Public Pension Nuke Priming Up

Greetings lads. I tend to keep a close eye on the coming public pension collapse (I've discussed it here before with some of you) because I'm confident this would pretty much destroy the entire economy very quickly when it goes off. Unfortunately most people are unaware of the extent of the public pension fuck up. It's mathematically catastrophic.

Anyway, zerohedge has an article out today about the Illinois pension fund and how utterly fucked they are. This is just an example of what will play out over the next several years leading to complete and total collapse. It's a good read.

I think more of you faggots should start keeping an eye on the public pension news if you're interested in preparing for the happening.

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This is a good site that follows the coming public pension collapse, kind of like drudge, but for pensions. Bookmark it.

bamp, this shit is important

Any Illinois fags here?

Prepare for Great Depression 2: electric boogaloo

Now we have economic bubble ready to collapse, shit ton of pensioners and corruption is everywhere


Nah this won't be anything as nice as a depression, this is going to be full on riots and chaos. When government workers find out their retirements are nonexistent, they are going to crash the state/local governments across the entire country. We're talking full blown government shutdowns.

Nigs will nog, government workers will steal anything eveything not tied down, riots, chaos.

It's going to be fucking GLORIOUS.


fuck you, zerohedge is pretty legit


Few things grind my gears more than the thought of some harambe bitch with 7 kids working for a county clerk's office for 8 years and then retiring with a lucrative pension with full benefits until she dies from KFC at 87 years old

And then my mind goes nuclear when I realize that her 7 kids will also receive her death benefits on top of all that

not to mention she'll also get those niglets jobs in govt because of nepotism

Benefits after quitting work? Death benefits? What sort of system do you have set up over there??

I gotta wonder, what is Illinois' CPN? (Cost Per Nigger)


thank FDR for all the bullshit we have. he caused a lot of damage.

Illinoisfag here. My Mom works as an officer manager at a pension fund that manages multiple pension accounts, most notably the Teamsters. Basically the pensions have 2-3 years, 4 tops. Nearly every pension fund is on the verge of total collapse.

Spic-Nig cycle with added administration fees

Semi unrelated anyone have the comic of the Father and child with an AK. Where the kid asks how life was before the bomb and the dad says "fucking boring "

dear user, the original social security trust fund was self funding. LBJ cut the trust fund loose and put it in the general ledger and it's been hemorrhaging underfunded gimmedats ever since
The illinois pension problem goes hand in hand with their place as the state with the most government officials in jail. The corruption involved is astounding and the retiree's are the one's who'll get destroyed by this.

FDR opposed public unions. He may have been a leftist faggot, but even he saw public unions would end up in bed with politicians and corrupt as fuck.

It's what you get when you elect corrupt democrats that end up in jail 4 times straight. I still can't believe Chicagoans would be fucking retarded enough to try a 5th time.

Presidents change or have their heads aired, but the ZOG stays the same.

I'm 35 and not counting on social security being there for me when/if I'm able to retire. I'm working on changing careers to public service, but I also won't on any pension being there for me either. The only person I can depend on is myself. Live like someone who makes $20k/yr, save save save save. I make 1.5x the ave household income on my own right now. Maybe I'll have a few years of lower-middle class retirement saved up by the time I'm 70.

U ☢ ☠ K
K ☣ ☢ U
! ! ! !

Holy bumpity bump

Learn to archive fag.

Otherwise nice post Op

Good. These welfare leeches deserve it. Gonna be laughing when all my old Jew propagandist high school teachers are offing themselves because their pensions evaporated.

archives, faggot, archives. Otherwise we get shitty reporter influx, slide threads and brainwashed newfags because some kike reporters and sysadmins get whois and header info from Holla Forums and go to investigate. Kill yourself for shit thread making skills. Redo this thread with archives.

Or you fags could learn to use the Auto-Archive UserJS


Perhaps this should be as a sticky right now.

Once things get bad they're gonna get bad really fast.

