"My GOD, If She Gets To Be President..." Larry Nichols

"My GOD, If She Gets To Be President…" Larry Nichols


Hillary Clinton Medical Records_08-9-16.zip


May GOD have mercy on our souls if Hillary becomes the next President!!!

Whats the story behind the cheetah picture?

Higher caste Indian families deploy them to keep the lower castes from turning their neighborhood streets into designated ones.

But don't all neighborhoods have designated shitting streets?

Yes, but you don't simply mix the castes like that. It's a social faux pas in India. Hence the cheetah.

So you mean to tell me the lesser classes are not allowed to shit in VIP shitting street? How do the cheetahs know they are inferior class?

They can tell the inferior castes from the smell, obviously.

How the fuck can something like this be so common in India ?

It's not a cheetah guys, it's a leopard.

Same difference.

Of yeah.

A Cheetah is too frail for security duty.

No it's not, it would still fuck your shit up but it's mostly made for sneak and speed attacks.

Aren't their bones pretty weak ?

I don't think they can tackle a human without a good chance of hurting themselves.

I'm not exactly sure, sorry.

I've heard Nichols talk on Infowars but he was much better here. You think there's nothing more you can learn about the Clinton's but everything you watch just adds another piece. Even after all this time.


So much this.

You cant tell me this isn't a lion.


this might sound gay but I find that Alex is incredibly rude to his guests

lengthy breaks that roll into 5 minute live reads that turn into 10 minute babble fests, incessant and utterly pointless interruptions… he keeps them in this awful purgatory between an interview and a conversation and it's very difficult to make any points at all when you get interrupted every 10 seconds

by kek's eye

Pound for pound a leopard is the nastiest big cat.
It can drag twice its own weight up a tree

It's a dog. They are just playing.

Poo in loos are staunchly against waste mixing. True poo nationalists.

Has this been derailed? Or is the .zip full of shit?

politics of feces in india

So that`s a yes?
