The previews brazilian threads were quiet successful so lets make on eiwth a broader appeal to talk abut latin america and iberia
Iberoamerican/spanish portuguese thread
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Greetings fellow brazilians
O quão degenerados são os partidos comunistas das vossas terrinhas, camaradas?
Extremamente. O PT mesmo na sua forma atual continua a ser a melhor alternativa(o que não é difícil quando a alternativa a eles chama o Euromaidan de "revolução popular anti-stalinista" e o imbroglio sirio de revolução trabalhadora).
Nunca vou entender como tem mais esquerdista usando Vargas como ídolo do que a direita.
Só porque postei uma foto do Vargas não quer dizer que ele é meu ídolo. Quanta projeção, tbh.
Mas você levanta um bom ponto, a direita odeia ele - e a nossa esquerda também!
Pra falar a verdade, o Vargas foi o único estadista que o Brasil teve até hoje. E não, o Lula nunca foi um.
¿Cuántos venezolanos hay aquí?
buenos quads
Uruguayan here, mostly to spy on actual communists and to laugh at people's rants over their little political folk-religion
Man, I know every alternative to it is a a gigantic neoliberal shitpile, but Unidos Podemos sure is making it hard for me to vote for them.
what the fuck, man
And the worse is that it's spreading. Faster than I had expected.
Things aren't looking good
Garzon chaval. Que pena que vaya quinto, supongo que es el coste de un millon de votos
/argie/ here. What would be the critique to Garzón's post? Legit question, not trolling.
Is it because of the whole "heteropatriarcado" vs "it's just capitalismo" position?
si te digo la verdad Garzon ws vastante mejor que monedero en lo economico. esto seguro que lo hizo su community manager
Está usando una masacre en un bar gay donde la mayoría de las victimas fueron hombres para forzar su mierda de "heteropatriarcado", ¿qué tiene que ver el "heteropatriarcado" con una persona que llamó al 911 y prometió lealtad a ISIS?
Bueno, supongo que el ISIS es tambien un estandarte del heteropatriarcado (SJW aparte). Pero sí, me parece un análisis simplista ante todo. Gracias.
si lo ponemos así el argumento se deshace.
A lo hombres heteros, blancos.
Joder tio, era una aclaracion. Eres peor que un liberal que llama fascista a todo el mundo. Es el simple hecho de llevar la contraria, al final caes en analisis equivocados y eres el que llamas Cuck a todos.
La ley sharia lo deja bastante claro, en consonancia con el fanatismo religioso. No es un estandarte pero esta claro que las Mujeres en el Daesh no es que lo pasen bien. (poniendo mujeres como gente a destacar en el debate, el Daesh hace lo que quiere con quien quiere.
si era un a aclaración no aclaro nada.
É o Capitão Nascimento ali atrás? Haha
Muito pelo contrário camarada. Apenas começou.
Fico tão orgulhoso como fico triste de viver num dos últimos países em que o partido ML se mantém um força política relevante.
Só tem um modo de acabar isso.
Just saying, can we mostly speak English? There's two languages between us after all, more so if we're going to get any posters from the Guyanas.
I'm Lares, the guy that never shuts up about Puerto Rico. Here are some discussion questions-
1. How do you feel about unification? How would you do it if you would?
2. What do you think is the most likely place to try socialism (again in the case of Cuba and Venezuela) and why is it Puerto Rico?
3. How likely is your country to be open to unification with culturally similar countries as one administrative region in a larger federation? How likely is your country to be open to socialism?
4. Do you have a leftist party or org in your country? If so, how leftist?
Here are mine.
1. Do it fgt
2. Take a guess, but also remember I don't know that much about other countries. Being surrounded by water will do that. Haiti is another one because of how the Clinton Foundation fucked em over.
3. Nationalists would froth at the mouth but everyone else would be cool with it, one of the main concerns about more independence from the US is stability which wouldn't be an issue any more.
4. The closest thing is the Socialist Front org which has been exherting more and more influence on the PRIP, so the PRIP as well.
Guyana is right next to my country (Venezuela) and i've never seen anyone from Guyana on the internet. They're rare even in huge communities.
being guyanan is horror
The PCE has gone full revisionist and oppirtunist with the Podemos coalition, there is no going back after this.
