Is every world leader in the future going to be a fucking meme candidate?
Natalia might run for President of Russia in 2018
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If Kek pleases so.
I hope so.
If that happens wouldn't we literally be a shadowy international cabal that controls the world?
we are the new jews
OK sounds good to me
What the fuck have we done with the world.
Putin i'am so sorry, the MEMES went out of control, please don't fire me and the other russian agents!
Y'all have any rare Natalias you want to post?
Jewish by Accident: Electric Bogaloo
Just for jew
That's funny because both of her grandfathers died in WW2
"No Holla Forums, you are the jews!"
Truth be told I'd be kinda glad if Putin started his own dynasty. I mean, shit was going quite well in Romanov-times most of the time. Especially when people who didn't want to be a Tsar ended up becoming Tsars despite their protests.
Just get a divorce, declare himself czar and marry natalia.
Okay, this memeing things into existence shit is getting a little too real.
That said; we love you Natalia-chan!
He already divorced his wife in 2014 and Natalia is married already.
Nice clickbait.
I'am sure her soon to be ex-husband wouldn't miss her so much if he had a big fat pile of money.
Are you a kike?
He's grooming his body guard, dipshit.
You fags are blinded by memes.
God save the Queen
We should be memefying the 4th Reich into existence.
^This tbh
As sweet as it sounds having our Natalia as president, women leading nations is a bad idea.
consider the following female leaders
This list about failing female leaders is a stub. You can help user by expanding it.
ah, so close.
Can you even call a puppet on strings a woman?
Hey man don't discount the power of waifu leaders.
Can you call a man with his dick and balls cut off a woman? :^)
In all seriousness, you're probably right
dude, sex symbol? media kikes are so fucking base.
People don't like her because of what she does though, people like her because she's attractive and became a meme.
women have no place in politics
Interesting. Is Putin going to step down in 2018? Whoever takes over will be Putin's choice, I doubt he will let the chance of a person capable of destroying Russia to gain such power.
was Thatcher alright or not? I've heard people speak highly of her but I really don't know anything about her.
If dubs, Trump will divorce Melania to marry Natalia.
Meme magic is the new divine right to rule.
If singles I'll divorce my hand to marry Natalia
Too bad she's already married to me user
They will never understand the esoteric spiritual nature of moe.
She's a pretty woman, I give her that, but she has no business in presidency of Russia, there is no better candidate than Putin.
Nobody likes lawyers
Brilliant move. If she succeeds Putin and the inevitable war with Russia breaks out, then I can see most of the west mutinying against their nigger faggot kike leadership and siding with Russia instead. I sure as hell would.
dude that is beautiful. that's exactly what it is.
She's not running for president, as always OP is a faggot. She's running for lower house of parliament.
Meme it
She is a qt but women shouldnt be anywhere near politics.
I believe she us running for the Duma this year and is a hopeful candidate for president in 2018.
we kremlin now
Every woman that tries to involve herself in the world of adults is essentially a puppet of strings.
To be fair she seems pretty hardened and stoic so she doesn't have the emotional instability that make most women unfit for political office.
she'll probably be groomed as Putin's successor. How old is he anyway? she's especially popular with the younger generation, and with Putin being somewhat of a sex symbol for russian women it only makes more sense. Imagine having a qt3.14 leader telling all the young men who find her attractive to go out and work. This could completely revitalize Russia's economy.
Imagine thousands of young women following her steps.
Never fucking underestimate the power of waifus.
That cat looks extremely smug
Why would someone photoshop a cat into a Natalia picture ?
We have a occasionally 6/10 milf as a president. She's a shit president honestly.
What are you, some kind of 3dpd loving fag?
She is not president material especially for Russia which is supposed to have good family values.
Dude, memes lmao
Surely there's at least some attractive state-level women in the GOP, right?
Slav girls are 2.5d.
But Wait! There's More! :^)
She already won my heart.
Sarah Palin is 5/10, and the best you could possibly get in the GOP.
As for the AfD, Petry is bae, but needs longer hair to be waifu-tier
Russian elections 2018
Natalia vs Maria
Who wins the president seat?
