gawker was a leftist cesspool of hit pieces and group shaming, same thing as things like Buzzfeed and Cracked. What kike shillng are you accusing me of falling for? That you think I am unaware that all of these (((media sources))) aren't in bed together and have always been?

My original post was just me calling attention to the fact that gamergate's stated on paper goal was never accomplished. Sure I will agree that gamergate did have long reaching effects, just not the ones the originator's intended.

I guess this is the reason for all the slide threads?

Hitler trips confirm.

look if it wasn't for gamergate hulk hogan's case would be delayed over a span of 8 years or more, perhaps even to the point of ending it since it would be costly to keep hogan wasting money, but they did not fget their chance this time.

Gawker paid off alot of people, the could afford it per a montly basis. Its a civil case so it has less of a priority of lets say, a criminal case.

Gamergate is like aids, to say NU HUH gamergate did nothing, is subscribing to goon rhetoric.

it accomplished its goat with gawker. they gave them the pr add destroying equivalent of aids.

godammit i meant goal*

You know if Denton really was behind the 4chan moderator purge and Moot's cucking it's nice to know that we got our revenge on that kike.

Also if it's true that he borrowed money from a Russian oligarch before we ruined him then we might have actually straight up killed the man.

Actually, at this point, we'd need what we consider good videogames to send normalfags into a revolt. See, normalfags are eating these shitty, thoughtless games up. Shitty games keep normalfags complacent and lazy. Most modern games don't teach you anything, they don't even make you think to complete them. You just "TURN YOUR BRAIN OF XDDDDD", stare at the screen and ride along. Most "puzzles" are piss easy, or the game solves them for you, most games have waypoints that point you exactly where you have to go, and most games have quest logs which summarize your objectives in caveman speak "GO HERE, KILL SKELETON TIMES TEN".

If anything, you'd need good games to be made again to get most people to stop playing them. Normalfags would either adapt, very rarely though, or go "DIS TOO COMPLEX I GO WATCH NIGGERBALL NOW", and when a normalfag's friends quit something, he does to, because he has no reason to keep doing it, since they are all about social validation. So, to free a large portion of normalfags from jewish brainwashing, you'd need to make videogames a basement autist thing again, not make them shitty.

Goons got BTFO on eve some mouths back.

There leaders pissed off the Iron Bank (a eve betting corp that use a website to bet with your eve money)

And then they bankrolled everyone to fuck their shit up, there is no way they are in a position to carry out any type of nefarius transactions using game money anymore,

id guess someone else has moved into their business by now, iv not played the game for several mouths so idk

Deus Ex

Reddit, which are in the process of getting assblasted by fucking everyone, and PL and friends split goon territory. Now, apparently everyone hates PL for being good at the game, and reddit can't win an engagement to save their lives, to the point of bailing on, and letting their "allies" supercapital fleets get killed.

tl;dr: Reddit are the current jews of EVE, and are being fucked.

Wait what? I'm out of loop here. Who did she murder?

Some degenerate who couldn't get it up for her disgusting, flabby, skagwhore body.

We don't know. She might have been lying as wel know she's a pathalogical liar. However she bragged to some photographer that she murdered somebody.

what the fuck is up with the front feet?

I must say user, thank you for expressing your point in a concise manner instead of just calling me an uneducated faggot.

However I still don't assign gamergate the cultural gravitas that some do. I never followed it from the start and still don't, I fully admit I know nothing about the various flamewars twitter skirmishes beyond their conclusions. You may indeed be right but to me gamergate just didn't affect the overarching leftist narritive. Sure Gawker is kill but I guess what I am saying is that there is still so much to be done.

It's great that Gamergate happened, good for you guys! Seriously! Damage was dealt. I just chose to not get involved because I really don't see any kind of long term reason to. I left video games behind and I am happier for it, I have more productive hobbies now.

Just my two bits user, never meant to imply gamergate did nothing.

Man I just learned this for the first time but Denton is literally a faggot Jew who takes nigger dick up the ass.

Man even the extremely rich Kikes have fallen for their own degeneracy propaganda.

Most likely the Russians.

Wew, I didnt know he was an actual faggot and taker of nigger dick.

just to be clear GG didn't dig up this info – it was an insider leak.
but it could certainly be relevant to Holla Forums if we want to cause a little mayhem by spreading how the darlings of the Twitter Anti-Harrassment Council dox and harrass people.

Jews are notorious for being degenerates. Look at hollywood and the pedo rings that are still hidden.

GG redpilled a lot of people. It made the exodus from halfchan.

Commies talk about building a vanguard. GG made an effective, leaderless vanguard against corruption. Commies did nothing during that time. In the past two days I have seen more action from GG/b/pol than I have seen from some commies in 6 months.

Yay freedom.

I dont even play games, I just hate goons to the point where i dont want them to mislead anons, and they constantly shill for hilldog as one of the shill sources that are coming from offsite areas

so dont assume, I'm one of them that's extremely retarded habit anons like you have.
One of the GG fags handed their people handed out Obama's syria war plan a while back, lucky for us we never went to war. someone in the state department was trying to stop this shit from blowing over and exposing it to ni/gg/ers saved people alot of trouble.

I'm one of the ni/gg/ers*

Wait some user stopped Obama from invading Syria?


GamerGate actually caused a lot of spillover which result in Holla Forums gaining more users that became redpilled. When people got disgruntled with the direction GamerGate, they came here to keep fighting. It served as a resource boon and likely helped to expand Holla Forums influence.

Well at least the fuckers are destroying themselves as well.

That makes me happy.

Certainly. Brings a happy tear to my eye to see gay jews and jews being married to blacks. They won't last if they keep it up, their "pure" line will no longer exist.

Bump, this is getting slid already

Push the child porn angle, it's probably the most damning and actionable of the logs' contents

GG fascinated me because a couple of nobodies appeared to have the kind of power only governments could have. Peeling back the onion was months of entertainment.

Holla Forums is just a more mature kind of that same digging.

Hotpockets sticky this thread and the Soros leak deletion one please to shut the slide threads up
Soros one is here:
It's more likely the whore Van Valenkike and her degenerate horde but better safe than sorry.

i cant find it but it was a long drawn out post about how media and sjws are running interference for the government and its ever increasing actions towards entering the syrian conflict. how common core is fucking kids up, and how we're gonna have to depend on our witts to keep them wary

something about "our children being free someday but not our generation reaping the rewards for it" near the end of the final post.

it was far longer than what beaver user would post on Holla Forums.

Maybe we should start spamming Interracial jewish marriages at Kikes on twitter.

They certainly love spamming us with interracial porn.

Also where's that gif of an Aryan fucking a jewish women with his uncircumcised penis?

You're referring to think-tank user? "GamerGate, Geopolitics and You"?

YES! Its that one, thank you.

after that post was sent out, a flurry of shilling appeared over Holla Forums. it was fucking insane. I think someone may of sent it to trump.

People with dicks care so that naturally excludes you lol

Forget the teeth user, the crazy is in the eyes.

I love seeing that man absolutely raped. in every conceivable method

here you go.

if you want to fuck up their reputations tweet Jewish twitter users these pictures and kafka trap them when they say its wrong or not jewish.

wrong picture

Reddit are too incompetent to take over any type of business

PL on the otherhand, i had toons in corp all around eve, one was in goons and when shit was going down quite a lot of ranking goons jumped ship to PL.

I don't thing any of them was in the 1% that ran this dodgy shit tho.

Russians stick to there own in that game, im sure they will be running something but it's probably in Russia

There were two sides of gamergate and this is often forgotten by people.
There was the Holla Forums side which wanted to fix video games which obviously has not been accomplished and likely will not be.
Then there was the Holla Forums side which used it as a babby's first redpill dispensary. This was an unquestioned success even if they didn't go full 1488.

Part of the issue during the first year of so of gg was that the effect all of it's actions were having were completely speculative.

Then it all seemed to do a 180. Ads came back to gawker. The journos may have moved, but many were still writing. Intel gave money to FemFreq among other idpol organizations. Flynt and Zoe getting tons of attention. At the time, from the outside it looked like they had somehow won.

But, with the release of the article by that former Gawker EIC, GG was validated in the admittance that those ads getting pulled for the period of time crippled them financially. The article also revealed that the only reason ads came back and all the other shit was due to the MSM attacking GG. If the real media hadn't stepped in to effectively help out new media, Gawker would've sank from GG alone.

And that is ultimately where gamergate's failure was. The majority refused to attack the ones who were actually damaging them and constrained themselves to only attacking outlets that covered video games despite the fact that those were not the ones doing effective damage to them.

At least Trump is murdering the luggenpresse lately.

After this election the MSM might finally be fucking over and power will go from TV to the Internet just like power went from radio to TV.

Gamergate is still here. It persist because the problems that spawned in still exist. from the gamer side we still have issues with people trying to get money with crappy product and shills that help them.

But displaying a small cadet branch of the systematic corruption/collusion of the media branch with the very powers they are supposed to investigate and report on is the bigger problem.

The hacks were just copying the actions of the real powers, the real factories of consent. The powers that be are scared of hackers. every time there is a "hack" it is a push of the overton window to crack down on "hackers."
"Oh those pool grills."
instead of
"Oh, I didn't know my government was doing this with my tax dollars and in my name."

They scared

I mean I should have just said the majority wouldn't attack gawker because of group mentality, "they are journalist just like me" and the fact that they are given what to report by other people.

I remember hearing the NPR report on Gamergate and getting very pissed off. It was factually incorrect. It was a hit piece. It made me worry that everything NPR had told me in the past was false or manipulated.

and that is what they fear. if people don't trust the news and other media then a powerful tool of control has been lost. and then maybe control will be lost.

so if GG is allowed to show that they were in the right the powers fear a slippery slope.

so get ready for the 28th, a massive shilling will occur no doubt.

What happens on the 28'th?

If those spergs could stay on task and not get lost in the drama they could do real damage with those logs. It seems they have zero interest in pursuing the DiGRA lead, or really, anything beyond the petty drama.

That, and they refused to be bad goys, ever falling for muh PR concern trolls.

What use is GG now, years after their peak? Have they wizened up to the jew?

Legitimate questions, I want to believe they've learned something, but looking at those threads…it looks like they STILL can't see how the 'anti-gg' crew is just a bunch of useful idiots acting for the jew.

No, you were correct the first time. Every outlet from MSNBC to Fox proceeded to attack gamergate with the only exceptions being places like Breitbart and Reason who are intended to lead the controlled opposition subsections of the populace.


2 year anniversary of the Gamers are Dead articles. The bloggers are going to declare victory against GG tomorrow.

But Gawker just went defunct less than a week ago, are they fucking stupid?


This is too late for Grape Goers, there are no worthwhile people left, you would need double strength autism to be working on it, and anyone not fully focuses on getting Trump elected at the moment is fucking worthless anyway.

I would like to see a genuine hate campaign against that cunt but gg would never do it and nobody here gives a fuck about video game bull shit

Also TB is a complete cuck sucking her clit and using terms like 'dogpiling'


Yeah TB is the fag who pushed MUH PR and completely fucked GG.

At least he's not going to live much longer.

Damn these losers are obsessed.

Action on elements of this is also action towards getting Trump elected. Getting conservative media to pound the twitter safety council over being composed of these fuckups obviously helps Trump's social media outreach. As does further discrediting the media networks libeling him.

Random question but does anyone have proof of liftshitfaces father being an arms dealer?
He always brushes it off in these logs and in tweets ive seen.
I wouldnt be shocked to find the weasle is lying to cover it up but also Im too lazy to look it up myself.
Sage because Plsspoonfeedme and well, gamergay shit…

The guys who really fucked GG were the faggot e-celebs (like TB) who discouraged Operation Krampus. Negative PR against game companies during Christmas would have fucked them. Instead they gave us the nonsense 'the devs will come out for us in January' nonsense.

I'm honestly happy that TB has ass cancer and is going to die.

Fucking liberal posh cunt.

That was never fully confirmed. We know that his dad is rich and that he's a leftist commie faggot who's estranged from his father. This was considered the most likely person to be his dad due to being the only rich Lifschitz we could find and being a neocon.

To be fair neocons are Trotskite Kikes.

Fair enough.
Wouldnt change my opinion of the little faggot either way, just wondered if there was actual proof.

"The people I partied with in college got good jobs and I think I can feed them some bullshit to feel important."

Which ones specifically?

While this is true I'm sure that you're aware that they do not get along well with young communists who do not attempt to hide their power level.

"Old money Dutch" literally just means Jewish.

sad to see all the controlled opposition.

Kind of sucks to live in a big shitty Operation Mockingbird dytopia,

A lot of people on Holla Forums hate gamergate without understanding what it is. Gamergate was a naive movement that came out of a sense of justice. These people wanted to fix games journalism and make it objective. They wanted to defend their hobby and those that enjoy it. A lot of the anons in gamergate were not politically aware or redpilled. Holla Forums was but most wasn't. Anons at the start of gg were politically all over the place. You had libertarians, liberals, and all sorts arguing on what gg should do.

What Gamergate turned into was a normies first glance into the corruption in the west that Holla Forums has known for ages. If you look into the gamergate general on Holla Forums now a days a lot of people link to Holla Forums happenings. Id say most anons there have switched over to Holla Forums completely.

Just know this. While gamergate never accomplished its true goal it achieved many things unintentionally. It exposed social justice warrior culture to the mainstream and made it a joke before the masses were ready to consume it.

Its funny, gamergate failed because it wanted to be understood and liked by the mainstream. Holla Forums on the other hand doesn't give a fuck if its understood or viewed as good and its become Hilary Clintons number one problem. She now had to explain to the world why a bunch of basement dwellers posting pepe memes are Americas number one problem and its god dame hilarious how trump knows how to run with it calling her a tin foil hater.

Don't forget Les Moonves…He's a King Jew. Married an Asian as well.

Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of CBS Corporation.

He actually whines in the logs that his dad is a mere hotel manager and not some super rich arms merchant. Nevertheless somebody was bankrolling Chelsea and giving her the dosh to keep emplyoing a expensive law firm and PR people to manage her media shit.

Not to mention that Gawker actually did a round of VC raising right during GG which was less sucessful than they hoped.

TotalBitchtits just now (as in, yesterday, after these logs dropped) came out and admitted he was played by Zoe. Far too late for him to deserve any credit for not being an idiot, of course.
and i'll admit i'm one of those for whom it took GG shit for me to realize the media narrative on everything (not just game shit) wasn't biased, it was outright fabricated.

me too. I always thought all that Chomsky stuff was commie bullshit but I guess some of it was correct.

I think the worst things that came out of GG were the e-celebs who couldn't let go of their 15 seconds of fame, and worse yet, tried to make a living at it, instead of being happy with their moment.

Second is the total failure to keep autistic spergs like Cameralady and Roguestar from having a megaphone for their autism / scam attempts.

Third is the continual addiction to new developments or revelations, which fed into people like Cameralady and other pathological liars and spergs, and resulted in elaborate DIGRA conspiracies.

But, we killed Gawker, and some of us got hired by someone's lawyers to be liasons & 'advisors' behind the scenes to achieve that goal, which is way better than being a faggot on youtube begging for donations and views.

Shekel Shoah was a carefully planned and meticulously operated gig. It's hard to herd cats, but we did it.

RIP Gawker

Heil Thiel

Heil Hogan

It always cracks me up that there's people who participated in gamergate who remained liberals or even went to Holla Forums. I mean a fucking ton of people woke up but how brainwashed do you have to be to think that the media would lie their asses off about video games but tell the truth about politics and wars?


I give you nerdporn


Isn't this supposed to be that?

Nerdporn is basically ANYTHING sexual in nature on the internet. My pics, your pic are all considered Nerdporn by a DiGRA "academic" and by extension, DiGRA itself.

I don't give a fuck about whatever form of circlejerks a bunch of academics managed to create in order to fund their oh-so-grownup wine & cheese parties, I just don't care for bullshit.

I grew up on Usenet in it's wild west days and I understand you younger kids get "triggered" when someone doesn't give you a trophy and agree with everything you say, so here's your trigger warning:


Defending dumbfuckery "just because one of us is doing it" is why we got stuck with Roguestar and Cameralady and c0alburneronhead and other faggots.

Okay? Good? Trigger warning given?

You're fucking retarded.

Everything in those images is retarded.

A bunch of fart sniffing academics didn't invent the term nerdporn. Nerdporn would not mean anything erotic in nature found on the internet. The logic involved in the images makes me want to slap the author, but fortunately they probably started taking their medication and will never accept responsibility.

I bet Cameralady made them though.

Look, I know this is hard for you because you were born after 1995, but we've been calling various shit 'word+porn' for decades. NAC-porn (stacks of racks & neatly organized cables, mm), GUN-porn (see pic related, part of an earlier operation in my career that pretty much killed the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, worked so well that we got fan art from which that is a sample. tl;dr successfully posed as Brady Campaign and wrote lengthy screeds against black powder muzzleloaders, .22 rifles, shotguns, and hunting weapons, effectively reducing their actual end-game to parody and acting as an area denial meme) CAR porn (pic related, an exomotive bodykit) etc etc etc.

What does it mean? It means gratuitous pictures of stuff for no reason other than to show it off, for other people to admire. It has nothing to do with erotica. Nerdporn, depending on what type of nerd you're dealing with, could be a series of pictures of a perfectly preserved Amiga A500 or a restored Street Fighter cabinet or an archive of hand drawn sketches prototyping Deadpool.

If you are young and sheltered and not really familiar with the internet world outside your imageboard hugbox, you might not know that, and you might believe something like those images or worse yet repeat them. And I would assert my ancient, god given right to call you a faggot, as I have called people faggots on dial-in BBS, as I have called people faggots on early IRC servers, as I have called people faggots on &Totse, and as I call you a faggot now.

Aspergers or autism?

8=============D~~ ()

Best Posts:


They don't want you bumping this thread, they want you spamming the 'christcuck' D&C b8.

Remember that learningchode's botnet was deployed two days ago after his ban and josh's goons are making their way here in droves since the end of 16ch.pl.

The fight's about to get a hell of a lot more interesting, I just hope some of you can make it out with your sanity intact.

I'm working on a book about how Goons ruined the internet and gave us the SJW menace. It's going to be pretty good. Being a paid operative ensure Gawker was kill has let me have time for the important things in life, like writing history.

I'll be fine.

Oops. meant for

Daily reminder that this is what goons look like. They only have strength in numbers. They only exist to reinforce their delusional beliefs that they are funny and to slap each other on the back for saying the right things the right way and to shit all over other people for not doing those things the right way or just doing anything they don't like at all.

The only motivations they have beyond basic instincts from the Hierarchy of Needs are a series of vague impulses to seek groups of others like them, and to bully other people.

Essentially, goons are bullies in weak, pasty manchild bodies. They could never have been real bullies, because they are physically weak and also uncreative. I suppose they are trans-bullies, flailing around online to try to compensate for not being born the way they identify as.

The best thing about goons is that they continually eat each other, and they are really easy to trick into doing so.

simmer down there, lad


If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were accusing me of being a goon. For no other crime than pointing at the ridiculousness of some academics. Moreover you fail to recognize that it is these same academics that teach the teachers of the future. This is how the SJW mentality spreads to the classroom. Yet you have the gall to call me a dumbfuck? user, please. Your rage only embarrasses yourself.

What did they mean by this?

Work on your grammar. Use commas, avoid non-words like "infact".

FBI here, holy shit.

the nerdporn thing isn't really anything important. Their desire to gamify everything and inject critical theory in gaming is.

On the contrary, GG became cucked into a very narrow mindset about "muh ethics" which resulted in its death as they would oppose anyone trying to make any advancements beyond what was already done. Even when presented with very clear proof that Common Core was heavily related to Gamergate, they just plugged their ears and chanted about how it isn't to do with videogames (which it is), how it has nothing to do with gaming journalism (despite the clear connection between GJP and Gates Foundation), how it is just tinfoil-hattery and how even if it were GG-related then it would be too big of an opponent to tackle meaning everyone should just give up.

Good to see that you made it. Now what ya gon' do about Chelsea "Zoe Quin" Van Valkenburg murdering a man, or the fact that people involved in Crash Override didn't take Cheese Pizzography seriously?

all i have to say is TB is the Molyjew of gaming
he's the worst type of attention whore

Holla Forums had this

Good mod. This should be stickied.

Back to the OP. This is what goons do. They didn't invent any of their techniques or have an actual playbook at first (although by now, I wouldn't be surprised if they had a few 'best practices' documents as guidelines- it's just not likely for them to produce written doctrine, because they are a clique and cliques don't need to continually train new recruits and move them up the line- their doctrine will be presented publicly and people have to fall in line in order to start merging into the clique) but they use what works for them.

Toxic goon culture always involves an attempt to take over moderation or administration of any group, so they can favor their own. You can observe this type of clique formation and infiltration in literally any social group. For example, I had to deal with a bunch of pseudo-hippie drug dealing kids and their clique trying to get into the music scene and various venues. They get themselves hired on in places, they spread rumors about people they like, they try to get as much social power as possibly and then use it against their 'enemies.'

So we're not dealing with anything new to human nature or experience, we're dealing with cliques of people and their inevitable thirst for power and a bigger stick to use against other people just for the hell of it. And SJW-goonism provided them with a very, very big stick, a glitched weapon against which people couldn't defend.

Suddenly, you could attack someone for being 'problematic' or 'bigoted' or 'privileged' and they had no defense. And so the twin poisons have flowed and flowed deep, one of them being the acceptance of progressive culture and the other being the big stick used to attack people for their transgressions, and there will always be transgressions made, or found, or inferred.

And now they're in Twitter, and they're in Intel, and this shouldn't surprise anyone. They'll try to demoralize you and tell you that you caused it by 'attacking' them, that you somehow gave them relevance or exposure or sympathy that helped them on their way. This is a lie. They always would have gotten there. They got everywhere else just fine.

But remember how I said that there is nothing, absolutely nothing new to what they are doing? People in bigger corporate cultures aren't strangers to bullshit artists and cultish groups trying to get a foothold. They have an outpost at Twitter, the famous clown car which drove into a goldmine, and that's one of the best things they could do.

They don't actually create. (Phil Fish was a thief) They can't really code. They aren't doers, they just want the cachet and praise for 'doing'.

They are a generation of people who saw the "be a video game tester and make big money" ads with the xbox controller, and the morons clicked it. They are the generation of people who were kids and saw actual game designers in the spotlight and wanted to be like that but with cooler hair and some piercings and some edgy tattoos, but without all the hassle of programming or development.

To understand where they have totally failed, you need to understand where they are and where they AREN'T, how scams work in silicon valley and how their absense there means they still haven't hit the big leagues, and still won't, because even for the scammy startup funding round situation you actually need a real education, you need real skills, and you need real talent.

Show me a SJW who took something through Ycombinator to launch, and I'll show you someone who was just pretending in order to fuck chicks with dyed red hair.

It's irritating, vexing, and annoying that they have a foothold at Twitter. It means they get to influence discussion. It means they can abuse their power against internet consumers, and believe me, when you use Twitter, you're being an internet consumer.

But be very aware, those posittions are a token, it's an also-ran prize for people who couldn't cut it.

Hi cameralady.

CIA you think?

Feels fucking bad, but on the other hand the cpu is amazing. Wish amd had something on par.

Cluster B personality disorder chick told one person that she killed a guy.

If ZQ said the sky was blue, I'd double check just to be sure.


Was gamergate successful with intel at all?

Seems hard to target a company with such a monopoly. Buzzfeed looks like a similar situation, no small advertisers to target.

I don't see anything that would make me think that, there's tons of people with political connections that aren't CIA.

This is the fucking problem.

E-celebs only fracture movements and cause infighting.

Fuck every last E-celeb to death with a rusty rake.

No but I don't really blame them for things like that since as you say what are they supposed to do?

The guy that you're responding to is the problem. Anyone that was following this early on knows that Holla Forums was interested in the DiGRA and Silverstring connections yet he thinks it came from Cameralady.

kampfy dubs.

there are tons but that many software postings with vauge names that give him oversight and executive level access. CIA wants to be on the cutting edge of software. and other things.

I could be wrong.

on the other hand he may have had a hand in killing THQ. That cost me 500 dollars in stock.

Cameralady went off her meds before the DIGRA stuff started popping up. If all people have is infographics trying to tell us that the word 'nerdporn' was invented by a shadowy cabal to warp healthy sexual interests, those people need to go right the fuck back to /x/.

Weren't they successful with other targets like smaller advertisers? I remember them having some impact on things besides being a bogeyman.

Wasn't Deray of BLM fame living on one of his house rent-free for a while? It's amazing how incestuous the connections get.

Thomas Braden, head of the International Organizations Division (IOD), played an important role in Operation Mockingbird. Many years later he revealed his role in these events:

"If the director of CIA wanted to extend a present, say, to someone in Europe—a Labour leader—suppose he just thought, This man can use fifty thousand dollars, he's working well and doing a good job—he could hand it to him and never have to account to anybody… There was simply no limit to the money it could spend and no limit to the people it could hire and no limit to the activities it could decide were necessary to conduct the war—the secret war… It was a multinational. Maybe it was one of the first. Journalists were a target, labor unions a particular target—that was one of the activities in which the communists spent the most money."

No reason to think the CIA wouldn't have another program like this in the digital media battlespace era. and if they don't have that program they should. Hi three lettered feds, keep us safe.

The business with DIGRA having a connection with many of the journalists did turn out to be partly true.

I think some people interpret a connection to mean that there has to be some sort of command infrastructure, when it can be a bit looser than all that.

With DIGRA the problem is mostly that they engage in rampant idiocy with most of their writing and for whatever reason have their writing read and believed by those writing for some video game sites. Essentially causing their feminist styled tinfoil hat conspiracy theories to gain some credibility through repetition a bit like memes.

As far as people profiting off of GG, I can't say I'm bothered due to it being a necessary evil. In order to have anyone create products you want, there has to be financial incentive to do so. The left, and particularly cultural Marxists such as SJWs, have been more than happy to absorb only media that panders to them which has led to them becoming a demographic that the entertainment and news media would want to appeal to.

When people complain that you should just make videos, investigate topics, or report on certain subjects entirely for free, it removes much of the incentive for doing any such things.

This is part of what annoyed me with Jim/IA/MM who popularized the meme that anyone that wanted to make money creating articles or videos online was engaging in hipster welfare. Originally people were decrying those that wanted to get paid to do nothing and after Jim's comments the idea that wanting to get paid for doing something then spread like wild fire. I think that actually damaged GG more than anything as it had people openly wanting to criticize anyone that felt like making products for those that were right wing.

A lot of people hop around continually in tech.

Everyone needs to stop looking at the social-media happy retards that act as figureheads, and actually learn how tech companies work. I'll get into that in a bit, it's actually very nice to open your eyes to the scope of the tech industry because you realize that companies aren't operated, funded, and controlled by the faggots who post on twitter ten times or more a day.

And yes, there are startups who get funded by the CIA, but that's more of a 'here's money, develop THING, we get first dibs, thanks' situation.

Honestly one of the best things that came from GamerGate is that we learned a hell of a lot more about running operations, OPSEC, INFOSEC, persuasion, ect… than we could have ever imagined in chanology. The biggest thing to come out of GamerGate is that it might have just birthed a legion of trained independent Holla Forumsack psyops agents.

We might just completely stomp our enemy to death in the next big internet war.

