>feminist jews panic
oh boy this is hilarious; if you want your teenage gf to fug you buy her a lifelike baby doll to play with, help the white race.
>feminist jews panic
oh boy this is hilarious; if you want your teenage gf to fug you buy her a lifelike baby doll to play with, help the white race.
Other urls found in this thread:
That must be a Australian thing, Planned parenthood gives these out in the US and everyone hates them
True, they are upside down after all.
That's assuming she's not fucking niggers . . .
Yeah obviously. We are talking about 13-15 year old teenagers here. Kids who are emotionally imbalanced.
What the fuck do you think happens when hormononally unstable and confused Kids get a toy that apparently make people pay attention and be nice to them?
It literally makes them sexually aroused?
I have given up hope in the world. Could it all be so simple?
Gas yourself.
The abortion rates on the doll group was higher too, so the direct effect on the girl was sexual arousal and not a direct desire for a child.
And in both groups there were more abortions than births.
Never knew the Criminals and Railway Workers we sent off to that Desert Prison Island would make us so proud…
brb going to the barber's
Only the white race can truly and effectively turn mistakes into miracles.
My Fionce had two of these dolls during her highschool years and now she wants 6-8 kiddies;
Go figure nerds.
r.i.p your dick
When I have 100 grand kids and we have a fucking nepotist griphold on this country you will thank me nigger
so they didn't make the connection between sexual arousal and raising children?
Just a shame that the Animals that inhabit the Land want to kill them so Badly they won a War against them.. Oh well if they've managed to survive there so far somehow they can still keep it up.
delete that fucking picture right NOW
of course not, kids are "gross", motherhood is "oppressive", and sex is "liberating"
They would never say such a thing as the objective of these groups is a sexualized but infertile population.
By the way, what with these public universities making research about fucking public policy and then putting it behind a pay wall ?
Talk about fucking bullshit, i can't even read the full text.
Why the hell do any of us fear the Jews, they are clearly completely fucking inept in their dipshit schemes, they are on the level as Saturday morning cartoon villains, this is like the end of an episode where everything goes wrong around them while their plan backfires, they are defeated, the hero spouts a one-liner, and then tells kids not to do drugs.
pregnant teens is another word for wiggers
I'm not sure if you realize this, but wiggers spawning their army of subhumans is not going to further the white cause you dumb faggot.
Are those the legs of the agile emu, or the more dreaded cassowary?
Thanks for Correcting The Record.
finished drawing pls
Kek. They assumed burden would outweigh instinct.
but that would be some crazy alt-right mysoginistic conspiracy-theory wouldnt it!?
The seed might be white but considering it's Christ-chan, who knows who or what the father is.
Outside of the whole teen pregnancy thing, something about that is really fucking cute.
It was intended to scare them away from pregnancy?
You're beyond fucking retarded if you marry as a man in this day and age.
I wonder (((who))) was forcing this ebil teen pregnancy meme…
Coincidentally they are trying to stop white women from reproducing when they are biologically desiring children the most, and have them wait until their 30's when they're half sterile and no longer feel the urge to reproduce.
Luckily Trump knows whats going on and he made a policy to stop this dangerous trend of waiting until you're sterile to have kids.
The reason most women don't reproduce is because of muh school and muh career. Give them affordable childcare and they'll be having kids again.
I believe the program itself was just a way to make easy money ( the dolls are pretty expensive ), but the stated goal was "to make girls conscious of the hard labors a mother has to do though".
Cat lady comes along and makes a 6 year old study just to prove that the dolls actually have the inverse effect.
Shekels? Try your entire life.
You're a fucking retard and it's showing.
make sure your wife is in her 40s or 50s before you have kids. smart
If you want to get cucked out of the gene pool, be my guest. If materialism is more important to you than the existence of your people and the continuation of your blood line then you're making the right decision.
The only one who's going to get cucked is you.
You don't need to marry to reproduce you fucking malignant tumor.
They don't have enough 500 pound female niggers to feed with welfare money.
Also remember that the modern day woman gets so many dick before you show up that you're basically taking care of other people's kids already. Only the lucky few actually get kids of their own.