We will have one once Ivanka becomes senator.
Who ? the tennis player ?
Get woke to russian qt political figures!
maria katasonova
qt Russians
also polite sage for derailment
fugg why do you have the same idea user
Trips checked
Slavfu hivemind
boy you faggots are in for a SURPRISE
I already know most women are disgusting to look at. What point are you trying to make?
I had an Ukranian ex-GF.
Its not about being hot, their faces are cute.
Friendly reminder that Natalia is a single mother, everyone who support her candidacy for muh dick reasons is a cuck-enabler.
She was "single" mother because she divorced her husband, the child was born during the marriage, don't throw filth on her for nothing.
We need to meme Farage into elected office.
What current meme leaders do we have right now?
I can only thing of Rodrigo Duterte.
Farage really need to step up his game, the chap is being left behind.
Orban is fucking based as is Hungary in general.
They basically have a far right party that explicitly advocates for Ethnic Hungarian nationalism and they're flanked even farther to the right by ultranatonalists who explicitly name the Jew.
In Hungary Farage and Le Pen would be cuckservitives.
nobody cares
take your stupid anime whore and go back
As soon as you take your hooked nose back to Tel Aviv.
We already have Trump though don't you guys worry.
Don't tell me you are american or speaking of hillary.
You don't know what situation the marriage was in. I refuse to believe that such a qt would be to be blamed.
I'll take that as a personal insult m8.
I'm not an American
Oh (((you)))
I read Putin had a baby with a young gymnast and that Natalia is divorced. Anyone know their current status? The new dynasty is still possible.
I would look pretty smug if I was in her lap as well
It's fairly certain Putin won't re-run.
But without a prime minister appointment is dubious she could run. It's too near.
And she has actually a very good record as a prosecutor (her smile his weird because half her face is paralyzed due to a knife attack from a local mobster… Yeah let it sink it in).
She would likely make a very good candidate as a justice minister to clean up corruption which is the last big problem Russia has left to fix before Putin leaves.
Euro girls are just hotter than American girls. Not a fair playing field.
Doesn't "clean up corruption" just mean finally purge Jewish influence from Russia?
Don't Jews run the Russian Mafia?
Do you ever read what you post holy shit lad
I think it's mostly to do with better food standards and not being completely cucked just yet.
Looking back, Thatcher was amazing.
I lived in the UK when she was PM, and everyone (or at least, the BBC and all the well-to-do folks in my neighbourhood) seemed convinced that she was Literally Hitler and would destroy the country, murder all the poor people, and start World War III.
Looking back, what she actually did was inherit a country that had been utterly devastated by insane socialist policies, and then do an amazing job of cleaning up their mess. She was actually comparable to Trump, or at least the kind of things Trump is promising.
A few Thatcher highlights to give you an idea:
I was really disappointed Britain didn't get Leadsom as PM post-Brexit. America's already getting Reagan 2.0 in Trump - if Britain had got Thatcher 2.0 at the same time, it would have been glorious.
lmao Thatcher was absolutely hated at the time, the only reason she is remembered somewhat fondly is because she conveniently got to beat up Argentina.
I honestly wonder how much the left is going to whine during a Trump presidency.
I wonder how it's going to go for them now that the left doesn't completely dominate media anymore with the rise of alternative media and the newfound power of imageboards.
Please let this be kek.
That's how the world has always been, only it was lefty meme candidates instead of right.
The tide is turning.
Being against import taxes isn't the same as being globalist
The secret to that image isn't that Holla Forums has Jewish names, it's that Jews have stolen white names over the centuries. They were trying to blend in.
Berg/Stein are German but we recognize then as kike because they have completely stolen them.
Hillary's face could fit this cover.
Easily over 300+ IMHO.
Someone post the drawfags' pissing Natalia and the 9000 shoops they did of it with various national flags juxtaposed on Holla Forums.
This one?
we are making anime real
What is this image supposed to convey?
she can thank the jews for that
someones sick degenerate fetish
that's why they collect that filth
I want to know more
The media are revving up the anti manga/anime engines.
