Brit/pol/ #1174 - We had the best flags edition

Brexit NOW: Theresa May to trigger Article 50 WITHOUT Commons vote

New move for instant EU exit: Tory MPs pile on pressure to ditch Brussels for good

UK could remain in 'looser' EU - Lord O'Donnell

Theresa May launches race audit of public services

SPIDER WARNING: New BITING arachnid that can pierce human FLESH invading UK homes

'We have a right to be here' Squatters refuse to move, citing human rights laws to police

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Good double


How much did New Zealand spend on new flag templates, only for the original to be voted back in?

Fourth for fuck off, Lord O'Donnell

Glad they didn't.

Such a shame about Canada, being attacked to America has taken a hell of a toll.


attached* well they were ideologically attacked anyway

Nth for fuck Yanks and Krauts

u fckn wot m8?

Based Murica lads.



American women are superior tbh lad

Definitely, pic related

Downing street will never be this free


The average american woman is overweight to the point of being obese. No thank you.

I am fully aware of this feel.

Would you be more annoyed if your blind date turned up with a piercing in their face or if they had blue hair?


I wasn't always like this, I think a Jewish person cast a spell on me or something,

Is she right, lads?


Although a fuckload of them dry out past 30 tbh

Global nationalism when?

several million

Piercings and colored hair can be okay On Ethnic Girls I'm Not Memeing but on white people it looks like shit

i like the fact this porker has HAM in her name

kek so many fucking republicucks across the UK, Aus and NZ got fucking butthurt about that

The brits that wanted them to change it to a sports symbol disgusted me the most tbh


Those Brit girls tho.


Not only is it healthier but, as they can't cover up most of the time, they have to maintain better bodies all year round


Not even if you were giving it away.

not even with a stunt cock


Gets me every time


Hamilina Hammington wouldn't even be attractive even if she lost weight.

Trump may not name them directly but I don't think it even matters at this point. Wew

Who? The bankers bonuses? Doesn't he know Farage was a banker?

Entire Facebook Trending Team Fired following Breitbart Coverage

farage uses his banker the bonuses to fund trumpler

t. guardian

fuck, im not sure who is worse the abbos or fatty singing on piano


Good weather and good food tbh

Based Alf tbh. I should have spent more time with you before you died.

I live near Kidbrooke village, it's already like hell.


Gardening is the most patriotic hobby, debate me

Oh shit
that could easily be my mother.



Sew the wind, reap the whirlwind.

It's a Jewish expression.


It's in your blood, lad

Gardening is the model for cultivating all that is right, plants or otherwise tbh.

Trump should donate to UKIP, tbh lads


Mad cash trips confirm.

I cannot.

Don't do this to me lad.


Man caught square-dancing tries to 'destroy the internet' out of embarrassment

I want to but it's difficult because I'm not a Mexican and also I don't want to abandon these green and pleasant lands tbh

No longer exists lad.





Is this the guy based Sam absolutely destroyed?

Why didn't the Anglos just flank them, lads?

somewhere to put her feet

The combat in that show is beyond halarious

The idea is that the Anglo-Saxons were pacified farmers at this point but they weren't absolutely retarded

Because they would have slaughtered Ulfric von Hipstercunt and his strong independent shieldmaidens.

He's some kind of wannabe tranny or androgynous thing and wrote songs about trannies

Shows like this should have some kind of responsibility of teaching people things like battle tactics tbh

I can see a republic in the future for Aus, but I like it as it is, if not just for the butthurt it causes sjws

Vikings is garbage m8. Its written by the same guy who wrote the Tudors. Its ahistorical nonsense that peddles modern day identity politics.

The Last Kingdom is damn sight better, watch that instead (Based on books by ABSOLUTELY SHARPE Bernard Cornwall)

I thought the image of 'sewing' wind as with a needle quite funny.. I'd always seen it as sowed as in sowing seeds

Don't worry, lad, I don't watch it. I tried to but it was just boring. The main character looks like he is making faces all the time, but I guess he just looks weird.

How do you reap what has been sewn by a needle?

Fug. I just made a spellign mistake tbh.

That's what I'm saying, it doesn't make sense lad

I honestly wish public figures would quote the Bible text more often. Preferebly the KJV too.

There is just so much power and elegence in it

Daily reminder to Dig for Victory


Thank God the scum in the UK don't have guns tbh

I agree, it would also help the NEETs get out the house a bit more. When you spend time nurturing and caring for plants, you are more invested in the world around you

Those hooped earrings means she's likely a coalburner

She really isn't attractive.

Bump tread

I've never had a garden tbh lads.

Why the bump?



That's nothing like a sword, hes just put a kitchen knife in a loo roll.


It's never too late to start

99% sure its a joke

Start what? I still don't have a garden.

he should have taped or tied it in place. Cable ties would do the job.

Gardening, do you have a place to put pot plants?


Lad, that's a bit immoral.

Seriously though, not really. The basement is filled already and no sunlight gets down here anyway.

Do you live in a tenement or something lad?

I stopped watching this show the very second the woman "viking" prevented the danish vikings from raping women in that one town they captured. literal faggot shit tbh. also they show the vikings as superior warriors instead of just hit-and-run raiders who never really engaged in huge battles until ubba,ivar and halfdan brought the great heathen army to england years later.

that lord must have been beta as fuck if that was the quality of men he was retaining in his hold
enjoy infamy eternal as a coward

Is it really ironic when you are a fat neckbeard anyway?

The show is complete garbage, its not even worth mentioning tbh. Never forget that it basically glorifies heathens who attacked our ancestors.

They call the land England for fuck sake. Two saxon kings meet and say they must work together for the good of England.


those books were so based, loved the one where he infiltrated the viking warlords stronghold in the northumbrian hills

Every show has to push an agenda, sorry, lad. Doesn't the latest season also have a fucking chink in it?

I still can't believe this isn't ironic tbh

the fact that she is average lad means she would be more loyal than some cosmopolitan cityslut


The Anglo Saxons had an idea of themselves as a people before actual political unification

Wew lad.



English or Scottish design?

I get that Vikings took slaves or whatever, but you'd think there would be some sense of tribalism that would keep foreign looking people away. Then again Vikings did run into Samis and did trade with Asians, Mediterraneans and Arabs.