All this critique about a hashtag is confusing. I thought it was readers vs journos and the only thing they had them on was ethics, and they fucked with their advertisers–successfully for the most part. Where does common core come into it and why would they divert their strategy to something tied to politics and an election cycle? That would seem pointless until they had replaced the journos first, I noticed they have a few recommended sites I don't recall from the time I used to game.
No idea why people want to steer them for their own cause when they were being effective and hard to pin down…

DIGRA is a terrifying conspiracy if you don't know anything about academia and the incredible lengths people will go to in order to not actually have to work.

You guys had a lot of help. I wasn't the only oldfag who got paid to be an inserted 'force multiplication advisor'

well, I worked at a computer company, sales, repair, website, isp, parts, security. and we had a guy who worked for the State Bureau of Investigations who worked there but he wasn't there ever.

I would think the high tech firms would have at least one person around from gov to keep an eye on things, just to keep commies out of chip making or game production.

The Russians do that to the extent that FSB ran the doping program.

Yeah Intel actually pulled out from advertising for a while.

Led to all the video game media and their friends writing about how evil Intel was for doing such a thing.

Quite a few people actually stopped advertising with Gawker and there have been reports from people with Gawker that they had some very annoying conversations with marketing departments for a variety of companies because of the e-mail campaign against Gawker's advertisers.

One of the things that came as a slight surprise to people though was that most of Gawker's and pals' comes from native advertising. It seemed like the vast majority of articles from Gawker actually were just advertisements that were paid for by various companies.

Guess this explains why Holla Forums was raided early today.

Every time.

As I said earlier the nerd porn stuff is completely irrelevant that bit really is laughable. What's actually important is their attempt to inject critical theory and gamify everything for indoctrination purposes.

Yeah for anyone unfamiliar with 'academics' it must have seemed freaky to find out how dishonest most are, especially in anything even remotely related to sociology.

GG got in touch with a VP and got ads pulled for a month. AGG went over their heads to Intel's CEO and their Chief of Diversity and got $300 million.

2 years later and Zoe is uglier and fatter than ever.

Sometimes I really wonder how much control the globalists really have over our Government.

I mean if they're so good at subversion then why the fuck do imageboards exist which have become a major pain in the ass to the globalists? You'd think that since anonymous communities have the potential to reach eldritch horror levels of social power that we'd be gone or completely subverted by now.

If your company didn't develop anything, or didn't participate in fundraising cycles, you didn't work at a 'tech' company, you worked at a very diversified computer store.

I could theorize a lot of interesting stuff based on that, but it's all boring too. Maybe the owners did some shady shit (state and regional level crime is bigger than people think) and hired a Statie to keep things cool. Which is why he never came in.

The fact that Gawker admitted that "okay fine GG hurt us a little bit for a short while then we smoothed it all over" in their farewell posts on the site is pretty much proof that they got fucked thoroughly and then never recovered.

You guys have to understand how internet advertising ACTUALLY WORKS. There isn't a guy from Intel buying advertising that then gets shown in a banner ad on Gawker. This isn't fucking 1994.

It's an exchange. There's millions of bids happening, per second, over who's advertising goes where. If you see an Intel ad on Gawker, your friend may be seeing shoes.

And that's why the unpublicized part of Shekel Shoah was hitting the AD EXCHANGES as well as the advertisers. You can stop Intel from advertising on Gawker, but ads to be shown on Gawker will still be shopped to everyone ELSE. We would see Intel ads because - making a hypothetical example here - Intel bids the fuck out of the 16-35 white male demographic on Gawker.

But other demographics are seeing other ads. All those ads for all those different people still pay the bills.

Hit the exchange, get them to stop selling ads for Gawker just to make all the emails and complaints stop, and suddenly Gawker is floundering. And that's part of what we did, in a way.

No, not really. They did eventually go back to advertising, but no Gawker did not somehow received hundreds of millions from Intel. That probably would have prevented them needing to sell themselves to Mexicans.

The $300 million was some PR diversity campaign bullshit Intel was doing and due to Anita Sarkeesian having some connection to Intel's marketing department was able to get their name on some long list of projects that received some money. I don't think anyone has any idea how much it was and it could have been $1,000 to $299 mil for all we know.

Are you even trying?

So the "vast right wing conspiracy" is real?


Games are degenerate time sinks. But I don't understand why cuck faggots like you are ok with ceding ground to jews and marxists. They use media and entertainment to promote the decline of white civilization.

I will bet you my left nut that that "300 million" was hilariously creative money laundering from Intel.

I was watching TV when the cunt uttered that phrase.

It wasn't really real then. I like to imagine that the bitch memed it into reality.

If you have no fucking clue what a shill is in that context, then sure.

How does not being a PR-cuck shilling for "muh ethics" make me an eceleb? I was in the Common Core threads on Holla Forums and the GG boards, it was very clear that it wasn't just shills being really active but rather GG choking on too much dick to do anything but circlejerk about emails.

1. Super greasy hair.
2. Going bald.
3. Giant bags under her eyes.
4. looks like she is in her late early 40s despite an inch of makeup


Wrong. Some people wouldn't listen to it, but quite a few people were receptive toward those digs when they were ongoing… up until that cancerous faggot S4T showed up and latched on to it. He was a shill from the start sent in to discredit the whole thing and sink the digging efforts by constantly having gigantic spergouts and making it all look like tinfoil to surpass Alex Jones. His later behavior only confirmed that his goal was D&C all along.

Not to mention even KiA told TB to fuck off when he tried to tell them "GG is about muh ethics, stop going after SJWs!" GG was killed by wannabe e-celeb cancer like S4T and John Kelly shilling it to death. It's no coincidence the digging died immediately after they showed up, and the diggers were the backbone of GG.

That diversity campaign was approved by the VP of Intel a woman who was fired a few months later for misusing funds.

I think that word isn't what you think it is. I got paid to help kill Gawker. Do you really think people get paid for posting? Maybe for Jeb's Gauc shack or some other shitty restaurant that needs reviews on Yelp, or followers on instagram.

you may be overestimating it tbh

Chaim pls

I wasn't calling you an eceleb, I was calling you an autist, probably born after 1996. She was never an eceleb, she was just an autistic woman, probably with other concurrent disorders, who made things up because there was a horde of screaming children who wanted MORE EXPOSES and MORE LURID SECRETS REVEALED at a Late-August Early-September pace, when pretty much everything was mapped out and it was time to do the real work.

If legit, can you look into Randi Harper and the Puerto Rico stuff? archive.is/XnZG0 archive.is/1yDJM archive.is/ZtjIo archive.is/VT7Ok

Harper also went after Vivek Wadhwa, apparently for being competition to other women-in-tech promoters. archive.is/RHW1x archive.is/0Wuvm

Harper was funded by crowdsourcing from people who knew what she was doing. It was no secret. Someone in GG made a list.


Doesn't you wanting a hashtag to do what you want sort of come to odds with a leaderless hashtag? I am sure not everyone has the same approach or goals. Trying to steer a hashtag or a group of upset consumers sounds a bit shady, user.

No need to get salty just because you didn't have a resume. I had experience doing viral marketing for online casinos, I had the Brady Campaign kill under my belt, I had a lot of other experience with stuff covered by NDAs, and I sent my resume in to people who hated Gawker.

Maybe I should break down how I Gawker'd the Brady Campaign, it's still a useful lesson for today even though it was a decade ago.

Assuming your story is true you got paid by an outside source to help along a certain path. Therefore you're not trustworthy as you could be trying to keep everything on set rails. That's giving you the undeserved benefit of the doubt of not assuming its just complete bullshit.


You post makes me go look at Variloah and as of Jul 21, 2016 he was still screaming about Sargon. Sargon is fuck but as of one month ago he's still talking about the same shit lol.


Time to spread this on twitter and everywhere else

I guess you goobers were right about damn everything and it was I who was the fool so this is my one and only apology for not listening to you and believing their lies and attempt to play faux victim

We really should have looked into this deeper before making a conclusion and false narrative and I agree that was was extremely unprofessional journalism

The things in that chat log are truly vile and sickening as well as extremely illegal

For that large a sum of money, it would seem pretty natural that they made some requirement for those getting larger amounts of money to use it to purchase Intel products and services. That way they could write off the money as a donation while having it be paid right back into Intel.

But then you do have stuff like that comes out and can seem a sign that they're really just incompetent. Pretty much everyone involved in marketing and HR seems to be some insane cultural Marxist that would do stupid shit like this.

S4T and John Kelly were some odd ducks. They both seem like prime examples of what happens when you strive for ideological purity amongst you and your cohorts while never trying to confront any that you're supposedly opposed to.

I didn't guide anything anywhere it wasn't already going. Gawker was the enemy, Gawker is kill.

Are you saying I somehow shilled us into hating Gawker? Was Gawker our friend? Should I not have spent 10 hour days instructing people on how to effectively craft the right emails and make the right phonecalls to get results?

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Killing Gawker was not the initial objective so if you were only paid to ensure Gawker was killed then you were a shill.


Read the Sony email links. They read like Holla Forums-light in their bantz against gays, women, minorities, etc.

And then that studio turns around and uses the cathedral of SocJus to frame other people as 'bad'.


Tell me the truth user.

Was this all a big conspiracy by Peter Thiel to completely fuck over Nick Denton?

Jews do not create evil, they merely transplant it.

A big problem with GG is all the sex crazed virgin gamers who don't know how to deal with women like her.

"Gamer girls" are put on such a pedestal, I guess cause virgins get so excited by a girl with a "common interest". Gamer girls are just the most desperate awkward girls. Gaming should be seen as a negative hobby in a girl. Don't attack the girls (this is just taking the bait) but attack the stupid desperate beta orbiters (their funding) and the girls will disappear.

Looking further through the chat logs not only I do I see self admission to the illegal willful acquisition and distribution of Child Pornography and faux harassment claims but racist remarks regarding the Japanese?

It will take a while to look and comb through all the logs but if you guys can help find key parts of the log that will fit into the average news article that would be great

I promise I'll help make things right as these are some truly sickening and deranged individuals who pulled the wool on us and everyone else with a false narrative and yes we do care about credibility and no we do not want to be associated with CON-artists

I think you've spent so long calling anyone who disagrees with you a shill that it's become one of those words that has that zen-like loss of meaning, like when you repeat the word 'carrot' over and over and it de-syncs in your mind from any definition.

Please post a definition of 'shill'

Movement got fagged up by e-celebs and rogue autists and Gawker was making money by running articles against us, I decided I wanted to make them bleed and get paid too. No one EVER got paid to make posts or comments, and I rarely commented or posted once I started. It was all strategy from that point.

Hello, 2003. Watch out for that Iraq War, it's a doozy!

But if you want to rustle jimmies then I strongly encourage spreading the rumor that the entire GG movement was started by Thiel from the start. They'll actually start producing articles on.. well, wherever they post articles now. Buzzfeed? I don't know. It'll be hilarious and the tears will be a flood.

Maybe Thiel was hiring people to infiltrate the movement and date aspiring developers. Maybe Eron was a Thiel plant from the beginning. I would love to see the mental breakdown this would give them if this were published, so have at it.

An outside entity attempting to influence behavior. That could be everything from getting people to buy your game, to derailing from productivity, to trying to make everyone focused on only one guilty entity. For instance RPS and Vox were every bit as guilty as Gawker, yet if your only motivation was to kill Gawker allowing people to focus on others would not be beneficial to you.

I don't even know what you're trying to say, but I'll assume it's a compliment on my wisdom.

"definition of shill stretched beyond all meaning & we shouldn't have tried to kill Gawker: the post"

Did RPS and Vox have gamers are dead articles? I think that is where the targeting was spawned from, if my memory servers.

Yes. Also RPS article was the original Grayson article.

"We should have only focused on Gawker the post"

These academics would be in no position to advise Govs if they were not taken seriously. One can counter that by exposing their stupidity. I cannot find the paper itself at the moment but the author (on one of the authors) of the paper was Mahli-Ann Butt from Australia.

Did they also make enemies with deep pockets?

For the benefit of any of the 1995+ crowd:

Zero Sum Games aren't real, providing people with ways to target Gawker never detracted from targetting other sites, and the methods and techniques learned translated directly to whatever other shitty blog-journo website we were dealing with.

Fact is, at the end of the day, most people only cared about Gawker anyway, because it was big and it was influencing people in the outside world.

Keep beating the shit out of that strawman because you're salty for no reason. You're young, you have no background or skills, you wouldn't have been able to get paid for anything in the first place, so you have no reason to be mad over someone who was.

Maybe I should larp as 19 and autistic and accuse you of being a Gawker defender shill.

I'm not upset at you being paid, I'm upset at you using people for your own ends and likely doing everything you could to keep everyone focused on your target alone.

Gawker was by far both the biggest and the most vulnerable link in the chain. Shill or no, it made sense to focus on them. Bringing them down weakens market confidence in all clickbait as a business model.

Regardless, I'm going to say the guy you're replying to is a LARPer unless he actually goes into convincing detail on his past experiences supposedly doing similar things.

except that paper wasn't by "digra academics" since there is no such thing. digra doesn't "have" academics. it has a conference that people present papers at. you think people would know what digra actually was after all this time.

More importantly, that nerdcore porn paper wasn't even delivered at a digra conference. it was given at a conference called Reason Plus Enjoyment. Link to the program: rpeii.wordpress.com/programme-2/

I disagree entirely, go to deepfreeze.it to see how wrong you are.

The reason that I can believe him is he has the typical egotistical view of an outsider who thinks most people on imageboards are teenagers or people without skills.

Projection: the post. I was in 'GG' from day one. I was directly engaged by ZQ and engaged back. From the fucking start. Where were you?

Aw, don't spoil the /x/larp.

Someone wants to hear the story of how I skullfucked the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Okay, give me a minute to pour some Knob Creek.