Enjoy cuckboi.
not the best way to visually undermine your argument user
(checked and kek'd)
very true. Alot of recent shit is reminiscent of a saturday morning cartoon. The kikes are so out of touch, they've grown so arrogant and left their crumbs all over the place because they thought no one would retaliate by now. And now their entire world of deceit is crumbling down.
You forget where everyone laughs, then a shortened version of the intro theme plays.
Kikes are self destructive in their nature and instincts, especially when they do their blood and ritual murders to their golden cow god Moloch.
If the mother and the father are decent people, how exactly is this not a good way to spend public money ?
nice mental olympics user. Not quite gold, though.
the concept of investing in your offspring never crossed your mind eh
a stable family unit gives the best chance of mentally healthy and happy children
if you dont want to marry fine but living separate from the family is going to increase the risk of your kids growing up to be unhappy self cutters or jackasses
Is that what you call being sexually mature? I think you've been jacking off to too much loli
You're not convincing me, rabbi. I can simply go to the suburbs to find a 3DPD QT3.14.
And I don't think you know how a proper non-anglo woman looks like. Burgerclaps define femininity by fat hips, fat ass and fat tits - the fallout of kike propaganda.
Take a look at eastern european countries. Beautiful blonde, slim and healthy woman. That's the gold standard. Not a fucking dick crusher.
You understand that teenage moms didn't actually want children? You don't usually take educated decisions while drunk.
the public money you are blabbing about will never come. Public money is only used to flood western societies with shitskins and niggers. This way, young families are destined to fail because capitalist mechanics are fucking them if they are not working towards being a good wage slave goyim. Only the top 10% can hide their children from public school, grant them security, and good education.
Isn't this a bad thing though? They usually get this from whoring around from an early age, the 'boyfriend' either legs it or is a teen himself unable to support the baby.
This isn't the XIXth century anymore, girls are no longer trained from childhood to be mothers and housewives, and this pregnancies occour outside of arranged marriages.
I don't define femininity by fat hips, fat ass and fat tits, you fucking eruonigger. Thicker hips are simply a fact of a sexually mature female of child-bearing age.
And I'm not even American.
Oh yeah, i forgot that an intrinsic characteristic of public money is that it will fund anything pro-white, even when a pro-white government is controlling the budget.
*it will never fund
No. Only the relation between hips and waist matter, not the absolute fatness of said parts. A slick and slim beauty can still have these relations although much more subtle.
Go away fat digger.
I don't like fatties, you fucking nigger, but I'm not wrong. Women develop thicker hips due to their distribution of fat. Women of child-bearing age are going to have child-bearing hips. If you think this is somehow disgusting or a turn off, then you might be a pedophile who's attracted to undeveloped girls.
I remember they did this program in Alabama back in the 00's
But only in the black schools.
Go fuck your skeleton women then user, have fun watching them die in childbirth or get their stomach sliced open.
suddenly becomes
Yeah, nice mental gymnastics.
I'm jealous as fuck, do it user.
females are literally nothing but baby machines.
they crave a man's meat to give them a baby that is all they are worth
I reccognize the name, it's the biggest Catholic University in Sydney. This says a lot about Catholics doesn't it?
(((catholic university)))
Keep hiding behind that TOR chain of IPs, you subhuman rat.
Dont let them persuade you not to breed.
They have considered all kinds of ways to stop Westerners from breeding by as seen from this 1969 USA gov memo (pic related).
Methods (highlighted by me on memo) probably used today are promotion of feminism and homosexuality and the undermining of marriage.
There was some image that showed the largest tit sizes throughout the world and Russia was definitely somewhere near the top.
These are supposed to be teenagers?
There are clearly footfag models, I believe the one of the right is Demoness
Girls develop earlier now, combined with pic related.
no idea,
i like 20-30s
When I was a teenager the only early development girls had was in their chest.
whats the difference?
girls look old as fuck tbh
they're sexiest/freshest between the ages of 12-17 now, 18-22 is okay tier, 23+ is middle aged
i'm talking these 14 year old girls have thick legs, big round butts, smooth skin, and a sex drive like you wouldn't believe
i miss middle school/early high school
I know, and their best years are wasted.