Scottish I guess because I am in Haggisitan.

yeah chink sex slaves, which is bullshit. they know that the vikings probably traded with persians through the caspian so a persian woman to muh dik would have been more accurate. how a non-northern euro could survive long in the pre-modern northern europe is beyond me tbh. she would probably be murdered by jealous or disgusted viking women as a filthy whore or she would get a disease and die due to the environmental conditions/ diet/etc.

also posting more yank slags ITT

gotta agree with you on this
the commander of this battle on the anglo side is a gibbering moron

the last kingdom was pretty good


Campaigners to list White Lives Matter as a hate group

White Lives Matter, an organisation set up in the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests, is to be listed as a race hate group by campaigners.

Hideous Heidi (((Beirich)))

Just look at the state of it


literally low-born tbh

Isn't that bad then, i guess it'll have been renovated. Our tenements are usually a better design than English ones, if you can believe that,

Farage was never a banker. He was a commodities broker/trader

if its any consolation the chink gets ragnar addicted to some chink drug and he gets angry at her, thinks she's poisoned him and drowns her in a river

That was the jokje lad.

So that's why Half Life 3 isn't out.

Old Gaben has been transitioning

What power to the SPLC even hold in burgerland?

America seems surprisingly pozzed tbh

Go outside NEET scum they said


The fuck? And that face.

Do you live in fucking London?

Do you even live in London lad?

t. Londoner

I'm in the fucking North East ffs

(Was seeing a big event being put on though tbh)

Was it Pride or some shit like that?

north east londoner?
didnt think newcastle was that bad tbh

why not go out for a wander along the coastline


it's in Manchester this weekend


Hope any of us who are local will be attending to show how implicitly white they are and stand in solidarity with their Spartan EVROPEAN brothers


Pls no bully if this has been posted before:

In "Victory For Eurosceptics" British PM Will Begin Brexit Negotiations Without Parliamentary Vote

In what the Telegraph dubs a victory for Eurosceptics, the conservative newspaper reported overnight that Britain's new Prime Minister, Theresa May, will not hold a parliamentary vote on Brexit before formally triggering Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. "Her decision will come as a blow to Remain campaigners, who had been hoping to use Parliament to delay or halt Brexit entirely."

According to the Telegraph, May will not offer opponents the chance to stall the withdrawal and has consulted lawyers who say she has the power to invoke the exit without a parliamentary vote. A majority of the 650 lawmakers had declared themselves "Remainers" and as had been widely speculated, by Tony Blair, the former Labour Prime Minister, and Owen Smith, the Labour leadership candidate, among others, that Remain-supporting MPs could use a Parliamentary vote to stop Brexit. Opponents maintain that since the EU referendum result is not legally binding, elected lawmakers should review the vote before the process is started.


I can't help but laugh, these people are straight out of some kind of comedy sketch.




what is the context to this

These people need to die.

Braindead faggots.

I also see they are still attacking that burger chain for obeying the law.


Will there be a tipping point where London becomes too vibrant and business and the elites start to move out?

That's not a problem if you're in a latex pup or PVC nun outfit





The eejits enabling the faggots won't have a good time though.


This would actually force Muslims to leave if they did it

Leave… to where?

Does Geert bleach his hair or is it naturally that colour?

25% east asian


Geert is obviously living proof that the imperium works :^)

The organisation that recently said that the word "cuck" used in jest to describe pseudo-conservatives is racially charged and hateful?

Somehow I don't think he was actually expecting all those retweets.


lads I wish I could have fought in the falklands and mowed down spics tbh


If based God doesn't ruin it with a storm to wash away the degeneracy, are any Manchester anons going to show up to document it for our - what's the word for a kind of amusement in rage or sadness and disgust? - entertainment? I wouldn't expect anyone to try and disrupt it because you'd get thrown into the gulag.

It was today.

It's over now.

makes me glad Enochs dead
he didnt have to suffer this as well



not a storm lad
imagine how many poor working class kids would get sick drinking tap water infected with a literal tide of pozzed semen being washed into the water filtration system by a storm
at least make it a tidal wave of nitric acid and bleach

Your point, lad?

They're just ideas, lad. You can ban the practices. No need to ban the literature. If anything not banning it allows people to read it and understand why Islam is bad.


No one reads it anyway unless they have thoughts about little girls and explosives. It will help kill the religion in the area imo

You sound a bit naive honestly lad.

Banning the Quran effectively means banning Muslims from your country. No-one who's not Muslim actually reads it anyway, and there are already enough secondary materials and evidence saying why it's bad.

Depressingly related.

you have to pay to get and it runs through the bank holiday weekend.

Now that I think about it it actually sounds like a good idea and can lead to self deportation.

Story time lads

Never in my life have I been so tempted to butt in and call the muzzie a fucking idiot and the boy a cuck. They were pretty /fit/ as well so it was sad seeing that these are the types of lads that are considered alpha in our society. Amazing this was in Aberdeen as well.

If you lads in england get this on a daily basis I feel sorry for you.

Banning books is a bad idea when its something political, but banning the Koran would be a good thing ttbh.

they will just get it in electronic format

We'll put them in a fucking electric oven then.

This isn't even beta anymore, this is just suicide tier.

Filter any websites that contain the arabic text then.


I was humming this when I was surrounded by numales in costa kek

Who /pleasedwhentheyseebetas/ here?

What did you expect?


a Cheese toastie with irn bru tbh

Who /cogitating/ here?

Like i said, book burning is bad when its political. But the Koran is completely different.

you have any idea how hard it is to get vimto and ribena in Indonesia?
these people are fucking savages tbh

Lad thats a poor choice, but the can of juice was good

A muslims view of life is literally just copied word for word from the Quran, banning it would be helpful tbh

Not a massive fan of vimto, but thaty would drive a man mad.

Why are you in Indonesia?

up until recently ribena was harm due to glycerine

Most Muslims have never read the Quran really. They learn to recite it in classical Arabic which the majority of Muslims do not speak. Translations are discouraged and never considered really Qurans.

Imams and tradition control Islam not the fucking Quran.