If you unironically need some faceless (((accountant))) in your company to manage your (((pension))) and rely on it entirely to retire, you're a fucking retard

we should abolish SS and medicare and that money people save they can just save instead sound like a good deal kike governments?

I am curious how any financial/economic happening will impact the rest of the world. Would a destroyed American economy, or pehaps just a very much weakened one have the serious knock on effects to trigger more happenings in Europe and other parts of the globe?

I really, really hope the broke pensioners take out their rage on the Federal Reserve or at least the Federal Government in general. I would not doubt that the Fed would capitulate to enough whiny boomers who want to retire by just printing the $6 trillion or so to pay the pension, which would be inflationary to the point of absolute disaster, $20 big macs, 95 percent of your savings value wiped out in a matter of weeks because some whiny boomer cunts just have to have their gibs, etc. Civil unrest is preferable because it can be a chance for a hard reset.

Why would they do that? Its going to be that rich asshole Donald Trump that stole all their shekels along with his right wing army.


Illinois is about as corrupt as states get.

Public worker's unions, what a great fucking idea! They get to negotiate with themselves!

The problem is even if the boomers get their gibs, they won't be able to survive on it due to how much inflation will kill the resulting value.

Good, i hope the fucking boomers who had it all and decided to fuck over all future generations so they could milk the system die in poverty without the means to pay medical bills. If it's what sparks the civil war, even better.

You fucking doublenigger. Archive or GTFO, this isn't 4cucks.

At least he has a private pension too.

yeah, IL is fugged

Baby Boomers deserve it. Fuck them. It took one generation to destroy the entire world

I feel like the economy of the west is pic related and within a month of it finally happening we're going to be eating eachother.

Archiving isn't just about shekels nigger. Quit thinking like a kike.

speak for yourself boyo. ive got some preps and ill go full rwds till death before i run out. fuck eating other people. at some point its not even worth living.

Even if it doesn't, just wait until whites are a minority and the PoC, who will be almost completely in charge, decide that pensions and social security to whites is racist and they shouldn't have to pay any taxes for it.

Either way, retiring whites are fucked.

Actually what I stated is much more likely, as the federal government, which is supplied with infinite money from the fed, will keep pensions from going under.

Almost every state is under water and almost every pension fund is fucked. The fed will just bail them out, because it's much cheaper than dealing with riots.

I will check it out, thanks for the heads up.

Buy silver, bullets and guns. and stock up on food and water. Get to know your neighbors too.

haha, my mother worked for the State tax department for 40ish years.

If she died tomorrow I would collect her pension until I died.

If she dies in 20 years I still collect some part of her pension until I die (though a slightly less amount)

She actually has this set up so that my sister and I as well as our father if she were to die first benefit from this.

So if everyone died, except for me, I'd be swimming in government cash.

State pensions are absolutely fucking absurd

at least my family is white?

Fed can't bail them out without destroying the dollar, the actual underfunded liabilities if they assumed say a 2% return is > 10 trillion. Fed printing 10 trillion would obliterate the dollar and we'd go full Wiemar.

There is no outcome in which the economic system isn't fucked =D

I've been ready for the happening for a decade. Luckily I was blessed with the patience of a chopping block, but that patience is finally going to pay off soon.

Thats the whole point. Why do you think they've spent the last 30 years building up China as a competitor? They want to break the dollar as the global reserve currency and replace it with something new that they control absolutely. At the end of the day they are trying to kill the Nation State, period.

The old people who are owed pensions should just be shipped out to third world countries, and then their property sold to highest bidder, and then pensions reduced to the nothing they need to live in the third world country.

Yeah, but if they do it after all this, rahowa happens anyway.

No. Those brainwashed idiots will grumble and complain and then just keep working until they die.

Pensions are what happened to Zimbabwe

Thanks Boomers

correct, it seems. pensions going under won't matter much. all the massive asset, bond, and gas bubbles were inflated to massive highs without affecting commodities directly. this is looking like it will now change, and all that fake cash pumped up for decades will jump into commodities quite quickly.