And FYI, the second-most one everyone cared about was Polygon, and I've already been working out some regression models on them for future use, but I figure the smart thing to do is wait until one of them seriously starts to pick up the torch from Gawker and go into Gamers R Smelly n Bad n Dead land to get their balls blown off again.

Same place faggot

No, most people who disagree with me
on this particular topic in which I have direct experience
are teenagers or people without skills.

I was closing the pool before your balls dropped.

Doubtful. Also you should have realized that Polygon is part of Vox.

That's what I am saying. If we had one I am sure they have one.

Compared to our potential right now we're nothing more than a termite.

Now we're just splitting hairs. Like I said before, these people operate in cliques, and you have to pick apart a clique in ways appropriate to that sub-group. Look at the OP again, and keep in mind the ways they have fractured.

Polygon's marque has it's own clique.

At higher levels they just donate to the correct politicians. *cough, CFG cough*

Misclicked on the reply oh no theres the definitive proof that I am an outsider who never used an imageboard before I saw leejunfags and exploding yellow vans on TV oh wait that's not me that's someone else here

You would target the parent company as its easier to hit just as Gawker was targeted instead of only Kotaku.

pardon but what are,

Hey user I have a question.

Is gun rights the only issue that conservatives reliably fight and win on because they understand that it's their ultimate trump card?

they are also the more likely to go homo than any other people

Gawker was killable because of a series of horrible decisions and a lawsuit which they entered into with less seriousness or self preservation than someone tapdancing into a minefield with ice skates.

To this day I still think that smug fuck thought he could actually call other people racists and just turn on the "snark" and get out of anything because that and lines of coke (Denton is in fact a cokehead) has smoothed over every problem he's ever had.

Vox is not, to my knowledge which I admit is finite, operated by a delusional cokehead homosexual with the legal knowledge of a dead carp. Polygon is operated by a clique of pseudo-gamers with an extensive track record and who we have been keeping track of from the beginning. It's easiest to crack and fracture starting there, because that's how most of this is going to play out: fracturing their cliques, outing people for being 'problematic'. Remember that none of them follow their little red book of rules. The men want to fuck the women (and little boys). Everyone is stealing- financially and intellectually. They have all done or will do homophobic or transphobic things. All you have to do is hold them to their rules and then turn their own mob on them.

A lot of cuckservatives will sell out the gun community. It's a whole big long mess that I would like to get into if only to show a few things, like how 'gun control organizations' are operated as personal piggy banks for their owners, etc.

Some people woke up to lies in the media during GG. Some people woke up to lies in the media when they used full automatic AK47s to illustrate the 1994 Assault Weapon Ban. Some people woke up to lies in the 70s. It's always the same thing, though.

Garbage people who smugpost and mass-converted to SJWism

Isn't Tel Aviv the gayest city in the world?

Hey Insider user do you have any information on what really happened with Moot?

Why did he sell out and why does he work at Google now? Does it have anything to do with that he was originally a goon?

Something Awful forums, a bulletin board for paedoes and the FBI, are commonly referred to as "goons" after the "Goonswarm" alliance they created in an online game for autistic faggots.

I was never a member of SA. I read 2 or 3 threads there in the early early 2000s. A wonderful series of updates from a man who drove a street sweeper with an insane co-worker, and a series of updates from a man who had a horrible roommate who shat in the bathtub and forced him to wall off the house inside and create a hidden door lock using a remote controlled car. I never felt like giving them ten bucks to join. The website front page also used to be kinda sorta funny, like a proto-cracked. Photoshop phridays were pretty good.

From my understanding of history, Moot left during one of the shittening of the boards, and created a website that was the opposite of SA. Instead of smug reputation building, you posted anonymously.

Really good for random discussion. SA goons hated it. How could they circlejerk? How could they build up a reputation and use it to run off newbies? (NOTHING will kill a forum faster than a few SA goons or goon types building up the culture of "harass the new guy until they leave"- they are like talmudists, you have to root them out or you'll be left with a ghost town eventually)

Running a website also will create a lot of bullshit to deal with. Keeping track of mods, all the cliques and mentally ill internet 24 hours a day types kissing endless amounts of ass in order to be a janitor on the internet, etc.

Moot eventually got tired of the bullshit and sold the site. Good for him.

some user may give you a better description, but they are the worst of the worst online

they actually celebrate pushing people into suicide and get a kick out of ruining peoples lives
ZQ is a goon and her goon friends support her. She first harassed someone to the point of suicide on a depression board and then turned around and got the press to say she was harassed and her goons supported her. Rumor is the guy did kill himself and she released a game "depression quest". She got caught and played the victim with her goon friends making it look like she was being harassed constantly. The MSM had a went wild (with a PR blitz from Silverstring media…where other goons work). Now with the "make people lose their jobs" narrative….same goon ideology

you know when Robin Williams died and his daughter was harassed to the point of leaving social media? that was goons
They're here right now and the only satisfaction they have in their miserable lives is hurting others.

Few people are as bad as Denton. Still they put out more objectionable material than Polygon by itself(at least by mainstream standards).
I do not think this tactic is actually effective. For instance solid proof came out that Nyberg was a pedophile who looked at child porn and attempted to groom his cousin and yet they still defended him.

They were called Goons before Eve you fucking idiot

Sanity is for the weak.

I actually couldn't give that much of a shit but I appreciate the correction.

Good. I know you guys have a yuge workload this year, but could you fuckers please work a little faster to uncuck our country? All this shit is driving me up the wall.

This, and they discovered a way to do all of this in public and be praised for it too. It's no coincidence that Goons pretty much weaponized doxing. They also covertly advocated for sockpuppetry online.

In the usenet days, you WERE your identity or email online. The internet did NOT START as an anonymous playground, contrary to some revisionist history types. Goons encouraged this, although not in the anonymous imageboard sense, in the "I have a different username on Reddit and I'm going to post about fucking dogs!" anonymity.

Because if half the world thinks the internet is an anonymous place to post or say whatever, then your chances of being able to find shitty stuff on someone is much greater, and then you can go ahead with the dox and shame and circlejerk over it.

Those are the people who came out of SA to become "abuse activists"

Anytime, cockbreath

You don't think there was anything wrong with him saying he wouldn't kick gamergate off 4chan and proceeding to do just that a few days later?

Also trips.

Hey, at least you get a free ride.


I was there for Chanology, Chanology got fucking gay as fuck fast, GG - as seen on the boards - WAS becoming Chanology. Continual thread spam, posting people's dox (whether I agree with them being doxed or not, it was happening, and this made life hard for Moot), making threads that got deleted and then making twenty threads crying over censorship… it was just too gay.

Then he was doing something with some SJW chick and everyone ribbed him over it and he ribbed them back and a bunch of kids who had never seen a board get trolled self-deported and took Chanology 2.0 (at that stage) with them. It was really quite genius, actually.

God forbid the man hang out with anyone who isn't a 24/7 4chan dweller at a convention.

He never went back on his word, he said that people had to stop being Chanology tier cringe.

One could complain about the specific rules being enforced, but then you're in the same league as the Goons from Holla Forums who hate any form of forum rule and call it 'Long Live Holla Forums!ery'.

r u l e c u c k is censored here and that's the best thing I've seen all day.

Also I'm aware that I just commited heresy against crippol but whatever. GG was operated by IRC as God intended. It didn't need to be spammed so much in boards that got tired of it.

>a bunch of kids who had never seen a board get trolled self-deported
Now I know this is all LARPing.

Not an argument.

and so the roodypoos and newfriends self-deported.

Interesting, do you know how many might be kikes? Is their any infighting? How can we exploit/counter them, to secure a better future for Holla Forums children?

That's what was happening which is why I know you're lying. They deleted every thread that was made. Still to this day if you try to make a thread focusing on journalism fuckups without even calling it gamergate it will get deleted if things go negative against the writers there.

This will all be the subject of my book on Goons and how to get rid of them forever. And no, it will not be sold, but made into an enormous text file complete with ASCII art, as God intended.

Fuck. That's not what was happening I mean.

I'm ready for anything at this point, mate.

ints pls go

To be fair so do we.

When we raided Tumblr in 2014 2-3 SJW's killed themselves and we rejoiced.

But it is what happened.

And some people made faked up IRC logs about how the whole site was compromised by SJWs and Holla Forums was about to be deleted. I guess that's why he sold it to Joot who specifically said he wouldn't delete Holla Forums.

Look, I know cripchan has it's own little religion about this event just like SJWfaggots have their little religion. The difference is that cripchan's creation myth isn't used to ruin the world or provoke me, and I'm not trying to say that you were stupid or a faggot or a retarded chicken little because you'd never seen a board get trolled by admin before.

They didn't, actually. Although "We raided tumblr and caused suicides and that's why we are being shut down" was a popular meme.

Tumblrfags aren't dedicated enough to an hero

Do you mean Holla Forums? Because I will be first in line to shove them into the ovens where those Goons belong

Although we did turn Jessie Slaughter into a tranny which is sad and hilarious

He had a sticky made on Holla Forums that anyone who continued trying to discuss things would be banned. You are blatantly fabricating things.

Really, well good luck then user.
I hope to read it some day. Maybe you could remember to post it here?

We're not the jews of the internet; The goons are.

True but it's Goonswarm that popularized the term to outsiders. Anyone doubting how horrible these people are check out the something sensitive forums, it's ran by ex-goons who had enough of their ways and expose it to the public.


They're a big part as to why SA hasn't been very noteworthy in the last few years compared to the early 2000's, they know they're being watched by fellow members and evidence is being collected at all times.

Any goons reading this ought to give that place a visit and see what company they're really involved with.

You keep bringing things up and saying it disproves anything I said. I don't think that Gamergate discussion being prohibited in Holla Forums was the best thing to happen, but I completely understand why it DID, SJW mod infiltrators aside.

This has been true for a decade. Finally we know the faggots behind the curtain, and soon everyone will.

They are like Holla Forums but older and without any kind of values.

If I wanted to destroy Holla Forums or SA I would find another evalion and spam her.

SA hasn't been relevant since 2005. They're a left-wing 4chan Holla Forums with a cover charge.

Calling bullshit.

You have gone from saying in
that wordfilters and audio was put in place to now saying that yeah, discussion was actually banned.

Lots of good stuff on there. It's one of my primary sources for the Goon book. Also, you can go read mpcdot.com for an insight into what happens when Goons try to become "alt-right." (They haven't managed to forget their culture of circlejerking, reputationfagging, and new member abuse though)


Shit like Evalion only works on retards.

ED has lots of good sources against goonfuckery, which is no big surprise as they tend to take the piss out of anyone who takes themselves too seriously, which is another way to describe Goons



Say, ever heard of tgchan? I hear one or potentially more of the mods is a goon. I found this out the hard way when I revealed my power level.

You're arguing like a SJW and shifting from place to place.

Actually, you're arguing like a (((Talmudic Type))).

If you're going to say you're disproving something I said, QUOTE ME FAGGOT.

You're acting like a mudbeard who just saw me drop a deuce on a Koran.

Oh wait I see what you're doing. You're taking what I said about Holla Forums and trying to say that I said that about Holla Forums.

Stop being a cunt.

Is Holla Forums retards, then? The board was divided on whether she was valuable for redpilling, vs a jewish eceleb camwhore.

I do have my doubts of using her on SA, but apparently girls like Quinn were able to play on the beta orbiters at SA.

Except now you admit that the reason people left is because discussion was banned.

The user you are arguing with is trying to revise history. I have no doubt that it is a professional shill. Just one claiming authority. Look at which thread it decided to post in.

Author of the paper is a member of DiGRA? Check!
Would her reasoning and conclusions be carried over in to presentations? Yes
Nothing in those inforgraphs is factually incorrect.

Then how exactly do you explain Moot going to work at Google, one of the most kiked companies in the world?

Discussion got banned on Holla Forums for shekel shoah. The word filters and audio was second exodus not 1st.

Yeah, you're right, I'm just making sure its clear to newfags at this point.

Pretty much all the ones born after 1995 are.

Your strategy: say that I said something then quote yourself saying I said something and say quote is me admitting it.

I don't know. I can't imagine why a man would choose to accept a paycheck and health insurance from a large and retardedly well-funded company, where they will hurl money at him in a desperate attempt to get him to turn Google Plus into something that people want to actually use and not wonder why the fuck their jewtube channel is now connected to it. I mean, they probably used blackmail or something to get him to give up his lucrative 4chan pass + Onahole advertising income, and pry him away from dealing with moderation and FBI requests every time someone posts Cheese Pizza.

To this day, we may never know why Moot would want to take that job instead of running an imageboard for his entire adult life, and until he dies.

People left Holla Forums on 4chan because of Holla Forums harbor, because they were chicken little retards.

GG discussion got banned on Holla Forums because it was turning into Chanology 2.0. I wouldn't have made that call, but I understand it.

Shekel Shoah was running FINE until some autists just couldn't stop spamming Holla Forums with the dox of various executives instead of leaving the info in the pastebins where it belonged. In fact, there is no doubt in my mind that Gawker came to Holla Forums to spam dox on people in order to get the whole Shekel Shoah shut down.

Nothing I'm saying contradicts anything I've said before. If it goes against your religious beliefs, that's too bad, keep reacting like a muslim hearing about mohammed's actual life.


Please keep lying. I specifically quoted your post from I never mentioned word filters or audio before you did.

Also, arguing with me on this is exactly what a hostile shill would do if they wanted to shut down any discussion of how to continue winning against these people.

I'm starting to understand where the shill meme came from now, actually. Thanks!


Do you legitimately have a reading disability? I'll stop giving you shit if you do.

This is also very good info.

What are you then?

Someone who knows the actual definition of the word shill, apparently.

How about you fucking niggers watch vid related and shut the hell up?