Honestly, learn more about Islam. Then maybe you could fight it better.

Simpler times.

Nigger Hill Carnival starts tommorrow lads.

Whose excited for the BLM chimpout?

Good thing it was also proposed to ban Mosques,


its a nightmare
everything they have non-foreign tastes like fermented cabbage filtered through a dead goats arsehole in a can

Reminder not to capitalise islam, muslims quran, koran, allah, mohammed etc



Oh don't worry I know all about the saudi funded imams and preachers.

Didn't know about them not actually reading it. Just goes to show they're still in pre-luther times.

I'm not that autistic lad.

Why? That's just how the English language works, lad.

Very british, quintessential even.

Well i wouldn't even want to compare them, it kinds of makes sense, as they can't read the koran in any other language or translate it.


Only if it's the start of a sentence.

I envy the dead I really do

Someone didn't pass their standard grade English

well the answers obvious isnt it
the number of welsh/sheep hybrids posting on 8ch is increasing by the thread

alright dickheads?

tbh I don't capitalise them out of disrespect, same goes for jews

feel free to keep giving undue respect to the islamics in that case

Aye lad, but what you said was incorrect, "Only if it's the start of a sentence." You didn't pass English at school did you?

its the same reason i dont capitalize them as well

If Ashkenazi jews have 125 IQ, why are whites the master race with 100?

Nah mate, I'm an Aussie who moved to Europe. Some of these Finnish/Scandinavian girls I've seen are incredibly attractive, puts the girls back home to shame (feminism and such is rampant here though - Aus has the upper hand in that regard).


kek why does their IQ keep increasing everytime someone uses that as an argument?

I used correct English though lad :^)

If you are including the UK in that entity, you are officially a traitor to the Anglo Nation

IQ is unreliable garbage tbh


Pleb here, was it Luther or someone else who was really Christian but formerly a degenerate and wrote a surprisingly explicit book about his former life hundred of years ago? Might be too vague I know but it was posted about here a while ago. I need to get into reading again and thought I'd maybe try something like that out of curiosity.

That was Augustine you mong it's a good book though

I'm an aussie, every country outside of Australia is either Europe, Chinkland or the US.


Also I just re-watched bits of the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony to confirm Peter Hitchens' assertion that it was devised by the very same people who 'Brexiteers' are rebelling against.

Just what the actual fuck, lads? How didn't I pick up on this four years ago?

my bad lad, 160 IQ. I mean we are just monkeys compared to their whopping 180 IQ how can we even compete I mean against their inhuman 200 IQ

you havent been back home in awhile have you
Aus got pozzed hard and fast good luck finding a decent woman in oz if you ever went back because it is a hive of feminists, land whales and SJW whores now

All the salt that Tory woman got for tweeting that, delicious, was mostly muzzie cunts who were so mad about using the term empire as well

Well you were 14 when it aired m8

Why do you keep knocking 20 points off of their IQ?

By my calculations we should be sitting at 260 right now. Bigot.

I have actually, I understand perfectly what goes on in Melbourne.
I dated a bit in Australia but never really found a decent, stable woman. Aussie drinking culture leaves a bit to be desired when it comes to females.

I need to read what Roget Scruton thinks of the Modern Concerto.

Listening to Emily Howards 'Torus' which debuted a couple days ago. Its crass and ugly imo.

I am so fucking sorry master please forgive me

its already spread to Perth, Sydney, Adelaide and Gold Coast lad

It's even in The Sun, I love how the media keep inadvertently red-pilling plebs.

Thanks lad. That's the one.

I don't think I ever watched it. Sounds cancerous as fuck.

I've always agreed with the notion that Aus is a good 10 years behind the social happenings in Europe, hopefully they look at what's happening to France, Sweden and England and take note.

well they didnt Kek


They're following the Canada strategy of "getting swamped by Chinks"

Lol what's the big fucking deal honestly

Have any of you lads got experience of working in a B&B or guest house? Would you recommend it?

I can't see an immediate solution to the yellow problem that doesn't involve WW3 and millions of dead tbh.

Could it be their strategy of avoiding a Chinese military invasion in the decades ahead?

Imperium obviously.

they'll cuck themselves away with their tiny chink dicks and autism

I don't think you lads realise how quickly Britain is getting involved in that stratagy also.

Honestly, I swear I see a new Chinese family everrtime I walk around my local town…

China uses homogenisation (ie, Han invasion) as a way of pacifying its regions. Allowing that in your country is a bad idea.

Besides, Aus /Can are protected by UK/USA nukes

No but that doesn't sound too bad depending on what you'd be doing. Even cleaning I'm guessing isn't going to be that horrific because people are only going to be staying one or two nights mostly.

Manchester city centre is full of chinks (mostly students though)

Ask yourself though, how many of those students go home?

This is true.

Yeah we're infected pretty bad as well

Leeds too. I'm starting to think that the Northern Powerhouse is reliant on Chink investment.

Now that you lads mention it I've been seeing a lot of orientals up here in Scotland as well.

Wondering if this is their revenge for the opium wars or something, only seems to be Britain and anglo countries


How did I do lads?

What le fug, I laughed out loud when i read 'indian', how cucked can you get

(I read normie tier things to laugh at them)


They like to play the victim, so it featured quite prominantly. Britain is the start of their 100 years of shame.

Nowadays they are less likely to emphasise us in favour of Japan and the USA. I don't really know why they made the change

Well the government would know about it and it's possibly goverment policy to get them all to come here

The second world war.

Nanking propaganda at holocaust levels and general communist hate of anything american

keek get fucked

British influence is non existent east of the Suez.

Also the Japs did kind of prolong a civil war that had already devolved into hell on earth fighting ontop of mass raping and murdering whole cities of chinks.

The nanking lie relies heavily on the ridiculous idea that anyone would want to stick their dick in a chinese woman.

Lads lets be real here for a second, with the amount of east-asians there are in this world. If we don't do something europe won't be brown, it will be yellow.

The japs did kill a lot of Chinese

Well, not anymore, but we did have a lot of colonies there including HK until the 90s

2/10 lad you're not doing enough.

lesser of the two evils tbh

I disagree, i think we should send over Scottish football fans to teach the Irish. Make things fucking interesting again.