I'll be honest, there's a great deal of other women that look just as good if not better. Beautiful women aren't rare, she's lucky to have good looks, but her daddy invested in that by picking out supermodels for wives.
This is good as long as they aren't receiving abbo seed.
Marion Le Penn….I….
Why did you post a 2d girl to illustrate your point when they are originally far more pure than 3dpd?
no need to get angry.
okay fine
have some oc
I went to HS with her.
really? whats her name
love sarah!
check your testosterone m8
absolutely disgusting.
Looks like a Brazilian trannie after failed surgery.
why u bully ;'(
here's an ivanka look alike
Wiggers are still white, user.
If that's your dick when you will be really popular at /cuteboys/.
Most of the really shitty white people probably already mixed with blacks since the 1960s anyway.
the one in the middle minus beaver plus more tits would be great. The other to can be used to fuel the oven during winter.
Ah the childfucker torfag is back.
gravity is not kind but damn, at lest she actually looks like a woman.
the other two need some benzo peroxide and an electric razor
What the actual fuck. What is wrong with you burgerclaps?
nigga you gay
Of course user, everyone belongs to everyone else. Aren't you glad you're not an Epsilon?
no homo
thick =/= fat
unlike europeans, we americans prefer women of reproductive age
american titties would break the screen
Fuck off /mgtow/, nobody here likes you or your atheist larping.
Too bad she's BLACKED.
Would prefer the right to be honest.
You fell for the fakes, good job dumbass.
Well as long as it increases the white birth rate i'm cool with it.
It's the biggest scam ever. Worst part is of course that the research was taxpayer funded, and now it's behind a corporate paywall. The entire journal system is a massive scam, especially since the internet there's literally no reason to even have the journals anymore (the peer review process is done by academics for free out of a sense of obligation anyway, the journals do literally nothing other than act as a money sink).
I bet the Jews did this.
Hello rabbi youre alittle late to shill here
Hello TRS faggot.
All girls want the permission to be sluts, all you have to do is given them permission. Their fantasy is a man that will enable them to be proper women in public and whores in private.
There literally is nothing wrong with women.
Tor-user out of these body types, which is supposed to be non-fat?
Please God, no…
Here ya go.
thats crazy man
are you a scientist?
I bet a woman drew this picture; the hourglass isn't even shown off because she likely lacks it and is probably the "apple" shape the fat bitch. Every body type looks nonhuman minus the hourglass one and should thus be executed for wasting my time with this post.
Yeah most of them are fat. I wanted to see if tor-user would consider hourglass or even rectangle to be too much.
'dutch/german family name'
'irish family name'
'german family name'
my jewdar is broken. halp
i can't find anything on
maybe it's not evil
/aus/ teacher here.
These things have been around in some way shape or form since at least the early 2000s.
They're fucking annoying TBH fam, basically the girls take a class in year 10 or 11 called child studies and as part of the assessment they have to carry the dolls to every class and home with them. They spontaneously cry at random times. If the girl does or does not react in time (1st gen was just a key operation, the new ones a really realistic) then the system registrars that input and it goes to the score for the student.
While I'm a STEM teacher I'm one of the few that will defend the class to my peers who generally mock it. It does excellent work normalizing the maternal experience. Think of it as a gate way drug to motherhood. It backfired on the feminists because they don't understand that their kike brainwashing is what made them lose their maternal spirit.
Hey those emus are hardcore motherfuckers. We gave it a good go, just wasn't worth the trouble so we went home and had some beers.
polite sage for 2x posting
Related pic. Everything in red is rightful Emu clay.
So then comes the question: if teens caring for lifelike baby dolls significantly increased their likelihood for wanting and having their own children, to what degree has the modern institution of centralized childcare which replaced the traditional model of the average large family's youngest being cared for by their elder siblings, mostly sisters, contributed to our declining birth rates?
