itt post the most attractive women you can think of. Nothing matters in the criteria other than if she asked you to marry her you would say yes in a heart beat.
Beautiful women
you are no older than 18, maybe 19 at the most.
Top tier selection m8.
Thank you friend, do you have any contributions?
Oh sorry for posting attractive people anons, is this more your speed?
thats not verygood squat form. she could learn a lot from the slavs
nah, phonecuck. Lost all my qts with my pc.
i think she is pretty
this german slut
Great selections user, although I dont like mulattos I can appreciate how she looks
what is wrong with mulattos
The fourth girl I was contemplating putting in my "perfect" folder. Same with the fourth girl with heterochromia in but ultimately decided against it. Great selection
They usually inherit the noses and lips from the the black parent, so to me they just look like dark, less attractive europeans. There is also muh politics that get in the way but beauty is beauty
Thanks. I didn't even realise I saved this many pics.
Shame she's a jewish dyke.
Shame? That thing has a mustache
I like just about everything in your selection thus far. Again, the fourth one I would save, but I think she's wearing contact lenses. No way anyone can have that vibrant eyes…
It's rare but it's possible.
Have one more
she's a juden.
a very very bad thing
Aughh you're frustrating me, That last one is perfect but its such a low file size. Going to spend the next 30 mins trying to find a higher dimension size
Isn't that what I meant?
a few
#2 best, saving. #1 is too young and #3 is just right
Most of these are wearing make up.
Ok, found her from pic 5. And wow you got a bad picture of her. She is so much more attractive than I initially thought.
shhh, user. let them be tricked
very pretty. wonder how old she is
1,3,5 are legit 11-12 y/o but they're cute
2, 4 are very pretty :)
She has some grad photos from 2015, so she must be 19 not like it matters to us ;-;
>saving pictures of women you will never have.
looks older tbh
have some more
But 4/5 of those women are incredibly attractive without makeup too, I dont understand what your argument is.
I'd rather have that jailbait albino beside her
this is what im talking about.
nothing wrong with that
Well it could be worse. It could be one of those Holla Forumsyps addicted to pictures of black cocks.
If I could have them I wouldn't save pictures of them, I'd just fuck them.
well, OP asked for 'women' and I can't post anything attractive under 30 without getting banned here, so
#3 looks like a high test man, and is unironically one of the most attractive ones you've posted yet.
Can we just fucking appreciate all of these beautiful women and not fucking sperg out.
The secret is in not sperging back at them.
Why does she have the face of a 40 year old but the body of a 20 year old
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that that thing is a streamer. Can tell from the low cut top and being jewish
looks like a twink
Stop worshiping the weaker vessel
Imagine walking into this thing in a dark alley. Top-grade nightmare fuel.
Am I missing something here who's this twink
A coalburning commie who very successfully pretended to be right wing for attention and beta bux.
Fuck off with your shit memes.
Yeah… just as I imagined.
I've seen this bitch posted all over the place for the last few years but never really cared much except for the knowledge that she is adorabru. What's her name so I can look her up on ED?
You really are the newest of fags.
Hardly. I just don't keep up with much when it comes to camwhores. And ED is occasionally good for an intro to some of the meme-worthy personalities connected with the chans with a bit of entertaining lulz.
Ashley something. Basically she was a fan of MDE, some rumors claim she was fucking Hyde, but I doubt there's any truth to that. She made some video mocking black people, worldstar attacked her for it but pol fell in love. She started pumping out tons of cringy comedy videos. She gained moderate success, but at some point she either got tired of her persona or feared getting doxed or she realized all of her followers didn't find her funny and just wanted to fuck her, and she deleted everything and left the internet. Also she got a boyfriend, and I think there was a scandal because he was a light-skinned hispanic or something.
How are these girls for your taste?
who is she
pussy delivered.
beta orbiter spotted
she will eliminate the lesbian community
who's the other man on the right?
It's that youtube vlogger guy that got bought out by CNN. He was a huge supporter of hillary clinton. Hold up ill find him
Casey Neistat
one of those youtubers with millions of subscribers for no explicable reason. He put out a video where he endorsed Hillary. If he'd stopped there, no one would have given a shit, but then he called out all other YouTubers and demanded they all endorse her as well, saying they can't keep their views secret or whatever.
LOL I used to date a girl who looked like this. She was neurotic and terrible in bed.
she looks ginger and a bit asian at the same time. fashinating
Theres a chance ….. for the nords and the nordic women. No?
Im not the guy youre replying to.
I thought that was an albino too , but apperently reverse image search says thats a nordic girl.
I forgot
#1 is same girl as
all the same girl & shes a pornstar.
recognized her…….
this thread is making me suicidal
That wet spot in #1…
Just remember her for who she was not who she is. It's not pretty.
Back of the line my friend
Top tier waifu
That's not her is it? There is no god
Couldn't help yourself could you, Just had to Fagget up.
there are already traps in this thread, you just haven't noticed them. probably jerked your penor to them.
Your mom?
effie legit gave me a damaged girl fetish
I'm not sure if I have a fetish but I'm a lot more attracted to damaged girls than stuck up staceys. Am I fucked in the head for not going after stuck up staceys or what?
Jesus Christ does anyone have sauce on that? You can't just post that and not give sauce.
these threads make me feel happy.
Marrying an attractive girl just because she's attractive is quite possibly the stupidest fucking thing you could do. Marry an attractive girl if she's the right fit, but don't marry a girl just because she's cute, otherwise you'll be divorced in no time.
Beauty tends to come with an ego and an attitude, and what's nice to look at isn't always nice to hold. The proverbial Rose with thorns.
Grade A
in my country there's a saying: "You can't make very many stews from a pretty face"
Submitted for your user approval.
Lera B.
tfw ive come to just associate pretty faces with people who arent trustworthy
Well you're not wrong.
ugly people aren't trustworthy either tho
So true
I dunno about the rest of her, but I am in love with this womans crapper.
I am not disputing her gender, sir.
Her butthole makes me HUNGRY!!!!
I feel you there. I would love to stuff my tongue in that little turd cutter.
best one of this brede user!
bailey jay?
last bump
What is this?
If anyone is wondering, the second gal from the left is "Agny Innocente", an Italian cosplayer/youtuber/artist.
Moral Dilemmas, on my Holla Forums?
Gingers are dying, you know, they will disappear one day. Do your part and impregnate one asap, do not hesitate!
Except if you're a nigger. Stay away from those perfect porcelain-skinned women.
this bitch will never see an alpha so he is the first in line
wrong thread buddy.
I'm looking at this dude and not a single thing can he do to pass. His face is obviously masculine, he wears long sleeves to hide his shoulders and the way he stands can't pass for a girl. No hips and looks awkward as fuck. Can you do me a favor? Tweet this faggot to kill himself.
How dare you.
Please dstop
Most obnoxious meme ever.
But why?