They're probably near their peak population now

can you imagine the BBC showing this now?

HK is a good shout. I'd imagine the deemphasis of the UK from their history education is due to the handover.

We no longer exist in Asia beyond a small presence in Singapore and our allies in SEA

I do believe there was rape just again heavily fucking exaggerated
the commander in charge of the siege of Nanking got called back to Japan to face a trial for some trumped up bullshit
meanwhile he left an incompetent weasel dick who was the emperors nephew in charge
that guy felt he had something to prove and ordered an assault on the city
by the time the general returned to the field the city had been occupied for about 2 weeks and the weasel dick had made a total pigs ear of everything

What is Paul Nuttall doing

They are past-peak and will decline faster than any nation seen before due to the female/male ratio of the young population

which tv show is that?

Maybe this is why they're sending all their guys overseas


tbh so did us, the yanks and germans in the boxer rebellion
its not like they still harp on about that though

Irish fans at the euros were tame


I see far more Chinese women than Chinese men.

Sad tbh but the kongers still remember us an life back when

Some of the best accounts of Jap atrocities in Nanking come from the mouths of Germans stationed in the city.

The Japs were barbarian subhumans.

I see no reason why white nationalists should defend them just because they happened to be vaguely on the same side of a conflict with Nazi Germany.

Not a white nationalist.

That's my point, send over Scottish football hooligans to teach them, make football interesting to watch.

for what?
other women besides nigger women inherently dont want to fuck oriental men by and large
a horde of autistic communist 5"4 manlet peasant boys from china isnt going to make a drop in any native gene pool
its tengas/onaholes and homosexuality for them im afraid

Let's invest in baby dolls instead of mass immigration tbh

I'm pretty sure they still learn about the Opium Shoah at school, they always seem to bring it up

We need to cut off all aid to Africa and just quarantine them off from the rest of the world until AIDs wipes them out tbh

we built them, our cannons were integral in both of their most important civil wars
we spent 40 years modernizing them, we built half their navy in liverpool docks
they were our best friends in asia until the atlantic charter, the yanks and some autistic canadians shat in the tea kettle and spoiled it for us all

I watched the Good Life the other day and while it's progressive to the core the patriachal relationship between Tom and Barbara would even shock normies today tbh

Wow, we really are fucked aren't we?

It was until the yanks pressured us to break our alliance with them in the 20s

Honestly none of that matters to me, infact it makes it worse with what they did in ww2 to our boys. We made them and they go and do those fucking savage things. FUCK THEM LAD.

I would probably change the UK's mentality of exceptionalism - our island mentality (similar to Japan etc). I'd like us to feel more European, rather than us and 'the continent'.
What would you change? :)



this is true

this, we were allies until were pressured by the yanks to drop the alliance, just for the yanks to force us to dismantle the empire. FUCK

yeah that's war for you

you're right quick beheading by sword is so much more painful than what the chinks did to captured westerners in the boxer rebellion

Do they really want to move here, though?

post yfw they try and get a second referendum

The Japanese were and are a little brother trying to join the big brothers' clique. They were always frustrated towards the West, even during their days of inclusion with the Eight-Nation Alliance.

Lad i hate both of them, because the japs didn't do some AS BAD, doesn't mean it was fucking good.

Try is the key word there.

Isn't the same thing happening nearly everywhere? Birth rates are plummeting across the entire world, soon enough the Third World's population will drop drastically, Malthus was right.

You might want to read up on the things Japanese people did to POWs, because it certainly wasn't quick and painless you weeb cuck.


wow did you know people die in war?


What's this got to do with Malthus? He never said birthrates would decline, he just stated mortality would rise as the population got larger.

Which is false, we are in post-malthus times when the birthrate drops naturally


they were frustrated because us and the newly cucked Weimar republic were the only ones not pulling the slanty eyed fiends jokes at the negotiating table
America, france and italy all opposed japan being included in anything because they didnt want to sit next to the yellow peril

no I know
being starved to death isnt pleasant
but again they were severely autistic about saving face
when they ran low on supplies they didnt feed the POW's, when they ran out of supplies they were ordered to eat the POW's by HQ

Never understood the positioning of that photo. Did the executioner bring the sword down in a curving motion?

Yeah people die in war, people aren't normally starved, disembowelled or have their cocks cut off and stuffed into their mouths, marched for miles to fall down from starvation. Yeah people die lad.

war is hell

harris understood this

Oh ffs. People said you'd do this. I didn't interject at the time but I knew it.


wow did you know people are tortured in war?

Why are you so desperate to cover for their crimes against our lads, lad? Lad…

We're talking about a fully industrialised and "civilised" nation beheading and starving to death POWs for fun.

And it wasn't just beheading.
There were instances of torture against British soldiers worked to death on the Burma railway. Starved and emaciated whilst the Japs ate fat.

Because hes a fat NEET with yellow fever.

Richard Spencer seems popular in Japan

And Jap soldiers killed themselves to prevent us doing the same to them.

exactly, so i'm glad the americans nuked them

We aren't fucking savages though lad, we'd have just executed them in mass numbers.

Give me the evidence of the UK systematically torturing Japanese soldiers

I will tolerate you yellow fever, weeb defence of Japan but I will not have you drag the UK through the mud as well.


Mate mabe you should look up America's 'advanced interrigation techniques' they use TODAY

ive seen that happen in every non-european war ive ever seen now
the viet cong did it to yanks, the filiopino republicans did it to yanks, the sandniggers did it to everyone

i dont think they were civilized
they went from matchlocks, samurai and feudal serfdom to a 'modern society' in 50 years
too short a time tbh

yeah but we're the only guys who can actually take the high road with that one
everyone else did the forced labour, mass killings, take no prisoners shit
we're the only ones who obeyed the geneva convention mostly throughout the whole war

I'm saying that I would have been absolutely ok with us doing such a thing. In fact it's a shame that we didn't.

is he being ironic?

lol the chinkies are really jealous aren't they

LAd why do you defend the fucking japs so much, do you have yellow fever or some shite?

we did not do that
all hands and gloves off though with what we did to spies, but we were the most humane regarding POW's
the yanks didnt even take any ever and the germans only took POW's from places they invaded, they just shot anyone who invaded their lines



I'm saying why are you so suprised and outraged


Why are you trying to defend the fucking barbaric and savage things the japs did to our men?

