Hello my aryan asatru brothers, how do we stop cuckstianity that is poisoning the west?

hello my aryan asatru brothers, how do we stop cuckstianity that is poisoning the west?

Other urls found in this thread:


just adopt the empowering aspects like raping the children of your enemies

white israelites unite!

Anyone who posts below this post is acknowledging to feeding a slide thread.

Didn't you stop with these mid june?
Can't you get another strategy for shilling or did CTR just buy those?
Fucking lazy kikes.

Not if you don't bump.

slide thread btw.

>tips menorah

I am picking a quarrel with thee thy HEATHEN.
Go to the forest and worshiop thine trees!
Oh wait I burned all those down.
Without Christianity to enlighen you savages you would still be living in CAVES!

How is it a slide thread if we are talking about united the Aryan genome and spreading the sword to our enemies along with our cock to their children's hearts, almost like Islam but without the cube thing while aside the Pagan Gods which also rule uplifting principles like natural science? In fact, you will find that all ancient religions come from the same source and it is only dilution along with cowardice that has led the feeble masses astray through. Christcucks will always btfo unless they get behind the Old Testament and start becoming a yogi like Jesus.

I see Christcucks chose a different approach to gain relevance in this board. Maybe if enough people here would know anything about European religions, this could be a nice thread though.

Becouse you're spamming this in another 5 threads about religion.
fuck off to cuckchan

Hell is forever!

Wow OP, I didn't even think it was possible for a thread to be this shitty. Good job.


u srs m8





You do realize Trump is a Christian, right?


Well, my fellow (((aryan)) , first we have to think of a way to stop the jews from spamming the board with these pesky slide threads . Then maybe we'll think about the other problems and shit.

/christian/ posting another anti-christian thread to pretend they have the moral high ground

it's like pottery

certain topics, no matter if they are anti or pro, are pure poison. We all are feeling that this topic is potentially used as a vector of attack for the crt shills.

this is our core ideology


as I have spammed in the other threads.

Report and ban these posters.

Shitposting probably isn't helping.

By stopping your LARPing accepting the fact that you are baptized and promote yourpro-White ideology from a religious platform with an actual rightwing audience instead of fat wiccans and remorseful ex-satanist teens.

We stop posting on Holla Forums
Let's start right now!

Do what the guys in Virginia did and start a village.

Anybody who has been here more than 15 minutes has already concluded that the only thing uniting all of us, that must unite all of us, is the creation of the Ethnostate. The Ethnostate must come before all else.

We have already concluded that the volk inhabiting this ethnostate, will be have vastly different beliefs. Libertarian, NS, Christian, pagan, and we will synthesize these at some kind of constitutional convention into what will be the working ethnostate. Bickering about it now is absolutely pointless and has no doubt been the shill tactic here for the past few days.
Those who survive the fight will determine the world in which our children live. This is nature, God, at work. If only Christians have the strength to unite under the banner of an Ethnostate, than it will be a theocratic Ethnostate.
But again, bickering about this on Holla Forums is anathema to progress. This is a time to spread the message and capture more of the youngest smartest members of the white community with our ideas, not have the same tired arguments we have been having for fucking decades.

Asatru is liberal kike shit, not actual paganism. Fuck off.

It's not a slide thread if Jew worshipers can post here and not get anchored. If we don't remove suicidal Jew worship, the white race and the world is doomed





This is the same fuck posting the xtian threads



Yeah what ever Jew, I know I wont be seeing you at the constitutional convention. We'll have slaughtered your kind en mass.

Like I said autist, these discussions are for after the war. The generate heat not light. That is why the Jews shill this on us.

How many threads are you gonna make?