Holla Forums harbor was second exodus when he did the cuck word filter and the theme change. First exodus had already left due to being banned for talking about shekel shoah. Continue lying.

In your next post is when you first mentioned word filters and audio
I already did twice now.

Yeah, but that's because SJWs are mentally fragile. We can't yet form right wing death squads and blow leftoid heads off, but if they do it to themselves all the better.

Pic related, the remains of "problem glasses" after a Marxist was successfully bullied into suicide over a 9/11 meme.

Can't argue with Trips of Truth, even if he does defend moot.

Anyone who hates goons is okay in my book

You may be right. "Thread de-railer" or "revisionist" would probably be better titles

Not always is the enemy of my enemy my friend.

We have ID's here, also there are people paid to shill these boards. Remember CTR and El Rato's Applied Memetics LLC

So your entire argument is that people got banned before Holla Forums harbor, and that somehow invalidates anything.

Well, I'll allow it. You gotta let people who haven't accomplished anything feel like they won at SOMETHING. :)

Your handlers really need to give you an updated profile of the average user of this board.

fuck, meant for

They can't even marry good looking muds.
What the fuck?


Perhaps he needs updated pic to help him out.

CTR definitely pays people- on twitter, plebbit, facebook, and news website comment sections, and comment sections of various newsblogs. Probably was paying directly to people at Gawker and other pseudojournalism outfits to make articles they liked.

If I employed anyone to make posts to help my candidate, and they made posts on 4chan, I would fire them immediately. Unless I were the God Emperor. I would probably make sure my social media outreach guy went there a few times. And isn't that exactly what he did?

You guys need to understand how silicon valley works. Here's a good primer.


Here's a free download


I'm sure you're smart enough to find your own pdf download link.

Here's why this book is good: it will open your eyes into what's actually going on behind the doors at places like Facebook, Google, and startups like Twitter. They work very hard to project a fake public image, bolstered by SJWs on their front-facing social media, and fluffy PR pieces. But it's actually an industry which requires work, which is why SJWs stay on the periphery, keeping to 'jobs' that involve 'tweeting' or 'monitoring for abuse', because they're not capable of anything else.

If you want to be able to kill these new monsters, you need to know how they work and where their money comes from.

Their ONLY revenue is advertising and metadata. That is it. Their investors? They want to make money based on that advertising revenue and valuations down the road.

Read this book and you'll be better equipped to fucking destroy them.

Oh, and in addition to working on my book on Goons, I'm also product lead on a system that will kill off clickbait journalism and provide universal commenting. So yeah. That'll be fun to use. When you're doing a pure vanity project, one where you know there will be no revenue and it exists and is created only to apply chemotherapy to the internet.. it feels good, man.



Oh, and Chaos Monkeys calls out Elie Wiesel's kid as being a slimy piece of shit and revels in his destruction, within the first few pages.

He's not wrong at all though. 8/pol/ was founded by the people who took part in shekel shoah in late August. Holla Forums harbor did not take place until December. Its obvious that whatever little info packet you were handed was missing a couple details. Equally obvious is your appeal to authority tactics that have already been pointed out.

Wow I really feel dumb for every time I was saying that Holla Forums harbor is when cripchan was created, which was never

Nice deflection, you very clearly implied it. It was brought up that Moot kicked discussion of gamergate/shekel shoah off and you talked about ribbing people through audio/word filters and those people self-deporting. That's a clear description of Holla Forums harbor but it had nothing to do with the discussion at hand and happened months after the deal with that SJW chick.

The internet is in desperate need of chemo

Pirate the pdf. Steal it from your local library. I don't care what you have to do, this book is the equivalent of Rommel's book in the hands of Patton.

When you know what they feed on, you will know how to kill them.

Don't try and shitpost at me, son. I'm an Australian.

My dick is diamonds right now.

That would be the jews, soros spent 6 million shekels on CTR

You have to go back In a body bag

That's no way to speak to a world famous author! :^)

how did you get that from a guy talking about his own book about goon fags that's he's going to give away for free, and telling us to steal or pirate a book on how shit like Twitter works behind the scenes?

sounds like you're a pro goon shill

I normally don't tell people to kill themselves but if you're that bad at reading comprehension maybe… maybe it's just time now

Not surprising as your blood has obviously left your brain.

have a timtam

They have a website that various so called academics associate with and considering they have a conference, it seems reasonable that you can categorize them.

They're all a bunch of sociology fuck wits so it's not like it even makes much of a difference any way you want to classify them.

This is the book he was linking to archive.is/zOA7C Don't click the amazon link, the fact that user didn't archive is already somewhat suspicious. Combine that with the spamming and constant attempts to correct the record, and it is pretty clear they are a shill.

Best thing about DIGRA is you can show them to people who are getting stupid degrees like sociology and warn them that they'll be stuck doing THAT bullshit pseudo-intellectual trash in order to get a meagre paycheck

so sorry for not having a dozen trap porn tabs set up in advance

Who gives a shit about amazon? I got cernovich's book off there.

If you don't have a faceberg account for weaponized shitposting, I don't know what you're doing with your life.


Pass. I prefer alcohol

That could just encourage them as they may think they can earn a living by just thinking. The irony is not lost on me.

The problem with alcohol is that you can't really get the same % of spider bits as you can in a Tim Tam

Kind of like how I used to read articles on Orgone Energy Chemtrail busters and Magic Magnet Healing Devices on rationalwiki and considered getting into that line of work as a fallback?

Rationalwiki has fallen to the SJWs, it's more slanted, with a ton of tryhard """Humor""" but still is less accurate than ED. They were once the best resource for entertaining reading on perpetual-motion tier bullshit.

Do not visit this link if you do not have a barf bag

Posting someone's website and information on it, is not dox. Dox is things such as social security number or credit card numbers.

This expansion of what people consider 'dox' is faggy bullshit that caught on because of some of some SJWs trying to rationalize how having people look at their public websites was harassment.

People were posting names and addresses, stop trying to keep coming back to a settled argument. I don't see anything wrong with posting that information, considering who it was - I mean if you're an executive at Intel you don't really live in fear of someone ordering pizza to your house, that's a level of trumped up wooo woooo fear that only tumblrites and twitterfags wallow in - but it was still against the rules.

Completely agree that having your website and blog link being posted is not 'dox'.

Rationalwiki just seems like the regular pack of smug Reddit "i am very smart" atheists.

It's now a bunch of tranny supporting rapist enabling pedophile defenders. I fully expect them to start defending bestiality next.

Guessing you're referring to the janitor logs, so you think those janitor logs were faked?

When they mostly suggested there was a divide between the new and old people moderating and acting as janitors there?

I know the people on 4cucks like to stay in denial about the most mundane bullshit, but this is a bit much.

So what you're saying is we buy AMD processors?

Holla Forums had more to do with Jessie than Holla Forums did and besides she was already fucked up before we found her
…and the tumblr suicides was bullshit

I can usually tell by reading when something is faked. I've seen people forge alleged chatlogs before on many other websites when they aren't happy with moderation. Occasionally involving me.

people go "buh whuh why would someone forge logs" just like some people go "whuh buh why would somali refugees come here just to try to collect welfare"

so they're atheist+


Every. Fucking. Time.

Everything that SJWs and trannies are involved in has this at the core.

You just gotta find it.

If you link directly to amazon they get a portion of the profits on your next buy as a "referral link". You went off on some rant about a book, and how it is not the jews when I posted proof that there are places that do in fact shill these boards. You tried to completely de-rail the conversation we were having, because I proved you wrong.

You are either new, or a poorly trained shill that shouldn't get paid for your 67 posts. Either way filtered.

Funny you mention that actually

There was nothing in the silly ass logs to suggest they were fabricated other than that it gave a different impression of the moderation than what some users wanted to imagine.

I get it if it seems somehow disappointing that a website you like using has some dumbasses working some bullshit behind the scenes, but it's kinda pathetic to just pretend it's all fake, especially when the revelations from them were fucking fucking mundane.

Also I have to say this is getting kinda spammy with 775acf taking up nearly a fifth of the thread due to his shitposting.

I'm not part of any referral program on amazon. Sorry to trigger your autism by not sanitizing my amazon link. Bawwww, etc. You also aren't a special snowflake for not using faceberg to rustle jimmies, sorry.

I saw some "irc logs" where people discussed purging any mods or users who were not SJWs and removing Holla Forums. It read like poorly written fanfiction for someone who wanted to feel persecuted.

If you're talking about some more boring logs, then they sound plausible.

I'm sorry

Jeez, that ugly narcissistic tranny is involved in that too? I remember when she and her friends were spamming 4chan /q/ trying to get Holla Forums shut down.

There's nothing in those logs, all the things the OP says about planting CP, harassing, etc. it's all exaggerating what's actually in there to make it sound worse. Crash Override was only a lazy anti-harassment organization that gave their few callers some common sense advice and prebaked documents about privacy and then spent most of their time jerking each other off about how much they hate gooblygoblins, that's it.

they do not "associate" with the web site. there isn't really anything on the web site to associate with. they can go there and read papers and announcements but so can anyone.

nope. I would doubt that even a third of them are sociologists.

even if both of those things were true it doesn't change the fact that digra had fuck all to do with that nerdcore porn paper.

I won't post anymore because the temptation to challenge people to $ bets over whether I really was there for GG or not is too much now.

But I do want to say that even if there isn't much in the logs, these people still probably have done it and just haven't been caught yet.

This shit is getting weirder and weirder.
First there's the indications that the Clinton Foundation is a front for several illegal industries including human trafficking.

Now there's evidence that the whole Gamergate shit is tied in with the Clinton Foundation via the media outlets, and the libshits targeted by AddictedGoys peddle in kiddie porn and trade it as a currency.

Shit's weird. Not surprising, just weird.
We have strong proof that liberals project everything.

Nothing you say now will save you from your fate.

Nice try.

We're definitely willing disciples.


Its exaggerated, I'll grant you that. But it does show them gathering info on people to put on their Trello. While this info is undoubtedly not something we'd consider dox, it is considered dox by twitter's safety standards and these are the people that went on to be a part of that. It also clearly shows Polaris game jam being sabotaged.

As far as CP its just talking about Dan Olson downloading what he called CP, which was actually child model shit, from /hebe/ and reposting it blurred out to try to say that Holla Forums had CP. I remember going to /hebe/ to report the pics to Hotwheels so they'd be deleted(which would have been the responsible thing for him to have done if he thought it was CP) and one of the things that he'd pixelized was just a fucking duckface selfie.

The thing is that he was using that lie about CP to get Holla Forums kicked off of just about everything we were using as a revenue model. From Patreon, to paypal, to Stripe. You can understand why this would piss a lot of people off at him I'm sure.

Most of their writing is based at least in part on the subject and bullshit subjects derived from it.

If someone is getting their paper on there, then I think it's safe to say they're associating with a particular group.

Please stop arguing pathetic minutiae like you're Sargon or some shit.

wait, the Clinton Foundation is a pay for play racket. It's the front door to gov't access, possibly the shield from prosecution. The illegal industries exist on their own. Out them.

evidence mofo

evidence mofo

evidence mofo

this is all shit we've suspected but where's the fucking evidence, we need specifics.

It's mostly harassment by their standards and it's a bit entertaining how it helps complete certain stories to show more specifically what occurred like with the Polaris project.

I was wondering when someone else would notice that.

For the uninitiated:

At the very, very least these logs might lead to Zoe Quinn being kneecapped by the House of Mouse.

Ok I lied one more post:



I had no idea they'd spent that much, is there a source for that?


The vast majority of us wanted nothing to do with her after we found out who she really is.

Kirtaner, site owner of 420chan is close friends with quinn and his site used to have a pedo board

Chelsea Van Shekelsburg herself, I'm sure she mentioned it in an email that got leaked towards the start of this mess. She claimed it was something ridiculous like $350 million, so I assume it probably cost Disney about $20 million in actuality.

IIRC kirt got kicked off SA for CP

I don't think you can sue someone for fucking around like that. That she and her friends tried so hard to ruin the project likely just led to them not wanting to deal with them further, which seems to have worked out as they haven't done anything with Polaris since then.

I actually like doing online surveys on occasion while listening to podcasts and I noticed that when it came to stuff regarding video game marketing that they were really into some of the people like Peanut Butter Gamer and ProJared. Something I found interesting though, is that they never seemed to ask about the video game 'news' sites like Polygon. So I don't think Zoe getting her friends to write about her matters for anything besides her ego.

Think it was only 7 figures. A large amount of the money put into the project was from Mountain Dew which just wanted to have some advertising done via product placement.

In the logs, according to her, she claimed that they didn't know how to operate a game jam. Said the person who has now done 2 gamejams, the first one not even run and the second one that most people have not heard of.



Long Live Holla Forums!

Mountain Dew really deserved better than the treatment they got. It just goes to show how much snobbery there is.

>Sabotage a TV production with millions of dollars tied up in sponsorship and advertising, wilfully and and in a premeditated fashion

I'm guessing you don't know much about civil law. She's toast if Disney decide to litigate.

Really did seem like a shame, at least with that project, that they were given such a hard time when they were basically helping to fund a platform that would help out a variety of people with their careers.

I imagine a few companies probably looked on at what happened when Polaris and Mountain Dew tried involving 'Indie' game developers and gave up on ever doing anything with them again.

That is true, I do not. I'm not sure what all they'd use as proof in court if they did try to sue now though since most involved would probably deny the logs were real similar to how 4cucks users may deny the janitor logs were real.

Also all the contestants signed NDAs which is why jontron couldn't talk about what happened. Zoe just couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Civil law works on the balance of probabilities, not absolute proof. If they can prove to 51% or more certainty that the logs are real, that would be enough to take her to the cleaners to recoup their loss.

Ian Miles Cheong, who was part of the group, has already confirmed they're genuine.