I'd imagine the conditioning mechanism would be even stronger if they were caring for real babies, and perhaps centralized childcare is involved in a negative feedback loop with both more "equality" in the workforce (see: cynical inflation of labor pool to drive down labor price) and resultant smaller families to breed increasingly voluntarily barren women.
It could also be one of the leaders of the rabbit or dingo rebellions they also lost to. I heard they were pretty big and weirder looking
I see no problem with wanting the white race to succeed.
Without planned parenthood we'd have double the niggers we currently do, so I tolerate them, at the very least.
I go on so many dates with women and I tell them I want 7 kids because I'm 30 and not wasting any more time than I already have and they always glaze over in panic and fear.
They have been taught that families are bad. That child birth is the most painful thing ever. And that they can have fulfilling lives with their cats.
I'll find one someday.
This tbh fam.
I see the exact opposite with black females.
Black chicks say they want around 6 children and adoption, while white chicks barely even want 1 child and then want it to be a girl.
We need to start giving girls dolls again.
No shit. You should never open a date with wanting a shitton of kids. Try saying "I want a family" and "I dream of being a father" You know, tact… not HAVE MY BABIES!
I still remember the days when they didn't have all this high tech shit and made bitches carry around an egg all day for like a month. I always thought it was hilarious.
Land whales and fat grannies push these stats up. Also plenty of Eastern Euro girls look potato as fuck, it's like cherrypicking your picture of American women from Cali instagram models or soemthing.
Isn't this basically what happened to us
Jewish genetics are degading. They know this and have no solution.
I'm not autistic. I'm upfront about wanting a family, being a father, etc. You know, tact. But the response is always met with a bit of revulsion or a strong statement of "I think about having kids in my mid-30's."
But, inevitably, the question of 'how many kids?' is brought up. I say 5-7 and if they are really put off by it (they always are) I joke that there are too many names to narrow it down to 2 or 3.
So, tangent about jews in a current popular media thing on netflix.
I was watching 'Stranger Things' on Netflix earlier, and in episode 5 the two teenage leads are in a field shooting a revolver.
The male lead is missing all of his shots before he starts talking to the girl about family and whether or not her parents actually love each other.
The girl gives a brief monologue about how awful nuclear families are and how her parents don't actually love each other.
She's aiming the revolver at the pop cans while she's giving us this story before she says "nuclear family? screw that!" the male agrees, "ya, screw that!"
then the girl fires her shot. The first time she has ever fired a gun in her life, and hits the pop can. she's not a mary sue in the show otherwise, but in this moment, she was
Not to mention, the nuclear family is shown as unhappy and fractured. The single mom family gets a lot of 'im a strong woman' moments Winnona Rider and the other families we don't see a lot of.
My point is, there is a constant push in media that families are bad that these women have been seeing in all of their movies, tv shows and music since they were 3 years old.
Kikes just can't fucking keep their narrative out of shit.
Winona "Oven Dodger" Ryder did a shit job of acting in that show to be honest.
Do kikes think being completely hysterical in every situation no matter what is what solves problems? *why am i even asking** Because they really push the "crazy makes woman stronk" narrative in that show, even though it's chief Hopper and her son that does all the heavy lifting, and she just fucking whinges without accomplishing anything the whole time.
fucked up spoiler
Red sea pedestrians are naturally neurotic so she was probably barely acting.
You've got a point there. She's got sanpaku eyes.
Jews can change their names, so I wouldn't take the names as the end of it, none of them look particularly Jewish, although with photos that small it can be hard to tell.
I wish more women would apply makeup this tastefully.
I'd say that you shouldn't be completely upfront about the exact number until you are actually in a relationship; just tell them 2-3 at the beginning and wait until you are actually together before you tell her the whole truth.
As true as this might be, we can't stop being vigilant.
Kikes have simply underestimated the motherly instincts, despite the research being there from several decades ago.
Women want children, instinctively. It's kike propaganda that has put them off them.
They don't have the intelligence to understand arguments, just laugh at them, eventually they'll shut the fuck up because of the shame.