The russian flag represents putin's attempt at censoring kike pornography and degeneracy
This is how I know the Golden Age is not too far away – hopefully within the next century or two.
We are.
I love this time line lads.
mein gott shes such a cute
Anyone have the anime versions where she is a cute dictator? We're writing the future with our shitposting.
We're taking over, lads.
I think shes hot in a strange way
The Ukrainian ones yes. There is basically no such thing as "Russian Mafia" it's an US TV invention, you have Ukrainian mafia, Chechen mafia, Georgian Mafia, Tatar gangs, Russian gangs, etc…
The organized Russian crime got basically squashed two times, 1st time under Lenin regularly (mass deportation, but they survived by basically running the gulags jointly with the communists, a lot of the revolutionary communists having sympathies for them since they knew each others from tsarists time), 2nd time under Stalin in WWII.
Basically every mobster was given a chance to fight for the Motherland for clean slate. Which a lot of them took despite being a major breach of their code to never help the authorities. Which in turn led to a civil war inside the mob after the war. Civil war which the guys for strict application of the code LOST, basically shattering whatever was left of the Russian organized crime, leaving only regular criminals, including some gangs of course, and foreign organizations that pay lip service to the old codes and laws but that's it. There is no more actual common funds to pay the widows or the orphans, no more enforcement of the works (thiefs/assassins/etc), no more tribunals to judge transgressions to the code, etc… Actual organized crime.
Now in the 90's those gangs rose to prominence since they had networks (and capacities to bring in dollars when the rubles was basically monopoly money) and most importantly muscles and armed security. Meaning ANYONE that made some business in the 90's was affiliated with one gang or another.
But it never went back to actual pre-1950's "mafia", just a bunch of gangs often locked in warfare with each others or that reached some limited agreement to not bother one another, and since Putin there was a serious damper on their power (with the return of actual power to the law) with most of the gangs being either dismantled, forced to go legit or heavily crippled.
It's nowhere near perfect but it's not the 90's. The only guys with actual power are Mogilevich crew (Ukrainians/jews/russians) and Kadyrov (chechens).
But both of those groups are allowed to exist by the Kremlin as part of broader political agreements, one is a strong hand in the shadows of the Ex-USSR, the other is peace in North Caucasus.
And then you have the Georgians, most of which are heavily tied to Georgian Nationalists, but while they operate a lot in the CIS they don't operate that much in Russia, nor is it really Russia problem after all.
When I say corruption it's classic corruption, officials asking for kickbacks, cops for money to remove fines (including imaginary ones), etc…
Again it's nowhere near the 90's but it's still far too common especially from officials (then again it's not like it doesn't exist in the West), there is some good progress cop-wise it went from middle east levels to 80's NYC.
Don't orgasm more than once a week but fap as much as you want as long as you don't climax every time.
This is fascinating, do you know anywhere I can read more about this? I think old school mafia traditions are super interesting and had no idea the current Slavic mobs weren't actually following them.
Thanks, General Ripper
I know, its just that I'm quitting porn and I figure I might aswell try nofap for a bit to try and "reset things" and see how it works for me. Masturbation isn't much of a problem of its own imo.
she has that "your-friends-mom-when-you-where-young" thing, also them legs ain't bad.
Except that Hildabeast won't win.
She doesn't have the chance of a snowflake in hell.
God dammit I love this universe !
Meme Martin Bosma "Auschwitz was nog niets" the "Dutch Durka Killer" into office
You need an emotional attachment to whatever you're fapping to otherwise you're going to feel dejected, tired, etc. afterwards. Try using your imagination or artwork. Stay away from 3d porn since it's completely hollow and basically like eating McDonalds 24/7.
Surprisingly no, the one where she was squatting, but that one's also really good.
my sick degenerate fetish
that's why I request, thank the drawfag, and collect that filth
Sadly my files are very disorganized
Urination in front of someone else is the purest convincing illusion of intimacy in a world which has degraded all notions of loyalty and faithfulness and branded sex a cold and shallow act discrete from human bonding. Watching a qt piss spreads no diseases and is a genital-centric heterosexual fetish with no genderbending, gay shit, bestiality-apologetic furshit, etc etc thrown in, you all just think it's "extreme" because the porn industry told you so, same reason as you think black guys have cartoonishly huge dicks.