I really wish there was, but they are now in a structure they cant go out. I mean their general secretary is Garzón, they wont get out of IU.
Right now, the best option in spain is the PCPE, seriously. The fact that it is the only communist party in Spain recognized by Cuba should tell you something.
GUYANSES are World class nasty ppl. You Might want to consider this "Food for the Poor" from the Poor. What you may think is good holdsome natural and healthy can become very disturbing in years to come. With the millions of forms of sickness to be found in road side airborn dust, here is a cheap and easy roadside kill you might wish you never enjoy. Food poisoning is one of the most common sickness to be found in 3rd world country like Guyana and any Guyanese community. Most of these attributes can be found in small towns and poor quality control famity markets. This video is to inform you of guyanese deceptions. Today the lowest of poor people are involve in natural food market. Don't be fool by guyanese nicness, cleanest is next to goodness, the poor is full of toxic madness. The very same road is also used by local farm animals, dog and human litter. The country of Guyana is know for poor quality control and floods by rain fall or sea level change. where the human sewage from local septic system will flood the villages and town with sickness cause germ. STAY TUNE, stay alive and mentally fit. Dont be fool by guyanese culture. They have no culture but third world dollars. The average guyanese earn $25 usd per day which is equal to $5,000 gyd.
We must agree on one thing. This is a crazy world and crazy is what crazy eat. A small poor cell like guyana invading any healthy body is what you will see in the world today. The message express in this video of not intended to bring about an animosity, It is to serve a global community. Pre 1970 it would be O.K. and best to trade food at the roadside maket were no automobile was in use but today roadside enviroment pose a different form of contamination and illnesses to food like meat and drinks. GUYANESE ARE WORLD CLASS NASTY MIND PEOPLE who hate anything to do with America. These people can be conside to be mongol species with no control or care to they doing. These ppl are known to not wash they hands before serving food to they fellow poor, with the poorest of sanitation and garabe displace amount the land, drains and roadside is popular. No one knows when a guyanese is cooking with rusty pipe public water which is distributed all over the country…here is what guyanese pay for and you will pay for it too. Guyanese will always support they nastiness because its they skin color.
BEWARE: GUYANA IS DANGEROUS COUNTRY. GUYANESE SEEK TO EXPLOIT TOURIST AND VISITOR TO GUYANA. a class of hidden racism to croupt law enforcement. STAY OUT OF NATION LIKE GUYANA where poison and stavation is natural.
1. I really don't see any social movement strong enough to support any kind of unification today. I feel indifferent to it, honestly; don't think it can solve any micro/macro problems.
2. Probably Argentina, to be honest. They are pretty organized, trots or not, and I don't know how much more they'll be able to drink the neoliberal kool-aid.
3. In my opinion, Brazil is the only that isn't "culturally similar" in South/Latin America [other than Haiti, tbh]. Thanks to Portugal, we are a special snowflake. And not very likely.
4. We have lots of them. They mostly suck, and when they don't - they have like 100 people.
I used to be very into anarchism, but being involved in their organizations made me give up on them. Now I just wait for a nuclear holocaust to happen and aliens to coloniz- I mean, to liberate us.
Oh yeah I should've put an exception for Brazil. Brazil is massive though it could easily be its own region.
Orgs suck no matter where you are and are full of sectarians, shitty ideologues, purists, people who haven't read any theory and don't intend to, rebel punks, confused liberals et al. and I'm not kidding when I say socdem entryism is usually your best bet which is why my country is in a good situation when it comes to that.
Olá, companheiros.
bom meme governo de esquerda
O que ganhas com o PC como "força relevante"?
lol this guy
full of book recs on his comment sections
Eu não sei o que sentir sobre isso. Conselhos?
I don't know how to feel about this. Advice?
that dude really fucking hates Guyana
Wait a minute, you hurt a fascist's feelings over the internet and he went to the police?
Yes. It's actually illegal to do so here in Brazil to call people retards.
That's hilarious. But well, you had it coming for discussing politics in fb. Never do that.
It's hilarious because it's not you who's going to get fucked, comrade.
bumpando esse fio