Human race is programmed for breeding in that age. The shifting of the mating age was made to curve births.
guess how fucking stupid my country is:
you can fuck girls at 16 but you cant marry them until 18
how fucking stupid is that?
Guy from
Take some wisdom from me my friend: Girls naturally want to earn your approval; they live for it; they get bored and cuck you without that struggle for approval.
If you want to have that many children; don't approach her and ask her opinion of it or even make it known that you care about what she thinks of it; Just assert it as a fact that you will be having that many children; that is: if children ever come up in conversation.
Don't start too many questionnares; Just give assertive answers.
Tired of this meme as a German. Böttcher and Brinkmann are regular names, I don't think there's even a high likelihood that such people are Jews. Their own made up names are all the Goldsilbersteinbergrosenbaum combinations you can come up with and even those aren't 100% definitive. The more of these are chained together in a name the more likely you're looking at a Jew. But there are plenty of people called STEIN (stone) or BAUM (tree) or BERG (mountain) who are not Jewish.
Yes, I'm the same guy who has posted this before, and I will probably have to post it again.
What a shock. It's as if a free man wanted to own the clothing he wears. Oh wait…
This is great.
I found out I will have a daughter and panicked a little on what to do. Now she will have all the dolls she wants.
Girls have been given baby dolls for centuries, if not millenia to prepare them for motherhood. Nobody, not even feminists are that stupid as to believe that babies scare girls or that being around babies would make them not want to have some of their own. This program worked as intended.
This is obviously an old woman, idiots. Nobody else is saying ==problem hips/hair/clothes== lol. Especialy at pics of model-tier young girls. You got to be mad and jelly as fug.
I find that really hard to believe. I've been up and down the east coast of USA, and for almost all of my life I didn't want kids. I'm still not thrilled with the idea, I'm not excited or anything thinking about it, but I realize now that as our race stands, I'm obligated if the jew was gone and whites ruled everything I really honestly would not likely bother. Anyway, I mentioned for quite a few years to girls that i didn't want kids, and only one of them ever agreed. For all of the rest, it clearly impacted her in a negative way.
Are you in some super liberal area?
Women have always enjoyed the added attention and status that motherhood brings. These girls are feeling it for the first time and like it. It doesn't really matter that they're carrying a doll because explaining to the other mothers, old ladies and helpful men, that this is just a doll and only an experiment, will have naturally led to questions like "but do you like it?" and a realization that motherhood, far from being something bad to be afraid of, is a wonderful thing which elevates a woman's social status in a way that no "career" can.
Nice attempt to paint a natural good feeling as something pathological though.
Biologically speaking, this is literally correct if we reckon by fertility.
Around 50% of a woman's eggs are already gone by 23 years of age, 90% by 30.
In what way does marriage allow unrelated persons to live together or is it the only way to do so?
that's a fucking egg you retarded piece of shit
At least with Marriage you can have a Prenup in which who ever incites the divorce will lose pretty much everything, can't do that without Marriage
From the photo I'm sure they're at least Mischlings
Doesn't change that those people look Jewish
I want five and people tell me I'm crazy including my parents that had four. My girlfriend and I already had our first almost a year ago, she's on board for 3 kids. I keep telling her that once she has the third she'll be up for having the fifth which will probably be the case. We're holding off on getting pregnant for another 2 years.
Keep dreaming.
But we have. A FINAL one.
That feeling you mention is precisely pathological by nature.
A woman without children is useless. Completely useless. Everything except having children men can do better. The only way a woman can find some peace of mind is having children so she can feel useful when she is in every other regard so useless, such a burden. And you're saying the feeling that would drive her to be useful is "pathological". You are pathological.
Every woman can give birth. What have you done in your life that comes even close to creating a human being? When you are done listing your accomplishments, you may give me a good reason why your mother shouldn't get credit for it.
You reek of reddit and you were obviously triggered by my factual statements which are 100% true.
It comes as a shock to a young lad when you realize the female co-worker/shop clerk you're talking to isn't actually 40 but 29 years old. The Wall is real.
Those whores just need 6 months in a labor camp to get their minds re-adjusted to reality.