Putin is good for triggering people but he actually doesn't have a shred of moral or practical consistency in his policies to begin with, don't fetishize the man. He's just a particularly ruthless, devoted, and power-hungry KGB shill. He should marry Clinton if she gets elected so they can rule over a global empire of complete bullshit together.
See this guy gets it, even masturbation is not some detached activity.
There's nothing strange about it, she actually IS hot.
Are you over 30 (y/n)
I'm not the only one
She's 36? I thought she was early 30s at worst, still looks pretty good though. Probably going to hit the wall hard by 2020 unfortunately.
I sure hope so
yup, that is what I meant with masturbation on its own - imagination. I just thought that maybe it would help to "clear out" the images of porn from my imagination first.
I wish I was 30 again…
Yeah that's fine especially if you exposed yourself to certain material.
I thought that the vast majority of Holla Forumsacks were under 30.
I mean i'm 23.
They probably are, but there are few oldfags that hang around here.
I'm not going to look at this thread anymore because it is detrimental to my nofap sessions
Damn, now you made me notice.
Okay, it's not degenerate for you to be attracted to Sarah Palin then.
Are you one of those crusty Holla Forums guys or relative newcomer to imageboards?
Still a qt though
Wow, she's old
cant get mother daughter threesomes out of my head even tho ive quit porn for some months now
does natalia have a qt daughter?
Stop making me fall in love again and again
The only role women have in politics is as easily manipulated puppets. Hopefully they're just parading her around to win international sympathy from young men.
Well, duh.
Who is this girl?
Maria Katanosova. She is a Russian nationalist.
Most shamefur dispray.
What's the deal with Russian nationalists? Are they pro or anti-Putin?
She did.
Well, if that is true…
Nigel should return to politics then.
Putin is only in his early Sixty's. He can easily be president for another 10yrs. I wonder if he will replace medvedev with Natalia
one can dream
Great grandfather's (Mother's side) last name ended with "berg." He was full blooded German that came here with his parents after WW2
Putin is a NeoCon
Is that Amber Rayne?
Russians are Communists. They would arrest you for Holla Forums
But he needs a successor right? I mean he's not immortal.
And who better then a hardcore 10/10 Iron Lady that has permanent nerve damage from when she was assaulted by mobsters that she was fighting.
She might be an extremely cute waifu but don't be fooled. This is a woman who is an extremely high level government official in an extremely tense and important international hotspot who has seen and been in involved in some serious shit.
She's not just a pretty face.
these look like parody
Slav Herman Goering?
daily reminder that slaves aren't white
You don't say.
If Putin is a neocon why did he jail the richest kike in Russia in the worst Siberian prison for 10 years and why do the actual neocons and neoliberals hate the shit out of him?
Wow, I did not think the memes could get this good
Looks memes don't even have to be trending to be powerful
We must not underestimate Japans meme power, they take a good chunk of the credit for this
Imagine Japan and the Wests meme magic, combined, and then Russia allying with us
implying Marine Le Pen is anything short of the last true hope of France
Damn, I didn't even know she was 36. Russian grills age so well.
Did it get popular on Japanese message/imageboards?
She's compromised.
yes, her popularity started on 2ch and other parts of Japan
It's not super often, but occasionally memes go from us to them, and vice versa, for example back in the day "a master is out" was caused, if i remember correctly, by a Jap posting on 4/b/ years ago.
If she is, so is Trump.
Gays support her too. Like they started supporting Trump after Orlando.
It's a case of holding hands with the devil until you cross the bridge.
I guess anons really are the master wizards of the world regardless of language or culture.
He was probably a lazy slob. She's a strong woman with high aspirations, she deserves a fitting man, like me.
Fradkov will be president before that.