Yeah, it was horrible alright? It's just not unique to the Japanese

weaboos btfo

weebs love fat man and little boy

You're right, it fucking broke their minds and it created anime.

Lads war is war tbh. ISIS sawing into the throats of British aid workers trespassing on their territory is okay. Don't be shocked or appalled.



we have to expect it though, shitskins gonna shitskin. we have to accept reality that in war against degenerate races they will always act in barbaric ways and we have to be brutal as fuck in our actions against them.

we should be shocked but not surprised

the descriptions are pretty horrific tbh
dark red sky, black clouds, fire and smoke everywhere
the rivers were filled with charred naked bodies groaning in the black tarred muck from the debris
the aftermath was bad but once the radiation sickness started it was just corpses galore
i remember one account from a doctor who tried to take blood from a patient to find out why his skin was turning yellow and purple and his needle felt no resistance when it went into his arm
his flesh had turned to silly putty and the patient just bled to death squirting thick blackened blood from his arm

lol japs btfo

I say they fucking deserved it honestly.

In Turkey, especially historically speaking, an open palm slap is a source of great shame. Sort of their equivalent of challenging a man to a duel.

yes civilians deserve having their city obliterated and faces melted off for solders being sick fucks to other soldiers right

and from what ive seen a turkish duel involves taking your shirt off covering yourself with olive oil and wrestling in the mud


just imagine if based harris had nukes

ttpw please


couldnt have the yanks stole all our research and claimed the credit

I've seen that shit, they put their hands into the other man's arse for grip. Have never seen something gayer.

lmao get fucked weebcuck

Your father is going to kill himself because of you, ttpw.
Harris did nothing wrong though tbh.

The harrisposting stuff could be the kind of attention seeking we can expect from a transgender


I'm not ttpw

I'm the halfcaste

someone forgot to drink their whale semen milkshake this morning didnt they

you're as much as a freak of nature as ttpw tbh

Filter, report, move on. I think Harris was right to do what he did, even if his actions were clouded by the trials of the time.

But don't encourage the shit posters.

the turks are all closet homosexuals tbh

hey that's hurtful lad

maybe you shouldn't shitpost what got the thread bumplocked last night

gomenasai paki-san~




Bit like how the 6 octillion keeps increasing 😂


I forget, what did she die for again?


I don't really get it, lads. Howe kicked Washington's shit in all across the Eastern Seaboard.

How did we lose the war, again? Just because the French finally landed with de Grasse?

What did who die for?


*where "something" = "nothing"

French, Spanish and the Dutch all at once plus yank rebellion




TTPW got banned lads? I must of been away when that happened?

What for?

I was really shocked to turn on the news and see they were running a segment about Joe's Cock using a picture of that woman's face as the backdrop.

there could be BBC employees monitoring these threads for a more detailed exposé


the BBC would never be biased

Harris posting gore

And for being tedious

Lad you and me both know if they published our memes, the rest of the UK would have Enoch books on their nightstand in days.

Let's give them some good ammunition about le ebil Alt-Right Faragites then.


Evening, mates. Just here to check the latest right-wing news and plans

Anyone kill any wogs today? It would have been very banter if you did. Please detail me. Maybe you have burned down a mosque? Haha where? Give me your exact location so we can share a beer.

Who here /church/ tomorrow?

I love my 8:30 mob

I need to get my shitposts in the artical, any tips?

How do I edit posts?

name one of the journos browsing this thread and watch them shit their pants in real time


Here watch this


Jo Cox dying for nothing is my new favorite meme

because its true



I'm obviously the leader here, tripfriends are just taking one for the team by being named.


Helpful Holla Forums posting tips at 👌👌👌





when the establishments fuck ups dont work as planned they sure like to glaze over it dont they


It's that Lizzy time of night

Is this book worth the read lads? I've always fancied it but would like to know whether it's worth being put on a watchlist for.

I was hoping for the other Liz




Those two things don't go together

/r/ing WW2 Liz

much better

Kendall gets shown up pretty easily


Liz Kendall a cute. A CUTE

is that a man
I feel mean for asking but im getting more suspicious of reality as it is presented to me


Tory MPs have more going for them tbh

Name one "totty" tory MP that isn't fat


I wonder how many qts ARE NIGE has banged in his life



Was thinking more these lines though tbh

Does Penny Mordaunt count?

5ft4 and 166lb? Fuck that.

That's 5 pounds more than me and I'm a 6ft male ffs. I swim every day, lift when I can and still have a little gut on me.

Fucking gross Murrika, get your fucking shit together.

>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums


Priti "Drown the Indian sub-continent in superior Anglo seed" Patel is pretty fit tbh.

Count? She does arythmetics lad.


She even likes big dogs


Is this the new ">"great" shitain"?

Young Margaret was hotter tbh lads. She was also a dirty, dirty girl from what I hear.

Hello boys

she needs to spice it up a bit with her make up

Heres the Emperor of the largest empire the world has ever seen
bow before him peasant

Here's your (You), now fuck off.

Queen was the Emperor of India

bad posture, grimace, flat shoes


Started driving around London and I just thought to myself it doesn't resemble the country I love at all.

How do you lads cope with our capital city being so changed beyond recognition, and have hope for resolving this problem going forward?

super simple stuff
i dont go to London


Looks like an aging dyke

5/10 fuck and forget

Queen Victotria and George V were Empress and Emperor respectively.







Peaceful civic nationalism

can you stop now?

We love diversity :)

What's wrong with it? I think it's a shining example of just how multicultural Britain can and should be.

You know how filter works, right?

something like this tbh

Time for Britain's hottest feminist.

I think Labour's pissed they lost last time


Both would result in me instantly disappearing before they got to me.

I detest facial piercings with a passion and their near perma status is concerning but you force my hand to say blue hair because the chances of her body being a freakshow and her ideas/language being utterly repellent are that much higher.

Also you could put a chain on her nose and make her slave girl if you wanted some LARPsex.