Science is only bad when people use it as an excuse to dismiss phenomenon that we can't accurately measure or observe.
Your statement that women are useless and a burden is not 100% true, but a self-contradictory statement, since your mother gave birth to you. Everything you have ever accomplished in your life is because your mother thought it worthwhile to raise you. Glory to your mother.
Except he's saying that women are a burden at everything EXCEPT BEING A MOTHER
You're either retarded or being intentionally disingenuous. Either way, fuck off.
Fuck off and don't come back
You obviously took a wrong turn because you do not belong here
fucking kill yourself
Chandler Rabens
This is why the Jewish media is always pushing for girls to be boys, do boy things, and play with boy's toys. If a girl picks up a doll, her mothering instinct will kick in.
That's an interaction between youth sports and fashion. As it becomes acceptable/expected to wear tight, revealing clothing, girls work hard to have something to reveal.
That has to do with dermatological advances, make up, and efficient online education via youtube
That has always been true
Absolutely incorrect, 18-24 is when a woman is at her peak fertility. Younger mothers (13-17 years old) have a much higher rate of complications during pregnancy/birth, maternal and infant death, and deformities in their children. Losing eggs really isn't an issue, since a woman's eggs aren't fully expended until a she's in her late 40's.
You're wrong
[citation needed]
Link? That probably BTFO the main argument of (((anti-hebephile puritans))).
American teenagers wouldn't like it but Aussie teenagers find it sexy. Why is this? What do the parenthood means to Aussies?
Fucking manlets. When will they learn.
Is that you slick willy?
Kinda feel bad for those feminists. It's horrible to sell victimhood to people because it disempowers them and makes them try to impose their negativity on others by using the force of the state to try and bully children. It's a horrible self-replicating illness.
I wonder who is behind all this ;^)
Always ask for double what you want and bargain down to something reasonable. I usually tell them I want a dozen or so. You probably just live in a heavily pozzed multicultural utopia if that's the reaction you get. or maybe you're a charmless autist
Do you do it on purpose or does the conditioning kick in as soon as you read the buzzword?
I feel sorry for them. Why won't the women fuck manlet? Manlet is way better than dwarf. Maybe I need to develop a dating service for the menlet and womenlet so they have exactly same height.
that's an exact quote, just search that with google
Go outside, you worthless faggot.
No, it just means that Australia isnt as much of a subhuman mongrel shithole the US of spics and kikes is.
Literally what he said. Are all ledditors this retarded, so much as to repeat people's argument and think they win?
So all countries need to do to boost their birthrate… Is to give girls dollies?
Someone alert the Japs and Germans!!
I don't know if that works. Aussies might be less brainwashed than japs and germans are.
In all honesty I see no problem in this, women need to be having children as soon as possible with men that can keep them steady and out of their parents hair.
I'd rather my 16 year old daughter was married to a 24 year old man with a degree in engineering than as a drug addict that's partying for the sake of "Not wasting her youth".
There isn't anything wrong with sex or raising a family. There is everything wrong with degeneracy.
But family is uncool, user. We must destroy the nuclear family and kill police and FBI agents like those cool kids in those cool TV shows and cool movies.
It's pretty scary, but having children with one's "girlfriend" is 'hood'-tier crap, which could end in them breaking up and the
Usually it's a bad thing since they are often not married, or, at least, don't get married. Hopefully, this will change.
I hate how society seems so eager to bash teenage mothers. Heck, they even bash those who get married (sometimes, especially them), as if there own lifestyles are okay.
Even if it is bad for one or one's particular society, to act as if the sex, drugs, and rock (or hip-hop, pop) lifestyle is better, or morally superior is insane, and infuriates me.
He seems to be against teen mothers, like you are.
Slimmer girls have an easier time giving birth than chubby ones. Thigh fat =/= pelvis or hip space by the way.
Not him, but the only normal ones are the hourglass and rectangle.
Hourglass, most likely healthy and the healthiest.
Rectangle is probably healthy and of a different sub-race.
Apple is a fat Rectangle.
Inverted Triangle skips leg day.