Unless you're some ultra autistic cripple like Moonman, a.k.a Teenis a.k.a David Duke from MDE episode 4, you can get a slav wiafu. You just have to work like hell, make tons of money, learn female nature and be patient.
I am working towards this. I'm very close to abandoning western women.
We're all gonna make it bro.
*world peace episode 4
Somebody should ask her to sing the Russian Road song.
I grew up around slavic women. They're generally a pain in the fucking ass and loud as hell, and they'll have no trouble leaving you if it suits them to do so, so basically they have little fidelity like most western women. On the plus side they will at least cook and clean usually, will likely wear clothes that's at least a little feminine or sexy (probably to attract guys that are better than you though), and will likely let you fuck them whenever.
I'll never be able to get truly /fit/, I could literally snap my spine internally. Plus it might eventually progress harder with age if life fucks me over again.
That seems like it should be easy to fix. Just hang from a chin-up bar and have somebody pull down on your feet.
Was the United States based because it voted no?
Can confirm. Slavic women are the "true women" you fantasize, you Burger and West-Euro cucks. They obey their men if the man is strong and provides for the family, they love to cook, clean. I feel like all women have low fidelity, so the strongest men take them. This is natural, the problem isn't with the women, it's with western emasculated guys. Turn into a rightwing authoritarian asshole, and their all yours.
T. Poland
What a qt
such a babe
Not saying she's compromised, but she seems a bit upset that there's little more she can say for Crimea in that answer.
Smart move so long as she behaves. Then (((western))) powers can't use gender rights argument trap.
I love her, lads
I think 8ch skews older than halfcuck.
The majority is still likely 20-25, but there are more 25+ users than usually expected.
And they never will. They've tried tirelessly but they can never force memes.
and because she has this charming cuteness about her
That's what I was saying dude. She sold them secrets back in like 2013, and since then the memes have gone wild.
We'll see if the Libertarian party can do it.
I hear they're dropping $30k for memes.
I bet they'll be dank
Prosecute* Fucking spell check.
#WithHer 2bqh, in any case whoever is next president will be completely under Putin's control, and given her popularity she'd make for a great public figure.
Wonder how lefties will spin Russia off as sexist after this.
>implying Trump family wont be best royal family
FYI, here's the girl in your picture
Shes attractive, not a vile hag.
They will spin that as miss soggy knees because "men only elected her for her looks".
Cute but probably extremely narcissistic
I know who she is, user. After all I'm the guy who called the sports center she's from and managed to get her name with my broken Finnish.
I've been trying to figure out who she is for nearly 3 years. It appears that the first time that pic was ever posted was on 4/int/ under a Finnish flag, I'm guessing some user was doing photography and decided to post her.
Never underestimate the power of autism.
she cleans up nice
Someone should do something about these misleading thread titles.
Is that her Husband?
He looks pretty high T
So do we all agree Natalia is the best 3D waifu?
Memes are going out of control, lads. I love it.
Sadly I deleted all of the shoops I made and saved.
mummy yes
I had one for 3 years.
They are epic but also crazy, once you know them well, they drive you crazy, both in the good and the bad way. I was releived to be honest when we ended it.
They always, ALWAYS use their looks and charm to "blackmail" you into doing shit for them, never ever let her go away with it, you need to handle them roughly, both in normal situations and especially in bed.
But overall she was sweet and nice, wished it would've worked out better, but that's life isn't it.
Pure Coincidence.
Is that a joke or are you just new?
Kek, found a newfag.
Putin is already a meme
Meanwhile in russia
Do you want him to crush you with his Russian bear hands or something?
I will say, Russians are pretty niggerish. Not sure if this is from the years of communist rule or if they've always been that way. Truthfully, I find Russian nigger antics to be more entertaining. Where as African nigger antics is very infuriating to me.
What the fuck ever happened to Medvedev? He was all the rage for awhile, then Putin came back in and he disappeared.
They were always more prone to attempt retarded stunts, usually while drunk.
Fucking commies
I don't know, but it reminds me of this girl I saw yesterday standing on a bridge above the interstate holding a handmade sign that said Hillary for Prison. It was in the middle of the afternoon and it was like 95 degrees. May God bless her and her family.