I love to filter race mixing shit posters.


More like would BLACK.


I'd actually do #4 tbh lad.


Looks like 10 year took her face and tried to shop it


8/10 laughcried

What's that? You want more?

I thought so too until I looked at more pictures.

We know lad you're the one that keeps voting for her.


dont dip your wick in traitor porridge lad

She's right, medical journals will need this to document the incalculable delusion and level of ugly she possesses.

just cut my dick off

I can change her lad,


its like the former meets latter tbh

It hurts lads.

She's hot in a crazy "I've taken more dicks than you people could believe. Ring piece on fire, crying on the shoulder of a faggot."

really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion really enjoying this political discussion

i think ill choose the constituents of Strood tbh

Fine work there user.

Dubs confirm we have a satisfied customer.

It's actually closer to political discussion than most of the shitposting on here

She's just so middle-class looking
I wondernwhat she writes about? Comfortable people inventing problem for themselves?

The wankability of our MPs is a very important issue.

Next up on brit/pol/, should sex changes be covered by the NHS?

set us up with an interesting conversation nugget






absolutely not
with the rising statistics of millenials being 'trasngender' our landfills will be full of more sliced up dicks than the whole of israel

not as good as my first one. Still took about 20 fucking minutes to export




If somebody could just get the "nothing at all" part on repeat that'd be great tbh.

Looking at you based Helmer tbh

No, they should not. Sex change operations should be legal though. I think it's a good thing for genetic duds to fuck themselves up even more, and send warning signals to everyone else. Just make sure you can only get them once you are 18, because that's long enough to see whether someone's a dud or not. If you're a fag or an incel anyway, then it doesn't matter, and it's actually better if you fuck up even more, so we can trod you into the ground.


t. pharmaceutical company



That won't work lad, they're mentally ill, logic isn't a thing for them.

we dont have counts we mainly have Earls and Barons
although Hereford does have a Viscount so u lose yank



top post

Beginning to think this site is just women slagging off each other


how does that make sense?

Everyone in parliament goes on it apparently.

It's like those polls were we had remain ukip voters, its a joke.

smh what complete racists

Chose wisely lads.

Me too m8.


That Maria Eagle picture looks like Limmy in drag.

Berger is a total cutie.

mummy give me tendies

>“Monese’s underlying technology enables the company to provide customers with a U.K. current account regardless of their citizenship. This will revolutionise banking for immigrants and expats as ‘residency restrictions’ imposed by traditional high street banks are one of the single greatest barriers to accessing the banking system when they arrive in a new country,” Monese CEO and founder Norris Koppel told me in May.

What the fuck is this shit?



tbh kate green looks like a younger blair with lipstick


I'm just off to get some brews in now m8, didn't notice how late it's got.

Cheers lad.

Capped tbh. Top jej.

I would never think of Big Sister May in an immoral way. None of you should do also.

I can feel her watching what I type

why is Nige not number 1?

thats just the local bobby checking your prostate for WMD's lad

Lad you are a retard


None of them live there, they own property there, rent it to scum and fuck off out of town every chance they get.


Girls don't like boys girls like cars and money


whoops i thought it was just British politicians in general they were referring to

Lads how do I get a girlfriend being a worthless NEET who can't talk to his own parents? Thanks in advance

fuck i know what thats from lad
kill yourself


you get one after becoming a martyr for jihad or so im told


it's an abbreviation






let the bodies hit the floor


I can see why he didn't look straight at the camera


That's the same man photographed with a different size lens.

Did you really feel the urge to explain to me that mp is an abbreviation?
I know its an abbreviation, lad.
I don't read names off the TV like "David Cameron uummmp"

That smile wins me over every time

What's with all the anti-christian threads recently?
That's the real d&c, but instead the mods crack the whip at the only nationalist content on the board.

This, same goes for god etc.

You sneaky devil, lad.

Have another (you)

Only makes the victory sweeter tbh


nah lad
ones 120% more
than the other

tfw all those crippling genetic diseases make you a geenious.

yeah it's ridiculous honestly and the kekfags and larpagans just go along with it


he's my MP

rides around on a motorbike

regularly writes in the papers slagging off remainers

alright MP tbh, not to mention his full name is tradical


so it's a member of parliament

Its really disappointing
It's like they enjoy destroying western civilisation

Right I'm bored of it now, just wanted to show one last one.

poor mudlimes, kikes and yanks tbh

Crocodile fucking dundee m8

I guess I should encourage foreigners to improve their English rather than abuse them

Here are some tips, lad.

Luke? Huh but… Oh fucking god


Click on the @IFS_Buttercow account in the link

what great political discussion ;)

tbh dont do it lad
I want kebab in the future to forever wonder what the rusted signs of M5 and M6 meant as they walk the decrepit roads of Al-Brustal on their pilgrimage to Ed-Alburgh

Got work so won't be able to go :_:

thats just their opinion though

lad did the yids steal your willy?

there's nothing more important and political than orginised jewry stealing our dick skin and causing lifelong trauma while they take them away to feast on to extend their life another decade and giving them enhanced talmudic powers



I wish there was a way we could enable countryflags on britpol for just a couple of days

I wanna know how many of the posters are actually British

tbh I think Birmingham will just remain Birmingham in Corbyns Soviet Islamic Republic

I'm as british as nettles tbh lad


I'd like to have them just to show who the shitposters are, just for a day before they get their VPN's prepared.

Some stupid bullshit iirc

God goes to you, not the other way around
We're not baptists

Get your passports out lads.

i still have a red one

We arne't getting new passports till around 2021 after we;ve offically left tbh. My one has the EU part removed with rubbing alcohol now.

How open-minded of you

She was corrupt, she never represented her constituents, if only we shot all of them who were like that there'd be about 12 left.


Paracucks actually redeemed themselves with this one.

Toppest Kekkest tbh

doesnt that render it useless?
though tbh who even needs a passport when all we want to live in is our sacred isle

Im still mad at them for removing the Third Reich Stellaris mod

If we begin the process by 2018 Nige is coming back to do it himself lad

might vote conservative in the next election lads

dont begin*

Cosmetic damage to the outside doesn't really matter, though the border police might recommend you get a new one

Great Fire MkII Electric Boogaloo

My mate went to spain last month and he did the same, nothing happened.