Pear is overweight hour-glass-ish who might have had a slight sickness or disorder.
Triangle is probably T-Rex mode, or has had a more severe form of Pear's sickness or disorder. Might be overfat if she isn't T-Rex mode.
Diamond is a pregnant Hourglass, or was starved in her youth. Overfat if she is not pregnant.
Spoiler: the dolls are black. The program is teaching interracialism, not white values.
Good goy actually remembers that there is a thing called wedding contract (or how do you pronounce it in english), which allows (((You))), the virgin neckbeard, to save your possessions in case of your woman becoming a whore.
Also, it forces woman to be more responsible, remembering that (((You))) can divorce here at any moment and claim as much wealth, as it was proclaimed in your contract.
On topic: probably that is the reason dolls are a thing of every normal girl childhood? Like who would have thought!
Advice to young parents: buy your children a doll instead of a fucking phone.
Not sure where you live but these days judges just throw out the contracts if they don't like them even though I'm pretty sure that's illegal.
Rectangle is a boy.
I'll remember that
Females are at their high point in attractiveness at around 15-17, and it's all downhill from there. Always has been, always will be.
AOC laws and calling these young women 'children' is simply a ploy by feminists in a vain attempt to stay competitive in the sexual marketplace against these younger, more attractive women.
No amount of social or economic engineering will ever change the basic characteristics of the male / female relationship that God designed from the very beginning: Men should marry a young, fertile when they have established themselves financially and have boatloads of kids while she can. This is how you build successful families, nations, and civilizations.
The West has doomed itself by allowing the Women's Movement to take hold in it's culture. It will take nothing short of a miracle atp to reverse it's ultimate destruction because of this. Barbaric hordes will overrun it from without as it collapses into degeneracy from within.
Why does Black Barbie Matters™® have straight hair?
I thought all negroids have frizzy hair that grows into afros if allowed to become longer?
The Christian God is ethnopluralist.
I know of several teen mums, living in the teen mum capital of the UK.
The first one to have kids is 19 now. His second is on the way.
He is engaged to the mother.
If it is coming back, it definitely will not be the same.
Look at
plot twist.
Afro-Americans are known for pimping people too.
Some dolls (not sure about the Barbie brand) are being made with curly and coily hair, though I never seen one with very happy hair, which most have unfortunately for them.
==#RespectTheEmu==>If it is coming back, it definitely will not be the same.
oh yass i will have sweet dreams tonight!
New OC
There is one small bright thing obama fucking up the internet might do. Maybe no more ausfag shitposting.
I agree with this. It's where a more established working man who has been doing his due diligence in his studies like engineering and may have missed out on slutting it up can potentially get a virgin girl to marry.
So it may be a ploy to help break up families.
Problem is,australia is full of wogs.
sort of. there must be some important piece of propaganda aussies are not subjected to and burgers are.
All sex education programs backfire
not /k/, but it seems to me it would be excellent training for marksmaship. are they a protected species no?
You can't suppress an instinct so strong and deeply embedded through exposure.
Looks like the porn star Phoebe
Fertility starts declining around 27 years of age.
When you assume 2 years between kids, that means a woman should start having kids around 20.
Srs? What century are you from user? Woman can start popping out kids at 14, 15 and every year thereafter by and large.
I remember back in high school our Home Ec (or whatever name it had) class gave out crying, shitting, anatomically correct baby dolls that monitored how well the "parents" took care of them, and grades were assigned based off the doll's monitoring system for the project. I wasn't in the class, but I'd see the white trash and nig couples (the ones who seemed to naturally gravitate towards the easy electives) carry around their shitets in the halls.
LOTS of overlaps between those people and the skanks that spent their 11th or 12th grades knocked up and unmarried. So yeah, I can see the "success" of the project if that's what you call success.
People who believe life's fulfillment is tied up in something that is as biologically imperative as shitting or eating will really get something out of it. Not sure if you want those people breeding, though. I sure as hell don't want more shitty teen moms.
Women aren't ready to "woman up" in modern society. They are femchildren.
as usual leftists dont understand biology, they just expect it to adhere to their insanity