I also know very little about civil law. Is it possible that they could get the logs directly from Skype itself or would Skype be allowed to refuse in order to protect their users' privacy? I'm assuming they could refuse since it would be a civil instead of criminal case.


I need to do some homework on this, but has anyone involved ever given money to indies, or worse yet, danegeld (look it up) to the SJWɐɟᴉɐ?

If not, that bridge could be rebuilt. Honestly, Mountain Dew is associated, in my mind, with just being young and having fun with games. It's a shame to lose that.

check yourself before you rek yourself


I'm going through the logs now, where are they talking about the game jam? Why would they talk about the game jam? Are they that retarded that they would talk about something with that much liability in something that leaves logs, years after they lucked out of not being held accountable? well fuck of course they are


GO user GO

Praise Kek. Anything of use should be sent to Disney.

good time to shame amy pascal too.

Yeah being described as terrorists on primetime TV and in the congressional record, receiving nonstop smear campaigns and bomb threats, creating thousands of memes and artworks, setting DARVO legal precedent in Massachusetts, dismantling gawker and spawning the alt right weren't interesting at all, right dipshit?

Do you even know where you are or why the top board here isn't /hebe/? Eat shit faggot. Impotent, reactionary halfwits liked you jumped ship over a year ago because it was easier to sit back and bitch than actually contribute. Then you became actively hostile against it when the same poisonous identity politics GG was specifically designed against were rejected. Your D&C failed, nice half assed try at getting back on the bandwagon though.

You seem to know your history, so maybe you can answer this. I never participated in either SA or Holla Forums, but I started figuring out around 2010 that they are two main factions of the Internet, and they hate each other. Was there any overlap there or are we talking about two completely separate cultures that sprung up around the same time?

The early demographics of the Internet is an interesting topic, and it's barely documented.

[03/01/2015, 3:28:21 AM] drinternetphd: anonymous wanted a war? cool. let's tango.

I'm not finding any game jam references, just horrible horrible cringe, I have the half gallon of Knob Creek and this isn't enough

Bourbon? Where we're going you'll need fucking Turpentine.


seems we're not the only ones interested in this

signal amplify

in the meantime:
get Disney legal team contact info


This is what I have on Polaris, probably not enough for litigation but as I said civil law isn't my area.

also they're obviously just talking shit in this bit but its disgusting to me to see them talking about how Assange should be pacified. Bunch of imbeciles that have no idea what our government has been up to.

Basically all of this.

kike pls go

Well apparently I am a shill and have everything wrong about when and why people came here from other Holla Forums, but..

I think you are describing it in a generally true way but also a little too general. It really is a fascinating subject. SA never really 'conquered' areas of the internet, they were more content to circlejerk and mock people from safety, most forays into the real world were fucking disasters, like Lowtax being kicked in the head or the 'eat the eggs' incident. It's after they started to mutate and spread that their SJW cancer snark smug bullshit infected everything.

I've known people who destroyed entire boards exactly like a Goon would have, who may have never heard of SomethingAwful. Or maybe they were secret members. Either way, crazy and fucked up people don't need to network to express their fucked up behavior in nearly identical ways.

The main thing is that Holla Forums hated reputationfagging and wanted free spirited anonymous posting. SA wanted namefagging and reputation circlejerks. These two cultures, although they occasionally traded elements of each other like paint between two cars in an accident, were completely incompatible.

Moot founded 4chan as part of an exit from SA.

I'm fully aware that I've been reputationfagging in this thread, but it has to do with an actual subject with real history.

I wouldn't go to /o/ for advice on swapping a LSx engine into a landrover, I'm going to go to a specific subreddit for that. No one on /o/ will know anything about it, but the guy on reddit who swapped one into his LR3 will, and I can tell that he's not larping.

I think there was plenty of overlap from time to time. Lowtax tried to purge 4chan culture from SA multiple times. I kinda agree with his "lulz" purge, but at the same time it shows how desperate he was getting. SA took itself too seriously. Even today former SA posters will talk about it was a place for "cutting edge humor."

No. It. Fucking. Wasn't.

It was a meme site, except instead of images and one-liners XD BENIS the meme was a specific style of communication. And that style of communication was cancer.


Sweet, I just wasn't to that part yet. The chat logs are going to make me wish for the sweet release of death though.

Damn dude are you going to save that giant strawman for the fall? Would make a great display piece for a pumpkin festival.

Kill yourself

Yes, and the other vast majority thinks otherwise.

Remember he likes Facebook despite their reprehensible privacy policies, makes sense that he likes Thiel too.

those are pretty good bantz coming from Allum Bukkake tbh, famalamadingdong

Part of the reason I mentioned the surveys is because they mention nothing of indie games, developers, or the media sites. So I don't think the people involved with marketing, which would fund another event like the gamejam, even have indie games on their radar now.

The idea with some of the chat rooms they did I think was to have everything purged regularly and try avoiding anyone just sitting in so that they could record everything.





[26/12/2014, 3:33:38 PM] Tesseract: reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/2qfgex/ads_against_kotakuinaction_that_link_to_child/ downvote that fucker who is saying you can't use ads to troll
[26/12/2014, 3:33:48 PM] drinternetphd: I really want to go to EVO and compete
[26/12/2014, 3:33:51 PM] drinternetphd: I'm undefeated this year
[26/12/2014, 3:34:27 PM] Dan Olson: "which is a violation of privacy"!!!!!!
[26/12/2014, 3:34:46 PM] drinternetphd: the most humiliating moment in that game jam reality show we walked out on was that the guy who made nidhogg was one of the judges for the embarassing challenges they made us do
[26/12/2014, 3:34:57 PM] Dan Olson: oh, god.
[26/12/2014, 3:35:12 PM] drinternetphd: so i got to meet one of my heros while being forced to fingerpaint with jon tron's idiot ass in the background asking the british member of my team to say words that sounded funny with his accent
[26/12/2014, 3:35:20 PM] Dan Olson: Coming from the production side, that whole exposé filled me with cringe.
[26/12/2014, 3:35:29 PM] Chris Kluwe: "CP is just their way of installing the entire social justice software package onto every site that accepts responsibility for policing content over and above what is required by law."
[26/12/2014, 3:35:31 PM] Peter Coffin: okay I have no idea what this reality show is but that sounds ridiculous
[26/12/2014, 3:35:35 PM] drinternetphd: oh god peter
[26/12/2014, 3:35:37 PM] drinternetphd: lemme link you
[26/12/2014, 3:35:44 PM] Peter Coffin: you have made my night
[26/12/2014, 3:35:50 PM] Chris Kluwe: BECAUSE ILLEGALITY IS IMMORALITY, AMIRITE?!
[26/12/2014, 3:35:55 PM] Dina : Jontron……..
[26/12/2014, 3:35:57 PM] Peter Coffin: yeah chris, duh
[26/12/2014, 3:35:59 PM] Dina : wowwwww
[26/12/2014, 3:36:06 PM] Peter Coffin: my wife is british
[26/12/2014, 3:36:13 PM] drinternetphd: gamasutra.com/view/news/214364/Inside_the_disintegration_of_a_game_jam_reality_show.php
[26/12/2014, 3:36:13 PM] Peter Coffin: I have conversations in “funny” all the time
[26/12/2014, 3:36:45 PM] drinternetphd: I also wrote about it here gamasutra.com/blogs/ZoeQuinn/20140331/214325/Unreality_My_Takeaways_After_Being_On_and_Subsequently_Walking_Off_a_Reality_Show_About_Game_Jams.php
[26/12/2014, 3:37:08 PM] Peter Coffin: fuck maker studios
[26/12/2014, 3:37:13 PM] drinternetphd: also I contractually could not make fun of mountain dew for several months
[26/12/2014, 3:37:15 PM] Peter Coffin: seriously, I fucking hate them
[26/12/2014, 3:37:24 PM] Peter Coffin: I think everything about maker is disingenuous
[26/12/2014, 3:37:34 PM] Peter Coffin: I have watched it from the day it existed
[26/12/2014, 3:37:45 PM] Dina : I contractually can' talk about Gamergate I think
[26/12/2014, 3:37:48 PM] Dina : it's in Japanese
[26/12/2014, 3:37:52 PM] Dan Olson: How's Game Loading turning out? Anyone seen a current cut?
[26/12/2014, 3:37:57 PM] Dina : not gonna bother reviewing my contract
[26/12/2014, 3:38:05 PM] drinternetphd: when I finally could talk shit about mountain dew again this is what I did: twitter.com/TheQuinnspiracy/status/488443912424398849
[26/12/2014, 3:38:11 PM] Peter Coffin: what about… mountain dew code red?
[26/12/2014, 3:38:33 PM] Peter Coffin: hahahah mountain poo

Keep telling yourself that

Here's a pastebin of the whole discussion


That's not her you freaking retard. Get glasses.

Yes it is.

I'm going through the logs myself (I need more bourbon, this shit is thermonuclear cringe), seems there's a lot in here about Dina, that cunt who was the community manager for Mighty Number 9.

Seems she's a huge racist, hates the Japanese, tried to actively sabotage the community and development, encouraged online harassment of other women.

It's fantastic how so much in here completely destroys the MSM narrative surrounding these beatified social justice crusaders. I'd love to see this do some real damage to Twitter and Intel for backing the wrong horse.

I can't see it doing anything to Intel. They only gave them and other groups money and the person who made that decision has since been let go. Twitter on the other hand basically put them in charge of the Twitter Safety Council shit. Anything that you can find about encouraging harassment can definitely be used to hit them with that.

Possibly the best avenue is trying to get conservative media on it as they've been trying to crack down on conservative viewpoints. Can then use the articles to try to get major stakeholders to exert pressure on twitter's board.

There's a massive amount of evidence I'm seeing so far about them co-ordinating online harassment. All the stuff they complain about like "dogpiling", etc. Very much an "It's OK when we do it" mindset.

Here's the thing: people were damaged by the Games Jam failure. You aren't going to get very far if you just go straight to Disney and Mountain Dew. They were damaged, yes, but they get involved in lots of marketing projects that fail, and you might not be lucky enough to get in touch with someone who actually cares about this incident.

You want someone who was actively damaged. Someone took a career hit over this. Imagine their motivations, and also their networking connections.

That's who you want to start a dialogue with, and push them into moving on this.

(And by this I mean someone lower level who was in charge of this)

My fucking sides. STILL waiting on those fucking devs to come vindicate you, eh Holla Forums? It is amazing how pretty much eeryone with over 300 twitter followers ended up being a shill in form or another.

I just asked in the Holla Forums thread if anyone still has the details. I remember the man in charge of Game_Jam was someone pretty big in marketing and had his reputation hugely damaged by Valkenberg's actions.

Same with the "alt-right" like Cernovich or Milo. Anons truly are best.

I can't help nut laugh at the amount of historical revisionism you gamergoodgoys have to spew just to save face. You're not fooling anyone, faggot.

It's pretty obviously a D&C shill, hide and ignore.

Amazing how well reverse psychology can work on them.

They came through.

The producer behind Game_Jam was (((Matti Leshem))).



Background articles:


Reddit thread:


It's worth considering that it's a known fact that Quinn had friends she colluded with and journalists she was sleeping with spin events to make her into the victim. That could be considered conspiracy to commit fraud.

It's also worth considering that Quinn came between a Jew and his precious Pepsi shekels. I bet that man would love nothing more than to see her destroyed.

Nice trips. Thanks for that.



Another good article, this one seems to name most of the key figures.


Also worth looking at these names - and the names of the journos writing these articles - and cross-reference them with the CON logs.

4chan was created when SA banned most of their anime posters for posting smug anime girls

Ironically, they claimed that anime posters were all pedophiles. A few years later, SA was vociferously defending pedophilia, leading to a hemmorhage of their original core users.

Since the logs showed that they had some influence at Patreon.
Were they also involved of getting HW donations suspended?

That's absolutely true. But I think #gg was responsible for redpilling a lot of autistic neets who were otherwise stuck in their world of vidya. I myself used to think, "if all the major news organizations are reporting on a story the same way, it must be true." It wasn't until I actually knew the facts of an issue on a deep personal level and saw all of them blatantly lying that my eyes were finally opened. It made me look into a lot of other issues I thought I knew, leading me deeper and deeper down that rabbit hole until I was finally able to admit that the wrong side won WWII.


They actually got mad that Patreon didn't have anyone working over Christmas to do it faster.

That wouldn't surprise me, could the information be cross correlated with the Patreon hack from last year?

Adding to

Even though its not in the logs we know for a fact that these same fucks kept hounding the site to get us kicked off of other payment processors. Paypal and Stripe being 2 of them. We know this because of cloudflare reports they were making and posts they were making on Holla Forums that Hotwheels shared. Peter Coffin, Israel Galvaez, Gallant, and Dan Olson all took part. Holla Forums and /baphomet/ proceeded to attack them, which they deserved.

The denizens of SomethingAwful which used to be an okay site before they mass bluepilled themselves and became fucking SJWs.

There's a reason I spent the entirety of my EVE career killing these faggots.

Ah yes.

Look up his face. That is the face of a man who would take revenge.

He and his wife just produced The Shallows, a hugely successful low budget movie.

Oh wow.

Wait till word gets out that the Game Jam sabotage was planned and Mrs. Leshem complains to her mahjong group about the purple-haired american shiska who screwed up her son's business idea.

Zoe has trolled the wrong people.

The ban seems to have started somewhere around 20th of December 2014, I think. So it could be possibly since they were quite active of getting Holla Forums down, including the CP thing.

Don't forget Gratipay. Still, these people are one of the biggest sociopaths who will use self victimization to fool naive people. All is about making themselves some kind of "heroes of justice" while being the main suspects of creating problems in the first place.
And they fucking know what kind of bullshit they always spew. The narrative is their dogma. Including with that full proof self victimizing. Harass someone, get hit back and then only projecting one thing of being some sort of martyr. They will never EVER show the truth. Always living in a bubble.