She makes me happy she's so cute, but she also makes me sad because I'll never find anyone like her.
I think this was a mistype. —SLAVS— aren't white. They're very light skinned niggers. They're slightly better than actual niggers, as they don't typically go in for the gibs, but they aren't high quality breeding stock.
Russians are more wild, reckless, and masculine but still just as intelligent and sophticated as the rest of the white race.
You can see this in their orchestras while western European music is more prissy and pretentious Russian music is more raw and emotion.
Maybe one day user you will understand mysterious slavic soul.
Look Jewtin attacking Jewkraine, good goy on both sides.
Raw and emotional? Like the nigger music from the bush babies?
Slavs are basically white niggers.
Yep, user. Ill never understand what is like to have my cultural heritage being destroyed by the western empire, the norse in the north, the huns+mongols east and turks on the south.
Ill never be a buffer between the biggest empires and civilizations built by man. Shame on us.
But you tried deporting kebab with uncle Vlad, so you're cool.
Learn to read instead of wishing things were the way you want them. She's a whore that arrests all "right wing" political parties banned in Russia and is absolutely against all forms of nationalism. Just another Bolshevik cunt that deserves to swing at the end of a rope.
In this article she arrests a nationalist for trying to burn down a mosque
Yeah, she's a real Herman Goering… faggot
I hope you all realise that Russia's elections are rigged and have been since at least the 30's.
There would literally be no way for her to win.
Tell me that this is even on the same level as nigger music you fucking faggot.
Unless Putin wanted her to win.
Why do you discount that?
To be fair Azov are just nationalists manipulated by the Jew.
if the politician is meme-able, they will be memed, regardless of whether they want to or not
i think thats about as non-jewish as it gets except for being named Olaf Kikekillersson or something
Even niggers can learn to play our instruments well:
Go back and look at the descriptions of anons who have lived with slav women, or dated them.
"They're generally a pain in the fucking ass and loud as hell"
"they'll have no trouble leaving you if it suits them to do so"
"will likely let you fuck them whenever."
"They obey their men if the man is strong"
All of those statements are the same ones applied to negresses. Because slavs are white niggers. Always have been, always will be.
Even our ancestors knew this. There's a reason that Slav is the origin of the term Slave. Our western predecessors knew that slavs were less than human and treated them like the animals they are.
Russians aren't any more redpilled than any of the fucking jungle monkeys the planet is infested with. They pull the exact same shit as any other nigger. You faggots just let them have a pass because their skin is white.
See, this is why White Nationalism is retarded.
Not even saying they're inferior, but Russian are just radically different in their mentality from European "whites", who also differ from one an other.
inb4 last direct descendant of the Tsar
Can they compose? Have they made any scientific discoveries? Were the first to send a man into space?
That description fits ALL women. All women act childish and retarded no matter what.
Also, some of histories most important scientific achievements happened in Africa.
No, but neither was a western nation. But, the only reason that Russia did it first was because they gave zero fucks about human life, only winning. Another trait that slavs share with niggers.
Nah man it's not like the Slavs have an illustrious history in Science, Technology, and Literature.
Not at all.
We did it reddit
That list is a fraud. Niggers are worthless.
I question a woman's ability to govern and be president of any country.
She should be at home raising her husband's children.
she allowed and started the trend of pedos in british parlament with her hire of a known kiddy fiddler, that bitch was terrible you globalist kike.
i wont deny she didnt do all bad things, but the bad outweighed the good many times over, especially long term.
Seriously he looks like someone mixed Romanov with Lenin.
Does anyone even know what she stands for? She is a woman, so she will probably fuck it up in some way, but how bad is it going to be?
Also, I think she is just a joke candidate. People noticed that she is freaking popular on the internet so they sponsor her.
Jeff pls go.
fuck you kikes
Go back a few hundred years, so did Injuns and Sand Niggers. Go back a thousand, so did Africans. Does that make them equal to whites? No. And neither are Slavs. Stop defending white niggers simply because they're white.
That is a tranny you degenerate faggot.