Is Stellaris any good? I was thinking on waiting for a few expansions to come out and download some mods for it instead of playing vanilla.

if i wanted to listen to coughing all day id start hanging out with single mums

what does it fix?

Everyone who doesn't post theirs is a JF.


new what?
Arsehole? after they tear you a new one?

its ok but i dont recommend buying any of their dlc

I've not left the country since I was a boy, so don't have a valid one


I have embarrassing hand writing tbh

She's turning into Aphex Twin.

Not much to do after Early Game, Mid -Late game needs a lot of work . I would wait a couple DLCs . Multiplayer was awful when i played it .

Mine's expired in 2014 tbh, I'm sure he only wants to post the cover of it though.

ive been traveling overseas for so long im almost at soros levels of statelessness tbh
i just want to go home

Write it in arabic, your first language.

Oh right you can turn off rules, I see

Don't worry lad. You have roots here on Britain and they are strong roots which cannot be severed.

Even those traitor expats who shit on our nation can't quite deroot themselves from here.

But lad the black death actually means something now.

You can turn off shattered retreats and coalitions and still unlock achievements.
There's a big page when you start your game of rules you can alter.


Hate how they require you to send your old one away when you apply for a new one. not sure if thats still a thing actually

JFs detected

I've still got a black one somewhere.

Its much harder to apply for a passport without the old one being surrendered but you can do it. They do get lost/destroyed after all

No point keeping this one, don't want to keep something that has EU written on it. Wish i knew that years ago.

i dont even understand them tbh
ive been pretty much everywhere now and nearly everywhere ive been cant compare to blighty

Holy shit. Sometimes I forget Elizabeth II grew up around George V.

That's amazing. I can't believe the Empire was so short a while ago.

I want it back ;_;

I quite liked America.
Would be nice were it not for all the Americans.

Keep rememberin it wite boi

We need dem reparationz

They should never have even been attempted by any ethical practitioner in the first place as they are the definition of 'Doing harm'.

What good is any surgeon doing by removing or butchering healthy organs if they're not being donated? Reality is not trumped by opinion, there is no such thing as a 'transsexual/trandgender person', they never change gender.

There's men, women and genetic fuck-ups that constitute 0.01% of the world and should be put down at or before birth like any other dead-end.

Thinking you're a tranny is a mental illness, they can NEVER be what they want and right-minded people assisting their craven delusion is abusive, condescending and utterly ineffectual.

That trannies vie for it so is ample evidence that they are insane.

There's nowhere quite like home lad.


It collapsed in the last generations lifetime it's crazy

How can you lads immediately tell if someone's a government poster?

When our generation dies, then the very last great part of the empire (HK) will be out of living memory

What gives you that idea lad?

Not giving you any tips GCHQ

its not really crazy when you consider the fact the entire world turned against us

Hmm, even in the 50s we still had it

When our generation dies Britain reborn will be irresistible and indomitable. And we will reach new heights of civilisation.

More like we will be the very last of the white population

In the sense of how not long ago it was


tbh I don't get this mindset among white nationalists

Surely if you really thought we're the last white people you'd be blandaaing up with a civic girl.

Fuck off defeatist

Lad you know how many times London has been burned down?

>tfw I was born a few days after the handover of Hong Kong

i guess
im more surprised with how easy the youth were subverted into commies
when i consider the idea that the empire will never be born again in my lifetime i do kinda just want to die tbh
but i guess that would mean they win and we cant have that can we

Western Civilisation has advanced past the need for religion, we cannot go backwards to ignorant times.

Not too long until Last Night at the Proms (10th Sept)

No idea how the leftist BBC hasn't ruined that glorious night yet


its the only show i make sure i never miss

How did whites dominate South Africa when they were in the minority?
Granted, it fell apart when they got sanctions and boycotts from other white countries, but still?

Yeah just like the based USSR


I'm 19 lad

The push of individuality and consumerism made people just not give a damn I think it's so sad

Not all blacks were black nationalists.

Same in Rhodesia. Most of the Rhodesian armed forces were black.
Most of the bush war was blacks shooting blacks.

It's a bit depressing to think we'll never have what our father's had, but we're the generation who has to fight a war lad.

Do you play with Conclave added? I never bought it and play on an earlier version.

becoming a police state will make any future civilian uprising untenable

It'll be rough, but to fight to restore the country to greatness is a noble dream

How did whites dominate Rhodesia when they were in the minority?

Whites are incredibly good fighters, and way more intelligent than the average sub saharan african.

The Rhodesians were hitting 10,000:1 casualty rates when bombing ZANLA military bases.

This is true too, I was just about to say. Rhodesia was actually never set up to be a perfect 'white ethnostate', Cecil Rhodes just wanted all civilised men to vote. Turns out illiterate tribesmen who had been living subsistence lifestyles don't often fit that description. Raciss. But plenty of blacks were loyal to the ideas of Rhodesia, South Africa. King's African Rifles pretty based.

Relish the chance to prove yourself lad.

Based North East here, Hiya Devon, looking good hon.

Tell that to the wogs

The war will be THE excuse to make a police state lad. We just have to make sure we win whats going to happen in the next few decades.

Lads, DIA poster here.
I've come into contact with a 40 year old Filipina mother who seemed quite depressed to me. She told me I was too young to chat to her initially but I continued to be friendly and we are now messaging on skype together(I've seen her on cam). She told me that she had been in contact with 2 60 years old American men, both who are sending her money to help her out. One of them is apparently very controlling and tells her that he owns her and that he will visit her if she cuts contact (also note money).She also has said that she wishes she was younger so that she could date whoever she wants.
We chatted about some stuff today, she asked me about cyber sex (text chat) according to her so that she could practice her dirty chat for seducing men. I told her what I knew about it and advised her against doing it as cyber sex sites are full of loser degenerates of the coward variety.
I've told her that I'm a 25 year old virgin and she has asked me about my cock size 5-6inches (she said it was enough for her), she has asked to see it at a later date. Considering she is using a phone and in a 3rd world country and my details are completely inaccurate, should I try and edge it towards that sort of direction? I was thinking of just being friendly for a long time, and then doing that maybe if she brings it up again.