Yeah, I didn't mean to imply those were the only ones, I think there were some others as well, not to mention all the ones that just wouldn't accept us due to reputation. We basically got knocked off all payment processors on the net and not enough people could be bothered to learn how to use cryptocurrency even though its quite simple which led to Jim owning the site, which I'm still wary of.

There's so much here to wade through, but I'm seeing at least some suggestion that via CON they co-ordinated an effort to obtain child pornography and flood certain boards on Holla Forums with it to strengthen the case for cutting off avenues of funding to the site.

The goons are still a force to be reckoned with.i actually keep up with this stuff managed to regain some territory and have kept their cap fleet intact and ready to fight. Their opponents get their teeth kicked in almost every engagement and lose 7 ISK for every 1 of the goons ISK they destroy. When the goons get back on their proper war footing it shall be a sight to behold.

Didn't some Canadian cuck post a bunch of CP he claimed to have gotten from Holla Forums on his blog? Maybe he could have some connection to this.

if that's all they're talking about its nothing. There wasn't any nudity and you'd see kids showing more skin at a public beach than in most of the pics. They actually looked like they were showing more than they were when Dan pixelized them, he probably did it intentionally.

However if there's anything talking about the pedo spam that all boards got with actual naked kids(that always got quickly deleted) that'd be something.


thats good to see, at least they wont be making any more kikelets, now theyll just be niggerchink kikelets

Dunno, last thing I remember it was Laurelai who posted those and then gave a tip to Dan.
And you know how crazy an attention whore tranny is.
Including that Dan uploaded these images for his "article" and never repored about this CP

The Laurelai thing was earlier and separate from the Dan thing and I'm not sure it was ever fully proven. Laurelai's a fucking snitch that I hope roasts in hell though.

Fuck that subhuman piece of shit.
He strung us all along during the primaries claiming to have evidence that would shut down El Rato once and for all and then after weeks of nothing posts an article about My Little Pony.

Pic very related.

GG is what started the fall of SJW and feminism, it made their insanaty visible to the public, youtubers like sargon for example went from ~10k subs pre gg to 400k now.

Cameralady types. They need to be gassed.

I fucking lol'd

Oh yeah, that thing…
Did he even reported something about Cruz or was his article some minor thing which he hyped?

It was about Cruz being a brony, then when the Enquirer thing about Cruz having mistresses dropped he made a tweet about hating being scooped without directly referencing it. It sounds like an editor shut it down, in which case its hard for me to fault the guy as its not like it was in his control.

And what revisionism would that be? Care to give any citations?

Iirc legal wouldn't let it be published. Probably something relatively big but with no hard evidence. It was also when the rumors of infidelity were going around, so my bet would be on that.

Could be. The reporter who lined Cruz' father with the zodiac killer mysteriously died one week after Cruz dropped out of the race (~2 weeks after the article)

The Talos Principle. It's one game that forces me to consider whether or not I'm actually human myself. How do I know I'm not a machine? If machines can be human, can humans be machines? Can we build humans from tin cans and strings?

Wait a minute, wait a minute, who leaked this shit? It was Zoe, wasn't it?

Her book deal and movie deal suddenly fall apart, and coincidentally someone leaks all the logs on the topic people had lost interest in?

This is her MO all over. It's what borderlines do. Betray everyone to stay in the limelight.

Kill yourself faggot

&T will never die, faggot.

Thank you for Correcting the Record™.

Just to find out that no-one of particular importance actually care about her or her bullshit. If anything she is digging her own grave ten feet deeper before her inevitable suicide.

Only most deluded trannies buy her shit at this point. Zoe is a talent-less whore and she knows it.

But still, she hasn't changed a bit. Just uglier, fatter and more deluded.

Seemed like a decent site before they drove off so many people. Then the remaining people start bluepilling each other more and more until it becomes a shell of its former self.

Seems to happen on so many different websites as start getting weird about removing content for personal or political reasons. You see the same stuff on 4chan now and root cause seems to be people just getting cut off from more and more opinions.


We got one of our own throwing a shoutout to us in that Triple 9 movie, if you caught it

It was a decent site to driveby and catch a few things from. It turned into a toxic culture immediately and nearly a decade and a half later we're still dealing with it.

Lowtax actually used to be pretty based before he married a gook and got addicted to drugs. Now he's abandoned the site.

Makes for a funny sight now that he tries defending it on twitter pretty frequently, a bit like the woo guy.

It's the cuck mods who run SA now. Unsurprisingly, a couple have been outed by Something Sensitive as pedophiles. One of them (Aatrek) was an actual kid diddler.

They're not going to do anything like a media blitz against her. She's too valuable as an oppressed victim of white masculinity. At most, they'll raise the interest rates on credit cards or something.

Personally, I always liked the theory that Zoe Quinn is a deep cover Holla Forumsack. This was all her master plan to awaken normies to the dangers of the international SJEW. Once the GamerGate-backed Right Wing Death Squads assemble, she'll come out and say something like, "Fellow feminists, we must secure an existence for our people, and a future for white children." Then, most of the Tumblrinas will fall in line because National Socialism is now super progressive. Finally, the beta male cucks will cuck yet again (to Nazis this time, which is fine).

It's gonna happen! Dubs will confirm it! Heil Zoe and her game of 88-D chess!

Oh no way, Triple 9? I haven't heard of it but I'll have to check it out. Is there a clip on youtube or something I could look up?

murder/suicide based totsean.

Whatever you say, Zoe.

Funny how this subject is stickied on Holla Forums and not on Holla Forums.

I hear word that there were leaks of the owner of Holla Forums himself who goes by (((Mark))) that showed he was heavily pozzed and associated with the pedophiles of CON.

To those who don't know, TOTSE was a vbs bulletin forum from the late 80s early 90s that taught our autist forerunners how to make bombs and have bonding sexual relationships with hampsters.

That said, Jeff Hunter was a federal asset, and &T, in the later 2000s right before it was shut down, LINKED DIRECTLY BACK TO DARPA.GOV

It's a bittersweet reminder that, while places like 8ch and 4chan are mouthpieces for people like us in the culture war, they would never think to take it down because they're too valuable for data collection purposes..

What is "#Gamergate" thread

I think this needs to be reiterated

goons in eve fell apart completely just recently - they were the biggest alliance in the game and were pushing everyone's shit in with mere threats backed by their overwhelming numbers

And then they got matched, not just by similar numbers, but qualitatively BETTER players outright, and their entire alliance collapsed to practically nothing within the span of a few weeks. This happened for a few reasons: A lot of goons got complacent, or only joined for the easy farming in null. Goon leadership stopped, or never, gave two fucks about the average goon. Goon leadership furthermore belittled or backstabbed every one of their own allies for personal gain.

The end result?
Nobody showed up for fleets.
Allies quit the alliance.
Goons got raped.

Explains their ability to lie so blatantly.

There are a few known people involved with CON, namely journalists and some game developers. The leaks can be a tool to take them down.

Come on, the most important threads are pinned.


To be fair, I always thought it was hysterical that was the best they could come up with.

Leftists truly cannot meme.

His goodbye message is so many levels of bullshit more than it was when he first closed it down (such a sad day). "Oh we have so much free speech now, just go to facebook."

That was what, late 2008, early 2009?

but yeah, Totse was the internet hate machine before 4chan ever was. It was generally featured in the news on reports about online terrorism. The first website to appear for any number of subversive topics. Some of the smartest and most fucked up people.

A decent portion of them are here now, though.

what a faggot

This is what fucked everything. People actually giving a fuck about random cunts with a youtube channel who only got attention because they spread the information GG was trying to get out.

Alright, but will the cucks actually use this ammo and use it properly? Seems like every time one of them digs up something good they celebrate over it like they've finally won only to sit on it instead of fucking up everyone involved. Hard evidence does no good if you're the type too scared to offend anyone.

That's why I brought this here. I doubt most Gamergaters could find their own asshole with two hands and a map, let alone find the best of what's in these logs and deploy it to good effect.

The reason I think Holla Forums could stand to benefit from this is mostly down to the positions these people have found themselves in post-Gamergate, and their ties to social media, journalism, mainstream media, tech companies, the UN, etc.

We can use them to hurt the Lugenpresse, anti-free speech policies on social media, etc and by extension help keep Killary well away from the White House.

If we have a second thread, it should really be pure digging and not just discussion and speculation. Problem is the board is being slid and shilled to fuck right now - many thanks to the mods for stickying the thread, at least.

Something interesting from gamergate that isn't a myth or wild speculation.

The BitingBeaver incident is what caused them to go off the rails so horribly

When did you start using Tor, Zoe?

There's a pretty worrisome amount of strikingly brilliant people, the ones who have the potential to really shake the world up, that are also very unstable/fucked.

Those are her, the previous video is not.

GG threads always attract faggot MRAs. Please deal with your abandonment issues.

8ch is pretty great, but as far as I know we don't have any good dedicated boards for DIY explosives or making your own drugs or how to do crimes and not get caught. These were the bread and butter. Although many anons would just say, "degenerate", it was really only in spaces like those, with no filters outside of a very shaky code-of-honor, that one could speak freely.

Unfortunately the future of the internet looks very dim. 8ch is a poor replacement for &T and with Obummer giving away ICANN to god knows who, I don't have much faith.

We've made a pretty incredible pocket of resistance. We need to win though. We need to.

Ian Miles Cheong confirmed some of the participants in the logs during Broteams livestream so i think its safe to assume he was the one leaking it.

It's more telling that the logs reveal they were projecting all along, but I have to say SJWs consistently reveal themselves to be pedophiles all the fucking time.

If it isn't Gawker Media's Denton's sickening and absolutely disgusting comments regarding being ok with child sex tapes out in the wild as long as they're over the age of FOUR it's everything from SomethingAwful to Lauralei to these CON-victs and more. Much more. They need to be thrown behind bars for good.


The media wont cover this and their buddies will redeem them even if they double down.

I offer another approach, though.

I have the fairly reasonable suspicion that Katherine Cross committed tax fraud with the help of CON. He probably contributed to the network with the intent to launder Patreon donations. This way he cloud claim to use the Patreon account for its purposes while getting the donations back through the network at the same time.

Its still a theory and i have to comb the logs for more info, though.
Help is appreciated

So if we only push, all the SJW borderliners will betray their allies, killing the movement in one blow?

of course the SJW ecelebs will cannibalize each other, it will be fun to watch. we have reached peak cultural marxism, now the rubber band spans back, its gonna sting them.

I believe he was only pretending to be retarded.

Mark Mann is a fat autistic Jew who comes from an extremely rich Jewish family.

when you guys talk about Goons remember that the ones who actually have any skill at subversion are all over on reddit, /r/shitredditsays (SRS) in particular.
obviously reddit is cancer for many reasons, but it's one of the few places they still have any pull because they're admins and moderators of a number of large subs. Obviously SA itself is a ghost town now.
Another offshoot was 'weird twitter' (aka Brooklyn hipster Jew twitter) which is where SJWs get all of their speech habits and favorite words (shitlord, pissbaby, dumpster fire, for example)

That's how it's always been.

Usually the smartest human beings are fucking nuts in one way or another. Tesla had romantic feelings about pigeons, Newton was a religious fanatic and also a major asshole.

I don't think that the human evolved to be as insanely intelligent as those people who's mental abilities are so superior to ours that we might as well be different species.

don't forget that they've also infiltrated twitter now with the Safety Council/CON.

Thanks for the feels jackass. Now go back to bat country before I get some NOTBOMBs.

Newton was actually an alchemist. He actually thought he was able to cast spells perhaps he did. He used his dog as a "familiar", and talked and learned much from its "possession", things got out of hand one day when he finally decided to go to church, his dog became uncontrollable for a while and caused some of his "dream" works to be burned. We'll never know what he had learned in these or from other realms, he kept the dog though knowing it wasn't the dog's fault.

Are you saying that Newton divined fundamental laws of physics with magic?

He didn't divine anything. Everything attributed to him was either stolen wholecloth from Leibniz or pure horseshit.


BLTC for lyfe

You'll never know. But he did use the power found inside of frogs.

A good book on alchemy with some real chemistry projects is Real Alchemy by Robert Bartlett.

we need more chemist fags in our movement

chemists…make things happen.

Are you saying that Newton was a Kekite?

Just what powers are we playing with?

It was about Cruzes mistresses; they had already previously published the brony article a few months back and this was less than a month before Fields tried to pull a stunt on Levandowsky, and Shapiro was still an editor(?). After the mistress story he tweeted about being scooped and indirectly acknowledged this being his original story.


what a mess
she's looking like young hillary and she's already living alone with a cat
what a mess


Gold refers to the ultimate state of the human being, not actual gold, tbh brah.

Take a look

Newton was a devout Christian, not some silly pagan wizard.

This is worse than gore spam.

much better

I guess we'll see the truth in 2060.

Why 2060?

The way the world is going that is actually a scarily accurate estimate. If you study prophecy correctly and take into account things like zionism, the plan for greater Israel, the jewish hexagram being a perfect 666, the freemason obsession with rebuilding Solomon's Temple, the build up to WW3, the overwhelming degeneracy, the apostasy within the church, etc., etc., then I would be surprised if the world doesn't end before 2060.

Newton predicted the doomsday would happen by 2060.


The fuck are you on about

It's just a dyed hair fat ugly feminazi (or beta cuck white knight) getting triggered.

I reported Nyberg to the feds around this time last year when all the IRC chatlogs that implicated him as a pedo got dumped, but fuck all happened. It was also around that time that I decided to wash my hands of the whole affair as it had become increasingly obvious that someone with a lot of pull (possibly a higher up in the government or one of their handlers) was covering for these incompetent chucklefucks and nothing would happen.