But you know that already, don't you?
Divide and conquer.
They ARE white.
White skin just doesn't mean shit
No they didn't
No they didn't
Russians are not white, they are Asiatic
Fuck off [email protected]/* */
I hear that all the time, but only here.
Do you have a single fact to back that up or are you going from appearances only ?
Medvedev was always a pawn. The russkies want to keep appearances as an upstanding democracy with term limits and sheeit. So Putin hit his constitutional term limit as President, and instead of becoming a cheesy President-For-Life like in Belarus or nigger countries, he installed a puppet as his successor for one term. After that passed, he started another term combo (the Russian constitution forbids more than three terms in a row, not total).
I'm sure Medvedev is now enjoying generous rewards for his loyal service.
Democracy is a wrong system, so it only makes sense that a smart leader would want to get rid of it. Where have I only seen that in history before, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
What a beautiful time to be alive
Whoever made that has a fetish for getting rejected by woman.
To be completely honest I think that the Russian dictatorship is justified until the (((globalist))) menace is finally dealt with. I mean you just know if they had a real democracy NGO's will be fucking everywhere and Russia would be completely subverted is a couple decades.
Foreign subversion and the will of the people is hardly the same thing.
It's strange to think about, Slavs being the product of mixing between the north-most stock of Europeans and whatever far eastern "white" AND Asian shit.
What a hilariously fucked up race that has blotches of competence riddled throughout that oddly make up for the stupid castes of themselves.
Hahahahaha, nice D&C attempt bro, the reality is that Slavs are the only ones who are in the way of the ZOG. Westerners are effeminized weaklings who wouldn't survive in Slavs shoes even for a week. Russians proved their qualities in the WW2, no other ethnicity on this planet is as powerful as them and that's why the kikes are so scared of them. And if they act violent and rough ? Well no shit, harsh life makes for harsh people, but you westerners just can't imagine that, you live in comfort for many generations.
I hope that everyone here knows that women should never occupy management positions.
You mean surrendering en mass until they got propped up by the Americans?
Can't argue with this, RIP
Enjoy shooting each other to death in track suits snow niggers
We don't want you here in Europe
But in 50-100 years slavland is sure to be slavic.
Can you say the same?
It is good that there are laws.
lmao ever been to a somewhat big city in Russia lately?
Would 2012 count? Felt good back then, but it was a short trip (4 days iirc).
I want to lift her skirt
You might be surprised what you'd find there.
It's pretty clearly ayyy lmao
everybody east of Poland has Mongolian blood whether you like it or not ivan
Guard hounds or a gun?… treasure?
A treasure indeed. Crown jewels… of sorts.
back to KC you go bernd
Polackfag detected.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
When we say that he who controls the memes controls the universe we aren't fucking joking.
Like the user asked earlier in this thread, post proof its a he.
oh ivan, you and your foolishness
Polackfag confirmed.
Come-on TORfag, you can open up with us.
It was you who told me she was a trap before too, right ?
Why do you keep saying this ?
Because that looks like a fucking dude. Look at that man-jaw.
Another victim of the hermeneutics of gay suspicion, i see.
How did everything turn out so right?
at least we didn't build a mosque in our capital like pootin did :^)
Sorry about your shit taste in waifus, bro.
Self-admitted polackfag.
Fuck off, you kike. I remember your bullshit from the last thread about Russia when I BTFO you. Kill yourself
keep crying Ivan while Muhammad fucks your girl and putin bans everything :^)
Lain be with us.
Polackfag projecting.
This is the worst fucking fetish ever. I hate these pathetic fetishes like femdom, female superiority or cuckold/humiliation.
If you have no respect for yourself you should kill yourself.
Iwakura Lain best waifu.
Thank you based Lain for making internet reality.
Russians are seriously niggers tho
says the man who's country has the most muslims in Europe and is 81% white
Our next president will most likely be Juppé.
Democracy doesn't allow dissenting opinions.
Only controlled opposition and fraud.
And even if she were to become president I doubt it'd change anything at this point. We just need a good old fashioned genocide.