Not even dignifying that with a productive response.


I'm so tired lads…


Most blacks had no problem with whit rule most of the time

sorry lad had to

Still too late for it though, it's just not practical now, people see the lies and inaccuracies and falseness of it all and the ability to believe ever again vanishes utterly in the face of experience and science.

No-one has ever spoken to whatever created the universe, they just went fucktard or lied for the biblical pussy.

We need to be honest with ourselves and tell the truth as best as we can, and bar some ideas about not killing indiscriminately and baring false witness the bible has done it's job on that front.




why do i have to have a rational pursuit lad?

Why lad?

What happened to the Thai?

The idea that the universe came from nothing is retarded tbh, and I've always had it in the back of my mind that humans originating from Africa was just some Jewish trick to bring people together.


I went to /politics/ out of curiosity and they praise Daniel Hannah, fucking hell no wonder why it's dead.

I thought that every british poster on there was a shitposter.


still in contact with the thai. She is sad mind as I always am visibly distracted by the text chat. She seems like a really nice person, I'm an arsehole tbh. She's good option as well as she knows all about english teaching in Thailand (she's done it for 8 years).
Main reason for chatting to the older filipina is the others were sleeping and I got bored and went on DIA again and started messaging. Also its just interesting for me, people collecting.
I'm also chatting about 3-4hrs with a Filipina Nurse these days.


No idea tbh, it didn't read in a ironic way


Its a full time job juggling my harem of friends and potential brides.


Lad, I think it's unhealthy for you to be chatting to women for this much time without fucking any of them, or even seeing them irl.

Just go to SEA and get it out of your system


What do you mean? Whenever someone has told me racism is stupid because we [our ancestors] all came out of Africa, I mention we obviously didn't stop evolving when we diverged because there's far more differences than skin colour between races, lots of it trivial, some very medically useful to know. So it's hardly impossible some races are objectively better than others, but even if every race and ethnic group has got roughly the same capacity for intelligence, etc. it obviously doesn't change our tribal nature that means there's always some degree of conflict in a society when a minority group gets too large or dense.

post songs for the coming race war


Wtf is going on? Is this some sort of advanced signalling?

the lad second from the left there just looks like he looked up his kilt and saw no knickers tbh
the bagpipes put terror into the heart of every continental tbh



The way he won his VC is almost unbelievable tbh.

too obvious tbh
battle songs need to be either glory inspiring or rage inducing
this is a good example of the latter

Lost mine last year

I used to think she was more attractive. Those eyes are insane. Her face actualy scares the shit out of me.

Joseph Corbynov erased her from the history books.

Its about £500 return to get to Phils. I'll have to go for a month and a half to get value. I'm still in 2 minds, I like the thai but she is quiet like me. Do i want to date another autist?(also she said that someone decided not to visit her because she refused to say whether she;d give oral sex or not, :( ) The filipina nurse is lively (not like me), I'm afraid that i'll suffer some sort of autistic breakdown out there. Too much choice. I could go visit this older woman and have a lot of sex but I think it'll warp my soul further.

it does take balls of steel to dance around in no mans land playing bagpipes in full view of german machine gun nests calling your mates a bunch of knock kneed lily livered cowards


I'm not so obnoxious, I just think we need to look forward to improve our best guess rather than relying on a time when we *only* had wild shots in the dark. all one needs to do it look at Plinny for examples of wrongheaded but well meaning documentation that are no longer relevant and that was very recent in comparison to a book, which I will remind you was written by kikes to promote a kike man-god.

So consider the height of your horse my lad.

I'm not of the opinion it came from nothing as that breaks physics. I think it came from a massive singularity from the death of another system be that an imploding universe or whatever force/thing pushed all that shit into such a tight spot.

Assuming they know anything about the nature of a god, or even more laughable that they have talked to it or commune with it to secure afterlife rights, is the height of human arrogance mixed with their worst fears.

We know nothing of god, we are slightly clever mould on a rock we will never leave.

I have an old one with a corner cut off, so you must be able to keep them now.

They send it back, but cut off the corner of it.

No I've never bought conclave either.

lad we've already managed to put a vial of semen in a droid and fire it into the empty vacuum of space
cant wait for ET to find that probe
we're capable of anything tbh

Dinnae fret lad, it's just a mistake.

Well its been over 17 years now lad, should i write a letter asking if they still have it?

It'll be a short one.


That far back is most definitely a waste of time.

I can shit in a bag and mail it to Australia, doesn't mean I'll ever get there.

How scared do you reckon the pakis will be when we whap out the bagpipes and drums?

true tbh quarantines pretty strict there

the oil will run out before we achieve inter stellar space travel

Project Orion will work.


we used to think FTL travel was impossible until some idiots accidentally created warp energy in an ion propulsion prototype so
dont dismiss it as impossible lad

Good luck with getting 100x faster than light vessels to get anywhere at all. Also no space colony could sustain it's self without abundant safe, tested materials readily available on a global scale.

It's a romantic pipe dream I grant you but we will never see a moon or mars base, too expensive, also there is literally no point.

spaz detected


You aren't any fun are you lad, we'd have invented fuck all if there being a point mattered

Well it isn't really is it, chinks have very high average IQ's but they're fucking stupid as dogshit.


Can we have a Space Edition please?

rich chinks have been buying up London property as a form of money laundering (they're all crooks) for years

oh you progressives

Make one lad.

Why space?


there's more to it than iq, but that doesn't make iq unreliable

chinks have no creativity and never question established practices, which is why they're so shite at inventing things and innovating society

they have high IQ's because the chinese state lies
according to the chinese census records 30% of all chinks are fluent english speakers
they classify anyone who has ever attended one single english language class ever in their life as a fluent english speaker in China

It's the final frontier for our Empire


Data suggest that Asians definetely have higher IQ, I just maintain that IQ isn't representative of real intelligence.

Its just another form of academic accredidation.

I think it will but not for a really, really, really long time

nuclear power and niggerdeath will keep whites pretty comfy on earth

Is someone making a fresh thread or should I just do a copy paste edition before shitposts or limbo?


Do it