MRA faggot detected

should be one orifice for reptiles

They won't do anything with it other than retweet it within their group on twitter and pat themselves on the back for it. GamerGate lost its teeth a long time ago.

2 beta faggots will make a youtube and get some clicks. The end.

No shit. Some of us always knew.

I don't fllow the niGGers since they defended
Bahar Mustafa on twiter.
So, wtf is CON?

Will be taking this to the SEC

Lots of drug money flowing into kickstarters

Checked and DING!! I couldn't put my finger on what was going on with all these kickstarters. It's digital money laundering, the 21st century edition.

It's not just goons, it's the last ten years of academia. You can read about it in my book.

Yeah, and I happen to know a LOT about money laundering, sadly for them. (I was a DUDE WEED lobbyist who wandered into the GG arcade to buy hash.)

great now those pants shitting retards will come here on top of the Holla Forums general faggots. Hell it looks like a few of them have already come come.

No it didn't.

FGenerally it's locals or staties who bust people for CP. Some guy talking about how he touched his little sister? You need to go to his LOCALS.



This isn't worthwhile, this is someone's horrible fanfic.

The criticisms of Sunstein's theory and showing how it actually empowers rightwing online communities is spot on.

CON is Crash Override Network, Zoe's little antiharassment baby that was given power on twitter's Safety Council.

It did, maltego 3 proved as much back in the day, but its whatever Robert Szarka

sad truth

Aren't there quite a few targets you can hit with this kind of ammo? The logs are golden.

Admitting to sabotaging the Polaris GameJam and having journalists cover for her and take Zoe's side is awesome. Kotaku and Polygon were among the sites that sourced Zoe for their respective articles on that shitshow. Polygon's article explicitly says the Zoe was one of the sources they used for the story, so why not use the logs to fuck them over for it?

Article in question is here

Says they used Zoe as a source at the bottom

Isn't Zoe's newest project being sponsored by Taco Bell or some shit? Maybe we can use the logs to fuck that over too.

Here you go, fam.

I know you put work into writing this, but all it'll do is discredit whatever point you're trying to make.

It is literally the


fake chatlog I have ever seen. You are completely bereft of talent or skill.


I can't prove origin to you, but it appears that matters deeply to you.

Which is exactly how a rightist online community should value social capital :)

You put the echoes around the ID, not the post count

Look. I feel bad for you. Here's what you can do with your hard work:

Rewrite it in the style of the Screwtape Letters if you're so determined to be 'educational', and stop trying to pass it off as a legitimate leak. Anyone with an IQ above room temp can tell it's one person writing both sides.

Oh wahh someone went to another board and cried about me and begged for people to come dogpile on me, second time in this thread. Wahhhhhhhhh

wow look how clever i am xd

He's an abrasive oldfag but he's dumped plenty of good knowledge.. i can respect a guy who doesnt take shit from people


I have an attitude like Trump. You swing on me, I hit back.

Just because this is the right side of the war doesn't mean we don't have our share of crybaby millenials who want their butts powdered continually and can't handle the idea that they're wrong. Those are the ones sperging out because of me.

Ur a faget user-kun.

Obsession with format? Not organic enough? Needs to lie to you better?

Stockholm syndrome takes many forms, but it always has the same result: Promote the fixation of context over content, no matter how accurately the content predicts your behavior.

The alt right is a sacrifical lamb. There. Did that appeal to your feels in all the right way? Did I cater to your expectations and needs with tender love and the right amount of coddling? Did I make you let you drop your guard down long enough to inject an unintended meme?

Doubling down on authenticity is EXACTLY what this article predicted you would do in the event of questionable actors.

You sound incredibly butthurt, kid. Where's the Brady Campaign shutdown shit you said you did and were going to post proof of? Oh right, it doesn't exist, Moot dindu nuffin wrong, people leaving cuckchan for here were just butthurt about a prank bro just make a facebook account lulz I'm going to leave the thread oh wait I'm not done attention whoring yet just a prank bro

You may as well start tripfagging now and get it over with. Your posts have been increasingly dripping with traces of $10.

Are you still asshurt that Jim left it too?

You have untreated aspergers.


I'll post the Brady stuff in a bit, but it's from 2007. Did your parents even buy you a computer yet then? :D

You said that a day ago, where is it? What's wrong, need more time to create it?

Okay, where's the thread you're being linked here from?

Why doesn't this have an ED article on the ED forums or front page yet? It's huge.

It's called a VPN, schlmo.

Stop being such a blue pilled cuck,
DIGRA was being financially suported by DARPA to research social enginering and insidiously turn Vydia into a plataform for Cultural Marxist propaganda wich would later be used to indoctrinate yougsters into SJWism by shit like Common Core

I can't belive that after all the fucking evidence gathered on the subject there are still shills, ON Holla Forums OF ALL PLACES, who bitch and moan about "muh Ethcis"

Get this red text hammered into your thick skull
Ethics was never our endgame, but our weapon to purge (((SJWs))) from Vydia

It wasn't Denton who said that, it was one of his "journalists" who had written the article about Hulk Hogan's sex tape. And he was trying to be funny.

It was an interesting exchange, because it show how cult-like the Gawker crowd had become. They considered themselves some kind of untouchable aristocracy and didn't see anything wrong with bringing their patented snark and sarcasm to a courtroom environment.

Who wants to bet that the mouse owns a piece of Taco Bell? They do have Dorito integrated into their product line, and guess who invented Doritos…

the digra stuff was hyped up to wild goose chase us, faggot

It just proves that the elites get intoxicated with their own power and success and it leads to hubris and weakness.

We can beat the fuckers.

A weapon to defang and make useless the entire movement, you mean.

as much of a spaghetti dropping sperg that he is, he was good for signalboostin info

Here's a loooooooong ass video detailing a fuck load of shit regarding GG and Common Core stuff

search the early videos of his channel if you want more details, at one point he was the only one in GG actually calling out Common Core
I kenw for a fact that he had hit the jackpot the moment i realized that any youtube comment that links to one of his juiciest videos get deleted in less than a Week

Sorry for no TLDR it's been ages since i watched this and i mostly forgot its contents, will watch it again soon to refresh my memory and re-ignite my Holla Forumsrage all i can remeber for now is that the contents were important


tryed to embed the video but the site wouldn't let for some reason

Beating them isn't complicated. Grind. Dig. Document. Jim was right.

We are fighting Vampires and Werewolves user, making a lucrative busines out of the wooden stake and silver bullet industries was never our goal

How so?


This was also done in addition to contacting the parents.



He's an oldfag that obviously has holes in his knowledge from not paying attention at certain times and got pissed when others pointed it out.

I Corrected The Record


More on Katherine Cross.



Apparently Korea is having it's own little Gamergate-eque thing as well:

These feminist cunts have their own little cuckchan as well:

I feel this issue is a tad distracting from more pressing politics in the world right now

I am sorry you feel that way, as twitter plans to help the election go the way they would like and these people are part or tied to the safety double think council of twitter, it is very important. Games have little to do with it anymore, but gamers broke their defense and give everyone a chance to jump on in.

Koreanon has been warning us of Megalia and their allies for over a year now.

Shame it had to come to this point before anyone took him seriously. And I'm sure the shills will still try and discredit him wherever he goes.

There was one on Holla Forums a while back, kept saying it was all lies and that because the media didnt report on it it didn't exist.

I had no idea. There must be something we can do now at least?

Fight back without mercy and with full force and never slacken even if the reason appears insignificant or not worth it. Don't give them one inch.

Borderlines can't stick to any one project for very long. If you talk to one about their work history they'll likely list all sorts of different jobs like photographer, child care, waitress, etc. To the uninitiated this may make them sound experienced and traveled, but in reality they barely did anything at any of these jobs and likely only stuck to any of them for at most three months.

In Zoe's case it roughly went like this: waitress, stripper, amateur porn model, teacher, pretend game dev (this is the identity she's held onto longest,) author, writer, women's advocate (at least, this is how she's describe these roles.) Naturally, virtually all of these were complete failures.

Crash Override Network or CON was a non-profit she set up supposedly with the goal of helping out people being harassed on the internet. She opened it up and started taking donations, with a clock counting down on the website which was supposed to reveal something when it finished, but turned out to be tied to the viewer's clock and would just reset when it reached zero. People who e-mailed them for help would basically be referred to other sites or given links to articles. Numerous people the anti-GG people were attacking would contact them half seriously asking for help dealing with harassment from CON's own members.

Zoe used this as a basis for her -now cancelled- memoir which she seriously fucking titled "crash override network: saving the internet from itself"

Predictably, as with her game jams, her patreon, and every other project or "charity" she was involved in, she was just pocketing the money and using the place as a hang out for her clique. That's one of the more damning things about these logs, her and her friends are using this site's chat to discuss doxing people they don't like.


Not even first post? Shamefur dispray.

kys cultcuck

And I wasn't the only oldfag that did it for free, even travelling on my own dime in some cases.

More leaks just got dumped on Holla Forums, just going to copypasta it.

The manuals/guides that were shared among CON-members

Here we go again. Contained within this leak are 3 of the documents that were shared among CON-members.

There is a total of three files two of which we had to remove the phone numbers of Lifschitz and Quinn from.

The most interesting file is probably COGuideTalkingtofamilyandthepolice.docx since it contains the comments made by Quinn, Olson, Lifschitz and Coffin showing that the members of the Skype chat went on to create the company's literature.


Pw: LQQvxKx9JgbCD1YcPbUJtyl1rSWaO2Xa

SSN and credit cards are dox, not phone book or Google shit. Just like pointingredients out OP is a faggot is neither harassment nor bullying.

I do.

Fuck you.

You're clearly somebody who feels they aren't benefiting from the cultural advancement of the alt right as if somehow that's an entitlement you're due.

It is 100% your own wishful thinking in believing the alt right is something other than what it is.

Stay salty fagget.

Are you retarded?

Wew lad, between this and /gamergatehq/ coming back into the top 25, it's no wonder the muh pr faggotry has been off the charts lately.

Gamergoy rejected Holla Forums, now Holla Forums doesn't like you. Deal with the consequences of your choice.

Go join isis you fucking mudslimes.


I'm guessing they're paid by post quantity now.
Holla Forums has always been fairly blue-pilled when it comes to women.

fuck off lipshitz

digra is not funded by anything but membership fees.

the reason why people think darpa has anything to do with digra is because the Immerse project at UC Santa Cruz is funded by Darpa. UC Santa Cruz had a job opening that was posted on the digra site (along with 200+ other jobs). Someone with poor literacy skills saw that job opening came to the conclusion that Digra is literally funded by DARPA.

Then they made some picture complete with random ron paul picture…

Digra was started in Scandinavia - finland I think? - and have no legal USA presence. So why the hell would Darpa fund them?

Newfag or sheep same difference. Holla Forums had as much claim to GG as Holla Forums, reddit or twatter, just revealed itself to be the weakest and most vulnerable of them to d&c, only took a handful of goons to do it too. In late March '14 there was always at least one gg related active dig thread here then in less than a week, boom "/int/" starts raiding nonstop, /gamergate/ is nuked and suddenly every related thread going up is spammed with caps about some proGG on twatter and their gender pronoun preference. Look guize COV is saying she supports gay marriage OMG THIS IS WAT GAMERGATE HAS BECOME!! Easy as using laser pointers to make cats run around in circles. Later you even had halfwits here unironically making the case that #Istandwithmustaffa was a bad idea, arguing governments were better off running the internet as long as it went against someone they disagreed with. Literally straight out of the blob chipman "no bad tactics just bad targets" playbook. Yeah, GG got btfo here, right in the middle of a massive wave of shills and reddit rejects. Not exactly something to be proud of.

Last I heard from him was on Milo's big stream which was literally 100% GG ecelebs. But he was the one exception, right? Now him and his chubby asian gf just put out OC making fun of gg for including people like chubby asian girls. Meanwhile mundane shill and sarcuck - ecelebs he was always better than - are making comfortable livings putting out D- garbage while he runs a shitty facebook page. Dude is a fucking joke cautionary tale.

engines are already lining up. CTR is flooding the place with Poe's Law.
Posts like "HEY BROTHERS I KILLED A BLACK BABY!" then suddenly, mass media
reports on it. There will be lots and lots of attempst to try and steer Holla Forums
into nothing more than a dirt-tier skinhead community. CTR already have the
pipeline setup. They will create the post. Then their agents will bump it.
Then they'll leak it to their contacts in mass media. And thus, the DNC gets
their new KKK to scare the minorities with.
2: Makes sense..

The biggest mangina cuck I know is married to a Korean. Now I know why.

The most successful people fail early and often

t. lawfag who also was a short order cook and a pot grower

We only attack you of you use teeth while your open mouth gobbles my knob.

You know I should probably come out and admit that until now I kept misreading DIGRA as DIAGRA and kept coming up with stupid viagra jokes but now I feel like an idiot.

She's a turkroach (or whatever) cunt and belongs in a shallow grave. End of story. Same with other degenerate icons.

Digra wasn't a wild goose chase you fucking retard. If anything it proved that there were assholes behind the scenes trying to change vidya into something that they approved of and push the "if you don't play what we tell you, you're a *insert whatever*"

Just like how there was that big push a few years ago with the "if you don't have a social media account, you're likely a terrorist" BS.


Bumping for interest. Anything new?

These are the people we should go after, the rest are shitty, but nothing will happen. The kiddie porn is serious buisness

More concrete links and indisputable proof of their involvement were required, and after the fake Denton Facebook leak fiasco, people were wary about going after an organization that was not as vulnerable as Gawker. Not to mention both they and Silverstring Media were better at covering their tracks when it came to incriminating evidence as opposed to lower SJW pawns making total asses of themselves.

That said, I'd love it if someone were to dump logs on them and their operations for 8ch to really aggressively pursue them again, especially now that Gawker's received a pounding of a lifetime.